
  • As I welcome my friend Jason Pittman, a Navy Commodore, to my podcast, I'm struck by the unique leadership challenges he faces. Jason is preparing for a move to Australia to support our government's relationship with the Aussies and their new nuclear submarine program. But today, we dive into the lessons he's learned from managing crews on some of the most advanced and sensitive vessels in the U.S. Navy: nuclear submarines. Have you ever wondered what it takes to lead a team in such an extraordinary environment? Jason's insights might surprise you.

    Listen to some highlights from this episode

    Four Takeaways from the Podcast:

    * The importance of continuous training and readiness in high-stakes environments.

    * The role of leadership in building a resilient and accountable team.

    * The impact of geopolitical tensions on military preparedness.

    * Strategies for balancing immediate objectives with long-term development.

    The Unique Challenges of Nuclear Submarine Leadership

    Managing crews in the Navy, particularly on submarines, requires a different perspective than those of us in civilian life might imagine. The stakes are incredibly high; any misstep could have life-or-death consequences. Jason shares how he navigates these challenges, focusing on continuous training and building a culture where everyone holds each other accountable. How does this military approach compare with leadership in the business world? What can we learn from the Navy? These are some of the questions we tackle in this episode.

    Balancing Immediate and Long-Term Goals

    One particularly eye-opening aspect of Jason's career is how he balances immediate mission objectives with long-term training and development. Even with the constant rotation of crew members, he ensures that everyone is ready to perform under the most stressful conditions. It’s not just about being good at your job; it’s about being exceptional so that you can handle whatever comes your way. How does he achieve this level of readiness? And what role does failure play in this high-stakes environment? Jason's experiences provide some fascinating answers.

    Navigating Geopolitical Tensions

    As geopolitical tensions rise, the skills and preparedness of military leaders like Jason become even more critical. He reflects on the shifting global landscape and the ever-present possibility of conflict, particularly with nations like China and Russia. How do these real-world threats affect the mental and emotional readiness of his crew? And how does Jason prepare his team for the uncertainty that lies ahead? Joining us on this journey into the depths of submarine warfare offers lessons in resilience, adaptability, and leadership that are applicable far beyond the military.

    Curious to learn more about the intricacies of managing a submarine crew and the lessons in leadership that transcend industries? Tune in to the podcast for an in-depth conversation.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • I’m back with my guest, Kristina Goode-Crook, co-owner, co-founder, and general manager of MarketSteer Steakhouse in Santa Fe, New Mexico. In today's episode, we discuss how gender bias has impacted her career, from raising funds to start her restaurant, to interacting with landlords and contractors. We also discuss sexual harassment, not only directed at her but also at members of her staff.

    Kristina’s story is a testament to her resilience and determination to overcome the unique challenge as a woman co-owning and managing a steakhouse—a domain traditionally dominated by men.

    Listen to the first two minutes of the show . . .

    Four Takeaways from the Podcast:

    * Perseverance in the Face of Financial Barriers: Discover how Kristina and Kat broke through the financial barriers by continually persisting despite many rejections.

    * Setting Boundaries in Professional Spaces: Learn about Kristina’s strategies for handling sexual harassment and maintaining professional boundaries.

    * Empathy as a Leadership Strength: Explore how empathy and consensus-building are not just soft skills but crucial leadership strategies.

    * Breaking Stereotypes: Understand the persistent gender stereotypes in the restaurant industry and how Kristina flips these on their head, turning them into her strengths.

    The Gender Gap in Business Funding

    One of the most intriguing parts of our conversation revolves around the challenges Kristina faced while raising money for her restaurant. Did being a woman make it more difficult to secure loans? Kristina shares some eye-opening statistics and personal anecdotes that will make you rethink the obstacles women face in business. Despite numerous meetings with bankers and countless business plans, the financial world wasn’t ready to trust two women with their ambitious dream. Listen to get the inside scoop.

    Battling Gender Bias and Harassment

    Kristina tackles the uncomfortable yet important topic of sexual harassment in the restaurant industry, providing a candid perspective that many might not expect. She shares the “dance” she has had to master, a balancing act of deflection and resilience, to navigate the minefield of inappropriate behavior while maintaining her professional integrity and career growth. Beyond personal anecdotes, she discusses how she has created a safe and respectful work environment for her employees at MarketSteer Steakhouse, including her zero-tolerance policy towards harassment. How does she handle unruly customers who cross the line? Is there a different approach when the harasser is a customer versus an employee? This episode offers valuable lessons not just for those in the restaurant business, but for anyone facing similar challenges in their career.

    Strength in Empathy and Consensus

    Another poignant topic is the stereotyping of women’s roles in both the kitchen and the boardroom. Kristina illustrates this with stories of how she and her partner Kat have had to repeatedly prove their worth and navigate through male-dominant spaces, whether dealing with contractors or patrons. Interestingly, Kristina believes women may have an edge due to their empathy and ability to build consensus—skills that have proven invaluable in managing her team and overseeing the construction of their new venue. Yet, despite their successful track record, they often get mistaken for less authoritative roles. What persistent stereotypes do they encounter, and how do they handle being underestimated? Kristina’s clever anecdotes and practical insights offer a refreshing perspective on leadership.

    Ready for more insights and real-life strategies? Listen to the full episode and dive deeper into Kristina’s journey to success in a male-dominated field.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
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  • I am delighted to introduce a game-changing guest, Tamie Wilson, who hails from Delaware, Ohio, just north of Columbus. Tamie is not just a remarkable individual; she is on a mission to make a significant difference by running for Congress in Ohio’s 4th District. Ever wondered why government often seems dysfunctional? Tamie believes she can turn things around and make government work for its constituents in her district.

    Four Takeaways from this Episode:

    * Tamie’s Story: From personal struggles to public service, learn how Tammy’s experiences fuel her mission to bring about real change.

    * Key Issues: Discover the pressing challenges in Ohio’s 4th District and Tamie’s practical solutions.

    * Ineffective Governance: Understand why Jim Jordan’s long tenure has failed to deliver for his constituents.

    * Vision for the Future: Tamie’s comprehensive plan to improve job opportunities, health care, and living conditions in the district.

