
  • Check out latest episode HERE!DrDebzz Opening ShpielI declare everyday National Gratitude Day as essential to healing the planet, reducing our carbon imprint, and preserving our civilization. Have you told someone today how much you adore, admire, and appreciate them? Have you told yourself today how lovable and valuable you are just because you're you?

    You can't expect to have physical strength unless you exercise your muscles everyday. Similarly, you can't expect to have inner strength unless you exercise your emotional, spiritual, psychological, and intellectual muscles everyday. Practice and repetition is the key. Have you worked out today?
    Guest CallerTerry from Woodland Hills seeks advice on how to deal with relationships where trust and honesty are not reciprocated. He has difficulty overlooking red flags especially when the physical intimacy is profoundly intense. DrDebzz helps him realize that being mindful and focusing on raising his esteem is key to attracting a partner at the same level of commitment and vulnerability.Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)"Follow your heart, stay aligned with your source of being, LOVE, and let the universe take care of the details."
    - Dr. Wayne Dyer

    "Every time you praise something every time you appreciate something, every time you feel good about something, you are telling the universe "more of this please more of this please." - Abraham Hicks
    Confidence Boosters/Esteem BuildersI listen to my heart and take care of my soul.
    I allow the healing revealing power of spirit to have its perfect work of LOVE through and as me.
    I am guided as to what action to take next and then I respond as LOVE in action.
    I have faith in the spirit of life in us and all around us.
    I will not yield to fear.
    Featured ArtistOur magical musical interlude celebrates the delightfully divine superbly sublime Grammy winning guitarist/composer/arranger, Laurence Juber. Known by his fans as LJ, he was first internationally recognized as lead guitarist for Paul McCartney's WINGS. You won't want to miss this LIVE interview and performance!!

    My Call-in Advice Talk Show, Sleepless in Studio City, airs nightly at 9PM PT / midnight ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.

    As a celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, I am pleased and privileged to offer heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity, a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

    "DrDebzz is my favorite talk show host."
    "Her words of wisdom are gems."
    “Brilliant! DrDebzz is a natural at this."
    "A true treasure. Her advice is always spot on!!!"
    "DrDebzz Opening Shpiel is worth its weight in gold."
    "So inspiring and such good life lessons. I am
    completely in awe of her talent & expertise in doing this."

    For a limited time I am providing Complimentary Life Coaching Sessions by phone or on zoom to aid you in turning lemons into lemonade, counting your blessings, and changing your perspective to the glass half full instead of half empty. You can complain that the rose bush has thorns or rejoice that the thorn bush has roses. Now is an apropos time to turn your black and white melodrama script into a full living technicolor masterpiece to cherish and behold. Contact me at 818-326-9003 or [email protected] to setup an appointment.

    Listen to previous episodes of Sleepless in Studio City 

    “THE CRITICAL SPIRIT” Are you judgmental, accusatory, fault-finding, negative, nitpicking with yourself and/or others? You can transform into an encouraging supportive positive spirit!
    “THE POWER OF NO” Saying “no” & setting boundaries signifies yes I care & that you’re valuable & worthy of my time & attention. https://youtu.be/X0pwDsdzfl0
    ”GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT” Kindness is caring enough about someone to be forthcoming about your true feelings, desires, dreams, sensitivities, vulnerabilities, i.e. the sixth language of love. https://youtu.be/QcgYckl4LzA
    "WORDS AS WEAPONS/SETTING BOUNDARIES" T.H.I.N.K. before you speak. https://youtu.be/b6DSED3QPNA
    "STUFFING EMOTIONS" destroys relationships; people pleasing causes mistrust; being authentic is true kindness. https://youtu.be/cRM2c0rwQzc
    “MINDFUL WALKING” Take a tizzy, clear your mind, heal your heart. https://youtu.be/M1VW2VUuX2w
    “FORGIVENESS” Free yourself from toxic resentments & negativity. https://youtu.be/A_fsui09x_8
    "JEALOUSY" Celebrating others' success increases chances you'll be victorious. https://youtu.be/cUnNj1VRWlU
    “LEGAL ABUSE” How abusers use the legal system to gain control. https://youtu.be/WSDhZEtCosI
    “PERFECTIONISM” Killing the perfectionism monster that's keeping you from pursuing passions. https://youtu.be/lXX27MAcVm0
    "THE SIXTH LANGUAGE OF LOVE: Sharing Secret Sensitivities." https://youtu.be/_Hp9vDQt5J0
    "FROM NEGATIVITY TO POSITIVITY: Changing Your Brain Chemistry" https://youtu.be/O2ayZ9FnEsY


    DrDebzz Opening ShpielWhat are you doing to reduce your emotional, verbal, psychological, intellectual, existential, philosophical, metaphysical, spiritual, and material imprint thus preserving civilization for future generations?

    Are you utilizing your superpowers to achieve and attain your purpose, passion, and possible dreams or do you ignore innate instincts and intuition opting to stay stuck in unhealthy, unproductive, unfulfilling, unattractive, unethical behaviors?

    Do you prioritize and practice self care, setting boundaries, saying yes to number one even if it means no to others? Do you aspire to be "kind" rather than "nice" to those you care about, i.e. placing a preference on honesty, authenticity, vulnerability, candor, and constructive criticism? Sage advice:
    "No" is a complete sentence. 
    Say what you mean but don't say it mean! 
    Guest CallerJeremy often butts heads with his Dad overthinking whether he might be rude or disrespectful and setting himself up to receive unwanted advice. DrDebzz offers a toolkit filled with various approaches and valuable concepts, e.g.  "No" to a loved one and "Yes" to yourself is saying "I Love You" and "I want our relationship to be as fruitful as possible."

    DrDebzz reminds Jeremy that those who push our buttons the most motivate our growth the most.  It helps to "Bless them, Change me."  When you change, the people around you change.
        Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
    Every time you praise, every time you appreciate, every time you feel good about something or someone including yourself, you're telling the Universe, "More of this, please.  More of this, please."
    - Abraham Hicks
    Confidence Boosters/Esteem BuildersToday and every day, I savor all the gifts I am given--the totality of my external and internal senses that allow me to treasure my life.

    I spend time reveling in qualities and attributes about myself so that I may increase my value, worth, and significance, thriving, striving, and flourishing even more.
    Featured Artist
    The exquisitely elegant, enchantingly enthralling, superbly sublime, delightfully divine jazz vocalist, Denise Donatelli, reveals the meaning of music in her life, offers advice for aspiring artists, expresses what she believes is the key to finding and keeping love, and much much more.

    You'll hear a specially selected tune from Denise's critically acclaimed, highly regarded, magnum opus masterpiece CD entitled "Whistling in The Dark… the music of Burt Bacharach." Denise is backed by la creme de la creme of expert musicians: pianist Larry Goldings, guitarist Anthony Wilson,
    bassist Larry Klein, and drummer Vinnie Colaiuta.

    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly 9PM PT / midnight ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.
    Previous episodes of "Sleepless in Studio City" can be found HERE.

    As a lauded life coach, celebrated columnist, and proficient family mediator, I am pleased and privileged to offer heartfelt help, gentle guidance, a nurturing spirit, practical positivity, and transformative tools.

    "DrDebs is my favorite talk show host." 
    "Her words of wisdom are gems." 
    “Brilliant! DrDebs is a natural at this." 
    "A true treasure. Her advice is always spot on!!!" 
    "DrDebs' Opening Shpiel is worth its weight in gold." 
    "So inspiring and such good life lessons. I am completely in awe of her talent in doing this."

    For a limited time only, I am providing Complimentary Life Coaching Sessions to facilitate finding your inner moxie, passion, purpose, power, and a new perspective with all the silver linings shining through. To everything turn turn turn...It's an apropos moment to exchange your black and white melodrama script for a full living technicolor work of art, by producing a masterpiece to cherish and behold! Contact me at [email protected] or 
    818-326-9003 to set up a confidential consultation.


    “THE CRITICAL SPIRIT” Are you judgmental, accusatory, fault-finding, negative, nitpicking with yourself and/or others? You can transform into an encouraging supportive positive spirit! 
    “THE POWER OF NO” Saying “no” & setting boundaries signifies yes I care & that you’re valuable & worthy of my time & attention. https://youtu.be/X0pwDsdzfl0
    ”GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT” Kindness is caring enough about someone to be forthcoming about your true feelings, desires, dreams, sensitivities, vulnerabilities, i.e. the sixth language of love. https://youtu.be/QcgYckl4LzA
    "WORDS AS WEAPONS/SETTING BOUNDARIES" T.H.I.N.K. before you speak. https://youtu.be/b6DSED3QPNA
    "STUFFING EMOTIONS" destroys relationships; people pleasing causes mistrust; being authentic is true kindness. https://youtu.be/cRM2c0rwQzc
    “MINDFUL WALKING” Take a tizzy, clear your mind, heal your heart. https://youtu.be/M1VW2VUuX2w
    “FORGIVENESS” Free yourself from toxic resentments & negativity. https://youtu.be/A_fsui09x_8
    "JEALOUSY" Celebrating others' success increases chances you'll be victorious. https://youtu.be/cUnNj1VRWlU
    “LEGAL ABUSE” How abusers use the legal system to gain control. https://youtu.be/WSDhZEtCosI
    “PERFECTIONISM” Killing the perfectionism monster that's keeping you from pursuing passions. https://youtu.be/lXX27MAcVm0
    "THE SIXTH LANGUAGE OF LOVE: Sharing Secret Sensitivities." https://youtu.be/_Hp9vDQt5J0
    "FROM NEGATIVITY TO POSITIVITY: Changing Your Brain Chemistry" https://youtu.be/O2ayZ9FnEsY

  • Episodes manquant?

