
  • Are you a new clinic owner and wondering if social media marketing is for you?

    Maybe you have been dabbling into social media marketing but now you are feeling overwhelmed?

    Or, maybe you have an established social media presence but you want to learn new ways to get social media engagement.

    In this Episode #109 of the Practice Management Nuggets Podcast For Your Healthcare Practice, guest expert Kayla Das of Evaspare Inc. provides 5 strategies for writing engaging social media posts for your practice!

    Welcome to Practice Management Nuggets podcast, practical practice management, and privacy tips to help you start, grow, and improve your healthcare practice. If you are a clinic manager, team lead, healthcare provider or practice owner, these practical tips will save you time and money. My name is Jean L. Eaton, your Practice Management Mentor, and your Practical Privacy Coach with Information Managers.

    I help you manage the pink elephant in the room!

    See all the show notes at https://PracticeManagementNuggets.Live

  • Do you feel that you are “unlucky” when making hiring decisions?

    Have you ever hired someone and then within a few days realized that this isn’t the right fit?

    Would you like to avoid common hiring mistakes?

    Would you like some tips on how to improve your hiring process?

    Hiring the right person for the job is one of the biggest tasks for a manager. It takes time and preparation to conduct effective interviews. Invest the time now to develop the key interview questions.

    Today we're going to talk with Nelson Scott, who is an expert in hiring employees and a coach for managers who need to better be prepared to manage employees.

    Nelson Scott provides interview tips that you can use to gather high-quality information on which to base your hiring decisions using Behaviour Description Interviewing (BDI).

    Welcome to the Practice Management Nuggets podcast with practical practice management and privacy compliance tips to help you start, grow, and improve your healthcare practice in Canada. If you are a clinic manager, team lead, healthcare provider or practice owner, these practical tips will save you time and money. My name is Jean L. Eaton, your Practice Management Mentor, and your Practical Privacy Coach with Information Managers.

    I help you manage the pink elephant in the room!

    See all the show notes at https://PracticeManagementNuggets.Live

  • Episodes manquant?

    Cliquez ici pour raffraichir la page manuellement.

  • How To Include Cybersecurity In Your Privacy Impact Assessment

    Keeping information safe and secure is a challenging development for businesses of all sizes over the last few years. Remote working and using cloud hosted services forced healthcare practices to change, or at least re-examine, their cybersecurity practices and protocols.

    According to CyberEdge’s Cyberthreat Defense Report, 85% of organizations suffered from a successful cyberattack in 2021.

    A privacy impact assessment (PIA) is an important tool to help understand the risks to patient health information and your healthcare business.

    Does Your PIA Include Cybersecurity Risks and Mitigation Plan?

    You should review your PIA regularly, at least annually, and update your risk mitigation plans when there is a change in your administrative, technical, or physical practices. You also need to consider that the threat environment external to your business, like the increasing risk of cybersecurity vulnerabilities, can damage your business.

    In this Episode #107 of the Practice Management Nuggets Podcast, Jean L. Eaton, Practical Privacy Coach with Information Managers shows us how to include cybersecurity risks in your PIA.

    #BeCyberSmart #PrivacyImpactAssessment #PIA #HIA #PHIPA

    See all the show notes and links on our website!


  • Have you ever said, If only

    our referral backlog was caught up, our incoming faxes were sorted, our billing team was more confident someone could help with the incoming phone calls during our busiest hours or lunch hour

    then you want to listen to our episode today how virtual medical office assistants and receptionists can help your healthcare practice.

    Today my guest expert is Kyle Sherritt of Sherritt Services, and he will show us how a virtual medical office administration service can improve the bottom line of your healthcare practice and improve the patient experience.

    See all the show notes at PracticeManagementNuggets.Live/virtual-medical-office-administration/

  • Have you ever had an employee who has made a mistake and now you’re scrambling about what to do next?

    Your business needs a set of reasonable rules and guidelines for employees to follow. This helps to create a safe and respectful workplace and protect the privacy rights of your patients and employees.

    Your healthcare practice should have a written policy and procedure to guide you in your response to a privacy and security incident.

    Sometimes, our employees have been directly involved in the incident. For example:

    Petty theft (personal gain) Snooping in patient or employee records (disregarding policies) Faxing a report to the wrong recipient (carelessness) Using patient or employee information to cause harm (malice)

    When employees and healthcare providers fail to meet our expectations sanctions or discipline may be appropriate.

    In this episode #105 of the Practice Management Nuggets Podcast, guest human resources expert Stacey Messner, Leader in HR gives practical advice to clinic managers and privacy officers to navigate difficult conversations after an employee makes a mistake, addressing employee performance improvement and workplace restoration practices.

