Musical interventions with Moshe Ginsberg.
Follow along in Bereshit 48:16, 47:31, 27:5-6.
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Double meaning in broken frames.
Follow along in Bereshit 45:6-7, 45:8-27, 45:28, 44:18, 47:12-14.
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Episodes manquant?
Getting strong on the dagesh chazak.
Follow along in Bereishit 41:1, 41:9, 41:4, 41:38, 41:9, 41:50, 41:8, 41:31, 41:51, 42:7.
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More examples in support of the azla for parsing, and where am I going?
A little more on parsing.
Folow along in Bereishit 29:32-35.
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Eating up more mistakes.
Follow along in Bereshit 24:54, 30:25, 27:19, 27:25, 27:4.
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Cautionary tails from mistakes of years past.
Follow along in Bereshit 23:14, 24:25, 24:49, 24:54, 30:25.
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On the range with "el" and the sensitivity to narrative.
Follow along with Bereshit 18:7, 20:2, 19:8, 20:7, 20:17.
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Why I avoid reading Lech Lecha, and a parsing so unusual is godly.
Follow along in Bereishit 11:29, 12:5, 12:6, 13:13, Yona 3:3.
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Some classic examples and one unusual form.
Follow along in Bereshit 8:3, 8:5, 8:7, 8:22, 8:8, 10:10, 8:12, Shemot 19:13.
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Getting to know the boring parts.
Follow along in Bereshit 5:1, 5:6, 5:32, 6:1, 10:1, 11:10, 1:1, 1:3, 5:2, 2:4.
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Knowing, names, and revelations.
Follow along in Shemot 33:13, 17, Bereshit 1:5, 2:20, Shemot 3:13-14, 33:19, 34:5, Bereshit 12:8.
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Hashem is (or it, will be?) sanctified with righteousness.
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Pronouncing the patah genuva, alternative forms on "grapes," and a cautionary tale of confusing a pashta for a kadma.
Follow along in Devarim 32:15, 32, 47.
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A kiddush for Rosh Hashana from Yotam Segel. Follow him on Facebook, here.
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Three things that catch my attention in Nitzavim-Vayelech.
Follow along in Devarim 29:19, 31:2, 29:11, 30:19.
The forms for "son," and the known and unknowns of the telisha gedola.
Follow along in Devarim 21:18, 16, 25:2, Yona 4:10, Devarim 21:21, 22:21.
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The lengthening of the prepositional lamed, and a cautionary tale for Bible scholars.
Follow along in Devarim 17:8, 17:1, Bereshit 1:6, Yeshayahu 28:10, 52:2.
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The late breaking etnachta.
Follow along in Devarim 14:21, 11:21, 22:28.
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