Welcome to Ep Forteeey! We start with Binaural Conversation Technology and jump into a quote that takes us into a wave about conscious expression, proper use of language, naming things correctly, and speaking truthfully. By the end of the episode, we touch on a crazy subject: biological coordination.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality.
Episode thirtay nineeeee. We start with a quote from Paracelsus on the wisdom in nature and we jump on that wave. We discuss what is to be learned through nature, the mysteries embedded in nature, the limits of human intelligence, and evolve into our ongoing discussion about seeking all forms of information. The dose makes the poison as applied to information diet. Quantum Physics. Maps of reality.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality.
Episodes manquant?
Back to an audio cast for 1 episode. We kick off with a couple quotes (curveball!) discussing consciousness, dreams, and sources of knowledge. We discuss the potential process of unconscious archetypes translating into narratives through the lens of your experiences during dream states. We then flow into developing a metaphor for the different dimensions of understanding and knowledge. Omniscient dissolution.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality.
Episode 37 lets go! This is the first episode as floaty guys, we jump in with a quote from Bertrand Russel and go from there. This gets us into a wave about philosophy and with the aim of thought exploration from the starting point of simplicity. Can the observer be hijacked by an intellectual conscious body? Do you sometimes feel you are living with the most consistent heckler living in your own mind? We consider the need for strategies to neither irradicate nor merge ego heckles but to negotiate with it in an incorporated dance for proper integration. Sacred Green Diamond. Sacred. Green. Diamond.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality.
Episode 36 - Alright, we jump into this episode with a quote that envisions a revolution in the acceptance of truth en masse. The idea that if a truth is discovered and shared, it will inevitably reverberate and have massive consequences. Do you think that deception will inevitably crumble due to the fundamental perseverance and strength of conflicting truth? "If you tell the truth, you don't need to remember anything" - Mark Twain. Do you agree that lies and deceit always necessitates more energy and resources? We explore the notion of a collective hero's journey - a large scale descent into chaos as truth is revealed and crumbles failing models of reality, and a reemergence into a new more accurate model that resembles truth - if it requires less resource to maintain a true model, then the efficiency and energy required would be reduced following this collective journey and would be desired on many levels. The conversation then moves to the power the internet has had on the maintenance of untruths. We end up back towards discussing the power of art... as well as other things. The mountain of lies. Misinformation.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality.
We kick off the episode with a quote from Paracelsus which directs the conversation to a discussion on distractions and the ability for the ego to become stuck in the past or future. External stories from external creators over the internal and the stories from within. "How can you live and have no story to tell" - Dostoevsky. When you are focusing on external things, are those inputs not still mediated by what is within? Or is there a genuine internal phenomenon that exists with a more fundamentally authentic essence rather than being just an additional variation in that which produces sensory awareness, conscious filtering, and the stuff that is then subsequently incorporated into sense making frameworks? Our conversation evolves from here towards the necessity of placing importance of attention to both the internal and external, and then towards the collective co-creation of reality.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality.
We start with a quote from the philosopher Karl Pilkington that gets the conversation going in the direction of speech as a way to find out what you think. What percentage of your speech is filtered by the layers of analysis going on by the ego mind - do you pre-design your speech? We touch on Mr.Answer Guy and the benefits of exploring without judgement. Instinct vs. intuition. This leads us to Mr.Question Guy and the complimentary aspect of focusing purely on a question that requires less intuition and more of a clarifying discernment. Exploration and continuity mode. Wouldn't systems of thought exploration benefit conversation endeavours by setting a playing field from which pragmatic takeways can be acquired by participating parties.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality.
This magical masonic episode starts with a quote from Albert Pike and flow from there. We get wacky and explore notions of symbol interpretation and the necessity of a receiver to properly complete the transmission of information. We touch on myth, esotericism, then discuss how new ideas emerge from through and images. Alchemical symbolism. Geometry big G. New information is power. Could the incorporation of alchemical or esoteric symbolism catalyze innovation? Also, the hi-ram abif(above) is the Ram - cerebRAM , or rising generative energy of Aries of the temple of soul-of-man above the 33 spinal vertebrate.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality.
Oscar Wilde starts us off, we then get back to discussing truth , and the collective aim of discovering truth. What is the difference between a truth, and an agreed upon element of the whole on the part of the collective. If you get flexible with truth, danger is coming. Exploring alternative ideas and perspectives on reality at the very least is valuable for strengthening what you currently hold to be true. Intention is important. We sway over to a conversation discussing censorship and one point try to steel man the benefits of censorship.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality.
We kick off the episode with a Buckminster Fuller quote on freedom of thought. We put that to work with previous waves about language, and speech, and the relation of our ability to communicate and reality. Never stop learning. How do you discern the validity of the various sources of information from your life that shaped your understanding about who you are, where you are, what the world is., We explore the both positive and negative aspect of having cultural value-decisions imposed on forming minds. You are only looking for new information if you believe you don't know the whole story. We discuss conspiracies as rationality gym. Curiosity, curiosity. Do you think the news you see is crafted to favour a specific opinion or perspective?
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality. Also and as well as... both and. Curiosity killed the cat but saved the human.