    Show Notes

    00:00 Welcome

    01:00 Introduction Stacey Messner, Leader In HR


    05:29 Stacey Messner’s #1 Tip for Healthcare Providers and Clinic Managers about managing human resources.

    06:37 Scenario: Privacy incident in Ontario using workplace restoration

    Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (IPC), PHIPA Decision 163. 20221-10-19. https://decisions.ipc.on.ca/ipc-cipvp/phipa/en/item/515275/index.do

    10:09 Workplace restoration is about trust

    14:39 Scenario: Looking at patient records

    17:36 HR Checklist

    19:16 What happened from their perspective? Being a better listener

    26:37 Other scenarios

    33:29 Consequences – Practice Management Success Tips

    34:21 Get Stacey Messner Listen Differently Tip Sheet at https://StaceyMessner.com

    See all the show notes: https://PracticeManagementNuggets.Live

  • In this episode #104 of the Practice Management Nuggets Podcast, Lind Stirling will walk you through some of the essentials for creating a profitable book that represents you well.

    Would you like to help family members of your patients to be better prepared to support your patient after treatments? Would you like to coach your patients in between in-person visits? Do you ever feel that you could help more people avoid / prevent illness if they just did this one thing that you specialize in? Do you want your patients to be more compliant with the follow-up actions that help your patients recover faster? Would you like more referrals from other providers to your practice?

    You can accomplish these goals when you build your authority, appeal, and profits as an author.

    When it comes to writing a book, people are usually in one camp or another. The first camp thinks it’s easy and the second camp thinks it’s too daunting to tackle.

    The fact of the matter is that both groups need strategies and with these strategies they can be successful.

    Breaking strategies down into manageable nuggets is where authors find success.

    Before you even consider strategies, however, you need to think about your why. That’s where the power of success lies. Once you are clear about your why, that gives you the mental energy to complete your book.

    Linda will walk you through some of the essentials for creating a profitable book that represents you well.

    If you have thought about becoming an authorpreneur, self-publishing, or want to publish in a traditional format, Linda Stirling can help you with that!

    See all the show notes: https://PracticeManagementNuggets.Live

  • You've probably heard about the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) investigation report into Babylon Health. The investigation report provides privacy guidance for vendors of virtual health solutions and the healthcare providers who use the digital health solutions. This is a great demonstration on why it is so important to ensure that you have current information management agreements with your vendors. Jean Eaton shares tips to help you keep your vendor agreements current and explains why it is important to the protection of patient information and the reputation of your business.

    Use the lessons from the Babylon Health Investigation Report as guidance to healthcare providers, clinic managers, privacy officers, and vendors to develop and implement virtual healthcare solutions in your practice. Jean Eaton shares tips regarding

    key criteria when reviewing (or preparing) your privacy impact assessment (PIA) policies, procedures information management agreements (IMA) privacy and security awareness training data storage outside of Alberta

    See all the show notes at https://PracticeManagementNuggets.Live

  • In the latest episode of Practice Management Nuggets Podcast, Tammy Hyska shares her expert tips on 5 Critical Things Healthcare Practitioners Need To Have A Profitable Business.

    Are you excited to start your chiropractic, medical, or dental practice, but don’t have a plan to make it profitable business? Have you been in business for a while, but don’t know if it is profitable? Have you been in business for a while, and are overwhelmed with debt and don’t know how to move from debt to success? Are you a clinic manager in a healthcare business and don’t know how to monitor the business for financial success?

    Healthcare providers learn their skills at medical school, but don’t learn how to make their business profitable.

    Tammy Hyska can help you have a profitable business from day #1!

    Did you know that one of the best ways you can serve your customers better is by having a more profitable business?

    You can have a more profitable business starting tomorrow--even if you're not a "numbers person"!

    Tammy Hyska will help you avoid money stress with these tips to set up the financial side of your business the right way– in words that we all can understand!

    See all the show notes: https://PracticeManagementNuggets.Live

  • In the latest episode of Practice Management Nuggets Podcast, Corrinne Boudreau shares her expert tips on How To Build a Legal Foundation For Your Healthcare Practice.

    Have you ever wanted to open your own healthcare practice, but you don’t have a business background? Have you ever thought about calling a lawyer for business advice, but you were afraid that it would break the bank? Have you ever heard about a healthcare practice having a business dispute, and you were worried that this might happen to you?

    Then you need customizable templates to help you set up your business, operate your brick and mortar local business, or your online business!

    Corrine Boudreau of Online Legal Essentials can help you!

    Corinne has developed guided legal templates for Canadians doing business online.

    Corinne has a knack for making things practical and easy to implement. Being a lawyer since 2002 has given her perspective and experience to boil things down to the essentials.

