
  • Ally Lyons joins us to share her remarkable journey from city living to creating a sacred retreat space on a 13-acre property in Connecticut. The discussion covers the magic of plants and their medicinal properties, the importance of a harmonious relationship with Mother Earth, and the transformative power of sacred ceremonies with plant medicines like psilocybin. Ally also provides practical insights into manifesting dreams and deepening one's connection to nature.01:11 Introduction to Earth's Abundance01:29 Meet Ally Lyons: A Journey of Healing03:28 Living in Harmony with Nature04:59 Transition from City to Country Life08:17 Manifesting a Vision12:28 The Sacred Relationship with Land18:22 The Power of Plant Medicine28:01 Building a Relationship with Plant Medicine35:40 Final Thoughts and WisdomVisit our website: https://psychedelicsexandthesuperconscious.com/

  • In this episode, we chat with Dr. Samuel B. Lee about the powerful and transformative Heart Protocol. Starting with a grounding prayer, we explore Dr. Lee's journey from a traditional psychiatric career to discovering a new path of healing through spirituality and higher consciousness. He shares the wisdom he has gained about prayer, identity, and the interconnectedness of all beings. We also dive into the evolution of his work and the broader implications for humanity's spiritual awakening. Perfect for anyone looking to align with their higher self.Visit our website: https://psychedelicsexandthesuperconscious.com/

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  • In this enlightening conversation, Mayah Rose interviews her dear friend Larry Michel, the steward of Genetic Energetics, a program designed to help people understand their energetic frequencies and connect with others more effectively.

    Larry shares insights into how Genetic Energetics can be used to improve relationships, from communication styles to sexual expression. They discuss the importance of knowing oneself and one's partner, the value of breathing and eye gazing, and how synchronized practices can enhance intimacy. Larry's journey to discovering and stewarding this program is also explored, revealing the profound impact it has had on countless relationships.

    1:21 Introduction and Guest Welcome
    2:49 What is Genetic Energetics?
    6:19 Understanding Communication Styles
    16:39 Larry's Personal Journey with Genetic Energetics
    22:38 The Impact of Genetic Energetics on Relationships
    26:15 Commitment and Co-Creation in Relationships
    27:16 The Potency of Sexual Connections
    28:35 Understanding Sexual Energy
    30:01 Genetic Energetics and Sexual Response Types
    33:23 Harmonizing Sexual Frequencies
    39:08 Practical Tips for Building Sexual Resonance
    44:35 Exploring Genetic Energetics Reports

    Get Your Free Personal Energetic Profile: https://services.thefouranswers.com/view/personalenergeticprofile/PEP_index.php

  • Today we welcome Nathan Carnley, founder of Elixium, which specializes in Kanna, a versatile plant extract from South Africa known for its various benefits such as stress relief, focus, energy, and sociability.

    Nathan explains Kanna's properties, its non-psychedelic but psychoactive nature, and its legality worldwide. The discussion covers personal experiences with Kana, the correct usage to avoid adverse effects, and its role in mood stabilization and integration post-psychedelic journeys.

    Nathan shares the origins of his interest in Kanna, the different blends available at Elixium, and who can benefit from using Kanna. The episode emphasizes the importance of quality products and responsible usage to maintain mental wellbeing and personal empowerment.

    Nathan's website: Elixium.us

    Our website: PSSShow.com

  • Mayah Rose engages in a profound conversation with Luna Ora about sex magic and tantra. Luna shares the story of how she was drawn to her work after an intense initiation during her 33rd birthday and the significant understandings she has gleaned from ancient wisdoms of sex magic schools of Isis and Lilith.

    They discuss the vital importance of knowledge about sex magic coming to the forefront now, how purity and integrity play fundamental roles in these practices, and the necessity of an ongoing journey of personal initiation. The talk also covers the essence of sacred union, both within oneself and with a partner, emphasizing the transformation and empowerment that comes with maintaining a sacred vessel. The episode draws attention to the powerful shifts that can occur through sacred sexual energy and the importance of sisterhood in achieving both individual and global healing. Lastly, they explore the significance of self-purification and preparation when engaging in these profound practices.

