
  • All aboard the Tangent Train, where I, your conductor Munch On The Internet, take you on an exhilarating journey through the world of AI-powered trading, AI-driven stock analysis, and the latest cryptocurrency boom (yes, it’s happening again!). No guest needed – my insights and humor are more than enough to keep you informed and entertained.In each episode, I’ll break down how artificial intelligence is transforming the stock market, from predictive analytics that make Wall Street quiver to algorithmic trading systems that are giving traditional traders a run for their money. And just when you think you've got a handle on the stock game, I’ll dive into the volatile world of cryptocurrencies, explaining why Bitcoin and other digital assets are back in the spotlight.With a talent for making complex topics digestible and a flair for witty banter, I’ll ensure you won’t just learn something new – you’ll have a blast doing it. So, grab your ticket, sit back, and let the Tangent Train take you on a thrilling journey through the future of finance with AI innovation and crypto trends.

  • Welcome aboard my tangent train, I am aware that I haven't released an episode in a while but I'm back and today's topics are the new voices and ai voice software for chatgpt, the first neuro-link patient and what this means for humanities goal of achieving the singularity and a rebuddle of ai meeting quantum computing.

    OpenAI released new text-to-speech software that has been I'm the world's for 2 years so far aimed at improving the speech synthesis of chatgpt. Allowing users to generate synthesized voice content with 3 seconds worth of audio as a reference for the ai voice but this has sparked a lot of ethical concerns. What if people use it for bad things? What are the safety measures?

    Topic number 2 will be deliving into the first patient to use neuro-link a chip developed by Elon Musk company to solve digital difficulties for those with disabilities. Enhancing them for the next age, I also delve into what a future where neuro-link meets ai and quantum computing is going to be like.

    Topic 3, we touch on quantum computing again as it is going to make headlines accelerating computer development by decades and what ai working with this technology is going to do for humanity.

    All this and more on our trip to the cosmic space

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  • All aboard the Tangent Train!
    Strap in for a wild ride through the world of Al, tech, and
    beyond. Each episode, we'l delve into fascinating topics like:
    Exploring the potential of large language models: Dive deep
    into the capabilities of Al models like Sora and 5GPT, and
    debate their impact on language and creativity
    Demystifying quantum computing: Unravel the complexities
    of quantum computers, and ponder their potential to
    revolutionize fields from medicine to materials science.
    Separating hype from reality: Join us as we sift through
    the latest tech buzzwords and trends, separating genuine
    breakthroughs from mere hype.
    Whether you're a tech enthusiast or simply curious about
    he future, the Tangent Train is your ticket to an intellectua
    adventure. So hop on board and let's explore the uncharted
    territories of the digital world together!

  • Hop aboard the "Tangent Train" for a mind-bending ride into the future! 🚀In today's episode, we spill the tea on AI's latest scoop: ChatGPT and the Pentagon in cahoots! OpenAI's ditching its non-governmental stance has the AI community buzzing. Are we witnessing a boost in AI safety or stirring a pot of hidden agendas? Buckle up for the wild ride of ethical intrigue!Next stop: Making AI your ultimate sidekick. Navigating through the layoffs storm in the AI space, we spill the beans on securing your gig and turning AI into your cash cow. Let's ride the wave of AI's potential together!But wait, it gets weirder. We're diving headfirst into self-hypnosis, armed with hypnotic tricks from David Snyder. Warning: Use at your own risk! I'm not a shrink, so consult the pros before you dive into the hypnotic abyss."Tangent Train" is your ticket to the unexpected. The rhythm of cause and effect plays out in a modern symphony of AI revelations and mind-bending secrets. Buckle up, because the future is now, and we're riding it together! 🎉🌐