    You know that I love templates – and tips, tools, and training to make it easy!

    Corinne delivers this for you!

    Corinne Boudreau will explain the essential business documents that you need to start a new healthcare practice – in words that we all can understand!

    Meet Corinne Boudreau

    Corinne is the daughter of a teacher and a lawyer - which probably explains a lot about her desire to share and explain the legal stuff.

    After escaping many years of the big law firm life (aka the "soul-sucking situation"), Corinne started her entrepreneurial legal journey in 2012.

    What started as a 40-hour in-person legal course developed for small business owners has now also turned into guided legal templates for Canadians doing business online.

    Corinne has a knack for making things practical and easy to implement. Being a lawyer since 2002 has given her perspective and experience to boil things down to the essentials.

    Corinne is originally from Cape Breton Island and lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia with her spouse, Martin, two teenagers Enya and Owen, and new rescue pup, Kiwi.

    Corinne’s hobbies include playing guitar with her band “The Mother Pluckers” and playing hockey.

    Corinne's motto is "Work Hard. Have Fun. Give Back."







    My Takeaways

    Corinne’s recommendations of the essential business documents for a new healthcare practice are based on relationships. Relationships are triggers for business documents to improve communication and expectations – get it in writing!

    For example:

    Patients / clients terms of service, payments, Hiring documents, employees, contractors, associates or group practice; fee splitting, Physical location lease agreements Cost sharing Privacy policies including website, content protection

    Also, whether you have a brick and mortar local business or an online business, make sure that you are projecting yourself as a trustworthy business owner with a professional presence on your website. This includes having a privacy policy, copyright notice, disclaimers, terms of use documents. Remember Corinne’s #1 tip – get it in writing!

    Get started right away with the free Ultimate Checklist for Running a Business Online in Canada.

    Show Notes

    01:35 Introduction Corinne Boudreau, Online Legal Essentials

    04:47 Corinne’s #1 Tip

    06:18 What are the essential starting business documents for a new healthcare practice?

    11:18 Website policies and practices

    16:17 Corporate structure options for healthcare practices

    19:40 Types of Insurance that a business should consider including cybersecurity insurance

    23:55 Contracts – fee-splitting, associates, hiring contracts

    29:39 When Your Healthcare Practice Develops Online Services – understand the basics of copyright law and terms of service

    32:48 Ultimate Checklist For Running A Business Online In Canada

    34:45 Follow Corinne

  • What has been happening lately in cybersecurity in healthcare?

    Today, Anne Genge, CEO of Alexio Corporation is my guest on this episode of Practice Management Nuggets For Your Healthcare Practice!

    Anne and Jean discuss recent privacy breach scenarios and cybersecurity trends and steps that you can take now to prevent these events to happen to you!

    Virtual care, telehealth, and working from home presents opportunities – and cybersecurity risks. Digital health and digital transformation has grown rapidly in the last year. Take time now to review your practice and defend yourself from dramatic increases in cybersecurity attacks.

    Meet Anne Genge

    Anne Genge is a pioneer in protecting health data and those who use it. She is a Certified Information Privacy Professional with a specialization in dentistry. Anne also holds certifications for HIPAA, Credit Card Security, Internet, and Network Security.

    Ransomware and data theft have changed the face of dentistry in the past decade meaning dentists need a new toolkit for protecting their practices. With over 20 years of experience, Anne knows the challenges healthcare providers face with technology. She and her team at Alexio Corporation work with dental and medical professionals to minimize data risk and maximize patient care.

    As healthcare grows increasingly dependent on the digital environment, cyber-security becomes increasingly more difficult. Protection of patient data is not only law, it’s imperative for business success and reputation. Anne simplifies cyber-security for dentists and other healthcare providers and gives ‘real world’ strategies to protect patient information and the practice business.

    To find more, see https://getalexio.com

    My Takeaways

    Anne shared Top 3 Tips For an Incident Free 2021 for healthcare providers and dentists and protect your practice and your patients including these nuggets.

    Secure the network Secure the people Disaster recovery plan Show Notes

    00:10 Introduction

    00:54 Episode #082 6 Deadly Sins

    03:00 COVID-19 biggest influence on digital transformation

    07:01 E-Health Saskatchewan Breach

    10:31 Anne’s recommendations basic steps for healthcare practices

    18:08 Diagnostic Imaging clerical staff snooping - Employees access 3K patients’ records in privacy breach at Red Deer hospital. Red Deer Advocate. Apr. 13, 2021

    25:16 Episode #099 Table-Top Privacy Breach Fire Drills

    28:00 Top 3 Tips Incident free 2021

    29:08 GetAlexio.com

    30:00 Practical Privacy Officer Strategies https://informationmanagers.ca/practical-privacy-officer-training/

  • Healthcare Employers, Privacy Officers Need To Prevent Employee Snooping

    Human curiosity, interpersonal conflicts, shaming or bullying or financial gains are common motivators for snooping. We seem to be hard-wired to want to peek into someone else’s personal and private information. Snooping is a violation of trust between our patients and the healthcare providers and the people who work for them.

