Welcome to a new year of Sustainability Bites! In the light of the 30 years anniversary of parent company Schuttelaar & Partners, we are starting the year with a special on the Young Professionals Network (YPN). Hosts Jack and Felix explain what YPN stands for and give you an insight on their backgrounds. This episode is part of a mini-series on the YPN.
Find out more about YPN here: https://www.linkedin.com/company/young-professionals-network-ypn
Find out more about Schuttelaar & Partners here: https://www.schuttelaar-partners.com/
Follow us on LinkedIn for more 30 years anniversary content: https://www.linkedin.com/company/schuttelaar-&-partners https://www.linkedin.com/company/schuttelaar-partners-international
This week, Jack is joined by Chris Bruntlett, International Relations Manager at the Dutch Cycling Embassy, for an in-depth conversation to unpack just what makes the Netherlands a global leader in cycling and urban infrastructure. They explore the evolution of Dutch cycling culture, its worldwide influence, and the concept of "bycitecture" - aka cycling and architecture. Chris delves into inclusivity in cycling, the importance of behavioural shifts, and how these changes can shape our cities for the better. Despite shifting political landscapes, active transport is here to stay. Tune in for all this and much more.
Chris Bruntlett on LinkedIn
Chris & Melissa Bruntlett on Twitter
Dutch Cycling Embassy Website -
Episodes manquant?
In this episode, Jack sits down with Erik Ruiz from Healthcare Without Harm to talk to about the growing threat of antibiotic resistance and pharmaceutical pollution. With the significant breakthroughs in biomedicine in the past century also comes significant challenges, including the waste generated by the health and pharma industries which is further exacerbating the rise of antibiotic resistance. Join us as we discuss the growing threat and what this means for the future of global healthcare.
In this episode, Jack sits down with Oskar Bonte from Vlaamse Jeugdraad (the Flemish Youth Council) to discuss the priorities of young people, the routes of action, and what's coming next. Covering climate change, active transport like cycling, and mental health, Oskar sheds a light on how youth politics works in Belgium, the influence on politics nationally, and the need for international solidarity and action. With the voting age lowered to 16, young people's voices are stronger than ever and can be used to leverage for change.
You can find Oskar on LinkedIn here
You can find Vlaamse Jeugdraad's website here -
This episode is part of a series on the Belgian Presidency of the EU. In this episode of Sustainability Bites, we talk with GMO-expert Mathias de Mesmaeker from the Presidency about the ongoing discussions on new genomic techniques, also known as NGTs. Next to this, we discussed also about the importance of involving and cooperating with stakeholders in the creation of new legislation.
Learn more about the Belgian Presidency here: https://belgian-presidency.consilium.europa.eu/
You can find our website here: https://www.schuttelaar-partners.com/
This episode was recorded on 24 April 2024. -
In this episode of the podcast, we sit down with Flaminia Marchetti from ISCA (International Sport and Culture Association) to discuss queerness and queer people in sport. With discrimination still a significant reason why many people don't participate in sport, Flaminia walks us through what she thinks could bring about a positive change outside of and inside the political machinery of the EU. From strong role models to leading policies, there's many routes we should take to make Europe a better place play sport in and to live in. Sport is just one aspect of our lives, but changing the culture there can and will change culture across our communities.
You can find Flaminia on LinkedIn here
Organisations: ISCA, ReportOUT, ILGA, ELGSF, ENGSO, Fundamental Rights Agency, EUSA
Projects: Eurogames campaign, OUTSPORT Project, ENGSO Project
Podcasts: Voix Queer, LGBTQ Sports Podcast
Book: Sport, Identity and Inclusion in Europe: the experiences of LGBTQ People in Sport -
Health is a key part of our life and accordingly, healthcare is a key component of our society.
Our healthcare systems in the West are suffering: healthcare staff burns out or quits before they can, public health in general is no longer making significant improvements, chronic diseases are on the rise, and our governments agree that we won’t be able to finance our healthcare system as is for much longer.
Sustainability is on everyone’s lips but has not yet been a very big topic in healthcare. What is good for the patients, the industry, the planet ?
Jason Pettiaux sits down with us this week to dive into this and more, touching on the importance of urbanism, access, and policy.
You can find Jason on:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-pettiaux/
Notion: https://www.notion.so/Building-something-worthwhile-in-healthcare-0e070aeafc774f8c8ce01c0593ab8fc1?pvs=4
Cal Meeting: www.cal.com/jason-pettiaux/coffeechatResources:
Climate Town on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@ClimateTown
The Transit Guy on X - https://twitter.com/the_transit_guy -
This episode is part of a series on the Belgian Presidency of the EU. In this episode of Sustainability Bites, we discuss the priorities of the Presidency surrounding plant-based and novelty foods with Karolien Byttebier from Bond Beter Leefmilieu, an expert in food and nutrition. How can we put plant-based foods higher on the EU agenda?