    Tamie’s Background and Inspiration

    Tamie shares a compelling story about her roots and her journey that led her to public service. Growing up in the heartland of Ohio, her family instilled strong patriotic and military values. However, when COVID-19 hit, Tamie faced a harsh reality check. As a single mom and small business owner, she didn't qualify for any relief funding, making her question the effectiveness of government policies. This transformative experience, coupled with the country's increasing division, inspired her to run for office. Do you know anyone who has turned personal adversity into a call to service?

    Real Issues in the 4th District

    Tamie’s campaign is centered around addressing real and pressing issues that affect everyday lives: jobs, affordable housing, health and food deserts, and senior financial protection. The 4th District, as she describes, is diverse, encompassing rich suburban areas and struggling rural communities. Tamie’s vision is to be “The People's Congresswoman,” representing every constituent and tackling core issues head-on. How do you think government can better serve its people?

    A New Hope for Ohio

    In our conversation, Tamie details how she plans to bring funding and jobs back to the 4th District, a key responsibility that her opponent, Jim Jordan, has neglected. Jordan, who has been in office for 17 years without delivering tangible benefits, is a prime example of why effective representation matters. Tamie envisions a district with good-paying jobs close to home, robust healthcare facilities, and accessible, healthy food options for all. Does your representative fight for what truly matters to you?


    In closing, Tamie Wilson’s candidacy represents a beacon of hope for Ohio’s 4th District. Her pragmatic and heartfelt approach to governance resonates deeply with her constituents' needs. It’s high time for a change—a change that reflects the true essence of effective leadership and community service.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • Today, as I celebrate my 70th birthday, I reflect on a cherished memory and share some thoughts on our great nation.

    When I was nine, my dad gave me an unforgettable birthday gift—a night flight over Dallas in a small Cessna 172. The city lights glittered like diamonds below as we soared through the darkness. But the true highlight was circling above the Cotton Bowl Stadium, witnessing fireworks from above. Born on the 4th of July, my birthday has always been intertwined with America's celebrations.

    Today, America faces deep divisions, but history shows we've always overcome challenges. From the 60s civil rights movements and the Cold War fears to fears about foreign and domestic terrorists, we've emerged stronger. Civil debate and understanding our neighbors are key.

    As I enjoy my birthday with family, I remain hopeful for our country’s future. Together, we can make America even better.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • I'm thrilled to welcome Linda LeBrun to my ReMarkable! podcast. Linda works for Substack and is a member of the team that engages with financial writers and creatives. In our conversation, Linda provided some great insights into why Substack has emerged as an exciting place for writers, podcasters, and other creatives to scale an audience and monetize their work. Linda described Substack’s mission this way: To build a new economic engine for culture. In this episode we discuss Substack’s unique business model and how and why creatives are using the platform to build an audience and, if they choose, monetize their work.

    Four Key Takeaways:

    * Consistency is crucial for building an audience—stick to a regular posting schedule.

    * Engage in cross-pollination through recommendations and Notes to expand your reach.

    * Having a unique point of view can set you apart and attract a dedicated following.

    * Substack’s tools, like email list ownership and payment setup, empower creators to control their monetization strategy.

    Linda’s Midlife Career Reinvention

    Linda shared an intriguing story about her professional background. She used to work in the investment industry as a portfolio manager for nearly two decades. During the pandemic, she assessed her career path and found herself drawn to tech and startups, ultimately joining Substack. Curious about how Linda made such a significant career shift? What challenges and new opportunities did she face? Her journey offers valuable lessons for anyone considering a midlife career change. Don’t miss her insights on how one can reinvent themselves at any age.

    The Innovation of Substack

    Substack is a groundbreaking platform that combines writing, podcasting, and video under one roof. Linda emphasizes that Substack provides creators with the control and ownership over their email lists and payment relationships, unlike traditional social media platforms. This is a game-changer for many content creators who want to directly engage with their audience without the interference of algorithms. Wondering how this feature can transform your content strategy? Linda’s detailed explanation will make you rethink the way you engage with your audience.

    Success on Substack: Consistency and Cross-Pollination

    We delve into the secret sauce behind successful Substack creators. Linda reveals that consistency is key, followed by active cross-pollination through recommendations and notes. She also emphasizes having a distinctive point of view. Are you an aspiring content creator struggling to build an audience? Linda’s three best practices might be exactly what you need. Find out how these tactics have been game-changers for both new and established Substackers by listening to the full episode.

    Curious about the finer details that make Substack a powerful platform for creators? Dive into the full episode to uncover all the insights and actionable advice Linda shares.

    Thanks for reading Remarkable! (A Podcast)! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

    Episode Chapters

    00:00 Introduction to my Remarkable! Podcast

    00:23 Understanding Substack's Mission

    01:13 Welcoming Linda LeBrun

    02:52 Linda's Professional Journey

    05:55 Substack's Unique Value Proposition

    08:11 The Evolution of Substack

    17:00 Community and Discovery on Substack

    25:47 Challenges and Opportunities for Podcasters

    37:37 The Power of Niche Content

    38:29 Understanding Your Value Proposition

    38:50 Leveraging Substack's Tools and Community

    39:31 Substack's Approach to AI

    40:32 The Role of AI in Content Creation

    43:10 The Artisanal Approach to Content

    49:28 Best Practices for Substack Success

    56:07 Consistency and Quality in Content Creation

    01:08:45 The Journey to Building an Audience

    01:10:31 Final Thoughts and Encouragement

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • I am excited to introduce my guest for the day, Jo Byrne, a fellow Shaker Heights resident, and founder of the firm See Your Words. Our conversation delves into an intriguing and somewhat lesser-known profession—visual note-taking or graphic recording. Jo’s unique career offers a fascinating blend of art and real-time information processing, which piqued my interest from the moment we met a few weeks ago. What exactly does a graphic recorder do? And how did Jo find herself in this unusual but impactful line of work?

    Podcast Takeaways:

    * Serendipitous Beginnings: Jo Byrne’s entry into visual note-taking was unplanned but led to a fulfilling, impactful career.

    * Real-Time Artistry: Effective visual note-taking combines sophisticated art skills with real-time information processing.

    * Emotional Resonance: Capturing the emotional undertones of a meeting can add significant value to the recorded information.

    * Practical Tips: For better communication and memory retention, integrating visuals into meetings can be highly effective.

