
  • In this episode we discuss sexuality, what true freedom in sexuality and relationships looks like. What is "good" and who defines good and what freedom looks like. We also discuss the cultural narrative on sexuality and the influence and even internal conflict in the LGBTQ community... specifically with the conflicting worldview and agenda of the Trans community with the rest of the gay / lesbian community. Is the goal to not have desire like the Buddhist say... or is it to give Christ control over our desires so we don't become slaves to our desires. Human's are "meaning makers" and need a purpose in life. Satisfying every desire of our heart will not leave us fulfilled or satisfied in life.

  • On this episode, we cover everything from abortion to Separation of Church and State, delve into different Worldviews and subconscious biases and how those impact how we vote and our values. We also touch on LGBTQ+ in politics and the irony of some politicians calling for leaving "religious beliefs" out of politics, when America is a country founded on Christian values and religious belief.


    This Weeks Whiskey: The Whistler Irish Whiskey AOC severely takes scripture out of context to justify abortion Exegesis - Reading scripture the way the writers of scripture intended and by the original meaning and intent Roe vs. Wade being overturned...? "Separation of Church and State" - What does that ACTUALLY mean... where does that saying come from What do people mean when they say, "Keep your religion out of politics"? Moral Therapeutic Deism vs. Secular Humanism If someone has a world view that people are basically good, than there isn't really a need for God... and you end up with ideas like Communism that end up destroying humanity in pursuit of a man-made utopia. Can you even have a discussion on politics without "religion"... or more accurately, "theology". Everyone has theology (a belief about god... even if that is a rejection of religion or god, they will make themselves into their god, elevating their own perspective and thoughts as the reigning authority in their life. The two big topics that liberals typically get upset on about Conservatives (or Christians) is abortion and homosexuality (now LGBTQ+)... with special focus and sensitivity around the T now (Transexual) It's easy to "leave your religion out of your politics", when your "religion" has no baring or influence on your daily life (you say you are a "Christian" but in reality, they are living as a secular humanist - a Cultural Christian or Christian in name only). Whether a Christian or not... most people are trying to do the best thing for themselves and the ones they love. People are voting for what they believe is best for them and their country The "other side" isn't evil... they just have a different world view, so what they believe and are voting for is what they think will bring about the best results for their values and what they care about most. If voters don't believe in God, they will create their own definition of what is good, and it most likely won't be in line with God or what He has established as good. This puts God and those who follow Him at odds with "The World". America is based on Judeo-Christian values (it's foundational laws, constitution and culture) but as we as a society get further away from those principles, our hearts are no longer being conformed to God's will or desires and society starts sliding into chaos, confusion and breaking down. Christianity is about a willful heart change, which changes our perspective and behavior (people become self-controlled)... if people don't have this, the only way to "keep people in line", is by force... and that doesn't often lead to good results. Wherever man has tried to replace religion or God, it goes very, very badly and millions of people end up dead - Communism, Totalitarianism, Marxism, etc. (these humanist beliefs are based on the assumption that humans are basically good and largely ignore human nature and motivation) While America is a Constitutional Republic (NOT a democracy), God's Kingdom is one of a benevolent dictator (an all powerful God on the throne who wants and provides the very best for his people.

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  • In this episode we discuss if anger at God is ok, do we have the right to judge God, what roll does suffering play in our lives and should we be trying to avoid it and the healthy and appropriate way to handle such emotions as anger, specifically when it's directed at God.


    This Weeks Whiskey: Horse soldier Bourbon 120 proof from Ohio "Sinful anger is a expression of you playing God" - David Powlson of CCEF If anger is an emotion and emotions are a-moral (neither good or bad)... it matters more not that we are angry but rather how we respond to that anger and where we direct it. If God is good and perfect, there is logically never a time where we are justified to be angry at God. There is a big difference between being angry AT God vs. having room to process being angry WITH God When we don't hold scripture (& therefore God) as the highest authority, we start to follow culture in the trend of holding humanity and what we think as our own highest authority... which is what makes it possible for us as created beings to have the hubris to sit on the judgment seat and put God on trial, judging him based on our sense of right and wrong and justice. God's very nature is righteous, good and holy... He is the definition of good. So if we ever have a conflict or disagreement between what God says is good and what we think... it's not God that needs to change, it's us. Was Jesus dieing on the cross the equivalent of "divine child abuse" (I've heard this said from some on the left who have "deconstructed" their faith - meaning they either don't consider themselves "Christians" anymore or if they do, they don't believe in the authority of scripture like they once did) When suffering or a tragedy happens, we have a tendency to ask, "Why God?"... but what we are really asking is "why ME God?" (why am I suffering). It's a selfish question. If we read scripture in it's entirety, we will understand that we need to expect hardship and suffering. Ease and comfort should not be the primary thing we expect and are pursuing. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 - give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. God has no obligation to explain Himself or what his larger plan is, to us. Ephesians 4:26 - "Be angry and do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger". This verse is usually applied to horizontal relationships (between humans) but it also applies to our relationship with God

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  • Cancel culture, censorship and free speech. How do we as Christian, fathers, and parents tackle these issues. Whether you like it or not, none of us can simply ignore this issue of censorship and what we know as free speech. So we must turn to the Bible to help us develop a view of speech. We are called to speak truth, but not engage in the idolatry of “Freedom of Speech”

    What was the intention behind the 1st Amendment Where have we gone wrong with freedom of speech? How do we protect good speech and should there be limits on “bad” speech


    This Weeks Whiskey: Del Bac Mesquite whiskey - Arizona

    Have people become so fragile that they can't bear to hear something they don't agree with or is "offensive" OR are people so stupid, that they can't be trusted to hear more than one perspective and decide what is true or false?

