
  • Get comfy, grab a beverage and settle in.  This one is unprecedented. In this episode the Crew welcomes back one of our favorite guests and closest friends, Melissa Sparrow to the show.

    From past episodes you know Melissa from Akashic records readings, her beautiful gift of Light Language, as well as her Shamanic healing practice. But did you also know she performs psychic surgeries, home clearings, and also helps souls and energies cross over to the other side?

    Neither did we, until at the end of the last recording Melissa mentioned how fun she thought it would be for all of us to combine our energies and do an episode together helping souls in our area that are ready to move through the veil to the other side.

    Well, as you know, you don’t really have to tempt any of us with a good time!  We were on board from the start.

    This is a very special and sensitive episode. Obviously we approached this episode with an extreme amount of love, empathy and gratitude. And as you would expect our collective Spirit Teams did not disappoint.

    Every soul that came forward and asked for us to connect with them were VERY poignant and connected to the Ohm-g Podcast Crew and extended family. That turn of events was definitely something we did not expect, but made this episode all the more heartwarming and spiritually healing to experience and record.

    We only hope that the intensity of our experience with Melissa’s guidance translated into the version of this recording you get to hear.  It was a once in a lifetime experience for all of us.

    If you’re interested in looking into psychic surgery or clearing for yourself or loved ones please take a look at Melissa’s websites for all of her offerings to see what resonates with you.  We can’t recommend her highly enough.


    [email protected]

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  • In this week’s episode we welcome guest Deanna Frey of Blueskyes Journey LLC.  Deanna is a certified Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher, and Authorized Angel Intuitive, and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Practitioner. She is a member of the Reiki Healing Association, a registered Reiki Professional and is an Energy Medicine Professional Association insured practitioner.

    Recently several of our podcast crew have had QHHT as well as Past Life Regression sessions. Deanna joins the Crew to talk about QHHT & PLR. With her B.S. and M.S in Chemistry, Deanna helps us understand the fundamental differences between these 2 similar yet separate modalities. Through her education and experiences as a healer she’s seen numerous examples of the integration between science and spirituality.

    Listen as we discuss first hand experience of the healing power of past life regression. By reviewing scenarios from other lifetimes we gain immeasurable perspective on patterns that we can see repeating over and over not just in our current incarnation.  

    You never know what you’ll experience in a PLR or QHHT session.  Deanna shares her very first past life member and it was not at all what she expected.  We talk about everything from medieval lives, to lifetimes in Paris, to lifetimes as elemental creatures.  You won’t want to miss a minute of this one.

    If you’d like to get more information or book your in-person or virtual QHHT session or Past Life Regression you can find Deanna and all of her offerings at blueskyesjourney.com

    It is now possible to book 1:1 mediumship or energy healing sessions with your favorite Ohm-g Podcast Host.

    Check out everyone's offers here: https://ohm-gpodcast.com/products

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    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.

    We will catch you on the next episode!

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  • Welcome back for the much anticipated part 3 of our Sh!t We’ve Seen series. 

    The spiritual journey and the process of intuitive awakening is truly a miraculous one. As new senses open and grow stronger, the experiences you can have border on the positively magical.

    As a group every couple of months we try to sit in Spirit Circle together to continue to increase our bond with each other and with our collective Spirit Teams and Helpers.  A few weeks ago we decided to hold one of our circles in the home of Lynn Manuel Miranda (whose house was built in 1776 and is haunted AF).  And believe me, spirit did not disappoint.

    From beings coming forward prior to the circle to prepare us, to an open portal in Lynn’s attic, to out of body experiences. We ran the gamut that night.

    Here even week’s later we are all still recovering, integrating, and assimilating everything we experienced that night.  A lot of healing and upgrading took place and it was pure magic.

    So in this episode we want to share those experiences with you.  This is what is possible when you come together in a sacred and protected circle to petition Spirit with the unified intent of growth and healing for all involved (and the collective as well).

    It is now possible to book 1:1 mediumship or energy healing sessions with your favorite Ohm-g Podcast Host.

    Check out everyone's offers here: https://ohm-gpodcast.com/products

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    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.

