Raising Jewish kids. Lehitraot! Until next season!
Thank you to our amazing listeners and guests for a great season 1!
With Evelyn “Ms. Eve” Goldfinger from @torahtron
This conversation is inspired by “Words From My Heart, the hands on Jewish Prayer Book”, which helps children and their grownups explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.❤️ Words From My Heart… is a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, and prayers. You can ORDER at www.shalomeve.com or at Amazon. Also available en ESPAÑOL Listen to the Raising Jewish Kids podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music or on Audible.
Find Evelyn “Ms. Eve” Goldfinger at
@torahtron (IG, YouTube, and FB)
Evelyn Goldfinger (on Spotify)
Raising Jewish kids. Shavuot special.
Ms. Eve shares some activities, a short study session, and even a story!
With Evelyn “Ms. Eve” Goldfinger from @torahtron
This conversation is inspired by “Words From My Heart, the hands on Jewish Prayer Book”, which helps children and their grownups explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.❤️ Words From My Heart… is a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, and prayers. You can ORDER at www.shalomeve.com or at Amazon. Also available en ESPAÑOL Listen to the Raising Jewish Kids podcast on Applecast, Spotify, Amazon Music or on Audible.
My favorite takeaways:
🌟 Take the opportunity to study a story or a Mitzvah from the Torah.
🌟 Invite your kids to dive into the 10 commandments at their level.
What was your favorite takeaway? Share with us below!
Find Evelyn “Ms. Eve” Goldfinge at
@torahtron (IG, YoouTube, and FB)
Evelyn Goldfinger (on Spotify)
Episodes manquant?
Raising Jewish kids. Special guest Denise Kornitz
Denise Kornitz talks about creating a relationship with God with Evelyn “Ms. Eve” Goldfinger from @torahtron
This conversation is inspired by “Words From My Heart, the hands on Jewish Prayer Book”, which helps children and their grownups explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.❤️ Words From My Heart… is a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, and prayers. You can ORDER at www.shalomeve.com or at Amazon. Also available en ESPAÑOL Listen to the Raising Jewish Kids podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music or on Audible.
My favorite takeaways:
🌟I have an ongoing conversation with G-d. I listen. I know G-d loves me. Everything is for my best.
🌟 There’s no one way to have a relationship with G-d. You can do it too!
🌟Is about being of service. I ask G-d “If there’s anything you need, let me know”
What was yours? Share with us below!
Find Denise Kornitz
IG denisekornitz
Youtube Denise Kornitz
Raising Jewish kids. Special guest Rabbi David Paskin
Rabbi David talks about what children have to teach us. With Evelyn “Ms. Eve” Goldfinger from @torahtron
This conversation is inspired by “Words From My Heart, the hands on Jewish Prayer Book”, which helps children and their grownups explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.❤️ Words From My Heart… is a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, and prayers. You can ORDER at www.shalomeve.com or at Amazon. Also available en ESPAÑOL Listen to the Raising Jewish Kids podcast on Applecast, Spotify, Amazon Music or on Audible.
My favorite takeaways:
🌟 Learn from the kids to be spontaneous and to get unstuck. Don’t just spin dreidels… paint with dreidels!
🌟 “Wow!” is a fundamental building block of Jewish spirituality. (See A. J. Heschel Radical Amazement)
🌟 Being a futurist means you don’t react to what happens in the future. You build the future. Create a Judaism as an open source, where people have the building blocks to create heir Jewish identity.
🌟 Know where you are going. Even if you don’t know the road you are going to take. Like facing back at the back of a wagon while just watching the trees go by. “Give yourself the gift of trusting that G*d will get you where you need to go. And don’t, for a moment, stop counting the trees.” Rabbi David Paskin
🌟 Kids have questions about life, G*d, and mystery. We should allow those conversations even if there’s trepidation on our part. No one has all the answers and there are multiple perspectives. It’s a journey.
What was your favorite takeaway? Share with us below!
Find Rabbi David at
@davidpaskin (IG and FB)
David Paskin (on Spotify)
Raising Jewish kids. Special guest Eliana Light
Eliana Light talks about a unpacking our G!D-baggage and finding new ways into text and tradition. With Evelyn “Ms. Eve” Goldfinger from @torahtron
This conversation is inspired by “Words From My Heart, the hands on Jewish Prayer Book”, which helps children and their grownups explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.❤️ Words From My Heart… is a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, and prayers. You can ORDER at www.shalomeve.com or at Amazon. Also available en ESPAÑOL Listen to the Raising Jewish Kids podcast on Applecast, Spotify, Amazon Music or on Audible.
My favorite takeaways:
🌟There’s a G-d journey. There’s a path beyond the “G!d Gap”. G-d is expansive. We can help students/children expand their G-d concept and connection beyond the gap.
