Episode Notes
Whoops! Your old friend Fennel got lost in the woods!
Ray O'Hare as Food Cart Proprietor
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Content Warnings:
(Accidental) Drug useAnimal deathTranscript available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WKw0fFqhMfuMZmOqwXGf4H4q8Dy3TIGFN6cJ5DiQk7g/edit?usp=sharing
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://www.tumblr.com/starfallpod.
Sounds by Soundsnap.
Episode Notes
The troupe celebrates Howstehootywhatchamacallit.
Ishani Kanetkar as Leona
Sam B. Nguyen as Fel
Emily C.A. Snyder as Hestren
Brandon Nguyen as Hosse
Paige Alena as Ozzie
Shade Oyemakinwa as Koua
Cass McPhee as Basil
Tal Minear as Kio
Toby Harvey as Colden
Liz Morey as Dots
Grayson Teals as Aster
Swann Grey as Ginger
Dalfern Goodacre as Aldwen
Alexis Vandom as Rektira
Soulara Jane Joslin as Zenia
Ariane Marchese as Nettle
Skye Redden as Fae 1
Danny Spiller as Fae 2
Ty Wilkins as Fae 3
Margaret Ashley as the Narrator
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Content Warnings:
Crowd scenes and overstimulationXenophobiaTranscript available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v1ElyBakG-Fhk7gSNUQvSj44s-iqEXr6w58x1HeFljg/edit?usp=sharing
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://www.tumblr.com/starfallpod.
Sounds by Soundsnap.
Additional music from Chris Martyn and Geoff Harvey at Purple Planet Music.
Episodes manquant?
Episode Notes
Leona, Fel, Dalyn, Aksol, and Ozzie run an errand in the woods.
Ishani Kanetkar as Leona
Sam B. Nguyen as Fel
Cole Burkhardt as Dalyn
Malcolm Jay as Aksol
Paige Alena as Ozzie
Anusia Battersby as Smith
Emma Laslett as Raybar
Ally Amador as Centhy
Kiera Walmisley as Keeper
Skye Redden as Copybird
Zaire Brown as Hayver
Soulara Jane Joslin as Zenia
Ariane Marchese as Nettle
Ashley Margaret as Narrator
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Content Warnings:
Unwitting (fantasy) drug useGiant (fantasy) spidersDiscussions of being othered in privileged spacesTranscript available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rq0t0n_d89gf5yvG-husOZ-YXIUEosrc2azqPglSOos/edit?usp=sharing
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://www.tumblr.com/starfallpod.
Sounds by Soundsnap.
Additional music from Chris Martyn and Geoff Harvey at Purple Planet Music.
Episode Notes
Your old friend Fennel recounts his visit to the college town of Velsum.
Ray O'Hare as Food Cart Proprietor
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Content Warnings:
Transcript available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18gi6vnZiQyGBo8MA9jcb_Jah__P3gyAT258ur8um59Q/edit?usp=sharing
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://www.tumblr.com/starfallpod.
Sounds by Soundsnap.
Episode Notes
Leona and Fel sit in the mud.
Ishani Kanetkar as Leona
Sam B. Nguyen as Fel
Cole Burkhardt as Dalyn
Anusia Battersby as Smith
Shade Oyemakinwa as Koua
Lindsay Zana as Rhea
Ty Wilkins as Stable Owner
Margaret Ashley as Narrator
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Content Warnings:
Transcript available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uV1H5FPLMcYX5F46bH2Uqd1f2HBkmOei9XZ3-UubbHU/edit?usp=sharing
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://www.tumblr.com/starfallpod.
Sounds by Soundsnap.
Episode Notes
The troupe gets rained in.
Ishani Kanetkar as Leona
Sam B. Nguyen as Fel
Cole Burkhardt as Dalyn
Malcolm Jay as Aksol
Anusia Battersby as Smith
Emma Laslett as Raybar
Maxime Hendrikse Liu as Elsibel
Elissa Park as Jyrsa
Lindsay Zana as Rhea
Sean Siegler as Macalus
Toby Harvey as Colden
Liz Morey as Dots
Algie Todd as Lumen
Ally Amador as Centhy
Margaret Ashley as Narrator
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Content Warnings:
Discussion of alcoholism, recovery, and drinking cultureA physical attackTranscript available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QtZ-nP8JmpPAiMDN04bZfukeJ5zFfsSQmsL92piV5ec/edit?usp=sharing
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://www.tumblr.com/starfallpod.
Sounds by Soundsnap.
Episode Notes
Your old friend Fennel tells you about his unusual encounter in the rundown town of Dungemmy.
