
  • Flat head syndrome affects 40% of babies. And while it's a very common issue, many parents often aren't educated about the problem until their child is diagnosed with it.

    Pediatricians often tell parents to "just do more tummy time" or are referred for a helmet.

    But what else can be done to address flat head or torticollis? That's what this episode explores.

    Jordan talks with occupational therapist Brooke Boruff about simple steps you can take to help prevent and correct flat head syndrome.

    Whether you're a parent whose child has been diagnosed with flat head or you're expecting and want to know what you can do to prevent this issue, consider this episode your guide.

    Tune in to learn:

    What flat head syndrome is and how it's linked to torticollisWhy flat head is so commonRisk factors for developing flat headHow to detect torticollisWhy tummy time is that not enough to correct flat head syndromeHow head shape can affect movement and mobilityWays to help correct head shape before using a helmet

    Want to dig deeper into this topic? Check out these resources mentioned in the episode:

    IG: @infantinsightsinfantinsights.comBloom MembershipFlat Head Prevention and Correction CourseJordan's Low Tox Toddler Guide
  • Many women today are trying to juggle a million different things and hold everything together while controlling the outcomes of their circumstances.

    But when things are outside our control, or circumstances change unexpectedly, we feel overwhelmed and undone.

    So what would it look like to stop spending our energy trying to control our lives and instead let go and lean into God?

    In this episode, Jordan talks with author Alyssa Bethke about how trying to do it all is undoing us, and how we can move to a place of surrender, and rest even when life is chaotic.

    Tune in to learn:

    Why women try to do it all and how it's ultimately affecting themHow a Christian view of soul care differs from a worldly view of self-careHow to find rest when it seems like everyone needs youHow to shift your perspective from trying to manage outcomes to inviting Jesus into the chaosThe importance of remembering what is and isn't in your controlHow God changes our “what-ifs” to “even-ifs"

    Want to dig deeper into this topic? Check out these links mentioned in the episode:

    Alyssa's book: When Doing It All is Undoing YouAlyssa's IG: @alyssajoybethkeJordan's Low Tox Toddler Guide
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  • MRIs show that our brains physically change after having kids.

    As a mom, your brain prioritizes the survival of your kids. It is subconsciously assessing potential scenarios and trying to figure out how to prepare for all the what-ifs.

    But all these subconscious thoughts can lead to anxiety, fatigue, brain fog, and overwhelm - without us even realizing why.

    So how can we learn to work with our brains?

    In this episode, Jordan talks with "America's #1 mom coach" Hannah Keeley about practical changes that can help ease the burden of mom fog and overwhelm.

    You'll learn:

    How your brain changes after having kidsWhat "mom fatigue syndrome" is and why you experience itWhy a lot of programs and techniques don't work for moms and their brainsHow to interrupt the spiraling thoughts that accompany "mom brain"Habits that can help with "mom brain"Tips for how to de-stress when you're feeling overwhelmed

    Want to dig deeper into this episode? Check out these resources mentioned in the episode:

    IG: @hannahkeeleymommastery.com/campJordan' Low Tox Toddler Guide
  • Here's a secret: you don't have to hustle and be a boss babe to accomplish things. And you don't have to be tough and intimidating to succeed.

    Maybe you think you can't be soft. You believe you have to be tough to succeed and get ahead.

    Maybe you've been hurt in the past and so you've learned to close yourself off from others.

    Maybe you've been trying to earn respect from others and be taken seriously and you believe the way to do that is to act intimidating because you see strength and toughness as the same thing.

    Or perhaps in the stress and busyness of your life, you sometimes act harshly with those around you even though you don't want to.

    But what would it look like to be a soft woman? To operate from a place of rest and embrace your feminine identity? To be gentle and strong at the same time?

    In this episode, Jordan talks with Certified Etiquette Consultant and Femininity Coach Amanda Ferguson about femininity, strength, and what it looks like to be a soft woman.

    Tune in to learn:

    What it looks like to be a soft womanWhy you don't have to be a girl boss to accomplish thingsHow to embrace a slow and soft approach to successWhat strength really looks likeMicrohabits for godly feminine womenMisconceptions about femininity and how to address themAdvice for overcoming insecurity and identity issues

    Want to dig deeper into this topic? Check out these links mentioned in the episode:

    Episode #124: The Art of Femininity with Amanda FergusonIG: @mrsamandafergusonGet Amanda's book, Feminine Woman Habits, at femininewomanhabits.com/jordandooleyCrunchi (Use THIS LINK for $10 off your first Crunchi order)
  • We spend a lot of time thinking “If I can just get this promotion, win this award, or cure this health issue, then things will be better, happier, or fulfilled.”