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    DrDebzz Opening ShpielBefore you can "Say Yes" to Life, you've got to be confident saying "no" to others and prioritizing the concept "to thine own self be true." Are you comfortable saying "no" or are you a perennial people pleaser putting other's perceived expectations before your own needs?

    It's the season to propagate, proliferate, proclaim, self-seed, self-sow your voice. Don't assume (or you'll become the first three letters in the word) others in your karass understand what makes you tick. Share your truth using the sixth language of love: https://youtu.be/_Hp9vDQt5J0

    Celebrate the "no." No is a complete sentence. You never have to defend, explain, argue, excuse, or qualify. Say "no" politely, softly, sweetly, slowly, and succinctly. This practice will enable you to embrace life to the fullest and Say YES to the best version of yourself! 
    Guest CallerAnnie is in a constant state of anxiety.  She feels like she wears an amulet of worry around her neck to make sure nothing bad happens.  DrDebzz suggests ways to let go and wear a new amulet representing freedom from fear. Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)Follow your heart, stay aligned with your Source of being.  Love and let the Universe take care of the details.
    - Dr. Wayne Dyer 
    Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
    I listen and lovingly surrender to the Divine
    Whisper in my heart!
    I Say Yes to Life! I Say Yes to the Spirit Within!
    I am in joyous alignment with my highest good
    unfolding now!
    I Lean into the Yes! I Lean into the Spirit Within!
    Featured ArtistFeatured guest artist is accomplished, acclaimed vocalist and lyricist, Lorraine Feather, revealing her magical musical history, the process behind her soon to be released CD produced entirely during the pandemic, what she believes is the key to finding and keeping love, valuable advice for aspiring artists, and much much more.

    Be the first on the block to hear the original tune "Are You Up" from Lorraine's thirteenth magnum opus work of art entitled, "My Own Particular Life," with astonishing accompaniment by la creme de la creme of master musicians: Russell Ferrante, piano; Michael Valerio, bass; Michael Shapiro, drums and percussion; Grant Geissman and Eddie Arkin, guitars; Charlie Bisharat, violin; and Eddie Arkin, arranger! Who could ask for anything more!!!

    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show, Sleepless in Studio City, airs nightly at 9PM PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9PM & midnight PT / midnight & 3AM ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.

    Previous episodes of Sleepless in Studio City are available HERE.

    Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, I am privileged and honored to offer heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity, a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

    "DrDebzz is my favorite talk show host."
    "Her words of wisdom are gems."
    “Brilliant! DrDebzz is a natural at this."
    "A true treasure. Her advice is always spot on!!!"
    "DrDebzz Opening Shpiel is worth its weight in gold."
    "So inspiring and such good life lessons. I am
    completely in awe of her talent & expertise in doing this."

    For a limited time I am providing Complimentary Covid Coaching Sessions by phone or on zoom to aid you in turning lemons into lemonade, counting your blessings, and changing your perspective to the glass half full instead of half empty. You can complain that the rose bush has thorns or rejoice that the thorn bush has roses. Now is an apropos time to turn your black and white melodrama script into a full living technicolor masterpiece to cherish and behold. Contact me at 818-326-9003 or [email protected] to setup an appointment.

    “THE CRITICAL SPIRIT” Are you judgmental, accusatory, fault-finding, negative, nitpicking with yourself and/or others? You can transform into an encouraging supportive positive spirit! 
    “THE POWER OF NO” Saying “no” & setting boundaries signifies yes I care & that you’re valuable & worthy of my time & attention. https://youtu.be/X0pwDsdzfl0
    ”GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT” Kindness is caring enough about someone to be forthcoming about your true feelings, desires, dreams, sensitivities, vulnerabilities, i.e. the sixth language of love. https://youtu.be/QcgYckl4LzA
    "WORDS AS WEAPONS/SETTING BOUNDARIES" T.H.I.N.K. before you speak.https://youtu.be/b6DSED3QPNA
    "STUFFING EMOTIONS" destroys relationships; people pleasing causes mistrust; being authentic is true kindness. https://youtu.be/cRM2c0rwQzc
    “MINDFUL WALKING” Take a tizzy, clear your mind, heal your heart. https://youtu.be/M1VW2VUuX2w
    “FORGIVENESS” Free yourself from toxic resentments & negativity. https://youtu.be/A_fsui09x_8
    "JEALOUSY" Celebrating others' success increases chances you'll be victorious. https://youtu.be/cUnNj1VRWlU
    “LEGAL ABUSE” How abusers use the legal system to gain control. https://youtu.be/WSDhZEtCosI
    “PERFECTIONISM” Killing the perfectionism monster that's keeping you from pursuing passions. https://youtu.be/lXX27MAcVm0
    "THE SIXTH LANGUAGE OF LOVE: Sharing Secret Sensitivities."https://youtu.be/_Hp9vDQt5J0
    "FROM NEGATIVITY TO POSITIVITY: Changing Your Brain Chemistry"https://youtu.be/O2ayZ9FnEsY


    DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    Are you having re-entry anxiety? Will you continue doing the same unrewarding things and thinking the same unhealthy thoughts you did pre-pandemic or will you use this opportune moment to grow, transform, and evolve.

    Did you formerly focus only on material success? Would you like to make a change and concentrate on fulfilling fruitful traits such as nobility, humility, vulnerability, generosity, creativity, dignity, integrity and grace? 

    Have you told someone lately you admire adore and appreciate them?  Don’t wait. Don’t hesitate. Say it now before it’s too late. Say it in words. Say it in time. Say it in tokens. Say it in touch. Say it with tenderness. 

    Guest Caller
    Lindsey is terrified of losing her mom who's deteriorating from Parkinson's.  This is a recurring nightmare reminiscent of Lindsey's childhood when her mom worked full time and wasn't around much.  DrDebzz helps Lindsey focus on the precious present and being the loving daughter she aspires to be. 

    Write in Question

    Maxwell of Lake Tahoe just found out a good friend passed from depression leading to a heart attack. He's worried he could follow in her footsteps because he's been majorly depressed since Covid began and also has heart issues.  Maxwell seeks advice on how to prevent further damage since he's not ready to leave the planet.

    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
    Every time you praise something, every time you appreciate something, every time you feel good about something, you are telling the Universe, "More of this, please.  More of this, please."  - Abraham-Hicks

    Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
    Today and every day, I appreciate all the gifts I am given - all my external and internal senses that allow me to appreciate my life and to appreciate Spirit.

    Featured Artist

    Lorraina Marro, the classy, sophisticated and talented jazz vocalist, is passionate about her music and committed to interpreting songs in her own style. In an intimate interview, Lorraina reveals the meaning of music in her life, advice for aspiring artists, what she believes is the key to finding and keeping love, and much much more.

    Hear a tantalizing tune from Lorraina's newly released CD entitled, "Love is For All Time," accompanied by Steve Rawlins on piano, Grant Geissman on guitar, Jennifer Jane Leitham on bass, Steve Pemberton on drums, Dr. Bobby Rodriguez on trumpet, and Rickey Woodard on tenor sax.

    “Lorraina Marro is magical – putting a smile on everyone’s face, exuding warmth, lifting spirits. . . . She raises the bar and her A+ musicians follow suit.” - Debra Graff, Radio Talk Show Host at AmericanHeartsRadio.com

    Watch a replay of Lorraina performing LIVE on 8/11/21 at Debs' "In My Special Room" Jazz Vocalist's Showcase & Benefit for the Innocence Project HERE. 

    Debs hosts and curates these concerts to support creativity and live music while giving back to the community. All proceeds go directly to the Innocence Project, a meritorious organization that works diligently to find the necessary DNA evidence to exonerate innocent victims who have been falsely accused, wrongly convicted, and unjustly incarcerated for decades. In addition they advocate for criminal justice reform to prevent future malfeasance and corruption of the kind that currently runs rampant in the system. Please feel free to make tax deductible contributions HERE.

    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show, Sleepless in Studio City, airs nightly at 9PM PT / midnight ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.

    Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity, a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

    "DrDebzz is my favorite talk show host."
    "Her words of wisdom are gems."
    “Brilliant! DrDebzz is a natural at this."
    "A true treasure. Her advice is always spot on!!!"
    "DrDebzz Opening Shpiel is worth its weight in gold."
    "So inspiring and such good life lessons. I am
    completely in awe of her talent & expertise in doing this."

    For a limited time DrDebzz is providing Complimentary Covid Coaching Sessions by phone or on zoom to aid you in turning lemons into lemonade, counting your blessings, and changing your perspective to the glass half full instead of half empty. You can complain that the rose bush has thorns or rejoice that the thorn bush has roses. Now is an apropos time to turn your black and white melodrama script into a full living technicolor masterpiece to cherish and behold. Contact DrDebzz at 818-326-9003 or [email protected] to setup an appointment at your convenience.

    Previous episodes of Sleepless in Studio City are available HERE. 

