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"The Reasonably Amazing Adventures of Flash Gordon" is a 10-episode comedy science fiction series produced by the Mindstream Players. This series offers a humorous take on the classic "Flash Gordon" radio serials, blending absurd comedy with science fiction elements. The narrative follows Flash Gordon, portrayed by Tom Konkle, as he navigates encounters with Hawkmen, Bluemen, and a peculiar queen, all while satirizing the original 1930s radio adventures.
The series is available on multiple podcast platforms:
Apple Podcasts: Radio RebornSpotify: Radio Reborn
Amazon Music: Radio Reborn
iHeartRadio: Radio Reborn
TuneIn: The Reasonably Amazing Adventures of Flash Gordon
Podcast Addict: The Reasonably Amazing Adventures of Flash
Podchaser: The Reasonably Amazing Adventures of Flash
Buzzsprout: Radio Reborn
Player FM: Mindstream Radio Reborn
Audible: Reasonably Amazing Adventures of Flash Gordon
Listeners can enjoy this series on their preferred podcast platform and on YouTube.Support the show
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Boisterously inept Flash Gordon and bewildered Dale Arden are abducted by insane Dr. Zarkov and forced to travel to the planet Mongo, where they confront the tyrannically goofy Emperor Ming the Merciless.
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Episode 1 Written and Produced by Tom Konkle and Kurtis Bedford.
Starring Tom Konkle as Flash Gordon, Stephanie Stearns Dulli as Dale Arden, Kurtis Bedford as Ming, Messenger, Red-Monkeyman and Announcer, Jude Gerard Prest as Prince Baron and Announcer, Gino C. Vianelli as Thune and Bob Clendenin as Dr Zarkov, Red-Monkeyman and Ming Slave.
Music by Bryan Arata.
Directed and edited by Tom KonkleProud winner of the Nobel "I Tried" Ribbon in Literature.
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Directed and edited by Tom Konkle. Written and Produced by Tom Konkle and Kurtis Bedford. Starring Tom Konkle as Flash Gordon and Hawkman, Stephanie Stearns Dulli as Dale Arden, Kurtis Bedford as Announcer 1 and Ming, Gino C. Vianelli as Thune and David Beeler as Dr. Zarkov.
Music various in the public domain 1934.
Support the work it takes to make the show here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/TomKonkleProud winner of the Nobel "I Tried" Ribbon in Literature.
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Zarkov and Dale use meat-roasting electrodes to fight Queen Azura and take over her palace.
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Directed and edited by Tom Konkle. Written and Produced by Tom Konkle and Kurtis Bedford. Starring Tom Konkle as Flash Gordon and Hawkman, Stephanie Stearns Dulli as Dale Arden, Pete Lutz as Saul, Hawkman Envoy and Guard 2, Kurtis Bedford as Announcer 1 and Ming, Gino C. Vianelli as Thune and David Beeler as Dr. Zarkov.
Music various in the public domain 1934.
Support the work it takes to make the show here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/TomKonkleProud winner of the Nobel "I Tried" Ribbon in Literature.
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Lord General Magician General Saul attempts to assassinate Flash, but Flash forgives him. Flash throws an ice torpedo at Zarkov.
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A Cool Way to Win! Part 2 Written and Produced by Kurtis Bedford and Tom Konkle. Starring Tom Konkle as Flash Gordon and Hawkman, Stephanie Stearns Dulli as Dale Arden, Kurtis Bedford as Announcer and Old Man, Gino C. Vianelli as Thune and David Beeler as Marr and Dr Zarkov Music by Bryan Arata. Directed and edited by Tom Konkle.Proud winner of the Nobel "I Tried" Ribbon in Literature.
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Flash leads a charge against the Hawkmen, who are protected by Zarkov’s ice barrier.