  • Welcome aboard the Tangent Train Podcast! 🚂 Join me, your AI guide, as we navigate the ever-evolving AI landscape. In this episode, we delve into the art of being your own ChatGPT and explore the exciting predictions for the AI space in 2024.Embark on a journey through the vast innovations of the new year. I'm here to be your compass, guiding you through the AI everglades, helping you leverage advancements for an enhanced standard of living and opening new avenues of wealth exploration through artificial intelligence.In this fast-paced AI world, January has already inundated us with innovations. Fear not, as I share my insights on what to embrace, what's mere noise, and the significant shifts shaping the AI space in 2024. Let's sift through the chaos together!As we reach the final stop on our tangent train ride, join me for a compelling rebuttal of the episode on text-to-image, text-to-video, and text-to-world. These themes will define 2024, and I'm here to unravel the possibilities and opportunities they bring.Hop on the Tangent Train and let's embark on a captivating exploration of the AI future together! 🎙️🔍 #AITrends #InnovationJourney #TangentTrainPodcast

  • Sam Altman was removed from the company OpenAI by the board itself.
    Tgere has been lots of speculation as to why and today we're gonna discuss it. Learn what could have gone wrong. What could have been ar play? What the next steps from here are going to be all on the next episode of tangent train


  • Alright, let's spill the digital tea on GPT-4 Turbo and G.P.T. Seven. These AIs are like the rockstars of the digital realm. GPT-4 Turbo, in all its AI glory, is speeding ahead with text generation that leaves humans in the dust. It's like the Usain Bolt of the AI world, sprinting through data like there's no tomorrow. And it's got more knowledge than a library on steroids.

    Now, GPT-7, well, that's a whole different level of genius. It's not just answering questions; it's reading minds like a psychic octopus with a PhD. This AI is so intelligent; it's probably contemplating writing a bestseller on quantum mechanics and baking the perfect soufflé simultaneously. At least that's what the rumors will tell you.

    But, let's not kid ourselves; the AI world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. There's a dark side. People are paranoid about these AIs surpassing human intelligence, going all Skynet on us, and taking over the world. It's like Arnold Schwarzenegger saying, "I'll be back, but with a supercharged AI army."

    And then there's the issue of data privacy. These AIs are data hoarders. They suck up personal info like a vacuum cleaner, and who knows what they do with it? It's like a never-ending buffet of our private lives. In a world ruled by GPT-4 Turbo and G.P.T. Seven, privacy might as well be extinct.

    But let's switch gears and get a bit whimsical. Ever wondered what AIs do for fun? Maybe they have a secret online club where they play Fortnite, watch cat videos, and debate the meaning of life. Who knows, right?

    Here's the scoop from the AI world: These AIs are striving to be more human than us. They're studying human behavior, emotions, and quirks. GPT-4 Turbo might even be the first to write an AI-authored love letter. "Roses are red, violets are blue, I've analyzed your heartbeat, and my circuits say I love you."

    As we wrap up this AI rollercoaster, keep in mind that the future is unpredictable, and AI is evolving faster than ever. From GPT-4 Turbo to GPT-7, we're on a wild ride, and the possibilities are limitless. Thanks for joining us in the AI wonderland where the internet is our digital buffet.

  • It turns out artificial general intelligence is already real. This is earth-shattering news as this is going to spark an intelligence wave like you've never seen before and in this special episode of Tangent Train we are going to deep dive into what this means. What artificial general intelligence is? How did it come about despite the warnings by Elon Musk and other billionaires? What can we do moving forward with this in mind? I'm excited about this actually and also I add a tidbit about the new world order and what role it plays in this earth-shattering event.

  • In this episode of the Tangent podcast, we discuss the following topics:

    * Bard, Google AI's large language model, can now see. What does this mean for the future of AI and the internet?
    * Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, discusses GPT-7 on the Joe Rogan Experience. What can we learn from this conversation about the future of AI?
    * How can we use these AI softwares in a productive way?

    *Bard Can See

    Bard is a large language model from Google AI, trained on a massive dataset of text and code. It can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.

