
  • Honestly, when listener Eric commissioned "Ordinary People," we were worried the episode would be dry, academic and morose. Instead, this 1980 Oscar winner led to uncontrollable laughs.

    The quality certainly is there: A Robert Redford-directed drama starring Donald Sutherland, Mary Tyler Moore, Judd Hirsch and Timothy Hutton. But you know how it goes when the Shat Boys get rolling.

    In this episode, the Shat Crew explores Japanese breakfast, whether you can save French toast, "the three lives," and what real therapy looks like. Gene complains that he can't relate to the problems of the rich, and Dick explains why he wants to try everything on the menu.

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  • One Shat host is a social justice warrior. The other hates Mel Brooks movies. So "Blazing Saddles" seemed doomed from the start. But there's magic in Gene Wilder, Cleavon Little and the old frontier.

    Listener Ed took Shat The Movies way back to 1974 for this satirical Western that Gene Lyons argues isn't racist, sexist or even remotely offensive (other than one particular performance).

    Dick Ebert was impressed with the "real Hollywood Western" feel of the movie, attributing the incredible cast and chemistry to divine intervention, and also the groundbreaking farts.

    In this episode, the Shat Boys discuss the connection between "Blazing Saddles" and "La Bamba," cheer for Slim Pickens and Harvey Korman and wonder at how cleverly the film breaks the fourth wall.

    You know those episodes where Gene gets excited and quotes the movie a lot? Yeah, it's one of those.

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  • Is "PCU" hard to find because it crossed a line or because it's just not a very good movie? Listener Jeff from Nebraska commissioned the Shat Crew to uncover the truth for his 40th birthday.

    In a lot of ways, PCU is your typical '90s college movie. The university president is trying to shut down a student house. There's seventh-year senior showing the new guy the ropes. A kegger is the solution to life's problems, and the good guys win.

    But PCU is still very much its own film. There's no clear protagonist. No group of students is decidedly popular. There might not even be an actual plot.

    In this episode, Big D recalls his days as fraternity president. Ash explains college tours. Gene tells the Legend of Alpha Drive, and Jerry Seinfeld is wrong. The Shat Crew also tackles hazing, dirty talk in the dorms and whether George Clinton was the right choice as musical guest.

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  • A lot's changed since 1987: Biopics are much more common (and darker). Chicano artists are more mainstream, and Lou Diamond Phillips is a household name. So we acknowledge "La Bamba' was groundbreaking ... and not very good.

    Listener Mark C. commissioned this episode and the upcoming "American Me" to celebrate his heritage as a first-generation Hispanic-American. He noted the blockbuster soundtrack, janky lip-syncing and performances from Esai Morales, Joe Pantaliano and Elizabeth Pena. But Mark didn't prepare us for laughably large talismans, breakneck pacing and Ritchie Valens' "golly-gee" persona.

    In this episode, the Shat Crew debates whether Ritchie's brother, Bob, got a fair shake in the movie, what really happened that night in Tijuana and how much racism is appropriate for this story. Gene spots a Mystical Mexican. Ash yearns for some Buddy Holly, and Dick wants more details about the plane crash and aftermath.

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  • Robert Rodriguez blew minds when he created "El Mariachi" for $7,000. The sequel added a brooding Antonio Banderas and sizzling Salma Hayek to rack up $58 million worldwide. But was "Desperado" actually good?

    If you're looking for cool cameos, hot sex scenes, bloody bar fights and a strong female lead, then yes. If you're looking for believable gunplay, a plot that makes sense, badass sidekicks or artistic composition, then you're out of luck.

    In this episode, commissioned by listener Rachel, the Shat Crew discusses Steve Buscemi always being the same age, Quentin Tarantino always being Quentin Tarantino and henchmen always being unreliable.

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  • "Krush Groove" is the sort of '80s oddity that can't quite be categorized. Is it a musical? A comedy? A collection of music videos with dialogue sprinkled in between? This time capsule captured rap's infancy and changed the way Big D speaks.

    This week's episode, commissioned by listener David B., gave us a newfound respect for Run-DMC, The Fat Boys and, oddly enough, "Purple Rain." Dick Ebert learned why Kurtis Blow is called Kurtis Blow; Ash revealed the depth of her hip-hop knowledge; and Gene explained why he thinks rappers are naturally good actors.

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  • John Candy is the kind of guy you want as your uncle, your travel buddy or your best friend. But does he work as a private investigator cracking a complicated kidnapping? "Who's Harry Crumb?" rolled the dice to find out.

    Falling somewhere between "Fletch" and "Ace Ventura," this 1989 comedy was largely predictable, mostly uninteresting and painfully miscast, but it had its moments.

    Absurd disguises, a loveable sidekick, non sequiturs and uncomfortable outfits kept things irreverent and memorable. And for an '80s movie, that's sometimes all you need.

