Welcome to Heavyweight where the podcast might get heavy
Королевские НеКорги - первый и пока единственный комедийный подкаст о БКС (Британской Королевской Семье) на русском. Катя - независимый критик и Оля - эксперт, давший присягу Королеве, обсуждают новости зарубежных изданий и рунета о БКС. С юмором анализируют, интригуют и расследуют последние инфоповоды и интересные эпизоды новейшей королевской истории.
Подписывайтесь на наши сотсети - @Korolevskie_Nekorgi. Мы всегда рады вашим сообщениям!
Hi there, its Alireza
join me for a cup of tea and a podcast! -
This podcast will be based on our life experiences, topics about issues, things, & ideas going on in the world.
Два падлеткі спрабуюць прыняць складаную рэальнасьць, якая звалілася на ўсіх нас. Даша і Ўладзь вучыліся ў адным ліцэі, а потым разам паступілі ў Маскву. А яшчэ ў лютым 2022 года яны пачалі размаўляць на роднай мове. Даша займаецца кампутарнымі навукамі і жыве ў Менску, а Ўладзь вывучае Media Studies і жыве ў Нямеччыне. У падкасьце яны гавораць пра тэмы, якія хвалююць іх і многіх іншых беларусаў. Як сепаравацца ад бацькоў і пабудаваць адносіны, у якіх ня будзеш пакутаваць? Што такое сузалежнасьць? Як знайсьці якаснага псыхоляга? Уладзь і Даша спрабуюць даць адказы на гэтыя складаныя пытаньні і не баяцца пачаць размаўляць па-беларуску
Наш Інстаграм:
Калі вы хочаце нас падтрымаць: альбо
How to get along with those who turn us on, especially if English is not our native language.
Elena and Lena have had flirt and relationships in English many times – and each time it was a linguistic adventure. And school and courses hadn't prepared them for it!
The girls have decided to fix it. They invited Mr. Brett: an English teacher from Minnesota. Now they are learning how to flirt and talk about relationships in English. And they are telling their own awkward, funny, and juicy stories along. -
Random episodes! Random guests! Enjoy.
"That's My Time Podcast" is a blend of wisdom and insights, laced with uncontrollable comedy, as our guests share their unique and inspiring stories, helping our listeners see and navigate life through the lessons and experiences from our guests. We delve into serious conversations with comedians, artists, writers, managers, friends, and generally funny people. The podcast assists listeners in navigating through life by gleaning insights from our guests' unique experiences."Where serious meets funny."For feedback or inquiries, please email us at [email protected] Support this podcast:
music, life, news and a good time.
Typical conversations with the Sandino sisters
Polski Młyn to format kanału internetowego o tematyce rozrywkowej. Cieszący się sporą popularnością program powraca po dwuletniej przerwie by raz jeszcze ożywić dyskusję o aktualnych problemach związanych z esportem, grami komputerowymi oraz streamingiem.
Music, Entertainment And Lifestyle Reviews
Thick & Thin have been best friends all of their lives. Join them weekly to hear about their lives and other fun stories from guests.
Her we go !!! Und go in diesem potcast geht es darum wie ein Tüp Goblins Jagt und in schwirkeiten geret. DIENT REIN ZUR UNTERHALTUNG.
Rozmowy po godzinach Ciężko Powiedzieć Podcast.
Realizacja: Studio Bez Echa -
Die drei Freunde aus Bielefeld treffen sich regelmässig zum quatschen. @Abfahrt_A2 - Ein Podcast mit Themen aus dem Leben.
An jedem dritten Freitag im Monat, ist eine drei Fragezeichen Nachbesprechung - "die dritte Abfahrt" (mittlerweile auch als eigener Podcast - -
Earths finest retards