Hello dear listeners! In this episode, Kevin and Steve discuss what to do and not to do when ending campaigns. This is also our last episode for a while, but stay subscribed for intermittent new episodes. Thank you for listening! We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
Check out our new podcast: KAT Night, Krazy Anime Torture Night! Coming Soon!
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Hello dear listeners! In this episode, Kevin, Steve, and special guest Monster talk about what to do in the second to last episode of your game. We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
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Episodes manquant?
Hello dear listeners! In this episode, Kevin and Steve discuss sequels, prequels, sidequels, and spiritual sequels. We go hard on the Star Wars references, so be ready. We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
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Hello dear listeners! In this episode, Kevin faces his greatest fear, and Steve helps him through it. Actually, we talk about the surprising amount of ways that time dilation can be used in a game. We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
Time Dilation Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NN_m2yKAAk
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Hello dear listeners! On this episode, Steve and Kevin talk about time travel as a Science Fiction/Fantasy genre. We mentioned the practicalities of the genre in Episode 54. However, time travel has a surprising amount of versatility, so here, we talk modes of travel, plots, and general things to consider. We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
Shaun Video on Harry Potter (time travel talk starts at 21:11): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1iaJWSwUZs
Ugliest Time Machine: https://www.artforum.com/uploads/upload.001/id12247/article02_1064x.jpg
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Greetings citizens! On this episode, Steve and Kevin chat about the Superhero genre. Witness Kevin try desperately not to just explain all the comic minutiae he knows! Behold Steve provide some great questions and much needed context! Listen to this episode! We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
Jean Grey Clone (NSFW): https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/1/12/New_Mutants_Vol_4_25_Unknown_Comic_Books_Exclusive_Chew_Virgin_Variant.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20220323231805Big Wheel Spider-Man Villain: https://cdn.marvel.com/u/prod/marvel/i/mg/6/03/526175455d44a/clean.jpgBatman has punched Darkseid: https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_medium/11129/111298674/5407265-hellbatdebunk3.jpgSend us a tip on Ko-fi!
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Howdy y’all! This time, Steve and Kevin holler about the tales of the old west (and north… and down under…). We get beyond the stereotypes to give our takes on how to make a great Western game. TLDL, vary the scenario and setting and focus on character. We hope y’all enjoy and take care now!
GUN game Steve Mentioned - https://www.patreon.com/killsixbilliondemons
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In this episode, Steve and Kevin join special guest Nick to talk about writing players out. Hear Kevin confront Nick about a past game and marvel at how off track the group can get. We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
Nick’s Character’s Hard to Pronounce Name: Avneyeir Kortelis
Ted-Ed Riddles: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJicmE8fK0EhMjOWNNhlY4Lxg8tupXKhC
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In this episode, Steve and Kevin discuss some ways to run games where the characters are all dead. There are definitely some suggestions here that will make players angry. We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
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In this episode, Steve and Kevin talk about what themes are as well as when and how to use them effectively. Also, Kevin rants a bit about the education system and streaming shows… It’s related, sort of. We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
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In this episode, Steve and Kevin discuss making a campaign look like it was perfectly planned. Trust me, it just won’t end up that way. We talk about how campaigns change as well as when and how to make them seem more cohesive. GMs should just take a second and trim and combine those plotlines because if they go on forever, you just end up with an unfinished, messy game. We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
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In this episode, Steve and Kevin argue that having a job or going to school in an RPG doesn't have to make a game bad. They can be used to expand encounters, meet unusual characters, and provide structure to a game. We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
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In this episode, Steve and Kevin discuss what makes a good utopia and why most dystopias are rather disappointing. Utopias are trickier to construct than many think, so we provide some suggestions. We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
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Hey, uh, this is a podcast with... some guys. That, uh, is about something that is overused, but can be fun. It's, uh, more versatile than people think, but, hang on, it's on the tip of my tongue.
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In this episode, Steve and Kevin talk about using mind control as a plot device in a game. It’s an easy way to introduce tension and conflict, but it has its issues… We have some suggestions for making it fun and using it well. We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
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In this episode, Kevin gives his take on good references, and Steve makes sure that Kevin remains understandable and provides some great additional references. We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
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In this episode, Steve and Kevin discuss the process that comes before and leads up to session zero. The character proposal process is often very collaborative and can help the players feel more prepared and create more integrated characters. We highly recommend Sessions -3 to -1. We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
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In this episode, Steve and Kevin talk about some issues that come up when running a short session. Four hours is not a long time! Often, a little preparation can go a long way. We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
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In this episode, Steve and Kevin get dramatic! We talk about how crazy and drama-filled a session can and should get. We get into a bit of a disagreement over who should drive the drama and when. We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
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In this episode, Steve and Kevin finish up this A.I. trilogy by going in depth on using Midjourney to help assist in making a Tabletop RPG campaign. We hope you enjoy and take care of yourselves!
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