
  • 👉 Claim your Challenge Secrets goodies from Pedro here: https://challengesecrets.com/eric

    👉 Don't forget to sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist: https://surveydetective.io

    If you're not doing any challenges as part of your marketing strategy, then you're leaving a massive amount of money on the table.

    That's what I realized during this episode with the marketing genius Pedro Adao.

    Pedro Adao, aka The Challenge King, is the brains behind online challenges. He has helped big names in the industry, like Russell Brunson and Dean Graziosi scale up their businesses using the challenge model.

    With the challenge model, he makes eight figures yearly with zero high-ticket offers and zero sales team and has gained over 41K customers and 300K email subscribers for the past three years, all through the back of challenges.

    I could listen to him all day as he talked about challenges, but today he has dropped some value bombs that I think would really help you scale your business.

    In today's episode, Pedro and I talk about…

    - Why are challenges so effective?

    - Paid vs. free challenges

    - How to pull off an effective challenge?

    - and a whole lot more

    If you want to crush your next challenge or learn more about selling effectively and building a profitable business from challenges, then make sure to tune in. You don't want to miss this one!

    Let's dive in!


    Key Takeaways:

    Introduction (00:00)Meet Pedro (01:00)What is a challenge, and why is it effective? (07:50)Paid vs. free challenge (18:09)How long should a challenge be? (31:19)What does a 5-day challenge look like? (33:40)Selling your core offer during the challenge (38:19)What's the takeaway after the 5-day challenge?? (40:29)How to pull off a good challenge? (43:11)On free giveaways and swags (44:08)Episode wrap-up (45:36)


    Additional Resources:

    - Claim your Challenge Secrets goodies from Pedro here: challengesecrets.com/eric

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric:

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • 👉 Sign up for the 5-day FREE challenge at http://buildmybiz.io and claim your BONUSES from us at http://buildyourbiz.io

    👉 Don't forget to sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist: https://surveydetective.io


    Guys, it's happening! My mentor and good friend Russell Brunson of ClickFunnels and other big names in the industry are doing a 5-day FREE challenge where we show you how to launch your idea into a business step-by-step.

    And this works even if you don't have tech skills, don't know what ClickFunnel is, or don't have a product at all!

    Once you sign up for the free challenge at http://buildmybiz.io, you'll get a 30-day ClickFunnels trial for FREE. While you're at it, you'll have experts like Dean Graziosi, Daymond John, Grant Cardone, Jenna Kutcher, and a whole bunch of others teach you their expertise.

    And it gets better than that!

    I've partnered with the amazing "Music Hustler" and ad expert Kristine Mirelle, and we're throwing away our own BONUSES at http://buildyourbiz.io.

    If you sign up and upgrade to VIP through our link, you'll have Kristine and me as your coaches, and we'll teach you many things every day until you launch your business, including the biggest roadblock in every business - traffic generation.

    Yep, we'll teach you how to drive traffic to your offer and turn those visitors into paying customers!

    So, whether you're an entrepreneur who wants to scale things up or a newbie who wants to quit their job and start a business, this one is for you. Make sure to tune in to this episode for full details!

    Let's get started!


    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)The 5-Day free challenge with Russell Brunson (01:03)ClickFunnels 2.0 launch (02:45)Let these experts teach you (04:07)Kristine Mirelle and I will be your coaches (08:07)What you'll get when you sign up with us? (09:08)How Kristine and I can help you? (11:47)A peek at buildyourbiz.io (14:59)Final thoughts (17:38)


    Additional Resources:

    - Join Russell Brunson’s 5-day FREE challenge to launch your business here

    - Claim your $39,119 worth of FREE bonuses from us here

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

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  • How badly do you want a business? Can you build a business with nothing?

    Then let me demonstrate in today's episode of the Performance Marketer that you CAN build a very profitable business even if you have nothing.

    Friends, that's the beauty in today's world. 'Coz, you can do business with just about anything by leveraging someone's company and calling it yours.

