
  • Hey Gorgeous Listeners!

    I am super excited to have renowned designer and hell raiser James Victore on the show today! I am a HUGE fan and James is totally my kind of human!

    James inspires brave rebels to step into bold creativity in order to achieve their personal greatness.

    We discuss how we can let go of the pursuit of perfection and cover topics such as:

    James' backstory Creative Trauma Self-imposed limitations Unearthing our true creative selves Accessing Play, Joy & Love in our lives The power of femininity Letting children be & nurturing creativity Making good out of Covid-19 Victim mode It is all a test! Beginning before you are ready Practicing self-love

    Find out more about James' Creative Warrior Mentorship programme over at https://www.jamesvictore.com/

  • Hello Gorgeous Practical Magic listeners.

    I am super excited to have the Beautiful Spiritual Queen Emma Mumford on the show to talk everything Law of Attraction.

    Emma is an award-winning life coach and mentor, best-selling author, speaker, Law of Attraction YouTuber, and podcast host of the popular podcast ‘Spiritual Queen’s Badass Podcast’.

    We talk about:

    Coupon Queen to Spiritual Queen

    Integrating spirituality into Law of Attraction

    The steps of Law of Attraction

    The Universe sees your vibes!

    Manifesting & stating your intentions

    Ask,Believe & Receive

    Being aware of resistance

    Trust & taking inspired action

    Learning to let go

    Coming from a place of abundance and not lack

    Practicing Gratitude

    Being Positively Wealthy

    Sustainably manifesting

    Feminine vs Masculine energy

    Maintaining mindset in the midst of bad news

    Mindful Spending

    Getting clear on your goals

    Keep saying YES to your life yourself and yes to your dreams!

    You can connect and learn more about Emma in the following places:



    Book - Positively Wealthy

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  • I cannot wait to share my conversation with you with The Beautiful, Soul Adventurer Trish Whelan.

    Trish is a Kundalini Global Teacher, a Reiki Master Teacher, a Shamanic Healing Practitioner and a Sound Healing Therapist.

    Trish also runs a retreat in ibiza and internationally and is opening up her beautiful home for me to share with my practical magic people this October so that they can experience the magic of gathering at a retreat.

    In this episode we discuss what is important to us intrinsically and how we need to have a space to be with ourselves on all levels, removing the tools that we use to hide, whilst releasing the energy that is no longer serving us.

    We talk about:

    Finding our Identity & purpose The Power of Reiki - Removing the Shackles Creating the space & removing blocks What are the non-negotiables? Lessons learned during Covid-19 The simple pleasures experienced from slowing down Asking ourselves what is really important Soul adventuring & the need to retreat The technology of Kundalini yoga How to explore starting with a practice The 40-Day Journey Harnessing the ability to heal ourselves

    You can connect with Trish and find out more about her retreats, practices and also her book at the following places:




  • Hey Gorgeous listeners

    I have a mission, my mission is to help light up 100,000 hearts over the world over the next 2 years so that people like yourself can create impact and transformation for a BIG,BOLD,BEAUTIFUL life.

    In this episode i want to talk to you about YOUR mission.

    I discuss:

    Being pulled out of a fear space by your mission Everyone has a mission Understanding what your mission is Why is your mission now? Being your own activist Helping you to clarify your mission

    What is your mission? If you need help in bringing this into focus i am here to help. Get in touch www.katetaylor.co

  • On the Practical Magic Podcast the floor is open to Jade Sullivan. Jade is a mama of twins plus one and wife, a Black Activist & writer and creative entrepreneur.

    Jade wrote an incredibly powerful article recently for Mother Pukka on the silence of white people on social media in the wake of the George Floyd murder, calling out how deafening it has been to have white voices stay silent when the Black community have been shouting about systemic racism for so long.

    In the show today, Jade is here to share more about to talk more in depth about the post she shared. She covers a wide range of topics from:

    Her own experiences with systemic racism
    The stereotype of the Angry Black Woman, and how that affects the voices of so many Black women to be surpressed
    How the silence of white influencers was deafening in the wake of George Floyd's death, and how we all have the position and collateral to do better
    How the Black women are 5 x more likely to die in childbirth due to racism
    How Black people are 4 x more likely to die from COVID-19 than white people
    Why the education system needs to teach about a more diverse range of cultures and heritage of all nations
    How the world's map is skewed

    I am so incredibly grateful to Jade for coming onto the show to share her voice on the show.

