Join us, as we go through the teachings of one of the pillars in the therapy world over the past few decades, Rabbi AJ Twersky. Author of over 80 books on self esteem, happiness and personal growth. Chananya Abraham, psychotherapist in private practice for over ten years will share insights and therapeutic anecdotes and how to implement these teachings into your daily life.
YouTuber Jack Douglass (jacksfilms) and his wife Erin Breslin discuss pop culture, tech, celebrity news, and more while answering viewers’ questions in this weekly comedy series.
Ben Azelart and his two best friends share their craziest experiences as friends and the ongoing adventures of being thrill seeking entertainers. Tune in every week to hear the boys talk about behind the scenes of their lives and their friends.
Luminary Spotlight is a handpicked selection of episodes from the award-winning subscription podcast network Luminary. For more original shows from diverse voices and some of today’s top creators sign up at or
"My two sons' godmother, who is a first-generation Dominican in New York City, was having a really, really hard time getting through to her mother about taking extra precautions during the start of the COVID pandemic," says Juleyka Lantigua, host and creator of How to Talk to [Mamí & Papí] about Anything, Apple Podcasts' Spotlight show for January 2023. "It was like they were speaking to each other in two different languages. The cultural and generational differences between them seemed to push them further apart as their conversations progressed. I realized they represented millions of children and parents enmeshed in a drag-out white-knuckle fight because those of us who are 'Americanized' see the world—and most importantly, live in the world—very differently from our immigrant parents." Lantigua, who is a veteran reporter and founder and CEO of the digital audio and production company LWC Studios, launched How to Talk to [Mamí & Papí] about Anything in 2020. She found out quickly that many listeners could relate to the experiences discussed on the show. "It was a grand experiment, and we were nervous and excited," she says. "And then the emails started pouring in from listeners who never knew they needed these conversations or those who wished they'd had the show growing up 20,30, 50 years ago!"Each episode features a listener with a problem that can range from navigating relationships with parents who disapprove of their spouse to maintaining a relationship with a difficult parent for the sake of the grandchildren. An expert on the episode’s topic joins Lantigua on the show to offer professional advice and analyze the generational and cultural dynamics at play. "So many of us straddle that hyphen of being American and something else. So many of us are trying to honor our parents' ways while making our own way in the world," Lantigua says. "This is a place to find solace and really good advice."After nearly 150 episodes, Lantigua is taking the plunge into extending the brand with a sister show, How to Talk to [High Achievers] about Anything. And her hope is that there’s more where that came from. "My vision is that the "How to Talk to" franchise continues to grow and serve the rising-majority audience in the US for years to come.”
YouTube personality Corey Scherer brings his trademark pranks and antics to the podcast stage! Every other week, Corey interviews your favorite influencers and puts them into incredibly awkward, funny, scary situations by letting the Wheel of Fate decide what happens to them. Dares, pranks, TMI and full-on mayhem is what you can expect in this no-holds-barred show. Where will the Wheel of Fate land? Tune in to find out!
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On Brain Boggled, Bobby, Brent and Jack discuss the absurdities of life and dive deep into the weirdest, wildest stuff they can find on the internet. From the Mandela Effect, to Time Dilation, to even Scientology, BB&J will have your brain boggled!
Если у вас в семье есть подросток, то обнимемся. Это непросто.Фразу "мам, отстань" вы слышали уже не один десяток раз. Это универсальный ответ подростка на все родительские «почему». Почему «не хочет учиться, почему бросил музыкалку, зачем врет». Подростковый психолог Никита Карпов и журналист Александра Петровская каждый выпуск задают самые излюбленные вопросы родителей напрямую подросткам, а те откровенно отвечают почему им в школе скучно, что они скрывают у себя в мобильном телефоне и многое другое. Для ребят это возможность наконец быть услышанными. А для родителей ещё один шанс услышать и понять своего подростка.