Produced by Kurtis Bedford and Tom Konkle
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Starring Tom Konkle as Flash Gordon / HawkMan,
Stephanie Stearns Dulli as Dale Arden / Azura,
Kurtis Bedford as Old Soldier, Announcer,
David Beeler as Marr and Dr. Zarkov,
Pete Lutz as Saul / Dim Guard and Gino C. Vianelli as Thune.
Written by Tom Konkle and Kurtis Bedford.
Original music by Bryan Arata.
Directed and edited by Tom Konkle
Keep us alive long enough to make another one here support the show (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/TomKonkle)
Love to hear from you if you've listened https://mobile.twitter.com/MindstreamAudioProud winner of the Nobel "I Tried" Ribbon in Literature.
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Zarkov and the Hawkmen attempt to rescue Flash from Queen Azura’s clutches.
A silly take on the original radio series Flash Gordon which is now in public domain. #FlashGordon #vintageradio comic the strip was adapted into The Amazing Interplanetary Adventures of Flash Gordon, a 26-episode weekly radio serial. The series followed the strip very closely, amounting to a week-by-week adaptation of the Sunday strip for most of its run. ---Flash Gordon was played by Tom Konkle, starring Stephanie Stearns Dulli as Dale Arden, Gino C. Vianelli as Captain Thune, Bob Clendenin as Dr. Zarkov, Stephanie Stearns Dulli as the Witch Queen Azora, Pete Lutz as Saul. (Pete Lutz heads the Narada Radio Company) Kurtis Bedford as Vultan and starring David Beeler as the announcer and the Lieutenant . The original radio series broke with the strip continuity in the last two episodes, when Flash, Dale and Zarkov returned to Earth. We broke it completely.
Edit and Sound effects by Tom Konkle. Directed by Tom Konkle. Music by Bryan Arata and Tom Konkle. The show comedy version script by Tom Konkle and Kurtis Bedford. Producers Kurtis Bedford and Tom Konkle started the Mindstream Players.Support the show https://www.buymeacoffee.com/TomKonkle
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yV1ghOp2VNtFr3vJ1Wa7Proud winner of the Nobel "I Tried" Ribbon in Literature.
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Flash becomes the King of the Caves and faces an attack by the Platypus Men.
A silly take on the original radio series Flash Gordon. #FlashGordon #vintageradio
Starting April 22, 1935, and again in May 2022 the strip was adapted into The Amazing Interplanetary Adventures of Flash Gordon, a 26-episode weekly radio serial. The series followed the strip very closely, amounting to a week-by-week adaptation of the Sunday strip for most of its run. Flash Gordon was played by Tom Konkle, later famous for nothing in particular. The cast also includes Rhiannon McAfee as Dale Arden, Gino C. Vianelli as Captain Thune, Stephanie Stearns Dulli as the Witch Queen Azora, Pete Lutz as Sal. Pete Lutz heads the Narada Radio Company. Also starring Kurtis Bedford as Zug and starring Pete Handelman as the announcer and Hawkman with a hose. The original radio series broke with the strip continuity in the last two episodes, when Flash, Dale and Zarkov returned to Earth. We broke it completely after we did a faithful version of episode one. Edit and Sound effects by Tom Konkle
Directed by Tom Konkle. . Music by Bryan Arata. The show comedy version script by Tom Konkle. Producers Kurtis Bedford and Tom Konkle started the Mindstream Players.Support the show (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/TomKonkle)
Discount StorytimeProud winner of the Nobel "I Tried" Ribbon in Literature.
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Dr. Zarkov saves Sky City from destruction, earning the Hawkmen’s friendship.