    We want our patients to trust us. We need patients to share their personal information with us so that we can provide the appropriate health services to them. When healthcare providers and employees snoop in our patient’s information we destroy that trust with the patient. When employees are snooping in personal health information, it costs the employer time and money.

    What Is Snooping?

    Looking at someone’s personal information without having an authorized purpose to access that information to do your job is known as ‘snooping’.

    Even when you are “just looking” at personal information but don’t share that information with anyone else, this is still a privacy breach.

    It is illegal.

    Snooping incidents are on the rise and can cost you time, money, heartache, and headache in your practice.

    When there is an offence under the privacy legislation like the Health Information Act, there may be an investigation, charges and court appearances, fines, penalties, and loss of employment.

    Snooping is entirely preventable. You can easily use the 5 low-cost steps to prevent employee snooping in your healthcare practice.

    How Can You Prevent Employee Snooping?

    Let’s take a look at the pro-active steps that you can take today to prevent employee snooping.

    Show Notes

    00:00 5 Steps To Prevent Employee Snooping *start podcast here

    01:01 What is Privacy? What is a Privacy Breach?

    01:29 What Is Snooping?

    03:08 Step 1. Be A Privacy Champion

    03:25 Name A Privacy Officer - Accountability

    04:41 Policies And Procedures

    05:11 Build Privacy Into Everything You Do

    05:20 Step 2. Train

    08:13 Step 3. Reasonable Safeguards

    09:34 Step 4. Monitor

    10:21 Step 5. Consequences

    10:48 Sanctions and Discipline Policy

    11:08 Privacy Breach Reporting

    11:17 Employee Snooping

    13:05 Summary 5 Steps


    Key word Searchie https://PracticeManagementNuggets.Live/search

  • Use Table-Top Privacy Breach Fire Drills to Protect Your Practice

    Healthcare providers, owners, and privacy officers hear about big privacy breaches on the news and hope it won’t happen to them. It keeps them up at night...because they know that properly preventing or managing a privacy breach is critical to the continued success of their business!

    If a privacy and security incident hits, you will be in crisis mode. This is not the time to read your procedures for the first time. Instead, having a solid, approved, and well-tested privacy breach management plan will be critical to an effective response.

    Invest now in table-top exercises or ‘fire drills’ with your privacy incident response team using a simple privacy breach scenario. Use your written policies, procedures, forms, and create sample privacy breach response plans or ‘playbooks’ for different types of scenarios. This will help you to be better prepared in the event of an incident and—even better—help you to prevent a privacy breach in your healthcare practice.

    Recorded February 23, 2021

    Show Notes

    00:38 Introduction Jean L. Eaton

    00:45 Find an example.

    Saskatchewan IPC finds ransomware attack results in one of the largest privacy breaches in this province involving citizens’ most sensitive data. January 8, 2021 - Ron Kruzeniski, Information and Privacy Commissioner. https://oipc.sk.ca/saskatchewan-ipc-finds-ransomware-attack-results-in-one-of-the-largest-privacy-breaches-in-this-province-involving-citizens-most-sensitive-data/

    04:15 4 Step Response Plan

    05:20 Step 1 Contain the Breach

    05:50 Step 2 Evaluate the Risks

    06:54 Step 3 Notify

    07:19 Step 4 Prevent The Breach From Happening Again

    Do you need help to create your privacy breach management plan – and a mentor to help you get it done? Check out the 4 Step Response Plan https://informationmanagers.ca/4-step

  • You might need to amend your PIA if you want to:

    add a new digital health app or patient portal to make it easier for patients to book appointments with you, or get access to Alberta Netcare Portal, or the CII or CPAR projects, expedited Netcare Privacy Impact Assessment, use the internet to get telehealth on-line consultations for your patients, update your participating custodians and privacy officer, and regular review to ensure that you are continuing to meet the requirements of the Health Information Act (HIA).

    A PIA is a practical business tool in your healthcare practice.

    A PIA is an important tool that you can use to help you with project management.

    It will help you anticipate risks to the project before it starts and avoid serious problems, and wasted time and money.

    The PIA process requires you to have written policies and procedures so that you can implement the project effectively and train your staff consistently.