    The Journey to Becoming a Visual Recorder

    Jo’s story of how she found her way to Shaker Heights and embarked on this career is nothing short of remarkable. Moving here over two decades ago due to her husband's job with Avery Denison, Jo quickly fell in love with the area. From there, her journey into visual note-taking took off almost serendipitously. Without any prior experience, she was asked to try out this unique role at a meeting for the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland. Imagine taping a roll of paper to the wall and starting drawing with no idea what to expect! How did she manage to turn this unexpected opportunity into a fulfilling 11-year career?

    The Art and Science of Visual Recording

    Visual recording isn’t just about doodling on a piece of paper. It’s a sophisticated method of capturing the essence of conversations, emotions, and strategies as they unfold. Jo explains how her background as a graphic designer influenced her approach to this work, but does visual recording really contribute to better memory retention and understanding in these settings? And how does she use colors, stick figures, and symbols to represent complex ideas in real time? The ability to turn abstract discussions into visual metaphors is truly an art form that goes beyond regular note-taking.

    Emotional Impact and Professional Insights

    Jo’s visual notes do more than just document meetings; they capture the emotions and dynamics of the room. From light-hearted laughs to tense discussions, her work manages to convey feelings that often go unnoticed in traditional meeting minutes. She recalls moments where her drawings brought people to tears or provided essential insights that influenced business decisions. But how does she manage to stay unbiased and capture the honest sentiments in these high-stake settings? And what are some of the most memorable reactions to her work over the years? You won’t want to miss the touching and impactful stories she shares in this episode.

    Curious to learn more about Jo’s incredible journey and her unique insights into visual note-taking? Don't miss the full episode of the podcast!

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    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • In our latest podcast episode, I had the privilege of speaking with two inspiring local entrepreneurs, Jonida Morelli and Susan Warshay. Both women have embarked on extraordinary journeys that led them to unexpected yet passionately driven careers. Jonida Morelli, a classically trained pianist turned food blogger (Tricks in the Kitchen), and Susan Warshay, a former community relations professional who now thrives as a Senior Team Director with Pampered Chef, shared their unique paths and the meaningful impact of their work. But what drives their passion, and how did they overcome the hurdles in their transitions? Listen to the full episode to find out!

    Four Takeaways from the Podcast:

    * Embracing Change and Innovation: Both Jonida and Susan illustrate how pivoting from one career to another can lead to fulfilling and successful endeavors.

    * Value of Community Support: The Shaker Heights community plays a crucial role in their ongoing success and development, providing a network of trust and encouragement.

    * Balancing Work and Family: Susan's experience offers insightful strategies on integrating family priorities with career ambitions without compromising either.

    * Authenticity in Business: Jonida's and Susan's emphasis on being authentic and relatable underlines the importance of genuine connections in building a loyal customer base.

    Jonida Morelli's story is particularly compelling, starting from her roots in communist Albania, where food scarcity shaped her resourcefulness and creativity in the kitchen. Her move to the United States at 17 was filled with challenges, but it also opened up a world of opportunities, leading to her current success with "Tricks in the Kitchen." Jonida’s innovative approach to cooking, focusing on creating delicious meals with minimal ingredients, has resonated with many. How did her background as a concert pianist influence her culinary skills, and what was the pivotal moment that turned her into a food industry entrepreneur? These questions are just the tip of the iceberg in Jonida's inspiring narrative.

    On the other hand, Susan Warshay's journey from social services to direct sales with Pampered Chef is a testament to the power of reinvention. Seeking a way to balance work and family life, Susan found her calling in helping others get homemade, healthy meals on the table quickly and efficiently. With over two decades in the business, she has mastered the art of connecting with customers and solving their culinary challenges. What secrets does Susan reveal about maintaining work-life balance while growing a thriving business? And how has the landscape of her business changed in a post-pandemic world? These insights are crucial for anyone considering a leap into entrepreneurship.

    Both Jonida and Susan emphasize the importance of trust and authenticity in their businesses, elements that resonate strongly within the supportive Shaker Heights community. They share valuable lessons on building relationships, overcoming self-doubt, and continually learning and growing in their respective fields. For anyone looking to explore a home-based business or simply draw inspiration from two remarkable women, this podcast episode offers a wealth of knowledge and motivation. Join us as we delve deeper into their stories and uncover the secrets to their successes.

    To discover more about their entrepreneurial journeys and glean further insights, dive into the full podcast episode. Could their stories be the encouragement you need to pursue your own passion project? Tune in and find out!

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • In this episode of my ReMarkable! podcast, recorded live at Shaker Heights' main library, we dive deep into the unique worlds of Jennifer Sauer Chevraux and Sally Levine. Jennifer, a passionate museum and fine arts consultant, and Sally, an accomplished architect, share their intriguing career journeys and how Shaker Heights fosters their creative endeavors. My discussions with these inspiring women reveal the deep connections and collaborative spirit that make Shaker Heights an active hub for home-based businesses.

    Four Takeaways from the Podcast:

    * Networking and Community Support: Both Jennifer and Sally emphasize the importance of a supportive community in Shaker Heights for the growth of their home-based businesses.

    * Adaptability and Innovation: Jennifer's transition from archaeology to museum consulting and Sally's pivot from dance to architecture highlight the importance of adaptability and innovation in their careers.

    * Strategic Career Moves: Both professionals shared key moments when strategic decisions significantly influenced their professional journeys, emphasizing the importance of listening to market feedback and seizing opportunities.

    * Balancing Tradition and Modernity: The discussions reveal the challenges and rewards of balancing the preservation of architectural and cultural heritage with the necessity for modern innovation.

    Jennifer’s career evolved from an interest in archaeology to becoming a museum consultant who helps both museums and private collectors. She reveals the intricacies of her work, from organizing collections to curating private museums. Have you ever wondered what it takes to preserve cultural heritage and make it accessible to the public? Jennifer sheds light on how she navigates these challenges, but there's more to her story that we couldn’t fit here. How did a project in northwest Nebraska pivot her career towards museums? You'll need to tune in to hear those transformative moments and how she handles the balance between preserving the past and innovating for the future.

    Sally Levine's journey is just as compelling. From a contemporary dancer in New York to a versatile architect in Shaker Heights, her career path is filled with fascinating twists and turns. Her experiences in various architectural firms and her teaching stint provide rich insights into her practice today. How does she juggle the demands of a small architecture firm with her aspirations to innovate while respecting Shaker Heights' architectural integrity? There’s something unique about her design philosophy that sets her apart. What critical moment led her to realize that architecture was her calling? You'll have to listen to find out.

