Sarah Grandinetti – Being YOU In This Crazy World
Aired Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
Have you felt like things are crazy right now?
I don’t know about you but I’ve been like, is this the same world that I was living in three months ago?
Well, obviously no it’s not the same world but at the same time it is surreal!
With some of the stuff that’s going on right now it feels like we are in some sort of bizarre movie!
Have you wondered is this really happening?
How do we keep being ourselves AND live in this crazy world?
Well, Sara Grandinetti and I will talk this Wednesday on how to keep being you, while living in this crazy world.
Will you join us for this fun, funny, and not so funny conversation?
Maybe not the easiest conversation to have, however definitely one I’m looking forward to.
Did you know that you could actually call in live and ask Sarah Grandinetti questions about how to be YOU in this crazy world?
Call 202-570-7057 Wednesday June 3, 2020 1pm PT/ 4pm ET!
We would love to hear from you!
Thank you for YOU!
Sarah Grandinetti, International speaker, Access Consciousness certified facilitator and mother of four, she inspires audiences all over the world to choose more and actualize their dreams.
Never desiring to limit herself, Sarah is also the owner of Salon Mix, a celebrity hair salon, and founder of Being You, Being with Them, a monthly membership group or parents (and everyone else) are inspired by tools, talks and a tribe of like – minded people to create greater relationships with the young people in their lives.
Whether presenting to an audience, teaching classes or working one on one In a deep-dive session, Sarah offers a rare combination of humor, warmth and insight that invites people to feel empowered, release limitations and truly BE themselves.
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#SarahGrandinetti #BeingYOU #AccessConsciousness #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Sarah Grandinetti – What If Parenting Could Be Fun?
Aired Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
It was when I turned 40 that I began to think maybe being a mom was not in the cards for me.
Part of me was relieved and another part of me wondered if I had missed out on something.
Then 5 years later I found myself in a partnership with a man that had a teenage daughter.
I remember when we first met and how much we liked each other. She is such a sweet girl after all and curious about everything. I guess in a way I felt I had something I could contribute.
Then we all did what most people do at some point in their relationship, we moved in together. That’s when things went a little south.
We began playing out these rolls that we thought we were supposed to do. I became my dad at times trying to control her choices in an effort to protect her from herself.
She became a little defiant and resistant to those around her. Who could blame her. I had turned into my controlling dad!
Well fortunately we had the tools of Access Consciousness to help us choose something different. We realized we did not like the rolls we were playing out and desired to be friends instead.
With Sarah contribution we realized we could actually enjoy each other in the little time we have left together before this sweet girl leaves for college.
Did you know parenting could actually be fun, if you let it be?
Sarah Grandinetti knows something about parenting. International speaker, Access Consciousness certified facilitator and mother of four, she inspires audiences all over the world to choose more and actualize their dreams.
Never desiring to limit herself, Sarah is also the owner of Salon Mix, a celebrity hair salon, and founder of Being You, Being with Them, a monthly membership group or parents (and everyone else) are inspired by tools, talks and a tribe of like – minded people to create greater relationships with the young people in their lives.
Whether presenting to an audience, teaching classes or working one on one In a deep-dive session, Sarah offers a rare combination of humor, warmth and insight that invites people to feel empowered, release limitations and truly BE themselves.
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#SarahGrandinetti #Parenting #AccessConsciousness #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Episodes manquant?
Laleh Hancock – Gifting and Receiving Contribution
Aired Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
Have you ever wondered what is contribution?
Lately I found myself really desiring to be a contribution, to the world, to people’s lives, to my family, to my friends.
I’d wake up and asking what contribution can I be today?
And then the weirdest, craziest, wackiest thing happened.
I started having to receive more!
More from Amazing people that desire to contribute to me.
More from the Earth.
Even more money and more possibilities started showing up as if by magic.
I began to wonder maybe there is not a separation between me being a contribution and receiving contribution.
It is instead a simultaneity of gifting and receiving.
Something that I have never seen before.
What if contribution is nothing like you’ve imagined it was?
What if you could have gifting and receiving at the same time?