    Sometimes a PIA is a requirement of legislation. But it is always a best practice whenever you implement a project that includes personal health information.

    Show Notes

    01:14 Introduction Jean L, Eaton

    05:08 What Is A PIA

    06:46 Purpose of a PIA

    10:53 PIA Facilitates Discussion

    11:57 PIA Will Help You Select Vendors

    13:38 PIA Process

    16:12 What is a p-ORA?

    17:20 When do you need a privacy impact assessment (PIA) amendment?

    19:17 Is It A New PIA or Amendment?

    20:55 Common scenarios

    21:47 Change in Custodians

    22:38 New Location

    23:17 Alberta Netcare Portal

    24:47 Previous PIA is more than 2 years ago

    25:20 Telehealth

    26:16 PIA Timeline

    28:04 10 Steps To Prepare Your PIA Amendment

    28:14 Step 1 Locate Previous PIA

    31:03 Step 2 Review Your Current IT

    40:07 Step 3 Review Policies Procedures

    40:43 Step 4 Review Your Safeguards

    41:34 Step 5 Authorizing User Permissions

    43:43 Step 6 Training Policies

    45:21 Step 7 Access and Correction Requests

    47:06 Step 8 Masking

    47:37 Step 9 Responding To Breaches

    50:06 Step 10 Next Steps

    52:20 Summary

    53:29 Remote Working Telehealth Tools

    PMS Tip Remote Worker Privacy And Security Checklist: https://informationmanagers.ca/pmsrw

    PIA Template Remote Working and Virtual Care: https://informationmanagers.ca/pia-virtual-care

    55:22 Practice Management Success Tip Privacy and Security Policies and Procedures Checklist

    55:58 Health Information Management Privacy and Security Policy and Procedure Templatehttps://informationmanagers.ca/hitemplates

    56:10 3 Options To Help You With Your PIA

  • If you have an appointment schedule with a lot of openings, you might need a patient recall program.

    If you don't have many recall appointments in your schedule, you might need a patient recall program.

    If you want to add additional or your first dental hygienist, you might need a patient recall program.

    If you have patients that haven't seen you for a long time, you might need a patient recall program.

    Today, Joanne Williams of U R DU Appointments is my guest on this episode of Practice Management Nuggets For Your Healthcare Practice!

    Joanne will share how a patient recall program will help a dental practice, increase your revenues by implementing a consistent patient recall program.

    Show Notes

    Publish October 27, 2020

    00:59 Introduction Jean L. Eaton

    01:59 Welcome Joanne Williams

    04:19 Pink elephant

    05:15 Joanne Williams’s #1 Tip

    Be consistent with your patient recall program.

    What Is A Patient Recall Appointment

    06:38 Why Are Dental Appointments Important to the Dental Practice?

    07:42 Benefits Of A Patient Recall Program

    08:20 Examples of Using Patient Recall Program

    09:22 Metrics to Monitor

    14:45 How To Start A Practice Management Program

    15:40 Who In a Dental Practice Is Responsible for a Patient Recall Program

    20:14 Benefits of Using Remote Team Working With Your Practice

    22:35 U R Du Services On-boarding

    25:27 Offer 30% off First Month Service


    Receive 30% off your first month services. Offer runs until December 31, 2020.

  • When a practice has an efficient processes in-office practice is streamlined, then you ready to embark to see patients with telemedicine. The COVID-19 pandemic is the catalyst for growth in telemedicine.

    Dr. Michael Greiwe, M.D. practicing orthopaedic surgeon with OrthoCincy and the founder of the OrthoLive and SpringHealthLive telemedicine platforms is my guest on this episode of Practice Management Nuggets For Your Healthcare Practice!

    He’s going to share with us how to increase you practice revenue, efficiency and patient satisfaction with telemedicine.

    Meet Dr. Michael Greiwe

    Michael Greiwe, M.D., is a surgeon by day and tech guru by night. He is a practicing orthopaedic surgeon with OrthoCincy, near Cincinnati, Ohio, and the founder of the OrthoLive and SpringHealthLive telemedicine platforms. The platforms allow medical practices to deliver telemedicine visits through real-time HIPAA compliant video conferencing between provider and patient - increasing practice revenue, efficiency and patient satisfaction. Dr. Greiwe is a nationally recognized expert on how telemedicine technology is changing the practice of medicine. TV news stations and podcasts across America have interviewed him about the future of telemedicine, and how to use it to improve the patient experience. He attended the University of Notre Dame, where he won the prestigious Knute Rockne Award for excellence in academics and athletics. He completed his orthopaedic surgery training at the University of Cincinnati Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine. In 2010, Dr. Greiwe completed his fellowship in shoulder, elbow and sports medicine at Columbia University, training with the head team physician for the New York Yankees, Dr. Christopher Ahmad.

