I interview Johnny Marriott, lead singer/songwriter of punk band Pet Needs and patron of British Association for Performing Arts Medicine: Website: https://www.petneedsband.com/Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5bBMfsANUM0cj5h5MjEdxPYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PETNEEDSBandcamp: https://petneeds.bandcamp.com/Pet Needs on tour: https://www.petneedsband.com/toursFollow Pet Needs:X: https://x.com/wearepetneedsInsta: https://www.instagram.com/wearepetneeds/?hl=enFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearepetneeds Contact Sound Affects:X: https://x.com/SoundAffectsPodInsta: https://www.instagram.com/sound_affects_podcast/Email: [email protected] Association for Performing Arts Medicine: https://www.bapam.org.uk/Details of upcoming support groups and individual support: https://www.bapam.org.uk/whatbapamcandoforyou/
Musician, Rolling Stone/New Yorker music journalist and author Jeff Slate released his new book 'Guitar' earlier this year co-authored with Earl Slick, and is on tour with The Wallflowers.
We explore social media politics and rock n roll's reckoning with historical racism, misogyny and MeToo.
Get in touch:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @SoundAffectsPod
Insta: @sound_affects_podcast
Jeff Slate:
Book: https://www.penguin.co.uk/authors/308449/jeff-slate
Album and singles: https://jeffslatehq.com/store
Twitter: https://x.com/jeffslate
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/jeffslate/
Website: https://jeffslatehq.com/
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/jeffslate
Links to things mentioned:
David Bowie internet clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaHcOs7mhfU
Support Sound Affects Pod: www.kofi.com/SoundAffectsPod
Become a Patron of Sound Affects Podcast:hhttps://www.patreon.com/user?u=7816406&fan_landing=true&view_as=public
Episodes manquant?
The book 'Touring and Mental Health: The Music Industry Manual' is published by Omnibus Press and is the brainchild of music industry psychotherapist and Music Industry Therapist Collective (MITC) founder Tamsin Embleton. It's is a collection of well-researched and rigorous essays authored by experts and academics in the field offering insight, signposting and mental health support for musicians and music industry professionals on the road. Considered the 'go-to' manual for any touring music professional, it has gained (and keeps gaining) massive praise in the national and international press since its launch in March. It's also been wildly praised online by prominent musicians worldwide. An audiobook is now in the works and you can find extra material from the book, further resources and details of workshops online at https://www.touringmanual.com/
Sound Affects Podcast featured Tamsin's Music Industry Therapist Collective back in 2018 (episode 4) when the book was in early stages of development. It's been really lovely following the journey of MITC and the book since then, and I attended the book launch back in March. Interview recorded April 2023.
For more info and details on the manual, the collective, or Tamsin herself, follow the links here:
'Touring and Mental Health: The Music Industry Manual': https://www.touringmanual.com/
You can buy the book direct from the link above, or through any of the outlets here: https://found.ee/MITClinkFollow Music Industry Therapist Collective:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weareMITC
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/wearemitc/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/weareMITC
Website: https://musicindustrytherapists.com/
Tamsin Embleton:Insta: https://www.instagram.com/tamsinembleton/
Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/TamsinEmbleton
To contact Tamsin for therapy:
https://embletonpsychotherapy.com/about/To contact or follow Sound Affects Podcast:Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @SoundAffectsPodInsta: sound_affects_podcast
Become a Patron of Sound Affects Podcast:hhttps://www.patreon.com/user?u=7816406&fan_landing=true&view_as=public
Dr Sice Rowbottom, famously known as singer/songwriter of the Boo Radleys, is also a chartered psychologist, associate fellow of the British Psychological Society, a prolific practising counsellor and is respected voice within the music industry mental health field. We talk through why he did a doctorate in counselling psychology following his exit from the music industry, his choice to become a stay-at-home dad, his research on male gender norms, his return to music after a long hiatus, how he balances music and therapy work, and the new solo shows he's developed around mental health called 'The Secret to Happiness'.