What if contribution is receiving?
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#LalehHancock #Gifting #ReceivingContribution #AccessConsciousness #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Sylvia Puentes – Creating Beyond Today’s Story
Aired Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
During these trying times many people are confronted with fears, doubt and uncertainty. What if you could have more ease and beginning to discover the possibilities you may have available no else has to create your future different.
Join us as we explore some tools & the elements of possibilities beyond what you see in our world today.
Sylvia Puentes, also described as “Wicked Wizard Wonder Woman”. She is a leading lady in magic and life changing work with Access Consciousness. International speaker and facilitator empowering people to rediscover their gifts and voice in life and business.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sylvia.puentes.7
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/SylviaPuentes
Website: http://sylviapuentes.com/
Access Consciousness: http://www.accessconsciousness.com/sylviapuentes
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#SylviaPuentes #WickedWizardWonderWoman #AccessConsciousness #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
What is Gaslighting? How Do You Break Free From Gaslighting?
Aired Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
Tara Taglienti, CFMW is from South Florida, USA. She has been using the tools of Access Consciousness®️ for over 10 years. Her target is to empower you with identifying what attracts gaslighters and identifying the behavior patterns that gaslighters use as well as tools to cope with and recover from the effects of gaslighting, so you can gain greater awareness, and have more of YOU!
Cassy Summers, CF is from Kelowna, Canada. She is an Access Consciousness®️ Facilitator and is interested in contributing to people who are looking to have the freedom of a greater, happier, and more conscious living. She has spent the last 7 years in the pursuit of tools and techniques to ACTUALIZE that living not just for herself but for the people she is lucky enough to work with. “I’ve got your back, time to SOAR!”
These two powerhouses joined forces to create an out-of-this world FREE Gaslight Summit™️. Bringing onboard another six phenomenal facilitators of consciousness, to blast you out of the yuck and muck your gaslighters (AKA “this reality”) try so hard imposing on you.
So that- maybe for the first time in your life- we can consider the possibility:
“What if You’re NOT crazy?!”
To join Tara and Cassy’s free Gaslight Summit™️ (May 4th – June 29th 2020): https://gaslightsummit.com/
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#Gaslight #Gaslighting #CassySummers #TaraTaglienti #AccessConsciousness #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Francesca Fiorentini – Being with The Earth
Aired Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
Have you noticed how much more peaceful everything is right now?
How much brighter the colors of spring are or fall, depending on where you are in the world, but also how much quieter things are?
Do you notice how much more you’re being with the earth?
Would you like to know how to be with the earth, even more?
Even when things begin to pick back up again?
What if there’s a whole new way of being, and contributing to the Earth that then contributes to us, naturally?
Would you choose it?
Listen to Francesca Fiorentini and I here as we talk about Being With The Earth!
On Wednesday, April 29 at 1pm Pacific/ 4pm Eastern & Thursday April 30 at 6am AEST!
Francesca Fiorentini is a life and wealth coach, business mentor, seasoned entrepreneur, facilitator of joyful possibility, and mother of an amazing daughter. Francesca was born and raised in Italy, and gained early and extensive entrepreneurial experience as part of the family hotel business. Eventually, her business acumen and her love of art and beauty compelled her to launch several enterprises of her own, including a range of antique stores, a fashion boutique, a costume jewellery business, and a tourist apartment business in Venice.
Throughout her years in hospitality and business, Francesca gained a sincere appreciation for cultural diversity, inner and outer beauty, and the healing power of kindness and truthfulness – concepts that continue to underpin her work, today. She is renowned for her ability to facilitate powerful change in her clients and class attendees through her unique balance of non-judgemental invitation, honesty, and clarity of communication.
Drawing on her experience as a savvy business leader and events professional, Francesca is currently the Worldwide Coordinator for Access Consciousness®. She is also a certified facilitator or practitioner of several Access Consciousness® special programs, including Joy of Business (advanced facilitator), Put the Fun Back into Business, Access Body Process, and the Access Bars.