    But what happens when the achievement we worked for becomes our identity and then ultimately falls away or disappoints?

    Or if that dream is delayed or isn't fulfilled at all?

    How can we begin to untangle our identity from our achievements and circumstances?

    How can we see our platform or skills as a vessel for purpose instead of being our purpose?

    In this episode, Jordan talks with Demi Tebow about identity, purpose, perfectionism, and finding purpose amid uncertain seasons.

    Tune in to learn:

    The danger of tying personal identity to accomplishments and how to untangle your identity from your labelsHow to stay rooted in your eternal purpose and use your skills as a platform for the GospelThe difference between excellence and perfectionismWhat it looks like to pursue presence over perfectionHow to trust God and move forward when we find ourselves in a season of uncertaintyWhat it means to "be interruptible"

    Want to dig deeper into this topic? Check out these links mentioned in the episode:

    Demi's book: A Crown That LastsIG: @demitebowDemi websiteEmbrace Your Almost
  • It's no surprise that our current culture pushes unrealistic expectations of beauty.

    From the relentless messaging that we get telling us we need to change our figure, hair, skin, and clothing to the pressure to use extreme beauty treatments or follow the latest trends, the secular view of beauty is hurting us physically and emotionally.

    But what does the Bible tell us about beauty? How can you care for your beauty in ways that are not harmful to your body?

    What does it look like to steward and care for your beauty and body in a God-honoring way? What does a countercultural approach to beauty look like on a practical level?

    That's what this episode explores as Jordan brings you into a conversation about returning to natural beauty in a world of unrealistic (and unhealthy) beauty standards.

    Tune in to learn:

    What the Bible has to say about beautyThe dangers of modern culture's unrealistic beauty standardsThe difference between vanity and honoring our femininityHow to care for our bodies from the inside out firstHow to prioritize safer and more natural options for beauty treatmentsWhat it looks like to take a countercultural approach to beauty

    Want to dig deeper? Check out these resources mentioned in this episode:

    EP 169: 3 Steps to Balance Your HormonesEP 170: Cycle Sync to Improve Productivity, Relationships and HealthEP 310: The Link Between Mental and Hormonal HealthEP 283: How to Nourish Your Body with Real FoodIG post on countercultural beautyCrunchi (Use THIS LINK for $10 off your first Crunchi order)
  • Common acne treatments just aren't cutting it. In fact, they can make acne even worse in the long term. They may help manage symptoms, but they usually aren't solving the root issues of acne.

    We need to ask: why is acne happening in the first place? What does it look like to look at root causes, do lab testing, assess health history, and ultimately put together a plan that doesn't just manage acne, but solves it?

    In this episode, Jordan talks with functional medicine dietician Robyn Johnson. They talk about all things acne, root causes, stress, and what it looks like to run on food as fuel instead of stress hormones.

    Tune in to learn:

    Why common acne treatments aren't cutting it (or even making things worse)How metabolism, blood sugar, cortisol, nutrition, and detox systems play a role in acneWhy completely removing certain foods from the diet may not be the best long-term strategyThe 5 main root causes of acneThe role stress plays in skin healthShifts to start helping your body run off of food as fuel instead of stress hormonesThe importance of minerals and how to incorporate more minerals in your diet

    Want to dig deeper into this topic? Check out these resources mentioned in the episode:

    The Clear Skin LabRayvi Mineral Drink MixRobyn's WebsiteIG: @nutritionbyrobyn
  • About 1 in 10 women struggle with endometriosis and yet many women who have the symptoms are told it's normal. In fact, it can take an average of 10 years for women to get a diagnosis.

    When you do get a diagnosis, it can be overwhelming to hear. You may wonder what you can do about it or if it might affect your fertility.

    In this episode, Jordan shares her experience of being diagnosed with endometriosis and what steps she took to address it.

    Tune in to learn:

    What endometriosis is and how it's different from endometritisWhy Jordan decided to check for endometriosisDifferent approaches to treating endometriosisThe link between endometriosis and immune issuesHow endometriosis played a role in Jordan's fertility journeyWhat factors to consider when deciding how to manage endometriosisLifestyle changes that can help manage endometriosis

    Want to dig deeper into this episode? Check out these resources mentioned in the episode:

    NaProTechnologyEP 278: Fertility, Reproductive Immunology, and What I Did Differently in My Successful PregnancyEP 220: Why Minerals Matter for Your HealthNancy's Nook: an online resource for endometriosisHolistic Home Handbook
  • Have you ever felt stressed about making vaccine decisions for your children?