    To find more, see OrthoLive https://www.ortholive.com and SpringHealthLive https://SpringHealthLive.com.

    Show Notes

    Publish Sept 22, 2020

    00:45 Introduction Dr. Michael Greiwe

    02:42 “Telemedicine is the next tool that is going to make the job easier for physicians and better for patients.” Dr. Mike Greiwe

    05:14 What is Telehealth

    08:53 OrthoLive Available on the App Store readily available to providers and patients

    10:22 Digital Health Misconception that patients don’t want to use telehealth

    11:07 “90% of Patients Prefer Telemedicine over in-office visits.”

    11:54 When Is A Practice Ready To Implement Telehealth?

    14:54 Processes is the way to run your practice efficiently

    15:39 Future trends in telehealth

    17:27 Confidence Growing with Telemedicine

    18:27 Patient Access is the Beauty and the Power of Telemedicine

    19:18 Lessons Learned From 500,000 Telehealth Visits – Top 3

    19:45 1. Band Leader

    20:10 2. Understanding Where The Low Hanging Fruit Is

    20:56 3. Technology Platform Super Easy for Patient Access and Efficient for Providers

    22:38 Opportunities in Canada

    Key word Searchie https://PracticeManagementNuggets.Live/search

  • Healthcare providers and clinic managers have three common myths about EMR user monitoring auditing.

    Myth #1 – The electronic medical record EMR automatically does all the auditing – I don’t have to do anything

    Myth #2 – I don’t have to audit my users – I know them

    Myth #3 – I won’t have to worry about this until I have a breach

    Rob Pruter, the User Monitoring Expert at SPHER is my guest on this episode of Practice Management Nuggets For Your Healthcare Practice!

    He’s going to share with us how to protect your practice and your patients when you use Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology that can recognize unusual activities and generate a warning message.

    Finally, an easy way to perform user monitoring and quickly recognize risks from external bad actors and employee snooping incidents!

    Meet Rob Pruter

    Rob is the Chief Revenue Officer at SPHER, Inc.

    He is responsible for all global sales, marketing, and partner revenue at SPHER, Inc.

    For the past 20 years, he has successfully built marketing programs and partner alliances in the healthcare IT space with larger companies and innovative start-ups.

    He has a passion for protecting patient privacy and cybersecurity for the healthcare industry.

    And he is my new best friend with a passion to improve audit log monitoring!

    To find more from Rob, download the brochure from SPHER! https://informationmanagers.ca/likes-spher

    Show Notes

    Publish September 7, 2020

    00:59 Introduction Jean L. Eaton

    01:45 Welcome Rob Pruter

    02:40 Pink Elephant in the room

    What do clinic managers and health care providers need to know about monitoring audit logs?

    02:57 Rob Pruter’s #1 Tip

    Nobody goes to the doctor to get their identity stolen.

    05:16 What is an audit log?

    06:37 Everyone needs a unique user ID

    08:48 Myth #1 – The electronic medical record EMR automatically does all the auditing – I don’t have to do anything

    11:53 Myth #2 – - I don’t have to audit my users – I know them

    15:05 Myth #3 – I won’t have to worry about this until I have a breach

    19:45 How To Use AI Audit Log Reports

    21:00 Identify security risks right away avoids remediation costs, time spent, and enforces a culture that snooping is not permitted.

    23:44 Multiple locations and remote working often also means less supervision. AI auditing tools can help you be proactive.

    25:46 Who is AI Audit Monitoring For?

    27:14 When is a clinic ready to start AI Audit Monitoring?

    28:10 Find Out More From SPHER


    Key word Searchie https://PracticeManagementNuggets.Live/search

    Rate and Review the Podcast

    I am honoured that you choose to spend your time with me today. Thank you for the opportunity to share my obsession about privacy, confidentiality and security with you!

    Reviews for the podcast on whatever platform that you use is greatly appreciated!

    When you provide your honest feedback it helps other people just like you find content that may help them, too. If you received value from this episode, please take a moment and leave your honest rating and review.

    Jean L. Eaton, Your Practical Privacy Coach
    and Your Practice Management Mentor
    with Information Managers Ltd.

  • Recently, I was asked about what privacy awareness training can you do at the clinic to keep privacy awareness top of mind.

    How do you keep Privacy Awareness top-of-mind in your practice?

    As an employer and health care provider, you are responsible to provide training to all of your employees about privacy awareness. If you don’t provide the training, if the employees don’t understand the policies and there is a privacy breach, then the healthcare provider is more likely to be held accountable under the legislation and face penalties including fines and even prison!