In her work as a life coach, business mentor, and change-maker, Francesca brings a wealth of personal experience in many of life’s greatest challenges, including psychological and financial abuse, unhealthy beliefs around money, a misdirected search for solutions, and the silencing of one’s own ‘knowing’. She is committed to creating more joy, fun, beauty, and elegance in others’ daily experiences, and strives to help people become the leader of their own lives.
Connnect with Francesca at https://www.actionsforfutures.com/creatingwithearth | http://www.actionsforfutures.com/ | https://www.francesca-fiorentini.com/
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#FrancescaFiorentini #BeingWithTheEarth #AccessConsciousness #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Kalpana Raghuraman – Are You Taking Care Of Your Two Homes?
Aired Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
This is very unique time in history.
People are giving pause, whether it’s forced pause or chosen pause doesn’t really matter.
There is a peacefulness in the air.
The earth is healing itself.
People are smiling and waving at a distance.
Maybe some of us are a little more present to the magic of the Earth.
The Song of the birds.
The flutter of the butterfly.
The sunlight.
The flowers, especially now that springtime is springing.
What if we could always look at the Earth that way as if it was magic?
What if we could treat our bodies as the gift, they are to on Earth Day and every day?
Can we take better care of our two homes, better care of our bodies, better care of the Earth?
Join Kalpana Raghuraman, and I, as we talk about what it means to take care of your two homes.
On Earth Day! Wednesday, April 22 at 1pm Pacific/ 4pm Eastern.
We are looking forward to hearing you then!
We’ll be on LIVE so if you’d like to ask some questions feel free to call in at +1 (202) 570 7057!
Have a magical Earth day, every day!
Kalpana Raghuraman is an internationally acclaimed performer, choreographer, dance mentor and Scholar. She is also a desired Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, known for her sharpness, clarity, humor and warmth. Kalpana travels the globe creating change and consciousness through her art and facilitation. She blends together beautifully her capacities as an artist with her awareness and talents as an Access facilitator. Kalpana is also artistic director of her own dance company Kalpanarts.
Curious? Check out the company’s site: http://www.kalpanarts.com/
WEBSITE LINK FOR PRODUCT: https://www.kalpanaraghuraman.com/outcreate/Classes_Events/body-earth-call/
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#KalpanaRaghuraman #Kalpanarts #AccessConsciousness #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Connor Hill – Would You Treat Your Pet Like You Treat Your Body?
Aired Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
Would you treat your pet, like you treat your body?
Have you ever noticed how some people take better care of their pets than they do themselves?
Maybe you’re one of those people?
What would it be like if you treated your body the way you do your favorite pet instead?
What if your body is actually your best friend and your pet is your second best friend?
Would you treat your body a little different?
Can you perceive the energy of what it would be like to treat your body that well?
Join Connor Hill and I as we talked about ‘Would you treat your pet like you treat your body?’ On Wednesday, April 15 at 1pm. Pacific/ 4pm Eastern.
Looking forward to hearing you then!
Connor has an authenticity, a genuineness that is rare. Everything he says is straight, original and clear. Most people borrow their thoughts, points of view, ideas, from others. Not Connor. He has this unique ability to bring another perspective, to ask amazing questions, to look from a place that no one else is looking from and his capacity to do this makes things greater. The words that come out of his mouth are actually his… not borrowed… true, genuine, authentically his.
Intelligent. Like extremely. Able to create with technology AND to connect with people. You don’t see that every day.
Unique. Authentic. Creative. Playful. Fiercely kind. Kids are some of my favorite people on the planet and Connor has the energy and delightfulness of a kid. My son and his friends talked all the way home about how cool he was and those 3 are not easily impressed!
You may have heard the saying, “To know him is to love him.” Ask anyone who knows Connor James Hill and they will tell you that this is true of him. – By Marnie Barranco
What if you were to write a story, a noval, of time?
Time since long before the creation of the universe as we know it. A story written without boats, planes, trains, and automobiles. Without any description of what you can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell. This story exists without words.
You Think, Therefore you are … not.