    The podcast not only delves into their professional lives but also touches on how Shaker Heights' supportive community and beautiful landscape contribute to their successes. Jennifer and Sally’s stories are not only about careers but about navigating life’s unexpected turns and finding fulfillment in their passions. How did Sally’s teaching experience in Boston shape her practice in Shaker Heights? And how does Jennifer use her museum background to add value to personal collections? Discover the answers by diving into the full podcast episode, where these two exceptional women share their wisdom.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • In this episode of my “ReMarkable!” podcast, I talk with Justin Nobel, an acclaimed journalist and author. Justin writes about a dark and critical issue within the oil and gas industry that he brought to light—radioactivity in oil field waste. Nobel, who spent seven years investigating and writing his book "Petroleum 238: Big Oil’s Dangerous Secret and the Grassroots Fight to Stop It," provides alarming revelations about the radioactive pollutants associated with oil and gas extraction that have been neglected by the industry and overlooked by governing bodies.

    Four Key Takeaways From This Podcast:

    * Radioactive Waste in Oil and Gas Industry: The oil and gas industry generates significant amounts of radioactive waste, particularly radium, during extraction processes. This issue has been largely overlooked by the industry and regulatory bodies.

    * Environmental and Public Health Threats: The industry produces approximately 3 billion gallons of briny wastewater daily, often disposing of it using harmful methods like discharge into unlined pits or injection wells. This poses a significant risk to the environment and public health.

    * Worker Exposure and Safety Neglect: Workers handling radioactive waste are frequently exposed to high levels of radiation without adequate protection or training, leading to severe health risks. The industry lacks transparency and accountability in safeguarding its workers.

    * Regulatory Failures and Call to Action: Regulatory bodies like the EPA and OSHA have largely failed to address the radioactive waste issue, leaving communities vulnerable. There is a need for stringent safety measures, comprehensive waste management protocols, and increased scrutiny to protect workers and communities from the hazards of oil field radioactivity.

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    From the onset of oil extraction in 1859 to the fracking boom today, Nobel uncovers that not just oil and gas, but also radioactive materials, particularly radium, come to the surface during drilling. This has introduced an extraordinary new waste stream, producing approximately 3 billion gallons of briny wastewater every day in the United States alone. If placed in oil barrels, these waste fluids could reach the moon and back nearly 28 times in a year. Despite such staggering figures, the industry continues to grapple with what to do with this waste, often resorting to inexpensive and unscientific methods like discharge into unlined pits or injection wells, posing a significant threat to both the environment and public health.

    Moreover, the issue extends to the invisible dangers faced by workers handling this waste. These individuals are often exposed to high levels of radiation without adequate protection or training, exacerbating health risks. The lack of accountability and transparency within the industry is shocking, given the potential for contamination and subsequent health ramifications. Regrettably, regulatory bodies, including the EPA and OSHA, have largely failed to address these issues, leaving communities and ecosystems at risk.

    This revelation necessitates a call to action for greater scrutiny and accountability within the oil and gas industry. It’s no longer just about the environmental impact but a dire public health threat that demands immediate and robust action. By pushing for stringent safety measures and comprehensive waste management protocols, citizens can help hold the industry accountable and protect both workers and communities from the hazardous consequences of oil field radioactivity.

    Go here to learn more about FaCT and visit this site to purchase Justin’s book.

    Thanks for sharing your time with me today and I hope you listened to my discussion with Justin Nobel. Before you leave, let me ask four things of you:

    First, if you liked the show, hit the heart button and let me know.

    Second, please leave a comment on what you heard today. These kinds of environmental problems are actually preventable. Concerned citizens need to let their local, state, and national representatives know how they feel about this radioactive pollution.

    Third, do check out Justin’s book. The link is above.

    And fourth, hit up FaCT’s website. They are great group doing great things.

    See you next time!

    Thanks for reading Remarkable! (A Podcast)! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • Are you fascinated by the magic of storytelling? Have you ever wondered how great screenwriters craft compelling narratives? In our latest episode, we dive deep into the world of screenwriting with the remarkable Ann Kimbrough. From her humble beginnings in New York City to her adventures in Hollywood, Ann's journey is a treasure trove of insights and inspiration. Grab a cup of coffee (Ann LOVES coffee), get comfy, and let’s explore the enchanting universe of screenwriting and writing together!

    Key Takeaways

    Here are the four takeaways from my delightful chat with Ann:

    * Outline, Outline, Outline: It’s essential, especially for screenplays.

    * Embrace the Basics of Storytelling: Understand “hope vs fear”.

    * Learning and Adapting: Continuously refine your skills through experience and feedback.

    * Audience Engagement: Build your reader base organically and find what works best for your specific genre.

    Ann Kimbrough: The Face Behind the Pen

    Have you ever thought about the process that goes into writing a screenplay? It's not just about having a good story; it's about structure, format, and so much more. Ann Kimbrough, a seasoned screenwriter, shares her wealth of knowledge on navigating the complex world of writing screenplays.

    The Journey Begins: From Fiction to Screenplays

    Ann kicks off the episode by discussing the different paths writers take towards their craft. She discusses her own journey from college new hire to seasoned screenwriter and novelist.

    For many, writing novels and fiction is a process learned through osmosis. You learn some basics in school, and then, with an idea in mind, you start writing. But with screenwriting, it's a whole different ball game. "It's very structured and you have to know the format," Ann explains.

    Screenwriting is all about knowing how to outline—a skill sometimes dreaded by writers but essential for creating a professional script. "Every character is going through an arc," Ann says. "And one of the main ways to do that is by presenting hope versus fear for the reader."

    What Makes a Good Story?

    Ann dives into the basics of storytelling. What makes a great screenplay? How do you keep your audience on tenterhooks? She introduces the concept of "hope vs fear," which she believes is crucial in any storytelling. Whether it's a murder mystery or a dramatic tale, moving your reader between hope and fear creates compelling arcs for your characters and keeps your audience engaged.

    Oh, and the cliff hangers! Ann discusses how and why to use them. As she said with a smile, “they do keep you coming back for more.” Indeed.

    The Path to Becoming a Professional: From New York to Hollywood

    How did Ann transition from a college graduate in Las Vegas to a seasoned screenwriter in Hollywood? Spoiler: it wasn't without its challenges! After landing her first job in publishing in New York, Ann realized that while she loved working for a publisher, her day-to-day roles were always "writer-adjacent." This realization led her to shift gears and move to Los Angeles where she pursued screenwriting.

