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    In this episode of our temple reading class, we delve into the chapter titled "The National Election" from the powerful work The Fall of America by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Together, we explore his profound message that political leaders and systems cannot offer true salvation or change for Black people in America. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches that only through placing our complete faith in Allah (Master Fard Muhammad) can we find the practical and divine solutions to uplift our condition.

    Drawing parallels to Psalms 118:8-9, "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans...", we reflect on the limitations of the political system since the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and why our condition as a people has remained unchanged, if not worsened. Through the Messenger’s teachings, we learn how divine guidance is the only true path to salvation.

    Tune in to gain deeper insights into how the teachings of Elijah Muhammad offer a transformative outlook on elections, leadership, and spiritual liberation.

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    Join us for a powerful and enlightening episode of our Temple Reading Class, where we dive deep into the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, focusing on his prophetic insights from The Fall of America, Chapter 60. In this episode, titled "When You See All These Things," we explore the signs of the Last Days, drawing connections between the warnings found in the scriptures of Daniel, Matthew, and Revelation.

    We will discuss the moral and spiritual decay that characterizes the end times and the urgent need to draw closer to Allah. The Messenger's words remind us that as we witness these unprecedented events and strange actions in our world today, we must prepare ourselves for the coming judgment. This is a time for spiritual vigilance, community unity, and decisive action.

    Tune in as we reflect on the importance of rejecting the deceptions of the modern world and embracing the guidance of Allah, who has not and will never forsake us. We will also discuss the relevance of these teachings in our current lives and how we can apply them to build a world rooted in truth, justice, and righteousness.

    Don’t miss this vital discussion—it's a call to action for all who seek to be on the right side of history in these perilous times. Listen, reflect, and prepare as we journey together towards understanding and implementing the Messenger's divine guidance.

    Subscribe now and join the conversation as we unpack the spiritual truths that will guide us through the days ahead.

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    In this powerful and insightful episode of our Temple Reading Class Podcast, we delve into the profound teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad regarding the role and significance of the Black woman within the Nation of Islam and society at large. Join us as we explore the sacred responsibility of protecting, respecting, and elevating our women, who are the true pillars of our nation.

    We will discuss how Islam, as taught by the Messenger, not only uplifts our sisters but also empowers men to be the protectors and leaders they are meant to be. We reflect on the deep love and respect the Messenger had for his wife, Sister Clara Muhammad, and how their partnership exemplifies the divine mission of uplifting the Black woman.

    This episode challenges us all—brothers and sisters alike—to look in the mirror, accept responsibility for our current condition, and commit to making the necessary changes to strengthen our families, our communities, and our nation. We will explore the importance of unity between Black men and women and how this unity is essential for achieving the greatness that Allah, through Master Fard Muhammad, has intended for us.

    Tune in as we draw from the Messenger's teachings to inspire a renewed commitment to our duties, reminding us that the future of our Nation depends on the respect and elevation of our women. Let's come together, learn, and grow as we strive to place ourselves on top of civilization, where we rightfully belong.

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    Welcome to another enlightening episode of our Temple Reading Class podcast! In this episode, we delve into the profound chapter titled "Never Taught a True Knowledge of God" from the book Our Savior Has Arrived by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

    Join us as we explore the hidden truths that have been kept from us for centuries, truths that are crucial for our liberation and empowerment. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad reveals how the knowledge of self, God, and Islam has been deliberately concealed to keep us in a state of mental and spiritual bondage. This chapter emphasizes that understanding our true identity and heritage is the cornerstone of our freedom, justice, and equality.

    Through this discussion, we will uncover the importance of self-knowledge and the role of Islam, as taught by Elijah Muhammad, in our salvation. We will reflect on how this divine wisdom, given directly by Allah, empowers us to rise above our circumstances and build a strong, unified community.

    Whether you are a longtime follower or new to these teachings, this episode is designed to inspire and educate. Open your hearts and minds as we embark on this journey of discovery and enlightenment. Let us honor the legacy of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad by embracing the knowledge he imparted and working together to build a future rooted in truth and righteousness.

    Tune in, and let's grow this nation together. Discover how the knowledge of ourselves can transform our lives and our community.