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  • When people think DeNiro and Scorsese, it's generally mob hits or boxing rings. But 1983's "The King of Comedy" is an often-overlooked exploration of television fame that shows just how funny, dark and thought-provoking the actor-director pair can be in any genre.

    Listener Charlie in L.A., who brought us "Boogie Nights," is back with another stellar commission that led to some interesting topics, including when it's OK to ask for an autograph, who the new acting royalty is in Hollywood, whether Sandra Bernhard helped or hurt the movie and when being agreeable becomes creepy.

    If you've never thought much of Jerry Lewis, wondered where Todd Phillips got his inspiration for "Joker" or wanted to hear Gene gush over early '80s fashion, this is the episode for you.

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  • Once upon a time, there was a movie about an unlikeable fancy lad joining the unlikeable crew of a ship called The Filthy Whore after David Letterman tried to sell him a monkey, but at least it had Tim Burton as the director. Until it didn't.

    This week, Shat The Movies brings you "Cabin Boy," the 1994 box-office bomb that nearly sank Chris Elliott's career and left the Shat Crew scratching their heads.

    On one hand, this movie is terrifically quotable, wonderfully quirky and loaded with comedic talent. On the other hand, viewers might find themselves asking where the budget went, what year it's supposed to be set in and why a flying cupcake is spitting tobacco.

    Was "Cabin Boy" horribly marketed? Did the writers run out of material? What would happen if a Viking had sex with a shark? We dive into these questions and more in this week's episode.

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  • Shat The Movies was made for movies like "Hardbodies," a motion picture originally planned for the Playboy Channel but released in theaters because America needed boobs.

    This 1985 skin flick has all the tropes you'd expect: women in bikinis, beach parties, waterbeds and cheesy lines. But "Hardbodies" surprised us with a few unexpected moments: a no-means-no stance on sexual harassment, a heartwarming makeover scene, an exploration of aging and a woman banged so hard she bursts through the roof of a limousine.

    In this episode, the Shat Crew explores the charm of bad writing, what qualifies as transactional sex and how marketing ruins everything. Gene marvels at the many kinds of breasts he didn't know existed, and Dick debates with Ash on whether America has gotten fatter or cinema has become more inclusive.

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  • "Let It Ride" is a 1989 comedy starring Richard Dreyfuss as Jay Trotter, a perpetually unlucky gambler who, after overhearing a tip about a longshot horse, decides to bet all his savings on it. As Jay's luck suddenly turns around, he finds himself on an exhilarating winning streak at the racetrack, encountering various eccentric characters along the way. Despite facing doubts and temptations, Jay chooses to let his winnings ride, leading to a thrilling climax where his faith in luck and optimism are put to the test. The film is a comedic and heartwarming exploration of gambling, optimism, and the thrill of taking risks.

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  • Discussing race in America is never easy, and it was even harder in 1989 when Spike Lee released "Do The Right Thing," a film filled with ambiguity, tension and Rosie Perez dancing.

    This supersized episode, commissioned by listener Grant Leisure, compelled the Shat Crew to take a hard look at police brutality, gentrification, reverse racism and freedom of expression.

    But, being Shat, your hosts also took the time to debate proper thermostat settings, what's wrong with Ash's computer and whether Gene Lyons is white.

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  • Before "Matilda the Musical," "Madeline" and "Coraline," there was Danny DeVito's 1996 adaptation of Roald Dahl's "Matilda," a film the entire Shat Crew enjoyed — for very different reasons.

    Ash was the most familiar with "Matilda," having seen it in theaters. Gene had read other Dahl books and knew what to expect. Dick, once again, confused it with another movie.

    And that devolved into the tangential conversations you'd expect from the Shat Crew: What constitutes child abuse? Did J. K. Rowling rip off Roald Dahl? Which kid in the movie is cutest? Was Bruce Bogtrotter a hero because was fat? Or was he a hero who happened to be fat?

    Was Trunchbull "Eastern Bloc?" Was Matilda a bully? Did Miss Honey's secret really qualify as "dark?" It was all up to debate. As was the question of whether DeVito's choices worked.

    One thing's for sure, his casting was spot-on, wrangling comedic talent like Paul Reubens, Jon Lovitz and Rhea Perlman to score this movie some serious Weird Points.

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  • We've all seen that scene from "Perfect" where John Travolta is humping his way through a Jamie Lee Curtis aerobics class, but there's another two hours to this 1985 box-office bomb. And we had to watch all of it.

    Longtime Shat The Movies beer buddy Scott in Friendswood, Texas, was kind enough to commission a film about Gene Lyons' three favorite topics: journalism, fitness and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Not to be left out, Dick Ebert had lots to say about sex with elite athletes. And Ash got into a car accident.

    What genre is "Perfect?" Do newsrooms run on self-loathing? How is 2024 gym etiquette different from 40 years earlier, and did we need so much footage of Jamie Lee Curtis driving? Find out for yourself in this week's episode of Shat The Movies.

