
  • Isn’t it amazing how something as simple as a piece of clothing can change our mindset?

    Have you ever noticed how wearing your favorite outfit can boost your confidence? Or how putting on a suit makes you stand a little taller and feel a bit sharper?

    The clothes we choose can affect how we feel, how we act, and how others see us.

    What we wear is more than just a fashion statement.

    It shapes our identity and influences how we show up through different spaces in our lives.

    In this episode, Katie and I will discuss how fashion choices impact our mental health and femininity. We also chat about how embracing confidence in our bodies can supercharge the business growth of creative female entrepreneurs like you.

    This conversation will be enlightening and might change how you think about your wardrobe.

    Ready to tune in? We've got other awesome topics lined up, including:

    Why understanding our fashion choices is crucial

    How to use fashion as self-care throughout different cycle phases

    The connection between clothing, productivity, and self-esteem

    How a lack of self-knowledge affects fashion choices (which commonly leads to imposter syndrome)

    The best cycle phase to start a fashion experiment on yourself

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

    Meet Katie

    Katie is a '90s hip-hop-loving, a lipstick-obsessed personal stylist who teaches women how to feel good in their bodies NOW without losing weight or working harder. She is the host of The STYLED FOR LIFE Podcast where she shares inspirational messages each week around mental wellness, body confidence & style solutions. Style isn't just about what you wear. It is how you live.

  • You know those moments when you grab a bag of chips or a tub of ice cream because you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed?

    Have you ever wondered why that momentary comfort is often followed by guilt and regret?

    I know that feeling all too well. There were times when I thought a handful of cookies or ice cream would make the stress disappear, only to realize the anxiety was still there.. just masked by a temporary sugar rush.

    But what if there were better ways to cope? What if we could understand and address the real issues behind our eating habits?

    In this podcast episode, Kelly and I talk about how you can break free from this cycle and more including:

    The two biggest red flags of binge eating (are you guilty of these?)

    Overcoming guilt and shame around food consumption

    How society's food habits impact mental health and self-esteem

    Why your relationship with food influences your family connections

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

    Meet Kelly

    Kelly Lyons, (MS, CPT) is a holistic health & nutrition coach that has helped thousands of women all over the world break free from food obsession and disordered eating habits. Kelly's mission is to help you find true food freedom and stop being a slave to the diet cycle.

    With some lighthearted fun, humor and a touch of sarcasm, Kelly helps you see that healing is possible.

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  • For the longest time, I thought femininity was this fixed thing, like a set of rules carved in stone.

    But then I realized, it's more like this journey of self-discovery, where you're constantly learning and unlearning, figuring out what feels right for you.

    What's feminine to one person might not vibe with someone else, and that's totally okay.

    It's about embracing who you are instead of trying to fit into some cookie-cutter mold that society dishes out.

    In today’s episode, Sarah and I dive deep into this very topic of women connecting with their feminine energy, and dealing with painful menstrual cycles.

    Curious to know more? We've got other topics lined up too including:

    How slowing down could actually amp up your business game

    What is PMDD and how to deal with it

    Our favorite menstrual cycle phase (you won’t expect which one it is)

    Why meditation is a total game-changer for your body

    “If you take a step back, gain a little bit wider perspective, there's probably things you're missing when you're looking at problems like right up in your face and everything's okay. It’s gonna be okay.” Sarah Rasmussen

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

    Meet Sarah

    She is the founder of Light Path CoachingShe is obsessed with helping women remember who they truly are. She has successfully coached 100's of women and has a unique holistic approach to help overwhelmed Christian women powerfully direct their lives.

  • What if you could be the best freaking coach for your clients and get them even bigger and better results?

    Jen and I dove deep into this exact topic. We talked about how doubt and impostor syndrome can show up, affecting not just our mindset but also our results and the way we show up with our clients.

    We talked about how YOUR healing and journey impact your clients. And we dove into how you can create a program that will get your clients the best results possible by tapping into the way they learn and how they’ll get a transformation.

    If you're a woman entrepreneur juggling an online biz, I believe you'd find this episode insightful.

    So, why not give it a listen? We covered a lot, including:

    Limiting beliefs and how they can impact success Mistakes you might be making that shifting can help improve results for her clients (and could do the same for you) The importance of being okay with being in the messy middle and accepting where we are right now Why validating emotions and reframing can be key to personal growth

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

    Meet Jen

    Jen Casey is a Master Coach and Trainer of the Psyche Coaching Certification, Energy Healer, Speaker, & host of the Top-100 CEO PsycheÂź Podcast.

