One-shot: The B-Team - Dino World!
While the Ashat Adventurers are off dealing with a Mimic Crisis, a smaller fresh crew are getting their start in the Ashole Inn! The B-Team, otherwise known as the Butholes, are approached by the traveling enigmatic Professor Paytonius who needs a group to recover a missing scout deep in the Mournlands. Clearly, this’ll be a walk in the Park!
The B-Team
Chris - DM
Aaron - Legalize Greenleaf (Elven Druid)
Merritt - Richarde De Fromage (Elven HedgeWizard)
Jordan - Samsclub Stabjeans (Halfling Barbarian)
Kevin - Kabal Token (Black Dragonborn Barbarian)
Musical Credits
"Southern Gothic" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Session 19: St. John’s and the Dragon
(December 31, 2023)
Strange dreams and New Years Celebrations. Tonights gonna be a busy night, and The B'ys are invited. Bonds, skills and gear will be tested, along with a new member of the Monster Slayers organization. Things are going to get quite chilly tonight!
Cast:Chris - GM
Tha Boyz
Aaron - Jake Blackstone (Magus)
Dave - Jon Deyr (no relation… also Mercenary)
Merritt - Marcel Landry (Demolisher)
Marc - Soren (Assassin)
Musical Credits
Sound effects used from Pixabay
Episodes manquant?
Session 3: The Cause of and Solution to the DM’s Problems
After dealing with the highwaymen, the Young adventurers make it to town, but can they convince the locals of the impending threat? And will they get distracted, as so many adventurers tend to in towns and taverns? Find out!
Cast:Aaron (The Dungeon Master)
Ethan (Tiefling Barbarian/Warlock)
Arceus (Human Paladin/Rogue)
Onyx (Half-Orc Fighter/Monk)
Sparrow (Wood Elf Ranger/Druid)
Chris (The Editor)
Session 19: Rise of the Mimic Moon Part 1 - Rekhlor Got Wrecked
The Newspapers across Korvhaire are alight with stories of the new perplexingly persistent purple moon in the sky. This astrological event also seems to have heralded a series of rampant mimic infestations across the continent. While these occurrences are playing out, the Adventurers receive a missive from the Hobgoblin King himself!
Cast:Chris - DM
Dave - Copper (Warforge Battlesmith)
Aaron - Fintan Polaris (Kalashtar Paladin/Warlock)
Merritt - Kerkylas (Elf Ranger/Rogue)
Musical Credits
"Southern Gothic" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Session 18:Six Hags New Orleans
(December 1, 2023)
The Hind has been impounded… oh and Yuri and Yuri are in an Illuminati detention center for things certain members of the crew may have said to Illuminati agents while operating unofficially on their turf. The B'ys could perform a jailbreak, but their Templar affiliations can't get involved without sparking a new secret war. How will they get them out? Surely a Jailbreak mission is in order… surely… um… has anyone heard about Six Flags New Orleans?
Cast:Chris - GM
Tha Boyz
Aaron - Jake Blackstone (Magus)
Dave - Jon Deyr (no relation… also Mercenary)
Merritt - Marcel Landry (Demolisher)
Musical Credits
Sound effects used from Pixabay
Session 18: Temple of the Scorpion God
Now that Kyrklas has established an Island hideout in Kraken Bay, to begin his guerilla campaign against a greater Elven establishment, things are looking up and now further South! The dark ancient continent of Xen’Drik holds many secrets, some best left hidden in the jungle choked ruins. What will the Adventurers find?
Cast:Chris - DM
Dave - Copper (Warforge Battlesmith)
Aaron - Fintan Polaris (Kalashtar Paladin/Warlock)
Merritt - Kerkylas (Elf Ranger/Rogue)
Musical Credits
"Southern Gothic" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Session 17: Anima Search Part 4
(November 22, 2023)
Now on the mysterious Train between worlds, The B'ys must navigate its strange train cars and deal with its passengers and crew, to find who they seek. Will they succumb to the Croatoan 1589 and its wild ways?