    Of course, you have to have an agreement with the business owner you want to partner with. And that's just what I did with my fantastic friend Ryan Helms, founder and CEO of Legacy Media.

    Ryan is scaling up his podcast agency business by offering quality short-form content to his target market. However, to fast-track his process, I'm gonna promote his service while adding value to it and package it as mine so I can scale up the pricing.

    To better explain how things work for this setup, tune in and watch the full episode as I discuss…

    - how to add more value to someone's business

    - how to generate leads

    - an effective segmentation process

    - scaling up a podcast business strategy

    - and so much more

    If you're thinking about starting a business but don't have anything, to begin with, this episode could just be what you're looking for.

    Let's get started!


    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Making money from short-form content (01:00)This is what I do with leads (04:19)How to be an agency and create content (10:06)Leveraging Russell Brunson's #1 advice (12:02)The segmentation process (13:19)Scaling a podcast agency through certification (16:26)Episode wrap-up (21:05)


    Additional Resources:

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Is your sales funnel converting well? Or are you leaving tons of money off the table?

    Well, you’re just one of the many who only convert 3% of their webinar registrants. But what about the 97%?

    Whatever your answer is, even Russell Brunson of ClickFunnels was convinced right off the bat that FunnelHub is the next big thing - that it should be a part of ClickFunnels 2.0.

    And that’s what we’re going to talk about today.

    Joining me in today's episode of Performance Marketer are two of my good friends, Mike Schmidt & AJ Rivera.

    Mike and AJ started a web design and digital marketing agency in 2003, which then evolved into the making of FunnelHub.

    FunnelHub is a system for funnel-driven businesses and local businesses.

    Its number one job is to accept traffic from sales funnel visitors' searches and refer those visitors back into the proper funnel. It guides your potential customers into places where they need to be regardless of where they're at in their buying cycle.

    So, in today's episode, we're going to talk about…

    - How FunnelHub started

    - What is FunnelHub

    - FunnelHub integration in ClickFunnels 2.0

    - Success stories

    - and a whole lot more

    Whether you're already a sales funnel pro or looking into building your first funnel to grow your business, make sure to tune in and learn how FunnelHub works and why you need one.

    Let's get started!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Meet Mike and AJ (01:06)From agency owners to FunnelHub builders (03:14)What is a FunnelHub? (08:44)FunnelHub's structure (11:43)Success stories with FunnelHub (18:32)FunnelHub in ClickFunnels 2.0 (21:36)Teaching agencies about FunnelHub (28:26)Episode wrap-up (32:47)

    Additional Resources:

    - Check out agencycoach.com/beer for goodies you don’t want to miss!

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Are you a talented artist dreaming of making a living using your passion for music?

    Then today's episode could be a life-changing one for you.

    Joining me in today's episode of the Performance Marketer is the founder of Music Hustler, Kristine Mirelle.

    Kristine is graciously sharing with us how she went from being a starving to a professional musician turned multi-million dollar business owner.

    Like most aspiring singers, landing a record deal is the primary goal if you want to get into this competitive industry.

    But in today's generation, you don't only get into it through pure talent. Most of the time, having an entrepreneurial spirit does help you to move the needle.

    And no one knows that better than Kristine.

    She built Music Hustler to help independent artists get their breakthroughs even if they didn't sign with any record labels or have a huge fan base.

    So in today's episode of the Performance Marketer, we're going to talk about...

    - Kristine's life journey (from being homeless to managing her own business)

    - how she grew her business using ads

    - marketing strategies using Survey Detective

    - and a lot more

    And she will prove to us that you can make more than just decent money with your musical talent.

    If you think this is something that would inspire you to take action, then make sure to tune in to today's episode.

    Let's dive right in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Meet Kristine Mirelle (01:10)How to take your passion into a business (02:27)Music Hustler's value ladder (10:00)"The ad is equally as important as the offer." (13:06)Which is better - video or static ads? (16:00)Good enough is better than perfect (24:33)You have to have thick skin (29:06)Music Hustler and Survey Detective's collaboration (39:45)Episode wrap-up (52:06)

    Additional Resources:

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Photographers can't make decent money and live a good life at the same time.