    Through bringing together her love of psychology, the subconscious mind, and energetics, along with her passion for online marketing, program design, and masterful facilitation, she helps online coaches design transformational client experiences from marketing and creation — to coaching and facilitation.

    She knows building a world-class coaching business, starts with becoming a world-class coach. To follow along with Jen’s work, follow her on IG @heyjencasey, or learn more about her latest offerings at heyjencasey.com.

  • Are you aware of the hidden superpower that lies within your menstrual cycle? As ambitious female entrepreneurs, understanding how our hormones influence our productivity and performance is crucial. In this episode, we delve into the significance of ovulation tracking and its effects on your business.

    Ovulation Tracking: Unveiling the Key to Predictability

    Many women focus solely on tracking their periods, but overlooking ovulation can be a critical mistake. By monitoring your fertile days, you gain invaluable insights into your body's natural rhythms. With this knowledge, you can anticipate your menstrual cycle up to two weeks in advance, even if you have irregular cycles. Imagine the freedom of being able to plan ahead and schedule essential rest time, ensuring you're always operating at your peak performance level.

    Maximizing Ovulation Days: Prime Time for Connection

    Ovulation days aren't just about fertility—they're also prime opportunities for connecting with your audience. During this phase, your energy, confidence, and magnetism are at their height. Whether it's crafting compelling content, conducting sales calls, or engaging in outreach efforts, tapping into your natural flow state can significantly enhance your impact and resonance with your audience.

    Key Takeaways from the Episode: Discover the secret to predicting your period up to 2 weeks in advance and gaining back control of your schedule Learn how to magnetize your audience and make 10x more impact during your most confident, charismatic phase Boost your sales and conversions by tapping into your natural hormonal superpowers on calls Leverage your extra energy post-ovulation to crush big projects and get ahead of your goals Introverts, unlock your networking potential and make effortless connections at your next event Find the cyclical rhythm that lets you push hard and then recharge fully so you can keep leveling up your business

    Embracing the influence of ovulation on your business can be a game-changer, allowing you to optimize your performance, enhance your impact, and achieve greater success with greater ease. By harnessing the power of your menstrual cycle, you'll unlock new opportunities for growth and prosperity in both your personal and professional life.

    Want to get your next 100 leads inside your business?

    This is a $197 program that you get absolutely FREE! ​Click here to get instant access.

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

  • I used to be stuck in the mindset that success meant having a huge team.

    But then I realized that it's more about efficiency than numbers.

    If you're a busy entrepreneur, juggling a million things at once and feeling like there's never enough time, this episode is for you.

    Tune in to this episode with Ria Sanchez, as we discuss how to build and scale your business without sacrificing your personal priorities.

    Come join us as we also dive into:

    The top tool that will allow you to increase productivity and biz growth (proven and tested!)

    Strategies for streamlining your business with a system that really works

    The importance of setting realistic time management to make progress and avoid burnout

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

    Meet Ria

    Ria is a former educator turned homeschooling momma of five wonderful kids and a military spouse who also grew up as a Navy brat. As the Founder of Detailed Diva, she is passionate about offering ClickUp services to fellow moms and entrepreneurs, to help them navigate the juggle of business and home. Alongside a flair for event planning and an unwavering love for books, she loves organizing, lemonade, cozy Autumn days, and she is on a mission to infuse kindness and grace into everything she does while nurturing a legacy of love, faith, and joyful intentionality in her family and beyond.

  • Most women start noticing how their cycles really affect their bodies around the age of 35 to 40.

    And then for many it’s not that long before you’re hit with the realization that, “oh, things are changing.”

    I know menopause is often overlooked in conversations. It’s not something we’re chatting about over coffee. And really, when women are talking about it, it’s generally not the most encouraging conversation.

    But imagine if there was a different way to navigate through menopause

    Join Renee and me as we share proactive steps you can take to prepare for it. Whether you're already in your menopause stage or just starting to notice some changes, get ready to discover a whole lot about what's going on, especially how menopause shakes things up when it comes to your body and cycle.

    Join us in this insightful podcast episode as we also talk about:

    The truth that they don’t tell you about menopause symptoms

    Proactive steps you can start taking today to prepare yourself for perimenopause

    How healthy habits can reduce stress and anxiety

    Cycle syncing during menopause (is it possible?)

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

    Meet Renee

    Renee is a women’s health and nutrition coach who helps busy, high-achieving women prioritize their health and nutrition and create lasting habits. Before becoming a health coach, she worked in a therapeutic high school, assisting students to manage and change their behaviors. After being laid off, she decided to take her knowledge of behavior change to work with women to create nutrition and health habits that work for them. This career shift came after the realization that her friends always asked her for advice on improving their health and nutrition.