    “Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell.”

    James 3:4-6 ESV


    “Our post-Christian society has dangerously married moral relativism to a sense of righteous zeal inherited from its Christian past, without any of the Christian humility that comes from the comforting faith in God’s providence. Accordingly, it is hellbent on a moral crusade to enthrone relativism by force of will.” - Brad Little John


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  • This week we sit down and "Babel" about the essentialism of being dependent on God, talk the connections between the self-glorifying endeavor of the Tower of Babel and the internet, as well as C. B. puts his counselor hat on for C. H. existential question on how do we really know our motivation for following God is pure and not just trying to use God to get a good life...


    This Weeks Whiskey: The Mattie Gladin straight bourbon whiskey. Spirits of French Lick, Indiana ZDogg MD Show - Science Vs. Advocacy, Omicron , & More (w/ Dr. Peter Attia and Dr. Marty Makary) - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/science-vs-advocacy-omicron-more-w-dr-peter-attia-dr/id1218431966?i=1000546834280 Why did God "confuse their languages" in response to men creating the Tower or Babel. The big issue is man acting independent of God and claiming their greatness and accomplishments... outside of God, which is the hight of pride. The Tower of Babel is really just an extension what started in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve eating of the forbidden tree, mans desire to be independent of God. What is so wrong with desiring to be independent from God in the first place? What does this matter? ... Because all of life and the universe is sustained by and dependent on God for everything. God was checking their hearts... and it wasn't good. They wanted to be God... which is still humanity's desire today. The root of "culture" and "cultivate" is the same... God has built within us the desire and ability to take his raw creation and cultivate it in something more, developing technology and create culture. How we use these technology tools, including the internet, for good or evil matters... as does our heart behind WHY these technologies was created (are we trying to replace God with our own "greatness") We are designed and built to be dependent on God in everything Christian H. asked the honest and tough question, "how do I know my motivation as a Christian is in the right place? How do I know that I'm not just using God to try and get what I want in life (money, influence, obedient kids, fulfilling marriage, etc)? Just as we are called to be dependent on God, we are also designed and called to be dependent and in relationship with each other (fellow Christian's and participate in the local church).

    Psalms 139 -

    O Lord, you have searched me and known me!

    You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
    you discern my thoughts from afar.

    You search out my path and my lying down
    and are acquainted with all my ways.....

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  • Prosperity Gospel, blab it and grab it, name it and claim it, health and wealth... false teachers who say you need to "give to get" come in many flavors.

    Beware of false doctrines and false teachers. We are called to walk in truth and light and worship the one true God.

    What do we mean when we say prosperity gospel? What makes a false teacher and why do we need to be aware of them? How do we know what the truth is and if someone is a false teacher?


    This Weeks Whiskey: Stranahan's Blue Peak single malt whiskey Prosperity Gospel relies on ideas like, "that the more money you give, the more money you'll get"... "doesn't a good God what you to be prosperous, happy and healthy?" It uses hope and promises of "the good life" and part-truths, to emotionally manipulate people to give money they don't have to make false teachers wealthy The "Health and Wealth Gospel" treats God like a magic genie, who is obligated to give us what we want if we just have enough faith or say the right prayer or give enough money Suffering, hardship, illness or poverty are not necessarily due to people sinning or being unfaithful to God (but the prosperity gospel would tell you it is) A large indicator of a false teacher is that they don't preach on or talk about suffering. They don't have a theology of suffering because they are preaching a false gospel about how god wants to deliver us from suffering, if we just give enough and have enough faith. Idolatry is what happens when we focus more on the gifts, then the Giver. Prosperity Gospel is a counterfeit gospel... you spot counterfeits by really knowing the real thing (intimately knowing God and His word)

    “But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.'”

    Deuteronomy 18:20 ESV

    “My hand will be against the prophets who see false visions and who give lying divinations. They shall not be in the council of my people, nor be enrolled in the register of the house of Israel, nor shall they enter the land of Israel. And you shall know that I am the Lord God.”

    Ezekiel 13:9 ESV

    “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.”

    2 Timothy 4:3-4 ESV

    “And the Lord said to me: "The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I did not send them, nor did I command them or speak to them. They are prophesying to you a lying vision, worthless divination, and the deceit of their own minds.”

    Jeremiah 14:14 ESV


    The Gospel Coalition - "What you should know about the prosperity gospel" - www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/what-you-should-know-about-the-prosperity-gospel

    David W. Jones outlines five errors of prosperity gospel teaching:

    1. The Abrahamic covenant is a means to material entitlement.

    2. Jesus’s atonement extends to the “sin” of material poverty.

    3. Christians give in order to gain material compensation from God.

    4. Faith is a self-generated spiritual force that leads to prosperity.

    5. Prayer is a tool to force God to grant prosperity.

    “In light of Scripture, the prosperity gospel is fundamentally flawed,” Jones says. “At bottom, it is a false gospel because of its faulty view of the relationship between God and man. Simply put, if the prosperity gospel is true, grace is obsolete, God is irrelevant, and man is the measure of all things. Whether they’re talking about the Abrahamic covenant, the atonement, giving, faith, or prayer, prosperity teachers turn the relationship between God and man into a quid pro quo transaction.”



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  • Special guest episode with Jeremy Donald, who is an expecting father (first-time)... who has an amazing story of redemption to share with us.