    We will catch you on the next episode!
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  • We are coming up on 3 years since we started this little podcast venture. That milestone is as shocking for us as for anyone. Looking back to the beginnings, so much has changed that who we were then is hardly recognizable even to us.

    As most of you in our community can attest to, there has been massive change and energetic shifts especially over this last year. As a unit we’ve had some members come and go during the last few years that has accounted for some of the change, but we all feel that the entirety of our shift has been energetic. As we all shift, change, pivot our vibrations both individually and collectively do as well. 

    In this kind of work, thost vibrational changes will always attract back what is in alignment.

    With all that said, we felt it would be a good time to re-introduce ourselves. Gratefully we’ve gained new listeners that we want to get to know better as well as update those of you who have been with us since day 1 as to how we feel now and what new adventures we are looking forward to as we settle into these new vibrations and frequencies.

    And most of all, we want to extend the invitation for you to come along with us for the ride.

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    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.

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  • In this episode the Crew welcomes their friend Antonia Flynn. Antonia is a relatively new addition to our circle.  Our resident energy healer extraordinaire, Lynn, introduced us to Antonia less than a year ago and she quickly found her way into all of our hearts. 

    When we first met Antonia she’d recently moved back to our little corner of North Carolina and swiftly fell into her awakening journey.  She was referred to Lynn early on for some energy work and the rest is history.

    Antonia openly and authentically shares many of the synchronicities she has begun experiencing since committing herself to opening to spirit. You won’t want to miss the story of how she received validation after meeting her first Spirit Guide.  **Hint** it includes beloved 1970’s syndicated TV and puppies (what else could you want)!

    We all just love visiting with Antonia and we’re sure you will too.

    It is now possible to book 1:1 mediumship or energy healing sessions with your favorite Ohm-g Podcast Host.
    Check out everyone's offers here: https://ohm-gpodcast.com/products

    Check out our memberships!! 


    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.

    We will catch you on the next episode!
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  • What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about “doing the work”? Is our spiritual community and leaders doing a good job helping those beginning their awakening journey understand exactly what that is and how to do it? Do you think Julien Blanc and Bashar (channeled by Darryl Anka) are getting it right?

    Shadow work is a very sensitive topic and can be daunting for many. We have so many preconceived notions about our “shadow side” and being made to feel like they are dark aspects of ourselves that have been disowned.

    What if that is not true…. at least not entirely?

    In this episode the Crew talks about their own respective shadow work journeys. What “doing the work” looks like to them and some different perspectives on exactly what the shadow is and the purpose it was always intended to play in our reality.

    Check out our memberships!! 

    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.

    We will catch you on the next episode!
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  • Do you believe that we all have a superpower?  Do you think you know what yours is? Well so did the crew. 
    We all have gifts that are unique to us as individuals, but what really constitutes a superpower?  I think we can all agree it doesn’t have to be something grandiose like wielding a lasso of truth or leaping tall buildings in a single bound. 
    Your superpower is whatever you do like no one else that makes you special and supportive to the friends and loved ones around you.
    Listen as the Woo Crew shares what they feel each member’s superpower actually is.
    Spoiler Alert*** We get all sappy again.
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    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.
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  • As usual one of the crew found another rabbit hole and took to reading Healing the Shame That Binds You by John Bradshaw
    Join the Crew in what becomes a very vulnerable discussion about shame and how it can affect us in all aspects of our lives, including spirituality.
    Shame in and of itself is a vital emotion in navigating the human experience. Think of it as a moral compass.  Toxic Shame (the shame projected on us by others), however, is extremely undermining to our sense of self.  The more shame you accrue the more the authentic self shrinks and the false self you create to cope, takes over.
    The Crew discusses why spiritually awakened individuals might be a little more sensitive to shame and the impact the false self can have on your growth and healing journey.
    Listen to find out how the false self would present itself and the paradoxical nature of neurotic shame.
    Bradshaw says in his book “True love heals. It affects spiritual growth. If we don’t grow because of someone’s love, it's generally because its a counterfeit form of love.”
    WOW! Now that's a yardstick to measure your relationship by! Lots to reveal, unpack, and absorb. We hope you enjoy it and find some grace for yourself in this journey
    The Shame That Binds You - John Bradshaw

