
  • Now that we’re a few weeks removed from our Galatians series, Jay dives into another series of talks, this time he’s talking about Paul Tillich. Tillich was both a theologian and a philosopher, so his thoughts and messages are right up our alley! Of all of Tillich’s talks and teachings, Jay is focusing in on one right now—and that’s Tillich’s talk “You Are Accepted.” Along with Galatians, Jay believes this talk of Tillich’s is one of the best things out there when it comes to grace, and he’s not wrong! Tillich raises a lot of good points and good questions. What does he mean when he is talking about The Ground of Being? Is it possible that our theology is leading us in directions we’re not even aware of? Why are we so fixated on division, and separating ourselves from each other? Are Sin and Grace the strangest words that we know of? Are they useless tools? Tillich talks about all of these things in this sermon—and Jay is diving in and helping us take a closer look at these points and questions in hopes that we all can get the most of Tillich’s thoughts on grace and acceptance.

    You can hear the sermon in full, read by Peter Rollins, on the Revolution YouTube page, and wherever you listen to your podcasts.

    This talk was given on June 2, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Good news everyone! Josh is back to gave a talk…that references Futurama a surprising amount! Which is easy to understand because it is one of the greatest shows ever. But along with that he also talks about Jesus and forgiveness and the Bible. About not ‘othering’ people, and how we can all help each other survive when life starts to feel vaguely like a prison sentence. He also talks about Paul, Peter and what they have to say about the laws that crush us rather than free us! Josh shares his favorite story of the entire Bible, as well as his thoughts on Jonah, goats and sheep, and the X-men, obviously. In this talk Josh uses examples from all walks of life and pop culture—all coming together to help himself and others try to understand more about grace and forgiveness and love, and what it means to go whistling and fishing into heaven.

    Due to some technical difficulties with the video stream, we did a little something different for Youtube to try and minimize the impact of the wonky video. It’s a bit of a workaround but we think it works okay! At least for the week. Enjoy!

    This talk was given on May 26, 2024 from Long Island, New York.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • We finished our Galatians series—so now what? We’ve dedicated so much time to it it’s hard to move forward. It feels a bit uncomfortable. But Jay is riding that wave of inspiration that comes from finishing up such a long and good study. That’s not the say that Jay isn’t tired. He is. Tired but inspired! This week originally we were going to talk about the sermon You Are Accepted, but it’s pushed back a bit because Jay had something on his mind he wanted to share. It occurred to him that he needs to put his money where his mouth is—or better yet put his grace where his scapegoat is. Because we admit we haven’t been too kind to evangelical Christians as of late. So today Jay wants to fix that. In this talk Jay does a dive back into his life and shares the positive impacts that evangelical Christians have had in his life. And how they even helped shape Revolution and get it on its feet. We get just as tempted as everyone else to scapegoat and knock down, that happens—but recognizing that it’s happening and trying to mindfully steer in the other direction is more than half the battle. Jay also discusses wither co-existing can actually happen or if it’s a fallacy. He also tries to share the bigger picture of non-violence. Because we have to figure something out. Mutual fear is getting us nowhere, and neither is fighting anger with more anger. So, sometimes it’s good to stop, breathe, and take a look into our past,--because if we don’t know where we came from, how can we ever know where we are going?

    This talk was given on May 19, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Here we are! We did it! Five months in and we did it, we did the unthinkable!! We reached the end of our Galatians series! Don’t get us wrong, it was great! We loved it! We can’t believe we got to go as in-depth as we did, it really was a treat. But we can’t deny too that it is a relief that it’s over and we can move on. Don’t worry though, because as always, Galatians and the lessons taught in that letter will be in every talk we give here at Revolution. Gone but not forgotten, and always present. But here we are! And it’s Mother’s Day too—A quick happy Mother’s Day to everyone! On a sad, but sincere note, we also know that Mother’s Day isn’t the easiest holiday for some folks and there is a lot of struggling just to get through the day. We’re with you, and you’re not alone. We have the same struggles here at Revolution. Always remember, we’re in this together. There is a lot to say about this talk, but maybe it’s best to leave the talk to do all of…well, the talking. Today covers a lot of ground. Jay talks about restoration and helping people. He talks about weighing the importance of practicing rituals versus following the intensions of our hearts. As always, Jay discusses, and demonstrates in engaging with some unsavory members in chat, that grace covers everyone—even the people we don’t want it to. And Jay also asks some difficult questions, like should we depend on the church or the community? Is it possible that denominations can be seen as a form of mocking God? Is it okay to have selective judgement for people we like and people we dislike? This talk covers all of this and so much more. And it’s a great way to end out the whole study!! We hope you enjoy! May grace be with you all!