    With so many strong opinions on the topic, it's easy to feel pressured or influenced into making a certain decision.

    You want to make an informed decision based on research and have the confidence to choose what's best for your family, but it can be overwhelming to sift through all the resources and information out there.

    You likely have a million questions about brands, ingredients, risks, and state requirements.

    In this episode, Jordan doesn't share her opinions or specific medical choices, but she does share the resources she found most helpful to learn about vaccines so you can make the decision that works for your family.

    Tune in to learn:

    Why it's important to not base your vaccine opinion on what others are doingA variety of resources that dig into the topic of vaccinesThe best resource for getting neutral fact-based information on vaccinesWhy there's not a one-size-fits-all approach to vaccines

    Want to dig deeper into this topic? Check out these resources mentioned in the episode to learn more:

    The Vaccine Strategy Guide (use the code JORDAN to save 10%)Jordan's Toddler Guide

    Websites with helpful info:

    PubMed justtheinserts.comfda.govcdc.govchildrenshealthdefense.orgmedsciencesresearch.comnvic.org


    The Vaccine Friendly PlanPlague of CorruptionJabbedVaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood IllnessThe Unvaccinated ChildThe HPV Vaccine on TrialThe Vaccine Book


    A Shot in the DarkThe Greater GoodVaxed and Vaxed 2The Truth About Vaccines
  • It can often feel confusing and overwhelming to navigate life with joy and wisdom when facing challenging circumstances, temptations, waiting seasons, and countless opinions and options.

    It can be easy to get wrapped up in the world's definition of happiness or decisions you may not be proud of.

    So how can you seek joy and health outside of your circumstances? What can you do to make wiser decisions in your life? And how can you slow down and wait on God's timing?

    That's what this episode explores!

    In this episode, Jordan talks with YouTuber Jeanine Amapola Ward about how to build a happy and healthy life as a Christian.

    Tune in to learn:

    What happiness looks like from a Christian perspective and how it differs from the world's definition of happinessHabits you can use to prioritize your spiritual, emotional, and physical healthHow to make wise decisionsWhat to do when you are trying to decide between two good optionsHow to slow down and wait on God’s timing

    Want to dig deeper into this topic? Check out these resources mentioned in the episode:

    Jeanine's book: Becoming Happy and HealthyIG: @jeanineamapolaTikTok: @jeanineamapolaHappy and Healthy Podcast with Jeanine AmapolaJordan's book: Embrace Your Almost
  • You are the gatekeeper of your home, which means you can make intentional choices about the products you use and what ingredients you allow in your house.

    But learning to choose cleaner products can quickly lead to a perfectionistic mindset and high stress when you leave no room for compromise. You can feel like you have to change everything all at once, or you can't enjoy certain things you used to (like getting your nails done at the salon).

    So what does it look like to take a toxin-freeish approach to choosing safer products? What would it look like if you took intentional steps to choose better ingredients, but also gave yourself grace to enjoy less healthy options?

    In this episode, Jordan talks with Wendy Kathryn (AKA wendy_toxinfreeish), a former environmental lawyer turned clean living coach. Together, they talk about how to choose safer products without trying to pursue perfection.

    Tune in to learn:

    The importance of having a grace-based approach to choosing cleaner products Why cleaner products are often more expensive than conventional alternativesHow small amounts of toxins and low-level exposure in products add up and impact your healthHow to understand class-action lawsuits against brands and productsThe limitations of ingredient apps like Think Dirty and EWGWhat ingredients to look for on a labelWhat greenwashing is and how to identify it

    Want to dig deeper into this episode? Check out these resources mentioned in this episode:

    The Holistic Home HandbookIG: @wendy_toxinfreeishtoxinfreeish.comList of Toxins to Avoid
  • Are you a mom who values making healthy choices for your kids?

    Perhaps you are selective about the foods you give them or the ingredients in the products you use in your home.

    But what do you do when your kids go somewhere those things are not considered?

    Maybe your child is going to a friend's house or an event where they are being served foods with ingredients you wouldn't normally give them.

    What do you do in those situations? Do you let them eat the food with artificial dyes and ingredients?

    That's what this episode explores! Jordan talks about how to have a grace-based approach to making healthy choices for your kids.