We all know the stories of how creative people get into the business of creating for a living, but how did they start using their imaginations in the first place? On the Beginnings podcast, writer and performer Andy Beckerman asks well-known and on-their-way-up comedians, musicians, writers, artists and thinkers about their earliest creative acts, their formative childhood experiences, and how they've developed both creatively and emotionally over the years. Beginnings is part therapy, part philosophy and almost all fascinating (95% according to FDA studies).
Join Emma as she sits down with friends and family to discuss her daily thoughts and occurrences as a not so normal 20 something-year-old in Austin, Texas.
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Kad bize vaļā, tad ir arī vējš matos un jūra līdz ceļiem. Reizi nedēļā Kārlim, Edgaram un Dāvim ir visi trīs. Tad tiek ieslēgti arī mikrofoni.
We are just three weirdos who lost their minds in quarantine! Quarantine's Gotten Out Of Hand-Quote by Kristiāns P
Četri vīri improvizē iepriekš neizdomātas ainas, iedvesmojoties no dažādiem avotiem. Visu domājam uz vietas, ķerot impulsus no visiem un visa. Balsis nav trenētas, bet tieši tāpēc šis treniņš. Esam četras skaņas šajā pūznī - Oto, Kristiāns, Mareks un Mārtiņš. Laipni lūgti!
sarunas ar cilvēkiem
Mans vārds ir Oskars un es lasu pasakas bērniem! Šeit es lasīšu dažādas pasakas bērniem pirms miedziņa, miedziņam vai vienkārši vakara izklaidei. Pasakas man palīdzēs lasīt rūķītis, lācītis, zaķītis un vēl daži pasaku tēli no egļu skuju meža. Patīkamu klausīšanos.
Ja vēlies mani atbalstīt, tev un mazajiem patīk klausīties pasakas, šī ir iespēja uzcienāt mani ar kafiju, lai neiemiegu stāstot :)
©OskarsTreilihs, 2020 -
Šis nav radio raidījums. "Pieci rīti" skan radio darba dienās, no 06:00 - 09:00 "Latvijas Radio 5" ēterā. Vai, kad vien vēlies. Šis ir podkāsts. BEIDZOT!
Two blokes, Mark & Andre talking about the world's favourite confectioneries.
Brīdī, kad likās, esmu izgāzusies pa visām vīlītēm - savā nepacietībā, nesavaldībā un haosā - mans dēls izteica - Mammīt, tev sanāk! Tas bija tieši tas, kas vajadzīgs - iztaisnoju muguru, paņēmu ar sulu aplējušos Pērli, kas tajā brīdī ar elkoņiem jau bija iekšā ievārījuma šķīvī, pacēlu nokritušo paplāti, savācu izbirušo somu, iedevu dēlam roku un mēs devāmies laukā no ikea! Man sanāca! Mammīt, tev sanāk - "podcāstiņš" ir mana mazā dāvaniņa, pirmkārt, jau pašai sev, jo mani vienmēr iedvesmo, iedrošina un "sapurina" citu mammu stāsti un pieredze. Tad nu ticu, ka šis būs par iedrošinājumu arī tev!
- - Der Blogcast || Nachhaltigkeit in der Hundehaltung - geht das überhaupt? Auf meinem Blog beschäftige ich mich mit der Frage, in welchen Bereichen des Alltags mit Hund ein nachhaltig(er)es Leben möglich ist und mit welchen Mitteln dieses umgesetzt werden kann. Dabei geht es um Themen wie den ökologischen Pfotenabdruck, klimafreundliches Hundefutter, nachhaltige Produkte für den Hund und Veränderungen des Hunde-Lebens in Zeiten des menschengemachten Klimawandels. Interessierte Hundemenschen finden auf auch einfache Tipps und Tricks, die sie sofort in den eigenen Alltag integrieren können. Und weil wir Hundehalterinnen und Hundehalter ja gerne die Hände frei haben (zum Streicheln, wenn wir unterwegs sind, wenn wir das Futter zubereiten...) gibt es meine Blogbeiträge nun auch zum Hören! Starte also auch Du sofort in Dein nachhaltiges Leben mit Hund. Denn jeder noch so kleine Schritt, den jeder Einzelne von uns macht, kann Großes bewegen!