    “THE CRITICAL SPIRIT” Are you judgmental, accusatory, fault-finding, negative, nitpicking with yourself and/or others? You can transform into an encouraging supportive positive spirit! https://youtu.be/r_1MiJsmc4Q
    “THE POWER OF NO” Saying “no” & setting boundaries signifies yes I care & that you’re valuable & worthy of my time & attention. https://youtu.be/X0pwDsdzfl0
    ”GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT” Kindness is caring enough about someone to be forthcoming about your true feelings, desires, dreams, sensitivities, vulnerabilities, i.e. the sixth language of love. https://youtu.be/QcgYckl4LzA
    "WORDS AS WEAPONS/SETTING BOUNDARIES" T.H.I.N.K. before you speak. https://youtu.be/b6DSED3QPNA
    "STUFFING EMOTIONS" destroys relationships; people pleasing causes mistrust; being authentic is true kindness. https://youtu.be/cRM2c0rwQzc
    “MINDFUL WALKING” Take a tizzy, clear your mind, heal your heart. https://youtu.be/M1VW2VUuX2w
    “FORGIVENESS” Free yourself from toxic resentments & negativity. https://youtu.be/A_fsui09x_8
    "JEALOUSY" Celebrating others' success increases chances you'll be victorious. https://youtu.be/cUnNj1VRWlU
    “LEGAL ABUSE” How abusers use the legal system to gain control. https://youtu.be/WSDhZEtCosI
    “PERFECTIONISM” Killing the perfectionism monster that's keeping you from pursuing passions. https://youtu.be/lXX27MAcVm0
    "THE SIXTH LANGUAGE OF LOVE: Sharing Secret Sensitivities." https://youtu.be/_Hp9vDQt5J0
    "FROM NEGATIVITY TO POSITIVITY: Changing Your Brain Chemistry" https://youtu.be/O2ayZ9FnEsY


    DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    Words are a force so powerful they can literally put a spell on someone. Like black magic they can destroy everyone and everything in their path...or they can be used like luminous radiant magic to create camaraderie connection compassion beauty bliss brilliance.

    Now that our masks are coming off what will you be spewing from your lips? Will you stop pause and think before you speak spreading words that don't go against yourself or anyone else?

    Will you use language to disseminate personal poison by expressing anger, jealousy, envy, shame, blame, criticism, revenge and hate? Or will you scatter nurturing seeds to plant fertile grounds for love equanimity grace kindness forgiveness patience and tolerance?

    There are 86,400 seconds in a day.  Have you used one of those to express gratitude, to let someone know how much they matter, how they make your world a much better place just for being in it?

    Guest Caller
    Smitty Smith from Los Angeles feels like he's a burden to his parents and strives to be more independent emotionally and spiritually.  He wants to learn how not to let his father's criticism and negativity get to him.

    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
    "Be Impeccable with Your Words."
    Being impeccable is not going against yourself. You go against yourself when you judge or blame yourself for anything. When you are impeccable you take responsibility for your actions, but you do not judge or blame yourself. 
    (Don Miguel Ruiz from "The Four Agreements")

    Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
    I have a clear sense of myself in any relationship.
    I am free from the fear, anger, or moodiness of others.  I can detach with love.   
    I can say yes to what I want and no to what I don't want.  The choice is mine.

    I am filled with a deep sense of the oneness of all life.

    Featured Artist
    Superstar singer/songwriter, Sarah Partridge, reveals the meaning of music in her life, advice for aspiring artists, what she believes is the key to finding and keeping love, and much much more.

    Hear Sarah perform a tune accompanied by arranger/pianist Allen Farnham, from her critically acclaimed CD entitled, "Bright Lights & Promises: Redefining Janis Ian." Become privy to the sensational story of how this magnum opus came to pass and Sarah's serendipitous encounter with the skilled songstress and award winning artist, Janis Ian.

    According to one reviewer, "Partridge hits a bull's-eye on every single song. She can scat, strut, soar, and tear your heart and soul to shreds without ever breaking a sweat. She's that good, these performances are that memorable, and this album is most certainly one for the ages."

    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9PM PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9PM & midnight PT / midnight & 3AM ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.

    Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity,
    a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

    DrDebzz has been deemed “The new relationship GURU…a West Coast Dr. Laura and East Coast Carrie Bradshaw!” Fans describe her as a “soulful gifted fun impressive” radio personality; with a “captive confident soothing melodious and simply lovely voice;” an “alluring way of telling her-story;” so
    "spiritually alive and giving LOVE to humanity.”

    Phone Life Coaching Sessions are available 24/7. Set up a Complimentary Consultation at 818-326-9003; 
    allthatdezz.webs.com; or [email protected]

    Listen now on iTunes!

    DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    Lower your threshold for abuse, rage, racism, sexism, ageism, bigotry, discrimination. If you don’t tolerate hate, it will die. It will dissolve. It will disintegrate. Put down weapons of war, conflict, animosity, resentment. Put forth gifts of gentility, nobility, forgiveness, gratitude, love, kindness, patience, and compassion.

    America may be the wealthiest country materially, but spiritually we're the poorest. Only by prioritizing our most meaningful assets, i.e. righteous values, ethics, and morals, will we become a powerful, plenteous, prolific, profuse nation. In order to survive, thrive, flourish, and nourish, we must treat each other with honor, dignity, reverence, and respect at all costs.

    Guest Caller
    Peter from Encino is frustrated with the dating world because he doesn't feel there are "equal grounds" between men and women.  He believes men shouldn't have to expend all the energy and also be financially responsible for everything.  He's looking for a balanced relationship based on reciprocity. 

    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
    "Don't Make Assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want.  Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstanding, sadness, and drama."
     (Don Miguel Ruiz - The Third Agreement)

    Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
    Today I am willing to wake up and place my faith in LOVE.  I am waking up.
    I pray to remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that light is ME.
    I choose to stay cool calm and compassionate as I face the hot burning issues of the day or night.

    Featured Artist
    Boston based jazz singer-pianist Meredith d'Ambrosio, reveals the meaning of music in her life, advice for aspiring artists, what she believes is the key to finding and keeping love, treasured tips from master maestro, Bill Evans, and much much more.

    Hear Meredith performing the tune "Turn Out the Stars" from her CD entitled, The Cove, where she skillfully sings and proficiently plays the piano.

    For nearly five decades, Meredith has been quietly but steadily spinning out new work, sating aficionados and casual listeners alike. Her beautiful voice, piano touch and song craftsmanship have been championed by many. 

    "To listen to d'Ambrosio is to abandon oneself to her charm. She leaves you spellbound with her impeccable diction, great sense of phrasing, intonation, and gentle swing, showing an unaffected simplicity and inner lyricism that expresses more than all the high-soaring excesses of scat singers." (Serge Baudot, Jazz Hot, France)

    "Her secret, one shared by very few singers, is her ability to deliver the meaning of a lyric in her understated and hip-as-can-be way." (George Fendel, Portland Jazzscene)

    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9PM PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9PM & midnight PT / midnight & 3AM ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.

    Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity,
    a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

    DrDebzz has been deemed “The new relationship GURU…a West Coast Dr. Laura and East Coast Carrie Bradshaw!” Fans describe her as a “soulful gifted fun impressive” radio personality; with a “captive confident soothing melodious and simply lovely voice;” an “alluring way of telling her-story;” so
    "spiritually alive and giving LOVE to humanity.”

    Phone Life Coaching Sessions are available 24/7. Set up a Complimentary Consultation at 818-326-9003; 
    allthatdezz.webs.com; or [email protected]

    Listen now on iTunes!

    DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    Do you give freely without strings attached? Are you a scrooge emotionally, mentally, physically, intellectually, or spiritually? Are you the first to initiate generosity or is receiving a precursor to your gifting?

     Do you keep score so you'll get an ample return on your investment of money, time, or attention? Do you withhold affection, compliments, or acts of service until you're confident you'll be rewarded the same, if not more?

    Do you speak words of love, kindness, compassion, patience, and tolerance or do you spew angry, hostile, hurtful, dismissive, demeaning language? 
    Do you share from a place of vulnerability and authenticity or do you don a fake front to impress and ingratiate?

    Expressing admiration, adoration, and appreciation is key to continuing civilization as we know it.  You can be the change you want to see in the world by lavishing others with warmth, tenderness, gentility, cordiality, nobility, sincerity, honesty, and intimacy.

    Guest Caller
    Allen from Whittier seeks advice on finding a romantic involvement. He's frustrated that many women his age have let themselves go and are no longer appealing. DrDebzz directs Allen to look at the three fingers
    pointed back at him.

    Write In Question
    Maxwell of Lake Tahoe recently lost a good friend who suffered from severe depression leading to death. He's worried he might follow in her footsteps as he's been deeply down in the dumps since Covid began.  

    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
    "Don't Take Anything Personally." - Don Miguel Ruiz 

    "...If you keep this agreement, you can travel around the world with your heart completely open and no one can hurt you.  You can say, "I love you," without fear of being ridiculed or rejected.  You can ask for what you need  You can say yes, or you can say no-whatever you choose-without guilt or self-judgment.  You can choose to follow your heart always.  Then you can be in the middle of hell and still experience inner peace and happiness, and hell will not affect you at all..." 

    Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
    I recognize my full potential.
    I am Powerful and Courageous.
    Excellence vibrates as every cell of
    my body temple.

    The gifts of divinity are mine. Freely given
    and fully received.
    I live, move, and have my beingness in a field
    of gratitude and appreciation!

