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    In Part 3 of our series, “Journey of a Power BI Pro”, Avi and Charles Elwood (Website, LinkedIn) share what is possible when you follow your heart 💛.

    Work: Can your work be meaningful and align with your values?

    Impact: How do you choose who to help with your skills?

    Life: Could it change how you spend time with your family and loved ones?

    Join us in this inspiring episode as Charles shares his journey from the corporate world to a life of purpose and freedom. Discover how he overcame his fears and transitioned from a traditional 9-to-5 job to pursuing his passion, making impactful choices, and finding fulfillment in creating a meaningful life.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    Choosing Freedom: How to transition from a corporate job to a life of personal fulfillment and freedom?

    Defying Convention: Why you need to question the conventional path and seek something more meaningful?

    Overcoming Fears: How to overcome your fears and doubts about leaving the safety of a stable job?

    The Ultimate Freedom: What is the significance of having control over one's time and decisions, and how to achieve it?

    Aligned Values: How does aligning decisions with personal values redefine the course of an entrepreneurial journey?

    Leaving the 9-to-5 Mindset: What are the parallels between deprogramming from corporate norms and deprogramming from the traditional 9-to-5 mindset?

    Stepping into the Unknown: What advice does Charles have for those who are hesitant to step into the unknown and chase their dreams?

    So grab your headphones 🎧, hit play ▶️ and enjoy this episode.
    To learn more about creating your path to freedom, please visit www.LearnPowerBI.com/pro

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    In Part 2 of our series “Journey of a Power BI Pro”, Grace Teoh (Website, LinkedIn), shares her journey from a data analyst in the corporate world to becoming a solopreneur specializing in Power BI training and career coaching. She delves into how she combines her technical expertise with coaching principles to empower others to achieve their career goals.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    Transitioning to Entrepreneurship: Grace Teoh's journey from corporate data analyst to solopreneur, overcoming challenges and navigating the transition with mentorship and support.

    Empowering Through Coaching: Grace's coaching approach for individuals undergoing career transitions, the types of clients she loves working with, and how conversations help uncover paths to success.

    The Fusion of Coaching and Training: How Grace incorporates coaching principles into technical training sessions, encouraging active learning and enriching the educational experience.

    Overcoming Fears and Embracing Change: Encouraging individuals in 9-to-5 jobs to pursue aspirations, striking a balance between planning and entrepreneurship, and the significance of not regretting unfulfilled opportunities.

    Harnessing Transformational Insights: Discover how Grace Teoh combines technical expertise, coaching, and mentorship to empower career transitions and guide professionals toward achieving their goals.

    So grab your headphones 🎧, hit play ▶️ and enjoy this episode.
    To learn more about creating your path to freedom, please visit www.LearnPowerBI.com/pro

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    In Part 1 of our series, “Journey of a Power BI Pro”, Avi and Raul Jimenez (Email, LinkedIn) delve into the world of data analysis, revealing valuable insights on how to harness the power of data for business success. From overcoming fear to handling messy data, Raul shares his journey and expertise, emphasizing the importance of practical application. The conversation also touches on the significance of learning and growing gradually, especially for those transitioning from non-technical backgrounds to tech-driven roles.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    Harnessing Messy Data for Business Insights: Power BI's capability to handle messy data in real-world business scenarios.

    Overcoming Fear and Taking Practical Steps: Using fear as a catalyst for growth and starting with manageable steps in new areas.

    Navigating Tech as a Non-Technical Professional: Thriving in tech roles with non-tech backgrounds and transitioning without mastering every programming language.

    Embracing Imperfection and Growth: Letting go of perfectionism, leveraging vulnerability, and fostering collaboration.

    Continuous Learning and Evolution: Gradually acquiring technical skills over time and leveraging connections for skill development.

    Creating Solutions on Your Own Terms: Crafting customized solutions and adapting while improving technical skills.

    Reaching Out and Connecting: Offering help to peers, building alliances, and effective collaboration.

    Balancing Technical and Business Acumen: Excelling in tech roles with business background and the impact of understanding business needs.