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    Temple Reading Class on English Lesson C1

    Welcome to the Temple Reading Class, where we delve into the profound teachings of Supreme Wisdom, focusing today on English Lesson C1. This episode introduces us to our Saviour, W. F. Muhammad, and explores the deep significance of his teachings.

    In this session, we stress a crucial closing point: Even though the world’s scholars might not consider question number 10 a question, for us, it is because Allah made it so. This is a true lesson in not being deceived by what the world perceives as wrong. Remember, Allah makes all things new and is the best knower, as the Holy Qur'an opens with the affirmation, "I, Allah, am the best knower."

    Consider this: Allah’s word is bond. When He designates something as a question, even if it seems like a statement to others, it is indeed a question. This underscores the importance of not being swayed by worldly understanding but instead, trusting in the divine wisdom of Allah.

    A true follower is one who follows not only when in agreement but also when there is a lack of understanding. Even if you don't fully comprehend or agree with something, if it is right in the eyes of Allah, you follow until the revelation comes to you.

    In closing, let’s keep our hearts and minds open to the wisdom of Allah, trusting in His guidance and understanding that His teachings are always right and exact.

    Join us as we explore these profound lessons and strengthen our faith and understanding.

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    Welcome to this episode of our Temple Reading Class Podcast. Today, we delve into a crucial subject inspired by the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad from "Message to the Blackman": "We Must Teach Our Own."

    In this episode, we explore the necessity of establishing our own educational institutions and the importance of self-education within the Black community. Our discussion emphasizes how the current educational system fails to teach us the true knowledge of ourselves and the significance of our temples and meetings in providing the nourishment and foundation for our young Fruit of Islam.

    The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's mission was to lead by example, demonstrating that self-reliance and self-determination are achievable. We reflect on his guidance and the divine scriptures, which affirm that with Allah on our side, we can flourish and build a unified community under the banner of Islam.

    Join us as we call upon our listeners to take this work seriously and offer their assistance, hands, and minds to continue building on the legacy of the Messenger of Allah. Together, we can grow and build a nation where we live in peace, unity, and prosperity.

    Tune in for an inspiring and empowering discussion that reaffirms our commitment to self-education and the vision of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.


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    Welcome to another enlightening episode of Temple Reading Class, where we delve deep into the profound teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. In this episode, titled "Who is the Original Man?", we explore the truths laid out in the "Message to the Blackman" and uncover the origins and significance of the Blackman as the first human on Earth.

    Join us as we reflect on our great and glorious heritage, tracing our lineage back to the original man who created the earth, sun, moon, and stars. We discuss the historical and spiritual implications of being the original people and the immense responsibility that comes with this status.

    We'll also express our gratitude to Allah, Master Fard Muhammad, for His sacrifice and journey to bring us this supreme wisdom. The teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad have empowered us to reclaim our true identity and embrace our role as the first and most powerful.

    In this episode, we'll cover key points including:

    Understanding our origins and the significance of being the original man.The Blackman's pivotal role in the creation of the universe.The importance of love as the essence of our original self.Practical ways to implement the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in our daily lives.Encouraging unity and responsibility within our community to reclaim our rightful place.

    Tune in as we reflect, discuss, and embrace the truth of our heritage. Let this episode inspire you to reclaim your status as the original man and live up to the greatness that is our birthright.

    Don't miss this powerful and insightful discussion. Subscribe to Temple Reading Class and join us on this journey of enlightenment and empowerment.

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    Welcome to another enlightening episode of "The Essence of Duty," where we delve into the profound teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Today, we explore a critical chapter from "Message to the Blackman in America" titled "If a Civilized Person Does Not Perform His Duty, What Must Be Done?"

    In this episode, we reflect on the immense responsibilities that come with being a civilized individual. Elijah Muhammad emphasizes that our duty extends beyond personal development; it encompasses uplifting and guiding our community towards righteousness. We discuss how performing our duties faithfully is a manifestation of our love and commitment to Allah and our fellow human beings.

    Join us as we unpack the importance of spiritual civilization, the interconnectedness of duty and love, and the vital role each of us plays in building a just and enlightened society. Whether you are a long-time follower or new to these teachings, this episode offers valuable insights and inspiration to carry forward in your daily life.