    Find out more about Jade:

    Jade on Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesullivanslondon
    Jade's 'The Silence was Deafening' Pass the Mic Post on Mother Pukka: https://www.motherpukka.co.uk/the-silence-was-deafening/
    Jade's event business Yellowcroft Events: https://yellowcroft.com/
    Get involved in your own Wonder Woman Twirl by posting your twirl on Instagram and using the hashtag #WonderWomanTwirl

    Resource links:
    The Angry Black Woman by Bozoma Saint John: https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvjDDnJZjb/?igshid=gxj3lobiqsg9

    Jane Elliot World Map Manipulation: https://youtu.be/Wg_LW-0DEEU

    Uncovering Self: Adventures Into the Unknown | Nuakai Aru https://youtu.be/_YLKQZef6R0

    Akala deconstructs race, class, and Britain's modern myths: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atfVUgyEIOI&feature=youtu.be

    The Monopoly Analogy: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CBX4Aq7AEgz/?igshid=99blsldwbid5

    Find out more about Black Pound Day on 27 June 2020: https://www.instagram.com/p/CBPJhY5H4mJ/?igshid=5acb45uv63ql

  • On the show today i have the Beautiful, ultra creative, feminist artist Vix Harris who is passionate about celebrating the strength, diversity and beauty of women (both internally & externally through her art. Her art reflects her deep love of the natural world, and her admiration and respect for the inspirational women who live life on their terms and refuse to apologise for taking up space.

    We talk about how we can all tune into creativity & self care during this time of Lockdown and chose to use this time doing things that will help us when its time to reopen the doors to the outside world again.

    We discuss:

    Vix's Background journey of to creativity Developing signature style Creativity as a path to wellness We are all born as creatives Having things around us that give us joy Opening up to sensory experiences Environmental influences Creating a great space The energy created whilst drawing The benefits of acts of kindness during lockdown Protecting our wellbeing during this time

    You can connect further with Vix and see her art in the following places.





  • A couple of weeks back I shared how we can turn our experiences of dissatisfaction into strengths, after my unfortunate run in with an uncomfortable non-wired bra! This got me to thinking about just what satisfaction is in our BIG, BOLD BEAUTIFUL lives.

    On the show today I explore how we can expand beyond just putting up with our lot, and instead step into a life lived with full satisfaction.

    In the show I share:

    ⚡️ Just what it is to live a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL life in satisfaction, and why it's more about living in the present moment that worrying about what you do or don't have.

    ⚡️ Satisfaction to feel satiated and just how it can be to feel fullness and contentment in all areas of your BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL life.

    ⚡️ Why satisfaction is about fully embracing those opportunities you take yourself forward with, and how to own your accomplishments and growth spaces.

    ⚡️ Satisfaction and fulfilling your desires - and how doing something that has been driven by a deep sense of calling and purpose leads to satisfaction of no dream left unlived.

    ⚡️ Where you seize the call to arms to make the world a fairer and better place by tuning into where you are not satisfied, and how passion can fuel change.

    Come and step into FULL EXPANSION as you journey with me over the next seven months to build your BIG, BOLD BEAUTIFUL dreams from the ground up with THE EXPANSION ACADEMY.

    Doors to the ACADEMY will soon be closed for applications, so don't miss out on moving beyond your limitations and into FULL SATISFACTION.


  • I am beyond delighted to welcome back onto the Practical Magic Podcast my coach and mentor Suzy Ashworth.

    Suzy is a mother of three, a Hay House author, TEDx speaker and a mindset and business coach, who has been leaping into the wild beyonds of creating in the quantum field.

    I am down with the expansive power of energy and creating beyond our limitations, and I see just what’s possible when we step into that limitless space, so I invited Suzy on to share more more more.

    In this empowering and fascinating topic we discuss:

    Just what the Quantum field is and how we can go quantum leaping to create beyond our wildest desires.

    Why energy is ever-y-thing

    How you can become a master of your energy so that you get to be in co-creation with the universe

    How you can start strengthening your energetic field in order to go beyond law of attraction in the manifestation game.