    01:26 Introduction to Sex Magic and Tantra

    01:36 Meeting Luna Ora

    03:26 Luna's Journey into Sex Magic

    05:13 The Power of Number 33

    08:50 The Age of Truth and Sacred Union

    13:02 The Role of Women in Sacred Union

    29:21 The Importance of Sisterhood

    33:52 Embracing Vulnerability and Sisterhood

    36:01 The Myth of Perfection in Spirituality

    39:31 The Power of Symbols and Creating Sacred Spaces

    40:12 Books and Personal Recommendations

    44:08 The Importance of Self-Preparation

    48:33 The Reality of Dark Forces and Black Magic

    51:17 Divine Feminine Archetypes and Initiations

    59:43 Final Thoughts and Gratitude

  • In this episode, we host Sachin Patel, a clinical physician specializing in holistic medicine, for a deep soul conversation. The discussion starts with a 'question game,' leading Patel to share a utopian vision of the future where technology enables more time in nature.

    The conversation delves into the importance of community, play, and learning from children to maintain health and vitality. Patel provides insights into the benefits of proper breathwork for physical and emotional well-being, emphasizing nasal breathing, tongue positioning, and the diaphragmatic function. Practical advice for incorporating breathwork into daily life and sleep routines is also shared, alongside resources for deeper learning.

    01:21 Introduction and Guest Introduction

    01:41 The Question Game: Imagining the Future

    03:41 Perspectives on Aging and Youthfulness

    05:21 The Importance of Community and Play

    07:09 Parenting and Modeling Healthy Behaviors

    08:06 Creating a Healthier World from the Start

    10:08 Lessons from Simplicity and Minimalism

    17:04 The Power of Breathwork

    26:11 Breathwork Techniques and Benefits

    35:23 Daily Breathwork Practices

    42:20 Final Thoughts and Encouragement

    Learn more about Sachin and breathwork at https://www.breathworkwithsachin.com

    Visit our website: http://PSSShow.com

  • In this episode of Psychedelic Sex in the Superconscious, we welcome Stephanie Coleman, a practitioner focused on the healing power of ketamine and other psychedelics for addressing core issues and traumas. We discuss the benefits and dangers of psychedelics, emphasizing the importance of intentionality and proper usage.

    Stephanie shares impactful stories of transformation, including how psychedelics helped an 80-year-old physician reconnect with his family and shed his defensive persona. The conversation further explores the importance of preparation, set and setting, and integration for a successful psychedelic experience.

    We talk about how to create a safe environment, assess whether this path is right for the individual, and the significance of integration post-journey. Stephanie concludes by stressing that engaging in this work is a brave act and reassures listeners that there is no wrong way to pursue healing.
    More at PSSShow.com

  • Summary: This conversation explores the concept of soul frequency and the process of undomesticating oneself to align with one's authentic self. The speakers discuss the importance of removing societal conditioning and beliefs to discover one's true soul frequency. They share personal experiences and techniques for undomestication, such as questioning beliefs and finding direct connection with source. The conversation also touches on the role of psychedelics in the journey of self-discovery and the power of unapologetic expression.

    Keywords: soul frequency, undomestication, authenticity, beliefs, conditioning, psychedelics, self-discovery, unapologetic expression


