REGISTER NOW: “Your Grown A$& Woman Era” 12-week group program (starts May 15, 2024)
I’ve never released an episode like this before. Today, you’re going to hear the first-hand story of one of my private coaching clients, Melissa. Melissa has generously agreed to talk intimately about our six months working together as she worked to overcome the shame, heartbreak and pain of being the “other woman” in a man’s affair for almost 30 years.
Here, she details her remarkable healing and transformation during our time working together. I don’t use the word “transformation” often…but Melissa has undergone a complete energetic and physical shift...you’ll hear it in her voice.
I’m so excited for you to hear Melissa’s story, and to inspire you that this inner work is for anyone ready to rediscover your true, powerful self. If you’d like to work with me one-on-one, apply here and let’s get started!
In this episode, Melissa and I talk about:
-Why Melissa contacted me about coaching
-Being the “other” in a cheating relationship
-Melissa’s breaking point
-How to heal from infidelity
-Jealousy in a cheating relationship
-Wanting to be chosen in a relationship
-Choosing yourself before choosing them
-Overcoming shame and guilt
-Embodying personal development and integrating what you’ve learned
-Nervous system regulation
My new book “You Grow Me: The Next Level Human Philosophy of Love, Sex and Romantic Connection” co-written by Dr. Jade Teta (Next Level Human podcast) is available now! It’s a big “f**k you” to unrealistic Hollywood love stories, and instead offers a fresh perspective on how personal growth is intertwined with romance. You can buy your copy of You Grow Me on Amazon here. Please read and let me know your takeaways! Email me or DM me on Instagram.
WOMEN’S GROUP (begins May 15, 2024): “Your Grown A$& Woman Era” apply here
COUPLES COACHING with Emily & Kelly Gardner (apply here)
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your FREE Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Email: info@emilygoughcoach.com
Emily Gough on Instagram
The balance of personal growth and contributing to a thriving romantic relationship is all about being comfortable in your own skin, without seeking external validation, yet embracing our innate need for connection. It’s independence and interdependence…but not co-dependence.
I’m such a believer in this that I co-wrote an entire book about it called “You Grow Me” (link to buy below).
This episode is a cross-podcast with Lisa Carpenter’s “Full Frontal Living” podcast (find it here). Lisa is a remarkable coach who helped me through one of the most challenging periods of my life (I tell that story in this episode). Here, we focus on creating safety within oneself - reconnecting with the body, nervous system regulation and the massive importance of personal responsibility within a relationship.
In this episode, Lisa and I talk about:
Creating safety within: the foundation of self-connection Self-discovery and healing from trauma The impact of childhood experiences on adult relationships Navigating jealousy and building trust The gender gap in personal development Detachment Why a healthy relationship can be as confronting as a traumatic one Learning to listen to your intuition The presence of exes in a new relationship The grief of finally getting what you want Jealousy in a relationship Taking personal responsibility for everything in your relationshipMy new book “You Grow Me: The Next Level Human Philosophy of Love, Sex and Romantic Connection” co-written by Dr. Jade Teta (Next Level Human podcast) is available now! It’s a big “f**k you” to unrealistic Hollywood love stories, and instead offers a fresh perspective on how personal growth is intertwined with romance. You can buy your copy of You Grow Me on Amazon here. Please read and let me know your takeaways! Email me or DM me on Instagram (contacts below).
WOMEN’S GROUP (begins May 1, 2024): “Your Grown A$& Woman Era” apply here
COUPLES COACHING with Emily & Kelly Gardner (apply here)
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your FREE Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Website: https://lisacarpenter.ca
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisacarpenterinc/
Podcast: Full Frontal Living
Kelly Gardner on Instagram
Episodes manquant?
When it comes to our personal growth and development, many people get caught in a trap of “doing” instead of “being.” Doing is when we learn the things, do the homework, and then force our actions based on doing exactly what we think we’re expected to…even if it feels inauthentic.
But in order for the work to actually work, we have to embody it. We have to literally BE it. And to do that, we have to lean as hard as possible into our most authentic self.
Today we’re breaking down how to tell the difference between “doing” and “being” and the incredible rewards we attract - relationships, opportunities etc. - that come as a result of the innate magnetic nature of being the truest version of ourselves.