    Well, that's already a thing of the past!

    Joining me in today's episode of Performance Marketer are two of my friends, Sarah and Erin.

    Sarah and Erin had done remarkable things even before the internet became a thing. And they are here to generously share with us how they built a thriving photography business while caring for their family and living a well-balanced life.

    They're the living proof that between having a life and money, you don't necessarily have to pick one; you can have both!

    And in today's episode of Performance Marketer, we'll talk about

    - the process of creating a high-ticket coaching program

    - challenges of running a photography business

    - how to scale up a photography business

    - and a whole lot more…

    If you love to take pictures and turn them into a profitable business, or if you already have a photography business and are wondering how you can get consistent bookings while having a life, then this one is for you. Make sure to tune in to today's episode!

    Let's dive right in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Meet Sarah and Erin (03:20)From a corporate job to being her own boss (07:29)You can have a life and make money (12:23)How it all started - 150k on its 1st week (14:58)Creating a high-ticket coaching program (23:36)Challenges of running a photography business (38:58)How to scale a photography business (45:33)Serving your clients better (47:28)Episode wrap-up (59:41)

    Additional Resources:

    - Grow your photography business using these resources from Joy of Marketing here

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Building a business that makes millions of dollars doesn't mean giving up happiness.

    Contrary to popular belief, you can earn money while having fun at the same time. That's one of the few things we'll get to learn from our amazing guest for today - Liz Benny.

    Liz is a life and business coach, and she helps entrepreneurs and business owners grow their businesses exponentially while living their best lives through her signature KAPOW method.

    So, in today's episode with Liz Benny, we'll talk about..

    - Liz Benny's journey (from working in the corporate world to building her own business)

    - how to find happiness in what you do while making money

    - Liz's unique human superpowers

    - and so much more…

    If you need a light-hearted talk for inspiration or if you're looking for someone who can help you with your entrepreneurial journey, make sure to tune in to today's episode of Performance Marketer!

    Let's dive right in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Meet Liz Benny - The Queen of Kapow (01:00)Making money while serving a bigger purpose (08:52)Liz's rare-to-find coaching style (14:41)There's a business in just about anything (21:34)Business is mostly a head game (27:43)You don't have to convince people (31:47)From being one of ClickFunnels' faces to The Queen of Kapow (34:26)Liz Benny's amazing superpowers (45:01)Episode wrap-up (53:43)

    Additional Resources:

    - Level up your business using Liz’s entire course bundle offer here

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Hey Performance Marketers,

    What comes to your mind when you hear this Dan Kennedy quote (which was also quoted by Russell Brunson) - "Whoever pays the most to acquire a customer wins"?

    I know many people have misunderstood this, so I want to dive deeper into this subject with simple Math while also sharing with you some valuable arbitrage strategies you can use.

    Remember, though, that there are a lot of variables to consider before you decide to pay more for acquiring a customer and before even Google would award you with relevant traffic.

    In today's episode, I'll talk about…

    - cost per click vs. revenue per click

    - how can you afford to pay more for acquiring leads

    - how Google makes money from ads

    - how do you become the most valuable offer to them

    - and more….

    Tune in now as we dive deeper into the numbers with these arbitrage strategies and the absolute truth behind the saying - "whoever pays the most to acquire a customer wins."

    So let's waste no time and dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)What's your revenue per click - explained (02:06)How Google makes money from ads (08:26)How can you afford to pay more (17:26)Example of pay-per-click strategy (22:29)Increasing the value of your offer (26:43)How to figure out the value per click (31:01)Episode wrap-up (34:50)

    Additional Resources:

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • I was building a survey for somebody in Survey Detective, and I asked them what their elevator pitch was. Surprisingly, they didn't know and had to sit down and think about it.

