
  • If you try to lose weight, but wind up the same or even gaining a little extra weight year after year …

    If you have multiple “false starts” with losing weight throughout the year …

    If you have really high motivation at certain times and really low motivation at other times of the year …

    Then this episode is for YOU.

    It was inspired by my disagreement with another podcaster. They were discussing the best times of year to make changes and make progress in life. After hearing what they had to say, I just had to record this episode.

    There’s something that happens around this time of year every year. Before you know it, it sucks you in and leaves you frustrated, stuck, and discouraged. 

    We are all a product of our patterns. You're about to discover what might be one of your patterns, see what might’ve been holding you back, and learn how to break free!

    COREY'S ANTI-DIET CLASS: http://www.AntiDietClass.com

    TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause


    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

  • Is your relationship with food messing you up? 

    Do you even know if you have a healthy relationship with food? 

    This episode will help you answer both of those questions. 

    Being overweight really comes down to being out of balance. And what often lies beneath our imbalance is a distorted relationship with food. This can manifest differently for different people, but today I’ll explain 4 specific ways someone can have a poor relationship with food. 

    I’ll provide specific questions to help you determine which of these four might be impacting you. Plus, we’ll cover . . . 

    The “instruction manual” for our bodySpecific imbalances that lead to gaining weightHormone imbalances and gut issues The two relationships that are guaranteed to lead to weight loss and a better life!

    TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause


    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

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  • Lydia is pretty amazing. She's mom to 4 wonderful kids. She’s super busy. And she’s super courageous, because she was willing to take the road less traveled and seek out a balanced, realistic approach to weight loss that could be sustainable. 

    In today’s episode, you’ll hear Lydia’s story including . . . 

    How she overcame emotional eatingThe transformative power of mindfulness and being present w/ food and lifeWhat “self care” used to represent and what it means to her nowWhy and how she truly enjoys food more now than ever beforeThe freedom and peace she found as she addressed her weight, food, and physical healthA massive mindset shift when it comes to parenting

    If you’re a parent, you do NOT want to miss this episode! 

    If you’re not a parent, but you’re busy and sometimes care for others, you do NOT want to miss this episode. 

    Trust me … regardless of who you are, you do NOT want to miss this episode ;) 

    COREY'S ANTI-DIET CLASS: http://www.AntiDietClass.com

    TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause


    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

  • If you want a clear cut, black-and-white answer about losing weight, then this episode is for you! 

    Whenever you ask a trainer, coach, or expert a question, there should be two words you hear when they respond. These two words can be an indicator that they truly “know their stuff” and can be trusted. 

    The less someone knows about a certain topic, the simpler it might seem. Unfortunately this can be the case when it comes to nutrition, exercise, and weight loss. It’s not quite as simple as “eat less and move more” or . . . 

    If “eat less, move more” worked, then no one would be overweight and we’d have no health problems. 

    “Just don’t eat that”

    “Just eat less sugar”

    “Just exercise more”

    “Just stop eating so much at night”

    “Just wake up earlier and workout before your day starts”

    “Just stop binging”

    “Just get it under control”

    But sadly, that’s the advice we might get or that we might tell ourselves sometimes. 

    It’s a bit more complex than that, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. I’ll explain it all in this episode. Grab your cup of coffee and let’s do it! 

    COREY'S ANTI-DIET CLASS: http://www.AntiDietClass.com

    TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause


    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

  • You may think you just need to be more disciplined. 

    You may think it was just the worst time to start a new diet. 

    You may think you just need a different plan that works for you. 

    Those might be true to some degree. But if you have tried to lose weight and quit multiple times, then I’m willing to bet that there’s a sneaky reason you may not even be aware of. It can impact us when we’re trying to take action and “do good”, but it can also crush us once we actually get results. 

    That might sound crazy, but it’s 100% true. Don’t believe me? Listen to today’s episode and I think you’ll see the reality of what’s behind our reasons to quit. 

    Plus! I wrap things up with a specific 3 step process to help you avoid this in the future. 