The Boo Radleys are currently on a UK tour co-headlining with Cud – buy tickets here:
www.thebooradleys.comDr Sice Rowbottom:Twitter: @SiceBooRadleysInstagram: @sice_boo_radleysMore on Sice and his work with MITC: https://musicindustrytherapists.com/simonrowbottom/
More on Balanced Psychology project: http://www.balancedpsychology.co.uk/
More about Sice's solo shows 'The Secrets of Happiness': https://drsrowbottom.wixsite.com/thesecretofhappinessGet in touch with me at Sound Affects Pod:[email protected]
Connect with Sound Affects Pod on social media:
Twitter: @SoundAffectsPodInsta: sound_affects_podcastSupport Sound Affects Pod: www.kofi.com/SoundAffectsPod
I've just set up a Patreon page. Become a Patron at:https://patreon.com/user?u=7816406&utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
Hi everyone, some time ago I collaborated with Oasis pod with 2 episodes on Oasis and mental health and in those episodes I had said I would at some point take a further deep dive on this topic, especially this ethereal 'feeling' evoked by Noel's songwriting, for those who are interested in the emotional impact of Oasis' music, ethos and influence. This project is still in the works but in the meantime, in the week of world mental health day, I have put together a montage of clips taken from my podcast that pertain to Oasis and the feeling they give. All the clips you hear are from guests I interviewed for Sound Affects (fans, musicians, a music therapist and a neuroscientist), except for the final clip of me speaking which comes from ep 77 of Oasis podcast where James the host had added a backdrop of music to my words.
Yvette Caster is an award-winning freelance journalist, podcaster and speaker. At the time of interview, she was the long-standing co-host of Metro UK official mental health and wellbeing podcast 'Mentally Yours' along with Ellen Scott.*
I interviewed Yvette about how hip hop music has supported her over the years in her experiences with bipolar disorder. We talk through her attendance as an out-patient in a mental health unit during the late 90s after her first manic episode and how she's managed things since, exploring the impact of bipolar disorder on her dating and relationships. We also look at how the news of the death of Tupac Shakur affected her as a teen.You can still listen to the episode I did with the Mentally Yours podcast during the pandemic on music and mental health here: https://audioboom.com/posts/7975995-music-and-mental-health
*I recorded this episode in January 2023. Since then, Yvette has left Mentally Yours, but the podcast is still going strong, now run by Rachel Moss.Follow Yvette Caster @YvetteCaster on Twitter For help and support with bipolar disorder:https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/bipolar-disorder/useful-contacts/
Follow Hip Hop Psych for academic research on hip hop and mental health here:https://www.hiphoppsych.co.uk/
Follow Sound Affects Podcast:@SoundAffectsPod (Twitter)@sound_affects_podcast (Instagram)Email [email protected]
Writer, podcaster and musician Nico Tatarowitcz explores the romance of music and the inspiration behind his Stupid Hearts Club podcast.
Follow Nico/Stupid Hearts Club podcast:Patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/stupidheartsclub/posts
Non-patreon link: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/stupid-hearts-club/id1652327681
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stupidheartsclub/?hl=en
Songs by Nico included in this podcast:Love isn't Everything – opening songHello and Goodbye – ending songAt the end of this podcast, Nico asks me to choose a song with a reason for why I chose it. I was in Spain when I sat down to listen to the file of songs he sent me. I had made a shortlist of the songs I liked the most, then re-listened to them on the balcony later that evening. A slither of the moon was out, and a bright star near it (I'm going to guess it was Venus – how apt). I stayed staring at the star while the music played. In the time it took me to finish hearing Hello and Goodbye, the moon and the star gradually slipped out of my view behind a wall. It was a gentle reminder that the world we're on is indeed spinning, and depending on where you are, your view can change.Follow Sound Affects Podcast:[email protected]
Twitter: @SoundAffectsPod Insta: @sound_affects_podcast
Adam Nutter is set to release his debut solo album 'Badlands on Fire' 21st April 2023, alongside a book of artwork by Ross McCully, all available to purchase on www.adamnutter.com
In this episode, Adam talks through the heartbreak and loss of identity he experienced when The Music disbanded, and how this interplayed with his experiences with ADHD and bipolar disorder, which he received a formal diagnosis for in his late 20s.