    Practical Advice for Aspiring Writers

    Ann delves deep into the practicalities of learning screenwriting. From trying to get your hands on scripts to learning beats and plotting from seasoned TV writers, the journey is filled with both trials and triumphs.

    One golden nugget from Ann: if you're an aspiring screenwriter, understanding the obligatory scenes in your genre can be incredibly helpful. For instance, a murder mystery needs a dead body or a detective. Knowing these can help you structure your story efficiently.

    Audience Engagement and Self-Publishing

    The discussion moves to the realm of self-publishing and audience engagement. Have you wondered how to get your work noticed without a big marketing budget? Ann's journey through self-publishing and leveraging platforms like Substack offers invaluable insights.

    From using targeted marketing tools like Freebooksy to building an organic following, Ann shares her strategies for getting readers hooked on her series. Interestingly, she mentions how offering the first book for free can be a great way to get readers engrossed in your work and eager to buy the rest.

    Interested in Ann’s cozy mysteries? Exercise is Murder, Pet Shows are Murder, Weddings are Murder, Train Trips are Murder? Ann writes these novels under the pen name “Ann Audree” and you can find them here.

    A Love for History: Bringing the Past to Life

    Ann’s love for history shines through in her writing, especially in her serialized works like "Harvey Girl Mysteries" and "Time Witch." And as she told me in the discussion, she loves old houses! “The history,” she said, “is wonderful.” Ann meticulously researches the periods she's writing about, ensuring that even the colloquial expressions and settings are accurate. This dedication adds layers of authenticity to her stories, making them even more engaging for the readers.

    Wrapping Up: Nuggets of Wisdom for Aspiring Writers

    As we wrap up our conversation with Ann, her advice for aspiring writers stands out:

    * Just Start: Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Start writing and learn as you go.

    * Outline Your Story: Whether it’s a detailed plan or a simple structure, know where your story is headed.

    * Draw from Personal Experiences: Use your life as a source of inspiration to craft authentic and relatable stories.

    * Seek Feedback: Share your work with trusted friends or writing groups and be open to constructive criticism.

    So, are you ready to dive into the world of storytelling? Listen to the full episode to hear Ann's inspiring journey and invaluable tips for creating compelling narratives. Happy writing!

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    Have any thoughts to share with me? Please do. Your feedback is important and appreciated.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • In this episode of my Remarkable podcast, two ambitious entrepreneurs share the journeys of transforming their culinary passions into thriving home-based businesses in Shaker Heights, OH. Saidah Farrell of Olivia Rose Confections and Sahithya Wintrich of Chutni Punch provide an inside look into their unique paths, the challenges they overcame, and the local Cleveland incubators and grants that supported them along the way.

    Top Four Takeaways from the Episode:

    * Start Small and Listen to Your Market: Both Saidah and Sahithya emphasized starting small and leveraging direct customer feedback to hone their products.

    * Utilize Local Resources: Local incubators, grants, and competitions can provide critical support and funding for home-based businesses.

    * Innovate with Purpose: Saidah’s use of no-taste fish-based gelatin and Sahithya’s incorporation of authentic spices highlight the importance of innovation and staying true to one’s roots.

    * Community and Networking Matter: Being part of a supportive entrepreneurial community, as exemplified by Shaker Heights and programs like Wonder Women of Food, is instrumental in achieving sustained growth.

    Guest Spotlight: Saidah Farrell of Olivia Rose Confections

    Saidah Farrell, the CEO and founder of Olivia Rose Confections, crafted a niche market with her unique artisan marshmallows and gourmet hot chocolate experiences. Saidah’s journey began while working as a pastry chef when she noticed a demand for her self-made whoopie pies. This sparked the idea for her own business. She started small, utilizing local incubators and participating in pitch competitions to raise funds. Her endeavor, Marshmallow of the Month Club, offers subscription boxes filled with unique, flavor-rich marshmallows, made using a no-taste fish-based gelatin for a distinct taste. Today, Saidah is not only an inspiring entrepreneur but also a mentor, actively engaging with high school interns and nurturing the next generation of culinary talent.

    Guest Spotlight: Sahithya Wintrich of Chutni Punch

    Sahithya Wintrich, founder of Chutni Punch, brings a bold and flavorful punch to the culinary scene with her Indian seasoning blends. Originally from Southern India, Sahithya aims to revive authentic, flavorful cooking in American kitchens. With blends like roasted chickpea mushroom and turmeric, and super sesame, her products add a burst of spicy and tangy flavors to any dish. Sahithya's entrepreneurial journey is marked by a careful and thoughtful approach to sourcing sustainable ingredients and soliciting direct customer feedback at local farmers markets. Her perseverance and keen understanding of market needs have made Chutni Punch a beloved addition to many households.

    By harnessing their culinary skills and leveraging local support systems, both entrepreneurs have shown that with passion and persistence, home-based businesses can truly flourish. Their stories serve as an inspiration to budding entrepreneurs everywhere.

    Did you like this episode or have some feedback? Message me! Have any thoughts to share with others? Leave a comment! Your feedback is important and appreciated.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • Ever wondered how someone transitions from an entry level job at a chain restaurant to co-owning a highly rated steakhouse in Santa Fe, New Mexico? In this podcast episode, I speak with Kristina Goode-Crook, co-owner and General Manager of MarketSteer Steakhouse, who takes us through her incredible and unconventional journey in the restaurant industry. Born out of a desire to get out of the house at 15, Kristina’s first job was as a hostess at a Chili’s in Dallas, Texas. Little did she know that this seemingly ordinary job would set the foundation for a lifelong career in the fine dining industry.

    Four Takeaways from the Podcast:

    * Persistence is Key: Kristina’s pursuit of owning her own restaurant has never wavered. This is an important part of her story.

    * Mentorship Matters: The relationships and mentors Kristina built over the years significantly impacted her growth as a leader.

    * Soul in Service: The warm, genuine service ethos championed by Kristina and Kat differentiates Market Steer Steakhouse from its competitors.

    * Choosing the Right Venue: Moving to Santa Fe, a place with affluent residents and a strong culinary scene, was crucial for the success of their high-end steakhouse.

    Short on time? Listen to the first 5 minutes of the episode for some great moments!