This is a story of light, heavy, expansive, contractive, solid, maleable, or moving. It’s what you create when you are decisive, conclusive, curious or wonderful. Less choice, or the possibilty to open up choice and include everything. A history in the making rewritten for the future in the moment with and as every choice. – Connor James Hill
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#ConnorHill #AccessConsciousness #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Marilyn Bradford – Having All Of You In Your Relationships
Aired Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
We all have many different kinds of relationships. Do you count in all of yours? Would you like some tools to have ease with maintaining YOU when family, partners, friends, co-workers, neighbors etc. want you to conform to who they think you should be and how you should act? Join me and Venus for a lively discussion of having all of you in your relationships.
Marilyn Bradford, LCSW, CFMW, and MEd., is a therapist, teacher, and speaker who gives lectures and workshops worldwide. She has worked in the fields of mental health, self empowerment and addiction for over 28 years. Finding traditional treatments, theories of mental health and self actualization ineffective, she approached Gary Douglas, the founder of Access, to see what else might be possible.
Together they founded Right Recovery For You, LLC, a radical and unique program, which utilizes transformational tools, techniques and information to empower people to permanently end any addictive or limiting behavior or belief system. Results from using this model include decreased counseling and processing time, an increase of self-awareness and mastery, as well as the freedom for the client to move on and generate and create a life they truly desire.
There are two websites: http://www.marilynbradford.com/ and https://www.accessconsciousness.com/en/micrositesfolder/right-recovery-for-you/
contact: [email protected]
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#EverythingChanges #AccessConsciousness #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
What Do You Do When Everything Changes?
Aired Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
In this time of uncertainty what if everything is still working out in your favor?
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#EverythingChanges #AccessConsciousness #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Cassy Summers – Earth Magic
Aired Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
For many many years I believed something was intrinsically wrong with me.
I mean who talks to their plants?
Who loves to spend more time in nature than with most people?
Well that would be me and I have come to realize that it is actually a gift and never ever was a wrongness.
When you are being you, exactly the way you are and exactly the way you are not, are you more joyful? Is there more ease in your world?
Did you know that it is joy that heals the planet?
If that’s true, then I wonder what ways we can be happier and more joyful?
Join Cassy Summers and I on OmTimes Radio as we talk about ways that we can all gift and receive more from this amazing planet on Wednesday March 25, 2020 at 1pm PT/4pm ET.
Cassy Summers is a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator, Author, Creator of As If By Magic, Co-Founder of #IAmBeauty and Curious Seeker of Magnitude! She has spent years studying the Access Consciousness® tools, implementing them in her own life and with clients from all over the world both in private sessions and class style formats.
Her unique style of facilitating is empowering and set up to create a continuous expansion long after the session has ended. She is committed to her clients and offers them total presence, caring, and a willingness to take them beyond the conceivable. Is now the time?
“I have always been a seeker and I am grateful for anyone willing to ask a question with curiosity” ~ Cassy Summers
Connect with Cassy at https://www.facebook.com/AccessCassySummers/ | https://www.facebook.com/AsByMagic/, https://www.instagram.com/cassysummers/ | https://www.instagram.com/as.if.by.magic | https://www.asifbymagic.space
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#CassySummers #EarthMagic #AccessConsciousness #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Sul Wynne-Jones – Are You a Square Peg trying to fit into a Round Hole!
Aired Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
Have you always felt different than everyone else?
What if your difference was one of your greatest strengths?
Have you been diagnosed with ADD, Autism, OCD etc.?
What if that was actually a superpower and not a wrongness?
Sul Wynne-Jones talks about ways you can learn to be OK with you difference and maybe even thrive.
Listen HERE Wednesday March 18, 2020 at 1pm PT/9pm CEST!
About Sul Wynne-Jones
Sul Wynne-Jones is a gentleman, an international speaker, and a self-made businessman. In his personal life he is also a father and an all-around handsome, kind man. Raised as a single child, by a single mom, Sul gained a lot of independence early on. He left home at 16, finished his high school degree and moved abroad. After his adventures, he returned home and started his own, first, successful business. He also completed a certificate in small business management and studied social entrepreneurship.