Follow Adam:
Website: www.adamnutter.com
Twitter: @nutter_adamInsta: adam.nutterFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/adamnutterofficial
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/adam_nutter?fbclid=IwAR3mDdLCCmE4ECxm5sTyCS-MEzMQjRE206mSjn8GY8-VpkTKZA2769WPwvg
Adam's podcast and patron: https://www.musicandmorepodcast.com/
Follow/contact Sound Affects Podcast:Twitter @SoundAffectsPodInsta @sound_affects_podcastEmail [email protected] Sound Affects at ko-fi.com/SoundAffectsPodTo get help and support:ADHD: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/tips-for-everyday-living/adhd-and-mental-health/
Bipolar disorder: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/bipolar-disorder/about-bipolar-disorder/
Get help and support
Samaritans: 116 123, or https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/contact-samaritan/
Mind: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocd/symptoms-of-ocd/#WhatIsPureO
Black Dog: https://www.myblackdog.co/
To find a therapist in the UK:
Addiction: https://www.actiononaddiction.org.uk/
Anxiety UK: https://www.anxietyuk.org.uk/
Beat, eating disorders: https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/
CALM, male suicide: https://www.thecalmzone.net/
Combat Stress: www.combatstress.org.uk
Homelessness: https://www.crisis.org.uk/ending-homelessness/housing/
Mental Health Foundation, reducing stigma: www.mentalhealth.org.uk
MIND: www.mind.org.uk A-Z and guidance on any mental health issue
The Maytree sanctuary if you’re suicidal: https://www.maytree.org.uk/
OCD: www.ocduk.org
Samaritans: www.samaritans.org , 116 123, [email protected]
Solace Women’s Aid, domestic abuse: https://www.solacewomensaid.org/
Rape Crisis: https://rapecrisis.org.uk/
Rethink: www.rethink.org
Self-referral through the NHS Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service: http://www.lets-talk-iapt.nhs.uk/make-a-referral/.
If you're outside the UK:
Asociacion Argentina de Salud Mental: https://www.aasm.org.ar/eshttps://www.aasm.org.ar/es
Canadian Mental Health Association: https://cmha.ca/
CVV (Brazil): https://www.cvv.org.br/
Ibunda (Indonesia) https://www.ibunda.id/
Tell Japan: https://telljp.com/lifeline/
12 step programmes: https://www.addictioncenter.com/treatment/12-step-programs/
Addiction: https://atforum.com/related-websites/international-organizations/
Brain and Behaviour Research Foundation: https://www.bbrfoundation.org/
Jed Foundation, teen and young adult suicide prevention: https://jedfoundation.org/
Rethink: https://www.rethink.org/
StrongMinds: Treating depression in Africa for women and young people https://strongminds.org/
TalkLife, 16-24 peer-to-peer support network: https://www.talklife.com/
The US
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): https://nami.org
To Write Love On Her Arms: Depression, Addiction, Self-injury and Suicide: https://twloha.com/
This episode is Part 2 of an exploration into the work of charity Tonic Music for Mental Health. In Part 1, I spoke to Dub Pistols' Barry Ashworth, a patron of the charity, to talk about how Lockdown was affecting musicians and his fundraising and personal life experiences that made him interested in this charity's work; now in this Part 2, I speak to Jeordie Shenton, a PhD researcher into substance misuse amongst working musicians and the co-ordinator for the Tonic Rider programme of Tonic Music for Mental Health – a programme that promotes good mental health within the music industry via delivery delivery of free peer-support groups, training and events to all music industry professionals.Contact Tonic Music for Mental Health / Tonic Rider:
Website: https://www.tonicmusic.co.uk/
Twitter: @tonicmusicmh @tonicrideruk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tonicmusicmh
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tonicrideruk/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tonic-music-for-mental-health-ltd
To register for Tonic Rider support and programmes: https://www.tonicmusic.co.uk/tonic-rider
Contact Sound Affects Podcast:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @SoundAffectsPod
Instagram: sound_affects_podcastSupport Sound Affects Podcast:ko-fi.com/SoundAffectsPod
New single by Ellur ‘Now I’m Alone' out 9th November
22-year old singer/songwriter Ellur gives insight into her lyrics and life in the music industry for young women.Trigger warning: We discuss eating disorders and sexual violence against women. Around 16 minutes in, the episode includes some recent real-life news clips on this topic.
