Markets! Finance! Scandal! Keiser Report is a no holds barred look at the shocking scandals behind the global financial headlines. From the collusion between Wall Street and Capitol Hill to the latest banking crime wave, from bogus government economic statistics to rigged stock markets, nothing escapes the eye of Max Keiser, a former stockbroker, inventor of the virtual specialist technology and co-founder of the Hollywood Stock Exchange. With the help of Keiser's co-host, Stacy Herbert, and guests from around the world, Keiser Report tells you what is really going on in the global economy.
The Other Side Of Perfect podcast takes a ‘filter free’ look at life outside the lens of social media. The show includes a variety of inspirational and well known guests covering a myriad of topics, including the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, relationships, body image and overall wellbeing. Joanne Larby has spent the past 7 years in the media industry, moving from make up artistry and teaching, to blogging and plus size modelling, she’s written a book, released her own beauty line and creates content on a daily basis, both for her own audience and other brands. The Other Side Of Perfect was listed by Apple as their 'Best Listens of 2019', and has reached No.1 in various categories on the iTunes and Spotify charts.
Hosted by real estate investor Gavin J Gallagher, Behind The Facade explores the often overlooked but critically important mental and emotional game governing success in real estate. Reflecting on his own 30-year career with soaring highs and horrendous lows, Gavin and his guests dive deep into the critical behaviours and strategies required to thrive in the property sector.
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Ceri Gillet and Aby Moore present The Huddle Podcast each week to give you a dose of 'real' small talk for a big business. Both busy Mamas with a huge drive to build their online empires. Their philosophy is it might sometimes be #messy, but you can bet your bottom dollar it will get done. Aby and Ceri want to be your biz BFFs to help you navigate through the online biz world and create an empire you love and a community that loves you.
Ledger Cast covers the cryptocurrency industry (Bitcoin, Ethereum, and alt coins), including technical and trading analysis, fundamentals, and anything else crypto and blockchain related. Made by Ledger Status and friends.
The Summit Training EI Channel
HPX stands for the high performance experience. It's about creating and enjoying a more positive, vibrant, connected, and excellence-driven life while contributing your best. Featuring Brendon and Denise Burchard, and many of the best business and personal development speakers and podcasters in the world. Screenshot and share the show with #hpxlife so we can see you and say thank you on socials. Please rate and review on Apple Podcasts to support the show, as we are independently run and do not seek sponsors so that you have an ad free experience. Visit for more tools and resources.
Gerard Deane and Paul Gosling host a new series of podcasts - explainers of some of the challenging issues that our society faces of promoting a wider, more inclusive and engaged conversation about how we make progress and further solidify peace and create a genuinely shared and integrated society in Northern Ireland. Holywell Trust is curating a discussion that is mutually respectful, forward focused and positive. The podcast considers the real challenges that Northern Ireland's society faces in the coming years and begins to arrive at practical and honest approaches to address these.
Happier at Work® is the go-to podcast for client-facing leaders who want to create thriving workplaces where people and businesses succeed. Hosted by career and workplace culture strategist Aoife O’Brien, each episode explores the psychology of work, tackling the biggest challenges and opportunities shaping today’s workplace—from leadership and career growth to workplace culture, imposter syndrome, and employee engagement.
Blending expert insights, psychological research, real-world stories, and actionable strategies, Happier at Work® helps you build a career and workplace where people feel valued, supported, and inspired. Guests include leading psychologists, bestselling authors, and professionals like you who are putting these ideas into practice.
Whether you’re a leader looking to create a high-performing team or an ambitious professional navigating career growth, this podcast gives you the tools to drive real change.
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His name is Ben Baller not Ben Humble & his co-host is JimmyBoi aka Jimmy The Gent. The CEO & Founder of IF & Co. Custom Jewelry & The Head of DoneRight & Company provide deep insights as to who they really are and who their listeners could be. The Best Jewelers in the Game are taking you through their world of fame, fortune, luxury & so much more. Joined by celebrity guests or performing together, this show is Flawless. New episodes are released every Friday at 5:30 PST as well as Emergency episode content whenever the mood strikes. Produced by
Own It! is a weekly podcast for aspiring entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and small business owners everywhere.
With years of business experience, great friends and ex-business partners Nicola Cairncross and Judith Morgan share – in their trademark straight talking, humorous way - what they’ve been up to that week; what’s inspired, impressed and infuriated them, business book recommendations, the marketing and money tips, tools and techniques they use themselves. They mix up deeply practical business “how to” with the psychology of success and clients challenges and success stories.
As your business depends on you 100% and you need some sort of work/life balance they don’t neglect how to combine being a successful entrepreneur with being a partner, parent, sibling and child of ageing parents.