Cast:Chris - GM
Tha Boyz
Aaron - Jake Blackstone (Magus)
Dave - Jon Deyr (no relation… also Mercenary)
Merritt - Marcel Landry (Demolisher)
Musical Credits
Sound effects used from Pixabay
Session 17: Cleaning House
The Queen is dead, long live the King! As the interns fend off the raging simian servitors above, the Adventurers journey into the ancient Dhakaani Keep to search for the fabled Horn of Musa Jhazaal’nu. What ancient evils lie in wait for them in this otherwise silly place? Find out!
Cast:Chris - DM
Dave - Copper (Warforge Battlesmith)
Aaron - Fintan Polaris (Kalashtar Paladin/Warlock)
Merritt - Kerkylas (Elf Ranger/Rogue)
Musical Credits
"Southern Gothic" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Session 16: Anima Search Part 3
(November 21, 2023)
The B'ys have made it to Virginia, in various states and times. And now it’s time to face the darkness of a local urban legend in order to get their golden ticket and find a living fount of Anima. Can they deal with the Bunnyman under his bridge? While hunting in Illuminati territories? Find out.
Cast:Chris - GM
Tha Boyz
Aaron - Jake Blackstone (Magus)
Dave - Jon Deyr (no relation… also Mercenary)
Merritt - Marcel Landry (Demolisher)
Musical Credits
Sound effects used from Pixabay
Session 16: Journey to the Island of Ban’Na
The Adventurers have their land deed officiated but also have some interns to accompany them on their trip to the jungle island of Bannan. But there are strange machinations ahead of them and other interested parties in the secrets of the island. What might they find on this seeming island paradise?
Cast:Chris - DM
Dave - Copper (Warforge Battlesmith)
Aaron - Fintan Polaris (Kalashtar Paladin/Warlock)
Merritt - Kerkylas (Elf Ranger/Rogue)
The Interns
Marc - Kabal Token (Black Dragonborn Barbarian)
Josh - Bella Twilo (Human Warlock)
Seb - Crim A’gnoll (City Goblin Rogue)
Musical Credits
"Southern Gothic" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Session 2: Highwaymen to Hell
The Young adventurers are fleeing the area around the short-lived portal. They have some decision ahead and not much time for grieving the dead. They must warn folks of impending dangers, but first they must navigate the perils of the road. Choices have consequences!
Cast:Aaron (The Dungeon Master)
Ethan (Tiefling Barbarian/Warlock)
Arceus (Human Paladin/Rogue)
Onyx (Half-Orc Fighter/Monk)
Sparrow (Wood Elf Ranger/Druid)
Chris (The Editor)
Session 15: Anima Search Part 2
(November 20, 2023)
The Helldivers… er… I mean the B'ys are recovering from the loss (however temporary) of one of their own. While they figure out whether they should wait or press on, there’s still work to be done on Solomon Island. But a job done right merits some rewards, and the prospect of seeing the reliquary of Innsmouth Academy can be quite tempting.
Cast:Chris - GM
Tha Boyz
Aaron - Jake Blackstone (Magus)
Dave - Jon Deyr (no relation… also Mercenary)
Musical Credits
Sound effects used from Pixabay
Session 15: High Noon and Departures South
The Adventurers have called upon their trusted(?) comrad: Captain Twillo of the Gilded Sparrow to take them to adventures South of Korvaire, first to a tropical Island they have a deed to, and then the Jungle ruins of Xendrik itself! BUT, before that, a shadow yet again looms at high noon over Ashat. Who’d they piss off THIS time? Is it a shadow from the past? Find out!
Cast:Chris - DM
Dave - Copper (Warforge Battlesmith)
Aaron - Fintan Polaris (Kalashtar Paladin/Warlock)
Merritt - Kerkylas (Elf Ranger/Rogue)
Musical Credits
"Southern Gothic" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Session 14: Anima Search Part 1
(November 19, 2023)
The Dark One has been defeated and the Heart of Filth ripped out, but the corruption is too great and still seeping through wounds in the once sacred Phantom Ravines. It’s up to The B'ys to search out a powerful source of Anima that can cleanse the Moosquatch’s home realm. But where is this Anima, perhaps someone on Solomon Island can help?