    A Career Path With Twists and Turns

    Kristina's career path was far from linear. She worked as a hostess, then a server, got a degree in broadcasting, and waited tables part-time. It was around this time she met the woman who would become her wife, Kat, a talented chef who would also become her business partner. They eventually moved to Aspen, Colorado, where each took on significant roles at a prestigious steakhouse. When the General Manager recognized Kristina and Kat’s potential, it changed everything. But was Kristina ready for the responsibilities that came with being a General Manager, especially in such a high-stakes environment?

    From Aspen to Santa Fe

    Life in Aspen was exhilarating but demanding. Facing a transient staff (it is a ski village after all) and a breakneck pace of service, Kristina honed her management skills and figured out how to maximize restaurant occupancy, a skill she would later rely upon heavily. Eventually, the couple moved to Santa Fe, bringing their dream of opening their own restaurant closer to reality. However, opening a high-end steakhouse in a competitive culinary market didn’t come without its own set of challenges. How did they navigate these hurdles and manage to stand out among the already established culinary giants?

    Surviving the Pandemic

    Their journey took a surprising twist during the pandemic, forcing them to pivot and adapt in ways they never anticipated. Kristina and Kat’s experiences running a food truck played a critical role here. So, what did it take for them to not just survive but thrive during one of the most challenging periods for the restaurant industry?

    Curious to learn more about Kristina and Kat’s journey, their unique approach to hospitality, and their plans for the future? Listen to the entire podcast episode for the in-depth conversation and inspiring insights.

    And, if you live in Santa Fe or will be visiting, be sure and visit MarketSteer’s new location at 213 Washington Ave. The new venue is epic. Call 505-365-1010 to make a reservation and tell the hostess you read about them on Substack! 😊

    Remarkable! (A Podcast) is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • In my latest podcast episode, I have a personal conversation with Jessica Colombi and Chris Nance. The couple’s personal journey began in the early 2000s, their paths first crossing during a pivotal moment in American political history. Fast forward to today, and their shared commitment to making a difference in their community of Cleveland stands as a testament to their enduring partnership. Through their unique story, listeners will gain a deep appreciation of the nuanced balance between personal and professional lives, especially when both parties are committed to public service and community development.

    Here are four key takeaways from this episode:

    * Shared Values Strengthen Relationships: Jessica and Chris’s connection was forged through common goals and values, emphasizing the importance of shared beliefs in personal and professional partnerships.

    * Balancing Professional and Personal Lives: Their story highlights the challenges and strategies in balancing deeply involved professional roles with personal relationships.

    * Transformational Leadership in Community Service: Both Jessica and Chris demonstrate how dedicated individuals can drive significant change within their communities through determined, collaborative efforts.

    * Spirituality as a Foundation: Their commitment to maintaining spiritual wellness serves as a cornerstone in their relationship, providing grounding and strength amid their demanding roles.

    Jessica and Chris met during the 2004 presidential election, a bond formed over their shared values and passion for social responsibility. Their personal story took root in community advocacy and political engagement, transitioning into a professional collaboration that saw them both serving in state government roles. Their shared history growing up in Shaker Heights and their engagement in local community efforts provided a profound foundation for their relationship, combining their personal values with professional responsibilities to drive meaningful change.

    Over the years, their collaboration extended to significant community projects like the Community Benefits Ordinance (CBO) in Cleveland. (Listen to this story here) Working together closely to get the CBO passed, Jessica and Chris found themselves navigating both the complexities of public policy and the intricacies of their relationship. The challenges they faced underscore the importance of maintaining a balance between work and personal life, a theme that was ever-present in their conversation. Their endeavors exemplify the strength that comes from mutual support and shared commitment to broader goals, all while fostering their personal relationship and spiritual lives.

    Their story is not only inspiring but also provides valuable insights into managing dual roles in professional and personal domains. Jessica and Chris illustrate that working side by side on transformative projects can enrich a relationship but requires conscious effort to preserve the essence of the partnership. Their journey from Shaker Heights to the pivotal roles they serve in Cleveland showcases the power of collaboration and personal resilience.

    Remarkable! (A Podcast) is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • The top four takeaways from this episode:

    * The Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter offers a bright and open environment to ensure the well-being of its shelter dogs.

    * Daily operations and playgroups are crucial for maintaining hygiene and socialization.

    * Community involvement, including volunteer work and dog walking, is vital for the shelter’s success.

    * Proper collar tags and microchips are essential for quickly reuniting lost dogs with their owners.

    In this episode, I speak with Mindy Natchioni, the Director of the Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter. Mindy and her dedicated team work tirelessly to provide the best care for their canine residents. A native Clevelander with a background in business and management, Mindy combines her professional skills and passion for dogs to create a supportive environment for both the animals and staff.

    American Dog Shelters Are Facing A Crisis

    American dog shelters are currently experiencing a significant crisis, marked by a surge in unwanted dogs and a decrease in adoptions. Stray dog intakes have increased by 6% from January to November compared to 2022, and by about 22% since 2021, as reported by Shelter Animals Count, which surveys nearly 7,000 shelters nationally. The crisis is exacerbated by economic pressures, with pet owners facing higher costs for essentials like food and veterinary care, leading to difficult decisions about pet ownership. The American Pet Products Association noted that dog owners paid an average of $344 for veterinary visits, $354 for food, and $315 for boarding in 2022. This financial strain, coupled with the end of pandemic-era eviction restrictions, has led to a situation where shelters are overwhelmed, some even having to turn animals away or reduce their hours of operation.

    All of this is what makes the work of our local animal shelter, the Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter, so important.

    The Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter Building

    The shelter was built in 2001 and opened in early 2002. Designed to move away from the stereotypical look of a "dog pound," the facility is bright and open, creating an inviting and comforting atmosphere for both visitors and dogs. The shelter can house up to 111 dogs, with 72 animals on the main adoption floor and additional spaces in holding and clinic areas for those needing medical attention or involved in court cases.

    Daily Operations

    The day at the shelter starts early, with cleaning and feeding processes geared toward maintaining hygiene and minimizing the spread of diseases. The dogs participate in playgroups where they are matched based on their play styles such as "rough and rowdy" or "gentle dainty." The objective is to ensure every dog gets the exercise and social interaction they need.

    Thank you for reading Remarkable! (A Podcast). This post is public so feel free to share it with your dog-loving friends!

