
  • “What if you honored your flow, you honored what felt good and it unfolded better than you even imagined.”

    –Megan Seamans

    Need more ease? Human design shows you how your energy is designed to move with the most amount of ease. I’m so excited to talk to Life & Energy Coach Megan Seamans about Human Design and how you can use it to be the must “you” version of you.

    We start with the basics: the five Human Design types. Projectors are guides. Generators are doers. Manifesting generators are multi-passionate movers. Manifestors are bold disruptors. Megan gives examples of what all that looks like. Your type is one of the first things you look at when you have your chart done. (See link for how to get that done.)

    Beyond your type your chart shows you how you are designed to make decisions, where your opportunities come from, your strengths, and how your energy moves through your body — and more.

    We talk about: 

    How you make decisions and listening to your inner voiceGetting your chart done and where to start with itNoticing what’s worked for you in the pastGetting back into alignment when you feel stuckRecognizing old stories about who we are and adapting to a new way of understandingUnderstanding relationship dynamics through Human Design


    Megan Seamans is a certified Life & Energy Coach who helps big hearted humans create success without the stress of comfort zones, people pleasing, or burnout getting in the way. She teaches clients how to integrate their Human Design so they can balance out into life on purpose.

    After helping hundreds of humans around the globe, Megan’s been named the Clarity Queen as her coaching helps crystallize their vision into reality, with no overwhelm required. Centered on ease, she loves holding space for clients to get unstuck and finally live their extraordinary stories.




    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Change comes from action. 

    Sometimes action gets a bad rap. You can be kind to yourself. You can practice being AND doing, but for change to happen you have to take steps. The way we take care of ourselves is making the steps doable and focusing on one thing at a time. We take time to integrate the change and then move on to the next one. Pick a Doable Change that resonates with you the most to start from. 

    Here are three Doable changes that we chose from this conversation.

    GET YOUR HUMAN DESIGN CHART. The first step is to get your chart done. You can do this online. Identify your type, your authority, your profile and your channels. You don’t have to know what it all means, but start with knowing these pieces about yourself.EXPLORE ONE PART OF YOUR CHART. You don’t have to learn it all at once. You could read more about your type or your authority. Order a book, search online, or schedule a call with a Human Design specialist. Remember, your goal is to learn more about yourself — not get all the details of Human Design firm in your head.HOW CAN I LEAN...
  • My wish for you is that you find pockets of real deep rest and restoration and relaxation and growth this summer. It's what I'm doing too! On this episode I talk through some powerful things to get curious about — your future self bucket list, you "now" natural rhythms, using oracle cards, journaling (through art or writing or both). Listen in, and don't forget to download the activity guide at https://plansimple.com/summer.

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  • “You are going to be out of your comfort zone, so just embrace it.”

    –Leslie Danford

    Don’t see the product you want on the shelf? What if you create it? That’s what Leslie Danford did. She’s a nutrition junkie with a corporate background in beverages and consumer products. In 2020, when her job disappeared, she started fiddling and founded Vitaminis.

    One of the first things Leslie did was hire a babysitter. With four kids at home, she needed the dedicated time to do the work of starting and running the company. That gave her time to do interviews and play with ideas before investing more in a beverage formulator.

    Her initial product idea had to do with gut health, but she was launching during covid and what everyone wanted was something for immune health, so she started there. Her interviews — market research — helped her find the right product to lead with.

    We talk about: 

    how she moved in and out of corporate while she launched her businessmixing her passion for clean food with her professional experienceknowing when to call in help and how she found itsome of her yummy, healthy product optionsshifting from an online presence to retail sales and what that entailsthe growth outlook for her business


    Leslie Danford, founder and CEO of Vitaminis, a clean-label functional food and beverage brand. She has always been passionate about nutrition, but she is not a foodie. For her, it's like a math equation, and it's important to cover all of your nutritional bases. In 2020 she combined her personal interests with her formal business training to launch Vitaminis. Previously she worked in beverages and consumer products at large corporations. She earned her MBA from Harvard University and her BA from the University of Chicago.


    https://vitaminisbrand.com/Instagram @vitaminisbrand LinkedIn Leslie Danford


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is where change happens.

    Even though we want big change, it’s really little things done over and over that make the difference. So pick a doable thing. Put it in your calendar. Weave it through your days for a week and then move on to the next one. It will have a snowball effect.