In this episode, we’re talking about:
The difference between doing and being Why so many people struggle with doing instead of being How to attract the right relationships and opportunities How our energy affects our communication Living life to the fullest Accepting exactly where you are right now Why authenticity is so attractive An exercise to pinpoint where you feel most alive
If you want to work with me to get to your point of “being” opposed to “doing” I have private 1-1 coaching spaces available to focus on this very subject. I’ve worked with a number of women lately on unleashing their own authenticity and the breakthroughs have been life-changing. Email me info@emilygoughcoaching.com or DM me on Instagram here and I’d love to get started!
WOMEN’S GROUP (begins May 1, 2024): “Your Grown A$& Woman Era” apply here
COUPLES COACHING with Emily & Kelly Gardner (apply here)
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your FREE Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Episode 339 | How To Become Wildly Magnetic
When we talk about how safe and secure we feel with someone we’re in a relationship with - romantic or other - we’re talking about emotional intimacy. It’s that deep connection we create and maintain with the truest version of both they and ourselves.
Today, I'm going to list 16 surprising signs of true emotional intimacy. Surprising because they involve levels of both strength and vulnerability that aren’t often covered in the usual curriculum of personal development.
In this episode, we’re talking about:
How to stay connected to yourself The importance of honesty, no matter how painful it is Asking for your needs to be met Asking for help Accepting yourself at your worst How to practice presence Setting boundaries in every relationship Caring for your partner's wounds Pushing your emotional rangeMy new book is officially out! It’s called “You Grow Me: The Next Level Human Philosophy of Love, Sex and Romantic Connection” co-written by Dr. Jade Teta (Next Level Human podcast). It’s a big “f**k you” to unrealistic Hollywood love stories, and instead offers a fresh perspective on how personal growth is intertwined with romance. You can buy your copy of You Grow Me on Amazon here. Would love to know what you think! Email me or DM me on Instagram (contacts below).
COUPLES COACHING with Emily & Kelly Gardner (apply here)
WOMEN’S GROUP: “Grown Ass Woman Era” apply here
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your FREE Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Episode 371 | Lessons On Learning How To Receive Love In A Healthy Relationship
Episode 385 | How Much Do You Value Yourself?
Episode 390 | My New Book “You Grow Me” Is Out Today! (Free Preview Of Chapter 1)
Episode 391 | Repairing Conflict In Your Relationship With Kelly Gardner
Conflict is going to happen in a healthy relationship. And more often than not, conflict starts with something laughably small - from doing dishes, to making food, and even how to decoratively light a podcast. But underneath the menial cause of conflict always lies a much deeper need that isn’t being met.
I’m joined on this episode by my partner, Kelly Gardner, a Relationship Coach and Men’s Group Facilitator, and as you’ll hear, we couldn't even record this podcast without a small conflict of our own. Yes, it was something super small (how to decoratively light this episode for video) which we playfully recount, but then take you through our thorough resolution and beautiful potential of the conflict repair process.
Kelly and I also have spots open now for 2-on-2 Couples Coaching (apply here). These sessions are focused on breaking down walls, solidifying your relationship foundation, improving your sex life and designing the most supportive, fulfilling and loving relationship.
In this episode, Kelly and I talk about:
Why conflict is so often over small things One partner taking leadership on certain things in a relationship Compassionate communication Assuming positive intent in others Trusting your partner through conflict Expressing your needs and asking for your needs to be met How to fully resolve a conflict in a relationship The repair process of conflict Discovering breakthroughs through conflict The essential elements of repairing conflict in a relationship How conflict is an opportunity to deepen your relationship
Also, my new book is officially out! It’s called “You Grow Me: The Next Level Human Philosophy of Love, Sex and Romantic Connection” co-written by Dr. Jade Teta (Next Level Human podcast). It’s a big “f**k you” to unrealistic Hollywood love stories, and instead offers a fresh perspective on how personal growth is intertwined with romance. You can buy your copy of You Grow Me on Amazon here. Would love to know what you think! Email me or DM me on Instagram (contacts below).