Check out Bond Beter Leefmilieu's projects here: https://www.bondbeterleefmilieu.be/
This episode was recorded on 14 March 2024. -
Deze aflevering maakt onderdeel uit van een serie afleveringen over het Belgisch voorzitterschap van de Raad van de Europese Unie. In deze aflevering praten we over innovatie in de landbouwsector met Jurgen Vangeyte, Wetenschappelijk Directeur Agrotechniek bij ILVO en een expert in landbouwinnovatie. Hoe zorg je ervoor dat agrarische technologische innovatie gestimuleerd wordt, maar ook toegankelijk blijft voor de gemiddelde boer?
This episode is part of a series on the Belgian Presidency of the EU. In this episode of Sustainability Bites, we discuss the environment and agriculture with Bénédicte Heinrichs of the SPW (Government of Wallonia).
More and more attention is being brought to intersectionality, but what are words worth without the concrete actions that follow. How, where, and why we should start caring and more are discussed in this episode!
This episode is part of a series on the Belgian Presidency of the EU. In this episode of Sustainability Bites, we discuss the priorities of the Presidency surrounding food sustainability with Tessa Avermaete from KU Leuven and SFERE, who is known for her research in sustainable food systems and diets. How can we achieve more ecological production and make more sustainable and healthier food choices?
Happy holidays! This is a time of joy and cheers, and often cheers comes with a clink of glasses. In this episode, Jack Templeton and Margaux Plurien bring together our health and Agrifood team to discuss the EU Beating Cancer Plan, Irish warning labelling and the impact of alcoholic beverages on overall health.
Onderzoek toont aan dat vleesvervangers vaak gezonder zijn dan echt vlees, een bemoedigend feit voor productontwikkelaars. Tegelijkertijd wordt het argument aangevoerd dat deze vervangers de vleeseetgewoonte in stand houden, vergelijkbaar met hoe vapen het roken in stand houdt. Desondanks pleit Ad voor een pragmatische 'én én' benadering voor het verduurzamen van het voedingssysteem, waarbij zowel technologen als culinaire experts worden aangemoedigd om door te gaan met het ontwikkelen van betere en minder bewerkte plantaardige opties.
Dat het voedselsysteem tegen zijn grenzen aanloopt en dus zal moeten veranderen, kan iedereen wel zien. Die veranderingen gaan vaak over een stapje terug doen, zoals minder vlees, minder verpakking. Suzanne ziet al veel goede voorbeelden van bedrijven die die stap al, maar die krijgen niet altijd de aandacht die ze verdienen. Zonde, want wat je aandacht geeft, groeit vanzelf.
On the 21st of April 2021, the EU Commission announced the adoption of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in line with the commitment made under the European Green Deal. The CSRD will amend the existing Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and will substantially increase reporting requirements on the companies falling within its scope in its efforts to expand the sustainability information for users. The CSRD applies to more than 50,000 companies, both based in the EU and outside.
In this episode, our colleague Eleonora Roding shares her advice and insights for companies to get "CSRD ready". -
In the past decade, the popularity of vegan and vegetarian diets has skyrocketed. In this interview, we invite Isabel Boerdam, a pioneer in the Netherlands. Best known for her blog "The Trendy Vegetarian", she has successfully launched and sustained a national campaign funded by a wide range of food producers and retailers: "Week Zonder Vlees". Strong of its success, the campaign has received EU funding under the Green Deal to run in 6 other EU countries. The first stop on the list is Belgium, where the Semaine Sans Viande will take place from the 23rd to the 29th of October 2023.
https://semainesansviande.be -
On July 1, 2023, Spain takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It will do so for a six-month period, until December 31, 2023. In this episode, our Public Affairs expert Arturo Esclarin Ortiz provides us with a concise review of the Spanish Presidency priorities, the impact of the national elections and the future European parliamentary elections.
The Green Claims Directive was published on 22 March by the European Commission. It aims at combatting “greenwashing” and enabling consumers to contribute to accelerating the green transition by making informed purchasing decisions based on credible environmental claims and labels.
In a nutshell, it will impose stricter requirements for companies to back up the claims and environmental labelling they voluntarily provide, such as being "Carbon neutral" or "Environmentally friendly".
In this episode, host Margaux Plurien interviews Marius Rodder, Senior Consultant specialising in corporate sustainability at Corsus, to discuss the EU and German perspectives. -
Did you know that more diverse teams are more profitable and have overall better performance? As we celebrate Pride Month, our colleague Jack Templeton shares with us insights on the impact of a good Diversity, Equality and Inclusion strategy along with actionable recommendations to implement more inclusive communication.
Climate change impacts more women and minorities - by striving to become a more inclusive communicator, you too can support a more sustainable world! - Montre plus