    The true potentiality of activated leadership

  • What are you putting up with in your life right now that is causing you discomfort and dissatisfaction?

    Taking the lead for being open to more comfort in my life as we come out of lockdown, I ordered the ultimate comfort support - a non-wired bra. Game changer, or so I thought. Yes life without unnecessary wires is something to be cherished, but what I quickly noticed was that discomfort had been replaced by some bad design detailing on the bra that left me OBSESSING about it for days.

    This got me to thinking about the levels of dissatisfaction we're putting up with, that lockdown is highlighting to us - the itches that need scratching - and making sure we do something about them now, before the doors re-open and we use the busyness of life to distract us.

    On the show today, I'm sharing how you can turn your discomfort into a strength. One that you can learn from and do something about, before that seemingly small discomfort turns into an overwhelming burden.

    You can also learn more about what you are going to be taking as learning from lockdown with my FREE ONLINE MASTERCLASS taking place next Wednesday 27 May.

    Bag your seat and join me for an hour from 7:30pm BST.


  • In this episode i talk with the Gorgeous, Effervescent Donna Easton, the founder of LifeShine, which enables people of all ages to find a way to access parts of themselves that were locked away.

    In early 2019 Donna attended a dance and drama class with her then 3 year old daughter, she was struck by the rigidness of the lesson with little outlet for self-expression. Where was the freedom to be who you want to be, to dream, to play, to laugh? It was completely absent.

    With first hand childhood experience of how confidence, resilience, mindfulness and an overarching healthy sense of self-worth result from play without an agenda, Donna got to work on writing the LifeShine programme to reinforce the value of play-not just for children but for the adults who care for them;

    Donna's mission is to help people recognise their worth, be confident in who they are, to have a few tools in their emotional toolkit to prevent mental health issues and enable them to have the time of their lives whilst doing it.

    We discuss:

    Embracing your slippery slug! Dancing & singing for wellbeing Living your true self Reconnecting with who you are Remembering our inner child Creativity arising from Covid-19

    Let's all make a conscious effort to access our inner child and start getting down with the essence of who we are!

    You can connect more with the gorgeous Donna at;




  • How do you start your mornings? Are you a pre-wee scroller heading over to Insta or Facebook to check in on what you might have missed over night? Do you dive headfirst into your emails before you've had chance to properly work out who you even are today? Maybe you catch up on the news before you've stepped foot out of bed.

    How we start the day sets the tone for each and every day. The space we have each morning as we open our eyes is the most pliable time which creates the emotional and energetic preset for your day ahead.

    Waking up to something that's going to kick your fight or flight reactors into play is creating a day that starts with cortisol and adrenaline firing through your system, and builds up from that point on.

    Especially in these times of Coronavirus and lockdown, we are more susceptible to fear triggers from everywhere around us, and the more our fear triggers are activated, the more accumulate throughout the day and into your sleep. This causes something called allostatic load, which if left too long to build up causes wear and tear on the body and mind.

    Having morning practices which allow you to create your day ahead from a place of breath and centre, is an incredible resource to help you feel calm, empowered and able to set the day in the way you need.

    On the show I'm sharing some simple ways you can create a magical morning routine which will leave you feeling both EXPANSIVE and EMPOWERED and is good for your mental, emotional, spiritual, creative and physical health.

    Enjoy creating space for yourself each day.

    Creating a magical morning routine is taken from the EXPANSIVE EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS. These are seven powerful online mini courses to bring you calm in chaos. Dial up your confidence, fire up your energy and feel back in control.


  • In lockdown life we have become aware of the duality of how we as humans give or take in nature and win our societies:

    Hoarding vs. sharing
    Going out vs. staying in
    Not distancing vs. distancing
    Self vs. society

    How we show up in our humanness at this time is a reflection of our relationship to the world.

    In time of lockdown nature is righting herself.
    With no planes in the sky, less heavy industrial activity and not so many cars on the road, she is coming back to homeostasis.
    It is shining light on some really truly uncomfortable truths that were always there, but that in light of COVID we can no longer ignore.