COUPLES COACHING with Emily & Kelly Gardner (apply here)
WOMEN’S GROUP: “Grown Ass Woman Era” apply here
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your FREE Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Website: https://www.kellygardner.com
Instagram @iamkellygardner
FB: https://www.facebook.com/connectwithkellygardner
Episode 377 | Hope After Heartbreak: Our Love Story With Kelly Gardner
Episode 384 | Captain Save-A-Hoe & Queen Change-A-Dick: Lifelong Patterns That Harm Our Relationships
Episode 359 | Building A Community Of Better & More Present Fathers With Kelly Gardner
Today, I am so thrilled to announce the release of my first book “You Grow Me: The Next Level Human Philosophy of Love, Sex and Romantic Connection” co-authored with my dear friend, Dr. Jade Teta. It's all about creating growth-oriented relationships, rather than getting caught in the trap of “you complete me” and relying on other people, particularly our romantic partners, to fulfill our needs and happiness.
This book leaves the bulls**t Hollywood love stories, Rom Coms, and Disney nonsense where they belong - in fantasy land - and instead lays out how to create a relationship where you can show up more confidently as your authentic self, which allows you BOTH to feel more deeply connected to each other.
As a gift to you, I’m releasing Chapter 1 FREE in this podcast episode (links below to purchase). I sincerely hope “You Grow Me” helps you completely reframe the way you look at relationships - with both others and with yourself.
Please let me know what you think! I’d love your feedback on the book, please email or DM me with your thoughts and takeaways. And thank you so much for all your support throughout this podcast - “Your Grow Me” would never have happened without it! (PS: check out Episode 373 for a behind-the-scenes recollection of the frenetic, hilarious, and exhausting story of how we wrote this entire book in just 9 days).
On Amazon: “You Grow Me: The Next Level Human Philosophy of Love, Sex and Romantic Connection”
COUPLES COACHING with Emily & Kelly Gardner (apply here)
WOMEN’S GROUP: “Grown Ass Woman Era” apply here
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your FREE Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Website: https://www.jadeteta.com/
“Next Level Human” Podcast
Jade Teta on Instagram
Jade’s FREE Book Course
Fear is basically uncertainty. It’s having no idea or proof of our own capability to handle the unknown. So how do we learn to overcome fear and simply trust ourselves that we have everything we need to handle any uncertainty?
That’s where coaches like Lisa Carpenter come in.
Lisa Carpenter is a remarkable coach who has changed my life in so many ways. She's the host of the Full Frontal Living podcast and has worked with thousands of people - seeing their depths, bringing out their best and helping them truly live to their full potential. Today we’re going deep on how to channel our innate gifts and abilities to handle whatever fear comes our way, while embracing uncertainty as a beautiful chance to grow.
In this episode, Lisa and I are talking about:
Learning to accept compliments and praise Why anxiety shows up in our lives Noticing your own red flag behaviours How to avoid procrastinating and avoiding tasks Learning to listen to and interpret emotions How to learn to trust ourselves Integrating what we’ve learned Expanding our capacity for discomfort The difference between openness and vulnerability Integrity: showing up as the same person online and offline The value of sharing openly in inspiring and serving others Navigating uncertainty and embracing discomfort The importance of authenticity and real connections Embracing change and making conscious choices
I’d love to know where you are on your journey to building self-trust. Where are you getting stuck? Please reach out (contacts below) and I'd love to talk more about this subject with you. And thanks to Lisa for inviting me on her Full Frontal Living Podcast episode 253 - you can listen to that episode right here.CONNECT WITH EMILY
COUPLES COACHING with Emily & Kelly Gardner (apply here)
WOMEN’S GROUP: “Grown Ass Woman Era” info here
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your FREE Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Website: https://lisacarpenter.ca
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisacarpenterinc/
Podcast: Full Frontal Living
Podcast Producer: Adam Liefl
When we overthink our emotions, we under-feel them. This can have major consequences on both our relationships and our personal growth. Too often when faced with a negative or traumatic emotion, we intellectualize how we are feeling instead of allowing ourselves to accept, allow and feel it.
And by suppressing the bad stuff, we fail to fully learn how to feel the good stuff - the spectrum of emotions are what make up the beautiful, complete human experience.
This episode will teach you three simple, but necessary steps to begin practicing feeling instead of thinking when it comes to emotions. These are required if we want to have healthier and more meaningful connections with others and ourselves.
In this episode, we’re talking about:
Understanding the intellectualization of feelings Why we tend to think more about emotions than simply feel them How we interpret the same words differently based on our emotional state The importance of communicating how you’re feeling to your partner Telling ourselves negative stories that skew our actual feelings Why we avoid accepting and facing our emotions Consequences of analyzing our feelings vs feeling them Communicating your emotions instead of venting your frustrations 3 practical steps to connect with your emotions Embracing the full range of human experience
Is learning to feel emotions more deeply a challenge you’re working on? If this is something you’d love to talk more about, please reach out to me directly (contacts below) and I’d love to dive in with you personally.
