In the 5th episode of Research Integrity Matters, Gowri and Marino talk with Lyn Horn and Sandra Alba about the recent Cape Town Statement on Fostering Research Integrity through Fairness and Equity. The Statement advocates for fair practice from conception to implementation of research and provides 20 recommendations aimed at all involved stakeholders.
Nature published a commentary on this in March 2023 and we are looking forward to discussing the Statement as well as the Nature commentary today with Lyn and Sandra. You can find the Cape Town Statement here and the Nature article about the statement here. The BRIDGE statement (co-authored by Sandra) can be found here.
You can always submit questions or suggestions via our website (www.nrin.nl) but you can also research us via Twitter (@gowrigopala, @mzelst, or @nrin_integrity). You can also email us via [email protected] or [email protected] with questions, remarks, or suggestions.
In the 4th episode of Research Integrity Matters, Gowri and Marino talk with Mariette van Den Hoven and Julia Priess Buchheit about their new Network for Education and Research Quality: NERQ.
NERQ is a new initiative started by Mariette van den Hoven and Julia Priess Buchheitt to further research quality of training in research ethics and integrity. They held their first on site inaugural meeting in March 2023 of the network supported by the EU Commission. In this episode we plan to find out more about NERQ, its goals, and vision for the future on research quality and training in ethics and integrity.
Relevant links
Position paper on challenges in research integrity education (co-authored by Mariette and Julia): Click here.
NERQ LinkedIn: Click here.
You can always submit questions or suggestions via our website (www.nrin.nl) but you can also research us via Twitter (@gowrigopala, @mzelst, or @nrin_integrity). You can also email us via [email protected] or [email protected] with questions, remarks, or suggestions.
In the third episode of Research Integrity Matters, Gowri and Marino talk with Chris Hartgerink about the publication system, the distribution of power in academia, and research integrity.
Chris discusses a new way of doing and publishing research. They are building a modular publication system and we discuss the influence of current and new publication practices on research integrity with them. Chris also highlights the importance of the distribution of power in research as well as activism.
You can find Research Equals on www.researchequals.com if you want to find out more!
You can always submit questions or suggestions via our website (www.nrin.nl) but you can also research us via Twitter (@gowrigopala, @mzelst, or @nrin_integrity). You can also email us via [email protected] or [email protected] with questions, remarks, or suggestions.
In the second episode of Research Integrity Matters, Gowri and Marino talk with Inge Stegeman and Jeroen Sondervan about open science and recognition, valuation, and effectiveness:
How do open science/access relate to research integrity when we look at recognizing and valuing researchers efforts in terms of opening up research? Does it benefit researchers, does it foster research integrity and how effective are all these interventions in academic practices actually?
You can always submit questions or suggestions via our website (www.nrin.nl) but you can also research us via Twitter (@gowrigopala, @mzelst, or @nrin_integrity). You can also email us via [email protected] or [email protected] with questions, remarks, or suggestions.
In the first episode of Research Integrity Matters, Gowri and Marino talk with Cassidy Sugimoto about intersectionality and diversity in research. Why and how does striving for more diverse research teams improve research integrity and why does a lack of diversity affect research quality?