    Authenticity is magnetic and deeply desired by others. Undomestication involves questioning societal beliefs and conditioning. Finding one's soul frequency requires removing the rubble of false beliefs. Psychedelics can provide spaciousness for self-reflection and questioning of identity. Unapologetic expression of one's soul frequency brings alignment and opens doors in life. Discovering Your Soul Frequency The Role of Psychedelics in Self-Discovery Plant medicine can provide profound insights and experiences that can change one's perspective on themselves and the world. The quantum field is a state of being where there is no body, only vibration, frequency, color, and essence. Psychedelics can help uncover and heal deep-seated traumas and wounds, leading to personal growth and transformation. Living from the heart and aligning with heart intelligence can bring about profound shifts in one's life and relationships. Transcending division and fear and embracing oneness and love can create a more compassionate and connected world.
  • Summary: Dr. Bob Barrali shares his journey from being a traditional physician to incorporating psychedelics, particularly ketamine, into his practice. He describes his transformation from a stressed and wound-up doctor to someone who is more open, compassionate, and focused on personal growth. Dr. Burali explains why he chose ketamine as a tool for healing and highlights the benefits he has witnessed in his clients, including a shift in energy, outlook on life, and behavior. He emphasizes the importance of set and setting in creating a safe and transformative psychedelic experience.

    In this conversation, Bob Barrali and Gerald Rogers discuss the importance of being present, trusting the journey of life, and the power of psychedelic experiences. Bob shares a story about a psychedelic journey that helped him gain clarity and let go of guilt. They also discuss the preparation and integration process for psychedelic journeys, emphasizing the importance of finding a trusted practitioner, doing therapy sessions, and addressing physical and mental health. Bob shares practical tips for having a successful psychedelic journey and invites listeners to connect with him at Safe Pathways Wellness.

    Keywords: ketamine, psychedelics, transformation, healing, set and setting, therapeutic benefits, psychedelics, presence, trust, surrender, preparation, integration, practitioner, therapy, physical health, mental health Takeaways

    Psychedelics, particularly ketamine, have the power to transform one's perspective and reshape their identity. Ketamine is chosen as a tool for healing due to its legality, shorter duration, safety, and proven effectiveness in treating conditions like treatment-resistant depression. Ketamine-assisted therapy can lead to significant changes in energy, outlook on life, and behavior. Set and setting, including a safe and supportive environment, are crucial for a positive and transformative psychedelic experience. Being present and trusting the journey of life can bring ease and centeredness even in the midst of uncertainty. Psychedelic experiences can provide clarity and help release guilt and negative emotions. Preparation for a psychedelic journey includes finding a trusted practitioner, doing therapy sessions, and addressing physical and mental health. Practical tips for a successful psychedelic journey include committing to the process, doing journaling or self-reflection, and being mindful of substances and lifestyle choices. Bob Barrali can be contacted at Safe Pathways Wellness for more information and support. Why Ketamine? The Choice for Healing and Growth From Stressed Doctor to Open and Compassionate Healer Preparing for a Successful Psychedelic Journey Connect with Bob Barrali at Safe Pathways Wellness "You're just looking over the next hill, Gerald. You're looking over people's shoulder for what's coming next. What's the problem you have to deal with?" "For the first time in my life, I felt held." "It's like helping people navigate reinvention of identity and to go from a medically licensed Western doctor who's working in an emergency field to supporting people in ketamine and all these other things." "Just trusting that there's some divine orchestration beyond what my conscious mind can experience." "Business relationships and relationships in general don't work out sometimes." "Surrender is like the greatest state that I can be in to process trauma, to process change."

    Sound Bites


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    03:47 The Transformational Power of Psychedelics

    06:40 Choosing Ketamine for Healing and Growth

    12:02 Witnessing the Benefits of Ketamine

    29:50 Finding Ease and Centeredness in the Journey of Life

    33:15 Letting Go of Guilt and Negative Emotions through Psychedelic Journeys

    39:53 Preparing for a Successful Psychedelic Journey

    49:38 Practical Tips for a Fulfilling Psychedelic Experience

    53:17 Connect with Bob Barrali at Safe Pathways Wellness

  • In this episode of Psychedelic Sex and the Superconscious, Gerald Rogers and Gene Healy discuss the concepts of identity, ego death, and the transformative power of plant medicine. Gene shares his personal journey of self-discovery and how his perception of life and reality shifted through his experiences with meditation, Chinese medicine, and plant medicine. They explore the idea of who we are and the limitations of our identity, as well as the importance of cleaning and integrating the lessons learned from plant medicine experiences. They also touch on the concept of ego death and its role in expanding consciousness and dissolving the separation between individuals.