    Tune in to learn:

    The importance of our kids' relationship with foodWhat to do when your child gets offered foods you wouldn't give themThe dangers of making health our idolWhat it looks like to steward our kids' bodies and their heartsThe importance of letting go of control and perfectionismHow to have positive language about food

    Want to dig deeper into this topic? Check out these resources mentioned in the episode:

    The Low Tox Toddler GuideThe Holistic Home HandbookJordan's Denim Romper
  • Have you ever had a difficult day and just asked yourself, "Why can't I get it together?"

    Maybe you lost your temper with your spouse, or you're exhausted from running around after your kids all day. Maybe your work project isn't going how you had hoped, or you feel overwhelmed by every little thing.

    Between the endless list of obligations and responsibilities you have and all the things you're "supposed" to do or be, it's just too much.

    You're trying to “get it together”, but you still feel worlds away from where you think you should be.

    In this episode, Jordan talks with author Jamie Ivey about six areas of our lives that affect our perspectives on success and what the Bible has to say about unrealistic expectations.

    Tune in to learn:

    How the acronym P.O.N.D.E.R. can help you assess the areas of your life that feel out of controlThe difference between an obligation and a responsibilityHow to know when you have taken on too many obligations and what obligations you need to let go ofThe difference between our pursuit of perfectionism and the pursuit of holinessHow your community can help you "get it together"

    Want to dig deeper into this topic? Check out these resources mentioned in the episode:

    Jamie's WebsiteJamie's IG: @jamieiveyJamie's book: Why Can't I Get it TogetherJamie's Podcast: The Happy Hour with Jamie IveyThe Holistic Home Handbook
  • Are you struggling with acne or feeling frustrated with skin issues?

    Maybe you've tried all the things (over-the-counter products, dermatologist-recommended topicals, infomercial supplements etc.), but you still haven't seen any improvement.

    You're feeling overwhelmed by all the information out there and you're even starting to think that nothing will ever help.

    While skin issues can make you feel frustrated and overwhelmed, the good news is there are things that you can do to improve your skin health and decrease inflammation.

    In this episode, Jordan talks with nutritionist Maria Marlowe about how to tackle the root causes of acne and make lifestyle changes to heal acne from the inside out.

    Tune in to learn:

    Why it's important to stop thinking of acne as an outward issueWhy inflammation and not bacteria is to blame for breakoutsThe problem with a lot of harsh acne face washes and skin care products on the market6 diet and lifestyle factors contributing to acne that are often overlooked.How to approach dairy if you're struggling with skin issuesTop 3 skincare tips for improving skin health

    Want to dig deeper into this topic? Check out these resources mentioned in the episode:

    IG: @mariamarlowemariamarlowe.comMaria's Clear Skin PlanWork 1:1 with MariaProbiotics to include for skin health: L. rhamnosus SP1, L. acidophilus, Bifidobacteria, LactobacillusCrunchi (Use THIS LINK for $10 off your first Crunchi order)
  • Recovering from a C-section can be challenging - especially if you didn't expect your birth to end in a major surgery.

    Between the exhaustion and lack of sleep from the newborn days, the pain from surgery, and concern about your scar healing, it can be overwhelming.

    So what can you do to recover, promote healing, and help support your body during this time?

    In this episode, Jordan shares the things that helped her the most when recovering from a C-section, and what she did to help heal her scar.

    Tune in to learn:

    Tips for supporting your body in the first few weeks after birthThe importance of listening to your body and prioritizing restWhat Bielers broth is and how it helps nourish the body postpartumHow to desensitize your C-section scarHow scar mobilization and physical therapy can improve your scar tissue

    Want to dig deeper into this topic? Check out the resources mentioned in this episode:

    Episode 303: My Birth Plan Went Out the Window Bieler's Broth recipeHow to desensitize your C-section scarHow to mobilize your C-section scarMitigate Stress Master Mineral drinkJordan's book: Embrace Your Almost
  • Are you tired of feeling tired?

    Whether spiritually, emotionally, or mentally, constantly fighting fatigue or exhaustion can be overwhelming.

    Maybe you're trying to juggle a million things and your calendar is full.

    Maybe you feel like you're carrying a mental weight because there's a list of things you "should" be doing and keeping up with.

    Or maybe you're trying to show up and serve everyone else, but you've burned yourself out.

    In this episode, Jordan talks with author Jess Connolly about how to create sustainable rest when you're feeling overwhelmed and tired.