COUPLES COACHING with Emily & Kelly Gardner (apply here)
WOMEN’S GROUP (starts Jan 25, 2024): “Grown Ass Woman Era” apply here
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your FREE Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
DM on Instagram: @emilygoughcoach
Email: info@emilygoughcoaching.com
Episode 371 | Lessons On Learning How To Receive Love In A Healthy Relationship
Something new on the Room To Grow™ podcast for 2024: allowing you into some of my real life, unedited coaching calls with clients. We all share the same challenges and questions in our relationships, and my hope is that by inviting you into these incredible sessions, you’ll find answers and inspiration to integrate into your own situation.
It’s also a taste of the incredible successes we can have together, so please reach out if this is the kind of work you’re finally ready to say F**K YES to (contacts below).
This coaching call features Kelly, who, after breaking up with her partner, realized he was in fact the one, she just had too many self-protections activated from past relationship trauma. This is often what happens when our walls keep real love stranded on the outside, never allowed to penetrate. If you’re having trouble breaking down your own walls to allow love in, this session is definitely for you. (A huge thank you to Kelly for openly sharing and inspiring others with this breakthrough).
In this coaching call, Kelly and I discuss:
Challenging the label of a “relationship” Codependency in a marriage vs healthy relationship Establishing and managing expectations in a relationship Why commitment doesn’t have to feel like shackles Knocking down emotional walls allowing love to enter Feeling safe letting someone into a relationship with you Learning to trust yourself How to overcome fear of communicating openly with your partner The difference between selfish vs. self-preserving How healthy relationships force us to come out of hiding Exercise: listing the fears you have in this relationship and coaching yourself through eachIf you’d like to address a current challenge on the podcast, you can apply to be featured here. You can also apply for couples coaching on the podcast here. Or check the details below on the different ways we can work together. And as always, please reach out anytime with your takeaways or topic ideas for the podcast - I’d love to chat!
COUPLES COACHING with Emily & Kelly Gardner (apply here)
WOMEN’S GROUP (starts Jan 25, 2024): “Grown Ass Woman Era” apply here
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your FREE Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
DM on Instagram: @emilygoughcoach
Email: info@emilygoughcoaching.com
It’s time to start fighting unreasonably hard for the life you want. I want this first episode of the New Year to remind you that waiting for things to feel easier, clearer and less scary are preventing you from taking the first messy, but critical steps in the right direction.
Even if you don’t have the end figured out, sitting around hoping everything will eventually manifest itself isn’t doing anything.
I’m also sharing a couple new announcements for the Room To Grow™ podcast, news about my forthcoming book, and my 2024 Words of the Year - an annual practice that helps me stay undeniably committed to a particular goal, while helping make those big, hard decisions much easier. Try it for yourself!
In this episode, we’re talking about:
Why trying to manifest everything won’t work Redefining the stories we tell ourselves Taking action, even without the full plan in place Fearing the unknown and searching for safety How to manage fear and uncertainty How to avoid self-judgment Why we fear our own success How to build trust in ourselves An exercise for centering yourself and shifting your energy in the moment
I say this every year, but this podcast is one of my favourite things I do as a Human Connection Coach. I absolutely love hearing from you on how these topics show up in your life and am always open to talking more about these and other topics you want to hear more about. Please email me or DM me on Instagram anytime!
COUPLES COACHING with Emily & Kelly Gardner (apply here)
WOMEN’S GROUP (starts Jan 25, 2024): “Grown Ass Woman Era” apply here
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your FREE Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
DM on Instagram: @emilygoughcoach
Email: info@emilygoughcoaching.com
Episode 351 | Answering The Call Of What Life Is Asking Of You: Lessons & Reflections For A New Year
Episode 195 | The Crushing Fears Of Both Failure & Success
The most dangerous thing you can possess is self worth. Because from self worth comes freedom and empowerment to choose exactly what and who you want in your life. But because we live in a world that teaches us to look outside of ourselves for validation, accolades, approval, self-worth can be a major struggle.
But when we stop auditioning for the approval of others and instead go inward and trust our own worth, it gives us the confidence to state our value to others.