Ray O'Hare as Food Cart Proprietor
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Content Warnings:
Transcript available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nvTw4wvwC9Ty85IA8wbCJGtb5fjAZ35Ee6gURtCIpoc/edit?usp=sharing
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://www.tumblr.com/starfallpod.
Sounds by Soundsnap.
Episode Notes
Ozzie goes through orientation with the troupe.
Paige Alena as Ozzie
Tal MInear as Kio
Cam Clark as Velette
Antoine Martinez-Jones as Viniccio
Sean Siegler as Macalus
Ally Amador as Centhy
Sawyer Greene as Vair
Brandon Nguyen as Hosse
Margaret Ashley as the Narrator
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Content Warnings:
Transcript available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qjmtoaeIwpi5Xqm8Vpi3pcKPKtLTkZT4-cyJ5KRSbho/edit?usp=sharing
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://www.tumblr.com/starfallpod.
Sounds by Soundsnap.
Episode Notes
Troupe security investigates an important missing asset.
Ishani Kanetkar as Leona
Sam B. Nguyen as Fel
Paige Alena as Ozzie
Ki Garland as Fleece
Brandon Nguyen as Hosse
Shade Oyemakinwa as Koua
Liz Morey as Dots
Chaia Alyss Weissglass as Brinny
Kiera Walmisley as Keeper
Jenna Rose as Brinda
Jared Raman as Finn
Jingle Deleon as Len
Beck as Bax
Sam “Rogue” Van Essendelft as Gilly
Margaret Ashley as the Narrator
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Content Warnings:
FireChoking from smoke inhalationDiscussions of disease and mass death by diseaseDiscussions of child abuseDiscussions of death in a burning buildingInjuries caused by broken glassTranscript available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QQbhiNXD_Pcih7NTQWHwzI3euwwoze2DvbW0pTRVluU/edit?usp=sharing
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://www.tumblr.com/starfallpod.
Sounds by Soundsnap.
Additional music from Chris Martyn and Geoff Harvey at Purple Planet Music.
Episode Notes
Your old friend Fennel recounts the ups and downs of fine dining in a fishy state.
Ray O'Hare as Food Cart Propietor
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Content Warnings:
Transcript available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A1xGJwnlbJKTT6i-o7ZBM4lzndQBM17dXgrNdp3l_Ns/edit?usp=sharing
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://www.tumblr.com/starfallpod.
Sounds by Soundsnap.
Episode Notes
The troupe gives a special performance of Candyette the Fourth.
Ishani Kanetkar as Leona
Sam B. Nguyen as Fel
Cole Burkhardt as Dalyn
Paige Alena as Ozzie
Shade Oyemakinwa as Koua
Brandon Nguyen as Hosse
Juniper White as Mint
Ally Amador as Centhy
A.C. Letim as Ravey
Zaire Brown as Hayver
Chaia Alyss Weissglass as Brinny
Kiera Walmisley as Keeper
Jenna Rose as Brinda
Ki Garland as Fleece
Jingle Deleon as Len
Beck Andrews as Bax
Sam Van Essendelft as Gilly
Jared Raman as Finn
Skye Redden as Kid 1 & Audience 1
Danny Spiller as Kid 2 & Audience 2
Ty Wilkins as Kid 3 & Audience 3
Margaret Ashley as the Narrator
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Content Warnings:
FireNightmaresChewing SoundsTranscript available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BUDoUaXIAlLo3WPb_pYZTN-jEmwOLO6HmAfja_Tzf18/edit?usp=sharing
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://www.tumblr.com/starfallpod.
Sounds by Soundsnap.
Additional music from Chris Martyn and Geoff Harvey at Purple Planet Music.
This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Episode Notes
Leona recounts the events of her first cast party.
Ishani Kanetkar as Leona
Sam B. Nguyen as Fel
Cole Burkhardt as Dalyn
Malcolm Jay as Aksol
Maxime Hendrikse Liu as Elsibel
Lindsay Zana as Rhea
D.J. Sylvis as Glenn
Juniper White as Mint
Rook Mogavero as Thyme
A.C. Letim as Ravey
Shade Oyemakinwa as Koua
Cass McPhee as Basil
Grayson Teals as Aster
Swann Grey as Ginger
Liz Morey as Dots
Toby Harvey as Colden
Algie Todd as Lumen
Sean Siegler as Macalus
Cam Clark as Velette
Tal Minear as Kio
Elissa Park as Jyrsa
Sawyer Greene as Vair
Ally Amador as Centhy
Brandon Nguyen as Hosse
Emma Laslett as Raybar
Ashley Margaret as the Narrator
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Content Warnings:
AlcoholDiscussions of alcoholism and drinking cultureSloppy makeoutsTranscript available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q_10cVQkfR0mmSN728zw1OnUTxmpA0weDD3VnuYQDdw/edit?usp=sharing
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://www.tumblr.com/starfallpod.