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    GET CHILDCARE. If you have young kids at home, childcare, even a few hours a week, makes a difference in your business and even your selfcare. See what happens when you invest in a few hours (or more) for yourself.DO MARKET RESEARCH. Set up conversations with people you know or friends of friends or people in groups you are in who are potential customers. Ask them questions to help them see which of your ideas have legs. It may not be what you think, but when you respond to a real need, you have a stronger start. TAKE THE NEXT STEP. Sometimes things don’t work out. Instead of quitting, try taking a break. See if you get a new perspective. Take the next step, even if you are discouraged or not motivated. The next step, even if you aren’t sure about it, may move you in the right direction or help you see what you should do next.
  • I used to find that I would have a strong idea of what summer “should” feel like. Then there was the reality of juggling work, family and summer. This summer the I decided to think about it differently. This episode is a piece of that.

  • “People need tools to help them put together a plan to care for their loved one. They also need to get really good at asking for help.”

    –Sammie Stephens

    We’re not prepared to become the family caregiver for our parents. Yet so many of us are thrust into that role. How can we be more prepared? How do we handle this challenge?

    Sammie Stephens, an adult-geriatric nurse practitioner, who works with caretakers and has experienced that role herself, says it starts with conversations we aren’t good at having. Often these happen as a result of an event, like someone breaking a hip.

    Caretakers need to set boundaries around their time and what they can do, especially because they are often juggle so many other things, including children, businesses and more. But often, what they need first, is a plan. Sammie helps us navigate both in this conversation.

    We talk about: 

    what you need to have in place legally to be able to get medical information to advocate for your loved oneusing tools like CaringBridge to communicate what is going on and how people can helptaking care of your own health/body and using available resources so that the burden is not all on youplanning and budgeting for the cost of careadvance care planning and understanding what your loved one wantssetting boundaries, assessing needs, and building in self-care


    Sammie Stephens is an Adult-Geriatric Nurse Practitioner with over 20 years of experience in

    both the clinical and administrative side of healthcare. She has a Master of Science in Nursing from Walden University and a Bachelor of Business Administration from New Mexico State University. She is also a graduate of the Real Balance Global Wellness Coach training program.

    In 2015, Sammie established a health coaching program for a Level II Trauma hospital in

    Wyoming. The program aimed to improve health and decrease burnout risk for employees. The

    following year, she played a key role in developing an integrative health clinic at the same

    hospital. The clinic focused on helping community members reduce the risk of heart disease,

    diabetes, and stroke.

    More recently, she served as a Nurse Practitioner for seniors, providing compassionate care to

    patients in various locations including skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and

    private residences. In 2022, Sammie started Vivac Health to help family caregivers understand

    and navigate the healthcare system so their loved ones can get the care they need.



    Navigating Your Life and Caring for Aging Parents  with Courtney Nalty

    Unsharing with Kamini Woods


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Sometimes we don’t act because we’re emotionally stuck or because the change seems so huge. Change comes from action. Even a little shift can make a difference, especially when you keep making those micro shifts. 

    Choose one of these doable changes that piques your interest or resonates with where you are — and roll with it. 

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    DEFINE BOUNDARIES. Think about where you are in your life right now. What other responsibilities do you have? How is your own health?...
  • “Don't be afraid to ask for help, whether it's paid help or friendly help, ask for help.”

    –Courtney Nalty

    Are aging parents one of the things you’re balancing right now? Or maybe you see coming? So many people in FLOW365 are balancing caring for parents along with kids, their own health, their business ... and it’s hard. Courtney Nalty wants to make it easier.

    Courtney Nalty, is the founder of Generational Support and the creator of The Caregiver Toolbox, which helps people get ready for something a lot of us don’t want to think about — caring for our parents. We’ll talk about ways to prepare to make it more easeful — and things you can do if you are already in the thick of it.

    If you google aging in place on, you're going to be inundated with ideas and solutions. Getting advice from somebody who has done the research already, who can guide you, can smooth the way. Then a really important place to start is with what your parents want.

    We talk about: 

    How elder law attorneys can help you, having power of attorney before an emergency and having copies of the paperworkSafe house checks and medication managementStarting conversations about what your parents want by talking about what you would like later in lifeSpecific challenges related to a hospital dischargeKnowing who to talk to when it comes to bank accounts, stuff, homes, and moreDealing with dementia


    Courtney Nalty is a daughter, wife, and a mother of three. She gets the need to find time for everyone and give the best support to all. Courtney spent 11 years working in a retirement community in many different roles. She  also helped care for her father when he was fighting cancer. Courtney knows caregiving takes time, research, education, and even a little trial and error, and she’s here to make life easier for others navigating generational support in the 21st century. She’s the creator or The Caregiver Toolbox, which helps people gain knowledge and confidence while reducing stress in caring for a loved one. 


    https://generationalsupport.com/The Caregiver Toolbox


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Sometimes we don’t act because we’re emotionally stuck or because the change seems so huge. Change comes from action. Even a little shift can make a difference, especially when you keep making those micro shifts. 

    Choose one of these doable changes that piques your interest or resonates with where you are — and roll with it. 