🌟”I don’t know. Let’s explore it together” or “This is my understanding right now, but it has changed during the years” are valid answers
🌟 It’s ultimately about recognizing that there’s something greater than ourselves. A Isness, feel that presence, that ORIENTATION, and to conduct ourselves with that awareness.
What was yours? Share with us below!
Link to the Light Lab Podcast episode #38 with Evelyn's interview by Eliana: https://www.lightlab.co/podcast/episode-38-words-from-my-heart
Find Eliana at:
IG and FB: Eliana Light
Find Eliana Light's music at Spotify and other platforms
Raising Jewish kids. Special guest Master storyteller Peninnah Schram, AKA the mother of renewal Jewish oral tradition.
Peninnah Schram talks about power of story in building Jewish identity with Evelyn “Ms. Eve” Goldfinger from @torahtron
We dedicate this episode to the elevation of the souls of fallen soldiers of Israel and Israeli terror victims as we commemorate Yom HaZikaron. We also express our gratitude and support to the Modern state of Israel, 75 years old since its rebirth, with over 3000 years in existence.
This conversation is inspired by “Words From My Heart, the hands on Jewish Prayer Book”, which helps children and their grownups explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.❤️ Words From My Heart… is a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, and prayers. You can ORDER at www.shalomeve.com or at Amazon. Also available en ESPAÑOL Listen to the Raising Jewish Kids podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music or on Audible.
My favorite takeaways:
🌟 Storytelling is a dialogue, a conversation. It’s about giving and receiving. The teller, the story, and the active listener.They all shape the xperience.
🌟 Torah begins with stories rather than we Halachah (Jewish law). Why? Because through stories we learn values, ethic, traditions, customs. Because the best thing we can give children are a sense of wonder and curiosity. When we make stories our own by listening and imagining, it is af if we were there.
🌟 The voice is a musical instrument. Nothing can replace human contact.
Peninnah generously shared magnificent resources with us. Email me at torahtron@gmail.com to request your copies of: Your PersonalStorytelling History; Selected Bibliography of Jewish Story and Folktale Collections; Guidelines for Storytellers. Or to get in touch with Peninnah. Thank you, Peninnah!
What was your favorite takaway? Share it with us !
Lo learn more about RISE storytelling initiative, email me at torahtron@gmail.com
Raising Jewish kids. Special guest Ben Romano
Musician, educator, and author Ben Romano talks about empowering children through choice with Evelyn “Ms. Eve” Goldfinger from @torahtron
We dedicate this episode to elevation of the souls of all who perish in the Shoah, to our ancestors and to the children Shlomit bat Mane ve Raitze Z"L. We remember. Never again. Tzedek, Tzedek Tirdof.
This conversation is inspired by “Words From My Heart, the hands on Jewish Prayer Book”, which helps children and their grownups explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.❤️ Words From My Heart… is a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, and prayers. You can ORDER at www.shalomeve.com or at Amazon. Also available en ESPAÑOL Listen to the Raising Jewish Kids podcast on Applecast, Spotify, Amazon Music or on Audible.
You can find Frida's Shabbat Candles video at Evelyn Goldfinger's Youtube channel.
My favorite takeaways:
🌟Choice is also change. It’s powerful to choose something new.
🌟 When we are in a moment where choice is taken away from us, consider that there is still a choice to make. You can make a difference. Let your voice be heard.
🌟 Follow the rule of two feet. You don’t need to feel stuck in the same circumstances.
“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.”
Maya Angelou
What was your favorite takaway? Share with us below!
Find Ben Romano at
@bennyp_raps (IG)
Ben Romano (FB)
Grab a copy of Ben’s new book I Have a Choice and follow on The “I Have a Choice” Journey FB group.
Listen to Ben’s music. Find Ben Pagliaro on Spotify
Join Ms. Eve and discover activties to do with kids during the Sefirat HaOmer, based on the spiritual Sefirot.
This conversation is inspired by “Words From My Heart, the hands on Jewish Prayer Book”, which helps children and their grownups explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.❤️ Words From My Heart… is a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, and prayers. You can ORDER at www.shalomeve.com or at Amazon. Also available en ESPAÑOL Listen to the Raising Jewish Kids podcast on Applecast, Spotify, Amazon Music or on Audible
What are your favorite takeaways? Share with us below!
Find Ms. Eve at:
@torahtron (IG and FB)
The Shabbat Treasure (Spotify and Amazon)
Join Ms. Eve and discover some practical tips to enhance this Pesach with kids, even with no prior preparations!
This conversation is inspired by “Words From My Heart, the hands on Jewish Prayer Book”, which helps children and their grownups explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.❤️ Words From My Heart… is a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, and prayers. You can ORDER at www.shalomeve.com or at Amazon. Also available en ESPAÑOL Listen to the Raising Jewish Kids podcast on Applecast, Spotify, Amazon Music or on Audible
What are your favorite takeaways? Share with us below!