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    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.
    We will catch you on the next episode!
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  • Join the Crew in a very candid discussion on the idea of parallel universes and alternate timelines. Each member shares their unique perspective on what they are.  From how we might experience them in our reality to can we know if we’ve shifted into one.
    Is this concept as simple as Deja Vu? What is actually happening when we experience deja vu? Or is it just more of just a symptom as Darryl Anka shares through his channeling of the benevolent galactic being named Bashar.
    Several podcast members share their own personal experiences where they think they actually might have experienced a parallel dimension or timeline shift. You definitely don’t want to miss this crazy, mind-bending discussion. And in true fashion, as often happens when we talk about anything beyond this reality, Lynn’s Grandma Ruby makes an appearance.


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    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.
    We will catch you on the next episode!
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  • Ohm-g’s resident psychic mediums, Lynn and Brenda, sit down to have a candid conversation about some of the experiences each have had while sitting in the Medium’s chair channeling messages for clients.
    Sometimes messages are crystal clear and other time they take quite a bit of decoding. Some messages are full of humor while others carry the weight that only the recipient can measure. Regardless, Lynn and Brend convey what an honor they consider it to be when someone trusts them to be the conduit for messages from loved ones on the other side.
    Of course, this wouldn’t be Ohm-g without sharing some of the wild, crazy and even vulnerable experiences Spirit puts in our paths regardless of the methods in which we try to serve.  We hope you enjoy the stories of some of our Mediumship Adventures.

    Check out our memberships!! 
    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.
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  • In this episode the Crew welcomes back guest Melissa Sparrow. Melissa was gracious enough to appear on some of our very first episodes and we are thrilled to have her back.
    If you’re new to Melissa, she’s an Akashic Records reader, Energy Healer, Teacher and Mentor. She describes her purpose as a light worker here to guide you into light and help balance and restore your mind, body and spirit. She wants you to reconnect with your Higher Self and better understand the many aspects of your soul.
    In this episode we talk about grief and how we navigate that emotion through our spiritual lens. Unfortunately Melissa recently lost her mother, but she was gracious enough to share with us her journey of integrating that loss into who she needs to become now.
    She discusses how grateful she is to be able to help others connect with loved ones they have lost to get the validation, or even closure, they desperately need to begin the healing process.
    Listen to hear how Melissa shares how anyone can connect with loved ones on the other side.  Hint: You’re already doing it even if you don’t know it.
    If you’d like to learn more about Melissa and her services visit melissasparrow.com
    Or check out melissasparrow.com/course to learn more about all her upcoming classes and workshops.  
    You have an amazing opportunity to work directly with Melissa on April 24th 2024 in her Intuitive Development MasterClass.  But you have to hurry! Only 5 days left to register.
    If you miss it,  stay tuned for more offerings from Melissa in May.

    Check out our memberships!! 
    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.
    We will catch you on the next episode!
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  • Today the Crew welcomes friend and local artist Sarah Schindler to the podcast. She is the owner/operator of Dabble Art Bar locally here in North Carolina.
    Recently the members of Ohm-g Podcast took a little field trip to Dabble and let the creative juices flow and we are happy to share with Sarah how we feel about the outing in retrospect. Sarah shares her vision behind Dabble Art Bar and why she thinks something like this is so important for communities at this time.  She feels we are all so serious and overwhelmed by the news of events around us.  We need a safe place where we can hang out and “play” every now and then.
    Art doesn’t have to be complicated. Sarah loves the quote “Art is the shadow work that transmutes pain into beauty” by Rick Rubin and believes intently that even watercolors and crayons can help you clear, open and balance the solar plexus and sacral chakra creative centers in the body.