    This talk was given on May 12, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We’re back on the Galatians train—and today we’re talking about Galatians 5. Which works since this is our fifth month in Galatians, can you believe that?! It’s got to be some sort of a record. Today since we’re diving into chapter 5, Jay will be talking about vices and virtues. And more specifically vices and virtues through the lens of Galatians and Paul’s writings. One thing to keep in mind is that the Bible is a collection of writings over time—it really isn’t a rulebook or a textbook. Because Truth is always Truth, regardless of what any majority of people believe. Outweighing something doesn’t mean your take is the Truth. And that goes for everyone, including ourselves. It’s not just about others. Because when we forget that, and when we treat the Bible as a rulebook we tend to make sin bigger than it really is. That’s not clickbait or anything, it’s just a pretty matter of fact thing. Maybe we blow things out of proportion when it comes to church and sin and vices and virtues. That possibility is at least worth exploring. Because so often we’re using the ‘rules’ of the Bible to bite and devour each other, but generosity goes such a long way. We have to remember that we are called to love each other, and love doesn’t demand its own way. It takes time and it takes understanding and it takes patience. If we want to see change, real change, we need patience. So let’s do this and do it together. Let’s be citizens of a community rather than just a group of people!

    This talk was given on May 5, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Is it possible to be Galatians’d out? We didn’t think so either—but we admit we needed a break this week. But don’t worry though, this talk is still all about Paul and Jesus. What brings up this pause in our Galatians series is that Jay had some other topics on his mind, and those topics are grace, and nuance. Are we losing our understanding and nuance when it comes to communication? All of us have difference experiences and stories from each other, we have different understandings and different paths we all walk—that is why we need to always remember that nothing is cut-and-dry. Things are complicated and we all come from different walks of life, different upbringings, different journeys. This is why we need grace with each other, and ourselves. We have to remember to think of things in grey terms, not just simple black and white thinking. Binary thinking. Boiling everything down into just black and white is something we did as children, now that we’re grown ups shouldn’t we put that type of thinking away? We have to remember to be patient with others and patient with ourselves. We preach grace not only because we believe in it, but because we’re not always the best at it. So this talk is just as much for us as it is for you. We’re all in this together.

    This talk was given on April 28, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Galatians, Galatians, Galatians. We’ve been in Galatians for months now—with even more to come. We love it, but we’re okay with coming to an end soon. The main reason for how long this study has been is because of all the new scholarship Jay has been learning about this letter. Context is not only valuable, but it is needed. But it’s tricky, because do we only like scholarship until it causes us to have to inspect our own faith and beliefs? Paul has always had his fair share of critics. Usually, these critics find that Paul and his message of grace is just simply people pleasing and just giving everyone the okay to sin. Jay at one point in his life was even told that he made Christ’s death in vain—harsh words, yes, but it led him to finding Galatians and learning about grace. Is it people pleasing to dive deeper into the Bible and try to learn more about the faith you love and devoted your life to? Why do we have this need to constantly bite and devour each other? We used to do it in church, but now it seems like social media is where we do all of our biting and devouring. Why is this? Can’t we find a common humanity with each other? Because after all what do we truly love when we say we love God? And who do we truly love when we say we love God? These are the real questions we should be asking ourselves, but instead we find devouring each other to just be easier, and apparently more rewarding. We should really, really stop doing that.