Sul has a different way of looking at the world, a different way of communicating, and particularly a different way of looking at people with labels and disabilities. While undiagnosed, some people might label Sul with autism, OCD, or ADD, however he really doesn’t look at himself or other people diagnosed with labels with as wrong, ever.
Sul has said, “Often I would find social situations very awkward. Like there was something else going on, this whole other world, that I thought everyone was aware of and they just handled it better.”
After he was introduced the tools of Access Consciousness by his partner, he attended a workshop where Gary Douglas, the founder suggested to him, “What if you’re autistic?” Not from the judgment of what autism is, but an acknowledgment of a level of capacity that was available.
He began to research and explore this concept for himself and his life began to change and get better. He started traveling the world, engaging with people without experiencing anxiety, and noticing things he had always known that others seemed to ignore.
In his work, Sul is now inspired to create his international business by inviting others to change and to transform their lives as well. He says, “There is a possibility to have everything in life show up with ease and joy and glory.”
His business focuses around working with people who have been labeled with disabilities like ADD, ADHD, OCD and Autism, among others and their families and the people who work with them. He leads workshops to empower people to see the gift in the ways that they are unique.
He also works in collaboration with a team of three other gentlemen in leading a new conversation for men and women about what it is to be a man in modern times. They are addressing the confusion and hopelessness that many men and women have been left with in their relationships, in the workplace, and in their lives.
Sul now travels the world leading workshops and working with individuals to facilitate the change that they are seeking.
Connect with Sul at https://sulwynnejones.com/
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#SulWynneJones #AccessConsciousness #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Sophie Cerny takes Access Bars to Orphans in South Africa
Aired Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
In Access Consciousness there is a tool called The Bars. It is 32 points on the head that, when lightly touched, allows someone to let go of thoughts, feeling and emotions that keep them stuck.
Did you know that when one person gets free from something, a subsequent 350,000 people get free?
Can you perceive what might have changed when a bunch of children in Africa got free?
On Wednesday, I will be interviewing Sophie Cerny about what inspired her to teach the Access Bars class to an Orphanage.
I wonder what magic and miracles it has already been creating in the world?
Did you know you can call in LIVE at +1 202-570-7057 to ask questions and talk to Sophie?
Thank YOU for the Magic of YOU!
Sophie Cerny | Certified Facilitator
1982 Born in Vienna
2003-2005 Master in Advertising (Advertising Academy Vienna)
2006 Ogilvy & Mather Advertising Agency
2006-2007 Volunteering in South America in a school teaching English to kids (Guatemala) & in a sea turtle project in Costa Rica
2007-2010 Publicis Group Advertising Agency
Since 2010 Freelancer as a Copywriter/Creative Director in Advertising Freelancing in the biggest agency in Vienna
Summer 2014 Volunteering as a Zookeeper in Athens (Wildcats)
2014-now Freelancing as a Copywriter/Creative Director in Advertising Client: Jane Goodall
2014 Access Consciousness and the Access Bars® came into my life
2016 Backpacking for 6 months
Since 2018 Translator of Haris Omanovic
Since Aug 2019 Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator (Costa Rica)
2019 World Wide Translators Coordinator of Haris Omanovic
I also have an organic olive oil business as a side project.
2020 Project Township South Africa (created in 5 days)
Connect with Sophie at https://www.sophiecerny.com/ and https://www.facebook.com/baphumelele/
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#SophieCerny #AccessConsciousness #TheBars #AccessBars #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Chelsey Dalzell – Beauty in Business
Aired Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
What if there was a beauty that you could bring to your business just by being your own unique flavor?
What if you have so much more to share with the world than you ever imagined possible?
What if you are far more capable and talented than you have ever given yourself credit for?
Would it be fun to join us and call in LIVE?
Chelsey Dalzell is the former creative director for Shannon O’Hara and TTTE. She has a unique way of working with the elements of business to give them a powerful presence, beauty and voice in the world.