    Check out our memberships!! 
    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.
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  • Of course we are all trying to manifest a better life. To attract to us the life of our dreams and pursue our passion. In becoming aware of your vibrational state as you try to manifest, have you ever caught yourself looking back?
    Can you remember a time when you saw yourself as very low emotionally but that was still a time when wonderful things came into your life. And you wonder, how did I manifest that then?
    The Crew discusses how they have all had periods in their lives when they were sure they weren’t consciously manifesting but it still felt like they were leading a charmed life. The universe was putting all the puzzle pieces in place and circumstances still seemed to be aligning in their favor.
    Was it trust, divine intervention, or something else? In this episode we debate some of the events we think were happening at that time that led to the charmed life we all now see in retrospect. 
    Check out our memberships!! 
    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.
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  • In this magical episode, the gang talks about their recent “Woo Workshop”, where they got some hands-on guidance in making jar spells.  These spells are created in a glass jar by setting an intention and adding your own special mix of essential oils, herbs, spices, crystals, and colorful ribbons (even graveyard dirt!?).  It’s very similar to making a “witch ball” - maybe you’ve heard of that. 
    With the help of a book by author Scott Cunningham, “The Encyclopedia of Magic Herbs”  the crew took some awesome ingredients and ran with them. 
    Whether choosing to conjure for love, prosperity, or vivid dreams - tune in to hear about our experience of this sacred process and the outcome of our own jar magic! Listen to find out what happens when 5 friends make astral travel jars together and set the intention to meet in their dreams.
    Here are the ingredients used for the astral travel dream jars. Have a listen for specifics on the process and the outcomes:
    Cedar * Sage * A length of blue ribbon * Star Anise * White Willow Bark * Juniper Berries * Dragon’s Blood * Mugwort * Frankincense Oil.  Combine and seal the jar with purple wax, then place under the bed. Sweet Dreams and Blessed be.
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    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.
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  • In this episode, the Woo Crew talks about CONTROL, VULNERABILITY, and the importance of SURRENDER. You know, those things that scare us all.  Why do we fear surrendering control?  Why is the idea of letting go so scary? This is more common than you might think.  After all, control is just an illusion and only serves to create anxiety, yet we try to hold on tight with both fists. In our quest to gain control, we rarely end up lessening that anxiety anyway.  Go figure!  
    Listen as the crew shares their stories and how they choose to “Let Go, Let God!", as well as personal stories about the struggles they have encountered while trying to embrace this very concept. They dive into the importance of allowing yourself to grieve the change as you trust that the universe will support you in all things.  
    Are YOU ready to say “I surrender all”? Neither are we, so join us as we explore the ins and outs of doing just that. 
    Tavane of Eclectic By Nature is also our first major sponsor and is sponsoring us for the entire year!! Yes, the entire year!! We are so freaking excited and hope you will support this local, boss babe, all things woo, shop. You can find them on the following outlets:
    Only a small offering is listed on their website but you can call the store and they are more than happy to send you what you need!
    Check out our memberships!! 
    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.
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  • Join us as we welcome guest Candice Hozza. Candice is a spiritual Strategist and Business Intuitive. She helps entrepreneurs get out of their heads and into their hearts where their life's work and purpose were formed. She helps them learn that they have what they need to make decisions that bring ease and flow into your life.
    Since you already know this Crew has an affinity for the Akashic Records, we wanted to better understand what led Candice to access them specifically to help entrepreneurs and business owners.
    In her book “Align Your Business” she talks about the importance of energy alignment when it comes to starting and owning a business. 
    You have an Intuitive Business Superpower. You just need to identify it and understand how you can use it to grow your business. That is exactly what Candice helps her clients find out through the Akashic Records.
    Candice will share with us the unique way she views the records themselves and even gives a quick reading for the future of the podcast. 
    Take Candice’s free quiz to find out your Intuitive Superpower at candicehozza.com/superpower
    And if you’d like to work with Candice you can find all her information at candicehozza.com

    Tavane of Eclectic By Nature is also our first major sponsor and is sponsoring us for the entire year!! Yes, the entire year!! We are so freaking excited and hope you will support this local, boss babe, all things woo, shop. You can find them on the following outlets:
    Only a small offering is listed on their website but you can call the store and they are more than happy to send you what you need!
    Check out our memberships!! 
    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.
    We will catch you on the next episode!
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  • Ok…now that we’ve identified areas where we may be storing old emotions or traumatic events, how do we go about healing them?
    While no one in this Crew claims to be an expert and we are all still working through our stuff (right, wrong, or indifferent), but we’ll still share with you some of the strategies and situations we’ve encountered as we’ve started our healing journey.
    Some work well and some may need a little work.  Either way, we are souls here to have a human experience.  Trauma is just one part of that experience.  Working through it is yet another.
    We are just all so grateful that we have each other and you out there to remind us we are not alone in this and that we are more powerful than that trauma….  much more powerful than we realize. And so are YOU!

