Talking about the challenges of street children
A look at the essence of social media and the right approach towards it's related tools.
Episodes manquant?
Addressing the one sided thoughts guiding the phrase "Birds of the same feathers flock together" .
I go do am later, I go do am later...na im make fowl no fly like other birds. A simple reflection on the fears and excuses holding a lot of people back from actualizing their ideas.
Addressing struggles men face in the world at large and dealing with their plights
Addressing the issues of favoritism and its negative effects on our society
A brief introduction to the artist behind this Amazing content, his ideas, his art and basically reflections of his experiences so far.
With the current issue of racism ongoing, I feel the black community need to understand their worth and so this episode serves to educate them on their value and importance, that way their voices are heard and not silenced completely