Sounds by Soundsnap.
Additional music from Chris Martyn and Geoff Harvey at Purple Planet Music.
Episode Notes
It's the last week for Starfall crowdfunding! Please accept these shameless cast & crew goofs and check out our campaign before March 3rd: https://crowdfundr.com/starfall2?ref=ab_cDApEe
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Transcript available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XvUECHV8Nbwmu-rn17fQuA0q1WUenVU9m30xHf3bF-g/edit?usp=sharing
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://www.tumblr.com/starfallpod.
Sounds by Soundsnap.
Episode Notes
Everything has to start somewhere - unless it's been going on forever. Maybe both.
Toby Harvey as Colden
Liz Morey as Dots
Danny Spiller as Stablemaster
Ty Wilkins as Lord Stoggren
Skye Redden as Estelle
Emma Laslettt as Raybar
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our director is Evan Tess Murray
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Support the Starfall Season Two Crowdfunding! 2/2/24 - 3/2/24
Content Warnings:
Romantic rejection
Transcript available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Pox5yviLXXcYI0ZwVgLo-IJeZbgycfdE0rIwIf4bDno/edit?usp=sharing
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://www.tumblr.com/starfallpod.
Sounds by Soundsnap.
Additional music from Chris Martyn and Geoff Harvey at Purple Planet.
Episode Notes
It's been far too long, old friend.
Ray O'Hare as Food Cart Proprietor
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our director is Evan Tess Murray
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Support the Starfall Season Two Crowdfunding! 2/2/24 - 3/2/24
Content Warnings:
Transcript available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NInTHTGhhUClulTrXPdRcO0PR1AXo4khJL63ruy-kY0/edit?usp=sharing
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://www.tumblr.com/starfallpod.
Sounds by Soundsnap.
Episode Notes
Welcome to the fourth and final Q&A session with some of our wonderful cast & crew!
Maxime Hendrikse Liu, voice of Elsibel
Sean Siegler, voice of Macalus
Emma Laslett, voice of Raybar
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Transcript: COMING SOON
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod or https://www.patreon.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://twitter.com/starfallpodcast.
Episode Notes
Welcome to the third Q&A session with some of our fantastic cast and crew!
Brandon Nguyen, voice of Hosse
Cam Clark, voice of Velette
Ally Amador, voice of Centhy
Emily C.A. Snyder, voice of Hestren
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Transcript: COMING SOON
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod or https://www.patreon.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://twitter.com/starfallpodcast.
Episode Notes
Welcome to the second Q&A session with some of our stupendous cast and crew!
Malcolm Jay, voice of Aksol
Elissa Park, voice of Jyrsa
Algie Todd, voice of Lumen
Greg Vinciguerra, voice of Shid
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Transcript: COMING SOON
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod or https://www.patreon.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://twitter.com/starfallpodcast.
Episode Notes
Welcome to the first anniversary of Starfall, and our first Q&A session with some of our lovely cast and crew!
Ishani Kanetkar, voice of Leona
Cole Burkhardt, voice of Dalyn
Zaire Brown, voice of Hayver
Sophie Borjón, voice of Grin
Toby Harvey, voice of Colden
Derrick Davis, voice theater ghost & crabs
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Transcript: COMING SOON
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod or https://www.patreon.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://twitter.com/starfallpodcast.
Episode Notes
Edrienne Raybar of the Carouvel Traveling Acting Troupe has dealt with some tough customers in her decades as its manager, but perhaps none quite so confounding as this. Will these two shows ever reach an agreement?
To find out how Leona fared on the alien world of "Earth," check out Where the Stars Fell's version of the episode on their feed!
Emma Laslett as Raybar
Sahar Iman as Sufi Shirvan
Sam B. Nguyen as Fel
Cole Burkhardt as Dalyn
Malcolm Jay as Aksol
Newton Schottelkotte as Dr. Edison Tucker
Our music is composed by Trace Callahan.
Our cover art is by Orion Ibert.
Content Warnings:
Sudden loud noisesSword woundsTranscript available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yKmZRcFLhrleOCfBoyI_9fysscbjgmp9NaHCn1Jr3w4/edit?usp=sharing
To help support the series, donate at https://ko-fi.com/starfallpod or https://www.patreon.com/starfallpod.
For more information, visit us at https://starfallpodcast.com or https://twitter.com/starfallpodcast.
Sounds by Soundsnap.
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