    Her work incorporates the science of health mindset and compassionate behavior change into the coaching experience. As a result, clients adopt practices to help them nourish and move their bodies while breaking the diet cycle. Clients leave coaching with sustainable health habits and a repaired relationship with food and movement. She has recently launched The Thrive Community, a membership portal for women 40+ who want support during the midlife transition to help them manage their stress, find joy in movement, sleep better, and have more energy.

  • Are you struggling with heavy periods, unbearable cramps, or just feeling terrible? Don't brush it off as "normal." It's not.

    Your body is trying to tell you something, and it's important to listen.

    Ever wondered what's happening inside your body, especially with those mysterious hormones?

    Whether you're fighting mood swings, battling low energy, or simply want to know your body better, this podcast is a must-listen. Dr. Erin and I discuss everything about hormones in this insightful episode.

    Grab your headphones and get ready to learn what your body's been trying to tell you.

    We also talked about the following:

    Why women should stand up and demand better care for reproductive health testing

    Why awful menstrual periods should not be normalized (it’s not supposed to be painful)

    The long-term effects of birth control on your body (and how it really fixes nothing)

    How coffee and sugar effects your hormones

    Importance of self-awareness for better health

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

    Meet Dr. Erin

    Dr. Ellis is a Naturopathic Doctor who helps women balance hormones, fix crappy periods and regain energy they once had to be their happiest, healthiest selves. In 2010

    Dr. Ellis was diagnosed with a rare form of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma which was the turning point in her life and prompted her to pursue her dreams of becoming a Naturopathic Doctor.

    Having had a cancer diagnosis at such a young age, Dr. Ellis’s mission is to empower those to take control of their health. Life is too short to feel sub-optimal and given the right tools, your body has the innate ability to heal itself.

    When she’s not empowering others to become their best versions, Dr. Ellis enjoys spending time helping her community, spending time with her dogs, having game nights with family and friends and making new memories with her Fireman.

  • How will you know if someone is giving quality content in social media?

    Sometimes it's when you find yourself pausing mid-scroll, actually paying attention to what's being shared.

    Other times, it's when someone's content feels refreshingly authentic and not just another echo in the mainstream.

    But let’s be real, making someone feel truly seen and heard in this virtual world can be a bit of a puzzle.

    And it sometimes feels like everyone's chasing likes and views..

    That’s why in this podcast episode, Maria & Kristina shared what's the secret to building that sense of connection and how to build a community where people are actually excited to chat back with you.

    Dive in this podcast episode as we also discusses about:

    How to actually build genuine communication and trust with your audience

    The sales approach and its impact on success (I bet you didn’t know this yet)

    Surprising power behind word-of-mouth marketing

    Creating an authentic Instagram community

    Meet Maria & Kristina

    Maria & Kristina are co-founders of The Social Snippet, a digital marketing agency that helps entrepreneurs and small businesses grow their communities online using social media and podcasting. They love being strategic partners in their client’s businesses that inspire them to think of their businesses in a bigger way than they could have ever imagined.

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

  • I get it, it's not always easy to let go of that competitive mindset.

    We're wired to strive for success, often feeling like it's a race against everyone else.

    But as a biz owner for years, I've learned that success isn't a zero-sum game. There's space for all of us to thrive.

    And when one person wins, it can create opportunities for others too. It's more about collaboration than competition.

    Especially if you’re a new business owner, these relationships can either make or break your journey.

    Business is tough, no doubt. And balancing it with everything else life throws at us? That's a whole other challenge.

    That’s why in this podcast episode, we are going to talk all about leveraging collaborations in our biz, how we can stop self sabotaging ourselves, and actually create the business that we want while cultivating magnetic relationships.

    Dive into this episode as I also shared:

    Why women are designed to be in community

    How I overcome the struggle of fear-based thinking and scarcity mindset in my biz

    Why collaborating with others in your niche can become a game-changer for your biz

    The importance of trusting your intuition in collaborations to avoid negative outcomes

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

  • Have you ever considered whether you’re truly being honest?

    And what if by not being radically honest, you’re actually limiting the growth of your business

    If you're interested in diving deeper into honesty, self-awareness, and ditching that people-pleasing habit, be sure to tune in to this week's podcast episode with Megan.

    In this insightful conversation, we also talked about:

    How you personally grow through honesty and vulnerability

    What really is being honest and dishonest? (This might surprise you!)