    This Weeks Whiskey: Blueberry Hex Mead from Superstition Meadery This Weeks Cigar - @myfathercigars @olivacigar Before God got ahold of Jeremy, he lived by the moto, "Better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven" and considered himself "The Devil's right hand"...

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  • On today’s episode we are talking about 5 things you can do to jump start your marriage... or 5 things that we should all be continually doing in our marriage, if we want them to be healthy and God glorifying.


    This Weeks Whiskey: J.T.S. Brown Kentucky Bourbon - Heaven Hill Distillery Pappy Van Winkle Cigar Christian B. was a guest on Chad and Tyler's podcast, "The Honest Cigar Experience" recently, to talk marriage and gave 5 Tips to Jump Start Your Marriage. Episode 61 - "5 Steps to a Thriving Marriage with Christian Bringolf" - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-honest-cigar-experience/id1525048020?i=1000541075201

    5 Tips to Jump Start Your Marriage:

    Know why your marriage is not functioning well. Don't make happiness your goal in marriage Protect your marriage Steward your marriage well Lead from a place of humility What does it mean protect your marriage? When we make "happiness" our goal in marriage, we are willing to sacrifice everything else on the alter of self-satisfaction, chasing our passions and being "true to ourselves"... which really means do what you want, follow your passions and whims and don't judge. It leads to pursuing immediate gratification and neglect the hard thing and commitments we've made As Christians, God and His Word is our highest authority... not ourselves, not our minds, not societal trends. In the Bible, God designed men to protect and defend their family, property and stand up to evil. While many Christian men are willing to physically "lay down their life" for their wife or family... it's more likely that our greatest threat to our marriage is not external... but internal. The greatest threat is internal - The greatest threat is the husband not leading well and sinning against his own family. Ephesians 5 To steward our marriage well means to recognize that the marriage and your spouse doesn't ultimately belong to you but rather, it belongs to God and you are to take good care of it, as if it was yours. How would we treat our view our spouses differently if we saw God as our Father-in-law? We as husbands need to "practice" at our marriage. Marriage is a perishable skill and we have to work at it to get better and cultivate our wife.

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  • On today’s episode we are talking about what we say "Merry Christmas" and not simply "Happy Holidays".


    It acknowledges our condition - sinners in need of a savior It acknowledges who is in control and on the throne It is a recognition and celebration of the hope we have in Jesus It is God glorifying... or at least that is our heart disposition for us, towards God

    Christmas is not just about Christmas trees, presents, Christmas decorations and yummy holidays smells... it's primarily about what Christ has done in humbling Himself to come to the earth as a human, fulfill scripture and save humanity back to Himself... giving us life and hope in Himself.

    Genesis 3:4-6 - But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise,2 she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. John 3:16 - “For hGod so loved the world,9 that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Ephesians 2:8 - For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 1 Corinthians 15:20-22 - But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. Romans 5:2-5 - Through him we have also obtained access by faith[a] into this grace in which we stand, and we[b] rejoice[c] in hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

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  • On today’s episode we vent a little on the parenting challenges of letting our kids experience the consequences for their decisions, but we mostly talk about fear and anxiety. We get into how much of these struggles stem from us trying to control our lives, instead of trusting God and placing our hope and identity in Him.


    This Weeks Whiskey: Rabbit Hole Kentucky Straight Bourbon Oliva cigars - series O Love and Logic (book) - https://www.loveandlogic.com/collections/parents What are some of the factors that lead us to be anxious and fearful day-to-day? A big factor is our perspective. Where are we getting our information from and is it a constant stream of bad information from social media and the mainstream media that taps into our fears and insecurities, to keep us hooked. Stop and ask yourself, does how bad I'm being told things are, actually reflect the reality I'm living... or is there a disconnect between what you are being told is true and the correct state of the world "out there", reflected in your personal life? People will also be fearful and anxious if they have a low view of God. Either God is in control and in charge or He's not. If you are a humanist and don't believe there is a God, then everything in life is dependent on you and that is a crushing burden to bare... how can you not be anxious or stressed with that world view. In his counseling practice, CB says that so many people come to him knowing their anxiety and depression originated within them... but they also think that the answer to these problems is also within them... But scripture tells us that our problem is our sin nature that is within us but our solution to that is found outside of us, in Jesus. The idea that "I can't learn to love someone else until I learn to love myself" is utter nonsense. That's like saying that "I need to become more selfish, in order to learn how to be less selfish". Our problem is not that we don't love ourselves enough. The problem is that we already focus too much on ourselves. The honest person may even outright say, "I don't want to submit myself to anyone else... I want to do what I want to do and be my own god". When we are our highest authority and answer only to ourselves, where do you look for hope if there is nothing greater outside of yourself? Many people crank down on trying to control every aspect of their life, which leads to even more anxiety and fear... especially when things don't go their way or they realize that most of life is totally outside of their control. Psalm 139 - David is calling out to God to search and know his heart. We need to always be evaluating our heart and our level of dependence upon God. No matter how "modern" and advanced we get as humans or society, we will never outgrow our need for God. Human nature, human needs and God don't change, even as societies and technology inevitably will. We are forgetful and get full of ourselves and so we need to regularly be in God's Word, to be reminded of God's truth and give us perspective to what is truly important in life. One of the biggest "proofs" that God wrote the Bible and not humans, is that we would paint ourselves and humanity in a much better light. We would write ourselves as the hero, not the villains in need of a savior. Atheism vs. Christianity: If you are Atheist (there is no God), then it totally makes sense to just do what you want because you are your own highest authority. Why would you want to or try to be good or kind or help others when there is no objective right or wrong and logically, doing what is best for you is all that really matters. Because of God's Common Grace, even non-Christians who don't know or love God can have a better grasp on being kind and merciful though they are in open-rebellion against God. Mathew 6:25-34 - "Therefore I tell you, fdo not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 gLook at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. hAre you not of more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his ispan of life?7 28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, 29 yet I tell you, jeven Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, kO you of little faith? 31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For lthe Gentiles seek after all these things, and myour heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But nseek first othe kingdom of God and his righteousness, pand all these things will be added to you. 34 q“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." The crux of sin is that we don't trust God and take matters into our own hands. Anxiety and fear are a natural result of trying to take back control from God and do things our way and in our timing, instead of obediently waiting on God. God will take care of us and provide for us, though that doesn't mean life will be easy or we'll get everything our hearts desire. Unlike the "prosperity gospel", we don't follow Jesus so that we can live a life of comfort and ease. The reason we pray isn't so much about asking God for what we want but rather about bringing our heart and will into alignment with Gods. It's the challenges, friction and suffering in life that lead to our growth and maturity. Just like growing our muscles in the gym, it takes resistance to make us stronger. Comfort and ease are not what we should be primarily striving after. "Comfort is not healthy to the organism" - Liver King (The hardiest and most resilient people and organisms, are found in the harshest environments) Who is on the throne of your life (you or God) and where do you find your hope? Where do you find your comfort and identity? "Go after a dream that is destined to fail without divine intervention" The Lion Chaser Manifesto - https://www.harvestabq.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Lion-Chasers-Manifesto.pdf