All things Ellur:
Website: https://ellur.biz/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ellurrrr/?hl=en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ellurrrrr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ellurrrr/
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/discover/Ellur
Contact Sound Affects Podcast:
Insta: sound_affects_podcast
Twitter: @SoundAffectsPod
Email: [email protected]
Support Sound Affects Pod: ko-fi.com/SoundAffectsPod
Getting help and support:
Face The Music Now Foundation, by and for survivors of abuse in the music industry
Women and Girls network
Samaritans: 116 123, [email protected] , www.samaritans.org
Help Musicians
Tonic Music for Mental Health
Music Support
Music for mental wealth
Music industry therapist collective
British Association for Performing Arts Medicine
Thumbnail image: EllurSongs (in order) played in this episode by Ellur:Best Face OnMigraineJune
Music journalist and book critic Ian Winwood is the author of 'Bodies: Life and Death in Music'. In this interview, we unpick his experiences over the years as a music journalist travelling the world and interviewing bands amid the "routine ruinations" (alcohol and drugs) he describes surrounding the music industry.
Follow Ian on Twitter: @IanWinwood1
Louder than Words Festival: https://louderthanwordsfest.com/
Contact Sound Affects Podcast:
Twitter @SoundAffectsPod
Insta: sound_affects_podcast
Email: [email protected]
Support Sound Affects: ko-fi.com/SoundAffectsPod
In this episode, I speak with Danny McNamara, lead singer of Embrace, ahead of the release of Embrace's 8th studio album How to Be a Person Like Other People (out 26th August 2022), and upcoming tour.
We talk through the psychology behind him becoming a rockstar, his search for meaning and purpose, falling in love, and his experiences with PTSD and Pure O variant of OCD.
Intro: Ashes, Embrace9.50 All You Good Good People, Embrace13.30 Movin' On Up, Primal Scream17.40 Retread, Embrace18.10 We Are It, Embrace1.25.50 Clip of Richard Ashcroft interview by Jon Doran on NoiseyOutro: The Terms of My Surrender, Embrace
Get in touch with Sound Affects Podcast at:
@SoundAffectsPod on Twitter or Facebook
@sound_affects_podcast on Insta
Send voice notes and messages to:
Support Sound Affects Pod: www.ko-fi.com/soundaffectspod
All things Embrace:
Embrace: @embrace on Twitter
Join Embrace's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/embracethesecretlist
Follow Danny McNamara on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/dannymcnamara
Get tickets for upcoming tour: https://www.ticketmaster.co.uk/embrace-tickets/artist/740832
Buy How to Be a Person Like Other People: https://embrace.tmstor.es/
Links to things mentioned by Danny in this episode:
PURE by Rose Bretecher/Cartwright
Channel 4 series adaptation, Pure
Get help and support
Samaritans: 116 123, or https://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help/contact-samaritan/
Mind: https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocd/symptoms-of-ocd/#WhatIsPureO
Black Dog: https://www.myblackdog.co/
To find a therapist in the UK:
Addiction: https://www.actiononaddiction.org.uk/
Anxiety UK: https://www.anxietyuk.org.uk/
Beat, eating disorders: https://www.beateatingdisorders.org.uk/
CALM, male suicide: https://www.thecalmzone.net/
Combat Stress: www.combatstress.org.uk
Homelessness: https://www.crisis.org.uk/ending-homelessness/housing/
Mental Health Foundation, reducing stigma: www.mentalhealth.org.uk
MIND: www.mind.org.uk A-Z and guidance on any mental health issue
The Maytree sanctuary if you’re suicidal: https://www.maytree.org.uk/
OCD: www.ocduk.org