    Protect your organization and your patients. Equip your staff with the information they need to confidently and correctly handle personal health information. Healthcare businesses who want employee and supervisor level privacy awareness training to support key policies, procedures and risk management programs need a privacy awareness training program.

    Here are some easy to implement tips to help you get started with your privacy awareness program.

    Show Notes

    Publish Aug 31, 2020

    11:16 Introduction to Jean L. Eaton

    Are you on Instagram? Me too! Tag me @Infomanltd

    00:37 Privacy Awareness Training

    03:09 Example - Should You Provide Your Child's Health Insurance Number to the School?

    For more discussion on the topic of HIN# and schools, see the Saskatchewan Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner

    The example video will be available soon for download in this lesson.

    08:39 Health Information Privacy and Security Policies and Procedures Manual

    09:45 Practice Management Nuggets For Your Healthcare Practice Podcast


    10:15 Privacy Awareness Training course


    10:57 Practice Management Success membership


    11:09 CyberSecurity Awareness Month


    Practice Management Success

    Are you feeling frustrated with the same problem over and over again in your clinic?

    Or solving one problem just to find another problem popping up?

    Don’t know where to go for help?

    Many new and seasoned clinic managers find that they need help from time to time with questions like the ones that we discussed in this podcast episode.

    Do This Now

    Members of Practice Management Success can access the video of this episode and the resources here in the membership.

    If you are not a member of Practice Management Success, yet—what are you waiting for?

    Click here and register now!

    With your membership to Practice Management Success, you will get great tips, tools, templates, and training that you can use right away to help you start, grow, maintain, or fix your healthcare practice and your career!

    Rate and Review the Podcast

    I am honoured that you choose to spend your time with me today. Thank you for the opportunity to share my obsession about privacy, confidentiality and security with you!

    Reviews for the podcast on whatever platform that you use is greatly appreciated!

    When you provide your honest feedback it helps other people just like you find content that may help them, too. If you received value from this episode, please take a moment and leave your honest rating and review.

    Jean L. Eaton, Your Practical Privacy Coach
    and Your Practice Management Mentor
    with Information Managers Ltd.

  • Are you a clinic manager or healthcare provider who wants to build your network and re-fresh your professional connections so that you are better prepared for your next career move or, maybe, start or build your own business?

    You have heard that LinkedIn is THE place to grow your career and your professional presence

    But you are wondering what the correct etiquette is, and the best practices for your LI profile?

    Knowing the essentials to using LinkedIn will make a big difference in improving your visibility and credibility – both crucial to building your authority and influence.

    If you are serious about having a solid, fully optimized LinkedIn profile, then stay tuned!

    Janice Porter will help you develop and use LinkedIn as a primary tool for bringing in new business.

    Janice Porter, LinkedIn Networking Expert is my guest on this episode of Practice Management Nuggets For Your Healthcare Practice!

    Janice knows the essentials to using LinkedIn that will make a big difference in improving your visibility and credibility – both crucial to prepare for your next job or move your healthcare practice towards profitability.

    Meet Janice Porter

    Janice is known as a master communicator, and her passion is specializing in working and teaching professionals online and offline networking and marketing strategies for attracting, developing, nurturing, and retaining relationships that enhance business growth and profitability.

    Janice believes anyone in business or looking for a new position, needs to have a professional LinkedIn profile, and that LinkedIn is a powerful, under-utilized online platform for attracting new clients, new referral partners, or being found by recruiters.

    Connecting like-minded people is one of her innate gifts, because she cares and deeply values each person in her network. It is with deep insight and a steadfast belief in relationship marketing that Janice makes the introductions, and only when she is knows it will be beneficial to both parties.

    To find more from Janice, download 16 Steps To A Fully Optimized LinkedIn Profile

    Show Notes

    Publish Aug 17, 2020

    00:59 Introduction Jean L. Eaton

    01:10 Welcome Janice Porter

    08:40 Pink elephant

    09:00 Janice Porter’s #1 Tip

    11:00 Why Linked In

    11:55 Step 1 Be Authentic

    12:40 Step 2 Create An Optimized Headline

    14:58 First Impression

    16:50 Step 3 Be Visible

    18:23 Step 4 Be Personal

    20:46 Step 5 Make New Connections

    23:27 Is It Worth It?

    24:45 Summary 5 Tips

    32:06 Janice’s Offer https://InformationManagers.ca/Janice

    Practice Management Success

    Are you feeling frustrated with the same problem over and over again in your clinic?

    Or solving one problem just to find another problem popping up?

    Don’t know where to go for help?

    Many new and seasoned clinic managers find that they need help from time to time with questions like the ones that we discussed in this podcast episode.

