Don't know whether to sell the stuff you are decluttering?
This is the episode for you!I chat all about:
- Pros to donating
- The obvious appeal of making money from your clutter
- The downsides of selling stuff
- All the ways to sell stuff
- Selling online and in person tips and ticks
- Weighing up whats right for youTo access any of my freebies that can help you live with less clutter go to https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies
In this episode, I go over all the common reasons people think minimalism isn't for them.
Give this a listen and you'll discover that what you thought about minimalism is probably not what it's actually about and living a more minimalist lifestyle might be for you even if you:
- Love stuff
- Have no time
- Live with other people
- Aren't rich
- Love colour and personalizationClick on this podcast to scroll through my other episodes including those I mentioned in this episode
To access any of my freebies that can help you live with less clutter go to https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies
Episodes manquant?
Have you considered committing to getting organised this year?
Decluttering and creating a more minimalistic home environment.
Having a spot for everything.
In this episode, I explain how to make it happen in the second half of this year and what you need to make it happen.
I did mention some resources I have on my website that can help
To access any of my freebies that can help you live with less clutter go to https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies -
Welcome to this little podcast episode on the all too familiar decluttering dilemma of wanting to keep things you don't use for 'just in case'.
I'm going to go through and deconstruct this mindset and why we do this as well as address what actually can happen when you get rid of things and that hypothetical case does eventuate and you don't have the thing anymore.
To access any of my freebies that can help you live with less clutter go to https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies
Even in my own home, I've experienced that slight disappointment feeling like I can never get my house looking like my Pinterest boards. So I'm going to unpack everything Pinterest in this episode, how you can use it well, as well as my problems with it and how to navigate those things.
So you probably have a Pinterest board or several filled. It's pretty organized home pitches. They might even link to a blog that explains how to recreate something like it yourself, but there's a pretty big gap between how your home looks and how your Pinterest photos look.
Let me go over my problems with Pinterest, and how to navigate those.
To access any of my freebies that can help you live with less clutter go to https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies
Can wrapping presents be sustainable?
I explain why most gift wrap is not good for the environment as well as how we can still wrap gifts in an eco-friendly way!To access any of my freebies that can help you live with less clutter go to https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies
If you get frustrated by clutter in your home, this episode will clarify how it is actually affecting you.
I go into how clutter drains us mentally, physically, and energetically.
To access any of my freebies that can help you live with less clutter go to https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies
This audio is part of a 3-part Planning Pack to help you plan and organise a more minimalistic, eco-friendly, sustainable Christmas.
To access the rest of this planning pack click this link https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/christmas-planning-pack
This tool kit will equipt you with the knowledge, mindset, framework, and checklists to easily plan out (with the earth in mind):
DecorationsGiftsWrappingActivitiesAttending eventsHosting gatheringsHoliday FoodMaking time for JoyMy Christmas Gift Wrapping service (link coming soon)
In this episode I share:
- How to approach decluttering sustainably
- An extensive list of initiatives to sustainably get rid of your stuff
- Explaining all the ways your stuff can be recycled or rehomedDownload the PDF here https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/sustainable-decluttering
Say Hi on Instagram if you looked at this topic in a new light after this episode
(I'd love to hear that I've inspired you! www.instagram.com/sortitoutsustainably)
https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies -
In this episode I share:
- A type of racism that is very much connected to our stuff, the planet and the ecosystems
- I am totally a part of this problem too.
- The human rights violations that people in the manufacturing industry have to endure to keep up with the demand of cheap goods.
- How an unconscious rasism in our culture contributes to nothing being done about the problem
- Why we are not just bystanders to a problem in lands far away, we are actually very connected to the issue through funding it all.
- What we can actually do to stop contributing to the problem and be part of a wave of change
Say Hi on Instagram if you looked at this topic in a new light after this episode
(I'd love to hear that I've inspired you! www.instagram.com/sortitoutsustainably)
https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies -
Decluttering can be hard!
Not gonna lie
But there are approaches you can take to do it with more ease.