Find Ms. Eve at:
@torahtron (IG and FB)
The Shabbat Treasure (Spotify and Amazon)
Raising Jewish kids. Special guest Morahleora
Leora Lazarus talks about a journey of gratitude from the classroom to the world. With Evelyn “Ms. Eve” Goldfinger from @torahtron
This conversation is inspired by “Words From My Heart, the hands on Jewish Prayer Book”, which helps children and their grownups explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.❤️ Words From My Heart… is a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, and prayers. You can ORDER at www.shalomeve.com or at Amazon. Also available en ESPAÑOL Listen to the Raising Jewish Kids podcast on Applecast, Spotify, Amazon Music or on Audible.
My favorite takeaways:
🌟Early childhood education is key in a child’s life. It should be seen as a valid, professional career. Also within Jewish organizations. We should have this important conversations.
🌟Favorite classroom moment: sharing a story and watching children experiencing the suspension of disbelief.
🌟 Find good in everything you see. There’s good in everyone. Try to find that good.
What was yours? Share with us below!
Find Morah Leora at: www.morahleora.com, FB Leora Neimann Lazarus, and IG @morahleora
Great conversation with rap wizard Matt Bar @rappersandrabbis at Raising Jewish Kids @torahtron
This conversation is inspired by “Words From My Heart, the hands on Jewish Prayer Book”, which helps children and their grownups explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.❤️
Words From My Heart… is a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, and prayers. You can ORDER at www.shalomeve.com or at Amazon. Also available en ESPAÑOL
Listen to the Raising Jewish Kids podcast on Applecast or on Spotify
My favorite takeaways:
🌟 Judaism can exist in a contemporary medium. Rabbi and sages for ages have been filling in the blanks in Jewish texts with story, poems, and songs.
🌟 Rap is a from of music from the hip hop culture. It doesn’t matter whether you have a “pretty” voice or if you know how to sing. Use the words and follow the beat.
🌟 Show kids what you’ve got, your authority in your area, and then invite them to join in. Show them how they can do it. Let them be the stars. It’s even a more powerful experience.
What was your favorite takaway? Share with us below!
Find Matt at
@rappersandrabbis (IG and FB)
https://www.rappersandrabbis.com/ -
Joanie Calem joins Evelyn in talking about Raising kids with disabilities in the Jewish community.
This conversation is brought to you by “Words From My Heart, the hands on Jewish Prayer Book”, which helps children and their grownups explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.❤️ WFMH is a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, and prayers. Find it at www.shalomeve.com
My favorite takeaways:
🌟 It’s not enough to be aware. Be active! Become an advocate.
🌟 Including others is being able to understand in a different way; being able to extend yourself in a different way.
🌟 There are many invisible disabilities. Many have to do with a heightened or reduce sensorial experiences. Understanding them help us see the needs of others.
What was your favorite takeaway? Share with us!
Find Joanie at
@joaniecalem ( FB)
The book Evelyn mentioned about is Heme Aqui, Here I Am: My Reconciliation with Life by Nora Lelczuk Goldfinger. You can get it here.
Multi award-winning author Nancy Churnin empowers children through her picture books. She shares stories of unsung heroes, including modern Queen Esther Eliza Davis. What a treat to have Nancy here at Raising Jewish Kids with Ms. Eve 🌟!
This conversation is inspired by “Words From My Heart, the hands on Jewish Prayer Book”, which helps children and their grownups explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.❤️
Words From My Heart… is a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, and prayers. You can ORDER at www.shalomeve.com or at Amazon. Also available en ESPAÑOL
Listen to the Raising Jewish Kids podcast on Applecast, Spotify, and wherever you listen to your podcasts.
My favorite takeaways:
🌟 A book can be a conversation started for difficult topics. Often times we want to avoid hurtful subjects with kids, but it’s hard to shield children from things they see in their everyday lives or on social media. A book can be empowering. Pictures add to the story and compliment the words, while give visual learners to another entry point.
🌟 Life is all about new things. Do the things that you are a little afraid of. Life is about growing and stretching.
🌟 Eliza was an ordinary woman. But she had the same tools that Charles Dickens had: a pen, a paper, and something to say. And so do you!
What was your favorite takaway? Share with us below!
Find Nancy at
@nchurnin(IG and FB)
Actor and educator Andrew Davies, co-funder of The Bible Players walks through the magic of improvisational theatre and how to apply it to Purim and all year-round. Join us in this upbeat chat and learn with Andrew and Ms. Eve 3 new improv games.