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  • We recorded this episode the summer of 2021 with return guests, Julia Bringolf and Stacy Manning. In this lively discussion, we get into the topic of Feminism, the varies waves of the feminist movement and the impact it's had on the church and society at large.


    ‱Recorded August 26, 2021 - released December 4, 2021

    ‱This Weeks Whiskey: Bourbon from Willy's Distillery, Ennis, MT

    ‱(Return) Guests (from Ep. 47 on Masculinity from a wives perspective):

    ‱Julia Bringolf - Christian Bringolf's wife

    ‱Stacy Manning - Co-Author of "Them Before Us, Why We Need a global Children's Rights Movement"

    ‱If feminism is such a good thing, why are there 4 generations / iterations of it (1-4th waive feminism)?

    ‱The feminist movement was really born out of men abdicating their responsibility to lead and take care of woman (Feminism was a response to an injustice in the world).

    ‱Freedom and right to provide for ourselves are essential in life and some would say the Suffrage Movement was born out of that - woman fighting for the right for woman to vote, own land and work.

    ‱The leaders of the suffrage movement were largely affluent, high-society woman who needed something to do with their time - They weren't fighting for woman to work in factories... they wanted woman in board rooms. They wanted the "privileges" of the men of that day, without the responsibility's (going to war, fighting fires, put themselves in harms way)

    ‱Ironically, it took a government of men to vote to give women the right to vote.

    ‱Original feminism still allowed for glorifying God and honoring biblical gender identity.

    ‱As feminism gained traction and saw wins for Woman's rights, the fight shifted away from fighting for woman's rights and became about fighting agains men and in the 1960's, the fight for freedom and equality became a fight for "being better" than men, which includes sexual autonomy and breaking of sexual boundaries... which doesn't honor God.

    ‱Today's feminism has become ugly and not glorifying to God.

    ‱"When woman received the right to vote, the country started pivoting to the left... because woman seek security and generally don't take the same risks men are willing to... and were more willing to vote [tax payer] money into their own pockets" - Stacy

    ‱Too many women felt like they couldn't rely on their husbands (men weren't doing their job), so in order to get the security they desired, they used the vote to have the government step in and start taking care of them (replacing the role of the family, men in particular).

    ‱The Bible says that the husband (man) is the head of the house, like Christ is the head of the church, and with that comes a sense of power. In a biblical world, the one "in charge" takes responsibility for those under them, those in their care.

    ‱Adam's first sin was abdicating his headship and care of Eve.

    ‱For much of human history, woman were second-class citizens, less than men, subjugated and even seen as property... which is never how it was intended. When God created Adam and Eve, it was in a complimentarian context, where man and woman were distinct and different and designed to compliment one another.

    ‱Men and women represent the different halves and characteristics of God... without each other, this world is not complete.

    ‱In all the discussion around feminism and equality of the sexes, the issue os sin is never talked about and that is the real issue (with everything).

    ‱Phases of Feminism:

    ‱1st wave: 1900s-1930s (woman's suffrage movement)

    ‱2nd wave: 1940s-1960s (men going to war while woman went to work outside the house & post-war autonomy where woman (the parents of the hippy generation) pushed back against traditional gender roles of having to go back to working in the home)

    ‱3rd wave: 1960s- (Sexual revolution where woman wanted to be as "free" and promiscuous as men, though hippy culture was very small in the context of the larger American society at the time)

    ‱4th wave: (Modern feminism which says that men and women are exactly the same, gender is a social construct and men aren't necessary or even that men are bad)

    ‱"Of course women needed a seat at the table... but then they got up and started dancing on it" - Stacy

    ‱It didn't take long before feminism started serving men.

    ‱What is the difference between "rights" and "entitlement"

    ‱Rights are inherent and can't be something that someone else needs to provide to you.

    ‱Women's rights are the same as men's rights... they are human rights.

    ‱Injustice is when someone infringes on someone else's God given rights.

    ‱Going back to the idea that you have to have "skin in the game" in order to have a say in the community (having the privilege to vote), makes a lot of sense (Property owners, business owners, job creators and the producers in society... so you don't have non-producers voting to take money and resources away from the producers).