In this episode I share:
- Many reasons decluttering can be hard
- Solutions to making those reasons easier
- Little tips you can put into your toolbelt for decluttering
- Mindset shifts to help you change the relationship you have with your stuff________________________________
Say Hi on Instagram if you are feeling more ready to reach your decluttering goals after this episode
(I'd love to hear that I've inspired you! www.instagram.com/sortitoutsustainably)Other cool shit to check out:
Do you find it difficult to make decisions on what should stay or go while decluttering?
I created a PDF decision-making cheatsheet that you can keep handy for when you get to those tricky items. https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/decluttering-questionsAnd If you are interested in completely revolutionising your relationship with stuff by decluttering your entire home, then I have course for that too. Join the waitlist: https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/enroll
Welcome to the rerecording of the very first episode of the sort it out sustainably podcast. In this episode, I am talking all bout a 90-day detox I am doing that I invite you to join me in too.
This is a detox from fast fashion... an addiction that most of us have in Western countries, no matter our income. Even if you don't have an addiction to fast fashion, you probably have at least a bad habit of shopping from fast fashion rather than second-hand clothing.
I discuss:
- 3 main reasons why I am quitting fast fashion
- 7 alternatives to source clothingDM me on Instagram if you are doing your own version of this challenge (I'd love to hear that I've inspired you! www.instagram.com/sortitoutsustainably)
I've created these free resources to support you on a journey to a simpler, more sustainable, organised life:
https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies -
In episode 27 I discuss:
- The rise of decluttering shows and a professional organiser's perspective on them
- What I like and don't like about each show and what to keep in mind while watching them.The Netflix shows I talk about:
- Tidying up with Marie Kondo (and Sparking Joy)
- Minimalism the documentary (and Less is now)
- The Home Edit
- Space invaders (on Channel 9 Australia)Plus I talk about the decluttering show I hate and why (Hint, it's the ever-famous 'Hoarders)
https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies -
In Episode 26 I discuss:
- How this info is about empowerment, not guilt
- Raising kids in an eco-friendly way in an eco-unfriendly world
- How humans are f#cking up the planet
- How humans can actually be good for the planet
- Why do people say having kids is bad for the planet and why it doesn't have to be
- Sustainability advice for parents in relation to clothes, toys, stuff, products, food, and the circular economy
- Earth care ideas for getting your kids involved in regeneration
- Words of encouragement, and how to create realistic lifestyle shiftsThis is for sure the most jam-packed episode I have done on sustainable living and I dive way deeper than most eco-living content creators I've seen.
https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies -
In episode 25 I discuss:
- My own experience with moving and why I love moving house
- Why moving is stressful for most people
- To declutter before or after?
- Coming up with your game plan
- Packing and how to pack
- Move day
- Unpacking and organising
- Moving more sustainably
- All my little tips from a professional organisers perspective
https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies -
In episode 24 I discuss:
- The main causes of clutter and why it is the same for both physical and digital clutter
- Why digital clutter affects us so much and sabotages our productivity
- How we can align our time online with our values
- The connection between digital clutter and climate change
- How deleting emails reduces your carbon footprint
- What life can feel like #digitalclutterfree
- My free 1-hour challenge to simplify your digital life
- Decluttering your computer files, email, Facebook notifications, Instagram following list, phone apps and photos.Click this link to download the PDF guide to my 60-minute digital clutter challenge https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/digital-declutter
https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies -
Here's the process i have created: https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/enroll
https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies -
Join the free masterclass
This is the best piece of free content I have put out there so far!
See you there!
https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies -
In this episode I discuss:
- My gratitude for finding minimalism prior to motherhood
- What I mean by finding your own version of minimalism
- 6 different #momlife problems minimalism can help
- Talking about my free masterclass coming up that can help you declutter your home
To sign up to my upcoming masterclass, Please message me Instagram because I am still finalising the sign-up page. instagram.com/sortitoutsustainably
https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies -
In this episode I discuss:
- Disappointment when looking to recreate pintrest perfect expensive spaces
- An overview of organising on a budget
- Why decluttering is essential to organising well (and saving $$$)
- repurposing what you already have
- Where and how to shop for budget friendly supplies
- Sustainability and second hand finds
- How I have organised my home on the cheap
https://www.sortitoutsustainably.com/freebies - Montre plus