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    START THE CONVERSATION. One of the first steps is finding out what your parents want. You can ask directly, but if your parents are reluctant to talk, try one of these techniques: Using a checklist or workbook — try just leaving it on the table and seeing if they start filling it in or talking — is one way to get started. Another entry to these conversations is talking about your own wishes for your late / end of life. Remember, this isn’t a one and done conversation.GET ORGANIZED. Do your parents have power of attorney, living wills, and final wills in place? Do you have copies of them or know how to access them? Do you know your parents’ accounts and passwords? Do you know their doctors, health conditions, medications? You don’t have to gather everything at once, but it can be helpful to start collecting this information if your
  • “Not only are you putting good into the world, but it feels good too.” –Jenn Klein

    Are you an overgiver? Women can get into a position of over giving or giving in a depleting way. How can we navigate giving in a better way? I’m talking with Jenn Klein about the benefits of generosity and volunteering — and how to make that a rewarding part of a busy life.

    We talk about the helper’s high and the health benefits of giving. We also look at volunteering as a couple or a family. Jenn reminds us that volunteering can be a form of self-care, a way to fill your cup, not drain it.

    We talk about: 

    The boomerang nature of givingWorking with organizations and being intentional about putting kindness into the worldGiving three ways — time, treasure, talent


    Jenn Klein is a world-class and highly respected nonprofit fundraiser, author of the book Giving Is Selfish, speaker, coach and a proud mother of two boys.

    For more than 18 years, Jenn has helped nonprofits grow through best fundraising practices and strategies. Jenn also coaches individuals to make healthy lifestyle choices, which, at their core, include giving to charity.

    Jenn is on a mission to share the benefits of generosity, not just for others but also for yourself and our world.


    Website: https://youareaphilanthropist.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_jennklein/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/youareaphilanthropist/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennkleincoach/


    Even though we want big change, it’s really little things done over and over that make the difference. So pick a doable thing. Put it in your calendar. Weave it through your days for a week and then move on to the next one. It will have a snowball effect.

    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is where change happens.

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    ASSESS HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT GIVING. Sometimes we get on a board or volunteer for an event and start to feel drained instead of filled. It might be the wrong work or the wrong time in your life. Get clear on how your volunteer hours make you feel — which things excite or energize you? Which do you dread? Knowing this can lead to change.DECIDE WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER. You can give your time, your talents, or your treasure. What do you have to offer? How can it serve a cause you feel passionate about?PUT KINDNESS INTO THE WORLD. Maybe this isn’t a time in your life when you have a lot of time to give. You can still put kindness into the world without a formal or ongoing volunteer gig. Offer smiles or compliments. Send a thank you note. Hold a door. Offer to help a neighbor with a task you see them struggling with. Try building a little more kindness into your day.
  • “You have to market twice as much as you think you do, which is why simplifying really is important.”

    –Christine McShane

    Tired of feeling frenzied and behind on marketing and sales? Copywriter and content marketing strategist Christine McShane is going to help us make a summer content plan so we can stay calm and sane all while connecting with and selling to our people.

    You don’t have to be an annoying telemarketer. You don’t have to send spammy emails. You do have to market your business. That starts with getting back to basics and getting really clear on who you serve, what they need, and how you help.

    You don’t have to do it all. You shouldn’t do it all — that’s a route to burn out. Christine suggests choosing three channels and explains how to choose based on your business model.

    We talk about: 

    What gets in our way when it comes to marketing and how to shift our mindsetDecision fatigue and how to make good decisions less oftenUnderstanding the seasons of your business and of your client businesses and how to scale back in the summerRepurposing popular contentNoticing what you open and like to read, thinking about what people want when you show up in their inboxWays to actually get it done.


    Christine McShane is a copywriter and content marketing strategist that believes just like great cooking, you’ll get the best results with simple and high quality ingredients.  If you’re a mission driven personal brand, marketing can feel exhausting or confusing. But the best part is that you’ll get the best results if you show up as yourself.  

    Christine creates content strategies for service based professionals and even writes the content for them. She also writes their website copy and sales funnel copy to have genuine and effective conversations with dream clients.


    christinemcshane.comPower of 3 Content Marketing training


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is how change happens.

    Often we feel like our actions have to be huge to match the bigness of our desires, but we have seen over and over and over again that the little things add up. By stacking up a series of Doable Changes, you will create that big change that you crave. Choose the one that really resonates with you this week and really make it part of your life. 