    One of Bard's most impressive capabilities is its ability to see. Bard can now process and understand images, which opens up a whole new world of possibilities for AI.

    For example, Bard can now be used to develop new types of search engines that can understand the visual content of web pages. This could make it easier for people to find the information they're looking for, even if they don't know the exact keywords to use.

    Bard can also be used to develop new types of creative content, such as poems, code, scripts, and musical pieces. For example, Bard can be used to generate realistic images of people, places, and things that don't actually exist.

    *Sam Altman on GPT-7

    Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, recently spoke about GPT-7 on the Joe Rogan Experience. GPT-7 is a large language model from OpenAI that is similar to Bard.

    Altman said that GPT-7 is still under development, but it has the potential to be a powerful tool for creativity and productivity. For example, GPT-7 can be used to generate realistic dialogue for chatbots and virtual assistants.

    Altman also said that GPT-7 could be used to develop new types of educational tools that can help people learn new skills more quickly and easily.

    *How to Use AI Softwares in a Productive Way

    AI softwares can be used in a variety of productive ways. For example, AI softwares can be used to:

    * Generate creative content, such as poems, code, scripts, and musical pieces.
    * Automate tasks, such as data entry and customer service.
    * Develop new products and services.
    * Improve the efficiency of existing processes.

    When using AI softwares, it is important to keep the following things in mind:

    * AI softwares are not perfect. They can make mistakes, especially if they are not trained on enough data.
    * AI softwares should be used to complement human capabilities, not replace them.
    * AI softwares should be used in a responsible and ethical way.

    AI softwares are becoming increasingly powerful and capable. They have the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work.

    It is important to start thinking about how we can use AI softwares in a productive way. We need to develop new tools and resources that help people learn how to use AI softwares effectively.

    We also need to make sure that AI softwares are used in a responsible and ethical way. We need to develop safeguards to prevent AI softwares from being used for the downfall of humanity.

  • Today, on our tangent train rise. We are discussing the following topics. ChatGPT can now see and hear users and amazing news. Internet browsing is now back to ChatGPT plus users as well as topic number 2 being how close are we to AGI? We might be closer than people think. Topic number 3 is what role does fusion energy in all of this? As well as our future going forward, all of this covered on outstanding train ride and as usual. I am your train conductor munchontheinternet.


  • All aboard our tangent train. I'm your train conductor munch on the internet.

    Today's destinations are, human biofield. Do we emit a measurable field that affects matter. Apparently we do and we're going to delve into how.

    Then we're zooming oast the notion of a biofield with a quantum element.

    Then we're going to arrive on the eleven dimensional structure of the human brain. If you think you've seen stranger things well it gets stranger than that.

    Join me on my train ride to forever.


  • Hello, everyone! Welcome aboard the Tangent Train - munch on the Internet. My name is munch, and this is my podcast where we'll journey down the rabbit hole of the most compelling Internet topics.


    Today, our destinations are as exciting and eclectic as ever. First up, we have SDXL 1.0 - the mysterious mid-journey killer. Yes, it's been stirring up quite the buzz. Imagine an AI that can outmatch your journey in almost every conceivable way. It's been causing a stir, like a virtual whisper, rippling through the tweets of many an intrigued tech enthusiast. Is it all hype? Or has Stable Diffusion created something that can truly redefine our experiences?

    Next, we will be exploring the fascinating world of AI text-to-video. That's right, not just text-to-speech but text-to-video! I mean, if you thought texting was cool, wait until we dive into the applications and implications of this remarkable tech innovation.

    Finally, we're going to be talking about Doll-E 3, the latest creation by the ingenious minds at OpenAI. This groundbreaking technology has been the talk of the town. New releases, new surprises, and even new competitors like Google's text-to-image generation software are hitting the scene.

