
  • At some point, most men have likely been told they eat too fast – that they should slow down and enjoy their food more. Do men really eat faster than women? Should they slow down? This episode begins with a brief exploration and explanation. https://bigthink.com/surprising-science/study-men-and-women-chew-differently/

    Here is something you likely haven’t thought about much – it’s a paradox really… Humans are dependent on one another. Our happiness and survival require that we connect with others and be part of the group. Yet we also have a need to chart our own course – to be autonomous. This paradox creates a tricky balance that seems to have gotten out of whack. This has created a lot of problems that directly affect you in ways you have never thought about. But you are about to. Listen to my guest William von Hippel. He is a former professor of psychology at Ohio State University who has been featured in the New York Times, USA Today, The Economist, and the BBC. He is also author of the book, The Social Paradox: Autonomy, Connection, and Why We Need Both to Find Happiness (https://amzn.to/3DI67pE).

    There are things in your life that cause you stress. Yet, if you are like most people you have a tendency to compound that stress by imagining all sorts of other possibilities. You may start to catastrophize, think about what else could go wrong, and ultimately “What If” yourself into a frenzy. That is why you need to listen to my guest, Jennifer Taitz a clinical psychologist and an assistant clinical professor in psychiatry at University of California, Los Angeles, and author of the book Stress Resets: How to Soothe Your Body and Mind in Minutes (https://amzn.to/43RdghQ)

    Have you noticed whenever you type a document that you can choose from an almost endless list of fonts? Of course, you probably have a default font you use without thinking about it. But what fonts do people prefer to read? Which are the easiest to read. Listen to hear which fonts are sure winners – and one big loser. https://nerdfighteria.info/v/7g_7Cr1vEnM


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  • This may be hard to imagine but trees can fight crime. Not all types of crime but they the fight some crime – and no one really knows how they do it. Listen to hear the explanation. https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2019/04/trees-crime-cincinnati-philadelphia-ida-b-wells-chicago/

    People believe things like goldfish have a 3-second memory. Or that lightning never strikes twice in the same place. And I bet you believe that water is a good conductor of electricity. None of these things are true. They are examples of the many science myths that a lot of people believe. In this episode, we are going to debunk these and others with my guest, science writer Brian Clegg. Brian is the author of over 40 books, one of which is titled Lightning Often Strikes Twice: The 50 Biggest Misconceptions in Science (https://amzn.to/41sY3jK)

    I’m sure you’ve seen a polygraph machine in movies or on TV. This device can supposedly tell if someone is lying. But does it actually work? If it is so reliable, why do most courts refuse to allow the results of polygraph tests as evidence? Yet, if it is unreliable, why is it still being used? The story of the polygraph or lie detector is fascinating. Here to tell it is Amit Katwala an award winning journalist, a senior writer at Wired and author of the book Tremors in the Blood: Murder, Obsession, and the Birth of the Lie Detector (https://amzn.to/3Zngu7C)

    Are men better drivers than women? It really depends on your definition of “better.” However, in terms of accidents, moving violations and parking ability, there is a difference between men and women. Listen and I’ll reveal which gender scores better. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/27/well/live/car-accidents-deaths-men-women.html


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  • Everyone knows that $19.99 is really $20. And we know that gas sold at $3.49 and 9/10 per gallon is really $3.50. We get it. So why do retailers and gas stations still price things this way? The answer is more interesting than you might think so we begin this episode by explaining what’s going on.https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/01/the-psychological-difference-between-1200-and-1167/384993/

    Your memory isn’t as good as you like to think. You forget a lot of things and your memory distorts a lot of other things so that what you remember to be true – isn’t. Given how sophisticated the human brain is, why are our memories so prone to error? That’s a fascinating question I explore with Gillian Murphy, an associate professor in the School of Applied Psychology at University College Cork and coauthor of the book Memory Lane: The Perfectly Imperfect Ways We Remember (https://amzn.to/41J9nu1).

    What does it mean to love well? Whether a lover, a friend or family member, there are people in your life you love who you could probably love better. What might that look like? Here with some insight into this is Yung Pueblo who has sold over 1.5 million books worldwide that have been translated into over 25 languages. He has an online audience of over 4 million people and has been featured on Good Morning America, The Today Show, CBS Mornings and other media outlets. His latest bestselling book is How to Love Better: The Path to Deeper Connection Through Growth, Kindness, and Compassion (https://amzn.to/41LOZZ7)

    Could having a dishwasher lead to allergies? It is part of that theory that living in a squeaky-clean environment can cause health problems. While it might sound a little odd, there is good evidence to support the idea. Listen as I explain. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/289832


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  • Who hasn’t had to wait at a doctor’s office well past the appointment time. It sucks. What is a reasonable amount of time to have to wait? Should you complain to someone? This episode starts with some interesting research that explains what you should do so your doctor knows your time is valuable and you shouldn’t have to wait so long. https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/practices/ppatients-switched-doctors-long-wait-times-vitals

    Peer pressure is a powerful force – more powerful than people realize. You are constantly influencing people around you to be more like you, and they are influencing you to be more like them - without even realizing it. When you understand the power of peer pressure it can become a powerful tool. Joining me to discuss all this is Robert Frank, a professor of Management and Economics at Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management and author of the book Under the Influence: Putting Peer Pressure to Work (https://amzn.to/3L4HPno).

    Almost everyone has felt shy. In fact, only 2% of people claim they never feel shy. The rest of us have all been in situations where we have felt shy to some extent. What is shyness? Why are some people more prone to it than others? Can you overcome shyness in situations that really matter? Here with some advice is Lynne Henderson who has worked with shy people to help them overcome that feeling that prevents people from fully engaging in life.By the way, it being shy isn't always a problem to be fixed. Sometimes it can be quite charming! Lynne is the founder of the Social Fitness Center and the founder and co-director of the Shyness Institute. She is also author of The Shyness Workbook (https://amzn.to/3sA1Njp).

    Sometimes you just “click” with someone. It can happen in romance, friendship and in business. People just click. What is happening when that happens? Who are you most likely to click with? Listen as we explore the magic of clicking – and hear some ways that will help you become better at clicking. Source: Ori Brafman author of Click (https://amzn.to/3FF1nO0).


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  • What if I told you that being left-handed or right-handed has a powerful influence on decisions you make? Listen as I begin this episode by explaining how this works. http://casasanto.com/papers/Casasanto&Chrysikou_2011.pdf

    There are colors all around you that you can’t see. But birds can see them. Many birds see colors that are unimaginable to you. Dogs smell things everywhere that you can’t smell. Other animals have the ability to sense the magnetic fields of the earth – but you cannot. These are just a few of the interesting ways that other creatures perceive the world differently than humans. And it gets even more interesting than that. If you would like to hear how, listen to my conversation with Ed Yong, a Pulitzer prize winning science journalist, staff member at The Atlantic and author of the book An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden World Around Us (https://amzn.to/41vZ2Qa).

    People sure talk about productivity a lot. By all accounts, we all need to get more done in less time – that is the key to efficiency and success. Yet have you noticed that when you don’t get everything done you think you should, you feel guilty – which never feels good. Maybe what we need is to stop worrying about being productive and enjoy living life instead. And by doing that, you may be even more productive than ever! Here to explain how is Madeleine Dore, author of the book I Didn’t Do That Thing Today: Letting Go of Productivity Guilt (https://amzn.to/3ILawYE).

    Food, drinks and candy at a movie theater are usually very expensive. In fact, I bet you have toyed with the idea of bringing your own snacks to save money. But is it right to do that? After all, they ask you not to. Listen as I discuss this interesting dileman. Source: David Callahan author of The Cheating Culture (https://amzn.to/3lYq1Ue)


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  • There is a word you probably use that means something entirely different than what you think. In fact, it means the opposite of what you think. Yet, this opposite meaning has become so pervasive, even dictionaries now say that the wrong meaning is now okay. Listen and I will tell you what the word is and what it really means. https://www.jalopnik.com/dear-hollywood-please-knock-it-off-with-the-overdrive-5926885/

    Artificial Intelligence can seem intimidating to some. Yet it is actually quite simple to use and it can do amazing things to make your life better. It can teach you a skill, plan your dinner, plan a trip, be a brainstorming partner and counsel you to help with a problem. These are just a few of the things you’ll discover how to do from listening to my guest, Celia Quillan. She is an expert in artificial intelligence and has been featured in Time, The New York Post, The Wall Street Journal, and the Today show. She is the creator of the popular TikTok and Instagram channel @SmartWorkAI and she is author of the book, AI for Life: 100+ Ways to Use Artificial Intelligence to Make Your Life Easier, More Productive…and More Fun! (https://amzn.to/3QGCYy0)

    We often use phrases like, “There’s a good chance…” or “It’s likely that….” But without knowing HOW good a chance or HOW likely something is, the phrases don’t mean much. To help get a true understanding of chance, probability and luck is David Spiegelhalter, emeritus professor of statistics at the University of Cambridge and author of the book The Art of Uncertainty: How to Navigate Chance, Ignorance, Risk and Luck (https://amzn.to/41sXdEu).

    You probably feel safe taking a shower in your own bathroom. But dangers are lurking – some you might never have thought of. Listen as I explain how to reduce the risk of taking a shower. https://www.menshealth.com/health/g19544438/shower-safety/


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  • Beer should be served ice cold. Bottled beer is better than canned beer. These are just 2 incorrect assumptions people have about beer. This episode begins with a look at common beliefs about beer that just aren’t true – and what the real story is. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/61195/11-common-misconceptions-about-beer

    You have a lot of options when it comes to communicating with others. You can text, video chat, email, phone or speak face-to-face. What you may not realize or think about is that the method of communication you choose itself sends a message. Choose the wrong method and you send the wrong message. Here to discuss the fascinating research behind all this is Andrew Brodsky. He is a management professor at McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin and author of the book PING: The Secrets of Successful Virtual Communication (https://amzn.to/41h5fQH).

    Have you ever really examined what you spend your money on in say, the last 90 days? When you do, you just may learn some fascinating things about yourself. That is why it is one of several recommendations you will hear from my guest Jen Smith. She reveals how once you are clear on what is truly important to you, you can stop wasting money on things that don't matter and buy what you really love. Jen Smith is a personal finance expert and co-host of the Frugal Friends podcast (https://www.frugalfriendspodcast.com/) who has written for and been featured in Forbes, Money Magazine and Business Insider. She is co-author of the book, Buy What You Love Without Going Broke (https://amzn.to/41dBBM9).

    What is the best way to deal with a hostile boss? Perhaps using a little hostility in return. Listen as I reveal how a little passive-aggressive hostility may be the perfect way to manage that belligerent boss. https://news.osu.edu/news/2015/01/20/hostile-boss-study-finds-advantages-to-giving-it-right-back/


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  • The letters Rx are somehow related to drug stores. But why? What do those letters actually mean? You probably think they have to do with medication or prescriptions or something. But why Rx? What do those letters stand for. This episode begins with an explanation. https://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2014/06/rx-mean-come/

    You are SO not the person you once were. Nor are you the person you will one day be. That’s according to Paul Bloom, professor of psychology at the University of Toronto and Professor Emeritus of Psychology at Yale. Listen as he discusses what are most likely the happiest years of your life, why you are different from everyone else on the planet and other fascinating intel into how your mind makes you the person you are. Paul is author of the book Psych: The Story of the Human Mind (https://amzn.to/3k524d5).

    Your future is uncertain. And people generally don’t like uncertainty. That because the future may be full of opportunity, but it can also be full of danger and disappointment – and you don’t know which one is around the corner. However, there is another way to look at uncertainty which my guest Nathan Furr is here to reveal. Nathan is a professor and author of the book The Upside of Uncertainty (https://amzn.to/3SbJBZ6). Listen as he offers a different way to face the unknown that will minimize risk and amplify opportunity.

    Dio you know the difference between a road a street an avenue and a boulevard? For one thing, all streets are roads but not all roads are streets. Sound confusing? Listen and as I sort it all out. https://www.rd.com/article/difference-between-streets-roads-avenues/


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    HERS: Hers is changing women's healthcare by providing access to GLP-1 weekly injections with the same active ingredient as Ozempic and Wegovy, as well as oral medication kits. Start your free online visit today at https://forhers.com/sysk
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  • You probably think raw vegetables are healthier than cooked vegetables. Sometimes they are. But some common veggies get a nutrient boost from the right kind of heat. This episode begins with several of those vegetables and an explanation of how cooking makes them better for you. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/raw-veggies-are-healthier/

    Humans are wired to imitate others like no other creature on earth. In fact, almost everything you do today is the result of imitating someone else at some point in your life. But wait! Aren’t we independent thinkers with intelligence and ability to think for ourselves? Yes, but according to my guest the primary way you learn everything is by copying others – from driving a car, writing a letter, eating a meal, everything you’ve learned how to do came from imitating others. Here to explain why this is important to understand is R. Alexander Bentley, Professor and Chair of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Tennessee and coauthor of the book, I'll Have What She's Having: Mapping Social Behavior (https://amzn.to/4kbT4NK).

    Your conversational skills are key to your success in every aspect of your life. People like people who speak well. Yet, I suspect no one ever really taught you how to converse. You just do it. Conversation is both an art and a science. And someone who studies it is my guest Alison Wood Brooks, Professor of Business Administration and Hellman Faculty Fellow at the Harvard Business School. She is author of the book TALK: The Science of Conversation and the Art of Being Ourselves (https://amzn.to/4bgzWtF). Listen as she reveals the anatomy of good conversation and what can often go wrong.

    One of the cool things about a snowfall is how quiet it is afterwards. And it’s not just quiet – it’s a different kind of quiet. Why is that? Listen as I reveal the science of the quiet after a new fallen snow. Source: Kathy Wollard author of How Come (https://amzn.to/3XfrMvN).


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  • Did you know that Philadelphia Cream Cheese doesn’t come from Philadelphia? Or that marshmallows were originally medicine for kids? This episode begins by looking at some fascinating and unusual origins of food names. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/tagged/health/at-home/odd-facts-7-iconic-products-164000529.html

    Despite the human need for social interaction, we keep shying away from it. People are less social than before and there are real consequences for that. Listen as we discuss why people are less connected, what the impact of that is and what we need to do to intervene and fix it. My guest is Jeffrey A. Hall is a professor in the Department of Communication Studies and the director of the Relationships and Technology Lab at the University of Kansas and co-author of the book ok The Social Biome: How Everyday Communication Connects and Shapes Us (https://amzn.to/417F1jc).

    When you hear someone talk about nuclear power – what do you think? Nuclear power has a bad image. People think it is unsafe – but is it really? A lot of environmentalists are jumping on the nuclear bandwagon. And the fact is there are almost 100 nuclear reactors in operation in the U.S. with no problem and France actually gets 70% of its power from nuclear. Listen as I discuss all of this with Marco Visscher, an award-winning journalist, who has written extensively about climate policy and clean technology and is author of the book, The Power of Nuclear (https://amzn.to/4b2MgxD).

    Why do people say umm, ahh and ya know? And have they always said them? Listen as I reveal how those “speech disfluencies” are likely only about 100 years old – and why they are so common now. Source: Michael Erard, author of UM... Slips, Stumbles, and Verbal Blunders, and What They Mean (https://amzn.to/42VSGN4)


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    HERS: Hers is changing women's healthcare by providing access to GLP-1 weekly injections with the same active ingredient as Ozempic and Wegovy, as well as oral medication kits. Start your free online visit today at https://forhers.com/sysk
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  • People talk about “the power of touch” – but what does this power do? When you hug or shake hands or put your arm around someone – what is so powerful about that. This episode begins by exploring the power of touch and reveals how it improves our lives. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-R9qyWEJuDI

    The way the human memory works is amazing. Not always accurate – but amazing. How does memory work exactly? Why is it we remember some things so well and other things we don’t recall at all? Listen as we explore all of this plus why memories get distorted over time and how you can make your memory work better when you want it to. My guest is Andrew Budson M.D. Andrew is a professor of neurology at Boston University School of Medicine, and author of the book Why We Forget and How To Remember Better: The Science Behind Memory (https://amzn.to/3S45vND).

    You are made up of atoms and molecules and cells that all come together to make you – you. But where do those atoms and cells come from? How do they work to make you a real person? Here to reveal some interesting answers to this puzzle is Dan Levitt and award winning writer and producer of science and history documentaries for the National Geographic, Discover, Science, and The History Channel and he is author of the book What’s Gotten Into You : The Story of Your Body’s Atoms, from the Big Bang Through Last Night’s Dinner (https://amzn.to/3YuAWDb)

    First impressions really matter. Because first impressions tend to stick in people’s minds. People size you up in about 7 seconds. Listen as I reveal some ways to make the best of those 7 seconds so people think you are the best! Source: Marianne LaFrance author of Why We Smile (https://amzn.to/31n2v8X)


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    HERS: Hers is changing women's healthcare by providing access to GLP-1 weekly injections with the same active ingredient as Ozempic and Wegovy, as well as oral medication kits. Start your free online visit today at https://forhers.com/sysk
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  • How dangerous can a pair of shoes be? Really dangerous, particularly if they have big heels. We begin this episode looking at the long story of high heel terror plus other interesting facts about women’s shoes. https://reut.rs/3rXNqoR & https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/05/150521120924.htm

    Most day-to-day decisions you make based on your own judgment. Things such as what career path to take, who to marry, what to do to make yourself happy and other life-changing decisions you make all on your own. However, for all those and other decisions there is solid data that can help. Here to explain this is economist, and former Google data scientist, Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, author of the book Don’t Trust Your Gut: Using Data to Get What You Really Want in Life (https://amzn.to/3kiHySZ).

    What’s the difference between rain and a rain shower? What causes dew and frost? Can clouds predict the weather if you know how to read them? These are some of the questions I explore with Tristan Gooley author of The Secret World of Weather (https://amzn.to/3MFQBcv). This discussion will change the way you look at the weather.

    There are some people who just can’t seem to stop working. They work on weekends, holidays and even while on vacation. That might sound like dedication, but it is actually a problem. Listen as I reveal the dangers of working too much and what you should really be doing with your time off. https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/169/5/596/143020


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  • When people see someone in public having a heart attack or stroke or other medical emergency, they often pull out their phones? Bad idea. This episode begins with something ER doctors want you to do and NOT do in a medical emergency. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-14372699/er-doctor-medical-emergency-darria-gillespie-jay-ladde.html

    So much of what you do is driven by your subconscious mind. You don’t have to think to blink or have to consciously remember how to walk, or sit or eat – you just do these things. Join me as we take a peek inside the subconscious mind to get a better understanding of how it works and how it drives so much of your life. Here to reveal the very latest research on the subject is Dr. Allan J Hamilton. He is a brain surgeon who holds four professorships at the University of Arizona and he is author of the book Cerebral Entanglements How the Brain Shapes our Public and Private Lives (https://amzn.to/3EKZGC9)

    Are we all destined to drive electric vehicles? Are electric cars taking the world by storm? Why are some people still resistant to the idea of driving an electric car? The fact is that electric vehicles face some real challenges. Still, ask a Tesla driver and chances are they LOVE their electric vehicle. What does the future hold for the electric car? Here to tell the story of is Mike Colias. He is a reporter for The Wall Street Journal and has been reporting on the auto industry for several years. He is also author of the book Inevitable: Inside the Messy, Unstoppable Transition to Electric Vehicles (https://amzn.to/4hXz6Eb)

    When should a man wear a tie? How does a man decide to wear black shoes or brown? How often should a man get a haircut? Listen as we explore some style basics all men should know. https://www.menshealth.com/style/a19516070/2011-style-rules/


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  • Modern kitchen freezers are actually cruel to ice cream and other frozen foods. This episode begins by explaining why this is and why there is often ice crystals on top of your ice cream and how to prevent them. Source: Professor Richard Hartel author of the book Ice Cream (https://amzn.to/3jNcVrY).

    Unlike other animals, we humans have gotten really good at figuring out how to take food and make it taste even better. Why do we do that? And what is it that makes some food taste better than other foods? Is it just our personal preferences or are we all programmed to like the taste of certain foods? What is flavor exactly? All these are questions I discuss with Rob Dunn, an evolutionary biologist and professor at North Carolina State University. He is also the author of the book, Delicious: The Evolution of Flavor and How It Made Us Human (https://amzn.to/3RPAIUM).

    Medical quackery is when someone touts the benefits of medical cures or treatments with no actual evidence to support it. While you might think you can spot a quack a mile away, it is actually harder than you think. And while some quack theories may be harmless, others can be dangerous. Dr. Joe Schwarcz has spent his career exposing medical quackery and pseudoscience and he joins me to reveal some common forms of it. If you believe Vitamin C can cure your cold or that herbs can effectively treat cancer, you need to hear this conversation. Joe is Director of McGill University’s Office for Science and Society, and author of the book, Quack Quack: The Threat of Pseudoscience (https://amzn.to/40JILGO).

    Yes, it is called a DISHwasher but it can do so much more than wash dishes. Listen as I reveal several other things you can wash in there that you may never have thought of. https://www.womansday.com/home/organizing-cleaning/tips/a5539/10-things-you-can-clean-in-the-dishwasher-115717/


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  • Why is white the most popular car color? While people like whatever color they like, car color can impact things like resale value and whether or not a car gets stolen. Listen as we begin this episode by delving into the world of car colors. https://www.edmunds.com/car-buying/car-color-facts-and-fictions.html

    The roots of fast food are here in the U.S. So why is fast food more popular here than anywhere else in the world? What is the appeal? What are the origins of American fast food? Why do we love it so much? While fast food has its critics, it has become part of American culture. How that happened and why we keep going back for more burgers, fries and nuggets is a fascinating story. Here to tell it is Adam Chandler. He is a journalist whose work has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and WIRED. HE is the author of the book Drive-Thru Dreams: A Journey Through the Heart of America's Fast-Food Kingdom (https://amzn.to/3QaTCFQ).

    When you think of a successful person you likely think of someone who is laser-focused and driven to be the best at that one thing he or she is so good at. However, it appears that developing that kind of single-minded focus is not the best strategy for success. That’s according Steve Magness who is a leading expert on personal performance. His research has found that successful people have a different and somewhat counterintuitive approach to life that contributes to their success. And he is here to share that with you. Steve’s work has appeared in The Atlantic, Runner’s World, and Sports Illustrated and he has been featured in The New Yorker, Wall Street Journal and other media outlets. He is the author of a book is called Win the Inside Game: How to Move from Surviving to Thriving, and Free Yourself Up to Perform (https://amzn.to/413zc7U).

    There are about 74 million pet cats in the U.S. And there are some things about cats I bet you don’t know. Listen as I reveal why cats meow, what they do with most of their time, which cats are more likely to be left-handed and more. https://www.buzzfeed.com/kristatorres/cat-facts


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  • Why do you feel cold sometimes? The obvious answer is that you feel cold when you ARE cold. But could it also be that you feel cold because someone else is cold? In other words, is feeling cold contagious? Listen as this episode begins with explanation. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/11340277/If-this-picture-makes-you-feel-cold-you-may-be-a-victim-of-temperature-contagion.html

    We tend to measure wealth in dollars. But financial wealth is only one of five types of wealth. There is also social wealth, time wealth, physical wealth and mental wealth – and they are essential to living a satisfying life. That is according to my guest, Sahil Bloom. He is a writer and content creator who reaches millions of people every week through his insights and biweekly newsletter, The Curiosity Chronicle. He is also the managing partner of SRB Ventures, an early-stage investment fund and author of the book The 5 Types of Wealth A Transformative Guide to Design Your Dream Life (https://amzn.to/4hoFRiv) . Listen as Sahil explains the different types of wealth and how to make sure you are rich in all of them.

    While it is true that the Internet is great at bringing people together, it is also great at driving us apart. It seems that digital technology is just not compatible with the way our brains are designed to work, according to my guest Nicholas Carr. Nicholas writes for the Atlantic, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal and he is the author of a book called, Superbloom: How Technologies of Connection Tear Us Apart (https://amzn.to/4gpMGz7). Listen as he reveals the damage being done to all of us by technology and how not to fall victim.

    Nasal congestion – feeling stuffy, is very common. And yet, it is difficult to treat effectively because it is not what people think it is. Listen as I reveal what that feeling of stuffiness really is and what you can do to help minimize the sensation. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/10/111013184803.htm


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  • Is there a reason we have eyebrows? Pretty much every part of the human body has a reason for being there and eyebrows actually have three reasons. I begin this episode by explaining what they are. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/58424/why-do-we-have-eyebrows

    Every relationship in your life started with small talk. Personal or professional, every encounter begins this way. Yet, as important as it is, a lot of people hate small talk and think they are not very good at it. Here with some great advice is Debra Fine. She is one of the foremost experts on small talk and she is author of the book, The Fine Art of Small Talk (https://amzn.to/3wSdl3t). She has some simple techniques that will make anyone more comfortable making small talk.

    Have you ever done something or said something and later wondered why you did it? It turns out that a lot of what drives human action and reaction can be hard to figure out. Here to explain why that happens is Helena Boschi. She is a psychologist and author of a book called Why We Do What We Do (https://amzn.to/3RE47kL). Listen as she reveals some of the inner workings of your brain that cause you to do things that seem hard to understand.

    When people take liquid medicine, it is common to just grab a spoon out of the silverware drawer to measure it. This is not a good idea. Listen as I explain a few common mistakes people make when taking medicines at home that can really mess things up. https://www.hmpgloballearningnetwork.com/site/pln/blogs/pln/michael-cawley-pharmd-rrt-cpft-fccm/december-31-2014/medication-errors-among-children-are
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  • How many times have you wanted to ask for a raise but didn’t bother because you knew the answer would be no? Well, you probably should’ve asked anyway. This episode begins with some surprising statistics about the power of asking for a raise. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/getting-a-raise_n_6429324

    The animal kingdom can teach us a lot about improving human health. For example, elephants almost never get cancer – yet humans do. Why is that? Pigs can teach us how to control pain. Dogs can teach us to manage stress and there are a lot more examples as you are about to hear from my guest Dr. David Agus. He is a medical oncologist, and one of the world's pioneering biomedical researchers. David is the Founding CEO of the Ellison Medical Institute and a professor of medicine and engineering at the University of Southern California.He is also the author of The Book of Animal Secrets: Nature's Lessons for a Long and Happy Life (https://amzn.to/4ghXL5b)

    We’ve all had moments when our emotions got the best of us. Whether we get so angry, or anxious or sad that it gets in the way of daily living, damages relationships or gets us into serious trouble. While some people seem good at keeping their emotions under control, many of us could use some help. And here to share his insight into this is Ethan Kross, one of the world’s leading experts on emotion regulation. Ethan is an award-winning professor at the University of Michigan and his work has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The New Yorker, and The New England Journal of Medicine. He is the author of a book called Shift: Managing Your Emotions So They Don’t Manage You (https://amzn.to/3CAxQYU).

    “Tech neck” is a real condition that results from always looking down at your phone. Listen as I explain how that little tilt in your neck can mess up your posture and cause real problems. https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/effect-of-technology-on-your-neck


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  • Seems like no matter how hard you try you never pick the fastest checkout line in the supermarket. Why is that? This episode begins by explaining why that often seems to happen and why it probably isn’t a problem worth concerning yourself with. https://fetch.com/blog/smart-shopping/why-we-always-pick-the-slowest-checkout-line

    At some point in your life, you have likely regretted NOT doing something because you just couldn’t muster up the courage. Being courageous is hard – yet we so admire courage in other people. It turns out we can all build our courage muscle according to Margie Warrell. She is a leadership advisor and keynote speaker who has worked with NASA, Dell, Morgan Stanley, HP, Google, and Johnson & Johnson and others. She is the author of several books – including The Courage Gap: 5 Steps to Braver Action (https://amzn.to/3PTp23q). Listen as she reveals the secrets for leading a courageous life.

    Are you good at tidying up? Is your living space or workspace easy to navigate? Can you find the things you need because they are where they are supposed to be? The benefits of tidying can be tremendous – not only for its efficiency but also for your mental state. And tidying up is a lot easier than most of us think. That’s according to my guest Tyler Moore. He is the creator of the popular “Tidy Dad” Instagram, TikTok, and website. Tyler is also a public school teacher in New York City, who has been featured on Good Morning America and in The Washington Post and New York Post and he is author of the book Tidy Up Your Life (https://amzn.to/40Bt8SH).

    Ever have really weird or disturbing dreams – I mean weirder than normal? Listen as I explain what one prominent sleep researcher said is the reason this happens to us and how to prevent it. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2012/08/dreaming-depression-and-how-sleep-affects-emotions/261051/

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    HERS: Hers is changing women's healthcare by providing access to GLP-1 weekly injections with the same active ingredient as Ozempic and Wegovy, as well as oral medication kits. Start your free online visit today at https://forhers.com/sysk
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  • We humans love novelty. We seek it out. While that can be good, it can also get us in trouble. This episode begins by exploring why we seek out new things, places and experiences and what happens after we do. Source: Winifred Gallagher author of the book New (https://amzn.to/3XsAxRb)

    Did you know that one of the reasons we gesture with our hands when we talk is to help us figure out what to say next? That is just one example of how thinking isn’t all about what goes on in the brain, according to my guest Annie Murphy Paul. She is science writer whose work has appeared in the Boston Globe, Scientific American, Slate, Time magazine and she is author of the bestselling book The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain (https://amzn.to/3Hp3k3R)

    Imagine if you followed and studied a group of people for decades and watched how they lived? You would discover a lot about what makes people healthy and happy over time. That’s what The Harvard Study of Adult Development is all about. Researchers have followed the lives of two generations of individuals from the same families for more than 80 years. Listen and you will be amazed by what they found. My guest is Robert J. Waldinger, who directs the study and is author of the book, The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness (https://amzn.to/3HpbFVc)

    Where are you on the introvert/extrovert scale? Listen as I explain the difference between extroversion and introversion and how to tell which one you are. You will also discover the difference between being shy and being introverted. And it’s a big difference. Source: Susan Cain author Quiet (https://amzn.to/3XQUH7d)
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