    ‱Male feminist ("meneminists") are not sexy - the grossest of the gross. Men have been conditioned to believe if they don't support feminism, they'll be accused of hating women.

    ‱We are for women... just like God is. Jesus was the original "feminist" in the sense of giving women credit and honor (In the honoring ways He interacted with them and in how scripture records it was the woman that first reported that Jesus's tomb was empty (back in that day, a woman't testimony was not to be trusted).

    ‱At the end of the day, Feminism is really rooted in the hatred of men and hate the traditional gender roles (the one's that God designed)

    ‱Feminism is often a gateway into leftism in the church (A woman pastor or woman leaders of a church). The only people you find that attend churches pastor by women are emasculated boys and women.

    ‱The Church is loosing because it doesn't value God's Word anymore and is more concerned about fitting in with a fallen culture, than boldly proclaiming and living God's truth.

    ‱As societies become more affluent we start believing the lie that we are in control of our lives and the world around. We start thinking we are god, instead of relying on God.

    ‱When you become comfortable and secure, we don't feel like we have a need for God.

    ‱As you get further away from living lives of day-to-day survival, people need a sense of purpose and struggle, so they make up asinine ideas and movements to take up their free-time (think CRT or Black Lives Matter).

    ‱As a modern society, we tend to look down our nose at the past, thinking we are so much more advanced then those primitive people who believed silly things and did terrible things... failing to see that in our "chronological snobbery" and arrogance, human nature has not changed and we are guilty of the same sins as our forefathers (and maybe worse with the millions of babies we've allowed to be murdered through abortion)... and the future generations will judge us in the same way.

    ‱Feminism is an antithetical worldview to the gospel of Jesus. It can not save us... or women and at this point, only creates more division between men and woman, but putting our hope in God, brings us together and deals with our root problem of sin.

    ‱Just Thinking Podcast episode reference: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/just-thinking-podcast/id1328733796?i=1000528814664


    1. is feminism a good thing?

    0.How did we get feminism?

    0.At the core, what does feminism say?

    0.If you don’t agree with feminism, are you against women’s rights?

    0.Is feminism another gospel that the church has accepted?

    0.Why do you think the church has capitulated to feminism?

    0.How is feminism dangerous to the church?

    0.How should Bible believing Christians respond to the pseudo gospel of feminism?

    0.How is Jesus greater than feminism?

    Quotes: from the just thinking podcast episode 112, “regardless of how you slice it, 3rd and 4th wave feminism demands the deconstruction of any system seen as patriarchal. This wave of feminism isn’t about being equal to men, it’s about a lack of need for men. As men are seen as the primary problem in a society that oppresses women.”

    “At the root of the concept of egalitarianism is the idea of equality. The Oxford dictionary defines egalitarianism as the belief that everyone is equal and should have the same rights and opportunities; the idea of ecclesiastical egalitarianism in the church, specifically as it relates to professing Christians who believe that women being allowed to preach from the pulpit is a matter of equality rather than the authority of scripture is in many ways similar to the logic that drives CRT. Equality is the same thread that runs through both”

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  • With all the uncertainty, fear, division and threat of mandates and eroding liberty... we dig into our identity as Christians, where we find our hope and when is the right time to "stand up" for God and truth in any cultural moment.


    This Weeks Whiskey: Mossburn Single Malt Scotch - 10 year This Weeks Cigar - @standardandtwain Deeper Dive Resources: Owen Strachan @profstrachan | Podcast - The Antithesis | Book - "Christianity and Wokeness: How the Social Justice Movement is Hijacking the Gospel, and the way to stop it" @darrelbharrison & @virgilwalker of the Just Thinking Podcast @podcast_just | Book - "Just Thinking About The State" We are addressing this topic today focusing on our Identity and hope as Christian's Within Christian circles, I've primarily heard two extremes: It's our duty as Christian's to get vaccinated and wear masks and if you don't, you are being "unloving" and un-Chirst like... or the opposite of, don't tell me what to do, I have my freedom and no one is going to make me do anything I don't want to do.... neither of which are helpful attitudes. Romans 12 - I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. The toxicity of pop-culture has infiltrated the church so much, that we are even seeing the same "virtue signaling" with Christians, where they are "cancelling"one another and "unfriending" each other on social media for having differing social or political views... when we should be rallying around Jesus, not our political causes and affections. Where is our deepest passion and allegiance... to Jesus and the Gospel, or our stance on vaccines, mandates and liberty? As soon as we take our eyes off Jesus, we start to loose perspective and start placing our hope in worldly things... our anxiety builds as we seek to gain control of the cause around us. It would seem that the issue of vaccines (whether you and your family get them) should be a matter of personal conscious and not coerced by the government, economic or social pressure. Ultimately, our identity needs to be in Jesus and not in our social / political stances... and those stances need to be respectful of others positions and convictions. Do we really believe and trust in God? Or does our anxiety over mandates simply reveal our heart of not trusting God and trying to take matters into our own hands? Standing with God and for God's truth, being obedient to God IS what we are called to and is "doing something" in this cultural moment. Keep God on His throne and not taking matters into our own hands and responding in a humanist manner (acting as if there is no God). If a government is preventing Christian's from worshiping God or leading it's citizen's into sin... that is when we stand up and follow God over our government or civil leaders.

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  • America is the land of opportunity and hard work... the downside of this is that we are often told and believe that we can do it all. We are told we can be anything we want to be or do anything we want to do, as long as you believe in yourself and work hard enough. Today we explore the truths and lies wrapped up in this narrative.