    In this conversation, Gene Healy and Gerald Rogers discuss the benefits of plant medicine, particularly ayahuasca, in raising consciousness and accessing the higher mind. They emphasize the importance of set and setting, integration, and the use of meditation and Chinese medicine in supporting the healing and transformative process. Gene shares his personal experiences with ayahuasca and highlights the development of skills such as surrender, fortitude, and focus. He also explores the similarities between plant medicine journeys and near-death experiences.

    The conversation concludes with a call to explore what moves and connects individuals, and to embrace authenticity and fearlessness in their journey.

    Plant medicine can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and expanding consciousness, but it is not a shortcut to enlightenment. It brings awareness to our limitations and allows us to question our beliefs and identities. Ego death, a common experience in plant medicine journeys, can be scary and feel like physical death. It involves surrendering the attachment to our identity and can lead to a deeper understanding of our true nature. Integration is key after plant medicine experiences, as it requires intentional curiosity and a willingness to question and let go of limiting beliefs and behaviors. Plant medicine experiences can dissolve the separation between individuals and foster a sense of oneness and interconnectedness with all of humanity. Cleaning and clearing ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally is an important aspect of plant medicine and spiritual practices, as it allows for greater clarity and alignment with our true selves. Plant medicine, particularly ayahuasca, can be beneficial for a large segment of the population, helping individuals work through trauma, develop skills like surrender and fortitude, and experience the physical and emotional effects of love. Meditation is a powerful tool for managing the mind, developing stability, and integrating plant medicine experiences. It allows individuals to become more present, work through attachments, and find stability amidst the influx of information and emotions. Chinese medicine, including acupuncture and herbs, can support physical healing and unblock energetic pathways experienced during plant medicine journeys. Integration is a crucial part of the healing process, allowing individuals to take the insights and wisdom gained from plant medicine experiences and apply them to their daily lives. This integration can involve practices like meditation, bodywork, and working with mentors. Authenticity and fearlessness are key in the journey of self-discovery and transformation. Embracing what moves and connects individuals can lead to profound personal growth and a deeper understanding of oneself and reality. Integration: Curiosity and Letting Go The Transformative Power of Plant Medicine The Benefits of Plant Medicine and Ayahuasca in Raising Consciousness Embracing Authenticity and Fearlessness in the Journey of Self-Discovery "When someone asks a question like, 'Who am I?' to kind of show the fundamental emptiness of that question and the fundamental emptiness of identity." "One of the things I think that people don't talk about enough in plant medicine or in meditation or in any spiritual practice is this necessity to clean." "Plant medicine is a tool for greater awareness, so that in that consciousness, we can perceive our faults, ideas, and beliefs of self." "The heart just expanded and opened so big. It was as if my heart was outside of my body." "Ego death is like sinking into this abyss, this collapse." "We have a misunderstanding of ego. We demonize it. I think of ego as kind of like my big brother."


    00:00 Introduction and Background of Gene Healy

    06:21 Questioning Identity and Reality

    11:16 The Transformative Power of Plant Medicine

    22:33 Integration and Curiosity

    29:58 The Scary and Transformative Nature of Ego Death

    33:46 Ego Death as a Reboot and Reorganization

    36:13 Ego Death and Sinking into the Abyss

    40:57 Understanding and Embracing the Ego

    45:16 Experiencing Different Lives and Perspectives

    51:13 Benefits of Ayahuasca and Developing Skills56:13The Power of Meditation and Chinese Medicine59:55Plant Medicines as Signposts and Guides01:05:01Embracing the Harder Path and Overcoming Fear