    So grab your headphones 🎧, hit play ▶️ and enjoy this episode.
    To learn more about creating your path to freedom, please visit www.LearnPowerBI.com/pro

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    In Part 3 of our “Leaving Microsoft” series, we explore what lies beyond the 9-to-5. What Impossible dreams can become possible for you…when you step out of your comfort zone and dare to dream 💭.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    - Explore Avi's initial fear 😬 of breaking free from the 9-to-5 routine and how it held him back from pursuing his dreams.

    - Discover what inspired Avi to take on the challenge of liberating others from the monotonous corporate lifestyle.

    - Learn how the hiking journey to Mount Kenya 🏔️ transformed Robert's perspective on personal achievement.

    - Uncover the power of collaboration and community 👪 in achieving personal growth and fulfillment.

    - Understand the importance of having a life of independence 💸 without feeling isolated and alone 😞.

    - Go from Self-Centered to Uplifting Others ✊. Find out how Avi and Robert shifted their focus from self-centered goals to supporting and uplifting others.

    - Embrace Your Impossible Dreams 💭: Get inspired to step out of your comfort zone and dare to dream impossible goals for a life of purpose and fulfillment.

    So grab your headphones 🎧, hit play ▶️ and enjoy this episode.
    To learn more about creating your path to freedom, please visit www.LearnPowerBI.com/pro

  • Visit us at www.PowerOnPodcast.com

    In Part 2 of our “Leaving Microsoft” series, we cover what my life looks like after leaving my 9-5 corporate job at Microsoft. I enjoy a life of freedom that I could never have imagined. But there is struggle too. This life is certainly not for everyone.

    I’ll tell you all about my new life and of course, you would get to hear from Robert too.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    - The negative impact of guilt on our path to personal growth and the importance of self-compassion.

    - How to let go of self-criticism and treat yourself with the same kindness as you would a close friend or loved one.

    - The value of setting boundaries and prioritizing personal happiness to achieve true success without compromising mental and physical well-being.

    - Start your day right with a powerful morning routine that nurtures your mind, body, and soul, setting the stage for a more balanced and empowering journey.

    - Redefining success by embracing passions and chasing seemingly impossible dreams, breaking free from the limitations of a traditional work routine.

    - Inspiring stories and practical tips to ignite your inner drive and create the life you truly desire.

    So grab your headphones 🎧, hit play ▶️ and enjoy this episode.
    To learn more about creating your path to freedom, please visit www.LearnPowerBI.com/pro

  • Visit us at www.PowerOnPodcast.com

    Leaving my job at Microsoft was one of the hardest decisions I have made. But it was also the best decision I have ever made.

    But why would someone leave a dream job at a dream company? Why take that risk? I get asked this question quite often and I’m finally ready to share my story of leaving Microsoft.

    In this special episode, you would also get a bonus story from Robert Mbai (Team Avi) about leaving his job.

    In this episode you’ll hear:

    - Avi's personal journey towards freedom and fulfillment. Hear about his decision to leave his job and gain control over his life, allowing him to work on what he loves, with whom he wants, and on his own terms.

    - Why is it important to identify your *true goals* beyond financial constraints? A true goal, encourages you look beyond just earning more money and envision a life that you truly want.

    - How you can join Avi’s mission to create a world where Mondays aren't dreaded 😱. Explore the importance of pursuing work that brings joy, purpose, and a sense of meaning to your life.

    - Why contentment and ambition are not opposites, but should co-exist together? Learn why operating from a place of fullness, rather than emptiness, can lead to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

    So grab your headphones 🎧, hit play ▶️ and enjoy this episode.
    To learn more about creating your path to freedom, please visit www.LearnPowerBI.com/pro

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    Greg Baerg is a dear friend and one of my favorite people. He has built an Independent Power BI Consulting Business, helping multiple industries, but recently has been focused on helping Specialty Coffee Companies. In this show, I got a chance to talk to Greg, about some of the challenges facing that industry: Supply Chain Disruptions, Retaining Customers, On Time Delivery and more. And how Greg was able to help them with Power BI.