    Dishonesty and how it can take a toll on your mental health

    Why you need to become more honest with yourself or others

    Steps on how to slowly break free from people-pleasing habit

    “The biggest thing is actually breaking through the beliefs we have personally that are stopping us from reaching a certain level [of] success.” Megan Blacksmith

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

  • I've seen this happen to so many high-achieving women..

    Drowning in accomplishments yet feeling utterly exhausted, with little time left for the things that truly bring joy.

    They get caught up in daily tasks and commitments, only to realize that they’re left feeling drained and unfulfilled.

    But here's the thing, I've been there myself. And let me tell you, it's not a sustainable way to live.

    You deserve better. You deserve to thrive, not just survive.

    That's why in this episode, I'm diving into some key strategies that have personally helped me reclaim my energy and prioritize what truly matters.

    If you're tired of feeling like you're running on empty, if you're craving more from life than just ticking off tasks, then you're in the right place.

    Listen in today’s episode as I also tackled:

    The impact of a sugar detox in my body

    Why I eliminated coffee and the alternative I’m enjoying lately

    The key factors that you should pay attention for increased energy levels

    Why you should embrace physical movement as your non-negotiable

    The benefits of cold plunging and breathwork for your energy levels

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

  • The luteal phase is that time in the menstrual cycle when things can feel a bit... off.

    But it's also a time when people tend to be more introspective, focused, and detail-oriented.

    So, how do we tap into that energy to boost our sales? Listen to this podcast episode today to learn more.

    I also discussed:

    How embracing your emotions can lead to profitability

    The key to creating magnetic content during the luteal phase

    Leveraging your menstrual cycles for stronger connection and impact

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

  • You've probably experienced some irregularity in your cycle at one point or another.

    And let's be real, it can be pretty frustrating and confusing.

    There are a bunch of factors that can throw our cycles out of whack. Stress, changes in weight, diet, exercise, hormonal imbalances, medications – the list goes on.

    So today, I am gonna be sharing with you how you can leverage an irregular cycle and how it can actually be seen as a hidden advantage. Whether you’re struggling with an irregular cycle or just wanting to be prepared, this episode is for you.

    “When we're expecting that it has to be predictable, it has to be the same all the time, or it has to be regular, in order to be able to effectively use it, we're missing out on the deeper parts of what it's possible for us. ” Renae Fieck

    Dive in as I also shared:

    What I've experienced with intermittent fasting and my cycle

    The impact of overstimulation on your cycle

    How our body's fight-or-flight response messes with our hormones

    A simple step you can start today to begin understanding your body better

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

  • Everyone will always have an opinion on how you should run your business, what strategies you should implement, and which direction you should take.

    It can be overwhelming, to say the least

    So in this episode, I wanted to share my journey of how I built my business and how focusing on profit can impact your biz sustainability and growth.

    Ready to dive in? I also discussed:

    Lessons that I’ve learned that have not only helped me but can also benefit you

    How adopting a profit-oriented mindset can lead to a business that thrives sustainably

    The importance of systematizing tasks to supercharge your business growth

    The biggest thing that kept me stuck when I first started my business

    Why juggling multiple offers and launches for your online biz might not be effective

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

  • Not too long ago, during my period, I felt like I was on a rollercoaster of emotions, swinging from highs to lows faster than I could keep up.

    It was exhausting, frustrating, and honestly, it made me question my own sanity sometimes.

    That’s when I knew I had to stop fighting against my body. Instead of trying to power through those rough days, I started listening to what it was trying to tell me.

    And you know what? I discovered that our body is a great communicator if we just pay attention.

    Sure, there are still tough days, but my period or luteal phase no longer send me spiraling and that’s what this episode is all about.

    Let’s dive deeper into this episode as I’ve shared:

    How to manage extreme mood swings and irritability during your period

    Understanding how stressors in daily life can affect your hormones and your period

    The one change you can make to enhance hormone function

    Ways to tune into and adjust to what your body truly needs

    The importance of tracking your sleep patterns

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

  • This episode holds the key to scaling your social media growth to over 100k in just this year alone. I know some of us are focused on making a huge impact, but something that I’ve been seeing lately is that people crave more than just the trendy content. They want to see the messy process, the genuine struggles, and the unfiltered moments. It's like they're saying, "I'm here for the big ideas, but show me the real you.”

    And I get it. There's something strangely comforting about knowing that the person on the other side of the screen is just as imperfect and real as they are.

    That’s why in today's podcast, Holly and I dig into the secrets of building a genuine social media following by keeping it real with authentic and powerful content.