  • Psychedelics have had a profound impact on Jay and Cory Fiset's relationship, transforming every aspect of it. They experienced weight loss, increased sex drive, and healed deep-seated issues. The timing of their psychedelic experiences coincided with the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing them to spend more time together and have meaningful conversations. They primarily used mushrooms and MDMA, with MDMA being a particularly intense and transformative experience. They recommend different psychedelics for different purposes, with classics like LSD and ayahuasca being non-specific amplifiers, empathogens like MDMA opening the heart, and dissociatives like ketamine taking the individual away. Integration and creating a sacred space in the bedroom are important for maintaining the connection and love experienced during the psychedelic journey. Witnessing and acknowledging each other's growth and creating a relationship manifesto are also key practices for sustaining the positive effects of psychedelics in the relationship. The conversation explores the importance of integration after psychedelic experiences and the need to create new habits and patterns to support lasting transformation. The hosts discuss the power of vision manifestos and intentional connections in deepening relationships. They emphasize the need to align external reality with internal shifts and make intentional changes in various aspects of life. The conversation also touches on the challenges of expansion and contraction during transformation and the importance of giving oneself time and space to integrate. The hosts share their work in helping couples deepen their connection through psychedelic experiences and building a community of advocates for healing through psychedelics.

    Psychedelics can have a profound impact on relationships, transforming every aspect of the partnership. Different psychedelics serve different purposes, with classics amplifying whatever is going on, empathogens opening the heart, and dissociatives taking the individual away. Integration and creating a sacred space in the bedroom are important for maintaining the connection and love experienced during the psychedelic journey. Witnessing and acknowledging each other's growth and creating a relationship manifesto are key practices for sustaining the positive effects of psychedelics in the relationship. Integration is a crucial part of the psychedelic experience, and it involves creating new habits and patterns to support lasting transformation. Vision manifestos and intentional connections can deepen relationships and help align external reality with internal shifts. Expansion and contraction are normal during transformation, and it's important to give oneself time and space to integrate. Psychedelics can be powerful tools for deepening connections and transforming relationships, and there is a need for more advocates in this field. Building a community of like-minded individuals can provide support and resources for healing through psychedelics. Integration and Creating a Sacred Space Transforming Relationships with Psychedelics Building a Community of Advocates for Healing The Power of Psychedelics in Deepening Connections "How have psychedelics impacted your relationship?" "What did you guys use during those journeys that created such a bond between you?" "How do you go back to your regular life and still have this connection with your partner?" "Old habits, they go back to their old thought patterns, they go back to their old cycles, back to their old traumas." "The work happens when we step through the door and we build the infrastructure in our life, in our home, in our business, in our bodies, in our hearts, in our minds, in our souls, in our neural pathways to live a different way." "The intentional sacred use of psychedelics for the purpose of elevating our life and expanding our consciousness and helping us show up as better humans."

    Sound Bites

    00:00 Impact of Psychedelics on Relationships

    08:06 Integration and Creating a Sacred Space

    11:58 Choosing the Right Psychedelic for Relationship Enhancement

    26:59 Sustaining the Loving Feeling Beyond the Psychedelic Experience

    30:05 Integration and Creating New Habits

    34:41 Navigating Expansion and Contraction

    36:36 The Power of Psychedelics in Deepening Connections

    49:25 Building a Community of Advocates for Healing


    In this conversation, Gerald Rogers, Michael Hrostoski, and Rob Kancler discuss the importance of understanding and exploring sexuality and masculinity. They share personal stories and experiences of feeling like a 'sex god' and the transformative power of deep connection and pleasure in relationships. The conversation highlights the need for better sex education and the societal taboos that prevent men from fully embracing their sexual potential. The speakers emphasize the importance of listening, curiosity, and embodiment in becoming great lovers. They also discuss the role of psychedelics and the potential for sexual experiences to be mystical and healing. The principal themes of the conversation are ignorance and ego as barriers to sexual growth and exploration. The male ego often prevents men from admitting that they need to improve their sexual skills and understanding. The conversation also highlights the importance of intention and presence in sexual experiences. Slowing down, being fully present, and listening without an agenda can lead to more fulfilling sexual encounters. The speakers emphasize the value of creating a sexual brotherhood or community where men can share experiences and support each other. They also discuss practical tips for becoming a better lover, such as focusing on pleasure, exploring new techniques, and nurturing oneself.