    For those who are building or still planning on building a business, I highly recommend that you start coming up with your elevator pitch first. From there, you'll get a good hold on your business.

    Coming up with an elevator pitch should be built using the four Ws. And once you've defined all four of those, it'll be easier to determine everything you need to get going.

    So, tune in now as I share the four building blocks of a killer elevator pitch and some examples you can mirror.

    You don't want to miss this one!

    Let's dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)What's an elevator pitch? (01:11)The 4 Ws in a winning elevator pitch (01:54)Elevator pitch example #1 (03:55)Elevator pitch example #2 (04:27)Elevator pitch example #3 (05:03)

    Additional Resources:

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Tune in for this episode and find out honest answers to the most frequently asked questions that every beginner has about affiliate marketing.
    👉 Don’t forget to sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist: https://surveydetective.io

    Luckily, you don’t have to earn a Harvard degree to be an affiliate marketer. Some of the best affiliate marketers I’ve known were street savvy, hustlers, and socially skilled. And they were all once like you - a beginner!

    If this is your first time here, I’ve been doing an affiliate marketing series for the past few weeks. Today's episode wraps up what every beginner affiliate marketer should know.

    So, I’ve compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions about affiliate marketing that you guys have sent to me. And if you know me by now, I only give honest answers to your questions.

    Whether you already know what affiliate marketing is or are a complete newbie, make sure to tune in to today's episode. You don't want to miss this one!

    Let’s dive right in!


    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)It's a hustle business (01:11)How do you get people to promote an offer that they already know about? (03:14)How do you become an affiliate marketer? (05:28)What do you need to do to be able to do it full-time? (06:54)Is affiliate marketing easy? (08:27)How do affiliates get paid? (12:05)What is a Collected Revenue payment structure? (13:19)How do you find affiliate sites? (15:52)How much can a beginner make in affiliate marketing? (17:24)What makes YouTube an amazing publisher? (20:22)

    Additional Resources:

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)

    - Sign up for the One Funnel Away Challenge

    - Sign up for a FREE ClickFunnels Trial

    - Master evergreen traffic strategies with Russell Brunson's FREE copy of the Traffic Secrets book

    - Convert your audience into lifelong customers with Russell Brunson's FREE copy of the Expert Secrets book

    - Grow your company online using sales funnels with Russell Brunson's FREE copy of the DotCom Secrets book


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Hey, Performance Marketers!

    I'm back with another affiliate marketing episode, but we're diving in a little deeper this time. Last week, we talked about how to start an affiliate marketing business and scale it up, and this time we'll look at how affiliate marketing really works.

    You think that getting involved in affiliate marketing; you have to have a big audience. That would be great, but you can be in this lucrative business without the following. How? I'm going to explain that to you in this episode.

    Tune in to this episode and discover:

    - how to start in affiliate marketing even without the following

    - how to let other people find your "who"

    - how to make a deal with affiliate managers and publishers to grow your business

    Once you get it running, you can do it again and again with other offers - many of them have yet to be discovered.

    So, let's dive in and see how successful affiliate marketing works!


    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)How do you get started in affiliate marketing (02:12)What is publisher ID, and how does it work (04:45)Let others find your "who" and promote your affiliate link (05:47)Different ways you can promote your affiliate offer (12:10)How Ebates operate as a "glorified affiliate" (12:51)Affiliate managers and publishers and their role in affiliate marketing (16:21)Why you should diversify your offers and distributions (17:53)

    Additional Resources:

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • You've probably heard about affiliate marketing a dozen times. But have you ever thought about how it can massively change your business? If done right, you can scale your business quickly using affiliate marketing, even if you don't have that big following.

    How does a few $1,000 a day sound to you?

    And as a performance marketer driven by results, you can make serious money with affiliate marketing without answering to anybody. You get to do this with as many companies as you want, whenever and wherever, using the internet's power. The trick here is to make it work one time. And once you do that, the rest will follow.