    Being a human in society and the spiritual balance of receiving and sharing so in this special Practical Magic & Soul Pod Party Podcast collaboration with me and Karmic Alchemist Matt Taylor we discuss:

    How to live inharmony and balance we must go beyond our nature and strike more than taking from our natural resource well.

    How to live within the Law of Nature

    Why the natural state of abundance if so surrender and trust; to give more and share more

    Living society in its highest potential and how this restores balance in the cosmic system

    Matt shares more about the Law of Development, and how this current time is here to remove negativity and restore rebalance

    How we can share more from a place of non-attachment and no need for recognition.

    You can join Matt and I for our online workshop ‘Making a Space for a Miracle’ on Thursday 14 May at 7:30pm BST / 8:30pm CET

    BOOK NOW: https://sowl.co/bt81SZ

  • At the beginning of lockdown I was hosting some free online sessions where I would pull a Practical Magic card for the gathered group, and the same card kept coming up again and again; it was the SPACE card.

    It's funny because at first people didn't trust what they saw 'It's just a blank card, there's nothing on it, are you sure that's supposed to be in the deck? ' When I asked them to feel into what the space card may be bringing up for them the words tumbled out:

    I need space

    I crave space

    This is what I've been asking for for so long

    I've been getting really curious about the lessons from lockdown and what we will be taking from them before the restrictions are lifted, and the resounding feedback, is that you don't want to lose the space this time has given you to pause, to reflect, to be rather than to do.

    In this week's Practical Magic podcast episode I am sharing the importance of space, and how we can harness it, what we can learn about it in lockdown. Also, how it gives us the opportunity to connect to a life on our terms, and how we want to create a better world as a result of having this time for reflection.

    It's also the most ideal time to get EXPANSIVE within space, as space has no limitations.

    Find out more about how with the EXPANSIVE EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS here.

  • We're going on an exploration of the energy centres, otherwise known as chakras, in the Practical Magic Podcast today. At this time when we've been feeling overwhelmed and disconnected, it's time to connect back into the wisdom of our body to tune into what's not feeling good from an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual point of view.

    Chakras are energy wheels that run through the body, and connect to what's going on in our body's, in our lives, and all around us. When they are out of whack, we are out of whack.

    So on the show I take you through each of the seven main chakras in the body, what they relate to, how you can tell if you're off in each of the chakras.

    Understanding what's going on from an energetic point of view has been the thing which has brought me home to my life, my body and my BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL self again and again and again, so I am honoured to share this information with you.

    I am also over the moon to be sharing a new online offering with you; the EXPANSIVE EMPOWERMENT SESSIONS are seven online courses taking you through each of the chakras to help you relight your energy, your motivation and your confidence.

    You can find out more, and buy any of the seven courses individually, or the full programme here.

  • How are you managing yourself through this huge period of change which we have had thrust upon us with COVID-19? Likelihood is that you’re navigating your way through each day, and trying to find a way to create some ‘new normal’

    Even though we are all in this, each one of us has a different way of responding and reacting to this new normal whilst collectively grieving for our old daily lives, our previous sense of identity, and the plans we had made before this all happened.

    So on the show today, I’m sharing how we navigate our way through change, and how we can use the 'Kübler Ross Change Curve' to see where we’re at, and where we might jump around on, to get some sense of awareness and grounding as we move forward. On the show I discuss the stages, and what might be showing up for you in each, and how you can move your way through them.

    What I do know is that our lives will never be the same again, but we will come out of this period of time, and we will adapt to change, so let's keep our energy expansive and keep creating to empower our BIG,BOLD,BEAUTIFUL lives.

    Throughout this time I am offering some online workshops, Qoya classes and creating content to help you as we move forwards, so make sure you’re signed up to my mailing list so that you can receive information and dates directly to your inbox.


  • We are in crazy, crazy times right now, where anxiety and fear are heightened and we cannot escape the news. In today’s show I talk about what we can do to look after ourselves and others, in the midst of the challenges around Covid-19.

    What do you need for yourself right now Checking in with yourself and recognise how you are feeling at the moment Actions to take to deal with the feelings Changing your physiological self Raising kindness and compassion Creating the feel good hormones Learn something new Expand your energy challenge

    With love and magic

    Kate x

  • “Today I have a lighter experience of suffering which only exists moment to moment. Generally my default state is one of peace which brings a sense of freedom, connection and endless possibilities within my life.”