    This talk was given on April 21, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We finally made it to Galatians 5! This study is never ending this year, but we’re not complaining! Is Galatians the greatest letter on grace? We certainly think so! Something very strange happened in this talk, well not strange maybe, since it’s not strange for people to pop up in chat to troll or argue—so maybe kismet is the better word to use. Why we say that is we had some viewers in chat that were very much all about the law and following the law, especially those found in Leviticus. Laws that have been fulfilled if you believe in the New Testament and the Jesus story. What makes it so kismet is that Galatians 5 is about freedom from the Law and how Jesus sets us free from that yoke of slavery! We couldn’t tell you why these people waited until today, maybe they were waiting for this chapter? Maybe it’s coincidence? But either way kismet describes it best. Remember that Revolution is a place for everyone, and everyone is welcome! All walks of life, political beliefs, orientations, creeds, races…and the list goes on. But we do have to also remember that the safety of the community is paramount to all things, and so we have to show grace and humility and remember that arguing solves nothing…and also that arguing and disagreeing are not the same thing. You can do one without the other. There is a lot to say about this talk because it is very good, and it’s really interesting how the topic and the current reality Jay found himself in while giving the talk really coincided—so, even though there is a lot to be written in the description, maybe we just leave it here and let the talk speak for itself!

    This talk was given on April 14, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We’re back!...and we’re still in Galatians 4! Can you believe it? Out of any chapter, we’re still here. It’s been quite the journey from a section of the letter that we used to rush through to now being a part of the letter that we are enjoying enough to devote a few weeks to it—We’ll finish it up today so that next week we can start on Chapter 5! In today’s talk Jay spends some time talking about the importance of context when it comes to Biblical scholarship--Knowing when things were written, to whom, why was it written, and what the cultural dynamics of the time were. We live in different times now. Or course this doesn’t mean everything Paul said was okay. We have to remember that it is okay to disagree with Paul! Agreeing or disagreeing, it doesn’t change the fact that context is important. What does Paul mean when he says to die to our flesh, and to pick up our cross? Did it mean something different back then than it does today? Is salvation a miracle? Does who we are play any role in our salvation? This talk addresses these and more! This year our Galatians series has really been cooking, and we’re so very excited about it!

    This talk was given on April 7, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It’s Palm Sunday and we’re still on Galatians. Still in Chapter 4, even! This is something new for Revolution because this was a chapter that Jay always rushed through in the past. But even now, with decades of studying Galatians under his belt, Jay is still learning more and more about this letter that Paul wrote. And this year Jay saw this chapter in a whole new light—so it’s worth talking about for a few weeks! That’s why having good scholarship so important, because there is always something new to learn, and deeper depths to dive to, when it comes to the Bible. Because context matters. And learning all of that context helps us better understand scripture—especially when it comes to the letters of the New Testament. In order to have proper theology, we need to have proper scholarship. And if we want to make changes to the system, we need to learn the system better than the people teaching us. That’s how change is made, and old systems are broken. This talk is proof of that because spending two weeks on Galatians 4 isn’t something Jay ever saw coming, and yet here we are!

    This talk was given on March 24, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Jay has been battling a cold, but all the same he’s excited to get back into Galatians! Revolution has always tried to be a place to help those who’ve fallen between the cracks—We’re excited with the work Revolution has done so far, and we’re inspired to continue to try and be Peace Makers. We finally made it to Galatians Chapter 4! It might have taken us the longest to do this year, but it’s our most in-depth study so far. The main take away of this talk and Paul’s whole letter to the Galatians was that everyone is included. He was trying to bring the community together. He wanted them to see that they are all one. And you can almost see Paul’s frustration in some of the writing in this letter. We’ve all been adopted into Grace, it’s for us all, no asterisk. Sometimes it feels like exclusion makes people feel powerful. To be on the inside of the in-crowd. To be separate. Maybe that’s why it happens, because people would rather exclude others instead of seeing all humanity as precious. It seems like somewhere along the way we lost sight of the real message of grace, but instead have stayed under the law—treating Christianity more like sin management, rather than loving one another, friends and enemies alike. We’re all guilty of it, and will fail at it again, and again after that. But soon, we’ll see each other as one, we’ll include others. And we’ll see just how precious it all is. 