“We’re facilitating consciousness with everything that we do…if we choose to.” Chelsey Dalzell
Connect with Chelsey at https://www.bringingbeautytobusiness.com/ and [email protected]
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#BeautyInBusiness #ChelseyDalzell #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Pamela McDowell: Are You Using Curiosity For or Against You
Aired Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
Are you using your curiosity for or against you?
Have you ever thought about that? It’s like you’re like looking into something as if you’re looking for the right way to do it. Or how to avoid the wrong way.
What if there was no right or wrong way?
What if your curiosity could just be a contribution to gaining more awareness instead of trying to be right, and avoid being wrong.
Join me, Wednesday February 26th as Pamela McDowell and I discuss Curiosity: are you using it for or against you?
Are you Curious now?
About Pamela McDowell
Pamela McDowell is a degree-qualified engineer, having worked in engineering, energy conservation, and business improvement. In addition, she is a certified yoga teacher and has training and experience in yoga therapy and EFT.
Pamela really started to realise her capacities with awareness – and how to use them – after leaving a corporate job and asking “what’s next?” Soon after, she rediscovered the tools of Access Consciousness and began asking way more questions.
Prior to that, she was committed to trying to fit it, be normal, save the planet, and generally trying to “get life right.” With the Access tools, she’s learned to trust more of what she knows, ask more questions and have more fun.
Pamela McDowell currently enjoys helping people create more in their lives, work and businesses. She is an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator and is based in Australia.
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#PamelaMcDowell #Curiosity #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Alison Cox: The Gift of Unpredictable
Aired Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
Have you ever realized that life is unpredictable?
What if there was always a gift in that?
What could you choose if you weren’t always trying to get it right or look good?
Wednesday February 19, 2020 at 1pm PT/4pm ET Alison Cox and I will be discussing ‘The Gift of Unpredictable’.
Would you like to ask us some questions? Call us LIVE at +1 202-570-7057!
About Alison Cox
Alison Cox is a certified facilitator of Access Consciousness and owner of Alivio Massage Therapy in Denver Colorado. She has been working internationally with people, bodies, and animals for over 7 years. You can find more information on classes and sessions at: https://www.myacousticlife.com/
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#AlisonCox #TheGiftOfUnpredictable #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Nirmada Kaufman – The Pragmatics of Creation
Aired Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
Have you ever wondered what are the pragmatics to creation? Have you always believed there must be an easier way?
Would you like to find out what else is truly possible?
Wednesday February 12, 2020 at 1pm PT/4pm ET Nirmada Kaufman and I will be discussing ‘The Pragmatics of Creation’.
Would you like to ask us some questions? Call us LIVE at +1 202-570-7057!
About Nirmada Kaufman
Hello and welcome to a world of possibilities!
Nirmada Kaufman is a leading pragmatic futurist who knows how to turn brilliant ideas into thriving businesses and new realities.
The magic of living and business creation has always been a place of ease and joy for Nirmada. She was born in San Francisco, California to an entrepreneurial family and started her first business at the age of 12. From this early beginning, she realized her true enjoyment and gratitude for creating businesses consciously. She has built several successful businesses in design, manufacturing, wellness, energy medicine, and currently owns Cryotherapy Wholebody in Corte Madera, California.
In 2011 Nirmada discovered Access Consciousness™ and her whole world changed and expanded . She has always had a strong desire to contribute to anyone seeking more consciousness on our beautiful planet. She uses the tools of Access daily to supercharge her creative capacities, change and improve every area of her life, living , reality and body. She uses these same amazing tools to empower other seekers to create amazing lives and businesses and improve every area of their lives.
She prides herself on being unstoppable and lives by the motto of never give up, never give in, never quit. Being this energy has inspired many of her clients, staff, fellow seekers, and friends to aim higher and make greater choices.
Nirmada will be facilitating Access Consciousness™ and business classes around the world starting in March 2020, hosts two podcasts: The Economy of Consciousness and The Pragmatics of Creation, and has a thriving private facilitation practice. Through these classes, inspiring conversations, and other offerings she invites you to discover your true capacities so you can lead a happy and successful life.
What if you are capable of being and creating more than you have ever imagined? Would you be willing to find out?