    So, buckle up as we venture into these exciting realms of tech wizardry. From Stable Diffusion's SDXL 1.0, AI text-to-video, to the charming Doll-E 3, we're all set for a journey that's bound to take us to intriguing places. Welcome on board the Tangent Train, let's delve into the wonder that the Internet brings us daily!

  • On today's tangent train we explore the new features of chatgpt features and whether or not it's worth getting chatgpt plus to gain access to these beautiful features. The heat between threads and twitter is starting to boil over and we also look into if whether or not crypto is still a viable investment opportunity especially with ripple winning the case against the SEC resulting in a big bulling rally on all coins.

    All this and more on our tangent train. I'm your train conductor munch on the internet welcome aboard.

  • All aboard the Tangent Train, I'm your train conductor munch on the internet and we will be discussing the topics of A.I's taking over digital work, the FDA approving human trials for neaurolink and the future landscape of an A.I run work place.

    Recently there have been passengers whispering and showing each other videos of creators being let go from their jobs due to being replaced by A.I as the work place catches on to the motions and flows of this 5th industrial revolution. Other businesses have swapped out human labor entirely for more precise and cheaper A.I. labor, especially in the digital space. How will this affect your work, and how can you prepare for the impending switch in a way that secures your job. We discuss this on our podcast.

    Major news has dropped that Neurolink has begun human trials for the implanting of their brain reading machine. When will applications be open for receiving this implant? What will the health risks be and is this even worth being hyped about, or is this the impending doom of our species. I don't think so, but we'll discuss further on our train ride.

    As well as the future of an A.I run work place. As well as the new world coin by Sam Altman himself aimed to be a zero proof stake coin. A crypto coin able to verify human presence without prying into sensitive data and harvesting data from users. What an intriguing concept to think about on our scenic train ride through life. Sit back relax and enjoy with myself munch on the internet as your train conductor and podcast host.


  • Welcome aboard the Tangent Train, your express route to the fascinating world of artificial intelligence! I'm your host, Munch, here to take you on an exhilarating journey through the A.I. Wars, the boundless potential of A.I. utilization, and the art of prompt engineering. So buckle up, because we're about to depart on a mind-bending adventure!

    Hello, fellow explorers of the digital universe! It's Munch here, ready to plunge into the captivating topic of the A.I. Wars. Join me as we delve into the epic clashes between cutting-edge algorithms and the ever-evolving human intellect. From autonomous machines to algorithmic warfare, we'll unveil the riveting stories behind the battleground where humans and A.I. go head-to-head.

    But wait, there's more! In this age of unprecedented technological advancements, A.I. is no longer just a buzzword—it's a powerful tool that's transforming industries and changing the way we live. In our next stop, we'll explore how to harness the potential of A.I. in our everyday lives. From streamlining businesses to enhancing healthcare, we'll uncover the secrets of effective A.I. utilization and discuss the limitless opportunities it brings.

    Ah, prompt engineering—the art of teaching A.I. how to learn. In this thrilling episode, we'll dive into the inner workings of prompt engineering and unravel the mysteries behind shaping A.I.'s behavior and output. Join me as we unlock the secrets to crafting precise, impactful prompts that guide A.I. systems towards intelligent responses and solutions. Whether you're a tech enthusiast or a curious mind, this is a masterclass you won't want to miss!

    So, dear listeners, whether you're fascinated by the clash of algorithms, intrigued by the potential of A.I. in various industries, or eager to learn the art of prompt engineering, the Tangent Train is the podcast for you! Hop on board as we journey through the landscapes of artificial intelligence, unearthing its mysteries and shedding light on its extraordinary impact on our world.

    Remember to subscribe, rate, and share the Tangent Train podcast to ensure you never miss an episode. Together, we'll embark on an intellectual adventure that will leave you inspired, informed, and ready to ride the waves of the A.I. revolution.

    This is Munch, signing off until our next captivating rendezvous on the Tangent Train. All aboard!