    This Weeks Whiskey: $500-$700 bottle of Yama from Bainbridge Distillery - American Single Grain Barley Whiskey. Mizunara Japanese Oak Cask Christian talks about his life-changing conference with Tony Robbins for his real estate carrier with eXp Realty and completing his first "Spartan Race" (8 miles with 25 obstacles). Confronting the lie, that you CAN do it all. Believing that you can handle everything and do everything (and constantly failing at it) leads to a lot of anxiety and a general sense of failure and inadequacy in our life. Social media makes us feel even worse about ourselves because it appears that other people are able to do it all and have it all... when in reality, social media is just showing you the "best of" clips of someone's life and is heavily curated/edited. While Capitalism is a great economic system, the downside is the temptation to OVERwork or pursue monetary "success" at the expense of all else. Being better at saying "no" to most things that come our way, so that we can live more intentionally in saying "yes" to the things that align with our will get us to our personal and professional goals (which you have to do the hard work of defining and writing down what those goals are, if you ever want to achieve them). We are constantly striving to be accomplishing, to do more and move the ball forward... which I think is how God created us and is part of our calling to fulfill the great commission of cultivating the earth (creating culture and making something out of the raw potential of God's creation). Where is the fine line of being content in God, accomplishing things and making sure to rest (but not slack off and become lazy). Like with fitness - In life we are either moving forward or backwards... growing or shrinking... it's near impossible to just "tread water". It's great to have big, non-limiting beliefs and work hard for what you want... but most people can't "have it all" or be anything they want to be, if they just set their mind to it. We have limitations: limitations of time, money, skills, connections, etc. This doesn't mean you can't accomplish great things and have an amazing life with God's help. He who works harder and perseveres will always get further and accomplish more then he who just has raw skill. Proverbs 16:9: In their hearts humans plan their course but the Lord establishes their steps. Comparison will rob you of your joy. Don't compare yourself to others or you will always be miserable and unsatisfied, striving after what others have. What you believe you can do (or what you think you can't do) will largely dictate what you attain in life. "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right" What you choice to think about and focus on makes all the difference in the world. What you think about will dictate your perspective and emotions. 2 Corinthians 2:5: "... take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" Work is good! We should work hard and do a great job at it... but work shouldn't become so important to us, that it becomes our identity or becomes our object of our affection. Christian outlines the way he organizes his days and accomplishes his personal and professional goals. Living life with intentionally: Elite Journal - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08PW2T6JG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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  • Special Episode this week, with our first book review. We are giving an overview of the book "Just Thinking: About the State" by Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker, the creators and hosts of the Just Thinking Podcast. We have been listening and greatly blessed by this podcast, the amount of research, thought and preparation Darrell and Virgil put into each episode and to dissect and unpack each cultural or social topic and point back to scripture and the Gospel as our highest authority and God as our source of truth.


    This Weeks Whiskey: Clyde Mays Straight Rye Whiskey - Alabama - 94 proof Buy Just Thinking: About The State - https://press.founders.org/shop/just-thinking-about-the-state/ Book Chapters: Government Socialism Capitalism A Social Savior The Born Alive Act Black Lives Matter and Abortion Politics and the Black Church Reparations The Equality Act of 2019 Elections

    This is book is important for several reasons.

    It rightly identifies the problem (sin) It is interpreting our current times and social issues through a biblical lens. It is properly identifying and dissecting the sin that is at the center of major social issues. It is applying scriptural truth to real world problems (racism, marriage, sexuality, divorce,
    etc) It is calling for significant increase in biblical literacy It calls for men and women to engage in worship of Christ, as opposed to worship of a
    political party. It calls for children of God to disengage from the sin of partiality It emphasizes the Imago Dei It rightly places scripture into a category of one “Sola Scriptura” Sola scriptura Sola Christus Sola fide Sola gratia Sol deo gloria

    i. These five statements of the evangelical faith lay at the center of what

    distinguished the theology of the Reformation from the theology of the Roman Catholic church in the 16th century. Sola scriptura is the belief that because Scripture is God’s inspired Word, it is the only inerrant, sufficient, and final authority for the church. Solus Christus is the assertion that Christ alone is the basis on which the ungodly are justified in God’s sight. Sola fide maintains that the believer receives the redemption Christ has accomplished only through faith. Sola gratia proclaims that all of our salvation, from beginning to end, is by grace and grace alone. Because of these things, the Reformers held fast to the phrase soli Deo gloria, that only God receives glory for our salvation. (et al. TGC)

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  • Walter Shepherd is Christian Harris's father-in-law and over the past 7 years, has been enduring the mental and physical health decline of his wife of over 50 years, to the disease of Alzheimers. He discusses grief, loss and what it looks like to go to God in your pain, doubts and yet still be faithful and trust in God's goodness and grace.


    This Weeks Whiskey: N/A What is the relationship between suffering, grief and prolonged grieving? Grieving is something we find in scripture and is a natural emotion that God gave us. Christian's have a tendency to move on too fast, not grieve enough... though we are not to grieve as if we don't have hope (in God) They want to move on from the uncomfortableness of grief and act like everything is fine, as if grieving or being sad dishonors God Non-Christian's tend to keep on grieving and never ceasing grieving (never moving forward or beyond) What we don't grieve and deal with successfully, will come back and cause us problems later and we tend to get stuck, unable to move forward. Essentially, how do we acknowledge that we are in a hole, without staying in the hole? The thing that helps keep Walter going if reminding himself that, "it's not about you". As Christian's, we are called to "die to ourselves and live for Christ" He thinks about how can he turn each of these challenging situations toward God, because God can handle it and he can't. Don't compare your suffering to others. Your suffering or lose is just as real as those who have experienced something "worse". Though we may not ever know why we experience specific suffering, while God may allow suffering to happen to us but God will never "waste" the pain you experience in life. Staying in God's Word, regular prayer and a community of people willing to speak hard but loving truth into your life are all key, not only in life but specifically when life gets hard. Two big indicators to keep watch of during a prolonged period of suffering or trials, are your anxiety and anger/frustraiton levels. People don't change and grow when people are comfortable and things are easy... especially not character or maturity in Christ. We are in very little control of anything in life and God's grace is sufficient for us. To be ok with the hard parts of life and suffering, we need to be fully surrendered to God, trusting that what He has brought us to, He will see us through... remaining teachable and open.