Nicola and Judith are living the entrepreneurial and digital nomad life themselves every single day, so who better to learn from in this down to earth, funny, quirky podcast?
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Financial technology tomorrow
Business Schooled is a podcast by Synchrony. For Season 2, join business co-founder and investor Soraya Darabi as she hits the road to get schooled by eight entrepreneurs who've graduated from their early start-up days and hit new levels of success. Be sure to subscribe and review Business Schooled after listening.
Listen to wisdom from the true champions of SaaS. Stephen Cummins interviews founders of hyper-growth SaaS ScaleUps with category leading data for customer success & employee success. Interviews are conducted face to face in Dublin, Lisbon, Berlin, Hong Kong & New Orleans (no remote calls). We examine personal histories, learnings & opinions of the world’s most successful SaaS StartUp entrepreneurs. We cover most of these in each episode; short life history, the WHY, day in the life, personal motivations (many are financially secure), personal attributes leading to success, weaknesses, what makes the current SaaS company special & successful, advice for entrepreneurs, opinion on the future of work & future tech, what they’d do if they walked away, work-life balance, the city they work in, distributed or remote teams v co-located or in-office teams. If you’ve ever toyed with the idea of becoming an entrepreneur (or if you are on that road already), join us! #14MoS
A work in Progress by Aimee Connolly explores the highs and lows of business and life. In each episode Aimee deep dives into the challenges and triumphs her guests have faced in their careers, hears about the lessons they've learned and discusses their work in progress.
From battling issues with drinking to founding the world's leading independent non-alcoholic spirits brand CleanCo, my story is one of resilience and reinvention. Now I'm on a mission to uncover the secrets of success from inspirational people who have made an incredible name for themselves. If like me you’re fascinated by how other people have developed a mindset for success, tune in each week so you can be inspired to unlock your full potential and become the best version of yourself.
To contact us: [email protected]
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Discover strategies, tips and secrets for running a fun, flexible and profitable architecture practice. The focus here is simple: discussion of ways for architects to create a dream architecture practice: design what you want, when you want, and get paid well for it.
„Pieniądz jest dobrym sługą, ale kiepskim panem.”
Drogą do wolności finansowej są świadome decyzje. Najlepiej by były oparte na zrozumieniu, jak to wszystko działa w praktyce. W końcu mamy dostęp do stron internetowych, publikacji i materiałów z tej dziedziny. Dlaczego w takim razie nie korzystamy z wiedzy, którą mamy pod ręką?
Dla wielu osób finanse to skomplikowany świat niezrozumiałych klauzul pisanych drobnym drukiem.
W Internecie wystarczy kilka kliknięć, aby trafić na wielu samozwańczych guru biznesu i zarabiania. Można odnieść wrażenie, że żeby odnieść finansowy sukces, trzeba być ekspertem w tej dziedzinie
i jest to świat zarezerwowany tylko dla wybranych.
Nic bardziej mylnego.
Radosław Budnicki, mentor i coach, twórca popularnego podcastu „Lepiej teraz” rozmawia ze swoimi gośćmi o tym, jak odnaleźć się w finansach oraz o tym, jak sprawić, aby pieniądze dobrze służyły realizacji naszych celów życiowych.
Po ludzku i zrozumiale. Tak jak się o tym normalnie rozmawia ze znajomymi – bez reklamowych sloganów i naukowych definicji.
Posłuchaj o tym jak zarządzać swoimi finansami. Wybierz swoją własną ścieżkę do finansowej wolności i posłuchaj jak do tego podchodzą eksperci odpowiadający na pytania Radosława Budnickiego. Zdecyduj co z wielu ofert dostępnych na rynku jest dla ciebie najlepsze, czego rzeczywiście potrzebujesz.
Treści prezentowane w podcastach „Po ludzku o pieniądzach” są opiniami prowadzącego i jego gości i odzwierciedlają ich osobiste poglądy. Nie należy interpretować ich jako opinii lub stanowiska Generali Investments TFI S.A. Spółka nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za trafność oraz kompletność informacji przekazywanych przez prowadzącego i jego rozmówców.
Generali Investments Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A. działa na podstawie decyzji Komisji Papierów Wartościowych (obecnie: Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego) z dnia 1 czerwca 1995 r., nr decyzji KPW-4073-1\95. -
Paul Lanigan | Sandler Training Ireland
Um podcast #sólido para mentes inquietas debaterem temas como empreendedorismo em tempos de redes sociais, posicionamento digital, branding e muito mais. Apresentado por Bárbara, Débora e Julia Alcântara, empreendedoras e donas do Grupo ORNA @tudoorna @efeitoorna @orna @ornacafe @ornamakeup @apartamento.33.