    Key Topics:

    The concept of duty as taught by Elijah Muhammad.The importance of spiritual civilization and moral integrity.How fulfilling our responsibilities reflects our love for Allah and our community.Practical ways to embody these teachings in our everyday actions.

    Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of your role in promoting justice, knowledge, and compassion within our community. Let's work together to create the righteous civilization that Elijah Muhammad envisioned.

    Listen Now on your favorite podcast platform.

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    True Freedom for the Black Community

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of our podcast, where we dive into the profound teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. In this special Independence Day episode, we explore the true meaning of freedom and independence for the Black community as guided by the insightful wisdom found in Elijah Muhammad’s pivotal work, The Fall of America.

    While the nation celebrates its historical break from external control, we take a deeper look at what independence truly means for us. How do we, as a people, break free from the chains of dependency and strive towards self-reliance and self-determination? How does the divine guidance of Allah (God) play a role in our journey to true freedom?

    Join us as we discuss the importance of self-sufficiency, unity, and the ongoing struggle for justice and equality. We'll reflect on the significance of July 4, 1930, the day Allah (God) came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, marking the beginning of our path towards independence. Through thought-provoking discussions and reflections, we aim to inspire and empower our listeners to take actionable steps towards building a future where we can proudly call ourselves free and independent.

    Tune in for a powerful conversation that goes beyond the traditional celebrations and delves into the essence of true freedom as taught by Elijah Muhammad. Whether you are new to these teachings or a long-time follower, this episode promises to offer valuable insights and inspiration for your journey.

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    Welcome to the Temple Reading Podcast, where we delve into the timeless teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. In this episode, we explore the profound wisdom found in "How to Eat to Live, Book 2" with a focus on the vital topic: "Lengthen Your Life."

    Join us as we uncover the principles that guide us towards a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches that proper guidance, both spiritual and physical, is essential for extending our lifespan. We discuss the importance of consuming the right foods and nurturing our souls with truth and righteousness.

    Living under the rule of the devils has led many of us to stray from our true selves. In this episode, we emphasize the need to return to God, embrace our righteousness, and restore our divine connection. By adhering to the teachings of the Messenger, we can realign our lives with the principles that promote well-being and spiritual growth.

    Tune in to learn how to incorporate these teachings into your daily life, and discover the path to not only extending your years but enriching them with purpose and divine guidance. This episode is a call to action for all seeking to live righteously and in harmony with Allah's will.

    Listen now and embark on a journey towards a longer, healthier, and more spiritually fulfilling life.

    Subscribe to the Temple Reading Podcast for more insights and teachings that inspire and uplift. Share this episode with your community and help spread the wisdom of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. As-Salaam-Alaikum.

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    Welcome to another enlightening episode of Temple Readung Class, where we delve into the timeless wisdom of spiritual leaders and their teachings. In today's episode, "Revelation Guide Right All Right," we explore the profound insights contained in Chapter 45 of "Our Saviour Has Arrived" by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

    This chapter, titled "Revelation Guide Right All Right," takes us through the divine act of revelation—the process by which hidden truths are unveiled and divine knowledge is disclosed. Such revelations are essential for our spiritual growth and guidance, providing us with the insights needed to navigate life's complexities.

    We begin with the 42nd chapter of the Quran, "Ash-Shura" (The Consultation), which emphasizes the importance of seeking advice, engaging in mutual deliberation, and making collective decisions that benefit everyone involved. Just as a consultant offers guidance in a business relationship, our Messenger acts as our divine consultant, imparting God's wisdom and direction.

    The role of the Messenger of Allah is further highlighted through the lens of the Bible. Isaiah 9:6-8 describes a figure called "Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace," whose governance will bring endless peace and justice. This powerful scripture underscores the significance of divine counsel and its impact on our lives.

    Join us as we listen intently to the guidance provided by our esteemed consultant and counselor, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Open your hearts, ears, and minds to this teaching, and let the spirit move and enlighten you. Together, we will reflect on the importance of revelation and how it guides us to a path of righteousness and spiritual fulfillment.

    Tune in to "Revelation Guide Right All Right" and embark on a journey of divine discovery and personal growth. As always, we conclude with our nation's greeting of peace and paradise: As-salamu alaykum.