The comic strip was adapted into The Amazing Interplanetary Adventures of Flash Gordon, a 26-episode weekly radio serial. The series followed the strip very closely, amounting to a week-by-week adaptation of the Sunday strip for most of its run. Flash Gordon was played by Tom Konkle, later famous for nothing in particular. The cast also included Bob Clendenin as Dr. Zarkov and Kurtis Bedford as Ming the Merciless, Jude Gerard Prest as Prince Baron, Tanya Johnson as Dale Arden and Theresa Ireland as Princess Aura . And Zander Schaus as many! The radio series broke with the strip continuity in the last two episodes, when Flash, Dale and Zarkov returned to Earth. The announcer is Tom Konkle. Sound effects by Vince Colavitti. Music by Bryan Arata. The show script was adapted by Tom KonkleSupport the show
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The trio is imprisoned by the Hawkmen in Sky City, facing new perils and silliness.
Riffing and having fun with the original radio show on a live video stream performance. The comic strip was adapted into The Amazing Interplanetary Adventures of Flash Gordon, a 26-episode weekly radio serial. The series followed the strip very closely, amounting to a week-by-week adaptation of the Sunday strip for most of its run. Flash Gordon was played by Tom Konkle, later famous for nothing in particular. The cast also included Bob Clendenin as Dr. Zarkov and Kurtis Bedford as Ming the Merciless, Jude Gerard Prest as Prince Baron, Tanya Johnson as Dale Arden and Theresa Ireland as Princess Aura . And Zander Schaus as many! The radio series broke with the strip continuity in the last two episodes, when Flash, Dale and Zarkov returned to Earth. The announcer is Tom Konkle. Sound effects by Vince Colavitti. Music by Bryan Arata. #flashgordon #scifi #comedy #melbrooks #woodyallenSupport the show
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After somehow escaping Ming’s clutches, Flash and Princess Aura are captured by Prince Baron, who never get around to forming an alliance against Ming.
The comic strip was adapted into The Amazing Interplanetary Adventures of Flash Gordon, a 26-episode weekly public domain radio serial. The series followed the strip very closely, amounting to a week-by-week adaptation of the Sunday strip for most of its run. Flash Gordon was played by Tom Konkle, later famous for nothing in particular. The cast also included Bob Clendenin as Dr. Zarkov and Kurtis Bedford as Ming the Merciless, Jude Gerard Prest as Prince Baron, Tanya Johnson as Dale Arden and Theresa Ireland as Princess Aura . And Zander Schaus as many! The radio series broke with the strip continuity in the last two episodes, when Flash, Dale and Zarkov returned to Earth. The announcer is Tom Konkle. Sound effects by Vince Colavitti. Music by Bryan Arata.
If you're enjoying the show, please leave us a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts or anywhere you're listening, and subscribe now for future episodes.Support the show
Lumen Actus Productions, Inc.
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If you're enjoying the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or any place you're listening, and subscribe now for future episodes in the Dramatized Multigenre Comedy Anthology Podcast.
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Written and Produced by Tom Konkle and Kurtis Bedford.
Starring Tom Konkle as Flash Gordon, Stephanie Stearns Dulli as Dale Arden, Kurtis Bedford as Ming, Messenger, Red-Monkeyman and Announcer, Jude Gerard Prest as Prince Baron and Announcer, Gino C. Vianelli as Thune and Bob Clendenin as Dr Zarkov, Red-Monkeyman and Ming Slave.
Music by Bryan Arata.
Directed and edited by Tom KonkleProud winner of the Nobel "I Tried" Ribbon in Literature.
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1st Theme song for the podcast.
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Mindstream Players Christmas Special. Written, edited, mixed and directed by Tom Konkle Starring Kurtis Bedford and Dr. John Watson, Tom Konkle as Sherlock Holmes, Stephanie Stearns Dulli as Mrs. Hudson, Lady Arabella, Penelope Chutney-Featherstone, Pete Lutz and Barnaby Winklethorpe, Jude Gerard Prest as Figgy, Gino C. Vianelli as Humphery Carruthers, Bob Clendenin and Algernon Butterworth, as ? as Madam Zepyra.
