Physics on both galactic and personal scales are explored and answered with Dr Jessica Bloom and Dr Karl.
A shameless piece of cross promotion for ABC podcast 'What the Duck' with Dr Ann Jones about plant and animal reproduction. Contains names of body parts, fluids, graphic descriptions and one swear word.
What the duck podcasts
Episodes manquant?
We are so lucky to be alive. Dr Sara Webb's 'The Little book of Cosmic Catastrophes' looks at dangerous galactic neighbours. So what are the chances of finding Earth 2.0 ?
dr sara webb
Professor Richard Scolyer is the 2024 joint Australian of the Year. Dr Karl probes skin cancer therapies and immunotherapies with a researcher who has put his life on the line.
Phones made today are super smart. Fast and versatile they can be so powerful to be spooky. Dr Matt joins Dr Karl to peel back the AI layers for a set of rules for the future.
Mining Engineer, Reality TV star, Astrophysicist, Author - What's left for Dr Matt?
If we need to fully understand space we need more time - lots of it. Beyond the Hubble sphere things gets lumpy.
Dr Karl asks a fellow physicist for the telltale signs when powerful people spread untruths. They are easy to spot and nasty.
The graph points skywards. A thousand of years of data says "stop burning carbon". Prof Mann tells Dr Karl of how the USA responded to his articles in the early 1990s.
Dr Karl interviews Dr Bloom in NYC on the ethics of Artificial Intelligence. If AI delivers misinformation, how could we tell?
Dr. Karl
At the moment there are two G's in AI. Dr Karl gets the 360 tour of both with Dr Jessica Bloom in New York City.
Edwin Hubble is world famous. What about Henrietta Swan Leavitt? She found a way to measure and classify the universe. In Dava's book "The Glass Universe" she references the half million glass slides Henrietta and other women used to document both the northern and southern skies.
Observe, Ask, Explain, Predict , Test. These are the steps scientists use to improve our knowledge. Dr. Suzie Sheehy is a particle physicist. She talks with Dr Karl about twelve significant experiments that changed the modern world.
Data is omnipresent and society is very connected Thirty years ago futurists said tech "convergence" would deliver us seamless digital lives So are we there yet?. Dr Karl gets a fact check from "Converge" author Associate Professor Catherine Ball.
Bird Brains are different. Professor Irene Pepperberg has been probing their psychology for decades. She is the author of the NY Times bestseller 'Alex and Me', the story of her 30-year experiment with a grey parrot.
Alex the parrot
Auroras, fireballs and space junk. They are all visible. Prof Lisa and Dr Karl discuss how and where you might spot them. Also, how you can get your name into space.
There is a family of chemicals that has drug companies popping corks. Obesity researcher Dr Nick Fuller explains to Dr Karl how they work and why they sometimes fail.
Healthy Parents Healthy Kids with Dr Nick Fuller
Dr Tom Crawford explains to Dr Karl how using fluid density might improve your sporting performance. Listen out for duelling and marathon running references.
Playing sport on a rotating planet has advantages. Dr Tom Crawford gives Dr Karl tips on using Maths to score more goals and break records.
When degenerate electrons meet 0.47 of a solar mass what happens? This is the start of Dr Kirsten Banks' PhD thesis. Dr Karl investigates the secret behaviour of Red Giants in the Milky Way and their Helium flashes.
Kirsten Banks (astrokirsten.com.au)
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