To understand is to be free concept from a Baruch Spinoza quote kicks off the episode. In your life is freedom the goal? What are the integral values that orient your discrimination and action? What is the true reality? How far is that outside of us? We get back into the reality and truth universe and throw a few other ideas at the wall. We explore the comforting aspect of adopting an ideology and the "freedom" that brings in comparison to the freedom of being free of ideological frameworks and your own confidence in approaching and discerning sources of reality generating information resources. Both and is explored as a union of opposites. We jump around these ideas and segue into uncharted waters at the end regarding censorship.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality. Also and as well as... both and. Curiosity killed the cat but saved the human.
We jump off with a quote from Marcus Aurelius and delve into the idea of thought shaping reality. How far can that idea be pushed? We relate this to notions of manifest destiny and the limits of thoughts and their impact in relation to action. From thoughts to beliefs, to habits, to the ideal. Do you think there is anything that could function as an EF - Exponential Factor in your growth? Something that if focused on would spark rapid change? Or are you an EFD - Exponential Factor Denier, and think that idea is nonsense and useless. We also touch on the relationship between personal and larger social change. Also and as well as other things are also talked about. Everything is doable - depends how fast you want it.
S.O. is a podcast for facilitating consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality.
We pick up somewhat from where we left off with discussing anomalies. What do you do with information that is an outlier to the rest of your current frameworks of reality? We explore that in relation to alien abduction experiences and other powerful anomalous phenomenon. We extrapolate a metaphor of reality frameworks as a cityscape and build (pun intended) upon that as we ride this wave. Why was Gobekli Tepe buried? We sway from Gobekli Tepe over to questions about New Age spiritual beliefs and wrap up from there.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality. Also and as well as... both and. Curiosity killed the cat but saved the human.
Can you keep up with the ever-changing news cycle? Also aliens. Do you believe in aliens? Do you think they are here, have been here before, will be here? The news is now happy to publish stories one after another about military disclosure regarding UAP's. What do you do with that information? Forget about it and move on to other distractions - or figure out what that means? We jump into the crazy topic of reality anomalies and the different ways of potentially managing them. We touch on DMT, dream states, and ride other waves.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality. Also and as well as... both and. Curiosity killed the cat but saved the human.
Do you agree with the common idea shared in religious and philosophical traditions throughout time that points to unsatisfactory-ness as a fundamental truth of the human experience? We discuss this after quoting Hermes Trismegistus. The ensuing discussion involves words like desire, wants, needs, hope, future, suffering. Is the desire to live without desire just fuelling the very thing you wish to extinguish? Join us as we ride waves related to the psychology of wanting to detach from ego in an attempt to alleviate suffering.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality. Also and as well as... both and. Curiosity killed the cat but saved the human.
We solve everything in this episode. We figure everything out ! Does everything that happens have a meaning? Have you ever been walking around and feel like you are noticing events or signs that for some reason hold a deeper meaning? Do you feel that every action you make is significant? We jump off from a quote from Aldous Huxley and see where that takes us. We discuss conversations with self regarding cause and effect and play around with considerations regarding doing or not doing.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality. Also and as well as....both and. Curiosity killed the cat but saved the human.
Do you ever wonder if the people we quote actually said what we are told they said? How much of your knowing comes from knowing how much you don't know? Do you agree that we are in a time where we are questioning where all of our information is coming from - and if so - what is the solid ground to stand on? We explore this in episode 22, while also exploring the idea of growing motivational ideas from within rather than relying on external motivation. We also explore the ideas of self, ego, and navigating perspectives of yourself as an entity existing in the world.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality. Also and as well as....both and. Curiosity killed the cat but saved the human.
Do you explore being one who asks questions vs being the one who answers as an exploration of mindset? Do you sometimes feel resistance in attempting to have an answer when you feel you are not informed well enough? We explore the questions surrounding the possibility of there being a universal value system that could be applicable across ideological schools of thought. We also explore the Free Miracle of the big bang and perspectives of approaching claims about the origin of our universe. We also get back into the power of belief and what those ideas about our origin might mean to the person who believes or doesn't believe.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality.
Do you strive to have a conscious conversation? Do you think your use of language is your psyches mode of understanding reality? Are there sometimes benefits to identifying with an idea to catalyze a deeper exploration of its claims? This podcast starts up with a realignment with our goal approach towards conversation within the podcast, we evolve the conversation into consciousness - discuss the phenomenon within thought schools regarding higher consciousness. Words like dimension, entities, magic, higher, and many more come up as we riff.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality.
Hello to all the big wave surfers out there. In this episode, we conceptualize conversation as the reading and timing of riding waves. We discuss the potential for utilizing the transformative hero's journey to the underworld myth for the catalyzing of growth and change. We explore great art the utility of the creator's conceptual relationship to something greater and metaphysical. We also tap on the door of The Free Miracle discussion, and the can of worms that is the existence of a creator.
S.O. is a podcast that aims to have consistent long-form conversations. As hosts, we strive to improve our ability to remain mindful, practice focus and proper listening, improve verbal fluency, explore ideas without attachment, and expand our perspectives of reality.
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