This episode is all about stepping into your power and learning to ignore the junk that robs us of seeing our own self worth. It includes questions to ask yourself to establish how highly you truly value yourself.
In this episode, we’re talking about:
Stepping fully into your power: trusting instincts and intuition, learning to like you body, owning your sexuality Not letting others determine our value Why we often lower our self-worth as a defense mechanism The role of self-worth in relationships Fear of disappointment and its impact on self-worth Difference between compromise and self-betrayal The power of choosing yourself first in your relationship Not allowing past mistakes to define who you are becoming The freedom that comes from putting yourself first Choosing someone because you want them, not because you need them
If worked your ass of and want to join other women in truly stepping into your full and absolute unworldly power, I have a brand new women’s group forthcoming called “Grown Ass Women Era” ...because it's damn time! Email me or DM me if you're interested or want to know more (IG: @emilygoughcoach)
**APPLY FOR COUPLES COACHING with Emily & Kelly Gardner**
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your Free Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Instagram: @emilygoughcoach
Email: info@emilygoughcoaching.com
Episode 270 | Cultivating A Deep Sense Of Self Worth
Episode 377 | Hope After Heartbreak: Our Love Story With Kelly Gardner
Episode 384 | Captain Save-A-Hoe & Queen Change-A-Dick: Lifelong Patterns That Harm Our Relationships
Episode 352 | The Subtle Ways Self-Abandonment Sneaks Up On Us
It’s tempting to want to play the role of “superhero” in a relationship - the guardian, the savior, the teacher, or the protector. But over-prioritizing their needs over your own often has a villainous effect on a healthy relationship. Because if all of your focus is on their safety, wellbeing and nurturing, you then neglect what’s more important - your own.
My partner, Kelly Gardner, a Relationship Coach and Men’s Group Facilitator, and I have identified two (comically labeled) archetypes of the kinds of superheroes we often see in relationships:
-Captain Save-A-Hoe: the man here to “save” and “heal” a broken partner.
-Queen Change-A-Dick: the woman on a mission to help the lost boy grow into a great man.
Today we’ll explain why you need to stop prioritizing your partner’s needs over your own, and how the foundation of a healthy relationship is really built on focusing on yourself, first.
In this episode, Kelly and I are talking about:
Why men often want to feel like a “savior” in a relationship Power dynamics in relationships Why women often put aside their own needs in a relationship How to balance giving and receiving in a relationship Expanding your sense of self in a relationship Waiting to be chosen by someone How prioritizing yourself first contributes to a better relationship Managing sexual energy inside and outside your relationship Including your partner in your life How to make your partner feel chosenApply for Couples Coaching with Kelly & Emily
CONNECT WITH KELLY GARDNERWebsite: https://www.kellygardner.com
Instagram @iamkellygardner
FB: https://www.facebook.com/connectwithkellygardner
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your Free Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Instagram: @emilygoughcoach
Email: info@emilygoughcoaching.com
Episode 377 | Hope After Heartbreak: Our Love Story With Kelly Gardner
Episode 359 | Building A Community Of Better & More Present Fathers With Kelly Gardner
Episode 364 | Not All Men, But Almost Always With Traver Boehm Of Man UNcivilized
I'm practicing something that's very uncomfortable for me: asking for what I need.
Maybe you can relate. It's scary, because when we ask for something, it can bring up all kinds of issues for us.
Old stories from childhood. Risk of judgement, rejection or abandonment. It's something I've spent most of my life avoiding, and instead convincing myself that I can hold it down myself without needing anything from anyone.
Right now I'm in the middle of a two-weekend leadership intensive that pushes us to our edges, creating uncomfortable scenarios and situations that require us to make a decision about who we are versus who we want to become. It's an opportunity to be the version of yourself you think you are, and it's also deeply confronting.
Some of the feedback I've gotten is that I don't allow people into my heart, and for someone who teaches about love, that was harsh to hear. But I see the truth in it, because it's safer for me to be open without actually being vulnerable. Not showing you the messy parts as I work through it.
So here's my ask: as part of the assignment of the weekend, the 50 of us participating in the program have chosen a charity to raise $25k by tomorrow, Sunday October 29th @ 6pm Central.
We are raising money for Choose Love, an organization rooted in providing assitance in humanitarian crises and currently raising funds for urgent aid to the more than 2+ million people trapped inside Gaza and the displaced communities in southern Israel.