    Are you excited to dive into the world of affiliate marketing? Make sure to tune in for this week’s episode and discover:

    - What are affiliate marketing and the Dream 100

    - How can you build and scale your business with affiliate marketing

    - How to generate a few $1000 a day with affiliate marketing

    You don't want to miss this one!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)ClickFunnel's Dream 100 Strategy (03:48)What is affiliate marketing (10:58)Is Dream 100 different from affiliate marketing? (11:25)The role of Facebook as a Dream 100 publisher (12:58)A personal example of affiliate marketing (14:21)How to nurture a lead and make them buy a product or service (16:36)Identifying the different kinds of leads you're getting (17:42)How to make money with affiliate marketing (22:33)

    Additional Resources:

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Sign up for the Time To Thrive Challenge today!

    Today, on a very special episode of Performance Marketer, I’m joined by none other than Dean Graziosi!

    I’m so happy to welcome Dean for his second time on the show.

    As many of you remember, last year, he stopped by to talk about the Knowledge Broker Blueprint.

    This year, he’s teaming up with the great Tony Robbins once again to bring us a FREE 5-day challenge!

    Together, they’ve been at the forefront of the knowledge industry revolution, providing people with tools and strategies crucial for making money online by sharing their unique skill sets with the world.

    The past year has been tough on many, and people all over the world are feeling uncertain about their future.

    But the thing is, no matter how rough things get, we still need to be the ones in charge of our own destiny.

    Above all else, we need to own our future.

    Key Takeaways:

    The latest updates from the knowledge industry and current trends (1:06)How has COVID-19 affected the knowledge industry? (3:52)People are starting to understand the power of specialized knowledge (5:22)Knowledge is our greatest asset (7:29)How Tony Robbins inspired Dean Graziosi’s career (9:57)Why this is the biggest opportunity in business right now - and EVERYBODY can join (11:44)How many niches are there in the online knowledge industry? (13:34)Why are Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi leading the movement? (16:56)What is the Own Your Future Challenge all about? (20:20)

    Additional Resources:

    FREE Sign up for the Time to Thrive Challenge: Click Here


    Connect with Eric!

    Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.comFollow Eric on Instagram: http://bit.ly/ericbeerinstaSubscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2Uv1e8M


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven't already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!


    I am an independent Mind Mint, LLC affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from Mind Mint, LLC. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of Mastermind.com or its parent company, Mind Mint, LLC.

  • How are you doing in today’s economic challenge? Are you finding ways to thrive? Or are you just sitting there and looking at how things would unfold? What if I told you that you have what you need to succeed in today’s crisis?

    If you’re struggling with how to cope with today’s economic wintertime, then let me introduce you to a fantastic person who once made an impact on my life. He’s here on the Performance Marketer podcast to drop some value bombs and invite you to a challenge that will forever change your life.

    Please welcome, one of the forerunners of self-education and a fantastic person, Dean Graziosi.

    Dean is here to invite you to a 5-Day Free Time to Thrive Challenge with Tony Robbins and other big names in the industry (and this could be the last time that they're doing this). This challenge will help you discover what you can share, gain new capabilities, take action, and thrive meaningfully.

    Tune in for this episode and discover:

    - what is the Time to Thrive Challenge, and what’s in it for you

    - how valuable your knowledge and experience are

    - the power of selling what you know and how to impact other people’s lives

    You don’t want to miss this one!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)The future of the self-education industry (01:44)What is Time to Thrive Challenge (02:48)Who should be coming to this challenge (06:10)What you will get when you join the Time to Thrive Challenge (12:06)How to package your knowledge, sell it, and impact someone’s life (20:26)The challenge to learn and take action (24:59)Eric’s personal experience with joining the challenge (26:10)

    Additional Resources:

    - Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins’ 5-day Free Time to Thrive Challenge

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Are you tired of working constantly and having nothing to show for it? Do you feel stuck with your financial situation, like you just can’t get ahead? Are you ready to take control of your financial future? Do you want your money to start working for you?

    Well, I cant help you with this.