    sexuality, masculinity, sex education, pleasure, connection, deep listening, embodiment, curiosity, psychedelics, mystical experiences, healing, ignorance, ego, sexual growth, exploration, intention, presence, sexual brotherhood, community, pleasure, techniques, self-nurturing


    Many people have had limited and inadequate sex education, leading to a lack of knowledge and understanding about sexuality and pleasure. Being a 'sex god' means experiencing the divine and animal aspects of oneself and one's partner, and fully embodying the experience of lovemaking. Deep listening, curiosity, and embodiment are key qualities of a great lover. Sexual experiences can be mystical and healing, and can lead to profound states of connection and pleasure. There is a need for better sex education and for men to explore and embrace their sexual potential. Ignorance and ego can hinder sexual growth and exploration. Being fully present and listening without an agenda can enhance sexual experiences. Creating a sexual brotherhood or community can provide support and opportunities for learning. Focusing on pleasure, exploring new techniques, and nurturing oneself are practical ways to become a better lover. Mystical and Healing Sexual Experiences Exploring Deeper Levels of Masculinity and Sexuality Practical Tips for Becoming a Better Lover Creating a Sexual Brotherhood: Support and Learning "I didn't even know what a clitoris was until I was almost 40 years old." "I had no idea any of this happened." "I had this opportunity to basically help her whole body fill with blood that remembered it was orgasmic." "The male ego rarely wants to admit that he's not good at something or that he doesn't understand something." "We were really educated both by this sex-suppressed, religiously informed foundation that seems like the promises like morality and like good Christian morals or whatever." "Good sex happens long before the bedroom. It happens in making love every day."


    00:00Introduction: Exploring Deeper Levels of Masculinity and Sexuality

    03:40Stories of Feeling Like a 'Sex God'

    06:28The Importance of Embodiment and Mystical Experiences

    10:20Learning to Be a Great Lover

    23:30Overcoming Blocks to Embracing Sexual Potential

    31:59Ignorance and Ego: Barriers to Sexual Growth

    43:56The Power of Intention and Presence

    54:42Creating a Sexual Brotherhood

    57:39Practical Tips for Becoming a Better Lover

  • Did you know that accessing pleasure can lead to higher states of consciousness and deeper connections with ourselves and our partners? In this episode, we talk with Amy Rowan, a Board-Certified Clinical Sexologist, about the transformative power of sexuality in reaching the superconscious. Learn how to give yourself permission to experience pleasure, let go of guilt and shame, and make your own pleasure a priority.

    Amy shares her incredible expertise and personal experiences, highlighting how reclaiming our sexuality can transform every aspect of our lives. We explore the nuances of pleasure and connection, from kinky play to embracing "good enough sex." Discover the profound changes that occur when we embrace our sexual selves fully.

    This episode offers a fresh perspective on intimacy and consciousness that you won't want to miss. If you’re ready to transform your approach to pleasure and intimacy, tune in to discover how to unlock new levels of connection and consciousness and see how prioritizing pleasure can lead to profound personal growth.

    Key Takeaways:

    [00:02:04] What is a Sexologist?

    [00:04:13] Exploring intimacy and passion.

    [00:08:01] Opening up through intimate fantasies.

    [00:11:33] Intimacy and cosmic orgasms.

    [00:15:29] Using sex to alchemize emotions.

    [00:17:02] Alchemizing emotions through flogging.

    [00:20:55] Overcoming beliefs about pleasure.

    [00:24:30] Developing empowering mantras.

    [00:29:11] Reclaiming sexual energy.

    [00:31:21] Balancing desire and surrender.