    COREY'S ANTI-DIET CLASS: http://www.AntiDietClass.com

    TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause


    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

  • Do you feel like you sometimes lack willpower? 

    Is it hard for you to be consistent and stick to your diet or workouts?

    Maybe you think you could lose weight if you just had more discipline.

    Well, today you’re in for a treat! I’m explaining a super simple way to instantly boost your willpower. With this little trick, you’ll become more consistent and move toward your goals faster than ever.

    And the secret to all of it is … politics!  Ha! Funny, but I’m serious. 

    Grab your coffee and turn the volume up. You’ll see what I mean.

    COREY'S ANTI-DIET CLASS: http://www.AntiDietClass.com

    TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause


    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

  • Forewarning: this episode is full of tough love and truth bombs! But it could change your life. 

    Are you ready for the truth about losing weight that no one else wants to tell you? 

    If you’ve tried 27 different diets, but none of them worked then this episode is for YOU. 

    If you’ve tried and tried, but just really struggle to lose weight, then this episode is for YOU. 

    Today I’ll explain the weight loss secret that no one wants to tell you. It’s a powerful realization that we all need to have about losing weight. Plus, we’ll answer all of these questions . . . 

    What is the core problem that keeps so many people from losing weight?What is the "secret belief" you might have that is totally screwing you up?How snazzy weight loss marketing totally tricks us into believing a lieWhy the truth is annoying AND exciting

    ALL of these questions and more are answered in this episode. But forewarning - it's a big tough love message that might sting a little. But . . . it might also be THE secret to losing weight. The secret that no one will tell you. The secret that opens your eyes and empowers you more than anything else!

    COREY'S ANTI-DIET CLASS: http://www.AntiDietClass.com

    TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause


    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

  • Need some weight loss motivation? 

    Wondering how to get started losing weight? 

    It doesn’t matter if you’re doing keto or trying Weight Watchers or Whole30, or thinking about starting Noom … we all need some motivation to get things going. Well, I’ve got you covered with a big dose of weight loss motivation and positive energy! But that’s not all . . .

    I also explain the essential first step that’s needed for weight loss success. But honestly, it’s the essential first step that’s needed to overcome obstacles and achieve any sort of positive change in your life. 

    In this episode, we’ll cover …

    Limiting beliefsHow the weight loss industry screws you upThe problem with what you’ve always tried in the pastHow being too busy holds you backSpecific questions that help you identify your faulty patterns

    Listen, pay attention, and take notes! Then send this episode to a friend. 

    TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause

    COREY'S ANTI-DIET CLASS: http://www.AntiDietClass.com


    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

  • If you’ve tried and failed more times than you can count . . .

    If you struggle to lose weight and keep it off . . .

    If you sometimes feel like your own worst enemy and you have no idea why . . .

    Then you’re familiar with self sabotage. 

    For some, it happens as soon as they start getting traction. For some, it happens when life gets busy or they get stressed. For some, it happens exactly when they least expect it - when they’ve made progress and they’re killing it! 

    Regardless of when it happens for you or if you can see it coming or not, self sabotage is real. It’s basically us screwing ourselves up for no good reason. 

    In today’s episode, I explain 3 reasons why we self sabotage and 3 ways to overcome it! 

    Plus I talk about a skinny Chris Farley and overweight Brad Pitt. 

    Just listen. It’ll all make sense :) 

    TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause

    COREY'S ANTI-DIET CLASS: http://www.AntiDietClass.com


    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

  • Finding the best diet for weight loss might not be about science. Finding the best weight loss program for YOU just might have more to do with your personal preferences than which diet burns the most fat. 

    There are two big truths that the diet industry will not tell you. In this episode, I explain those and provide 2 specific guidelines to help you find the right diet for you and your body. 

    We also quickly explore a lot of the popular options like Keto, Paleo, Atkins, Intuitive eating, Mediterranean diet, Intermittent Fasting, Whole30, Weight Watchers, Vegan, tracking macros, going gluten free, dairy free, low fat, and detoxes. 

    If you want to lose weight, I highly recommend you carve out 30 minutes, crank up the volume, and pay attention!

     TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free

     FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause

    COREY'S ANTI-DIET CLASS: http://www.AntiDietClass.com


    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

  • Do you see losing weight as a problem you need to solve? 

    Do you think of weight loss as something you need to accomplish so that you can get back to your normal life? 

    If so, this episode is especially for you! I want to encourage everyone to begin looking at (and thinking of) losing weight in a totally new way. This could be one of the most eye-opening and freeing messages you’ve ever heard about weight loss. 

    We’ll discuss . . . 

    The “recipe of your life”Invitation vs. Problem mentalityWhat your body must followA ton of factors that might contribute to where you are nowTwo things you probably don’t have, but definitely need!

     1: TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free



    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Smart Energy: https://challenge2rise.com/product/smart-energy/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause

  • Can you eat whatever you want and still lose weight?  

    The answer might surprise you. But it’s not quite as simple as you think. In today’s episode, I explain how it is possible, along with the pitfalls. 

    Overall, you’ll learn . . . 

    A BIG truth about losing weightThe difference between eating whatever you want and as much as you wantThe role what willpower and discipline play in this weight loss approachHow the diet industry tries to use tricky marketing The importance of “stacking the deck in you favor”Is breakfast important or is it okay to skip it?

    And don’t forget to snag some of the free stuff at my website or down below . . .

     1: TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free



    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Smart Energy: https://challenge2rise.com/product/smart-energy/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause

  • Today is the 300th episode, so it’s kind of a milestone. For this, I wanted to select one of MY all time favorite episodes.  I like to think of this episode as the behind-the-scenes (or below the surface) stuff of achieving a better body and a better life!

    Typically when I record most episodes, I’ll have pretty extensive notes to guide me through what I want to share. That wasn’t the case for the episode you’re going to hear today. 

    One Friday, I sat down at my laptop and it just hit me. I wrote down three sentences, clicked record, and the rest just flowed out … like something that needed to be said … and hopefully needed to be heard. 

    So, maybe that’s enough of a mysterious intro to get you to listen to the next 10ish minutes. Because it’s one of my favorite episodes. And it’s a message I believe we ALL need to hear from time to time. It may or may not be for you today … but you don’t know until you listen :)

     1: TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free



    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Smart Energy: https://challenge2rise.com/product/smart-energy/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause

  • Are you ready for the truth about protein?

    Can protein help you lose weight?

    How much protein should I eat per day?

    Is too much protein bad for you?

    If you’ve ever asked any of these questions, then this episode is for you.

    Chances are you’ve heard tidbits from all the viewpoints; probably everything from “too much protein is bad for you” to “protein is healthy and builds muscle.”  The sad part is that nutrition experts are often the culprit.  Dietitians and nutritionists tend to be the ones preaching all sorts of conflicting information.  

    If you sometimes feel frustrated and confused, it’s okay. If I were in your shoes, I would feel the same way!. Now, here you are, listening to this podcast and yet another nutrition expert is about to voice his protein opinion.  How about this . . . 

    I’ll do my best to not instantly take a side and push my protein beliefs on you.  Instead, we’ll look at the two primary perspectives.  With each perspective we’ll examine a little of the reasoning behind that viewpoint and see if things make sense.  After this background work, I’ll share my opinion (my viewpoint) and then you can form your own opinion and approach, okay? Does that sound good? I hope so. Here we go!  

     1: TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free



    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Smart Energy: https://challenge2rise.com/product/smart-energy/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause

  • For most people, losing weight is not fun. It’s something we feel like we HAVE to do. It’s a source of stress, overwhelm, and sadly failure. Who would want to do that?!  And this is why we often wait until we feel motivated again before starting another diet. We think we need motivation to be successful. 

    BUT!  The only reason we feel this way is because we’re forcing it. Once we make the shift from forcing to choosing, we no longer need that flighty, here-today, gone-tomorrow feeling of motivation. Because we’re doing what we WANT to do. We’re CHOOSING things in our daily life that lead to weight loss … instead of forcing some miserable diet or exercise program. 