    Featured Artist
    Jay Clayton, internationally acclaimed, accomplished, and legendary jazz vocalist/composer/educator, in an intimate interview reveals herstory, advice for aspiring artists, the key to finding and keeping love, and much much more.
    Hear her perform the Harry Warren tune, "I Wish I Knew," from her CD, Harry Who?, with saxophonist Houston Person and pianist John Di Martino 

    Watch Jay LIVE HERE in a replay of Debs' "In My Special Room" Jazz Vocalist's Showcase & Benefit for the Innocence Project which took place on 3/24/21.

    All proceeds from these concerts go directly to THE INNOCENCE PROJECT, an exemplary, estimable, meritorious organization that works diligently to find the necessary DNA evidence to finally free innocent victims who have been falsely accused, wrongly convicted, and unjustly incarcerated for decades. Your contribution is greatly coveted and worthy. If you'd like to donate, please visit our fundraising page HERE.

    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show, Sleepless in Studio City, airs nightly at 9PM PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9PM & midnight PT / midnight & 3AM ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.

    Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity,
    a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

    "DrDebzz is my favorite talk show host."
    "Her words of wisdom are gems."
    “Brilliant! DrDebzz is a natural at this."
    "A true treasure. Her advice is always spot on!!!"
    "DrDebzz Opening Shpiel is worth its weight in gold."
    "So inspiring and such good life lessons. I am
    completely in awe of her talent & expertise in doing this."

    For a limited time I'm providing Complimentary Covid Coaching Sessions by phone or on zoom to aid you in turning lemons into lemonade, counting your blessings, and changing your perspective to the glass half full instead of half empty. You can complain that the rose bush has thorns or rejoice that the thorn bush has roses. Now is an apropos time to turn your black and white melodrama script into a full living technicolor masterpiece to cherish and behold. Contact me at 818-326-9003 or [email protected] to setup an appointment.

    Previous episodes of Sleepless in Studio City are available HERE.


    “THE CRITICAL SPIRIT” Are you judgmental, accusatory, fault-finding, negative, nitpicking with yourself and/or others? You can transform into an encouraging supportive positive spirit! 
    “THE POWER OF NO” Saying “no” & setting boundaries signifies yes I care & that you’re valuable & worthy of my time & attention. https://youtu.be/X0pwDsdzfl0
    ”GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT” Kindness is caring enough about someone to be forthcoming about your true feelings, desires, dreams, sensitivities, vulnerabilities, i.e. the sixth language of love. https://youtu.be/QcgYckl4LzA
    "WORDS AS WEAPONS/SETTING BOUNDARIES" T.H.I.N.K. before you speak. https://youtu.be/b6DSED3QPNA
    "STUFFING EMOTIONS" destroys relationships; people pleasing causes mistrust; being authentic is true kindness. https://youtu.be/cRM2c0rwQzc
    “MINDFUL WALKING” Take a tizzy, clear your mind, heal your heart. https://youtu.be/M1VW2VUuX2w
    “FORGIVENESS” Free yourself from toxic resentments & negativity. https://youtu.be/A_fsui09x_8
    "JEALOUSY" Celebrating others' success increases chances you'll be victorious. https://youtu.be/cUnNj1VRWlU
    “LEGAL ABUSE” How abusers use the legal system to gain control. https://youtu.be/WSDhZEtCosI
    “PERFECTIONISM” Killing the perfectionism monster that's keeping you from pursuing passions. https://youtu.be/lXX27MAcVm0
    "THE SIXTH LANGUAGE OF LOVE: Sharing Secret Sensitivities." https://youtu.be/_Hp9vDQt5J0
    "FROM NEGATIVITY TO POSITIVITY: Changing Your Brain Chemistry" https://youtu.be/O2ayZ9FnEsY


    DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    How do you invest your time? What if this were your last day on earth? Where would you go, what would you do, who would you be with, how would you act?

    Would you spend your precious final moments putting people down, gossiping, complaining about the state of affairs? Would you see the thorns on the rosebush or the roses on the thorn bush? 

    Invest in behaviors with the greatest dividends, e.g. uttering uplifting words rather than critical chastising ones, choosing meaningful over trivial conversations, looking at the glass half full instead of half empty. 

    Guest Caller
    John from Kauai struggles with accepting differences in others.  He finds himself excluding a majority of folks, thus narrowing the playing field of possible relationships.  DrDebzz offers tips for dealing with his own perfectionism, which in turn will increase his tolerance level. 

    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom) By Maya Angelou
    I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget
    how you made them feel.

    If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.

    My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion,
    some humor, and some style.

    Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
    I feed my spirit. I train my body. I focus my mind.

    I am in charge of how I feel and today I am
    choosing happiness.

    I am adventurous. I overcome fears by
    following my dreams.

    I can. I will. End of story. 

    Featured Artist
    Acclaimed musical director, composer, arranger, and proficient pianist, Steve Rawlins, reveals the meaning of music in his life, what he believes is the key to finding and keeping love, worthwhile advice for aspiring artists, and much, much more.

    Hear Steve tickle the ivories on his most recently released tune entitled, "Nobody Else But You," with vocals by George Bugatti, lyrics by Mark Winkler, Jay Leach on guitar, John Hatton on bass, and Kevin Winard on drums.

    DrDebzz' Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9PM PT / midnight ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.

    As a life coach, columnist, and family mediator, DrDebzz is pleased and privileged to offer heartfelt help, positivity, gentle guidance, a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

    "DrDebzz is my favorite talk show host."
    "Her words of wisdom are gems."
    “Brilliant! DrDebzz is a natural at this."
    "A true treasure. Her advice is always spot on!!!"
    "DrDebzz Opening Shpiel is worth its weight in gold."
    "So inspiring and such good life lessons. I am
    completely in awe of her talent & expertise in doing this."

    For a limited time only, DrDebzz is providing Complimentary Covid Coaching Sessions by phone or on zoom to aid you in turning lemons into lemonade, counting your blessings, and changing your perspective to the glass half full instead of half empty. Now is an apropos time to turn your black and white script into a full living technicolor masterpiece. Contact her at 818-326-9003 or [email protected] to setup an appointment.

    Past episodes available on itunes HERE: 


    “THE CRITICAL SPIRIT” Are you judgmental, accusatory, fault-finding, negative, nitpicking with yourself and/or others? You can transform into an encouraging supportive positive spirit! 

    “THE POWER OF NO” Saying “no” & setting boundaries signifies yes I care & that you’re valuable & worthy of my time & attention. https://youtu.be/X0pwDsdzfl0

    ”GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT” Kindness is caring enough about someone to be forthcoming about your true feelings, desires, dreams, sensitivities, vulnerabilities, i.e. the sixth language of love. https://youtu.be/QcgYckl4LzA

    "WORDS AS WEAPONS/SETTING BOUNDARIES" T.H.I.N.K. before you speak. https://youtu.be/b6DSED3QPNA

    "STUFFING EMOTIONS" destroys relationships; people pleasing causes mistrust; being authentic is true kindness. https://youtu.be/cRM2c0rwQzc

    “MINDFUL WALKING” Take a tizzy, clear your mind, heal your heart. https://youtu.be/M1VW2VUuX2w

    “FORGIVENESS” Free yourself from toxic resentments & negativity. https://youtu.be/A_fsui09x_8

    "JEALOUSY" Celebrating others' success increases chances you'll be victorious. https://youtu.be/cUnNj1VRWlU

    “LEGAL ABUSE” How abusers use the legal system to gain control. https://youtu.be/WSDhZEtCosI

    “PERFECTIONISM” Killing the perfectionism monster that's keeping you from pursuing passions. https://youtu.be/lXX27MAcVm0

    "THE SIXTH LANGUAGE OF LOVE: Sharing Secret Sensitivities." https://youtu.be/_Hp9vDQt5J0

    "FROM NEGATIVITY TO POSITIVITY: Changing Your Brain Chemistry" https://youtu.be/O2ayZ9FnEsY


    Listen now on iTunes!

    DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    Where do you get your nourishment? How do you feed your soul? I reiterate the simple solution to whatever ails your mind, body, and spirit. Find your passion, your purpose on the planet, and you will find peace.

    Creativity is an inside job and the quickest path to bliss, nirvana, ecstasy, shangri la. It's not out there in a geographic in more money, property, or prestige. Where do you feel the spark?

    I invite you to take this precious covid time to reevaluate your priorities. The universe is screaming for people to wake up and smell the hummus. It's a valuable opportunity to become the best version of yourself, i.e. a human being rather than a human doing. 

    Guest Caller
    Sarah from Los Feliz, CA is finding it hard to set boundaries during Covid and put her own health and safety first.  Sarah is her own harshest critic which causes so much stress she can't even enjoy what's going on in the moment. DrDebzz offers tools to quiet her mind and turn off the voices that are judging her every move. 

    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom) by RUMI
    Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.

    I know you’re tired but come, this is the way.

    These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them.

    Don’t you know yet? It is your light that lights the worlds.

    Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
    I am braver than I think.
    I am stronger than I seem.
    I am worthy of having what I want.
    I attract positive people into my life.

    I am aware of my gifts and share them freely.
    Miracles are taking place right before my eyes.

    Featured Artist
    In an intimate interview, sensational skillful singer, Ada Bird Wolfe, reveals the meaning of music in her life, what she believes is the key to finding and keeping love, valuable advice for aspiring artists, and much, much more.