Every donation, big or small, not only supports funding, volunteers and material aid to the most effective local organisations on the ground but also sends the message: that every person in need is seen, heard, and valued.
No matter what your opinion on the conflict, it shouldn't be hard to have compassion for ALL humans.
If you feel pulled to donate, please do so here and send it along to someone you know. If you'd like more information, you can check out Choose Love here.
Choose Love Inc
Donate to the GoFundMe for Choose Love Inc
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your Free Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Instagram: @emilygoughcoach
Email: info@emilygoughcoaching.com
The only thing more painful than brutal honesty is dishonesty. If we’re holding in our true emotions to avoid tough conversations, judgment or rocking the boat, we’re actually hurting our relationship more than helping it.
Expressing how you are feeling is where trust is built and where relationships thrive. If you’re not being truly honest in your relationship, it will disintegrate over time, guaranteed.
Honesty can be a tough pill to swallow. But the foundation of trust that comes with expressing your emotions is one of the most important parts of building a deep, loving and lasting relationship.
In this episode, we’re talking about:
When we say we're fine, but we’re not Why we’re often afraid to be honest How to build trust in a relationship How to handle when they overstep your boundaries The link between dishonesty and infidelity Projecting onto someone vs expressing how you’re genuinely feeling Why relationship skills need to be practiced How to better connect with people Why honesty is often a breakthrough moment for relationships
Honesty in a relationship can be a difficult road to navigate. I hear this from clients all the time. If you want help with how to have that truly honest conversation you’ve been fearing, please reach out - I have private coaching opportunities available now. Email me info@emilygoughcoaching.com or DM me on Instagram @emilygoughcoach.CONNECT WITH EMILY
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your Free Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Instagram: @emilygoughcoach
Email: info@emilygoughcoaching.com
Episode 306 | Changing How We Define Emotional Strength & Recognizing Emotions As Data
Nicole Walters has built an empire from virtually nothing. From growing up in poverty, to adopting 3 children off the street, creating a multi-million dollar business, a TV show, podcast and now the release of her new book “Nothing Is Missing: A Memoir Of Living Boldly” she’s helped to inspire others by teaching everyday people how to own their power and trust they already have everything they need to succeed.
This incredible (and wildly energetic) conversation centers around love, divorce, motherhood, vulnerability and learning to be present. She also talks about how she built a thriving online community and the importance of prioritizing your relationship with yourself.
In this episode, Nicole and I are talking about:
Lessons learned from growing up in poverty Following through on promises Building a strong relationship with yourself Relationships and human connection The story of adopting her 3 kids off the street Building self trust and confidence Being present and appreciating your success Moving on from divorce How to build an online community
Nicole Walters’ book, “Nothing Is Missing: A Memoir of Living Boldly” (Available October 2023) details the harrowing journey of discovering her self-worth, breaking past any barrier set in her way, and learning the vital lesson that everything she was searching for was already there. Check it out and let me know your thoughts! Email info@emilygoughcoaching.com or DM me on Instagram @emilygoughcoachCONNECT WITH NICOLE WALTERS
Book: “Nothing Is Missing: A Memoir of Living Boldly”
Instagram: @nicolewalters
Podcast: “The Nicole Walters Podcast”
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your Free Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Instagram: @emilygoughcoach
Email: info@emilygoughcoaching.com
The next time you find yourself feeling down, lost, full of anxiety or just energetically off, it’s time to get back to the basics and reconnect with yourself. This episode covers 6 key questions to ask the next time you just don’t feel like yourself:
Are you laughing?
Are you sleeping?
Are you moving?
Are you nourished?
Are you creating?
What are you consuming?
…and I’m not just talking about eating better. Our constant ingestion of information, misinformation, opinions, comments and doom scrolling social media can often pin us under the weight of other people's energy. Let this be a quick reminder of the foundational tools needed for reconnecting with yourself - for both ourselves and our relationships.