    But I know somebody who definitely can!

    What’s more - that amazing person is here with us in today’s episode of Performance Marketer. You’ve probably had a chance to see her on TV. When the markets are crashing, or they are going really up, my guest is there to comment on the situation.

    Ladies and gentlemen, today I’m talking with Kiana Danial, aka Invest Diva.

    Her mission is to inspire others and help them create generational wealth while having time to spend with their families. She has a whole team of people who help moms, women, and entrepreneurs, in general, take their financial futures into their own hands.

    In this interview, Kiana shares some of her secrets, frameworks, and strategies to invest both in yourself and the markets.

    Tune in for this episode and find out:

    how she started her entrepreneurial journey after she hit rock bottom

    how you can start investing in your future even if you have only $100

    how she wrote a book in just two days

    You really don’t want to miss this one!

    Key Takeaways:

    Who is Kiana Danial - Invest Diva (00:00)You dont need a lot of money to start investing (02:21)How Kiana got fired from Wall Street & started her entrepreneurial journey (04:10)From $0 to Invest Diva & 3-step formula to reach the next level of income (09:54)Understanding your risk tolerance (13:27)Kiana’s investment strategy (20:08)What is Kiana doing now - programs, books, investments… (25:41)Who is Kiana allowing to work with her? (33:49)5-point Invest Diva Diamond Analysis (36:23)

    Additional Resources:

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Hey Performance Marketers,

    In today’s episode, I’m joined by someone I’m more than thrilled to have in my podcast. My guest is Brent Coppieters, a partner in ClickFunnels, who was blessed to be there and work with Russell Brunson from the very beginning.

    Brent is going to share his journey from the day he met Russell to these days. He’ll also reveal how they grew their billion-dollar business and what challenges they faced building such a giant in the sales, marketing, and lead gen world.

    If you have ever heard about Russell and ClickFunnels, then I don’t have to explain how much value you can get from someone who participated in building the company from scratch.

    So, tune in for this episode and find out:

    ✔️ how ClickFunnels has become this big

    ✔️ what values they foster

    ✔️ how they managed to gather so many ingenious people in one place


    ✔️ how YOU can make money as their affiliate and literally make Russell Brunson work for you.

    So, let’s waste no time.

    Jump in right now!

    Key Takeaways:

    Brent Coppieters of ClickFunnels - introduction (00:00)Brent’s background & how he started working with Russell Brunson (03:01)The power of online business (09:04)Brent’s family (11:42)How does ClickFunnels happen & what are they technically doing there? (15:54)How to make money with ClickFunnels’s affiliate program (25:26)ClickFunnels’s video cards (29:56)ClickFunnels’s journey - how did they grow? (32:11)The importance of being coachable (38:50)ClickFunnel’s community (41:22)Recap (47:22)

    Additional Resources:

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Hey Performance Marketers,

    I have a real treat for you today.

    My Insurance agent wanted to buy leads but didn't know how to structure a deal or figure out what he could pay for a lead. So I promised to explain this to him in a call that I would tape and share with my community b/c I knew it was going to be amazing.

    And it was!

    This is for all of you (no matter what kind of professional you are) asking, How do I know how much I can pay for a lead? You can apply the model I gave to my insurance agent to any other branch.

    Once you understand the numbers, you can compete with other media buyers and have hotter offers because you know what they don’t - your allowable per click / lead / sale or even booked meeting.

    So, tune in as I’m walking my insurance agent through the numbers and building a working model for him from scratch.

    You really don’t want to miss this one.

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Collecting information about potential clients (01:41)Survey - cemetery.com example (06:43)Why you need super high-quality leads (10:20)Calculating the value of a customer (12:36)Calculating other variables of the business before negotiating with a publisher (16:48)Traffic quality matters (22:00)Calculating allowable per lead / booked meeting / show up for a meeting (24:26)How to scale your business - most people don't know this (30:43)Would you pay me $750k for this? (38:29)

    Additional Resources:

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • When someone says they did a $1m in revenue, it doesn't mean they're taking home a million bucks.