    Hear Ada in a gorgeous rendition of the classic tune, "Blackbird," with arrangements and accompaniment by master musical director/pianist, Jamieson Trotter. You won't want to miss this magnum opus from the dynamic duo's recently released work of art, "He and Me."

    Watch the luminous Ada with genius Jamieson tickling the ivories HERE, during Debs' "In My Special Room" Jazz Showcase & Benefit for the Innocence Project on 2/10/21.

    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9PM PT / midnight ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.

    Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, and skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, positivity, gentle guidance, a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

    "DrDebzz is my favorite talk show host."
    "Her words of wisdom are gems."
    “Brilliant! DrDebzz is a natural at this."
    "A true treasure. Her advice is always spot on!!!"
    "DrDebzz Opening Shpiel is worth its weight in gold."
    "So inspiring and such good life lessons. I am
    completely in awe of her talent & expertise in doing this."

    For a limited time only, I am providing Complimentary Covid Coaching Sessions by phone or on zoom to aid you in turning lemons into lemonade, counting your blessings, and changing your perspective to the glass half full instead of half empty. Now is an apropos time to turn your black and white script into a full living technicolor work of art. Contact me at 818-326-9003 or [email protected] to setup an appointment.

    Past episodes available on itunes 


    “THE CRITICAL SPIRIT” Are you judgmental, accusatory, fault-finding, negative, nitpicking with yourself and/or others? You can transform into an encouraging supportive positive spirit! 

    “THE POWER OF NO” Saying “no” & setting boundaries signifies yes I care & that you’re valuable & worthy of my time & attention. https://youtu.be/X0pwDsdzfl0

    ”GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT” Kindness is caring enough about someone to be forthcoming about your true feelings, desires, dreams, sensitivities, vulnerabilities, i.e. the sixth language of love. https://youtu.be/QcgYckl4LzA

    "WORDS AS WEAPONS/SETTING BOUNDARIES" T.H.I.N.K. before you speak. https://youtu.be/b6DSED3QPNA

    "STUFFING EMOTIONS" destroys relationships; people pleasing causes mistrust; being authentic is true kindness. https://youtu.be/cRM2c0rwQzc

    “MINDFUL WALKING” Take a tizzy, clear your mind, heal your heart. https://youtu.be/M1VW2VUuX2w

    “FORGIVENESS” Free yourself from toxic resentments & negativity. https://youtu.be/A_fsui09x_8

    "JEALOUSY" Celebrating others' success increases chances you'll be victorious. https://youtu.be/cUnNj1VRWlU

    “LEGAL ABUSE” How abusers use the legal system to gain control. https://youtu.be/WSDhZEtCosI

    “PERFECTIONISM” Killing the perfectionism monster that's keeping you from pursuing passions. https://youtu.be/lXX27MAcVm0

    "THE SIXTH LANGUAGE OF LOVE: Sharing Secret Sensitivities." https://youtu.be/_Hp9vDQt5J0

    "FROM NEGATIVITY TO POSITIVITY: Changing Your Brain Chemistry" https://youtu.be/O2ayZ9FnEsY


     Listen now on iTunes!

    DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    Have you been violent with your words today using them as weapons to wound others? Have you engaged in
    verbal vomiting overtly or covertly?

    Alternatively, have you used words to hug those you care about expressing affection, admiration, adoration, appreciation, and acceptance.

    Words can kill and are more damaging than physical abuse when used to demean, diminish, degrade, debase, discredit, devalue, disgrace, and dishonor.

    When's the last time you asked a loved one, “What can I do to make your life better?” When's the last time you asked yourself, "What can I do to make the world a better place?"

    Guest Caller
    Dana from Berkeley, CA is having difficulties letting go and moving on after a painful break up.  DrDebzz offers effective ways for rebuilding esteem, becoming ready to receive the healthy romantic relationship she covets.

    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
    “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
    “The time is always ripe to do right.”

    - Martin Luther King -

    Covid Confidence Boosters
    Life loves me!
    It is safe to look within.
    I am loved, and I am at peace.
    My day begins and ends with gratitude.
    Deep at the center of my being is an infinite well of love.

    Featured Artist
    Legendary Australian jazz singer, Sandie White, reveals the meaning of music in her life, what she believes is the key to finding and keeping love, advice for aspiring artists, and much much more. Hear Sandie in a soulful rendition of the classic tune, "I Told You So," written by Duncan Lamont with Vince Genova on piano and Craig Scott on bass. Her emotional depth and passion for storytelling will take you on a journey to another era when jazz reigned supreme.

    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9PM PT / midnight ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.

    Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, and skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, positivity, gentle guidance, a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

    "DrDebzz is my favorite talk show host."
    "Her words of wisdom are gems."
    “Brilliant! DrDebzz is a natural at this."
    "A true treasure. Her advice is always spot on!!!"
    "DrDebzz Opening Shpiel is worth its weight in gold."
    "So inspiring and such good life lessons. I am
    completely in awe of her talent & expertise in doing this."

    For a limited time only, DrDebzz is providing Complimentary Covid Coaching Sessions by phone or on zoom to aid you in turning lemons into lemonade, counting your blessings, and changing your perspective to the glass half full instead of half empty. Now is an apropos time to turn your black and white script into a full living technicolor work of art. Contact her at 818-326-9003 or [email protected] to setup an appointment.

    Past episodes available on itunes HERE


    “THE CRITICAL SPIRIT” Are you judgmental, accusatory, fault-finding, negative, nitpicking with yourself and/or others? You can transform into an encouraging supportive positive spirit! 

    “THE POWER OF NO” Saying “no” & setting boundaries signifies yes I care & that you’re valuable & worthy of my time & attention. https://youtu.be/X0pwDsdzfl0

    ”GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT” Kindness is caring enough about someone to be forthcoming about your true feelings, desires, dreams, sensitivities, vulnerabilities, i.e. the sixth language of love. https://youtu.be/QcgYckl4LzA

    "WORDS AS WEAPONS/SETTING BOUNDARIES" T.H.I.N.K. before you speak. https://youtu.be/b6DSED3QPNA

    "STUFFING EMOTIONS" destroys relationships; people pleasing causes mistrust; being authentic is true kindness. https://youtu.be/cRM2c0rwQzc

    “MINDFUL WALKING” Take a tizzy, clear your mind, heal your heart. https://youtu.be/M1VW2VUuX2w

    “FORGIVENESS” Free yourself from toxic resentments & negativity. https://youtu.be/A_fsui09x_8

    "JEALOUSY" Celebrating others' success increases chances you'll be victorious. https://youtu.be/cUnNj1VRWlU

    “LEGAL ABUSE” How abusers use the legal system to gain control. https://youtu.be/WSDhZEtCosI

    “PERFECTIONISM” Killing the perfectionism monster that's keeping you from pursuing passions. https://youtu.be/lXX27MAcVm0

    "THE SIXTH LANGUAGE OF LOVE: Sharing Secret Sensitivities." https://youtu.be/_Hp9vDQt5J0

    "FROM NEGATIVITY TO POSITIVITY: Changing Your Brain Chemistry" https://youtu.be/O2ayZ9FnEsY


    Listen now on iTunes!

    DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    George Gershwin said, "Life is a lot like jazz...it's best when you improvise." Are you stuck to rigid lists and schedules? Are you afraid to veer from your daily routine? Do you get anxious when you don't have a plan? Do you find yourself in a fluster with free downtime?

    Is it difficult for you to go with the flow? Do you miss memorable teachable opportunities because you're ruminating on what just happened or what's coming up next? Do you spend precious moments in regret and remorse of the past or fear and anxiety of the future?

    There's only one place where we can intuitively recognize and recollect we have everything we need for our highest good and the highest good of all those we care about...which is right here and right now.  Learning to live in the now is the greatest gift we will ever receive and achieve...which is why they call it the present.

    Guest Caller
    Henry from Babylon, NY laments how life hasn't gone the way he planned, especially regarding playing music. He attributes laziness and lack of focus as instrumental factors. DrDebzz suggests it's not too late, offering productive ways to prioritize pursuing his passion,
    rather than putting other people and activities first.

    Write In Question
    Deacon from Twin Falls seeks advice regarding his jealousy issues. After checking his girlfriend's phone and discovering communications with an old beau, Deacon's insecurities have increased and he can't seem to get tormenting thoughts out of his mind.

    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans"  -  John Lennon (from the tune Beautiful Boy) 

    Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
    I recognize my full potential.
    I am powerful and courageous.
    I have joy to give, love to live, and peace to provide.
    Abundance expresses in me, through me, and as me.
    I am a center of creativity and a fountain of divine ideas.

    Featured Artist
    Stunningly skilled pianist, composer, and bandleader, Mara Rosenbloom, reveals the meaning of music in her life, advice for aspiring artists, what she believes is the key to finding and keeping love, and much, much more.

    Hear an original love song, "The Ballad for Carolyn Trousers," from Mara's new CD, The Mara Rosenbloom Trio: Respiration, with maestros Sean Conley on bass and Chad Taylor on drums. You won't want to pass up listening to this mind blowing magnum opus.

    Watch Mara performing LIVE HERE at my "In My Special Room" Jazz Musician's Showcase & Benefit for the Innocence Project that aired on 12/30/20. 