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  • We got some of the sharpest female minds with us today (Katy Faust and Stacy Manning) on this special podcast episode on abortion. The world is loosing its mind and the culture's responds to the Texas heart beat law, is no exception. We couldn't help but notice the outrage against it, so we did a special podcast session, were we unpack what should be obvious to Christian's... why abortion and the killing of babies is evil and how to combat some of the common arguments and mindset that comes with those who think abortion is a good thing.


    This Weeks Whiskey: FEW Straight Bourbon Whiskey, Illinois "Them Before Us" book address this topic of abortion, amongst many other aspects of Children's Rights Website: https://thembeforeus.com Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1642935964 "Children's rights are being sacrificed on the alter of adult desires" Abortion is the literal sacrificing children on the alter of convenience. Our primary human right (including kids, born or unborn), is the right to life... without which, no other right matters. Children have a right to life and a right to their mom and dad. Why is abortion NOT about the woman's body? If it was "my body my choice"... if it was "your body", then after the abortion, you (the mother) would be the one dead at the end of the procedure. Children are not born for us, they are born through us and completely distinct from their mother. As Christian's, "our body" and our children's bodies and lives are not our own. We are stewards of the lives God gives us, the kids's God blesses us with and all that God entrusts us with in this life. The push for abortion is one of the many byproducts of feminism, where feminist see that a man can walk away from a pregnancy, but the woman can't. And so in their mind, women will never be equal until they are the same and so abortion is the woman's equality to be able to walk away from the pregnancy too. A better option for equality, where no one has to die, is insisting that the man doesn't walk away from the baby and it's mother. Men are co-creators and 50% responsible for creating this new life, should have a say and should be held responsible and accountable. Woman who have never been pregnant, given birth or been a parent, have no place to tell men (many of whom have walked with their wives through the pregnancy and birthing process) have no say on abortion because it's solely a "woman's issue". The manipulation of language to obscure the brutally hard truth about what abortion actually is. You can't counter an emotional argument (most pro-choice arguments) with a logical or moral argument (pro-life argument). You can't make an argument or justification for something, using the exception instead of examining the rule (defending the pro-choice position with the "what about rape or incest" - those are exceptions with only 1% of abortions being due to that and policy & law should not be made based on the outlying exceptions) Abortion is not about "reproductive health". The baby has already been conceived (reproduced) and if not interrupted by a deliberate attempt to end the babies life, it will grow and be born as a human baby. Christian's CAN NOT be both "pro life" and "pro choice" and still be faithful to Jesus. Stacy takes it one step further and says, "you can't be a Democrat or vote for Democratic policies and politicians and still call yourself a Christian". The "right" to abortion is not a constitutional right (The Roe vs. Wade decision in 1973, is not part of the constitution) What are Christian's to do when what is legal and allowed (or even applauded), is not in alignment with what God says is good or right. So much of the cultural conversation come down to what we consider "sacred": Either "life" is sacred or personal choice, individual will, or "woman's health" (or something else) is considered sacred. Either the unborn life of the baby has moral significance or it doesn't... and that will determine where someone falls on the issue of abortion. There have been over 41M legal abortions from 1973 to 2018 and while the numbers have been decreasing since 1997, there were still 620,000 abortions in 2018 (the last year the data is available) and society has shifted from saying they should be safe, rare and legal, to they should be allowed for any reason, at any time, with no shame/stigma and even celebrated. I believe that abortion is our generation's "slavery" and in 50-100 years, society will look back on the Millions of snuffed out lives due to abortion and wonder how a society could not only allow such an atrocity but actually encourage it and call it a good thing. Progressive ideology is guilty of "the bigotry of low-expectations" towards minorities. RESOURCE: https://www.desiringgod.org/topics/abortion https://www.ccef.org/book/healing-after-abortion-gods-mercy-you/

    Genesis 1:27-28 - “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth."”

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  • The purpose for this episode is to encourage single dads in their parenting. To call men to be thoughtful and mindful in how they pursue relationships with women, so they may cultivate legacy and not just feed sexual desire.


    This Weeks Whiskey: Wild Turkey 101 Bourbon

    2 Thessalonians 3:3 – But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.

    Philippians 4:6 – Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

    Romans 8:38-39 – I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    1. Did you ever think you would be a dad at 19yo? Tell your story

    2. Did you have help raising your daughter? Did you co-parent with your daughter’s mother?

    3. What were the challenges you faced?

    4. Was there any good during that challenging time of raising your daughter?

    5. You weren’t raised in a Christian household, but looking back now where do you see God having worked in your life as a single dad?

    6. What words of wisdom would you give single dads that are listening?







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  • Today we sit down with John Hwang, the owner of Rainier Arms, a high-end firearms manufacturer, specializing in high-end customization of hand-guns and rifles. Troy Turner also sits down with us, the head of their military and Law Enforcement Agency division. We talk all things guns, self-defense and Second Amendment and how Christian's can responsibly own and use guns as tools for self-defense.