This conversation is inspired by “Words From My Heart, the hands on Jewish Prayer Book”, which helps children and their grownups explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.❤️ Words From My Heart… is a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, and prayers. You can ORDER at www.shalomeve.com or at Amazon. Also available en ESPAÑOL
Find Ms. Eve's Purim script and on demand show at www.shalomeve.com/purim use discount code raisingjewishkids23
My favorite takeaways:
🌟 Theater is a place where you can be yourself and have fun. Improv (improvisation) is a great tool to share Jewish values and stories.
🌟 Sometimes we leave our Jewish identity hat (literally and figuratively) when we leave the synagogue. Improv is one of the tools to take our Jewish identity wherever we go.
🌟 One of improv’s core values is TO LISTEN (as in Judaism, Shema). Not only the words, but also the tone. Also, we do improv together. And it’s great training for everyday life (including teaching and parenting!)
Did you try out one of Andrew’s fun improv games? How did it go?
What was your favorite takeaway? Share with us below!
Find The Bible Players at
@thebibleplayers (IG)
Ladino force singer and author Sarah Aroeste joins Evelyn in talking about Ladino heritage and how to model for children being proud of our traditions
This conversation is brought to you by “Words From My Heart, the hands on Jewish Prayer Book”, which helps children and their grownups explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.❤️ WFMH is a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, and prayers. Find it at www.shalomeve.com
Today’s conversation is dedicated in loving memory of my grandmother Bobe Chola Lelui Nishmat Jana Hinde bat Aron ve Java Z”L
My favorite takeaways:
🌟 There’s a wonderful Jewish diversity. Ladino is more than a language. It’s a whole vast culture that grew for a thousand years, incorporating elements (words, music, musical instruments, foods) from other cultures and also bringing its own.
🌟 Modeling joy, celebration, and appreciation for our children and for the world around us. Kids can see what you do everyday. Sarah uses elements from Ladino culture to enhance everyday life: jewellery, home decorations, food, words, etc.
🌟 Ora de despertar, time to wake up! We need to transmit our heritage and traditions to our children before it’s too late.
What was your favorite takaway? Share with us below!
Find Sarah at
@saraharoeste (IG and FB)
Sarah Aroeste (on Spotify)
Author and spiritual educator Evonne Marzouk joins Evelyn in talking about growing into your gifts through Jewish spiritual wisdom.
This conversation is brought to you by “Words From My Heart, the hands on Jewish Prayer Book”, which helps children and their grownups explore spirituality and Jewish prayer.❤️ WFMH is a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, and prayers. Find it at www.shalomeve.com
My favorite takeaways:
🌟 We have the chance to build a relationship with G*d. We are a soul dressed with a body. We have an instant connection with G*d through our soul.
🌟The heroine’s journey reminds us that everything is not meant to be perfect. The journey is a spiral. Each turn we gain more wisdom for our journey.
🌟 We grow into our gifts. It may take time like when we grow into a big outfit. Or it might take work on our part. The world gets better when we live our highest truths and pursue are most consistent dreams.
What was your favorite takaway? Share with us by replying to torahtron@gmail.com
Find Evonne Marzouk at
Grab a copy of Evonne’s Novel The Prophetess!
Welcome to Raising Jewish Kids, with Ms. Eve.
Let me introduce you to this podcast, the conversations we will have together, and some of our amazing guests. Join with your comments, questions, and suggestions.
My favorite quotes:
🌟 "When one teaches, two learn"
🌟 “If we truly wish to hand on our legacy to our children, we must teach them to love it.” Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Z"L
🌟 "I believe that we are the guardians of a treasure that is called Judaism; a treasure that belongs to our children. This treasure has been passed on to us, and it’s our privilege to enjoy it, cherish it, to grapple with it, to share it, and pass it along to the next generation for them to discover it." Evelyn "Ms. Eve" Goldfinger
This episode is brought to you by my new bestselling book “Words From My Heart, the hands-on Jewish Prayer Book”, a unique book with an interactive approach to spirituality and Jewish prayer for children. It's a hands-on, scrapbook-style book that includes activities, games, songs, Hebrew words, Jewish prayers, and access to stories and videos through QR codes. You can find it at www.shalomeve.com
Contact me at torahtron@gmail.com
And to join our conversation live, find me on Instagram @torahtron.
Welcome to Raising Jewish Kids, the podcast for parents, educators, and spiritual leaders. I am Evelyn Goldfinger, AKA "Ms. Eve", and I am so happy that you are here! Follow us, leave us your comments, suggestions, and reviews. I look forward to sharing this journey with you!
Welcome to Raising Jewish Kids, the podcast for parents, educators, and spiritual leaders. I am Evelyn Goldfinger, AKA "Ms. Eve", and I am so happy that you are here! Follow us, leave us your comments, suggestions, and reviews. I look forward to sharing this journey with you