    New version of GPT available - Continue chatting t

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    In this compelling episode of our podcast, we delve into "The Decision," a profound chapter from The Fall of America by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Join us as we explore the urgent message from the Messenger of Allah, emphasizing the necessity to choose truth and righteousness in the face of looming judgment.

    Elijah Muhammad's teachings highlight the importance of making a decisive choice now, rather than waiting until it is too late. We discuss how aligning with the truth and the Messenger's guidance can lead to salvation and a life free from the falsehoods that threaten to engulf us.

    Tune in to hear the voice of divine wisdom in 2024, as we reflect on the relevance of these teachings today. This episode encourages introspection and action, urging listeners to side with truth and justice for their own betterment and the benefit of the community.

    Join our class discussions and become part of a movement towards personal and spiritual growth. Reach out to us to learn more and start working on yourself alongside like-minded individuals dedicated to living by the truth.

    Keywords: Elijah Muhammad, The Fall of America, The Decision, truth, justice, salvation, spiritual growth, personal development, 2024 teachings, divine guidance.

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    Episode Title: Submit to Allah: The Teachings of Elijah Muhammad

    Episode Description: Welcome and thank you for joining us today on our Temple Reading podcast. As we gather in the spirit of learning and enlightenment, let us open our hearts and minds to the teachings that guide us toward a greater understanding of our faith and our place in the world.

    In today's episode, we delve into the profound insights of "Our Saviour Has Arrived" by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, focusing on the topic "Submit to Allah." We explore the fundamental belief that, by nature, Black people are inclined to submit to God. However, to fully embrace this submission, we must first come to know who God truly is.

    For many years, misconceptions have led us to view God as a mysterious and distant entity. Elijah Muhammad provides the interpretation of the Bible that we have longed for, revealing the truth about God. This truth liberates us from the false gods we have been following—money, luxuries, lust, employers, and more. It is time to return to our own and follow the guidance of Elijah Muhammad, leading us to the true God.

    We must make the right decision before it is too late, as this has been the cry of the righteous for thousands of years. Let us do our part in this world of righteousness. As we proceed with our reading today, I urge you to keep an open heart and mind so you can hear God's words through the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

    Join us as we uncover the necessity of submitting to Allah and understanding the true nature of God. Discover how knowing the truth empowers us to break free from mental chains and embrace the divine teachings that lead to true freedom, justice, and equality.

    May we be guided by the light of this wisdom and may our hearts be receptive to the transformative power of the truth.

    Listen now and deepen your faith journey with us!

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    In this episode, we dive deep into the powerful teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad from Message to the Blackman in America, focusing on the theme "Building Our Own Society." Explore the importance of self-governance, unity, and how the crescent of Islam symbolizes equality and opportunity for our community.

    We'll discuss the Messenger's affirmation that we have the capabilities to govern ourselves and the steps we need to take to break the chains of limitation and fulfill Allah's vision for a society filled with joy, justice, and love. Learn how to apply these timeless principles to your daily life and join us in building a righteous and prosperous community.

    Tune in for an inspiring session that encourages active participation and collective growth. Don't miss out on these weekly classes designed to move us forward at a quicker pace. Be a part of the transformation!

    #BuildingOurSociety #ElijahMuhammad #Islam #SelfGovernance #Unity #CommunityBuilding

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    Welcome to "Temple Reading Class," where we dive deep into the transformative teachings of the Nation of Islam. In this episode, we explore the profound subject of "The Friendship of Allah."

    As we navigate the challenges and uncertainties of our world, the friendship of Allah stands as our only salvation. Join us as we discuss how His divine friendship offers guidance, strength, and prosperity, ensuring our success amidst adversity. We emphasize the importance of embracing this friendship, living by the wisdom imparted by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and the necessity of joining the Nation of Islam to secure our future.

    Don’t miss this enlightening episode. Listen, reflect, and let the teachings guide you.

    For more insights or to join our discussions, please reach out to Brother Jason at [email protected].

    Tune in and embark on a journey towards truth, righteousness, and divine friendship.

