I wonder what you imagine when you think of a place where there is no sadness or hurting, no tears or worries, nothing scary or uncertain, no fear or sickness, just the most perfect of perfect places where all of creation is restored and reunited with God? Join us as we read God's words in the book of Revelation. I wonder how hearing this story of hope will help you live as God's beloved? Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together. Head over to our website for more information about Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder what helps you to remember things that you know are true? Join us as we read God's words to us from letters that John wrote to remind us of who Jesus is, who we are to Him, and what it looks like to live as His children -- even when the world around us tells us different things about how we should live. I wonder what you'll notice about God's words to you as you listen? Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together. Head over to our website for more information about Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
Episodes manquant?
I wonder how you use your words? The ones you say? Or think? Or write? Join us as we read God's words in Paul's letter to the Romans. I wonder what you'll notice about God's words to you as you listen? Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to our website for more information about Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder about the stories you tell -- stories about your day or stories about your experiences with God? Join us as we read these scriptures and listen to Saul, also known as Paul, tell his story to others about the way that Jesus changed his life forever. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to our website for more information about Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder about a time you changed your mind about something? Where you used to not like _____, but now you do? What happened to change your mind? Join us as we read these scriptures and wonder about the power of the Holy Spirit that not only changes minds, but hearts, too. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to our website for more information about Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder if you have a favorite sense -- a favorite way of noticing what's happening around you? Join us as we read these scriptures and engage all our senses as we listen with our eyes and hear with our hearts. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to our website for more information about Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder if ever there was something you were waiting for that when it happened wasn't at all what you thought it would be? Join us as we read these scriptures and watch Jesus' friends watch Him leave in a rather surprising way. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to our website for more information about Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder what it would be like to unexpectedly see Jesus? Join us as we read these scriptures and wonder what it was like for the disciples to have breakfast with Jesus -- and for Peter, in particular, to have a tender conversation with Jesus. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to our website for more information about Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder if you have ever missed something, making it hard to believe the thing you missed actually happened? Join us as we read these scriptures and wonder what it was like for Thomas, a friend of Jesus, who had questions for Jesus about how he could really and truly believe that Jesus was alive. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to our website for more information about Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder about something that makes you curious? Something that you have to look at or read about or think about again and again, just so you can understand it more? Join us as we read these scriptures about one of the most curious of all of Jesus’ stories. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to our website for more information about Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder if you've ever waited for something that didn't quite turn out the way you thought it would? Join us as we read these scriptures and wonder together about the things the prophet Isaiah and even Jesus told His friends would happen to Him -- things they didn't really expect to happen. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to our website for more information about Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder what you know about courage? I wonder if there has been a time you have had to be courageous? In today's story, we get to see Jesus being courageous when "knowing everything that would happen to Him" He steps into the very thing He was meant to do. Join us as we read these scriptures and stand in awe of Jesus' great courage and love for us. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to our website for more information about Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder what you learn about someone simply by watching them or listening to what they say? I wonder how overhearing a conversation they have with someone else teaches you about who they are? In today's story, we overhear Jesus talking to God in prayer. Join us as we read these scriptures and notice more about the relationship Jesus has with the Father and how He longs for us to have that same kind of relationship, too. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to our website for more information about Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder if you have chores that you do to help others in your household? I wonder if there are chores you like or if there are chores you don't like? In today's story, Jesus took on the chore that no one liked and He did it all out of love -- just so He could show His friends what kind of life He came to live for our sake. Join us as we read these scriptures and notice how Jesus' actions reveal more of who He is -- the One who came to wash our hearts (and feet!) clean. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to our website for more information about Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder how you plan for a trip? What do you think about? What do you do to get ready? How do you wait? In today's story, we begin the journey with Jesus as He prepares to go to the cross as our rescuer King. Join us as we read these scriptures and notice how Jesus continues to prepare us for this trip. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together. Head over to our website for more information about Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder what you know about how grapes grow, attached to a vine that's attached to a branch? But I wonder if you've noticed what happens when a bunch of grapes is cut from the vine or the vine is cut from the branch? Join us as we read these scriptures and hear Jesus say that He is the true vine and what it means for us to stay close to Him. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to restorationarlington.org for more information on Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder if you have ever lost your way? I wonder how you felt when you were lost? I wonder how you got back on track? Join us as we read these scriptures and hear that Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. He is the One who shows us the way -- who keeps us from getting lost -- as we trust in and follow Him. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to restorationarlington.org for more information on Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder if you have ever seen something that looked dead come back to life? Read along with these scriptures as you not only hear Jesus say that He is the resurrection and the life, but where we see, too, that Jesus brings life and hope in places where there is none. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to restorationarlington.org for more information on Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder if you remember a time when someone you love spoke your name in a way that sounded like love to you? Jesus -- our Good Shepherd -- is the One who loves us, His sheep. And He speaks to us in love. Read along with these scriptures as you listen for God's gentle voice through His good words to us. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to restorationarlington.org for more information on Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
I wonder if you have ever been up so early in the morning that you got to watch the sunrise? I wonder what you noticed about how the light changed the dark sky? In today's story, we'll see how Jesus -- who tells us that He is the light of the world -- brings light to dark places as He transforms people's hearts and minds and even their eyes. Read along with these scriptures as you see who Jesus is as revealed in God's good words to us. Come! Let's pray and ponder. Together.
Head over to restorationarlington.org for more information on Restoration and Pray & Ponder. Remember to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode.
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