    Tune in to learn:

    Why almost every woman feels tiredDifferent types of exhaustion and how to figure out why you're feeling tiredHow to process your emotions when you're feeling emotionally overwhelmedWhat spiritual exhaustion looks likeHow to create sustainable rest without compromising your responsibilitiesThe importance of resting BEFORE you work

    Want to dig deeper into this topic? Check out these resources mentioned in the episode:

    Tired of Being Tired by Jess ConnollyIG: @jessaconnollyjessconnolly.comJordan's book: Embrace Your Almost
  • If you're a parent, you've probably faced challenges with feeding your children at some point.

    Whether your child refuses to try new foods, throws all their food, only wants to eat dessert, or struggles to sit at the table, it can be frustrating to know how to help your child get nutritious meals.

    In this episode, Jordan talks with dietition and the founder of @kids.eat.in.color Jennifer Anderson about how to handle picky eating and other common eating struggles.

    Tune in to learn:

    How to set realistic expectations for meal timesTips for kids who won't try new foodsWhy our language around mealtime and food mattersWhat to do when your child throws foodHow to promote a healthy diet without instilling a negative relationship with food

    Want to dig deeper into this topic? Check out these resources mentioned in the episode:

    Jennifer's IG: @kids.eat.in.colorKids Eat in Color website Jordan's Holistic Home Handbook
  • Did you know that our soil's nutrition has been continuously worsening? And poor soil = nutritionally poor food.

    So where you source your food can have a huge impact on its nutrition and your health.

    Finding food that's not just local, but is grown with the right practices and is in season can make a huge difference in our ability to get the nutrients we need.

    But what does this look like?

    How can we create rhythms that help prioritize nutritionally dense foods and support our metabolism?

    And what nutrition principles have we grown up with that we need to unlearn?

    In this episode, Jordan talks with women's health educator and the founder of Simpl Holistic Health, Ashlee Rowland, about how to source nutritionally dense foods, get enough minerals, and support our metabolism.

    Tune in to learn:

    How nutrient-deficient soil leads to nutrient-deficient foodWhy eating local food is important and tips for finding local foodHow to eat food seasonally in a way that's not overwhelmingEasy ways to get more minerals in your dietRhythms to do each week when it comes to preparing and making foodNutrition principles that we need to unlearnWhy skipping meals and fasting is hurting our hormones

    Want to dig deeper? Check out these resources mentioned in the episode:

    Ashlee's Bare Naked Hormones course is open June 1-10, and early birds can enroll for $75Ashlee's Website: Simpl HolisticIG: @simplholisticJordan's Holistic Home Handbooklocalharvest.orgMetabolical book
  • Have you been wanting to create both a beautiful and functional space when it comes to your home?

    Maybe you've been searching Pinterest boards for inspiration on how to redesign a room in your house, but you're not sure how to make an aesthetically pleasing space that also works for your family (and has room for piles of kids' items).

    You want a space that looks beautiful and feels welcoming... but what about the messiness and craziness that comes with having a home? Why doesn't your house look clean and put together like the homes you see on HGTV?

    In this episode, Jordan talks with HGTV designer Jennie Marrs about how to make your house a home and have the grace to embrace the imperfection that comes with it.

    Tune in to learn:

    Why your home shouldn’t be a reflection of the latest trends, but a reflection of the family that lives thereQuestions to ask before working on any space in your homeHow the idea of drop zones can help you create more functional spacesHow to show yourself grace when it comes to mess in the homeTips for creating functional spaces with little kids

    Want to dig deeper? Check out these resources mentioned in the episode:

    IG: @jennymarrsJenny's book: House + Love = HomeJenny's websiteCrunchi (Use THIS LINK for $10 off your first Crunchi order)
  • Are you in a postpartum season?

    Maybe you had a C-section and you want to know how you can help improve mobility and work on your scar.

    Or maybe you're ready to add more movement back into your routine, but you have no idea where to start.

    Perhaps you've heard about the importance of the pelvic floor in postpartum recovery, but you're confused about what it actually looks like to support the pelvic floor after birth.

    In this episode, Jordan chats with Krystle Howald, a physical therapist and the co-founder of the Expecting and Empowered app. Together, they talk about how to recover, improve mobility, and add movement in the postpartum season.

    Tune in to learn:

    Issues and symptoms women often struggle with postpartum What you can do for recovery even before you start working out againThe most beneficial type of movement to do postpartumWhat you can do to help recover and improve mobility after a C-sectionHow to heal and mobilize a C-section scar How to improve core activation after birthWhy consistency with your movement is more important than perfection

    Want to dig deeper? Check out these resources mentioned in the episode:

    IG: @expectingandempoweredExpecting and Empowered app (Use the code SHE to get 20% off!)Embrace Your Almost