    I host these concerts to support creativity and live music while giving back to the community. All proceeds go directly to the Innocence Project, an amazing organization working diligently to find the necessary DNA evidence to finally free innocent victims who have been falsely accused, wrongly convicted, and unjustly incarcerated for decades. Your contributions are greatly appreciated. If you'd like to donate, please visit our fundraising page HERE. 

    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9PM PT / midnight ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.

    Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, and skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, positivity, gentle guidance, a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

    "DrDebzz is my favorite talk show host."
    "Her words of wisdom are gems."
    “Brilliant! DrDebzz is a natural at this."
    "A true treasure. Her advice is always spot on!!!"
    "DrDebzz Opening Shpiel is worth its weight in gold."
    "So inspiring and such good life lessons. I am
    completely in awe of her talent & expertise in doing this."

    For a limited time only, I am providing Complimentary Covid Coaching Sessions by phone or on zoom to aid you in turning lemons into lemonade, counting your blessings, and changing your perspective to the glass half full instead of half empty. Now is an apropos time to turn your black and white script into a full living technicolor work of art. Contact me at 818-326-9003 or [email protected] to setup an appointment.

    Past episodes available on itunes: 



    “THE CRITICAL SPIRIT” Are you judgmental, accusatory, fault-finding, negative, nitpicking with yourself and/or others? You can transform into an encouraging supportive positive spirit! 

    “THE POWER OF NO” Saying “no” & setting boundaries signifies yes I care & that you’re valuable & worthy of my time & attention. https://youtu.be/X0pwDsdzfl0

    ”GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT” Kindness is caring enough about someone to be forthcoming about your true feelings, desires, dreams, sensitivities, vulnerabilities, i.e. the sixth language of love. https://youtu.be/QcgYckl4LzA

    "WORDS AS WEAPONS/SETTING BOUNDARIES" T.H.I.N.K. before you speak. https://youtu.be/b6DSED3QPNA

    "STUFFING EMOTIONS" destroys relationships; people pleasing causes mistrust; being authentic is true kindness. https://youtu.be/cRM2c0rwQzc

    “MINDFUL WALKING” Take a tizzy, clear your mind, heal your heart. https://youtu.be/M1VW2VUuX2w

    “FORGIVENESS” Free yourself from toxic resentments & negativity. https://youtu.be/A_fsui09x_8

    "JEALOUSY" Celebrating others' success increases chances you'll be victorious. https://youtu.be/cUnNj1VRWlU

    “LEGAL ABUSE” How abusers use the legal system to gain control. https://youtu.be/WSDhZEtCosI

    “PERFECTIONISM” Killing the perfectionism monster that's keeping you from pursuing passions. https://youtu.be/lXX27MAcVm0

    "THE SIXTH LANGUAGE OF LOVE: Sharing Secret Sensitivities." https://youtu.be/_Hp9vDQt5J0

    "FROM NEGATIVITY TO POSITIVITY: Changing Your Brain Chemistry" https://youtu.be/O2ayZ9FnEsY


     Listen now on iTunes!
  • DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    We can replace physical touch with word touch. Right now words are more valuable than ever in promoting love and affection. They can be used to nourish and flourish by building bridges and bonds, or to destroy and damage by burning bridges and bonds.

    Choose your words wisely. Speak from your soul. Talk to the heart. Before you speak, pause, and T.H.I.N.K. Then pose and answer the question: "Is what I'm about to say Thoughtful, Helpful, Intelligent, Necessary, and Kind?!!" 

    Guest Caller
    Anna from Los Angeles seeks advice regarding a contentious relationship with her daughter. Two months ago, her daughter cut off all communication. Anna has been stressed, and compounded with covid, a complete wreck. DrDebzz suggests constructive ways to let go of resentments and expectations, returning to a coveted loving mother-daughter bond.

    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom) by RUMI
    Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.

    There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.
    There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.
    You feel it, don’t you?

    Close your eyes.  Fall in love.  Stay there.

    Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
    I offer the best version of myself even when I am frustrated because that is my personal stand.

    I am committed to finding something positive to focus on even in negative situations.

    I treat everyone with respect even when it is 
    challenging to do so.

    I am productive.  I accomplish my tasks.  I am 
    diligent with my time.

    Featured Artist
    Vivacious vocalist, Melanie Taylor, in an inspirational interview, candidly reveals the meaning of music in her life, priceless advice for aspiring artists, what she believes is the key to finding and keeping love, invigorating exhilarating motivational messages, and much much more.

    Hear Melanie's stellar, skillful singing of her original tune, "Love Has the Final Word," co-written with maestro Ian Martin. This outstanding work of art is about hope, not giving up, and being at peace with where you're at. The title derives from scripture, as well as a phrase mentioned in one of Martin Luther King's speeches.

    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9PM PT / midnight ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.

    Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, and skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, positivity, gentle guidance, a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

    "DrDebzz is my favorite talk show host."
    "Her words of wisdom are gems."
    “Brilliant! DrDebzz is a natural at this."
    "A true treasure. Her advice is always spot on!!!"
    "DrDebzz Opening Shpiel is worth its weight in gold."
    "So inspiring and such good life lessons. I am
    completely in awe of her talent & expertise in doing this."

    For a limited time only, I am providing Complimentary Covid Coaching Sessions by phone or on zoom to aid you in turning lemons into lemonade, counting your blessings, and changing your perspective to the glass half full instead of half empty. Now is an apropos time to turn your black and white script into a full living technicolor work of art. Contact me at 818-326-9003 or [email protected] to setup an appointment.

    Past episodes available on itunes: 



    “THE CRITICAL SPIRIT” Are you judgmental, accusatory, fault-finding, negative, nitpicking with yourself and/or others? You can transform into an encouraging supportive positive spirit! 

    “THE POWER OF NO” Saying “no” & setting boundaries signifies yes I care & that you’re valuable & worthy of my time & attention. https://youtu.be/X0pwDsdzfl0

    ”GENEROSITY OF SPIRIT” Kindness is caring enough about someone to be forthcoming about your true feelings, desires, dreams, sensitivities, vulnerabilities, i.e. the sixth language of love. https://youtu.be/QcgYckl4LzA

    "WORDS AS WEAPONS/SETTING BOUNDARIES" T.H.I.N.K. before you speak. https://youtu.be/b6DSED3QPNA

    "STUFFING EMOTIONS" destroys relationships; people pleasing causes mistrust; being authentic is true kindness. https://youtu.be/cRM2c0rwQzc

    “MINDFUL WALKING” Take a tizzy, clear your mind, heal your heart. https://youtu.be/M1VW2VUuX2w

    “FORGIVENESS” Free yourself from toxic resentments & negativity. https://youtu.be/A_fsui09x_8

    "JEALOUSY" Celebrating others' success increases chances you'll be victorious. https://youtu.be/cUnNj1VRWlU

    “LEGAL ABUSE” How abusers use the legal system to gain control. https://youtu.be/WSDhZEtCosI

    “PERFECTIONISM” Killing the perfectionism monster that's keeping you from pursuing passions. https://youtu.be/lXX27MAcVm0

    "THE SIXTH LANGUAGE OF LOVE: Sharing Secret Sensitivities." https://youtu.be/_Hp9vDQt5J0

    "FROM NEGATIVITY TO POSITIVITY: Changing Your Brain Chemistry" https://youtu.be/O2ayZ9FnEsY


    Listen now on iTunes!



    DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    Love is an act, a divine urging, a metaphysical reality, a daily decision you make to remain devoted. If you love someone you want them to flourish as a human being. You make a conscious commitment to their well being.

    Discover what's going on inside your loved one's mind, soul, and spirit, i.e. how they're experiencing the world. Let go of what and who you want them to be to fulfill your own dreams and desires.  Allow the other person's true nature to bloom blossom burgeon, arrive rise thrive, emerge expand evolve, proceed progress and prosper.

    Love is striving to bring out the best in the object of your affection. The crucial component is to ask them:
    "What can I do to make your life better?"

    Guest Caller
    Jane finds it difficult to be productive during Covid. She spends days focusing on her looks and trying to fix family members.  DrDebzz helps Jane recollect constructive steps for dealing with difficult people so her precious moments can be filled pursuing her interest in mentoring.

    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
    “You must learn to get in touch with the innermost essence of your being. This true essence is beyond the ego. It is fearless; it is free; it is immune to criticism; it does not fear any challenge. It is beneath no one, superior to no one, and full of magic, mystery, and enchantment."  (Deepak Chopra) 

    Covid Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
    I am a unique and very special person.
    I am willing to change.
    I am respected by others.
    I deserve good in my life. 
    I care about and appreciate myself.
    I give and receive praise freely.  
    Each day I'm becoming more self confident.

    Featured Artist
    Skilled singer/songwriter Ayelet Rose Gottlieb, from Montreal, reveals the meaning of music in her life, advice for aspiring artists, what she believes is the key to finding and keeping love, and much more.

    Hear one of Ayelet's moving masterpieces (with co-vocalist Jay Clayton) from her 11th CD, "13 Lunar Meditations," to be released in January, 2021.

    Described as an “intoxicating vocalist” with an “individually rigorous tone,” Ayelet is an international performer, an explorer of sound, and a seeker of musical adventures. She creates in sophisticated simplicity blending jazz, middle-eastern & Jewish music with contemporary composition and conceptual improvisation. She's inspired by poetry, nature, magic, science and the vulnerability of the human experience.