    This talk was given on March 17, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • No Galatians today. Instead, Jay has been inspired to talk about peace and about making peace. We need to be aware of what we put out there. What we are quick to fire off in a comment, a DM, or a text. In arguments and off-the-cuff comments. Because not every victory means we’re winning, is fighting the good fight any good if we’re not changing hearts? How do we move on from things without destroying them as we leave? Why is there so much anger in Christianity? Are we walking the second mile that Jesus tells us to? And if we do, what’s our motivation behind it? Today Jay looks at a few places throughout the Bible. Both Old and New Testament. It takes a combination of both for us to come close to understanding what it means to have a peace that transcends understanding. Because anger and violence very rarely brings about any growth or any peace…or any understanding. But it’s more than that, there needs to be self-reflection in all of us too. We need to look inward and make sure the things we do and say don’t contain violence, because sometimes they do and we just don’t realize it. And when enough people are doing that all at once, not realizing it, well, that’s how we end up where we are today, and why we need talks like this.

    This talk was given on March 10, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • It is tricky on whether to treat this as a stand-alone talk, or part of the Galatians series because it can easily be both. And it sort of is. You’ll get what we mean when you listen. This talk focuses mostly on just one verse in Galatians—Galatians 2.38. We feel it’s a good verse for how divided we are now. In this talk Jay discusses how it trying to bring people together takes patience. We have to let go of the feeling to want instant gratification, and brace for a longer haul. Patience and persistence. We have to ask ourselves who we love when we love God. In this talk Jay calls contradiction a beautiful truth. And he’s not wrong. Diversity is also a beautiful truth in that regard too. Unity through diversity seems like a contradiction, but really diversity is what is needed to have unity. Diversity of people, and diversity of the mind. Compromise and Tolerance are not bad words. They are strength and they are love. And it is all of these things together that tell us what fights are worth having, and how to fight them with what’s left after we die to ourselves.

    This talk was given on March 5, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Here we are back in Galatians...sort of. If last week was Part 5 maybe we should call this one 5.1 or 5a because it is a bit of a curve ball. It fits together with the end of Galatians 3 where things get a bit more uncomfortable, but stick with us. It feels important that we talk about peace these days. It feels really really important. Because as Jay puts it in this talk we all seem to be stuck in a state of monologues, preaching to our own personal echo chambers and stating our views and then being done with it. But how can we switch from monologues to dialogues? How do we build a community? How do we disagree well? Today Jay brings in ideas from John Hume and MLK and what they did for civil rights and sort of applies it to what Paul writes about here in the end of this chapter. We want to try and heal, but all heal together. We want to die to ourselves and our own identities and see others as worthy of being human, just like us. Sometimes it feels like we're all a long way off from that reality, but we can't stop believing that it's possible, because we really do think it is. We can do it and do it together.  

    This talk was given on February 25, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • We’re back in Galatians again for the next in the series. We’re in chapter 3 today! This is the longest we’ve taken to go through this study—and we’re excited about that! Context is important. We like to really dive in, go over it with a fine-tooth comb. We love seeing all the ways that the people Paul was writing to were just like us, having the same struggles with faith, grace, and humanity. But we also see how much we’ve grown and evolved since then. An interesting thing about this chapter is how it shows us that people debating grace vs. law vs. works is nothing new. It was seemingly happening back then the same as it is now. So, in a lot of ways maybe we haven’t grown and evolved. Or maybe it’s a bit of both. This talk and study have been bringing up a lot of interesting discussions—is faith a gift, or something we earn? Does good scholarship lead to heresy? Is grace a slippery slope? What is counterfeit law? What is counterfeit love? This book and this study have been opening up a lot of new avenues for understanding Paul’s writing more and more. We know he’s not always the most popular guy in some Christian circles these days, but we think understanding the context of Paul as a person, and the time he lived in, can help clear up a lot of those misunderstandings.