    Here are Three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    GET BACK TO BASICS. Ask yourself and get really clear on: What am I trying to accomplish in my business? Who am I trying to serve? Why am I different? How do I get in front of those people that I want to serve and show them how I'm different and show them how I can make their lives better, whether it's solving a pain point in their lives or bringing them some joy or helping them achieve a dream or a combination of the three.CHOOSE YOUR CHANNELS. Where will you show up? Choose three channels: email, podcast, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest, FB group or other networking space … You don’t have to be everywhere. Choose places you like to be. Choose places where your ideal clients or customers spend time.NOTICE WHAT YOU CONSUME. Which emails do you always open? What podcast do you never miss? Whose content do you love? While you will have your own topics, your own voice, and your own rhythm, you can learn from what engages you. It’s also a good reminder to help you get out of the mindset that people will get tired of hearing from you or that marketing is always
  • As you may have heard, May was my birthday month, and I have a habit of celebrating my birthday month. On this minisode, I talk through what happened, what did not, and what I learned along the way. May was nothing like what I planned, and it far exceeded my expectations!

  • “I get to be the creatrix, the creator, of my own life and my own experience.”

    –Sil Read

    Being human is a hero’s journey. Are you ready for yours? I’m so excited for this conversation with my mentor Sil Read in this special birthday episode about stepping into the next part of your life.

    What is it about midlife? Life is a constant cycle of death and rebirth, and midlife is more intense because you've got the time element. You realize it isn’t infinite. Other parts of your life may be changing.

    For you to rebirth yourself — and you get to be the creatrix of your life — some part of you has to die. You can choose to slow down time and honor the transitions and the change.

    We talk about: 

    The power of retreatsShowing up with crone wisdom and beginner’s mindHolding oppositesStages of maiden, mother, crone, and being with the wisdom of the crone even if we aren’t there yetTrusting the process and that a new life will welcome you outside of the chrysalisWhat we can discover from symbols and archetypes


    Sil Read is a mother, author, teacher, and a coach for women. She is proud to call herself an elder. Sil brings 40-years of experience working with women to her coaching and teaching: experience as a nurse practitioner, psychotherapist, and workshop leader. 

    Sil graduated from Brown University where she majored in Women's Studies. She studied with the renowned Jungian author and analyst Marion Woodman for two decades and graduated from Woodman's BodySoul Rhythms training in dreamwork, archetypal psychology, and the art and science of listening to the wisdom of the body. Sil loves guiding women in reclaiming rejected parts of themselves, so that they can experience their wholeness and, therefore, a more conscious and authentically lived life.


    Sil’s Site: https://www.silread.com/

    On the PlanSimple Podcast: 

    From the Inside Out with Sil ReynoldsMothering with Sil Reynolds The Heroine’s Journey with Kristin Hanggi


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is where change happens. 

    But here's the thing: when we have a goal, a wish, a desire bubbling up in us, it can feel really huge. Sometimes we stop ourselves in our tracks based on how huge our desire feels. Change needs action, but it doesn't need huge action. When we focus on the next step, the next Doable Change that we can integrate into our lives, we don’t get stuck and we create momentum. 

    Choose one Doable Change that resonates with you today and really play with it. Fit it into your life, your days, make it work for you — then move on to your next Doable Change. 

    Here are Three Doable Changes from this conversation: 

    HOLD OPPOSITES. You can hold an inner or outer conflict quietly instead of trying to resolve it quickly. Start by asking yourself: What opposites am I holding today? Holding that conflict can help birth the new. Start with identifying your opposites...
  • “Part of my mission is to teach women business owners that it's so empowering to be able to look at and know your numbers.” –Sara Fins

    Not a numbers person? Uncomfortable with money? Let’s make it easier and something you actually do. I'm really excited to talk with Sara Fins, a financial coach and retired CPA. She has experience as an accountant in corporate and gets the needs of entrepreneurs from a decade of running her own health coaching practice. 

    So many of us are triggered by financial things because of money stories we picked up when we were younger. Sara explains how to use triggers to help us actually take action around our financial lives.

    We talk about how to really keep it simple while getting more comfortable with money. If you’d like less of a panic and scramble at tax time, if you’d like more confidence about your financial situation, and to actually start attracting more money, this conversation is for you.

    We talk about: 

    Having a financial accountability buddyStarting by paying attention and actually looking at what’s coming in and out of your businessWhy having separate accounts for business saves you time and headacheCreating a good-better-best money plan Making a habit of paying yourself — even in the beginningCreating your own financial checklist — where to check when you track revenue or expenses


    Sara Fins is an expert Financial and Certified Health Coach and retired CPA who spent over a decade as an accountant in the corporate world and a decade running her own health coaching practice. Now she blends her accounting background and entrepreneurial experience to help other solopreneurs manage and master their business finances with ease.

    Through her private coaching programs, workshops, and her signature course, “Easy Business Bookkeeping,” Sara helps small business owners feel confident managing their business finances so they can save time, stress less and keep more of the money that they earn.