In this episode, we’re talking about:
Things that can cause unexpected anxiety Why the anxiety we feel might not even be our own Staying connected with yourself and the power of being comfortable with ourselves Gaining understanding of how things, people & seasons impact you How to create more joy in you life How we mistreat ourselves without knowing it How we’re impacted by other people’s energy
This is an exercise I often do with my clients whenever these feelings come up. It seems so basic, but when it comes to relationships, it’s almost impossible for other people to get to know us if we don’t even know ourselves. Please listen, let me know if these questions are helpful, and if you’d like to dig in deeper with me, I have private coaching opportunities available: email me info@emilygoughcoaching.com or DM me on Instagram @emilygoughcoach. I’d love to connect!CONNECT WITH EMILY
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your Free Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Instagram: @emilygoughcoach
Email: info@emilygoughcoaching.com
Episode 263 | The Value In Being Alone On Purpose (Whether Single Or In A Relationship)
Episode 302 | Self Love & Loneliness: Learning To Like Yourself
From forgetting simple household chores to getting distracted during sex, adult ADHD can have a tremendous impact on a relationship. Today, we’re talking with ADHD Life Coach, Aaron Bailey about the frustrations, workarounds and ways of building a strong relationship with someone with ADHD.
In some ways, a partner can feel more like a parent. But that’s where patience, knowledge and communication become necessary in order to build strategies for living with ADHD in a relationship.
As a person who has ADHD (combination type), a learning disability, generalized anxiety disorder and depression, Aaron understands the difficulty of the ADHD journey in marriage, fatherhood, work and everyday life. He now works to help others, including his own family, take proactive steps to learn about and accept ADHD as part of a happy, fulfilled life.
In this episode, Aaron and I are talking about:
How ADHD affects relationships The science of ADHD and getting an ADHD diagnosis (vs self-diagnosed ADHD) ADHD medication, particularly for youth and adolescence Important Focus Brain vs Interest Focus Brain Why those with ADHD are often highly emotional and/or sensitive Why ADHD causes forgetfulness and time blindness How ADHD affects sex life and intimacy Tips and workarounds for ADHD in relationships 3 keys for ADHD in relationships: patience, knowledge and communication
The topic of ADHD in relationships came by request from a Room To Grow™ listener and I’d been searching for a long time for an expert to interview on the subject. I hope you learn as much as I did from Aaron and would love to hear what your main takeaways from this episode are. Please email me info@emilygoughcoaching.com or DM me on Instagram @emilygoughcoach.CONNECT WITH AARON BAILEY
Website: https://www.aaronbailey.ca/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ADHDCoachAaron
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your Free Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Instagram: @emilygoughcoach
Email: Info@emilygoughcoaching.com
When it comes to confidence, we can too often sit in a state of waiting - waiting for something to magically happen or shift to finally get over our fears and anxieties. But confidence is something that has to be built, honed and practiced. And the only way to practice is to simply do the thing for the first time, no matter how scary.
Today we’re talking about how to build the confidence to pursue your next big thing, be it a career, personal goal or relationship. Are you missing out because you’re putting off doing the uncomfortable inner work needed to feel confident enough to go out and attract it?
I can tell you this with complete certainty…
The common thread among successful people, whether in business or relationship, is that they first did it scared.
In this episode, we're talking about:
How to build self confidence Why we get sucked into waiting for things to happen at the perfect time Fear of failure How worry takes more energy than trying and failing How to attract better relationships Dating with confidence Common traits of successful people How to overcome heartbreak, pain and relationship trauma
While confidence requires a lot of inner work, it isn’t built alone. I’d love to help support you on your self confidence journey – I’ve got 1:1 coaching openings available now. Please reach out by email info@emilygoughcoaching.com or DM me on Instagram @emilygoughcoach
CONNECT WITH EMILYBook A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your Free Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Instagram: @emilygoughcoach
Email: Info@emilygoughcoaching.com
Episode 348 | Stop Bullsh*Tting With Your Potential
Episode 371 | Lessons On Learning How To Receive Love In A Healthy Relationship
Episode 292 | Be So F*Cking Loyal To Your Personal Transformation You Become Unshakeable
Episode 285 | When Healthy Love Feels Scary: Some People Aren’t Ready To Be Truly Seen
My guest on this episode is my partner, Kelly Gardner. He and I met when he was a guest on this podcast (Episode #359 “Building A Community Of Better & More Present Fathers” With Kelly Gardner) talking about his work as a Personal Growth Coach and Men’s Group Facilitator. At the time, it was just an interview. But, things quickly changed, and I can honestly say this is the best romantic relationship I’ve ever experienced.