    This talk was given on February 18, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Our Galatians study has been so in-depth this year, and so jam-packed with new scholarship, that we’re taking a break this week. This way the other talks can settle, and Jay can get back to studying. But even though we’re taking a break from Galatians, that doesn’t me that Paul won’t still be present all throughout this talk. Today Jay is actually going to go through some scripture and verses that he just straight up does not like. Verses that that rub him the wrong way, or we at Revolution feel have been misrepresented. Mostly it’s scripture about conformity and nonconformity and what that means. What does “sober judgement” mean? What does Paul mean when he’s warning us about being self-important? Do we need to be part of groupthink in order to be part of that group? Does our misunderstanding of these passages accidentally make Jesus’s death in vain? What this world needs more than anything is love, and more love on top of that. But how can we make sure the love is real and not counterfeit love? Here at Revolution, aside from our love of Galatians, we feel strongly that the shift in a lot of todays culture gives Paul a bad rap. When he’s held to today’s rules and standards, he can seem problematic, for sure. But what happens when we add context and nuance back into it. What happens if we just let Paul be Paul. Is it too late to reclaim him? Because things are getting out of hand. We need to be the voices calling out in the wilderness if we want to see real change. We need to stop making our politicians into gods and we need to stop building our spiritual beliefs based on a certain party and their stance. Because that’s been the way of things for too long now, and society seems to have gotten to a place where we know more about what the church is against, rather that what it is for. And…well, that’s not very good news at all. How can we fix this?

    This talk was given on February 11, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This is the longest we’ve ever taken to get through the first 2 chapters of Galatians! That’s because Jay has learned so much new scholarship, and it unlocked all sorts of nuance and context and a deeper understanding for all of us. So, let’s get right into it! Today we’ll be talking about some pretty uncomfortable stuff at times, mainly the idea of Nationalism. This was something Paul was dealing with in his time just as we are dealing with it now. Just another example of how Galatians is just as relevant today as it’s ever been. We spend a lot of time today dissecting Paul’s rebuke of Peter. What was the whole story? Why does he do it? Did him and Peter have issues in the past? Was Paul just making a name for himself? Or was there something deeper than all of that that we aren’t aware of. Jay also discusses the idea, and dangers, of taking the Bible at face value. Something so many of us were taught to do—but can that lead to trouble, separation, and even hatred? Paul seems to be very uninterested in the life of Christ, putting more focus on the fruits of Jesus’s death and how it unites all of us. Makes us one. How his death stopped making us each others “other.” Jay also shares a great story about the moment Revolution Gathering was born thirty years ago. This is a real good one, folks!

    This talk was given on February 04, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Here we are with more Galatians study! We have a lot to go through today. Jay’s continued studying and research really makes this study stand apart from other years, bringing a fresh take to our annual study. Paul gets a bad rap these days, mostly because when held up to the standards of today’s way of thinking he often feels problematic—but was Paul more progressive and ahead of his time than he gets credit for? Is he one of the most misunderstood authors of the New Testament? Is Paul’s humanity something we can be inspired by? In this chapter Paul calls out Peter about his behavior and his view of others. Calling into question Peter’s exclusivity and how what he was preaching didn’t fit with how he was living. What does Paul have to say about “important” people and social hierarchy? Is social hierarchy an issue we still struggle with today? Have politicians become gods? Is Grace out the door now? Do we only have room for judgement and division? How does thinking like that stake up with the idea of ‘taking up our cross?’—Like I said, this year’s study is something different and is uncovering a whole new set of questions. It’s exciting stuff!! We mean it when we say that we have a lot to go through today!

    This talk was given on January 28, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Jay is back from Sundance Film Festival where they premiered the new documentary he worked on about his mom Tammy Faye. Jay shares with us some stories about Sundance and the people he met and which celebrities he had some close encounters with. He also takes some time to reflect on some of the friends we lost last year and how this documentary brough up some of that pain. The best way to help with that pain is to dive right into the Book of Galatians! A book of love and grace! This is part 2 of the Galatians series. Jay’s never broken up the first chapter into multiple talks like he has this year, but we want something new, and he’s been learning all sorts of new and interesting stuff about this letter to the Galatians—so this study is not like the previous years. While Jay was interacting with the Hollywood crowd in Sundance, he observed their exclusivity too and it struck him that Christianity gets a reputation for being exclusive, but humanity as a whole is pretty exclusive. So it is up to us to change that and to be inclusive. This is some of the stuff Paul talks about in his writings as well. Before his conversion on the road to Damascus, Paul wasn’t the best person out there. In his religious zeal he hurt people, destroyed communities, sown discourse—what makes this letter very interesting is see how Paul learned from his own past and changed. And now he’s writing to a divided community to try and stop them from doing what he was once responsible for doing himself. It really adds a whole new layer to this study.

    This talk was given on January 21, 2024 from Seattle, Washington.







    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.