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  • "The Legend of Billie Jean" had a little something for each Shat The Movies host. Gene got his Honda Elite scooter. Ash got her Christian Slater. And Big D got Helen Slater with no bra.

    But that's not why listener BreAnn M. commissioned this 1985 coming-of-age film. For her, "The Legend of Billie Jean" was an inspiration, a gateway to feminism and a radical view of what kids could do.

    In this episode, the Shat Crew debates whether all Gulf Coast states are the same, whether men are as bad as the movie makes them out to be and whether teens are a powerful force or apathetic losers.

    Gene offers some tips on how to make a powerful video for the media. Ash rails against the "these darn kids" messaging of '80s films. And Big D describes what would really happen to Billie Jean and her gang in the real world.

    Other topics range from the accuracy of police snipers to the plausibility of life in Vermont. And, of course, everyone loves Pat Benatar.

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  • When listener Rob F. commissioned "Gattaca" in honor of his father, we all remembered it as beautiful, futuristic and distinct. Oddly enough, we couldn't remember much else.

    We remembered Ethan Hawke but not his lengthy voiceovers. We remembered Jude Law but not the incinerator scene. We remembered Uma Thurman but not her character's heart condition.

    This 1997 sci-fi debut for director Andrew Niccol made some interesting choices, like casting loads of TV talent and pretending Jude Law and Ethan Hawke look anything alike. And it also had some swagger, like pinstripe spacesuits and film-noir vibes.

    The Shat Crew was left to debate: Is "Gattaca" a case of style over substance, or is it a visionary film that went underappreciated for years?

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  • Shat The Movies didn't invent sexual perversion, edgy attitudes and impeccable taste in music, we just perfected it. More than 25 years earlier, Christian Slater inspired teens to "talk hard" in the 1990 box office bomb "Pump Up The Volume."

    Ash was delighted when listener Eric commissioned this coming-of-age movie to highlight his belief in the power of listening. Dick Ebert viewed it from a parent's perspective, and Gene was aghast at Happy Harry Hard-on's terrible microphone discipline.

    As the Shat Crew debate whether a teen can suffer in the affluent suburbs, they touch on the King of Teen Angst, rites of passage, how to unmask a pirate-radio host, microwave explosions and whether "Pump Up The Volume" is just "Footloose" minus the dancing.

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  • We noticed all the biggest podcasts seem to have celebrity hosts, murder or hot takes. Shat The Movies lacks star power. And it doesn't have thrilling true-crime tales. So this week we're banking on misguided opinions as we plug into "Short Circuit."

    Big D doesn't think Johnny 5 is really alive. Ash believes this is Ally Sheedy's worst performance. And Gene is convinced Ben Jabituya isn't Indian. Two of them are wrong, and Gene wrote this episode description.

    Despite their divergent opinions, the Shat Crew agreed on a lot of things about this 1986 Steve Guttenberg comedy: The robot design is classic. The film is oddly paced. And NOVA's security force is a bunch of dicks.

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  • Before Arizona was the playground of retired athletes and conservative Californians, it was a quiet, spooky place full of Old West ghosts, dusty roads and alien abductions. We're taking you back to the Travis Walton story with "Fire in the Sky."

    Released in the same year "The X Files" debuted, "Fire in the Sky" terrified a young Gene Lyons, who went day camping in the same woods where aliens scooped up a logger in 1975, slapped jelly in his mouth and stuck a needle in his eye.

    In this episode commissioned by letter carriers Carlos and Natasha, the Shat Crew debates which podcast host is the bravest, when it's OK to leave a friend for dead and why it's so hard to believe aliens exist.

    Grown-up Gene and Big D see the film's rebel through new eyes. Ash gushes over David Duchovny (who isn't even in this movie), and everyone agrees Travis' friends and family are idiots. Come to think of it, so is Travis.

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  • Shat The Movies power couple Carlos and Natasha were kind enough to gift the Shat Crew three film commissions of our choice. So we used the first to fill a glaring omission in the Pantheon of Shat: "Legend."

    Nursing a "Hawk The Slayer" hangover, Ash was a bit worried venturing back into her beloved fantasy genre, but she quickly discovered Legend's production value was top-notch. Gene was impressed with dwarven heroics, and Big D felt like he was having a bad acid trip.

    But all three Shat hosts agreed on three things: Tom Cruise looked ridiculous, Ridley Scott builds incredible worlds, and Tim Curry is a god.

    In this episode, your hosts discuss the difference between alicorn, unicorn and Pegasus while plunging into less critical questions, including: Why does Jack abandon his loot? Was the enchanted dress all that enchanting? How long is too long to play Frisbee with metal platters? Are goth girls dirty, sexy or both? Did Darkness deserve banishment? And which version of "Legend" is the right one to watch?

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