    When Sara isn’t working with clients, you’ll find her hanging out with friends and family or curling up with a good book in her Long Island, New York home. She loves to travel and see the world and her favorite place to relax and recharge is at the beach.




    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Change comes from action. 

    Doable changes are things that you can add into your life, one at a time to make micro shifts and really create a ripple effect that will create a big change over time. Choose one that really piques your interest and roll with it. 

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    PLAN A MONEY DATE. Pick a regular time to look at your accounts. See how much money is coming in, when, and now. Notice where money is flowing out and how much. Any tracking you do will flow out of starting to pay attention. Paying attention will help you make better decisions and scramble less at tax time.SEPARATE ACCOUNTS. In addition to being a good business practice for tax purposes, you make your own life easier when you keep your business accounts separate. You know that expenses from your business bank account or on your business credit card are for business. If you don’t have separate
  • “Motivation is great, but habits begin with taking action.”

    –Patricia van Essche

    You deserve to be fully present. Yes, even if you are parenting or caretaking for aging parents. I asked Patricia van Essche, pilates instructor and artist, about why we might want to check out pilates during perimenopause. Her response is about more than exercise.

    Let’s start with exercise. If you are looking for a 10-minute workout, pilates is not it — but it still might be for you. We have so many things promised to us in short bursts of time, but some things (most things) take longer. Pilates can help your back and your posture. The breathwork is powerful and beneficial for the body.

    Patricia also talks about community and connection with pilates — and the power of showing up for yourself. We look at how to start a habit, how Patricia’s clients managed to start a habit with pilates — even juggling a lot and needing 50 minutes for a class.

    We talk about: 

    How parenting shifts but doesn’t end as you kids get older even into adulthoodWriting down the thing you want to do and your planHow habits start with action and how we start slow and buildHaving somebody hold space for your commitment Reinventing yourself at any ageSetting aside time each week for the things you want in your life


    PVE is a bon vivant as well as an accomplished artist and illustrator. Whether it be a portrait, house or lively scene, her colorful, effervescent images are always fresh and whimsical. PVE perfectly captures "Artful Living" a well lived and celebrated lifestyle.

    From her hilltop studio aerie, Patricia van Essche, better known to her clients, fans and followers as PVE, creates illustrations and art pieces which depict a celebrated lifestyle of colorful and chic homes, pets, events and more. Whimsical, lively illustrations are the centerpiece of PVE’s artistry; which includes capturing favorite moments and images; design collaborations; creative commissions; enthusiastic consulting with entrepreneurs… and blogging about it all. Call on PVE to add art, color, beauty to your life and turn an image of what you love into a commissioned work of art to be cherished always.

    PVE was born in Louisville, Kentucky into a talented, entrepreneurial family which led her to attend the University of Cincinnati’s renowned College of Design, Architecture and Art where she studied Fashion Design. PVE was drawn to live in Manhattan and traveled the world as a designer and design director for fashion’s elite Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein and Liz Claiborne brands. 

    PVE debuted PVE Design, a showplace for her own art, inspiration, and creativity. As an accomplished artist and illustrator, she has worked for numerous private commissions as well as with exclusive clients including J. McLaughlin, Secrets Gourmet, The Park Avenue Fund, The Princess Grace Foundation and Lava Barre. PVE lives in Westchester County, New York.  PVE is devoted to living artfully.  PVE is currently teaching Pilates at Club Pilates in Ardsley and Scarsdale. Patricia inspires others to find the joy of art and wellness.


    Pvedesign.comInstagram @PVEDesign


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is where change happens.

    Even though we want big change, it’s really little things done over and over that make the difference. So pick a doable thing. Put it in your calendar. Weave it through your days for a week and then move on to the next one. It will have a...

  • “We can't go through menopause correctly if we have too much stress. This is a natural process, but a lot of our current societal stuff interferes with this natural process.”

    –Ana Stauch

    What does it really mean to get healthy? I’m not talking about scheduling your mammogram and colonoscopy (though that too). What can you really DO and who can help us through that? I’m so excited to talk with Ana Stauch, a nurse practitioner who helps women navigate perimenopause and midlife health.

    Ana talks about four pillars we need to tend to for health: nutrition, sleep, movement, and connection. Some of those look different as we age. We need more protein. We need to prioritize sleep. We need movement that helps build muscle.

    We don’t need to overcomplicate it. There is a lot in our lives that may seem to make it hard, but you can give yourself permission to prioritize the things you need to do for your health.

    We talk about: 

    The deep toll stress takes and why we need to get serious about itFinding a healthcare provider you like and trust (and a tip for finding one)Experiencing a similar symptoms to puberty — but not being able to just slam the door and retreat to our roomTransitions and stepping into our purpose at this stage of lifeThe four pillars of health — one is connectionWhat labs can tell you if you dig deeper than the norm


    Ana Stauch is a nurse practitioner from Jacksonville, Fl. She has helped thousands of women navigate hormonal changes and improve their health over the past 24 years. 

