THE PROVIDER'S PARADOXHow are you showing affection to your family?If you feel like you need to spend money on your family to show them you love them, you need to watch this.The post 048 – The Provider’s Paradox appeared first on Rizqwise.
Could you use an extra $10,000? If you had an extra $10,000 in your bank, what would you do with it? We've launched our very first pilot project Save10K. The goal here is to help you save 10,000 as fast as possible. The post 047 – How to Save $10K as Fast as Possible appeared first on Rizqwise.
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Putting together a budget can be tough, and sticking to it even more challenging. In this episode, we're going to break down how a budget can help control your spending, without making your life miserable.A budget helps put you in charge of your spending and empowers you to make better decisions.The post 046 – How to Build a Budget You Can Stick To appeared first on Rizqwise.
Are you telling yourself these lies about money?In this episode, we're going to debunk the TOP 3 LIES ABOUT MONEY that we love to tell ourselves. If you continue to believe these lies, you're always going to struggle with money. Instead, change your limiting belief into an empowering belief and you'll start making some real changes in your life.The post 045 – Stop Telling Yourself These 3 Lies appeared first on Rizqwise.
Highlight the outcomes of your choices to help you stick to your goals. There's ONE thing that separates people who achieve their financial goals from people who don't? Find out what it is on this Episode (spoiler: it's not how much money you make) The post 044 – What Separates People Who Achieve Their Goals From People Who Don’t appeared first on Rizqwise.
Make 2018 the year that your reach your financial goals. In this episode, we reveal what the first step to achieving your goal is. You'll also learn how to take the steps necessary to achieve your goals. The post 043 – How to Set Financial Goals You Can Actually Achieve appeared first on Rizqwise.
It's almost the end of the year... and you know what that means.No, I'm not talking about eggnog, boxing day sales, or holiday cookies.I'm talking about new year's resolutions. This is the time that we start thinking about what changes we're going to make in our lives.In this episode, we'll explain why you should take the opportunity to think about how you can better manage your money in 2017. The post 042 – Why You Should Do a Year End Money Review appeared first on Rizqwise.
In case you missed it, we released a free video course in Ramadan to help people give more charity.
The idea was simple: in Ramadan, many of us pay our zakat and strive to give more sadaqa. We wanted to build a course to help you plan your charitable giving -- so you could give more than you thought possible.
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Alhamdulillah, we've entered the last 10 days of Ramadan. This is the time of year that most people like to pay their zakat and give additional charity. But how much charity should you be giving? Well, there's a long answer and a short answer. Play EpisodeThe post 040 – Ask Rizqwise: How much charity should I give? appeared first on Rizqwise.
When do you decide how much charity you're going to give in Ramadan?If you're like most people, the honest answer is: at the very last moment. It's only when you're asked to give, or the opportunity to give arises, that you decide how much you're actually going to give.And that's a shame.Play EpisodeThe post 039 – How to Give More Charity this Ramadan appeared first on Rizqwise.
Do you ever say to yourself: "I really need to get rid of some stuff..."You're not alone. Most of us have a dysfunctional relationship with our stuff. We buy more than we need, usually to fulfill some void that can't be filled by stuff, and then we relegate that stuff to some corner of our homes and forget about it.Play EpisodeThe post 038 – What To Do When You Have Too Much Stuff appeared first on Rizqwise.
Ever go to the mall just for fun?You wouldn't be the first. The culture of shopping is something most of us grew up with... and therefore, don't even think about. Play EpisodeThe post 037 – Why Shopping is the Worst Hobby Ever appeared first on Rizqwise.
What's all this fuss about minimalism?Do a quick Google search and you'll find pages and pages of blogs dedicated to helping people live simpler lives.What exactly is behind all the hype? In his week's episode, we explore the practical benefits of deciding to live a simpler life.Play EpisodeThe post 036 – Five Reasons to Become a Minimalist appeared first on Rizqwise.
The Prophet Muhammad said: "The worldly comforts are not for me. I am like a traveller, who takes a rest under a tree in the shade and then goes on his way."In Part 2 of the Sunnah of Minimalism, we take a closer look at how the Prophet chose to engage with the world... and the lessons we can learn from the way he lived.Play EpisodeThe post 035 – The Sunnah of Minimalism (Part Two) appeared first on Rizqwise.
Is it wrong to have money? As Muslims, we often find ourselves caught between two worlds. On one hand, the asceticism of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions is legendary. And we know very well that they are the examples we ought to follow. On the other hand, we have to work hard to establish ourselves, support our families, and strengthen our communities.How do we strike a balance?Play EpisodeThe post 034 – The Sunnah of Minimalism (Part One) appeared first on Rizqwise.
This week's episode is a bit of a departure from our regularly scheduled programming. The Rizqwise team was recently interview on Let the Quran Speak -- a cable television show that airs on VisionTV in Canada (also available on YouTube)Play EpisodeThe post 033 – Interview: Let the Quran Speak appeared first on Rizqwise.
Debt has a destructive past. Societies characterized by widespread levels of excessive indebtedness, with few exceptions, almost always imploded. Whether it's war, poverty, or good old fashioned pitchfork protesting -- there's no ignoring the real dangers of what can happen when debt levels spin out of control.Play EpisodeThe post 032 – How Debt Destroys Lives, Communities, and Civilizations appeared first on Rizqwise.
Getting out of debt is an important milestone. But if you're not careful, the same habits that got you into debt can send you right back. In this episode, we outline some practical steps to stay debt free for the rest of your life.Play EpisodeThe post 031 – How to Stay Out of Debt (For Good) appeared first on Rizqwise.
"I get worried about putting all of my savings into investments because of the recent history of the 2008 financial market meltdown and the Bernard Madoff investment scandal. I am kind of a hard core libertarian and I follow Ron Paul's Liberty report. He keeps saying that our economy is going to go bankrupt because the federal reserve keeps printing money."Play EpisodeThe post 030 – Ask Risqwise: Is investing in the stock market risky? appeared first on Rizqwise.
So you've worked out a detailed plan to tackle your debt, you've circled your debt free date on the calendar, and you've begun putting your plan into motion.Here's the good news. You've officially done more than 99% of people who want to get out of debt, but fail to take the steps required to do so. The bad news is you're going to fail.Play EpisodeThe post 029 – How to Get Back on Track With Your Debt Elimination Plan appeared first on Rizqwise.
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