
  • SESSIONS 02 - Breathworks

    Life is like a balance, sometimes one thing happens, then another. As humans we feel best when things are in balance but this is not always easy. I think we all know that! The most important tool we all have is breathing. In times of stress we breathe differently, often high and uncomfortable. In times of joy this is easier and feels much better.

    The deeper we breathe, the better it is and the easier it is to achieve and maintain balance. Example: What if you wake up at night and start to worry or feel restless? And if you notice that your breathing is short, high and unpleasant, you can do something about it. In this episode of Sessions I will focus on our breathing and the music of course. How Breathworks and Music really works!

    Music in this show is performed by / comes from the following albums:

    Winter Vol. X - PANGAEA PROJEKT
    Only Five Petals - BRUNO SANFILIPPO
    Pictures - SOLOI SOUNDS
    Abstraction - PIETRO ZOLLO
    Mitochondria Johatsu - ODNU + ÜMLAUT
    Red Islands - PURL
    Dreamscapes - THOMAS LEMMER

    Click the links and find the releases, thanks for supporting the artists and Ambient Zone!

    🎉 Spacemusic 20 Years!! 🎉 Yes. This year the podcasts are out there since 2005. Unbelievable!! Your and my favourite music station online for 2 decades . Want to celebrate and congratulate? —> Join in today! Check a one time donation or monthly support, if you can inject the station on our Ko-Fi page that’d be super cool! Your help is appreciated. Visit https://ambient.zone/donate

  • Great to make a show again! And … to welcome so many different artists! After twenty years of Spacemusic, nothing seems to have changed in this respect; the flow of musical energy does a person good and will also inspire many in this new decade. A small look back at the past, mixed with music from today.

    For example, you hear a 30-year-old release, re-released, that really came to life after throwing a party in 1994, in a room full of stoned people who were tripping on ‘Atmospherics’, the unforgettable album by James Bernard. I’m not exaggerating if it triggered my ‘ambient’ existence at the time.

    Show 17.02 features: James Bernard, James Bright, Lasse Tapio Junnila, Memory Scale, Afterlife, Jacek Doroszenko, KapTep, Brannan Lane, Orghanon, Metric System 1981, Kalte, Brian Mulder.

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    Your support is highly appreciated!


    0:00:00 - Welcome to Spacemusic 17.02
    0:05:39 - Euph - JAMES BERNARD
    0:14:30 - Pieces - JAMES BRIGHT
    0:17:10 - Hands - LASSE TAPIO JUNNILA
    0:22:45 - Syntropy - MEMORY SCALE
    0:26:00 - Afternoon’s Echoes - MEMORY SCALE
    0:30:21 - Quiet Music - AFTERLIFE
    0:34:22 - Drive West on Sunset - AFTERLIFE
    0:38:28 - Iris - JAMES BRIGHT
    0:42:23 - Get the Perfect Mental Surface - JACEK DOROSZENKO ft EWA
    0:47:38 - Music for Migraines (Part 2) - KAPTEP & BRENNAN LANE
    0:50:08 - The Molecule of Everyday Life - JACEK DOROSZENKO ft EWA
    0:54:25 - Nous - ORGHANON
    1:00:36 - Bright, Dark - METRIC SYSTEM 1981
    1:01:36 - Stochastic Resonance - KALTE
    1:06:20 - Doomstroll / Break-through - BRIAN MULDER
    1:09:36 - Phosphorous - JAMES BERNARD



    ———> [email protected]
    ———> visit our site www.ambient.zone
    ———> SUPPORT THIS STATION https://ambient.zone/donate

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  • Here you can relax, meditate and recharge yourself; dare to dream too, because dreams are a visualization of your wishes. What do you wish? What do you believe in? What do you want to achieve? And what if I told you that if you believe in what you want to achieve, you can?! Much more useful than thinking about all the things that can go wrong. Or what you can’t do. Because if you’re in it like that, it won’t work either. So if you don’t feel completely okay sometimes, turn it around, believe, dream, visualize. You are loved. The Universe will connect and serve. Try it! Don’t hold back.

    Music in this show is performed by / comes from the following albums:

    Arquitectura - LAB’S CLOUD
    Ambient Cat Remixes, vol.1 - VARIOUS ARTISTS
    Abstraction - PIETRO ZOLLO
    A Quiet Place - METRIC SYSTEM 1981

    Click the links and find the releases, thanks for supporting the artists and Ambient Zone!

    ———> [email protected]
    ———> visit our site www.ambient.zone
    ———> SUPPORT THIS STATION https://ambient.zone/donate

  • We’re gliding into this new Season 17 …. With a velvety soft transition, a bath full of good, not only to seduce you but also to show you that this year is a year in which anything is possible! This time no bombastic start because it would be less appropriate; violence and excessive events in abundance on this planet. I have chosen peace. And let us continue to build on the basis of our good relationship, good taste, desire for positivity and inspiration that we eat from the ‘Tree of Life’; with the emphasis on a spiritual approach that will do us good. The theme is therefore: with only a hunger for knowledge, humanity will not make it. The balance between knowledge and the spiritual is what enriches and makes us strong, what we need so much now.


    0:00:00 - Welcome to Spacemusic 17.01
    0:01:48 - Mizzle - AFTERLIFE
    0:05:32 - Nagual - AFTERLIFE
    0:08:36 - Sleeping under the Stars - CHRISTIAN ALSEMGEEST / WINTER SILHOUETTE
    0:10:45 - Appearance - METRIC SYSTEM 1981 & KAPTEP
    0:14:14 - The Year’s First Rain - HOLLAN HOLMES
    0:22:16 - Underwater Balloons - HALCYON HALL
    0:24:25 - Hypnotic Gestures - SINIUS / ULRICH SCHNAUSS
    0:29:15 - Bloom Ascension - STEVE ROACH
    0:33:58 - Embracing Love - THOMAS LEMMER / ANDREAS BACH
    0:39:56 - Sensitive Mind - FINGERS IN THE NOISE
    0:43:59 - Earth Song - HOLLAN HOLMES
    0:45:32 - Connection - PIETRO ZOLLO
    0:51:12 - Backing Within the Mirrors - CITY OF DAWN / ROSS CHRISTOPHER
    0:53:37 - Praia Da Cruz - LAB’S CLOUD


    So relax, on SPACE mode, listen and enjoy: Afterlife, Christian Alsemgeest, Winter Silhouette, Metric System 1981, KapTep, Hollan Holmes, Halcyon Hall, Sinius, Ulrich Schnauss, Steve Roach, Thomas Lemmer, Andreas Bach, Fingers in the Noise, Hollan Holmes, Pietro Zollo, City of Dawn, Ross Christopher, Lab’s Cloud.

    Suggestions, comments, just wanna reach out?
    You can! Send an email or post online comments.


    ———> [email protected]
    ———> visit our site www.ambient.zone
    ———> SUPPORT THIS STATION https://ambient.zone/donate