    She opened her primary care practice — A New Way Healthcare — in 2018 and more recently developed a program called New You which guides women through midlife addressing hormones, holistic health and self development. She is also the medical advisor for Radiate Wellness Products. Ana is Level-1 certified in Functional Medicine and a member of the National Association of Menopause Society.

    She lives in Atlantic Beach, Fl with her husband and three sons, two of which are away at college. She enjoys practicing yoga regularly, walking on the beach, reading, traveling and is currently in her own perimenopause journey!




    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Change comes from action. 

    We tend to overcomplicate things. Doable changes are small actions that you can add into your life, one at a time to make micro shifts and really create a ripple effect that will create a big change over time. Keep it simple. Keep building. 

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    KEEP IT SIMPLE. Get quiet for a minute and your gut and your intuition know exactly what you need to work on first. You know that maybe six cups of coffee or drinking two liters of soda isn't a great idea. You know if  don't do any movement most of the day. You know if you go to bed too late every night. Write down whatever comes up. You know what you should work on. Then keep it simple. Park further away from the door. Cut your coffee in half. Once you’ve made an adjustment you can take stock again and make another shift.FIND A PROVIDER YOU TRUST. This is huge, and it can be hard. You can ask friends for recommendations. You could ask a compounding pharmacy for provider recommendations if you want providers who might think outside the box a little more. You can look for people who...
  • May is my birthday month. For the past few years, I’ve been making a plan for the month that gives me lots of little wins, so by the time my birthday rolls around, I feel super celebrated… by me! In this episode, I’ll take you behind the scenes of my plan, and give you some questions you could ask yourself. If you want a birthday planning sheet, send us a DM on Instagram that says “birthday plan”, and we’ll get it to you.

  • “When you take the focus off of the weight and focus on the habits, it's amazing how your body changes.”

    –Krystal Taylor

    Exercise is not a chore. So many of us look at exercise as a thing we have to do to transform our body or maybe to improve our health. But what if we switch that up? Krystal Taylor is a certified personal trainer who realized that the real transformations were about changes in energy and confidence.

    That isn’t to say that you won’t see changes in your body, but things shift when you change your focus. And for people who are exercise-phobic, think about movement. There are lots of ways to move your body.

    What do we do so that we can keep being active in our 70s and 80s (and beyond)? How can we really build an exercise habit?

    We talk about: 

    Focusing on habits like water, sleep — but one at a timeCreating a realistic plan that you can be consistent with instead of burning yourself outNot restricting yourself when it comes to food—especially carbs—and accepting foods are part of your plan (not a cheat food or cheat day)What an accountability partner can do for youSimple ways to add more movement to your dayBeing kind to yourself and focusing on the why not the how


    As a Certified Personal Trainer, Krystal Taylor has helped hundreds of people who are on their journey to a healthier lifestyle. She doesn’t believe in fad diets, but instead in adopting a healthier lifestyle. The change happens with your mindset first so that’s her focus.

    As a former Adjunct Professor and Corporate Trainer, Krystal has always had the desire to educate people. While she enjoyed those jobs, she realized her passion was to help people get healthier and look better. So she decided to merge her training skills and love for fitness to be able to provide the best programs she could for her clients and gain specializations in Fitness Nutrition and Weight Management.

    She offers virtual training programs (meal and exercise), unique fitness products (playing cards), and consultations.


    www.fitnessisnotagame.comF* The Scale: Don't Let A Number Weigh You DownYouTube @FitnessIsNotaGame Facebook  @FitnessIsNotaGame 


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is how change happens.

    Often we feel like our actions have to be huge to match the bigness of our desires, but we have seen over and over and over again that the little things add up. By stacking up a series of Doable Changes, you will create that big change that you crave. Choose the one that really resonates with you this week and really make it part of your life. 

    Here are Three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    MAKE A REALISTIC PLAN. When you get overly enthusiastic and decide to work out every day … you’re likely to burn out and quit. When you are realistic about how much you are ready to add in for your body and what you can fit into your schedule, you are more...
  • Feminine Productivity is a new way to navigate time. Most of the stuff in the time management world was created by men. I’ve got nothing against men. I’ve got nothing against great time management books. And very often the people who are writing this information have dinner waiting for them when they get home. 

    As women, we hold so much —  kids of all ages (cause they don't stop needing us as young adults), careers, the changing landscape of our bodies, aging parents, homes that need attention, vacations, breakfast, lunch and dinner, often for not just us.

    Listen in to learn how Feminine Productivity is a way forward.

