We all know the Ark from Indiana Jones, but what was it really and where is it?
Come with Brandon down the rabbit hole
Making a bit of news at the time but nothing like it should have the Luzerne County courthouse was rocked by a major scandal in the 90's. Judges putting kids away for a profit. What actually happened? How did it happen and what lessons are to be learned by another Conspiracy that was dismissed until it broke wide open and could no longer silenced!
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Pink Floyd's Division Bell album was released in 1994. Shortly after their tour was announced an anonymous person under the name of Publius began a decades long chase for an unspecified prize.
Was the secret message pointing to things to come, the new world order, or something else?
Let's look into the puzzle and enigma that was and still is Publius Enigma!
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During the 1990's a program was started at several schools across the U.S.A. dubbed the G.A.T.E. Program. Seeking out gifted and talented kids, removing them from class and working with them. The problem is many of the kids who went through it can remember being in it but not what went on while they were in it.
Theories abound and many of the former students appear to be waking up from a daze wondering just what happened!
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Most people have heard of the Tuskegee syphilis experiment but have you heard of what the US government did in Guatemala
George King, Madam Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and Elizabeth Claire Prophet have all heard messages from The Great White Brotherhood if we are to believe them.
Who are these Great White Brotherhood members? How did they get there, where do they live and what do they do?
Are they watching over us or just watching us?
Who can become one?
We look at all of this on today's episode.
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When DNA was discovered it was found that a vast majority of it seemed to be laying dormant. Labeled "Junk DNA" it left the door open for multiple theories as to why it was there, what does it do or what does it hide just waiting to be unlocked!
Let's look into this Junk DNA and see if it hides secrets, potential or is a relic of times past just waiting for us to tap into it and reach new heights as a human species.
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Who is Elizabeth Somerset Belenoff? Does she head up the World Governing Counsel with an iron fist and seared conscious? Did she hang out with Led Zeppelin, discuss Satan with the Rev. Billy Graham? What about the cannibal restaurant and a little place named Bohemian Grove she is rumored to own? Is this all possible? Could it be true? Is she indeed the Queen of The Illuminati? Let's find out shall we....
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What really happened in Tuskegee? I found so much misinformation in my research that I had to bring it here so that others could know the truth of what the US Government did to its own citizens
Do you sometimes hear voices in your head? Do you have conversations with yourself at times? That voice may not be yours!
Since 1962 V2K has been used to beam voices and sounds directly into the human brain. Sounds like science fiction but it's not!
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There are lot's of political changes happening across the globe. With that in mind lets take a look at what the usual suspects are up to with the spotlight off them at the moment.
The drum continues to beat.....
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Check out: fringeradionetwork.com
There is a group within the U.S. Government that calls itself The Collins Elite. They have been around for decades. Possibly as far back as the 50's. They study UFO and UFO phenomenon and have come to a very interesting conclusion.
Who are the Collins Elite? Why did they start? What do they know? Are they correct?
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Are we from Earth or were we sent here? Is Finland Real? Listen in as Brandon looks down these Rabbit holes and a few others with a look back at some of the theories that Brandon wanted to cover but didn't think had enough for a full episode.
Can a book published in the 70's be to blame for bombings, murder and several other atrocities?
What's in this book that would cause such things? Why would someone read this book and act out?
Should books, music, movies, podcasts etc. be banned?
Let's look at the extremely controversial book The Turner Diaries and see what this is all about!
Email us at: downtherh@protonmailcom
Drones over New Jersey! It's happened before in different parts of the country only it wasn't a "national" story!
What are they? Where are they from? Who is sending them?
Does anyone actually know or will it disappear into the memory banks? Maybe that's the whole point in the first place.
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Very early on Christmas morning 2020 an RV with a bomb in it exploded in downtown Nashville Tennessee. It was immediately contributed to a conspiracy theorist who was paranoid about Lizard People, 9-11, the moon landing and most importantly 5G.
Then the story all but vanished. Why?
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Was Princess Diana killed by the Royal Family, was it MI6, or just a horrible accident?
Coming in the public arena in 2017 by concerned citizens and parents. Google was pressured to delete, ban, block etc. a massive amounts of videos that were inappropriate for children yet they were being subject to en mass!
What was going on, who was doing it and why was Google/Youtube so slow to react? More importantly, why are they still allowing it to this day.
Let's look into Elsagate!
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Has "the Christ" returned to bring peace and teach mankind a new way? What does a Scottish painter have to do with it?
How does it tie in with the United Nations and a one world government?
We look into what was actually going on with Maitreya and Benjamin Creme on this midweek edition!
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During the Satanic Panic of the 80's a "cult" was caught in Florida with some very suspicious ties to child trafficking, various governmental agencies, especially the FBI.
When the CIA took over for the local police in Florida and shut the investigation down it only added fuel to the conspiracy.
Who were The Finders? What were they doing and why were they let off the hook?
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