    We also talked about Greg's life, living in the beautiful British Columbia with his family. And most importantly the journey that Greg took to create this life and his independent business.

    So make sure to listen to the end, and I'll come back after the interview to share my biggest aha moment from our conversation.

    Greg Baerg is based out of British Columbia, Canada. where he runs Big Wave BI. You can find Greg on

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/gregbaerg

    Website: www.BigWaveBI.com

    Topics Discussed:
    00:00 Introduction
    01:32 Life in Beautiful British Columbia
    02:27 How You Got Started in Coffee + Power BI
    04:39 Experience of Stepping into a Niche
    06:06 Are People More Perky in Coffee Industry?
    08:38 How does Power BI Help with Coffee Roasting?
    12:47 How do you build Visually Stunning Reports?
    14:45 Challenges in Coffee Industry & Future Power BI Plans
    21:34 Finding Your Ideal Power BI Client
    24:34 Personal Life: Family, Fishing and Ice Skating
    26:01 Flexibility to Work Wherever, Whenever?
    27:18 How Did You get Started with Power BI?
    29:16 What kept you going through the challenging times?
    32:48 Avi’s Biggest Takeaway

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    Andrew Ali uses Power BI to help faith based nonprofits increase donations, manage costs and re-engage their communities.

    You will hear Andrew talk about:

    • Why being an Excel hero is a bad thing?

    • Why it's critical for us to make reporting accessible and easy to understand for everyone, not just a select few?

    • The challenges he deals with in the Non-Profit world, like financial regulations, multiple entities spread all over the world. And how Power BI lets him help his clients overcome those challenges.

    You will also hear about Andrew's journey. How he worked in different sectors, but felt pulled to work with Faith based Non-Profits. The fears that held him back and how he overcame them to create a joyful life aligned with his values and goals.

    Andrew Alli is based out of UK, where he runs Kare Financial (Kare with a "K"), which helps faith based non-profits all over the world. You can find Andrew on

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-alli

    Website: www.kfmc.co.uk

    00:00 Introduction
    02:02 Industry You Serve?
    06:45 Your Power BI Journey?
    15:24 Talk about Non-Profits
    21:12 More Transparency
    31:37 Why choose this Niche?
    35:29 When you were not aligned?
    42:31 What kept you going through the challenging times?
    45:37 Avi’s Biggest Aha Moment

  • Visit us at www.PowerOnPodcast.com

    How do you "Go Big" in your Power BI Career? How do you get the success you want and deserve? The answer is simple, don't do what I did :-)

    In this episode we cover:

    Part 1) Avoiding what I did (The Wrong Way)
    Part 2) Do what these folks are doing (The Right Way)
    Part 3) Ice Axes ⛏️

    00:00 Going Big in Your Power BI Career?
    00:47 The Wrong Way
    05:09 The Right Way
    10:13 Story about Ice Axes
    13:46 Summary
    15:38 Still there?

  • Visit us at www.PowerOnPodcast.com

    "How can I get good at Power BI?" is the No. 1 question I often get asked by my students and followers.

    And yes, it's a worthy goal. Because if you could get good enough in Power BI, that would open new doors and opportunities for you in your professional career.

    In this episode I share the surprising "Pyramid Theory"; and the fastest way you can get good…or at least "good enough" :-) in Power BI.

    00:00 How Can You Get Good at Power BI?
    04:16 The Problem
    09:23 The Solution of Pyramid Theory
    19:49 Surprising Results of Pyramid Theory
    26:22 Still there?

    Or if you like you can instead watch an abridged video version below:

  • Are you a tech professional looking to leave your 9-to-5 behind? We can help with that. But you also need to leave the 9-to-5 mindset behind.

    Without that, you may end up just being an employee in your own company. Going through the same hustle and grind. You don’t want that, do you?

    What you *do* want, is perhaps to create a life of freedom and fulfillment?

    Then you’re in the right place. This is the Power On Show and I’m your host Avi Singh. And our goal is to explore how you can leverage your technical skills and shift your mindset to transform your life.

    Subscribe now on iTunes or your favorite podcast player.

    Or find us online at 👉 www.PowerOnPodcast.com