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    In this episode of our Temple Reading Class podcast, we explore the profound teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad on the topic "A Nation of Our Own." Drawing from "Message to the Blackman in America," we discuss the critical importance of self-reliance, independence, and unity within our community.

    We emphasize the necessity of collective work and the commitment required to build our own nation. With Allah on our side, we must demonstrate our faith through action, proving our dedication to His guidance and support. Our conversation includes reflections on righteousness as our defense, the importance of global cooperation, and the oath of Islam: "My prayer, my life, my death is all for Allah."

    Join us in this inspiring and motivating discussion, and let's work together to achieve our shared goals.

    For more information or to connect with us, please reach out at [email protected].

    Assalamu Alaikum – Peace be upon you.

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    In this episode of "The Flag of U.S.A and ISLAM," we explore the contrasting symbols of the American and Islamic flags, guided by the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. We discuss how the American flag has historically signified a legacy of slavery, suffering, and death for Black people, while the Islamic flag, given to us by Allah through His Messenger, embodies peace, freedom, justice, and equality.

    We'll uncover how this sacred banner, representing Almighty Allah's covenant with us, calls upon the righteous Black men and women to rise as a new people, shining like stars of the world. Join us as we reflect on this divine flag's promise to uplift our community and guide us to the highest heights of civilization. Embrace your divine inheritance and join us under this flag that belongs to you, standing firm in faith and unity.

    May peace and blessings be upon you all.

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    Welcome to our podcast, where we explore the enlightening teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad from his pivotal work, "The Fall of America." this episode goes into how the tricknology of the devil has been used to manipulate and sedate our community, highlighting the need for vigilance and spiritual awakening.

    We examine the Messenger's profound guidance and his connection with Allah, aimed at empowering us to break free from the deceitful slumber induced by societal manipulations. This podcast is more than a learning journey—it’s a clarion call to action for building a robust, self-reliant community that stands firm on the pillars of wisdom and unity.

    For questions or to go deeper into these discussions, please contact us at [email protected]. Let’s come together to inspire and support each other in creating something genuinely our own

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    Podcast Episode Title: Embracing Our Truths: A Journey with the Teachings of Elijah Muhammad

    In this enlightening episode of our podcast, we delve deep into the profound teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as outlined in his seminal work, "Our Saviour Has Arrived." We explore the seven essential truths that Black men in America must embrace to achieve enlightenment and empowerment. This session is not merely a recount of historical teachings but a vibrant discussion on how these truths are relevant to our lives today. We discuss the role of divine love and guidance in our journey and the importance of embracing this love, sharing it with others, and uniting to create a community of believers intent on personal and collective growth. Join us as we discuss how to replace hate with love, support each other, and fulfill the potential that Allah has envisioned for us.

    Contact Us: For more insights, questions, or to share your thoughts, please email us at [email protected]. We are eager to hear from you and grow our community of listeners and learners.

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    Today's discussion, titled "Islam Will Unite Black," discusses the transformative power of Islam in unifying African American communities. Drawing from Elijah Muhammad's insightful teachings, we explore how Islam, as presented in his works, specifically "Our Saviour has arrived," offers not just a religion but a pathway to reclaiming identity, dignity, and a sense of community among Black People.

    Elijah Muhammad posited that the principles of Islam—emphasizing justice, equality, and righteousness—are inherently aligned with the struggles and aspirations of Black People. He argued that the misinterpretation and misuse of Islam have obscured its true essence, which is to bring peace and unity among people. Through the correct understanding and practice of Islam, Muhammad believed that the Black community could achieve not only spiritual fulfillment but also social and political empowerment.

    "Islam Will Unite Black" highlights the historical context of Islam within African American history, noting its role in providing a counter-narrative to the oppressive experiences faced under systemic racism and inequality.

    The session aims to inspire listeners to envision a future where Islam acts as a unifying force, bridging gaps within the African American community and fostering an environment of mutual support, respect, and understanding. This future is built on the principles of Islam, which advocate for peace, unity, and the upliftment of the oppressed.

    As we discuss this subject, we encourage an open-minded approach to understanding how Islam, as taught by Elijah Muhammad, can serve as a foundational pillar in the quest for unity and peace among Blacks, guiding the community towards a collective healing and empowerment.