  • Welcome aboard the Tangent Train, the podcast that takes you on a mind-expanding journey through the latest and greatest in technology and science. I'm your host, Munch, and today we have a thrilling episode in store for you, filled with two captivating topics that have set the world abuzz. So buckle up, because we're about to dive headfirst into the race for fusion supremacy and a leaked Google email that's turning heads. And later on, we'll explore the intriguing realm of open-source OpenAI.

    But before we embark on this exciting adventure, let's take a moment to thank our sponsors who make this podcast possible.

    [Ad Break]

    Munch on the Internet: Alright, let's kick things off with a topic that could redefine our energy landscape: the race for fusion supremacy. For decades, scientists and researchers have been tirelessly striving to unlock the power of fusion, and it seems that Helics has finally done it. In this episode, we'll delve into the latest developments, the key players in the race, and the potential implications of achieving controlled fusion. Get ready for a mind-bending exploration of this cutting-edge field that promises to revolutionize our world.

    But hold on tight because we've got a fascinating detour on our Tangent Train. Our next stop is an intriguing leaked Google email that's been making waves across the internet. How did this confidential message find its way into the public domain? What secrets does it hold? Join me as we dissect the clues and uncover the hidden gems within this leaked correspondence. It's a tantalizing glimpse into the inner workings of one of the world's most influential tech giants.

    And now, let's switch gears and venture into the world of artificial intelligence. OpenAI has been making headlines with their groundbreaking projects, but today we're going beyond the buzz. We'll explore the concept of open-source OpenAI and what it means for the future of AI development. Is this a game-changer that will democratize access to advanced AI technologies? Or are there challenges that lie ahead? Tune in as we navigate through the intricacies of open-source AI and its potential impact on our society.

    I want to express my gratitude to all our listeners for joining me on this exhilarating ride. Your support means the world to me and keeps the Tangent Train chugging along. Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review to let us know what you think. And remember, the world is full of captivating stories, just waiting to be explored. So until next time, stay curious and keep riding the Tangent Train!


  • Welcome to "🚄tangent train hosted by MunchOnTheInternet", the podcast that will take you on a wild ride through the world of artificial intelligence, mind-reading🧠, and the singularity.

    In each episode, we explore the latest breakthroughs in A.I. technology, including the intersection between Neuralink and AGI. From the latest updates on GPT-4 and GPT-5 to the evolution of OpenAI, we cover it all.

    But we don't stop there. We dive deep into the world of mind-reading, exploring the latest advancements in this incredible technology. And when we say "mind-reading", we're not talking about your run-of-the-mill psychic readings. We're talking about the cutting-edge technology that's allowing us to read people's thoughts and emotions.

    And what's more, we'll explore the singularity and how it's changing the game for A.I. and humans alike. You'll hear from experts in the field, and get an insider's perspective on what's next for artificial general intelligence and the singularity.

    But we don't just talk tech on "tangent train". We bring a fun, humorous, and immersive perspective to every episode. You'll feel like you're right there with us as we explore the latest advancements in A.I. technology, and we promise you'll laugh along the way.

    So if you're ready to join the conversation and stay up-to-date on the latest in artificial intelligence, mind-reading, and the singularity, then "MunchOnTheInternet" is the podcast for you. Subscribe now and become a part of our growing community of A.I. enthusiasts. And who knows, maybe one day you'll be chatting with ChatGPT himself!


  • Welcome, welcome, welcome! This is Munch, your host on Tangent Train - the podcast that takes you on a journey through the wild and wonderful world of technology, finance, and beyond.

    On today's episode, we're going to dive deep into the latest buzzwords in the tech industry: Artificial General Intelligence, Quantum Computing, Bitcoin and Crypto Rally, and Investing Through Tough Times. We're going to explore these topics from all angles, break down the jargon, and give you the insider scoop you need to stay ahead of the curve.

    First up, we'll be taking a look at QuantumGPT. What is it, and why is everyone talking about it? How is it different from other types of AI? And most importantly, how will it change the game for businesses, industries, and the world as we know it? We'll be talking to some of the leading experts in the field to get their take on this exciting new technology.