    Watch Ayelet LIVE at Debs' "In My Special Room" Singer/Songwriter Showcase & Benefit for the Innocence Project on December 16th from 8PM-10PM PT. More info and zoom link here: https://fb.me/e/4Nesps8dK

    I'm hosting these concerts to support creativity and live music while giving back to the community. All proceeds go directly to the Innocence Project, an amazing organization that finds the necessary DNA evidence to finally free innocent victims who have been falsely accused, wrongly convicted, and unjustly incarcerated for decades. Your contributions are greatly appreciated. If you'd like to donate to the Innocence Project please visit our link: https://innocence-fundraising-ip.funraise.org/.../debra...

    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show
    "Sleepless in Studio City"
    Airs Nightly at 9PM PT / midnight ET 

    Listen to previous episodes HERE.

    Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, and skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, positivity, gentle guidance, a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

    "DrDebzz is my favorite talk show host."
    "Her words of wisdom are gems."
    “Brilliant! DrDebzz is a natural at this."
    "A true treasure. Her advice is always spot on!!!"
    "DrDebzz Opening Shpiel is worth its weight in gold."
    "So inspiring and such good life lessons. I am
    completely in awe of her talent & skill in doing this."

    For a limited time, DrDebzz is providing Complimentary Covid Coaching Sessions by phone or zoom to change your life script from black and white to full technicolor. Set up an appointment, at 818-326-9003 or 
    [email protected]m

    Listen now on iTunes!

    DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    Currently masks are mandatory to keep Covid at bay. However, wouldn't it be revolutionary if we removed our metaphorical masks, the kind we don to steer people away in an attempt to protect ourselves from vulnerability?

    What if we walked around inside out and could only see each other heart to heart, character to character, soul to soul? 
    What if we placed more value on who we were rather than on external factors and features? Would we more readily recognize that we're all the same and find it facile to follow the golden rule? 

    Guest Caller
    Stephen from Culver City is frustrated because he keeps attracting people who ignore or don't respond to his requests even though he's accommodating and reliable. DrDebzz offers ways to reshape his internal makeup so he can invite and cultivate reciprocal relationships.

    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom) by RUMI
    Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.

    There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled.
    There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled.
    You feel it, don’t you?

    Close your eyes.  Fall in love.  Stay there.

    Covid Confidence Boosters

    I am a beacon of light.  I bring out the best in others.
    I offer the highest version of myself even when I am aggravated because that is my personal standard.
    I am committed to self care.  I am productive.  
    I accomplish my tasks.  I am diligent with my time.
    From here on out, today will be a good day.

    Featured Artist
    Melissa Manchester, the gifted Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter reveals the meaning of music in her life, advice for aspiring artists, and much, much more.

    Hear Melissa's recently released tune, "Just You and I," co-written with Carole Bayer Sager in the 70's and reborn as the first single of her 24th album, RE:VIEW, plus the fascinating story behind its creation.

    Albeit the classic hit turns 44 this year, the song's message is more relevant than ever. Melissa has dedicated it to "the first responders, the essential workers and the everyday heroes who labor to keep the world running and to keep everyone safe.”

    The tune's timeliness is a testament to Melissa's mastery of her works of art that has only deepened and strengthened with maturity. “Just You And I!” is available now on SoundCloud, Youtube, iTunes, and at all major online music distributors.

    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City"
    Airs Nightly at 9PM PT / midnight ET 
    on AmericanHeartsRadio.com.

    Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, and skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, positivity, gentle guidance, a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

    "DrDebzz is my favorite talk show host."
    "Her words of wisdom are gems."
    “Brilliant! DrDebzz is a natural at this."
    "A true treasure. Her advice is always spot on!!!"
    "DrDebzz Opening Shpiel is worth its weight in gold."
    "So inspiring and such good life lessons. I am
    completely in awe of her talent & skill in doing this."

    For a limited time, DrDebzz is providing Complimentary Covid Coaching Sessions by phone or zoom to change your life script from black and white to full technicolor. Set up an appointment, at 818-326-9003 or [email protected]

    Listen now on iTunes!

    DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    When will we ever learn...that how we speak to ourselves and others can be more deadly and destructive than spreading covid germs? When will we stop spewing marring malicious malevolent language?

    When we will we cease poisoning ourselves and others with hurtful spiteful shameful words, intentional or not, negligent or not? When will we thwart polluting the planet with rotten demeaning demoralizing sentences that demolish diminish and degrade our very essence?

    When will we care enough to cover our mouths in order to prevent spreading infection with vengeful vicious vitriol? When will we learn it's adamant for the continuation of civilization ("civil" being the key component here) to wear a muzzle prohibiting murder by mouth? 

    Guest Caller
    Bob of Cheviot Hills is seeking a meaningful relationship with someone who has similar values, but finds most women are focused on lists of outer qualifications.  DrDebzz offers ways to discover inner character traits and attract a match who's on the same page.

    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
    "No matter what the problem, where there is enough love there is a miraculous solution.  Wake up every day and say "Love Use Me" and your invitation will be immediately accepted. Millions and millions of souls seriously dedicated to love will form a wave of power that
    changes the world." - Marianne Williamson

    Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
    Today I will take one step forward.
    I choose to live with resilience.
    I take responsibility for my words.
    I have the courage to live by my values.
    There can be no darkness where I provide light.
    The universe is conspiring in every moment to bring me happiness and peace.

    Featured Artist
    Terry Wollman, skilled producer, guitarist, music director, arranger, composer and educator, in an intimate interview, reveals the meaning of music in his life, advice for aspiring artists, what he believes is the key to finding and keeping love, and much, much more.

    Hear Terry's magnum opus song, "(Beautiful) Sound of Us," plus the story of passion and purpose behind its creation. You'll be moved beyond imagination. 

    Watch Terry performing two terrific tunes Live at Debs' "In My Special Room" Musician's Showcase & Benefit for the Innocence Project presented on October 21st here.  See his stunning innovative video here:

    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City"
    Airs Nightly at 9PM PT / midnight ET 

    Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, and skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, positivity, gentle guidance, a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

    "DrDebzz is my favorite talk show host."
    "Her words of wisdom are gems."
    “Brilliant! DrDebzz is a natural at this."
    "A true treasure. Her advice is always spot on!!!"
    "DrDebzz Opening Shpiel is worth its weight in gold."
    "So inspiring and such good life lessons. I am
    completely in awe of her talent & skill in doing this."

    For a limited time only, DrDebzz is providing Complimentary Covid Coaching Sessions by phone or on zoom. Contact her at 
    818-326-9003 or 
    [email protected]m

    Listen now on iTunes!

    DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    Is it true what Orson Welles said, "We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone."

    There's a difference between physical aloneness and existential loneliness. It's a fact that eight years of life expectancy are lost as the direct impact of this dis-ease. Many are leery to acknowledge what they deem a taboo topic, even though loneliness is a universal pandemic.

    Similar to the Covid crisis, before a cure can be found, we must admit there's a rampant infestation. "Alone" is one letter away from "all one." If we recollect we're all one on the same path to seeking purpose and passion, there is hope of discovering a remedy to save civilization. 

    Guest Caller
    Peggy from NJ recognizes she has a temper and can easily fly off the handle. She's seeking ways to prevent the type of aggressive anger she grew up with.

    DrDebzz offers tools to aid Peggy in focusing on her own behavior, rather than on unmet expectations and frustrations with others, e.g. pausing before she reacts, remaining calm, and de-escalating conflict.

    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
    “We are one blink of an eye away from being fully awake."   Pema Chodron

    Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders 
    I am a valuable human being and I deserve to be
    treated with dignity and respect.  
    I create healthy ways to express my anger.  
    I can say "yes" to what I want and "no" to what
    I don't want. The choice is mine.
    I am equal to the situation which is before me. 

    Featured Artist
    Brilliant Brazilian singer, songwriter, composer, and multi-instrumentalist, Ana Gazzola, reveals the meaning of music in her life, advice for aspiring artists, what she believes is the key to finding and keeping love, tips for turning the changing times into worthwhile adventures, and much, much more. Ana performs the original tune "Azul." Watch her stunning video here. 

    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9PM PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9PM & midnight PT / midnight & 3AM ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.

    Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, and skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, positivity, gentle guidance, a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

    "DrDebzz is my favorite talk show host."
    "Her words of wisdom are gems."
    “Brilliant! DrDebzz is a natural at this."
    "A true treasure. Her advice is always spot on!!!"
    "DrDebzz Opening Shpiel is worth its weight in gold."

    "So inspiring and such good life lessons. I am
    completely in awe of her talent & skill in doing this."

    For a limited time only, DrDebzz is providing Complimentary Covid Coaching Sessions by phone or on zoom. Contact her at 
    818-326-9003 or 
    [email protected]m

    Listen now on iTunes!
  • DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    Happiness is...a warm hug, a sincere smile, an act of kindness, following the golden rule, listening to your higher self, living in the now...simple but not easy tasks.

    Yes, all we need is love, but where do we find this often illusive existential concept? Is it out there somewhere over the rainbow or deep inside your body, mind, and spirit?

    You don't have to go mistaking paradise for the home across the way or crave more money, fame, and fortune. That's the solution to saving the planet.

    Guest Caller
    Donna from Florida worries about what she isn't doing
    well at work.  Her anxiety and fear keep her up at night.  Although she does her best, she feels her best isn't good enough. DrDebzz suggests a 21-day challenge to help rewire Donna's brain chemistry. 

