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✨ GVFB-podcasten✨
✨gvfb_podcasten✨ -
Lyt med når Jakob Stegelmann og venner diskuterer alt det, folk ikke altid forstår, at vi elsker. Film, spil, tegneserier og meget andet.
Being James Bond is celebrating 13+ Years of podcasting! Still dedicated to learning and exploring all you need to know, so that you can experience life, just a little more like James Bond.
Multikunstneren Martin Bager Wulff og Film og TV Klipperen Jacob Weiss tager et dybdedyk ned i hvert afsnit af "Undskyld vi roder" og alt der ellers hører til r8dios univers.'
A pop culture time machine! Each episode covers that very week from 30 years ago, 20 years ago and 10 years ago, which means each show is loaded with forgotten movies, timeless TV episodes and songs best left to the past. We'll examine TV, movies, music and video games from the 90s, 2000s, and 2010s. Come remember with us!
- er en ny podcast, der handler om nørdede emner - genrerne Sci-fi, fantasy, horror og superhelte. Vi vil snakke mest om film og TV-serier, men også om spil, tegneserier m.m.
Each week, The Tribe dissects the latest episode of the flagship CBS reality show Survivor. From how they would have fared in a certain immunity challenge to just how Jeff Probst manages to maintain his dimples, they talk about it all, with lots of listener feedback, games, and a bunch of other fun surprises thrown in too. So what are you waiting for? Come join these veteran podcasters on their journey through wherever it is Mark Burnett decides to take us all next. The Tribe has spoken!
Hugh and Kieran discuss cartoons, shows and movies from their childhood everyone else has rightly forgotten. New episode every second Thursday!
The Right Scuff podcast delves into the world of production and post production film featuring legendary foley artist John Roesch
Three fangirls, Tricia Barr, Teresa Delgado and Sarah Woloski, join forces to talk Star Wars from their own point of view. From fashion to fandom, characters to story, we discuss everything. #fangirlflail! If you're used to hearing us on RebelForce Radio, you've come to the right place to keep listening on our own feed!
A biweekly anime book club in podcast form.
Capes & Lunatics: Sidekicks is the companion podcast to Capes and Lunatics, the podcast about all things related to comics, including movies, television, books, comicbooks, video games and more. Episode recaps, news, reviews, analysis and predictions are all discussed on this weekly show.
The world’s only consulting podcast.
Kommer Snart er et podcast om spil og film - nye såvel som gamle. Det skal være hyggeligt og helst ikke alt for seriøst. Uegnet for børn men for barnlige sjæle.
A critically nostalgic, analytical podcast tour through the Digimon anime!