  • “I've learned to really just start to give myself permission to live a really good life.”

    –Linda Perry

    Are you stuck in the shoulds? So often even when we have a vision, it isn’t ours — it comes from the outside. When Linda Perry started asking “Is this the life I want to be living?” and pushing back against beliefs that had come from outside it led to enormous change.

    Linda is a mindset coach, and I’m excited to talk to her about making a vision a reality. The first step is to give yourself permission to put something on paper … and allow it to change. Linda recommends putting on your experimentation hat.

    Don’t worry about the how. Linda calls “the how” the killer of dreams. We need more clarity about the what and the why.

    We talk about: 

    Releasing beliefs that keep us from what we want, like I don’t deserve a vision, I can’t reach a vision, if I try I’m going to lose everythingCreating a list of wantsChoosing to act now, not someday, how to claim time, and what happens when you doBeing in integrity with ourselvesLetting go of gold stars and owning your self-worthShadow work and how it helps us


    Linda Perry is a mindset coach & business strategist who works with individuals, business owners and their teams become more self-driven and move toward 7-figure success. So many people get stuck on a plateau and don’t know how to move forward, Linda uses a mindset first approach to support  individuals and teams to tap into their core motivations, strengths and frees them from their blocks so they can soar past 7 figures. 

    She is also a recovering attorney & copywriter and uses her skills of persuasion to show business owners how to make the impact they desire. Linda works with clients through her private coaching, group courses and workshops. She is also the lead business instructor at Levin Life Coach Academy where she teaches new coaches how to build a thriving coaching practice.


    lindamperry.comThe Top Three Blocks Keeping You from Getting to Six Figures and BeyondInstagram @Linda.m.perry LinkedIn @lindamperry


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is where change happens.

    Even though we want big change, it’s really little things done over and over that make the difference. So pick a doable thing. Put it in your calendar. Weave it through your days for a week and then move on to the next one. It will have a snowball effect.

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    FIND YOUR VISION. Go ahead and write your vision on paper. You don’t have to figure out how to do it. You don’t even have to stick with it for the next 5 years, but write down what you want. Then ask: Is this really what I want — or is what I think I’m supposed to want? Keep experimenting until your vision feels clearer and more from the inside.CLAIM 5 MINUTES. Choose something you want to do and put 5 minutes on the calendar for that thing. Do the thing for 5 minutes. Do it every day for a week. Do you want to keep going? Do you want more time? Notice what happens to time and your ideas.HOLD YOURSELF IN INTEGRITY. We’re often good at being in integrity with others, but not with ourselves.Identify
  • “You can actually speak up for yourself with poise and grace and kindness.”

    –Amy Green Smith

    Can you be compassionate and assertive at the same time? I’m really excited to talk with Amy Green Smith about self-empowerment and how she stopped being a people pleaser.

    Don’t think you are a people pleaser? We go beyond the idea of people pleasing being something a timid wallflower does. Any time we alter who we are in order to gain favor from another person or party at a cost to us is people pleasing. Sometimes we people please to stay safe. It’s important to see where people pleasing is keeping us safe and where it is stealing our joy.

    We don’t always have to be disrupters. Sometimes we just want to be ourselves. The middle path can be messy, but it’s possible to stand up for ourselves without anger. We can communicate without yelling and screaming or biting our tongue all the time. 

    We talk about: 

    Taking up equal space with people with different ideasSetting and holding boundaries around challenging areas in relationshipsHow to live life according to what you want, not other’s demands Recognizing and feeling dichotomous feelings and not falling prey to guiltGoing back to your internal compass and checking your intentionQuestions to ask to find your truth


    Amy Green Smith is a certified and credentialed life coach and hypnotherapist, masterful speaker, and personal empowerment expert. Amy uses her roles as coach, writer, podcaster, and speaker to move individuals to a place of radical personal empowerment and self-worth. 

    With acute focus on helping people “find their voice”, she is highly sought after for her uncommon style of irreverence, wisdom, and humor and has been a featured expert in Inspired Coach Magazine and on Fox 5 San Diego.


    Website: https://amygreensmith.com/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heyamygreensmith/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heyamygreensmith/


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is how change happens.

    Often we feel like our actions have to be huge to match the bigness of our desires, but we have seen over and over and over again that the little things add up. By stacking up a series of Doable Changes, you will create that big change that you crave. Choose the one that really resonates with you this week and really make it part of your life. 

