In this podcast, Nintozen discusses his recent Sesshin - an intensive Zen retreat at Korinj with Meido Moore Roshi. We discuss the structure and practices of the retreat, how Zen is an embodied yogic tradition that requires a direct transmission from teacher to student and can't be learned in books alone, and much more!
Check out Nintozen's site here - http://www.nintozen.com and instagram
Join the Podcast discord and chat with us -
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Here you can read all about the practice and sign up for a free, online retreat:
You can find a lot of dhammatalks, info and faq here:
Delson has his own website now, with info about physical retreats:
A group where meditators, guides, and monastics discuss the practice:
Episodes manquant?
Cliff of Enochian.today joins the podcast once again to discuss Enocian Magick. In this episode we mostly discuss the first system that John Dee and Edward Kelly were revealed - De Heptarchia Mystica, a planetary form of Magick that works with the kings, princes, and ministers of the Tabula Bonorum.
Check out Cliff's blog here
Scott Stenwick joins the podcast to discuss his new book - "Mastering the 30 Aires." We discuss the Neo-Enochian model of scrying the aethyrs and the traditional system as revealed to Dee of working with parts of the Earth and influencing political affairs. Scott also gives a brief run down of how to work with this political system of magick and his view on magick in general.
Buy Scott's new book "Mastering the Thirty Aires" on Amazon, Bookshop, and so on below
Check out Scott's blog below
Edward Reib joins the podcast and introduces a good friend of his Father -Kess Frey. Kess started experimenting with LSD-25 before it was illegal in the 60's and was blown away by the experiences he had. He ended up exploring various mystical traditions such as Vajrayana Buddhism, Yoga, Hermetic Qabalah, and contemplative centering prayer. He spent time one on one studying with Chogyam Trungpa, Lama Govinda, Swami Amar Jyoti and had plenty of encounters with counterculture figures like Timothy Leary, Ram Das, and Alan Watts.
Check out his books here
Reach out to Kess here
Check out Transformations by Edward's father here
In this episode, Joe Evans also known as Jigme Rangdröl joins the podcast to discuss his Buddhist journey, how to find a qualified teacher, and stories of experiences with great masters. We also discuss the history of Dzogchen, and what Dzogchen is in theory and practice. Joe runs a foundation and Sangha called the Rangdrol foundation where you can learn more about the practice of Dzogchen, attend a retreat online, and attend one of the weekly teachings.
Check out the Rangdrol Foundation here
Edward joins the podcast to chat about Jainism and his experience learning about the founder of Janism, Mahavir. He also chats about visiting the Jain temples in Bihar and relfects on reading the Jainist sutras.
Check out his readings of the Jain Sutras here.
• Buddhist Books: JAIN SŪTRAS
Cliff joins the podcast for another appearance to discuss the topic of astrology and how one can utilize it not only for one's life but in the context of countries, world events, and so on. We also discuss different types of astrological systems, and magick used in conjunction with Astrology.
You can find Cliff at the links below
In my first solocast, I share a brief summary of dream yoga in theory and practice. Dream yoga is practiced in all lineages of Tibetan Buddhism as well as some Hindu Tantra traidtions. There a various practices used in dream yoga to achieve lucidity during the dream state along with stabilizing clear light awareness to achieve enlightenment. The techniques and theories shared win this podcast are mostly derived from the 3 books below as well as oral instructions I have received.
The Tibetan Art of Dream Analysis -
The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep -
Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light -
Intro Music by Dead Air Space
Visionary artist and Magick 101 course facilitator joins the podcast to discuss the Magick 101 course, different approaches to magick and spirituality, and the upcoming Bali Magick Retreat in December.
Check out Magick 101 Course here:
Check out the upcoming Bali Magick Retreat:
Connect with Jake Kobrin on Instagram:
Dr. Megan Rose joins the podcast to chat about spirit marriage in theory and practice within different traditions that she researched for her book "Spirit Marriage: Intimate Relationships With Otherwordly Beings." We discuss the nature of the spirit marriages, benefits and pitfalls of engaging in such relationships, her personal experience with spirit marriage and much more!
Get Dr. Megan Rose's Book - Spirit Marriage here -
Check out her course here -
Check out here website here -
Connect on Social Media here -
Amandeep Singh joins the podcast to talk about the Aghori tradition in India and other spiritual traditions in the Punjab region.
The voilet flames invites ye all
Contact for courses & life remedies
Tarot cards reading, Dream reading, Meditations, visualization, abundance manifestation techniques, Ancient rituals & sadhnas for enhancing thy self & thy life.
Join our whatsapp group for details https://chat.whatsapp.com/JLCNE1dj28S9B8UHKRRSog
Amandeep Singh
The #wizard
Contact- 09971411251
Carl Abrahamsson joins the podcast to discuss Topy, Austin Osman Spare, the role of Magick, the Left Hand Path, and much more!
Check out Carl and his work at the links below!
Naha of 22 Teachings joins the podcast to discuss the spiritual path, her background and progression through the Western Esoteric Tradition, founding a temple and the creation of the Online Mystery School "22 Teachings."
Check Out Naha and 22 Teachings:
IG: @22teachings
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