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#NirmadaKaufman #PragmaticsOfCreation #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Dr. Adriana Popescu – Freeing Yourself From Perfectionism!
Aired Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
Do you realize you already have everything you require and are enough right now? Exactly the way you are and exactly the way you are not. There is nothing you need to do to earn your way to the top. There is nothing you need to be different. Your difference is actually one of your greatest gifts. There is no one else on the planet like you.
What if I told you the value of you had nothing to do with what you do, or who you’re with, or how much money you have or don’t have? Would you believe me?
The Value of you is not how much you give to others or how much acknowledgement you can get for good deeds. It has nothing to do with how much you judge yourself for what you have and have not done in your life. You are not a better person when you make yourself wrong for all the trash you haven’t picked up or recycled. Your value has nothing to do with being a good dad or a benevolent leader. The value of you is with you and has been all along. It’s just you.
The true value of you is just you being you. With all your quirks, idiosyncrasies, the good the bad the ugly. You don’t have to be someone who saves the world or does a bunch of things to change it. You can just be the person being totally you as you walk down the street. Some people may see you. A lot of them won’t. It doesn’t really matter. Because the real value of you is just being who you are. Without apology, without excuse, without trying to prove you’re something you’re not.
You don’t have to be the perfect yogi and meditate every day of your life to get there. You don’t even have to sit on a park bench for 7 years to get it. All you have to do is make the choice to be all of you and value yourself and what a invitation to the rest of the world that could be.
Wednesday February 5, 2020 at 1pm PT/4pm ET I will be talking with Dr. Adriana Popescu about ‘Freeing Yourself From Perfectionism!’
Would you like to ask us some questions? Call us LIVE at +1 202-570-7057!
Dr. Adriana Popescu is a licensed clinical psychologist, addiction specialist and empowerment coach with over 25 years of experience in the mental health field. She is also a certified hypnotherapist, Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) Practitioner, having discovered that Energy Psychology provides incredibly powerful tools to identify and eliminate the deep-rooted causes of suffering and distress. She loves to empower people to overcome their perceived limitations, release their self-judgments, and discover the brilliance within – creating a life of infinite possibilities.
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#DrAdrianaPopescu #Perfectionism #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Wendy Mulder – Leading Through Unexpected Grief
Aired Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
Did you know that in this reality it’s appropriate to grieve and and in some cultures even expected?
There are some places that you are required to wear black and grieve for two years if you lose your husband. Oh boy!
Rarely are we taught to celebrate loss.
Rarely are we encouraged to see the gift in something that may be hard but is creating something greater than we could ever imagine.
When my step dad died it was a very very sad day for us all.Wendy-Mulder_Outside-the-Impossible_OMTimes-Radio And yet there were so many unexpected gifts that came from that.
People coming together in ways they hadn’t in a long time.
Family laying down their differences and hugging each other even if just for the day.
People acknowledging what a contribution he was in their life. Truthfully, he was one of the kindest men I have ever had the privilege to know.
Not to mention all the possibilities that opened up for my mom.
Do we miss him. Of course!
Is our life better because we knew him. Absolutely!
And have our lives opened up even more in his passing. I can honestly say yes there was gifts in that too.
What if the universe is always conspiring for you never against you, even if you can’t see how?
Join Wendy Mulder and I LIVE on OmTimes Wednesday January 29 at 1pm PT in the USA and Thursday the 30 at 7am AEST in Australia!
Would you like to talk to us? Call us live at +1 202-570-7057 !
Thank you for listening!
A message from Wendy
We all have a story of grief or loss. The difference is that I believe we can use our story to create change in the world or we can use it against ourselves.
I was raped at a very young age and I decided the best way to live from that time on was to not be seen or heard. I literally stopped speaking and removed myself from the world in many ways. I suppressed the trauma and tried to just move forward, but as I got older it started impacting my life, most overtly in the form of debilitating migraines which began when I was 5 years old.
For many years I lost a lot of myself and went into the of wrongness of me. It was not one of my best choices and interestingly enough, the only person I was hurting was myself by not willing to be present or vulnerable with myself. Vulnerability with self is never putting up a barrier to everything you are and seeing the good, bad and ugly of you – and never judging any part of it.