    Community and Volunteer Involvement

    Community support plays a crucial role in the shelter's operations. Local businesses and volunteers walk the dogs, help with enrichment activities, and even assist with social media efforts. The shelter encourages anyone interested to get involved and highlights the importance of easily identifiable collars and microchips for quickly reuniting lost dogs with their owners.


    The Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter, under Mindy's passionate leadership, not only provides a safe haven for lost and stray dogs but also engages the community in meaningful ways. The shelter continues to innovate and expand its facilities, ensuring a better future for its canine residents.

    Remarkable! (A Podcast) is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • In the world of music and entertainment, there are often stories of triumph and resilience that go untold. One such story is that of Darci Monet, a vocal artist whose journey from Nashville to Los Angeles is a tale of perseverance and rediscovery. Despite not receiving due credit for her performance in the iconic indie film "Napoleon Dynamite," Darci’s voice resonated with audiences worldwide, contributing to a pop culture phenomenon that continues to enchant listeners.

    Darci’s unwavering spirit and determination to reclaim her narrative have led her on a path of self-discovery and revival. As she reflects on her experiences and the challenges she has faced in the industry, Darci embraces her unique sound—a rich, soulful alto voice that has evolved over the years. Her decision to celebrate the 20th anniversary of her performance in "Napoleon Dynamite" marks a turning point in her career, signaling the beginning of a new chapter filled with creativity and opportunity.

    Through a series of serendipitous events, including the recording of a new cover of “The Rose,” and the support of fellow artists and friends, Darci embarks on a journey of artistic rediscovery. With a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to sharing her talent with the world, Darci’s story serves as a reminder of the resilience and tenacity required to thrive in the competitive world of music and entertainment. As she embraces "act two" of her career, Darcy's determination and passion for her craft continue to shine, inspiring others to pursue their dreams with courage and determination.

    Darci Monet's story is a testament to the power of perseverance and self-belief in the face of adversity. As she navigates the challenges of the industry and embarks on a journey of self-discovery, Darci's journey serves as a reminder that true success lies in the unwavering pursuit of one's passion. Through her music and her resilience, Darci Monet is a hidden rose that has blossomed into a symbol of strength, creativity, and the enduring power of the human spirit.

    Remarkable! (A Podcast) is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • Jeff Gould’s story, as featured in this episode of “my ReMarkable podcast,” is a powerful narrative of overcoming adversity and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Despite a challenging childhood and two significant, undiagnosed TBIs, Jeff found himself seeking escape through substance abuse. His turning point came when he chose to address his health, leading to recovery and understanding the underlying causes of his struggles.

    Now, Jeff thrives as an unconventional expert on TBIs, using his personal experiences to guide others through recovery. He emphasizes functional medicine, lifestyle changes, and compassion. His story teaches the importance of treating mental health conditions seriously and offers hope and guidance to those facing personal challenges. Jeff’s journey is a testament to human resilience and the transformative power of understanding and empathy.

    For more insights and support, Jeff’s work as a TBI coach can be explored through his website, memoir, and podcast “Living with TBI.”

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • Yesterday I interviewed my friend, Jeff Gould. I’ve known him professionally for a couple of years; I produce his podcast. Though I knew a bit of his story, I had never heard the full tale, the arc. And it was stunning.

    Jeff had a bike accident as a pre-teen and because this was before the time when every child wears a helmet, Jeff suffered a concussion. He knew something didn’t feel right but he shook it off. A few years later while staying at a friend’s house, a door — taken off its hinges — was knocked loose and fell into Jeff’s head. It broke his jaw. It also gave him another concussion. That’s two.

    And in the midst of all of this, Jeff learned that alcohol could numb those bad feelings he had as a teen — and who hasn’t struggled with those — as well as the weirdness he was feeling after the concussions.

    Spin the tape forward a few years and this combination of traumatic brain injuries (TBI), addiction, and poor life choices would drive Jeff out of his home to life on the streets living under a bridge.

    A little over twenty years later Jeff is married, owns a home, and works as a coach providing help for people suffering from TBIs and addiction.

    Coming soon, hear Jeff’s story of “a life concussed.”

    Remarkable! (A Podcast) is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • Cleveland has been at the forefront of a transformative movement aimed at reshaping how development projects interact with the communities they impact. Recently, I had the opportunity to engage in a detailed conversation with Jessica Colombi and Chris Nance – two pivotal figures in the passage and implementation of Cleveland's Community Benefits Ordinance (CBO). Their insights provide a compelling look into a city collaborating with industry to create a brighter, more inclusive future.

    The Genesis of Change:

    The story begins in the heart of Cleveland, a city known for its resilience and vibrant community. The CBO germinated from a collective realization of the long-standing market failures that marginalized minority and women-owned businesses and contributed to widening socio-economic disparities. As Jessica points out, "from 2014 to 2018, only a minuscule percentage of prime contract spending in Cuyahoga County was awarded to minority and/or women-owned businesses."

    This data underscored an urgent need for intervention - an initiative to correct systemic inequities and forge a new path for economic inclusion.

    A Community First Approach:

    The essence of the CBO is not in the legal language it's codified in but the ethos it embodies – putting the community first. This ordinance wasn't conceived in isolation; it involved rigorous engagements with the community, developers, policymakers, and various stakeholders through focus groups, surveys, and discussions. These engagements illuminated the residents' desire for developments that happened with them, not to them.

    Chris beautifully articulates the long-term vision, "Fast forward to 2040... what would it mean if people living in neighborhoods like East Cleveland had more money in their pockets? It means local talent stays, contributes, and grows the community."

    Building the Future, Today:

    The ordinance serves as a catalyst for tangible, systemic change. It mandates developers to engage with and directly benefit the communities they build in, from improving public spaces to creating job opportunities. However, both Jessica and Chris emphasize that the ordinance is but one tool in a broader strategy aimed at economic mobility and equitable development.

    The establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) following the ordinance is a testament to the commitment stakeholders have towards embracing its spirit, beyond just complying with its letter. The MOU, as detailed by Jessica, is a pledge from developers, businesses, and institutions to uphold the principles of community benefit, recognizing the intrinsic value of doing business in a way that elevates all sections of society.

    Challenges and the Road Ahead:

    Navigating the complexities of implementing such a groundbreaking policy is not without its challenges. Resistance from traditional sectors accustomed to a laissez-faire approach loomed large. Yet, the ordinance, designed with flexibility and accountability, aims to transform skepticism into collaboration, guiding Cleveland towards a future where development is synonymous with community prosperity.