    Do This Now

    Members of Practice Management Success can access the video of this episode and the resources here in the membership.

    If you are not a member of Practice Management Success, yet—what are you waiting for?

    Click here and register now!

    With your membership to Practice Management Success, you will get great tips, tools, templates, and training that you can use right away to help you start, grow, maintain, or fix your healthcare practice and your career!

  • Mergers and acquisitions and closing and consolidating are activities that healthcare practices undertake at various times in the life cycle of a business.

    There are many reasons why a practice may consider buying or acquiring an existing healthcare practice.

    You might be expanding your practice to rapidly expand the scope of your services, location, or space. Or you might be downsizing your practice. Or maybe you're merging multiple practices into one streamlined practice so you can better manage your profit margins.

    You might be looking to diversify your services or, perhaps, create an area of super-specialty that will provide a competitive advantage for your healthcare practice.

    You might be wanting to acquire skilled employees or healthcare providers that you couldn't recruit in your current circumstances.

    You might be acquiring or consolidating real estate infrastructure, medical equipment or electronic medical records, computer networking, or perhaps the management team. Or you might be exploring opportunities for economies of scale or cost-cutting.

    As a custodian (including physicians, pharmacists, dentists, chiropractors, nurse practitioners, optometrists, and more) you need to ensure that the patient's health information remains private and secure, and that patients have continued access to their health information.

    In this episode, I’m going to help you with

    5 Important Steps Before You Merge Or Close Your Healthcare Practice To Ensure Your Continued Privacy Compliance

    Inventory All Your Existing Patient Records Patient Records Systems Agreements Existing Documents Privacy Impact Assessment Amendment Plan

    Show Notes

    (Recorded August 3, 2020)

    Show Notes – Podcast / YouTube

    01:41 Introduction Jean L. Eaton

    02:20 Communication Plan

    04:04 5 Things You Need To Know Before You Merge

    04:47 1. Inventory All Your Existing Patient Records

    07:27 2. Patient Records Systems

    11:04 3. Agreements

    11:52 4. Existing Documents

    13:14 5. Privacy Impact Assessment Amendment Plan

    16:24 Privacy Impact Assessment Amendment Takes A Team

    Also see

    Practice Management Success Tip - Closing and Moving a Healthcare Practice


    Practice Management Success Tip - Top 3 Agreements You Must Have In Your Healthcare Practice (And Why)


    Template Forms – see the Practice Management Success Tip!


    Template Procedures – see the Practice Management Success Tip!


  • Closing or moving a healthcare provider practice takes co-ordination, patience, communication, and documentation.

    Once you have made the big decision about closing, moving, or merging your practice and have a general idea about the next step for you, your practice, your employees, and your patient and business records you need to plan the continued administrative, technical, and physical safeguards of the patient health records.

    Patients and clients have a unique trust with their healthcare provider. They trust that you will provide them continuing healthcare and continued access to their own health information that you have recorded. You are also expected to securely keep their personal health information and follow your professional college standards and health information privacy laws.

    In this episode Jean L. Eaton will help you with

    Provide clarity about records management in your group or shared practice. Guide you to develop health records management plan when you close, move, or expand your chiropractic practice. Contribute to the health information privacy compliance.

    Get the show notes and links to the templates at https://PracticeManagementNuggets.Live

    Show Notes

    01:49 Introduction to Jean L. Eaton

    Are you on Instagram? Me too! Tag me @Infomanltd

    03:05 Close, Move, Merge Your Practice

    04:32 Continuing Care and Treatment

    05:44 Custodian Defined Under HIA

    08:34 Patient Records

    09:22 Steps When You Close Your Practice

    10:05 Notice To Patients

    Template Forms – see the Practice Management Success Tip!


    Template Procedures - see the Practice Management Success Tip!


    12:16 Records Requests, Fee Schedule

    14:49 Patient Access To Their Own Health Record

    16:33 Moving vs Closing Timelines

    18:37 Notify Others

    19:19 How To Manage Conflicts

    22:08 Information Management Agreement / Information Sharing Agreement

    Download the Practice Management Success Tip –

    Top 3 Agreements Your Healthcare Practice MUST Have (and Why).

    22:45 Inventory Patient Records

    25:14 Retention, Archive, Destruction

    27:45 Electronic Transfer, Data Migration, Quality Assurance, Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)

    31:19 Practice Management Success Tip Download


    32:39 Discussion

    33:12 Searchie

    33:38 Follow Me on Social Media

    Do you have a question about practice management or privacy compliance? Would you like to be a guest on Practice Management Nuggets? Send me an email at https://practicemanagementnuggets.live/contact-us/