Samaritans: www.samaritans.org , 116 123, [email protected]
Solace Women’s Aid, domestic abuse: https://www.solacewomensaid.org/
Rape Crisis: https://rapecrisis.org.uk/
Rethink: www.rethink.org
If you’re sectioned: https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/mental-health/treatments-and-wellbeing/being-sectioned?searchTerms=being%20sectioned
Self-referral through the NHS Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service: http://www.lets-talk-iapt.nhs.uk/make-a-referral/.
If you're outside the UK:
Asociacion Argentina de Salud Mental: https://www.aasm.org.ar/eshttps://www.aasm.org.ar/es
Canadian Mental Health Association: https://cmha.ca/
CVV (Brazil): https://www.cvv.org.br/
Ibunda (Indonesia) https://www.ibunda.id/
Tell Japan: https://telljp.com/lifeline/
12 step programmes: https://www.addictioncenter.com/treatment/12-step-programs/
Addiction: https://atforum.com/related-websites/international-organizations/
Brain and Behaviour Research Foundation: https://www.bbrfoundation.org/
Jed Foundation, teen and young adult suicide prevention: https://jedfoundation.org/
Rethink: https://www.rethink.org/
StrongMinds: Treating depression in Africa for women and young people https://strongminds.org/
TalkLife, 16-24 peer-to-peer support network: https://www.talklife.com/
The US
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): https://nami.org
To Write Love On Her Arms: Depression, Addiction, Self-injury and Suicide: https://twloha.com/
T/w SuicideThis episode is an interview with Dixie, manager of Jarvis Lane, raising awareness of suicide with Jarvis Lane's charity single cover Baba O'Riley for MIND. Dixie was band manager to Jonathan Owen's 90s band The Pocket Devils, and was the inspiration behind the 2014 cult film Svengali (and 2009 internet episodes), starring Jonny Owen as Dixie, Vicky McClure, Martin Freeman, Carl Barat, Alan McGee, Michael Socha, Matt Berry, Maxine Peake and many more. Prior to lockdown, Dixie's daughter Holly Dixon tragically took her own life and Dixie celebrates her life in this episode, along with tributes to his other family members and friends of Jarvis Lane – Alan Green and Laurence Brown – who also took their own lives.
You can download the Mind charity single or donate through the Just Giving page below:
Fundraiser single Baba O'Riley, in memory of Holly, Laurence and Alan:
To donate to the Just Giving Page:
Jarvis Lane: https://www.jarvislane.co.uk/
Svengali Music Management:https://www.facebook.com/svengalimusicmanagement/
Svengali film (2014) trailer:
Svengali soundtrack: https://open.spotify.com/album/0Y5GM6gQRuEsygV0zlFN7o
Follow Sound Affects Podcast:Twitter: @SoundAffectsPodInsta: sound_affects_podcastFacebook: @SoundAffectsPod
Email or send an audio message to [email protected] a review on Apple Podcasts through the iTunes store
Subscribe to Sound Affects Podcast at all your usual channels
Support Sound Affects Podcast: www.ko-fi.com/SoundAffectsPod
Support and helplines
If you're feeling suicidal:Call Samaritans free of charge 116 123 in the UK or email [email protected]
Visit https://www.nami.org/Home in the US
Cruse Bereavement support:
For more information, helplines and advice in the UK:
List of global mental health support and helplines:
I continue with the hip hop theme in this episode with founder of Hip Hop Orchestra and Keep it Certi Georgio Savvides, who explores his reasons for starting the orchestra and his combination of hip hop with classical music. He's a pianist, composer, producer and music teacher in schools and talks through his methods of working with neurodiversity after his own experiences of learning within school settings.