    Meet Life Mentor and writer, Nicole Barton, something of a unicorn within the self-help industry for her candid notion that nobody needs self-help. Committed to supporting people in finding freedom from whatever their particular form of suffering is, she is a breath of fresh air in her admission that while meditation, yoga and anything that leads us into soul-led expression can be useful to drop us out of our heads and into our hearts, none of these practices are prerequisites to peace. Profound, in that Nicole’s life thus far has not been devoid of challenge or trauma.

    Nicole shares her early experiences with Trauma and her thinking around her belief that people are born with an innate wellbeing and resilience and do not require ‘fixing’.

    In this episode we also discuss:

    Nicole’s early experiences with suffering

    How trauma shows up in our bodies

    Nicole’s initial quest to “fix herself”

    Join the re-discovery movement

    Being aware of our thoughts and not trying to change them

    The three principles

    Freedom with awareness

    Ways of dealing with anxiety

    Learning to sit with yourself & the feeling

    Tools & techniques for re-connecting

    You can connect with Nicole Barton in the following ways:




    Or Join Nicole at The Awakening, festival of wellbeing, connection and self care.

    Find out more about The Awakening, festival of wellbeing, connection and self care taking place on the Isle of Wight 6 & 7 June 2020.

  • In today's show I am talking about Disruption and how by stepping out of our comfort zone, showing up and doing something different we can put the BOLD into our BIG BEAUTIFUL lives.

    Disruption does not need to mean destruction, it is about being brave, taking chances and breaking old habits to enable us to connect to our purpose.

    It’s time for disruption, so what are you going to do this week to disrupt your pattern and move into your BIG,BOLD,BEAUTIFUL LIFE?

    Find out more about The Awakening, festival of wellbeing, connection and self care taking place on the Isle of Wight 6 & 7 June 2020.

  • Living the BOLD in a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL life can often be the thing we struggle with the most. Becoming visible and stepping up to share our voice can lead to all kinds of fears rearing their heads around being judged, not being good enough, or the good old imposter creeping in to try and keep us back behind the curtain. But, you are needed. Your voice needs to be heard.
    And thankfully, on the Practical Magic Podcast this week, I am speaking with Jessica Huie MBE, who’s here to help you do just that. She’s on the show sharing her work on Transformational Visibility.

    Jessica enjoyed a glittering career as a publicist and has worked with some of the world’s biggest stars, including Samuel L. Jackson and Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle. Her book PURPOSE, published by Hay House in 2018, has been instrumental in helping us connect in with our mission to show up and live life from a place of being guided from within - and now Transformational Visibility is about helping us to show up and share our voice.

    Jessica is joining The Awakening to host a wellbeing workshop, and she shares all about this and more on the show today, as well as:

    ▪How Transformational Visibility allows us to be more of who we are
    ▪How we can shine our light be stepping out of the shadows and sharing our voice
    ▪Why your message is more about who you are here to help
    ▪How to get more comfortable with public speaking and sharing your message
    ▪Why getting visible can be as much about talking to 1 person as much as it can
    be about talking to 1 million people
    ▪The power of connection and community to support you as you become visible.

    Find out more about Jessica

    Jessica’s Transformational Visibility Academy - be quick, applications close of 13 March 2020:

    Jessica’s Shine Your Light & Raise Your Profile Masterclass taking place in London on 16 March:


    Find out more about more about Jessica’s incredible workshop at The Awakening, festival of wellbeing,
    connection and self care taking place on the Isle of Wight 6 & 7 June 2020


  • When making changes towards a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL Life we can rationally tell ourselves we know it’s going to take time, and that we’re in it for the journey, not just the destination, yet we still demand huge shifts and instant results straight away. Today on the Practical Magic Podcast I’m sharing with you a super-simple, yet effective strategy that will make a huge difference - the one percent shift.

    The one percent shift is about taking simple micro changes each and every day, that when added up over the course of a week, a month, a year, builds up to some serious BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL

    So, if one thing you can do today is to listen to this podcast episode, then let that be a step on your BIG,
    BOLD, BEAUTIFUL journey.