    But if you ask business owners what their operational cost percentage, net margin percentage, or other significant numbers are, I'm almost confident 9 out of 10 probably couldn't answer your questions.

    I’m not sure why, but when I see all these entrepreneurs making such major mistakes in their business, that bothers me like crazy.

    So I decided to unpack some key stages and indicators you should know to avoid common mistakes people make when building a business.

    Tune in for this episode, as I’m analyzing indicators of 4 companies to clarify:

    ✔️ how to build your business

    ✔️ how to run your business

    ✔️ how to scale your business

    ✔️ why you have to know your numbers

    And one of the most important things:

    🔥 how to organize your business to live a good life in the process

    You don’t wanna miss this one!

    Let’s dive right in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Work ON vs. work IN your business (02:17)Building a business is like building a house (03:52)Growing your business - hiring a team (06:59)Know your numbers, don’t make this mistake (11:16)Scaling your business in numbers (16:49)The numbers need to work (23:25)Acquiring other companies (27:48)There's no secret sauce - you need to know these numbers (29:24)Make money work for you (33:02)How to operate the business more efficiently (37:10)

    Additional Resources:

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Hey Performance Marketers,

    Last time we started talking about the Groupon business model, and in this episode, I’m going to wrap up the topic!

    Today I’m focusing more on the company’s push marketing strategy and the way they’re generating their impressive revenue. I’m also playing with numbers, but this time really HUGE ones.

    You don’t believe me? What if I told you that Groupon is sending 15 billion messages a month through email, SMS, and apps. Yeap, 15 billion! Or think of this - we said that Groupon has 24 million active users. That means they might have a few billion emails in their database.

    Pretty impressive numbers, I say!

    If you join me for this episode, you’ll also find out 17 things that Groupon sees as the most important for their push pipeline programs.

    So, tune in and find out a ton of details you should be aware of when running an email campaign, which little thing can increase your revenue by as much as 800%, and even how to win free Mets tickets!

    Let’s dive in!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)How does Groupon generate all its revenue? (00:58)Most important things in email marketing (03:15)Importance of personalizing your messaging (04:50)17 most important things for any of Groupon’s push pipeline programs (05:54)Want to sell your business for $36m? Go follow this model! (13:50)Win free Mets tickets (15:58)

    Additional Resources:

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!

  • Hey, Performance Marketers!

    I have a treat for you today. It’s something you asked me to do. Actually, a few weeks back, I posted something about Groupon and their push marketing. I also said that I’d be glad to dive into the company if you wanted me to go further into the details.

    You said yes, and here I am! Today, we're going to look at the Groupon company. In addition to its revenues and marketing strategy, I'm going to give you a high-level view of its journey from 2001 (when it went public and IPOed for a big number - $12.7 billion!).

    As always, the best part (and the greatest value) of my presentation is the fact that if you understand this, you can put together a strategy for any business. Once you crack the code and figure out the numbers I’m explaining, you’ll be able to hack any company (private or public) you like.

    And you don’t have to be a genius for this. You'll be able to literally model what you know works!

    So, let’s dive in and see what works for Groupon!

    Key Takeaways:

    Intro (00:00)Public vs. private company (02:17)What does Groupon do? (03:16)Who does Groupon target? (07:16) Who does this work well for on the merchant side? (11:26)Let’s talk about Groupon’s numbers (15:49)What numbers really matter? (24:41)Modeling similar business - the value of the company (29:45)

    Additional Resources:

    - Eric Beer’s One Affiliate Offer Challenge

    - Sign up for the SurveyDetective VIP Waitlist (Coming Soon)


    Connect with Eric!

    - Join Eric’s Text Community: 917-636-1998

    - Eric’s website: https://ericbeer.com

    - Follow Eric on Instagram.

    - Subscribe to Eric’s YouTube Channel.


    Follow the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, TuneIn, or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.

    If you haven’t already, please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts!