What is a land race? How is promiscuous pollination different from open pollinated? How do you maintain diversity over multiple seasons? Can a land race be scaled down successfully to flourish in a home garden? Does Joseph Lofthouse sing beautifully? All this and so much more in this episode of Song and Plants!
Opening tune: Solanaceae by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
Awesome links:
What is the secret to delicious hot sauce? Hot peppers or chilies? How many species of Capsicum are cultivated for their spicy fruits? What qualities are worth seeking when purchasing a grow light? These questions answered and so much more as the ChilliChump shares the spicy details about all things Capsicum!
Opening tune: Solanaceae by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
Shaun (ChilliChump) connections:
main page: https://chillichump.com/
seed shop: https://chillichumpseeds.com/
awesome software: https://seedsio.com/
videos: https://www.youtube.com/chillichump
Craig LeHoullier shares profound insights into the world of tomato growing, breeding and tasting!
Opening tune: Solanaceae by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
Craig LeHoullier's Links:
Craig's website and blog: https://www.craiglehoullier.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nctomatoman/
In this episode we take a shallow dive into wetland terminology!
Intro tune: Waterplant Waltz by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
In this episode Andrew Millison shares some his knowledge and adventures. His extensive travels and teaching experience give him unique insights into the workings of water systems.
Opening music: Waterplant Waltz by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
Linking up with Andrew Millison:
Andrew's website: https://www.andrewmillison.com/
Andrew's awesome YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgb_TbreMgfDdLKkr4yYJHw
Permaculture Water Summit: https://permaculturesummit.online/
Oregon State University Permaculture Design Course: https://workspace.oregonstate.edu/osu-permaculture-design
What are beneficial ways of keeping water onsite to build a lush habitat for humans and wildlife? How can you locate the best spot to construct a pond in your landscape? What indicators can give hints about existing subterranean water systems? When is the best time to shape your land for water retention?
From cold plunges, land regeneration, habitat diversification, climate resilience, soundscape enhancement to intense beauty and entertainment, water nurtures living systems. In this episode Ben Falk of Whole Systems Design shares profound insights into the workings and wonders of water systems!
Opening tune: Waterplant Waltz by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
To contact Ben Falk, see more of his glorious work, register for courses or order his brilliant book (The Resilient Farm and Homestead):
What is forest beer? How can you collect a yeast starter from the wild? Can lacto-fermentation be successful with little to no brine?
We are surrounded by wild food! In this episode Pascal Baudar shares profound insights into the world of wildcrafting cuisine. His knowlege regarding traditional preservation methods, combined with his passion for flavour, kindles creative and exciting ways to make use of abundant, invasive plants!
Opening tune: Waterplant Waltz by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
Pascal Baudar:
The forager and courses: https://www.urbanoutdoorskills.com
His pottery: https://www.pascalbaudarceramics.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pascalbaudar/
How are nettles prepared and eaten traditionally? Which are some tasty wild water plants and what considerations insure safe harvest? How can learning the plant families facilitate developing identification skills and expand culinary possibilities?
Alan Bergo explores foraging and the incredible culinary potential of wild plants!
Opening tune: Waterplant Waltz by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
Alan Bergo amazing website:
Alan Bergo's book 'Flora' in Sam Thayer's shop:
How long have humans been cultivating peas? What types of Pisum sativum are best for your garden? At which temperatures do peas thrive?
This episode is all about Pisum sativum in less than 5 minutes!
Opening tune: Vegetable Canon by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
Are sweet potatoes related to potatoes? What are some root colors other than orange? What do you need to know before growing Ipomoea batatas in your garden?
In this episode I was joined by Kate Garvie of Heartbeet farm to discuss all things Ipomoea batatas!
Opening tune: Vegetable Canon by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
Where to learn more about and reach Kate:
The EFAO farmer led research program:
How does a seedless watermelon grow from a seed? Are watermelon seeds edible? Where did Citrullus lanatus originate?
This episode is all about Citrullus lanatus (watermelon)!
Opening tune: Vegetable Canon by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
What are some differences between flour, flint, dent, sweet and pop corn? How can you reliably save your own corn seeds? Why should you consider saving seeds and selecting for your bio-region?
In this episode Don Tipping (of Siskiyou Seeds) shares stories, histories, growing insights and experiences that he has amassed throughout his adventures with Zea mays (corn)!
Opening tune: Vegetable Canon by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
To reach Don Tipping and view his amazing works:
Can you grow onions on a roof? Which species of Allium can be harvested all winter long? What do you call a plant that is beautiful, tasty and attractive to pollinators?
In this episode I was joined by the extreme salad and onion man, Stephen Barstow, to explore the amazingly diverse Allium genus.
Opening tune: Vegetable Canon by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
How to reach Stephen, view some of his work and gorgeous Allium photos:
Stephen's blog: edimentals.com
Edimentals on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/273637002647408
Youtube video of The Allium Garden Chicago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n6Ucq3tlHo
The Allium garden at Ringve (Chicago): https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10156846106840860
KVANN's World Garden and other collections at Væres Venner: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10158907489285860
Edimentalliums (Allium 2012-2021): https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150966880345860.471791.655215859
The Edible Garden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVkv8ghbcNY
Norwegian Seed Savers: kvann.no
KVANN (Norwegian Seed Savers) Allium guild on FB: https://www.facebook.com/groups/413417636047520
Are sweet and hot peppers the same species? What is the Scoville scale? In which growing conditions do Capsicum annuum plants flourish? Can you save your own pepper seeds?
This episode is an introduction to Capsicum annuum!
Opening tune: Vegetable Canon by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
What is orach? How closely is it related to quinoa? What does Atriplex hortensis taste like?
This episode is the second half of a conversation with Frank Morton of Wild Garden Seeds. He shares inspiring insights into world of Atriplex hortensis and Chenopodium quinoa!
Frank's seed selections: https://www.wildgardenseed.com/
Opening tune: Amaranthaceae by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
Is quinoa a high protein food? How much seed can one plant be expected to produce? What processing is required to obtain these delicious and nutritious seeds? Are you seeking a natural shampoo? Look no further, Chenopodium quinoa is all that and so much more!
This episode is part one of a two part conversation with Frank Morton of Wild Garden Seed Company about all things quinoa!
Frank Morton: https://www.wildgardenseed.com
Opening tune: Amaranthaceae by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
Beetroot, spinach beets, Swiss chard, sugar beets, mangel wurzel and fodder beets are all the same species?! Which plant is the wild ancestor of this widely cultivated vegetable? What is mangel wurzel? Why should you consider growing and incorporating Beta vulgaris into your diet?
Opening tune: Amaranthaceae by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
What nutritional benefits make amaranth a potential super food? Aside from striking beauty, why ought you consider growing Amaranthus spp in your garden? How is amaranth historically significant? What species of Amaranthus are most commonly grown and which for what purpose? In this episode I was joined in conversation by Dr. Rob Myers to disscuss all things Amaranthus!
Dr. Rob Myers' book is called Amaranth: An Ancient Grain and Exceptionally Nutritious Food
Amaranth non-profit network: http://www.amaranthinstitute.org
Opening tune: Amaranthacea by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
What is the difference between 'smooth' and 'savoy' leaf spinach? What ought you consider when choosing which Spinacia oleracea cultivars to grow? In which growing conditions does spinach thrive? This episode explores some of the particularities of this popular member of the Amaranthacea family!
Opening tune: Amaranthacea by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
Ribera, A., van Treuren, R., Kik, C. et al. On the origin and dispersal of cultivated spinach (Spinacia
oleracea L.) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-020-01042-y
What is the compound in the oil of Nepeta cateria that makes it such an effective insect repellent? How were higher essential oil yielding catnip plants developed? What has the research concluded about the effectiveness and potential for this herb? How can you grow it at home for yourself, your pollinators and your feline friends to enjoy? I was joined by William Reichert to explore all things Nepeta cataria!
To contact William Reichert: https://www.linkedin.com/in/william-reichert-ph-d-053565169/
The Rutgers lab with which he did this work: https://newuseag.rutgers.edu/
William Reichert's dissertation (breeding and nepetalactone repellent efficacy): https://rucore.libraries.rutgers.edu/rutgers-lib/60974/
Opening tune: Botanical Berceuse by Carmen Porter (https://carmenporter.com)
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