Cast:Chris - GM
Tha Boyz
Aaron - Jake Blackstone (Magus)
Dave - Jon Deyr (no relation… also Mercenary)
Merritt - Marcel Landry (Demolisher)
Musical Credits
Sound effects used from Pixabay
Session 14: Assassination Attempts and Shopping!
An attempt on the life of a missionary of the Undying Court! Scandalous! Or will it be, can the Adventurers talk their way out of this one? Will they need to spend some of the recently acquired riches to bribe a certain religion into not causing trouble for Ashat? What will the consequences be? Let's see what happens.
Cast:Chris - DM
Dave - Copper (Warforge Battlesmith)
Aaron - Fintan Polaris (Kalashtar Paladin/Warlock)
Merritt - Kerkylas (Elf Ranger/Rogue)
Musical Credits
"Southern Gothic" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Session 13: Moosquatch Season Part 2
(November 18, 2023)
The hunting trip has been cut short, now it’s a chase to find Sharon Seda, who's been seemingly taken by something filthy and dwelling in a corrupted realm of the forest. Can The B'ys navigate this place and stop what’s happening in time? Even with one of them in nothing but some body armor? Find out!
Cast:Chris - GM
Tha Boyz
Aaron - Jake Blackstone (Magus)
Dave - Jon Deyr (no relation… also Mercenary)
Merritt - Marcel Landry (Demolisher)
Musical Credits
Sound effects used from Pixabay
Session 13: Post-Mourning Payday Part 2 - Bank of the Dead
Having dealt with the aberrant False Hydra in the streets around the Tronish Dwarf Bank, the Adventurers have only they’re intended prize ahead of them… or do they? What other obstacles await them within the TD Bank, and will this all be worth it? Find out!
Cast:Chris - DM
Dave - Copper (Warforge Battlesmith)
Aaron - Fintan Polaris (Kalashtar Paladin/Warlock)
Merritt - Kerkylas (Elf Ranger/Rogue)
Tyler - Caster (Warforge Ranger)
Musical Credits
"Southern Gothic" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
This is a special game, run with the fine folks at the Roleplaying Exchange podcast, trying out a new GM-less game, provided to us by it's developer Lyme!
The Kickstarter is here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lyme/dawn-of-the-orcs
Let Them Cook
As a villainous army threatens the peace of fair Lannia, a council is assembled to delve into ancient magics and sciences to cook up an army of their own to defend against this evil. Drawing inspiration from an ancient spirit who killed the wicked, these new soldiers will have a name... Orcs!
David - Dreaded Hierophant Ex Mortis
Crazon - Dreaded Hierophant Eternal
Jeremy - Self-Appointed Witch of the West
Joe - Court Librarian of the Arcane Arts
Darcy - Reclusive Librarian Emeritus
Session 12: Moosquatch Season Part 1
(November 17, 2023)
Moose hunting is a big thing out on the Rock, but what happens when something bigger and meaner is stalking the forests of northern Newfoundland. The B'ys are gonna find out that even when they're not out hunting monsters specifically, sometimes monsters are hunting them.
Cast:Chris - GM
Tha Boyz
Aaron - Jake Blackstone (Magus)
Dave - Jon Deyr (no relation… also Mercenary)
Merritt - Marcel Landry (Demolisher)
Musical Credits
Sound effects used from Pixabay
Session 12: Post-Mourning Payday Part 1 - ARDYH!
The Adventurers have acquired a (TOTALLY LEGITIMATE) Elementally Bound Land Cart! Now it’s time to travel beyond the Dead Mists at the border and into the arcane wastes of the Mournlands. There’s abandoned banks in them thar dead cities, perfect for salvaging! What could possibly go wrong?
Cast:Chris - DM
Dave - Copper (Warforge Battlesmith)
Aaron - Fintan Polaris (Kalashtar Paladin/Warlock)
Merritt - Kerkylas (Elf Ranger/Rogue)
Tyler - Caster (Warforge Ranger)
Musical Credits
"Southern Gothic" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
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