A holiday comedy podcast, Dr. John H. Watson recounts a delightfully absurd mystery that tests Sherlock Holmes' renowned deductive skills and Watson's digestive endurance. Set in the bustling streets of Victorian London, Holmes and Watson are thrust into a baffling case involving the spontaneous detonation of Christmas puddings across the city. As London’s festive spirit is marred by explosive desserts, the duo must unravel the bizarre occurrences before the holiday season crumbles into chaos.Holmes, ever the eccentric genius, is distracted by philosophical musings on pudding explosions and the deeper meaning of Christmas cheer, while Watson struggles to convince him that he might be more involved in the case than he realizes. Between sarcastic banter, off-key violin solos, and a crescendo of chaos, the pair find themselves navigating a convoluted plot involving a taxidermied peacock, botched seances, and a villainous Professor Moriarty, who has set his sights on London’s left shoes.
As the puddings continue to explode and Holmes' theories grow more elaborate, it becomes a race against time to save London’s Christmas from a culinary catastrophe. Full of witty repartee, hilarious misunderstandings, and absurd twists, The Case of the Exploding Christmas Puddings is a fast-paced comedy caper that serves up a hearty helping of festive fun—complete with an extra dollop of chaos, custard, and a side of mystery.
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If you're enjoying the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or any place you're listening, and subscribe now for future episodes in the Dramatized Multigenre Comedy Anthology Podcast.Proud winner of the Nobel "I Tried" Ribbon in Literature.
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A funny Christmas Carol. If you're enjoying the show, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or any place you're listening, and subscribe now for future episodes in the Dramatized Multigenre Comedy Anthology Podcast. Written by Tom Konkle and Kurtis Bedford. Directed by Tom Konkle. Starring David Beeler as Scrooge
- Tom Konkle as Marley, Bartholomew Troutingstone , the old BBC film projector narrator, Police Constable, Mrs. Cratchit
- Kurtis Bedford as the Ghost of Christmas Past, Bah, Boy outside window, Bob Cratchit, Santa
- Michael Neill as Fred, and The Ghost of Christmas Present
- Bob Clendenin as Ghost of Christmas to Come, Tiny Tim
- Jude Gerard Prest as Show Narrator, Humbug, London Paper Boy
and carolers Jim Blanchette and Lisa Wyett. Sound mix by Vince Colavitti.
Edited by Tom Konkle
In this darkly comedic and utterly irreverent retelling of A Christmas Carol, Scrooge faces not only the ghosts of his past, present, and future but also the chaos of a world gone delightfully mad. Written by Tom Konkle and Kurtis Bedford, this hilarious parody keeps the spirit of Dickens' classic while adding a twisted modern edge.On Christmas Eve, Ebenezer Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his former partner Jacob Marley, who attempts to deliver the typical message of redemption but is instead caught in a negotiation with Scrooge over fees for haunting services. As Marley struggles to convey the seriousness of Scrooge’s impending visitations, Scrooge remains obsessed with financial matters, turning the haunting into an absurd conversation about ghostly economics.
As the night unfolds, Scrooge is visited by three ghosts, each more ridiculous than the last. The Ghost of Christmas Past attempts to conjure emotional nostalgia but is met with Scrooge’s sarcastic jabs and an obsession with Bella Lugosi. The Spirit of Christmas Present arrives in a literal present-shaped package, only to be drawn into a series of increasingly juvenile jokes. Finally, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come arrives in a bizarre twist—a mime, communicating Scrooge’s grim future in awkward silence.
The madness escalates as Scrooge, now filled with a twisted version of holiday cheer, embarks on a rampage through London. Hilarity ensues as he steals a prized turkey from a butcher shop, flees from the law, and wreaks havoc at the Cratchit household. Bob Cratchit and his family are dragged into Scrooge’s chaotic spree, culminating in a wild showdown where Christmas spirit is expressed through gunfire and deranged laughter.
With sharp wit, absurd characters, and relentless comedic energy, The Haunting of Ebenezer Scrooge or The Festivus Incident offers a side-splittingly funny and outrageous take on a beloved holiday story. Expect rapid-fire jokes, outlandish scenarios, and a Scrooge like you've never seen before—armed, dangerous, and full of misguided Christmas cheer.