I realised I had spent a lot of my life trying to prove how good I was whilst believing underneath that I was actually bad and wrong. Cute but not bright! That has now changed dynamically. I am so grateful for the tools, processes and information from Access Consciousness® which is all about empowering you to be more of you!
My adventure with Access Consciousness® began with Access Consciousness The Bars. You can find out more about Access Bars® here. It was the beginning of dynamic change (and the elimination of my migraines forever!) in every aspect of my life, particularly that of grief and trauma. I realise now that grief is an area that a lot of people don’t like to talk about because it is seen as sad, heavy and so significant in this reality. My point of view about grief is, ‘What if we could see grief from a space of allowance, question, and possibility?’ If grief was a gift, what choices could it offer you and what changes could those choices bring?
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
#Grief #UnexpectedGrief #WendyMulder #OutsideTheImpossible #VenusCastleberg -
Viv Adcock – Out-creating Under-earning
Aired Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
Have you ever thought about overwhelm and impossibly?
Did you realize they are both an illusion?
Let’s look at Overwhelm first.
Have you ever been so busy you didn’t know how you could add in one more thing and then you added one more thing, and lo and behold you were able to do that too?
A lot of people believe that they don’t have enough time to accomplish the things that they desire.
Or they believe they don’t have enough resources to purchase the things that they need.
There’s often this undercurrent that it’s not possible to have, be and do it all.
What if that was a lie that we tell ourselves to keep ourselves small and playing the safe game?
We just can’t handle it all.
If you think that you can’t do something or add something, you’re right you can’t.
However, the opposite is true too.
If you believe you can do anything you can.
And sometimes you surprise yourself too.
You could even out-create under earning!
Do you realize you are far more capable than you’ve ever given yourself credit for and far more able to do things that you’ve never imagined?
Join Viv Adcock & I LIVE on OmTimes Wednesday the 22nd in the USA and Thursday the 23rd in Australia!
You can even call 202-570-7057 and ask us questions! How does it get any better than that?
About Viv Adcock
What if you stopped trying to fix what you have decided is wrong about you and instead headed in the direction of what’s right about you… would that change your life?
Have you always known there has to be more available? What if the purpose of life was to have FUN?
For many years I wrestled with feeling I was not good enough, that there was something inherently wrong with me; no matter how much I gave, how much I did or how much success I had. I judged ceaselessly that I was never enough. With this point of view about me so engrained, I created abusive friendships and relationships, where I swung between giving myself up for them and then fighting to have me. Sound familiar?
I knew there had to be more to life than what I was currently having, so I learnt and became involved with a vast array of natural therapies for over 20 years and searched and experimented with many modalities and philosophies, in the vain hope they would “fix me”. None of them did.
My true nature is that I am a ‘Possibilitarian’ – a seeker who does not give up, despite my crappy choices. And that is when Access Consciousness™showed up in my life…
I discovered Access Bars®, received a session and EVERYTHING changed. Nothing up until that point came close to the ease, lightness and fun that I experienced once I started using the tools of Access Consciousness.
These days I apply the Access tools to all my clinic sessions and have been stunned by the rapidity and immediate change this allows for my clients. It is truly empowering them to choose for themselves. Their knowing and other hidden talents surface, they are happier and at ease with who they are instead of constantly looking at the wrongness of themselves. The magic starts to show up the more they use the tools…
Now I travel the world facilitating a plethora of classes – Money Isn’t The Problem You Are, Salon Des Femmes, Talk To The Animals, Prosperity Consciousness, Being You Adventures and the Core Classes of Access (Bars and Foundation). I’m driven by my insatiable desire to share the tools, scatter seeds of possibilities and empower people to know that they know.
I dare you to repeat this mantra 10 times… All of life comes to me with Ease, Joy & Glory.
How does it get any better than that?
Visit the Outside the Impossible show page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/outside-the-impossible/
Connect with Venus Castleberg at https://venuscastleberg.com/
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