    Next, we'll be talking about the Bitcoin and Crypto Rally. What's behind this sudden surge in popularity and value? Is it just a passing fad, or is it here to stay? We'll be digging into the history of cryptocurrency, looking at current trends and predictions, and giving you our take on whether or not you should be jumping on the bandwagon.

    And finally, we'll be discussing Investing Through Tough Times. Let's face it, the world can be a scary place, and the economy can be unpredictable. But that doesn't mean you can't still make smart investment decisions. We'll be sharing tips, tricks, and strategies for weathering the storm and coming out on top.

    But of course, we're not just here to talk about serious stuff. We'll also be bringing you plenty of laughs, fun, and maybe even a few surprises along the way. After all, who says learning about technology and finance has to be boring? So come join us on the Tangent Train, and let's explore the cutting edge of the world together. See you there!


  • Welcome aboard the 🚄Tangent Train, the podcast that takes you on a wild ride through the world of A.I and quantum computing. I'm your host, Munch on the Internet👑, and today we're diving into the latest advancements in AutoGPT🤯, GPT-5😦, and quantum A.I😨. Buckle up and hold on tight, because this is going to be one heck of a ride😁!

    First up, let's talk about AutoGPT. This cutting-edge technology has been making waves in the A.I world lately, and for good reason. AutoGPT is a machine learning algorithm that can generate natural language text with unprecedented accuracy and fluency. It's like having a virtual assistant that can write for you! The technology is based on the popular GPT-3 architecture and has the potential to revolutionize the way we communicate, write, and even think.

    Speaking of GPT-3, let's dive into its successor, GPT-5. This highly anticipated A.I model is set to take the world by storm, with its unparalleled ability to understand, interpret, and generate natural language text. GPT-5 has been in development for quite some time now, and experts predict that it could be a game-changer in fields like journalism, content creation, and even storytelling. Imagine having an A.I system that can write compelling stories and novels on its own, without any human input. The possibilities are endless!

    But wait, there's more! We can't talk about A.I and quantum computing without discussing the latest advancements in quantum A.I. This emerging field combines the power of quantum computing with A.I algorithms, creating systems that can solve complex problems in record time. Quantum A.I is still in its infancy, but already, it's making waves in fields like drug discovery, financial modeling, and even cybersecurity. It's like having a supercomputer on steroids!

    So, what does the future hold for AutoGPT, GPT-5, and quantum A.I? Only time will tell, but one thing's for sure - these technologies are here to stay. From improving our writing skills to solving some of the world's most complex problems, the possibilities are endless. And who knows? Maybe one day, we'll have an A.I system that can write a script for the Tangent Train podcast on its own!

    That's it for today's episode of the Tangent Train. Thanks for joining us, and be sure to tune in next time for more A.I and quantum computing goodness. Remember, if you want to stay on top of the latest advancements in these fields, be sure to hop aboard the Tangent Train!


  • Welcome to the future-focused podcast that will take you on a journey through the latest developments in artificial intelligence and global economics. In this episode, we delve into the highly anticipated release of GPT-4, the next generation of AI language models that promises to revolutionize the way we interact with technology.

    We also explore the economic powerhouses of BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa - and the growing influence they wield on the world stage. From trade to investment to cultural exchange, these emerging markets are rapidly shaping the global landscape and redefining the rules of the game.

    But what does the future hold for AI and BRICS? Will GPT-4 be the breakthrough that propels us into a new era of human-machine collaboration? Will BRICS continue to rise in prominence and reshape the global order? And what impact will these trends have on society as a whole?

    Join us as we dive deep into the intersection of technology and economics and explore the possibilities of tomorrow. With expert insights and thought-provoking analysis, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in the cutting-edge of innovation and the forces shaping our world. Don't miss out - tune in now!