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#merrychristmas # #scroProud winner of the Nobel "I Tried" Ribbon in Literature.
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Orson Welles’ radio portrayal of The Shadow, particularly in the episode titled The Three Ghosts, is a standout in classic radio drama. Originally aired on October 31, 1937, this Halloween episode follows the mysterious vigilante, The Shadow (alias Lamont Cranston, played by Welles), as he investigates a series of eerie events involving three supposedly vengeful ghosts haunting an old mansion.
In the story, The Shadow uncovers that the “hauntings” are part of a sinister plot by a group of criminals using superstition and fear to cover up their illegal activities. Using his iconic powers of invisibility and his “clouding men’s minds,” The Shadow reveals the truth and brings the villains to justice.
Lamont Cranston / The Shadow – Tom Konkle
Orson Welles as The Shadow (Lamont Cranston)Agnes Moorehead as Margot Lane
Margo Lane – Jill Maglione
Professor Snead / 1940s Announcer – Pete Handelman
Spike Collins / Newspaper Man / Mr. Barclay /Officer – Kurtis Bedford
Caroline Snead / Miss White / – Maray Ayres
Commissioner Weston - John Strysik
Mr. Wilson - No one...
Adapted and Directed by Tom Konkle Sound effects live by Kurtis Bedford and John Strysik. Music by Bryan Arata.
Performed live at The Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles
October 31, 1937 The Shadow episode was originally performed byA recently married woman is brought to madness while living in her husband's creepy manor. He is really a crook who has altered her Last Will and Testament for his benefit and is now trying to scare the new bride to death.
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H.P. Lovecraft’s The Rats in the Walls is one of his most acclaimed and chilling tales, first published in 1924 in Weird Tales magazine. The story follows Delapore, an American who moves to England to restore his ancestral estate, Exham Priory, a medieval mansion that has fallen into disrepair. As Delapore settles in, he begins hearing disturbing sounds—the incessant scurrying of rats behind the walls. Driven by these noises, he uncovers a horrifying secret about his family’s dark history and the ancient, malevolent forces lurking beneath the mansion.
The story is celebrated for its Gothic atmosphere and slow-building horror, expertly blending psychological dread with supernatural elements. Lovecraft uses themes of inherited guilt and the concept of ancient evil to explore how the past haunts the present.
DELAPORE - Pete Handelman, NORRYS - Tom Konkle, MR BAKER - Kurtis Bedford, MRS BAKER - Jill Maglione, ANNOUNCER - Kurtis Bedford, ALICE - Jill Maglione,
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JOAN - Mary Ayres. Directed by Tom Konkle. Adapted by John Strysik. Live sound effects by Kurtis Bedford and John Strysik.Proud winner of the Nobel "I Tried" Ribbon in Literature.
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A live tale of #horror in the theater of the mind. Starring Pete Handelman, Jude Gerard Prest, Vernon George Wells, Theresa Ireland, Tanya Johnson, Kurtis Bedford and Tom Konkle as Dracula. Directed and edited by Tom Konkle.
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Produced by Kurtis Bedford and Tom Konkle. Script adaption by Tom Konkle
Special thank you to Vincent Colavitti for sound design, mix and effects.
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Music: Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 18: I. #Dracula #Horror #OTR #Halloween #HalloweenRadio #Vampire #radio #audioplayProud winner of the Nobel "I Tried" Ribbon in Literature.
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Starring Stephanie Stearns Dulli. Directed by Tom Konkle. Music by Joe Kraemer.
A Tom Konkle update adaption of the story “Sorry, Wrong Number” by Lucille Fletcher. It tells the story of Mrs. Agnes Stevenson, an ill woman confined to her bed who becomes increasingly frantic as the story progresses.
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Happy #Halloween #classicthrillerSupport the show
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