    Tavane of Eclectic By Nature is also our first major sponsor and is sponsoring us for the entire year!! Yes, the entire year!! We are so freaking excited and hope you will support this local, boss babe, all things woo, shop. You can find them on the following outlets:
    Only a small offering is listed on their website but you can call the store and they are more than happy to send you what you need!
    Check out our memberships!! 
    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.
    We will catch you on the next episode!
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  • In this episode the Woo Crew looks deep into the heart of shadow.  The more information that becomes available, the more we realize so many issues dealing with mental health have symptoms that overlap.  
    Noise sensitivity, paralysis, executive function, all happen in AuDHD, ADHD, and from trauma/emotions stored in the body that haven’t been released.
    Many times things we thought were part of our personality may actually be trauma responses.
    How interesting?
    So how do we identify the root cause and work through it? That’s exactly what we discuss in this episode.
    Tavane of Eclectic By Nature is also our first major sponsor and is sponsoring us for the entire year!! Yes, the entire year!! We are so freaking excited and hope you will support this local, boss babe, all things woo, shop. You can find them on the following outlets:
    Only a small offering is listed on their website but you can call the store and they are more than happy to send you what you need!
    Check out our memberships!! 
    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.
    We will catch you on the next episode!
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  • Have you ever wished that just for a moment you could see yourself through the eyes of others? We know we are our own worst critic. It is so easy to focus on the things that we don’t like about ourselves. Sometimes it even feels like it's the human default setting to see what we perceive as bad or negative first.
    Logically we know that friends and family (the people who love us most) see us in a much different light than we see ourselves. When this topic came up in one of our Prosecco fueled podcast planning sessions, it sounded like an amazing idea for an episode.
    So we all wrote one paragraph about the other members of the podcast, telling them exactly as we see them.
    Now we’re going to let you be the judge of whether that was an amazing idea or “something else”.
    Grab some tissues and get comfortable for this raw, vulnerable, tear-jerking episode that overflows with the love and admiration we have for each other and for you as our listeners.
    We hope you can feel just some of what we experienced in that room that day. It was difficult and uncomfortable not only to read what you wrote about everyone else, but also to hear what they wrote about it.  We all definitely got a lesson in receiving that day.
    Take a listen and set your intention to receive some of the love we sent your way on the day of this recording.
    Let’s start this new year off with a Love Fest for the ages.

    Tavane of Eclectic By Nature is also our first major sponsor and is sponsoring us for the entire year!! Yes, the entire year!! We are so freaking excited and hope you will support this local, boss babe, all things woo, shop. You can find them on the following outlets:
    Only a small offering is listed on their website but you can call the store and they are more than happy to send you what you need!
    Check out our memberships!! 
    Go to our website to sign up for the bi-monthly newsletter written by either one of our podcast hosts https://www.subscribepage.com/ohmg_optin and check us out on Facebook @ohmgpodcast and Instagram @ohmg_podcast. We look forward to connecting with you. If you enjoy our content and want to support us please go to your favorite podcast platform and leave us a 5-star review.
    We will catch you on the next episode!
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  • As we find ourselves right in the throws of the Holiday rush, we thought we’d help you relax with a holiday story that is not quite as commonplace.
    Of course we are talking about that rascal Krampus. Several members of the podcast (see the Childfree episode for a hint) are crazy for this child stealing menace. 
    We’ll talk a little bit about the history of where the legend of Krampus originated as well as what you might expect if you were to receive a visit. (And maybe even how to appease the beast).
    Settle in children, here’s a Holiday story that is sure to delight. At least us prosecco loving few who think a Mardi Gras-like Parade where you run through the streets dressed as a horned beast scaring children sounds like the perfect way to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year.
    Hope you enjoy our take on the legend of Krampus.
    Tavane of Eclectic By Nature is also our first major sponsor and is sponsoring us for the entire year!! Yes, the entire year!! We are so freaking excited and hope you will support this local, boss babe, all things woo, shop. You can find them on the following outlets:
    Only a small offering is listed on their website but you can call the store and they are more than happy to send you what you need!
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    We will catch you on the next episode!

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