You can follow Georgio @GioSavvides and @TheHipHopOrch or [email protected].uk
Follow Sound Affects Podcast:
Twitter @SoundAffectsPod
Insta @sound_affects_podcast
Facebook @SoundAffectsPod
email [email protected] -
In this episode, I'm exploring the effects of hip hop on mental health, with senior Cambridge university hip hop academics Dr Akeem Sule (Psychiatrist, lecturer in medicine) and Dr Becky Inkster (Neuroscientist), who together co-founded Hip Hop Psych.
Hip Hop Psych
Website: https://www.hiphoppsych.co.uk/
Academic papers: https://www.hiphoppsych.co.uk/publications.html
Community links: https://www.hiphoppsych.co.uk/links.html
Social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hiphopsych
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HIP-HOP-PSYCH-244036239063749/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1u0nmhGUSrYlxENccfPetQ
Dr Becky Inkster:
Dr Akeem Sule:
Hashtags: #hiphopandmentalhealth #hiphoppsych #soundaffectspodcast #musicandmentalhealthSound Affects Podcast
Twitter: @SoundAffectsPod
Facebook: @SoundAffectsPod
Insta: @sound_affects_podcast
Email: [email protected]
Send me an audio message: [email protected]
Support Sound Affects Podcast: Ko-fi.com/SoundAffectsPod
Leave an Apple Podcast review:
Open Apple Podcast App, go to the icons at the bottom of the page, choose search. Search for Sound Affects Podcast: Music and Mental Health with Katy Georgiou, then scroll down to ‘ratings and reviews’.
Mental health support info
Samaritans: [email protected], or call 116 123
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1 800 273 8255
Mind: www.mind.org.uk
Hearing Voices Network: https://www.hearing-voices.org/
Addiction support: https://www.talktofrank.com/get-help/find-support-near-you
Crisis support:
Find a therapist at:https://www.psychotherapy.org.uk/
Further linksLogic 1-800 at the MTV VMA Awards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ju6Q8Azcmg
Key Changes: https://twitter.com/keychangesmusic
Spoke: https://www.spoke.world/about-1
Kombat: https://www.beckyinkster.com/lyrical-kombat
Cambridge Department of Psychiatry: https://www.psychiatry.cam.ac.uk/
'Hip Hop Saved My Life Podcast' by Romesh Ranganathan: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/hip-hop-saved-my-life-with-romesh-ranganathan/id982388481
Follow Denise Devenish at https://www.instagram.com/denisedevenishcounselling/
If you're a musician or work in the music industry and are seeking therapy support, you can contact Denise at https://www.denisedevenishcounselling.co.uk/
Or visit British Association for Performing Arts Medicine: https://www.bapam.org.uk/
Help Musicians UK:
Get in touch with Sound Affects Podcast:
Twitter @SoundAffectsPod
Facebook @SoundAffectsPod
Instagram sound_affects_podcast
Email [email protected]
Support Sound Affects on ko-fi.com/SoundAffectsPod
If you would like to buy a copy of Sound Advice by co-authors Lucy Heyman and Rhian Jones, you can use the discount codes below: HARDCOVERPROMO (20% off hardbacks), PAPERBACKPROMO (25% off paperbacks) or EBOOKPROMO (15% off e-books). You can access the Shopify site through www.soundadvicebook.com by clicking on ‘buy now’. Lucy's Elevate Music podcast is as follows: https://podfollow.com/elevate-music-podcast Her website is: www.lucyheyman.comAs ever, follow Sound Affects:@SoundAffectsPod on Twitter@Sound_affects_podcast on Instagram@SoundAffectsPod on FacebookOr email [email protected] can support Sound Affects Pod by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts, or supporting through ko-fi.com/SoundAffectsPod Support and links:Samaritans: call 116 123 (free and anonymous, 24/7) www.samaritans.orgBAPAM (British Association for Performing Arts Medicine) https://www.bapam.org.uk/Help Musicians UK: https://www.helpmusicians.org.uk/ Tonic Music for Mental Health: https://www.tonicmusic.co.uk/ Music for Mental Wealth: https://www.musicformentalwealth.com/ Music Support: https://musicsupport.org/
Trigger warning: This episode contains references to childhood sexual abuse, racism, self-harm, suicidal ideation, drug use and also contains some details of a traumatic incident involving fire. (See support links below.)