    Here are Three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    CHECK YOUR INNER COMPASS. You will get a lot of feedback from other people, and it’s not helpful. When you are feeling bad about how people react to something you say or do, return to your inner compass and check your intention.FIND YOUR TRUTH. Use this three prong question to find your truth in any situation. Ask: What are the facts of the situation? What am I making up? What else could be true? SET A BOUNDARY. Boundary setting is not easy. It takes time and energy, but it is an important step to living the life you want to live and giving up harmful people pleasing. Start by getting really clear about what you will and will not tolerate. Then communicate that firmly and with compassion.
  • Imagine you have a big puzzle to solve. It's so big that it might feel overwhelming to finish it all at once. So, instead of trying to put all the pieces together in one go, you decide to break it into smaller parts — so smart!

    That's what a 90-day plan is like! It's like breaking the big puzzle (a year)  into smaller puzzles that you can solve one at a time. In this minisode, I dive into why this is such a win for women.

    Here's why it's super cool:

    Less Scary: Just like solving a smaller puzzle feels easier, focusing on smaller goals for 90 days makes big goals feel less scary.

    Flexibility: 90 days provides enough time to make significant progress, yet it's short enough to adjust your plans based on changing circumstances or feedback.

    Easier to Focus: When you know you have 90 days to finish something, you can focus better because you don't have to worry about what will happen far in the future. As some, we hold so much.  Achieving goals within a shorter time frame boosts motivation and confidence, encouraging you to continue working towards your long-term objectives.

    Feels Like a Game: It's like playing a video game with levels. Each 90-day period is like a level. When you finish one level, you feel awesome and ready to tackle the next one.

    Learning to Plan: You learn how to make plans and stick to them. This skill is super important because it helps you achieve your dreams, just like beating levels in a game gets you closer to winning.

    Makes Big Goals Possible: Sometimes, big goals seem impossible. But when you break them into smaller pieces with a 90-day plan, you realize that every step gets you closer to your big dream.

    Evaluation and Adaptation: At the end of each 90-day period, you can review your progress, evaluate what worked and what didn't, and make adjustments accordingly.

    So, a 90-day plan is like your secret weapon for making big dreams come true, one small step at a time!

  • “By conciously choosing foods, you are not only fueling your body but also honoring its needs.” – Mia

    Bringing more feminine into your day isn’t about doing more. It’s about how you do what you do. It’s about support in what you do. More feminine in your day brings more balance and ease.

    When you are used to the masculine — to pushing through, to doing all the time, to a focus on efficiency and what you did not how you felt — things might feel hard. Some of the same things can feel easier, calmer, or more joyful when you bring in the feminine.

    In the first episode about feminine productivity, I explained a new process for planning that takes into account intuition, how you feel, and visioning. In the last episode, I show you to weave the feminine into your business. Today, let’s look at how to weave it into your day-to-day.

    If you are juggling a bajillion things and think this can’t work for you, I promise it can. I’ve used this process myself for years and taught it to hundreds of women who are doing the things they said were important to them and feeling good at the end of each day. I’ll teach you a new way to plan and love your day today in the free workshop Take Control of Your Day.

    7 Simple Actions

    These simple actions can shift the energy or your mood, support you, and help you tap into your intuition. They can happen in a few minutes and some even while you are doing something else.

    1. Start the day with gratitude. Gratitude is a way to center. It’s a tool we can use to lift our vibration before making a choice. It leads to different choices. Starting the day with gratitude is like setting the foundation for a beautiful house; it provides a sturdy base upon which to build the rest of your day.

    2. Support your body. This is an act of love and the feminine leads with love. Choose what you will feed yourself and how you will take care of yourself. By consciously choosing foods, you are not only fueling your body but also honoring its needs. Choosing nutrient-rich foods that nourish your body from the inside out can have a profound impact on your energy levels, mood, and overall well-being. Similarly, how you take care of yourself physically—whether through regular exercise, adequate rest, or practicing mindfulness—reflects your commitment to prioritizing your health and vitality. When you support your body, you are sending a powerful message of love and appreciation to yourself and laying the groundwork for a great day.

    3. Pull an Oracle card. Oracle cards are a powerful tool for tapping into intuition and gaining insight into various aspects of life. By pulling an Oracle card, you invite a moment of reflection and connection with your inner wisdom. These cards often carry symbolic imagery and messages that can provide guidance and inspiration for navigating your day.

    4. Leave space in your calendar. In our fast-paced world, it's easy to fill our calendars with endless tasks and commitments, leaving little room for spontaneity or self-care. By intentionally leaving space in your calendar, you create opportunities for rest, creativity, and magical moments. Embracing this openness allows you to flow with the rhythms of life, rather than constantly pushing against them.

    5. Ask for help. Doing everything alone is baked into the patriarchy, and somewhere along the line many of us came to understand this as we are doing it better if we can figure it out. This is just not true. The feminine likes a village. When something comes up that you can feel yourself tensing up, ask “who not how,” and see what pops in. Many of us tend to lean on one person for everything. A big part of what we will do in our...