    [00:34:29] Erotic playtime and exploration.

    [00:37:00] The power of pleasure.

    Memorable Quotes:

    "Sex is really just one of the most pleasurable, powerful, amazing ways to experience everything that our body is capable of." [00:04:14] – Amy Rowan

    "Permission really is the number one thing that I think most people just need. They just need to know that that's all right. And we are responsible for our own pleasure." [00:30:02] – Amy Rowan

    Links Mentioned:

    Website: https://psychedelicsexandthesuperconscious.com/

    Connect with Amy Rowan:

    Website: https://thesuburbansexologist.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/makeitayesnight/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/makeitayesnight/

    Connect with Mayah Rose:

    Website: http://www.fem-intuition.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mayahrose.rogers/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allison.h.larsen

    Connect with Gerald Rogers:

    Website: https://www.geraldrogers.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/geraldrrogers

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/therealgeraldrogers

  • Take a peek behind the curtain and learn exactly how psychedelics, sex, and the superconscious can be transformative in your life today. In this episode, you'll learn the intentions behind the show, and the vision for achieving higher states of consciousness, plus you'll get to know who your hosts are on a deeper level.

    You'll explore plant medicine, manifestation, sex magic, flow, and alignment as you better understand the transformative path this podcast offers you. By the end of the episode, you'll see the passion and purpose driving your hosts toward alternative healing. This episode is filled with ancient wisdom and the invitation for you to live a legendary life, so press play, and let's dive in!

  • Imagine a journey where the boundaries of your mind dissolve, revealing hidden truths and unlocking the power to reprogram your very essence—this is the transformative potential of psychedelics in redefining the pathways of our consciousness.

    In this episode, we had the honor of interviewing the incredible John Assaraf, the renowned mindset and success expert, who shares profound personal stories and knowledge on reprogramming the mind using psychedelics. He unveils how to unlock the path to unstoppable success by harnessing the intersection of psychedelics and neuroplasticity, breaking through limitations, and activating your brain's superpower to achieve your life's biggest goals and dreams.

    Discover John’s personal journey with psychedelics, his transformation protocols, and actionable tools for integrating newfound wisdom into daily life. After this episode, you'll walk away with tangible strategies and deep insights, empowering you to unlock your full potential and embark on a journey toward unparalleled achievements, fueled by newfound clarity and determination.

    Tune in as we explore the extraordinary realm of psychedelics with John Assaraf. Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain concrete strategies and effective tools for unlocking your full potential, breaking through limitations, and achieving your life's biggest dreams.

    Key Takeaways:

    [00:02:22] Playing the game of turning point.

    [00:05:27] Goals and dreams discussion.

    [00:07:46] Commitment vs. interest.

    [00:14:06] Identity and destiny.

    [00:18:14] The power of manifestation.

    [00:20:16] Exploring reality and consciousness.

    [00:23:48] First psychedelic experience details.

    [00:29:57] Neuroplasticity and psychedelics.

    [00:32:40] Integration of newfound experience.

    [00:36:28] Reprogramming the subconscious mind.

    [00:40:41] The history of our species.

    [00:43:02] Understanding the brain and beliefs.

    [00:46:00] Impactful content and life-changing books.

    Memorable Quotes:

    "It's not always like, wow, look how big the universe is and look how beautiful I feel and look at the love that I feel. But the essence of the knowledge from the well of limitless supply has just been life-changing for me." [00:27:48] – John Assaraf

    "I believe that self-talk is one of the first places you have to start to shift yourself. And so, I've been a fan of properly written affirmations in first person or third person." [00:33:50] – John Assaraf

    Links Mentioned:

    Website: https://psychedelicsexandthesuperconscious.com/

    Connect with John Assaraf:

    Website: https://www.johnassaraf.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johnassaraf/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johnassarafpage

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnassaraf/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/johnassaraf

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/JohnAssaraf

    Connect with Mayah Rose:

    Website: http://www.fem-intuition.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mayahrose.rogers/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allison.h.larsen

    Connect with Gerald Rogers:

    Website: https://www.geraldrogers.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/geraldrrogers

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/therealgeraldrogers

  • Breath is life. This simple statement holds a profound truth often overlooked in our fast-paced and hectic world. In this transformative episode featuring Breathwork Facilitator Sam Gibbs Morris, aka The Hippie Kowboy™, explore the power of breathwork as a tool to access the superconscious, integrate psychedelic experiences, and cultivate inner strength.