    The journey of Cleveland's Community Benefit Ordinance from conception to enactment is a beacon of hope, not just for this city but for any community striving towards inclusivity and economic justice. As Jessica and Chris envision a Cleveland that harnesses the full potential of its residents, it's clear that the real success of the CBO will be measured not by the projects it regulates but by the lives it uplifts and the communities it revitalizes.

    In echoing their optimism and commitment, it's evident that while the path ahead may be fraught with challenges, the direction is paved with promise. Cleveland is not just building structures; it's building a legacy of community, equity, and shared prosperity for generations to come.

    Links to Resources:

    * If you have any questions or interest about the CBO, contact:

    Tyson Mitchell, Director, or Terrell Knight, Office of Equal Opportunity at this location.

    * For copies of the CBO, the MOU, and the Process Map, go here

    * To read coverage of the CBO by the local press, go here

    * And to watch the ceremony celebrating the signing of the MOU, go here


    00:00 Cleveland's Transformative Movement: The Community Benefits Ordinance

    00:12 Insights from Jessica Columbi and Chris Nance: Shaping Cleveland's Future

    01:24 The Genesis of Cleveland's Community Benefits Ordinance

    02:54 The Impact and Vision of the Community Benefits Ordinance

    06:22 Jessica and Chris: Personal Journeys and Professional Insights

    12:53 Exploring Cleveland's Rich History and Economic Landscape

    26:02 The Community Benefits Ordinance: A New Paradigm for Development

    39:04 Addressing Market Failures: The Role of Government in Economic Inclusion

    40:42 The Market's Ebb and Flow: Urban Development and Economic Factors

    41:45 Government Intervention in Market Failures

    42:01 Navigating Global Economic Shifts and Personal Narratives

    43:02 COVID-19's Impact on Supply Chains and Economic Rebalancing

    44:51 Legislative Innovations: The Community Benefits Ordinance

    45:24 Crafting the Ordinance: Community Engagement and Focus Groups

    50:03 The Ordinance in Action: Expectations and Real-World Applications

    01:00:41 The Future of Cleveland: Economic Development and Civic Engagement

    01:15:21 Closing Thoughts: The Impact of Collective Effort

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • In this episode of my Remarkable podcast, I engage in a thought-provoking conversation with Chris Gay, the CEO and co-founder of Evry Health. Through our discussion, Chris shares valuable insights and lessons learned from his 25-year entrepreneurial journey that shed light on the realities of entrepreneurship.

    The Hard Truths of Entrepreneurship:

    Chris emphasizes the challenges of being an entrepreneur, highlighting that it is a path filled with rejection, failure, and uncertainty. He stresses the importance of having a high risk tolerance and the need for spouses to support and tolerate the risks involved in entrepreneurial endeavors.

    Early Influences and Lessons Learned:

    Growing up as an army brat in various locations, Chris attributes his predisposition to entrepreneurship to his exposure to diverse cultures and his father's early adoption of technology. These early influences shaped his perspective and equipped him with the resilience needed to navigate the entrepreneurial world.

    Balancing Risk and Family Life:

    Chris candidly discusses the impact of entrepreneurship on family life, emphasizing the financial risks involved and the importance of living lean to build a financial cushion before embarking on entrepreneurial ventures. He underscores the need for entrepreneurs to consider the implications on their families and relationships.

    Social Impact in Entrepreneurship:

    Unlike traditional notions of entrepreneurship solely driven by financial gain, Chris advocates for a dual focus on technical challenges and social impact. He believes in using entrepreneurship as a platform to make a meaningful difference in the community while also ensuring financial returns for investors.

    Lessons for Aspiring Entrepreneurs:

    Drawing from his own experiences, Chris Gay offers invaluable advice to aspiring entrepreneurs, urging them to carefully assess the risks, live frugally to build financial stability, and prioritize social impact in their ventures. He emphasizes the importance of honesty about the challenges of entrepreneurship and learning from the experiences of seasoned entrepreneurs.


    As we navigate the complex landscape of entrepreneurship, the insights shared by Chris Gay serve as a guiding light for aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs alike. By embracing risk, prioritizing family well-being, and focusing on social impact, entrepreneurs can carve out a path that not only leads to financial success but also makes a meaningful difference in the world.


    00:00 Introduction to Entrepreneurship with Chris Gay

    00:30 The Hard Truths of Being an Entrepreneur

    00:55 Navigating Risks and Relationships in Entrepreneurship

    01:57 Meet the Host: Mark Goode and the Remarkable Podcast

    02:28 Chris Gay's Entrepreneurial Journey: Early Influences

    02:55 From Military Brat to Tech-Savvy Entrepreneur

    05:04 The Transition from Corporate to Entrepreneur

    07:08 Embracing Risk and Rejection in Entrepreneurship

    10:26 Advice for Young Entrepreneurs: Financial Prudence and Family Considerations

    12:36 The Social Impact of Entrepreneurship

    14:13 Reflecting on the Entrepreneurial Journey

    15:18 Closing Thoughts and Future Prospects

    Remarkable! (A Podcast) is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com
  • The US health insurance industry is gigantic, often unwieldy, and frequently impersonal and ridiculously expensive. My friend Chris and his co-founders Jay and Mark are changing that.

    Zero deductibles, no co-pay, no cost Telehealth available 24x7, humans in the loop

    My friend Chris Gay is an entrepreneur and co-founder of Evry Health. Chris started his career at Goldman Sachs but quickly pivoted to his first entrepreneurial venture, Mile Meter. That was his first venture in the insurance space. After that he spent time with a venture capital firm but then began to think about health insurance.

    As he said to me, “I wanted to create a firm whose plans were right for my family, plans that wouldn’t force people to make risky financial decisions as one of my friends did, a decision which cost him his life”

    So Chris and soon his co-founders Jay and Mark created a business plan for a new kind of health insurance business, one that was technology driven but at it core one whose goal is ”to bring humanity to health insurance.” Imagine that.

    Join me in my conversation with Chris as he takes us on his entrepreneurial journey, from idea, to funding through Y Combinator, to nearly failing in the process of scaling, to full funded.

    And then listen as Chris offers an “inside baseball” look at the health insurance industry. It’s eye opening . . .

    Remarkable! (A Podcast) is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    To learn more about these podcasts and to get access to premium content, visit markgoode.substack.com

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit markgoode.substack.com