    This Weeks Whiskey: 1806 Hillrock Estate Distillery Single Malt Whiskey Guests: John Hwang, owner of Rainier Arms in Auburn, WA and Troy Turner, head of Rainier Arm's military and LEA division. https://www.rainierarms.com What is the role of guns in society? Can Christian's own and use guns? How does the 2nd Amendment affect Christians? When did men become such pansies in the American culture? Firearms are a tool. There are good people with guns and bad people with guns. What's the role of the mainstream media in how guns are depicted in society (normally you only hear about guns in the news, when there is a "mass shooting" or some other tragic mis-use but you never hear about the crimes and violence against innocent people, when guns are used to stop crime and protect the innocent). Guns are the great equalizer of force and appropriate to use for protecting yourself, your family and the ones you love, when others wish to do you or others harm. There are some parallels with guns, just like with alcohol, it's a matter of a man's heart. God never says, "don't drink" but rather says don't get drunk... don't abuse this good thing I gave you. Moderation is key. A significant issue with the violence in our culture, whether via guns or otherwise, is due absent fathers and a lack of fathers in the household. Firearms are a tool - Primarily for self-defense, sporting or hunting. Not all gun owners are enthusiast but all gun owners should know how to responsibly use their firearms. Proverbs 16:9 - "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps." - Plan your life but allow God to guide us Second Amendment - The right to bare arms: God gave us our life, so we have a natural right to keep and preserve that life by whatever mean necessary, from individuals or a tragical government... that is at the core of the 2nd amendment.

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  • This week we get real, when Christian B. get's vulnerable in sharing his trauma of being sexually assaulted by another dude. We walk through his journey of processing that and exploring the tough, dark world that is experiencing sexual trauma as a man.


    This Weeks Whiskey: Crater Lake Straight American Rye Whiskey Thompson Cigar Club Clinical Psychology reference - "DSM5" (American Psychological Association Diagnostic Manual for Mental and Mode Disorders fifth edition) Christian B. is a "Clinical Psychotherapist" and references this manual frequently What is trauma? "A deeply distressing or disturbing experience" What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? The word Trauma is used often and thrown around a lot in our modern culture, often for things that aren't actually "traumatic". Are things like "micro-aggressions" or being "triggered" (or other modern pop-psychology terms), actually trauma? Can someone else words online or opinion actually be "traumatic"? If everything we don't like becomes "traumatic" to us, is anything really trauma? The word looses it's meaning. Why does trauma happen? All trauma is a result of sin... like when one person violates another person's rights or something catastrophic happens to them, like natural disaster or war? God loves us enough to give us free-will or free-choice so that we can freely choice Him and that enabled us to choose to rebel against the God of the universe. As Christian's, we shouldn't be surprised when suffering or trauma happens to us because we live in a fallen world. As the world often puts it, "why do bad things happen to good people"... but as Christian's, we understand that there are no "good people" except Jesus. Recommended reading: "Knowing God" by J.I. Packer Mental Health Stats: National Institute of Health: https://www.nih.gov National Alliance on Mental Health: https://nami.org/Home Often people who cause trauma are living out a pattern or cycle of abuse or generational sin. Hurt people, hurt people. Where is God in trauma? Just because something bad happens, doesn't mean that God wasn't there or doesn't care The church showed up and responded, friends immediately came around him, God brought comfort through scripture and a new vibrant prayer life. Satan will try and use anything to separate us from God, to include the feelings of shame and anger often associated with trauma. What should be a Christian's response to trauma? Be in community, talk through it & seek counseling Trauma may be part of your story but let it define you and become your identity Christ experience extreme Trauma in this crucifixion on the cross, so we have a savior who gets it and can relate to our hardships and trauma that we may experience in this life. How does or should the church respond to it's member's experiencing trauma... specifically trauma at the hands of fellow church members or Christians?

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  • On this episode we explore what happens when things don't go our way in life. Even the best plans... and vacations can go totally sideways, as Christian B. recently experienced and shares with us his epic family vacation fail and how he dealt with it. Is it possible to still be grateful and praise God, despite tough situations in life? This is a story you don't want to miss... and it will likely make you feel better about any vacation mis-adventures you've had ;-)


    This Weeks Whiskey: Old Elk Full-Wheated Bourbon This Weeks Cigar: My Father's Cigar Christian B. tells the story of his recent epic fail of their vacation... where absolutely nothing went as planed, included cancelled flights and their family almost got charged by a moose while in their car! What do we do with our disappointment? Are we angry and honest about it? Do we lash out at the people around us, even though it's not their fault (or even if it is their fault)? Do we downplay it and pretend like everything is fine? So much of our disappointment reveals our desire to be in control... instead of allowing God to be in control. We are actually in control of very little in our lives, so we really shouldn't be surprised when things don't go our way. Proverbs 16:9 - "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-:19 - "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." We are to have grateful hearts and give thanks in ALL circumstances and situations, not just when things go our way. Often we are to give thanks DESPITE our situations in life. The prosperity gospel is such a sham because it says God is good and so why wouldn't he want you to be rich and your life to be comfortable and easy. So often when things aren't going well for us, our kids won't even notice and will still find a way to have a good time. David provides a good example to us in the book of Psalms, when it comes to not downplaying or ignoring when things are difficult and hard. He honestly cries out to God about how things suck for him and is honest in his pain and suffering... without accusing God. Things often don't go the way you want but in that adversity, suffering and difficulty, we can still be grateful and worship God in the midst of it.

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