    Sam, also a Thought Leader, Speaker, Author, and Spiritual Teacher, shares his journey with breathwork and how it has been a guiding force in his life. Tune in and learn about the importance of setting intentions in breathwork and how it can be synergistically combined with psychedelics for a holistic approach to healing and self-discovery. Discover different breathwork techniques, including the three-part breath, and their applications during different stages of personal journeys.

    Join us as we delve into the concept of integration post-journey and how breathwork serves as a potent tool to recalibrate and anchor oneself to the profound insights gained during psychedelic experiences. This conversation promises to unlock insights into the mind, body, and spirit, offering a deeper understanding of breathwork's transformative potential.

    Key Takeaways:

    [00:02:15] Sam’s journey with breathwork.

    [00:05:36] Breathwork as a tool for overcoming breathing issues.

    [00:09:17] Breathwork and spiritual connection.

    [00:11:22] Breathwork as a psychedelic experience.

    [00:15:38] Accessing the superconscious.

    [00:17:38] The power of intention.

    [00:20:19] Integration with breathwork.

    [00:25:00] Breathwork for integration and recalibration.

    [00:28:02] Three-part breathwork techniques.

    [00:30:34] The power of breathwork.

    [00:33:54] Integration after psychedelic experiences.

    [00:37:09] Accessing the superconscious through breathwork.

    [00:40:17] Masculine space holder.

    Memorable Quotes:

    "Breathwork is energy. Breath is energy. Breath is spirit. Respiration, the root word there is spirit. So when we can tap into spirit and source through the breath, create that and then move that energy through our body, removing blocks somatically, emotionally, mentally, physically that hold us back from being able to tap into the superconscious." [00:15:18] – Sam Gibbs Morris

    "Translate that to life. We literally have a choice with every breath we make. Are we in or are we out? Are we doing this or are we not? And so, you can translate that to relationships. In every moment, when the conversation gets hard, are you choosing in or are you choosing out? And breathwork does. It builds that massive trust in your human body because it is. It's all you and it's all your choice." [00:20:11] – Sam Gibbs Morris

    Learn more about the PSS Podcast:


    Connect with Sam Gibbs Morris:

    Website: https://www.samgibbsmorris.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samgibbsmorris/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@samgibbsmorris/featured

    Connect with Mayah Rose:

    Website: http://www.fem-intuition.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mayahrose.rogers/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allison.h.larsen

    Connect with Gerald Rogers:

    Website: https://www.geraldrogers.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/geraldrrogers

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/therealgeraldrogers

  • Dive deep into a riveting exploration of Psychedelics, Sex, and the Superconscious with us, Mayah Rose and Gerald Rogers. Discover how each podcast episode can elevate your consciousness and transform your life.

    Explore the intersection of plant medicine, sex magic, and ancient wisdom to unlock healing, manifestation, and alignment. Gain insights into altered states of consciousness for clarity, flow, and profound personal growth.

    Join us on a journey of discovery with leading experts in neuroscience, shamanism, tantra, and transformational leadership. Elevate your mind, manifest magic, and connect with a vibrant community of growth-driven individuals.

    Subscribe now to "Psychedelics, Sex and the Superconscious" for a transformative adventure beyond the ordinary. Buckle up and join us on this sacred cosmic journey!

    Connect with Mayah Rose Rogers:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allison.h.larsen

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mayahrose.rogers/

    Connect with Gerald Rogers:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/therealgeraldrogers

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/geraldrrogers