In Part 2 of the Oasis and Mental Health mini series, I interview previous @OasisPodcast guest @Cynthializa, who is a stylist at Selfridges. In her previous interview with James from Oasis Pod (see Oasis Podcast, episode 47), Cynthia credits Oasis for her decision to quit her job as a teacher in Canada to study at the London College of Fashion and pursue her dream of being a stylist.
However, there's another part to that story which she didn't reveal at the time: a harrowing incident which had left her suicidal and dependent on drugs, until a chance conversation with Liam Gallagher backstage at a festival helped set her psychologically free and on a path to recovery.
Frustratingly (for me at least), discussions on Oasis are typically framed around a white, British male focus, and this episode moves away from that entirely. We explore Cynthia's experiences of childhood sexual abuse and racism growing up in a mixed race family, and she explains how Oasis songs helped to soothe her from this in her teenage years. We then look at a traumatic incident that occurred in her early adult life which initially set her off on a destructive path of self-harm, low self-worth, drug abuse and suicidal feelings. Again, she describes how it was the music of Oasis, and in particular Noel Gallagher's resolve, that helped to soothe her in post traumatic stress and eventually overcome her drug dependency. Finally, she describes a chance conversation she had backstage at Roskilde festival with Liam Gallagher, whose words of wisdom in response to her pain helped shift her mindset about her self worth and cemented her decision to move to the UK and turn her life around completely.
To get in touch:
Twitter @SoundAffectsPod
Email [email protected]
Support Sound Affects Podcast: https://ko-fi.com/soundaffectspod
Please leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.
Follow Cynthia: @LizaStyle
Follow Oasis Podcast: @OasisPodcast
For help and support with any of the issues raised:
The Women and Girls Network (for all women and girls affected by all forms of violence and abuse): https://www.wgn.org.uk/Survivors UK, for survivors of male sexual abuse https://www.survivorsuk.org/
Support links for burns and scars:https://katiepiperfoundation.org.uk/support-links-burns/
For help with addiction and dependency:
Samaritans: 116 123 or www.samaritans.org
I've collaborated with James from Oasis Podcast for a mini series over the next few weeks and months exploring the theme of Oasis and mental health. Why Oasis, why mental health? I have openly expressed my love for Oasis since starting this podcast, and it remains a running theme throughout as I get to grips with exactly what it is about the band that has such an effect on me and millions of others. Meanwhile, I'm a professional psychotherapist and interested in a clearer emotional understanding of we're impacted. Rather than exploring it alone, I collaborated with Oasis Podcast, the official audio guide to Oasis so we can document this properly.
This first episode of the mini series is our interview with Manchester comedian Rachel Fairburn, who explains why Oasis are the reason she's able to do what she does now.
Follow Rachel Fairburn on Twitter @RachelFairburn and her podcast All Killa No Filla @KillNoFillPod
Follow James @OasisPodcast
Follow Sound Affects Podcast @SoundAffectsPod
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