I want to share our relationship story - one that involves long distance, children from a previous marriage, mutual past relationship heartbreak and a healthy share of conflict. But moreso, I want to share Kelly’s remarkable approach to communication, personal integrity, conflict resolution, co-parenting and formulating - and reformulating - agreements within a romantic relationship.
I hope this episode inspires you the way Kelly has inspired me to allow unwavering curiosity and self-love to guide you to a relationship that fills every inch of your soul.
In this episode, Kelly and I are talking about:
How we began dating while living in different countries Premonitions, intuition and manifesting Setting clear agreements in relationships “Touristing” - hooking up with people on dating apps while on vacation Masculine vs Feminine integrity Conflict resolution in relationships Co-parenting and maintaining a relationship with your ex Bringing children into a new relationship How past relationship pain can lead to greater future relationshipsA little more about Kelly: With over 25 years of experience in education, Kelly has taught some form of personal growth to every stage from preschool through graduate school. His early training in drama therapy, non-violent communication, and childhood development combine with his more recent experiences in parenting, personal development and leadership to create a unique approach to helping individuals grow their most loving relationships. Kelly’s greatest joy is sharing his life with Emily and his two boys.
Kelly and I plan on creating some incredible relationship and personal growth content together - which topics would you like to hear more about? Email me info@emilygoughcoaching.com or send me a DM on Instagram @emilygoughcoach with your requests. Thank you so much for following the Room To Grow™ podcast!CONNECT WITH KELLY GARDNER
Website: https://www.kellygardner.com
Instagram @iamkellygardner
FB: https://www.facebook.com/connectwithkellygardner
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your Free Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Instagram: @emilygoughcoach
Email: Info@emilygoughcoaching.com
Episode 359 | Building A Community Of Better & More Present Fathers With Kelly Gardner
Episode 371 | Lessons On Learning How To Receive Love In A Healthy Relationship
Episode 117 | The 9 Year Affair: Lessons In Infidelity
Episode 349 | Debating The Role Of Romantic Relationships In Fulfillment, Purpose & Growth With Dr. Jade Teta
Episode 373 | The Healing Power Of Writing With Dr. Jade Teta
Episode 362 | Choose Your Hard & Living In The Light Of Possibilities
Episode 194 | Living An Energetically Balanced Life With Alea Lovely Of The Spiritual Sh*T Podcast
Episode 315 | Manifestation Is A Sign Of Healing With Alea Lovely Of “Spiritual Sh*T”
When we try to force a relationship with someone who isn’t a good fit, it’s time to do some serious work on our own self-worth. People often end up “chasing” the same type over and over, hoping they’ll uncover something about ourselves we just aren’t seeing. But to have a healthy relationship with someone else, we first need to recognize our own innate self worth - with and without them.
It may involve a painful decision to let go, but it’s a whole lot harder and more painful trying to convince someone to choose you.
Today is all about how to break the cycle of getting stuck in bad relationships (there’s even a science behind why we often do). What if you valued yourself so much that you were willing to let go of everything, including the inconsistent and one-sided relationships, to make space for powerful, loving, beautiful and consistent relationships that will absolutely light up your life?
In this episode, we’re talking about:
Why you keep choosing people who aren’t a good fit for you How to improve self-worth Why your partner might be moving at a different speed than you Communication in a healthy relationship Being consistently available emotionally in a relationship Why bad relationships make us feel safe Why we’re sometimes attracted to the wrong people Anticipatory dopamine and our attraction to chaos How to foster a healthy relationshipThe thought of letting go and breaking patterns can be very confronting. I’d love to help support you on your relationship journey - I’ve got 1:1 coaching openings available now. Please reach out by email info@emilygoughcoaching.com or DM me on Instagram (@emilygoughcoach)
Book A Private Coaching Call With Emily To Work Together
Get Your Free Guide “The Four Tools Missing From Your Relationship” here
Join Emily’s email list here
Instagram: @emilygoughcoach
Email: Info@emilygoughcoaching.com
Anticipatory Dopamine (Via @Zoecrooktherapy)
Episode 289 | Consistency Is Sexy As F*Ck In Relationships
Episode 270 | Cultivating A Deep Sense Of Self Worth
Episode 259 | Following The Path Of Least Resistance
Episode 291 | Confident Detachment & Radical Honesty In Relationships With Dr. Jade Teta
Episode 316 | Regret Is Shame Disguised As Maturity
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