    We also dive into the following topics:

    Why it is important to create content that resonate with your ideal audience rather than trying to go viral

    The key to connecting with your audience and scaling your growth

    The one thing that you can start now to optimize your social media profiles

    How genuine connections can convert to leads

    Why algorithm is not the enemy

    Meet Holly

    Holly Hillyer is an Instagram marketing expert and online business strategist, helping female business owners scale businesses to six figures and beyond using social media. Over the last nine years Holly has built a multiple seven figure wellness business, growing her following to over 100K on both FB and Instagram.

    She founded Seven Strong in 2020, an Instagram growth and funnel scaling company, to help women grow their social media as top of funnel and convert to paying clients fast. You can hear her weekly as the host of The Seven Strong Podcast where she gives tactical social media and business strategy growth tips and interviews other female entrepreneurs to help you see growth in your business now! Holly is also mom to three young boys and lives life in her dream city, Charleston, SC.

  • Think about it – your body is this incredible machine that can do so much more than you give it credit for. It's not just about hitting the gym or following a strict diet; it's about understanding and respecting what your body can do for you.

    What makes you feel alive? What fuels your fire?

    In this podcast episode, you’re gonna learn more about the power of bio syncing and how women can use their bodies to become high performers.

    You’ll also discover:

    The importance of taking care of one's body to achieve success and why you should start now

    The growing trend of how people are optimizing their bodies for peak performance

    Why heart rate, circadian rhythm and bio syncing is better for your health

    Impact of alcohol on sleep and energy levels

    How setting ambitious goals for oneself is effective

    The benefits of having a positive mindset

    Meet Angela

    Angela Foster is a Nutritionist, Health & Performance Coach, Founder of The Female Biohacker Collective and host of The High Performance Health Podcast.

    As a former partner in a large law firm, Angela is no stranger to the demands of long working hours and the difficulties facing women in combining high performance with family life while still optimising their health & longevity. After suffering burnout and major depressive disorder culminating in a life-threatening battle with pneumonia, Angela used biohacking, holistic health and spiritual practices to rebuild her mental and physical health. As a regular podcaster and speaker at events and to large corporations, Angela shares the science and practical tools unique to women to empower them to optimise their health, performance and longevity while embracing their female physiology.

    Angela is also the founder of the Female Biohacker Collective, a biohacking membership exclusively for women and the creator of BioSyncing, a unique programme for the high performance woman who wants to sync with her female physiology and step into the most authentic and empowered version of herself and achieve longevity in business and in life.

  • Have you noticed how rapidly technology has been evolving over the years?

    It's incredible to see how far we've come already and to think that there’s gonna be MORE digital advancements coming our way in the future.

    One trend that's been particularly interesting and exciting to watch is the growing use of AI platforms by biz.

    It will be fascinating to watch how the use of AI platforms continues to evolve and shape the way businesses operate.

    That’s why in this episode, I share the 3 trends that I believe we are going to see this year and how we can leverage the world of AI without sacrificing authenticity.

    Tune in as I also discussed:

    The benefits of simplicity in boosting sales for your business.

    Pros and cons of using AI to streamline business processes

    What it takes to achieve success in your niche

    The one important thing to consider in marketing

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.

  • Tracking ovulation isn't just for baby talk.

    It's a sneak peek into your overall menstrual health.

    Irregularities in ovulation might be the early warning signs that something needs a closer look.

    Knowing your ovulation game means you're in control – whether it's for family planning or just understanding your body's rhythm.

    So, grab those headphones, maybe a cup of tea, and listen to this episode as Jenna and I dive into how embracing and working with our hormones impacted our health and well-being.

    In our conversation, Jenna and I shared insights on the following topics:

    How proper nutrition and diet can help your hormones

    The true impact of birth control in women’s health

    Why women should stop using synthetic hormones

    The power of intuitive eating for regulating hormones and overall health

    Why tracking ovulation is also important

    Meet Jenna

    Jenna Longoria aka The Period Guru, is a board certified functional nutrition practitioner specializing in women’s hormones. She was listed by The Huffington Post as one of the top 20 new health writers to follow. Her work has been featured in Mind Body Green, NBC, The Elephant Journal, SXSW and she is the creator of The Period Solution, an evidence-based and science backed digital course to fix your period problems and optimize your fertility.

    Through her virtual private practice, Jenna helps women reclaim their hormones and digestive health with a multidisciplinary approach combining functional medicine, nutrition, and diagnostic lab testing in her 1:1 and group programs, and her online course The Period Solution. Jenna is a firm believer that the right diet and lifestyle can put any hormonal condition into remission.

    If this episode inspired you in some way, take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram Stories, and tag me, @renaefieck.