    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
    "In every community, there is work to be done. In every nation, there are wounds to heal. In every heart, there is the power to do it."

    “There is within each of us the possibility of magnificence. Every moment is an opportunity to make it manifest. Let the spirit awaken you to a miraculous life.”

    -Marianne Williamson-

    Covid Confidence Boosters for
    Achieving Inner Peace

    Everything I'm going through is making me a stronger, wiser, and more compassionate person.
    I'm willing to forgive myself and anyone who has hurt me.
    I see my current circumstances as a chance to grow.

    I let go of my need to be right.

    Featured Artist
    The stunningly skilled jazz vocalist, Maci Miller, in a telephone interview, reveals the meaning of music in her life, advice for aspiring artists, what she believes is the
    key to finding and keeping love, and much more.

    Hear Maci's smooth soothing rendition of "Nature Boy," from her latest CD entitled, "Round Midnight," accompanied by acclaimed guitarist, David O'Rourke.

    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9PM PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9PM & midnight PT / midnight & 3AM ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.

    Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity,
    a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.

    DrDebzz has been deemed “The new relationship GURU…a West Coast Dr. Laura and East Coast Carrie Bradshaw!” Fans describe her as a “soulful gifted fun impressive” radio personality; with a “captive confident soothing melodious and simply lovely voice;” an “alluring way of telling her-story;” so
    "spiritually alive and giving LOVE to humanity.”

    Complimentary Covid Coaching Sessions are now available by phone or on zoom. Set up a free consultation at 818-326-9003; 
    allthatdezz.webs.com; or [email protected]

    Listen now on iTunes!
  • DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    Have you noticed how everyone seems to be softer, slower, kinder, calmer, lighter, and brighter since Covid came onto the scene? Have you found yourself and others more tolerant, resigned, composed, even-tempered, accommodating, compassionate, and understanding?

    Okay so we might not be seeing smiles behind the masks, but we can see each other’s eyes, aka windows to our souls, and sense a gentility, a tenderness, a
    mild-mannered and sensitive stance.

    Is it because folks aren't busy busy, rushing rushing,
    doing doing, hurrying scurrying, becoming flustered, overwhelmed, burnt out, ready to explode?  It's like we've all taken a chill pill.  If this is the effect of Covid, count me in. Query:  Is there a way to obtain the same result without half the world having to sacrifice their lives?

    Guest Caller
    Mark from Canoga Park is frustrated because he really wants to find lasting love, but past relationships haven't worked out.  His most recent ex-girlfriend would fly into a jealous rage when he talked to other women on the phone.  He asked her to change and be different, but she wouldn't.  He thinks he's perfect the way he is and wonders if he's just picking the wrong women.
    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
    “I now see and know all things work together for my good and the highest good of all.  I am free to live joyfully.”  Alice Marie De Prisco (Agape International Spiritual Center)
    Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
    The universe is a friendly place!  I am safe! 

    Mighty miracles demonstrate through my
    ever-evolving consciousness!

    I am immersed in a field of infinite possibilities
    and unlimited potential!

    Featured Artist
    The stunningly skilled jazz vocalist/pianist, Dena DeRose, in a live telephone interview direct from Austria, reveals the meaning of music in her life, advice for aspiring artists, the key to finding and keeping love, and much, much more.

    Hear Dena's delightful rendition of "All God's Chillun Got Rhythm," with Matt Wilson on drums, Martin Wind on bass, and the great jazz icon, Sheila Jordan on vocals.

    Dena has been described as “The most creative and compelling singer since Shirley Horn.” DeRose always delivers “...vivid and often exciting demonstrations of how innovative her musical concepts are...” 
    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9PM PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9PM & midnight PT / midnight & 3AM ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity,
    a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.
    DrDebzz has been deemed “The new relationship GURU…a West Coast Dr. Laura and East Coast Carrie Bradshaw!” Fans describe her as a “soulful gifted fun impressive” radio personality; with a “captive confident soothing melodious and simply lovely voice;” an “alluring way of telling her-story;” so
    "spiritually alive and giving LOVE to humanity.”
    Phone Life Coaching Sessions are available 24/7. Set up a Complimentary Consultation at 818-326-9003;
    allthatdezz.webs.com; or [email protected]
    Listen now on iTunes!

  • DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    While still sheltering and no one's watching, listening, or judging...there's a certain human being not to distance from...your authentic self. It's an ideal opportunity to delve deep and discover your true purpose and passion.

    Consider these simple principles as the path to veracity and wholeness. What kind of person do you aspire to be? Are you emanating your actual morals, ethics, and values?  How can you practice more kindness, patience, love, and tolerance? When do you truly feel fruitful? What would your highest self say or do? 

    Guest Caller
    Joanne from Glendale finds living with three family members during the Corona pandemic quite challenging. DrDebzz offers helpful tools on setting boundaries, e.g. scheduling anger by appointment only; speaking slowly, softly, sweetly, succinctly; and focusing on your own behavior rather than trying to alter theirs, i.e.
    "Bless them, Change me."

    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?"
     -Marianne Williamson-

    Confidence Boosters/Esteem BuildersI love every cell of my body. I feel glorious, dynamic energy. I am active and alive.When I share love, it comes back to me multiplied. Today is going to be a really, really good day.I am beautiful and everybody loves me.

    Featured Artist
    Superbly skilled singer, Claire Martin, in a live telephone interview direct from the UK, candidly discloses how it feels to be deemed "the Queen of Jazz;" the meaning of music in her life; worthwhile advice for aspiring artists; what she believes is the key to finding and keeping love; and much much more.

    Hear Claire's masterful rendition of the 1939 Hoagy Carmichael tune, "I Get Along Without You Very Well," from her new CD with Callum Au, the acclaimed British trombonist. You will comprehend why Claire "ranks among the four or five finest female jazz vocalists on the planet," and is described appropriately as "elegant and eloquent...one of the crown jewels of the jazz world."
    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9PM PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9PM & midnight PT / midnight & 3AM ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity,
    a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.
    DrDebzz has been deemed “The new relationship GURU…a West Coast Dr. Laura and East Coast Carrie Bradshaw!” Fans describe her as a “soulful gifted fun impressive” radio personality; with a “captive confident soothing melodious and simply lovely voice;” an “alluring way of telling her-story;” so
    "spiritually alive and giving LOVE to humanity.”
    Phone Life Coaching Sessions are available 24/7. Set up a Complimentary Consultation at 818-326-9003;
    allthatdezz.webs.com; or [email protected]
    Listen now on iTunes!

  • DrDebzz Opening Shpiel
    “I am he as you are he as you are me and...” Your pain is my pain, your health my health, your poverty my poverty, your sickness my sickness, your joy my joy, your sadness my sadness. Covid affects us equally without regard to the color of our skin, the size of our house, the amount of money in our bank account.

    Fundamentally we covet the same priceless principles of kindness, compassion, patience, and tolerance, whether we believe in Jesus, Moses, or Buddha. Covid reminds us that how we treat other is more valuable than any material possession. Have you told your loved ones lately how much they matter?

    Take this precious time to search within and recollect the light & luminosity, the zest & zeal, the wonder & awe, the creativity & authenticity, just waiting to burst forth and ignite the world on fire. Dance like no one’s watching, love like you’ll never be hurt, sing like no one’s listening,
    live like it’s heaven on earth.
    Guest Caller
    Dyan from Santa Monica has stuck to her vision and passion for the past 25 years, i.e. pursuing a career as an artist. She admits persevering has been difficult during these challenging times. DrDebzz helps Dyan recollect the many blessings she has and to keep her eye on the prize. 

    Weekly WOW (Words of Wisdom)
    "The words you speak become the house you live in" 
    - Hafiz

    Confidence Boosters/Esteem Builders
     Abundance expresses in me, through me and as me!
     I am a center of creativity and a fountain of divine ideas! My wonder-filled life is saturated with plenitude and gratitude!  Whole, complete and perfect!  That's me!

    Special Guest
    Julie Spira, an award-winning dating coach and relationship expert, with over 25 years of experience in helping singles and couples find and keep love, discusses Dating in the Age of COVID-19 and Love in the Age of COVID-19: How to Keep Love Alive During Quarantine.

    Whether you’re newly dating, are in quarantine together or apart, or find yourself in an unexpected long-distance relationship, these are emotional times where partnerships are getting put to the test. Julie offers worthwhile tips on how to connect more deeply, while giving each other space to help keep the spark alive.
    DrDebzz Call-in Advice Talk Show "Sleepless in Studio City" Airs Nightly Sun-Fri 9PM PT / midnight ET with new episodes Sat 9PM & midnight PT / midnight & 3AM ET at AmericanHeartsRadio.com.Celebrated columnist, lauded life coach, skilled family mediator, DrDebzz offers heartfelt help, inspiration, positivity,
    a nurturing spirit, and transformative tools.
    DrDebzz has been deemed “The new relationship GURU…a West Coast Dr. Laura and East Coast Carrie Bradshaw!” Fans describe her as a “soulful gifted fun impressive” radio personality; with a “captive confident soothing melodious and simply lovely voice;” an “alluring way of telling her-story;” so
    "spiritually alive and giving LOVE to humanity.”
    Phone Life Coaching Sessions are available 24/7. Set up a Complimentary Consultation at 818-326-9003;
    allthatdezz.webs.com; or [email protected]
    Listen now on iTunes!