    It’s a beautiful place to be. In this episode, you’ll learn more about all of that, plus I’m giving you 3 specific ways to make losing weight easier and more fun. These 3 tips can also help you experience more freedom and excitement with the whole weight loss process. 

     1: TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free



    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Smart Energy: https://challenge2rise.com/product/smart-energy/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause

  • I’m giving you four of my top weight loss tips! If you want to drop a few pounds quickly, then I’ve got you covered. These weight loss tips are simple and they work. 

    But that’s not all! We’ll dive deep and answer some other really important questions like . . . 

    Are weight loss tips an effective approach for true success?Have you become a “tip collector”?Two different ways to view your weight loss journeyThen I help you find your best next step

    P.S. Forewarning - there might be a small rant or two in this episode. Strap in and let’s do it! 

     1: TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free



    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Smart Energy: https://challenge2rise.com/product/smart-energy/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

    3: FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause

  • Are you eating healthy but not losing weight and you’re frustrated?

    Are you doing the Frankenstein diet and don’t even realize it? 

    Are you combining different things from different diets?

    Are you kind of, sort of doing keto?

    If you answered ‘yes’ to one or more of those questions, then this episode is for you! You’ll learn …

    What the Frankenstein Diet is and if you’re doing it.The “oranges guy” storyHow keto really works and why keto-ish will not lead to weight lossThe two things you must do to truly master weight loss and your healthWhy “eating healthy” can actually sabotage your weight loss goals!

     1: TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free



    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Smart Energy: https://challenge2rise.com/product/smart-energy/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause

  • Do you feel like losing weight is harder for you than it is for most people? 

    Do you feel like your body is cursed and just won’t drop weight?

    Do you often think a basic diet won’t work for you and you need something special to kickstart weight loss?

    If so, then this is the episode for you! I’m going to explain the secret to losing weight and not gaining it back. We'll also dive into … 

    One of the worst things anyone can do when it comes to losing weightSome basic, but super powerful science behind weight lossMy specific recommendation of what to do next

    This episode might cause your brain to swirl or it might be a huge lightbulb moment. Regardless, I hope you walk way feeling reenergized and empowered!   

     1: TWO FREE LESSONS: https://coreylittlecoaching.com/free



    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Smart Energy: https://challenge2rise.com/product/smart-energy/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause

  • There are some weight loss goals you might want to stop chasing. Not only will certain goals make you miserable, they can also hold you back and leave you feeling stuck in a constant state of dissatisfaction with your body. 

    If you consistently feel unhappy about your progress of how you body looks, then I highly recommend you check out this episode. I share a few specific goals that fall into this miserable category. Then I explain 4 steps to help you identify what you really want and find the best way to go after it.

    We dive into . . . 

    The difference between weight loss and appearance goalsThe importance of clarity and specificityObjective vs subjective goalsWhy every trainer and program is NOT right for youHow to set the right weight loss goals for you and your body

     1: JOIN THE INNER CIRCLE: [email protected]



    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Smart Energy: https://challenge2rise.com/product/smart-energy/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause

  • There are certain things we say, do, and believe that can keep us from having the life we really want. These borderline unconscious thoughts and actions work against you.

    The stuff you might not even realize that you repeatedly say, do, and believe is probably holding you back from weight loss success and achieving the body you really want. 

    Maybe it’s time to get rid of some of these things that sabotage us. 

    I mean, why try to drive with the park brake on?! 

    In today’s episode, I explain three things that I often see people do and hear them say. Sadly, all three of these just put a big roadblock between you and your goals. 

    You might want to stop saying and believing these three things if you want to lose weight, feel great, and move toward the life you really want.  Plus you’ll hear some real life examples from my coaching group! Crank up the volume and let’s do this!




    Website: https://challenge2rise.com/

    Smart Energy: https://challenge2rise.com/product/smart-energy/

    Elite Omega-3 on Amazon: https://a.co/d/3dgilSG

    Essential Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/6rcULak

    Elite Nutrients on Amazon: https://a.co/d/duQn1TD

    FREE MENOPAUSE DOWNLOAD: http://coreylittlecoaching.com/menopause