Today the rag tag team of diabetics and a sound guy are talking about recent legislative maneuvers by politicians to make it look like they are concerned about the cost of insulin and the "Insulin for All" (#Insulin4All) movement. We also talk about a certain politician who thinks that diabetics should just lose weight and then they wouldn't need insulin and the price wouldn't go up.
Tune in and learn the sneaky ways that politicians are pulling the rug over our heads and then smiling and waving for the photo-op.
On today's episode the gang introduces Trevor to A1C and then they talk about pumps and technology, more specifically, Looping. Don't know what looping is? Give a listen and find out if it is something you may find beneficial or just too much technology for you. BTW, the trio actually tests their glycosylated hemoglobin's, LIVE, on the air.
Episodes manquant?
This episode fell between the seat cushions. Give a listen and see just what we were talkinh about. It was supposed to be dropped in January '22.
Tim is at it all by himself this week. So he reaches out to a friend all the way across the Atlantic ocean to North Wales! Tim and the Godfather of Type 1 diabetes, Paul dePritchard. Lots of conversation about diabetes management, complications, self-management nd a trick to make your pasta less carboholoic.
Tish, Tim and Trevor talk about Christmas and the winter holidays. Grab a mug of Swiss Miss Sugar-Free Cocoa and curl up by the fire and come along for the ride.
It is never too early to start thinking about summer camp. Tim and Tisha have a lot of memories about their time at diabetes camp and want you to hear all about it. There is no experience like it and no greater way to provide your child with the skills and tools to navigate the non-diabetes world as a young PWD. They have so much to say that it take THREE, yes three, count them one, two, three episodes to cover it all.
Three of three. Take what you have learned and go live your life to the fullest!
If you want more information about diabetes summer camp, check out the American Diabetes Association's camp page: https://diabetes.org/community/camp
The Lion's Club International also supports youth with diabetes through their Diabetes Summer Camp program:
Diabetes Education and Camping Association Mission statement: The Diabetes Education and Camping Association (DECA) unites the worldwide diabetes camping community through leadership and education, as well as shares resources to advance programs that dramatically impact people’s lives. Check out their site to find a diabetes summer camp near you: https://www.diabetescamps.org
It is never too early to start thinking about summer camp. Tim and Tisha have a lot of memories about their time at diabetes camp and want you to hear all about it. There is no experience like it and no greater way to provide your child with the skills and tools to navigate the non-diabetes world as a young PWD. They have so much to say that it take THREE, yes three, count them one, two, three episodes to cover it all.
Part two of the camp trilogy. A good time was had by all and diabetes management skills were surreptitiously provided to all.
If you want more information about diabetes summer camp, check out the American Diabetes Association's camp page: https://diabetes.org/community/camp
The Lion's Club International also supports youth with diabetes through their Diabetes Summer Camp program:
Diabetes Education and Camping Association Mission statement: The Diabetes Education and Camping Association (DECA) unites the worldwide diabetes camping community through leadership and education, as well as shares resources to advance programs that dramatically impact people’s lives. Check out their site to find a diabetes summer camp near you: https://www.diabetescamps.org
It is never too early to start thinking about summer camp. Tim and Tisha have a lot of memories about their time at diabetes camp and want you to hear all about it. There is no experience like it and no greater way to provide your child with the skills and tools to navigate the non-diabetes world as a young PWD. They have so much to say that it take THREE, yes three, count them one, two, three episodes to cover it all.
Begin the trilogy of Tim and Tisha's camp adventures.
If you want more information about diabetes summer camp, check out the American Diabetes Association's camp page: https://diabetes.org/community/camp
The Lion's Club International also supports youth with diabetes through their Diabetes Summer Camp program:
Diabetes Education and Camping Association Mission statement: The Diabetes Education and Camping Association (DECA) unites the worldwide diabetes camping community through leadership and education, as well as shares resources to advance programs that dramatically impact people’s lives. Check out their site to find a diabetes summer camp near you: https://www.diabetescamps.org
The saga continues...
Our fearless heroine battles a simple sinus infection that turns into something a bit more serious, and may have even morphed to the dreaded SARS COV-2 monster villain. Listen in to today's episode to find out just what happened to Tisha and what she is doing now to manage her diabeast.
If you have comments, questions or anything else to say OR would like to be interviewed please drop us an email at that1typepodcast@gmail.com Although we are based in Albuquerque, New Mexico we want to hear from folks globally. Also you can follow us on all the social site under That1TypePodcast. Twitter handle is just That1TypePod.
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Superman and Wonder Woman never had to worry about packing when they jetted off to save the world. It's not that easy for our Blue-caped super heroes. Even a day trip can require a backpack's worth of supplies with required supplies and the "just in case" supplies. Tune in to hear Tim and Tisha's travel tales and tips.
Our super heroes tackle the labyrinth of making sure that your student gets the education they deserve while also allowing them to manage their diabetes within the hallowed halls of academia. For a long time students with diabetes were excluded from participating in many activities for fear, from the administration and educators, that their blood sugar will drop. Phys ed class and field trips were the main exclusions. Listen in and learn the rights your student has NOW that will allow them to be active participants in their educational journey and still be able to manage their diabetes without worry from the administration.
This week our superheroes, formerly known as, The Dead Pancreas Society, and hereafter to be known as, The Dead Pancreas League, and their faithful consort talk about one of the most feared complications in the Diabetesverse - retinopathy. It can be avoided or treated, but as denizens of the Diabetesverse it falls on our shoulders to make and keep our annual dilated retinal/fundal exam to see, no pun intended, if the evil Thanopancrea has started to damage our precious vision. Don't be fooled by thinking you have excellent vision so you couldn't have retinopathy. Symptoms of retinopathy often do not present until the damage has already been done and you immediately go from prevention to treatment to halt any further damage and a hope that your vision may be restored.
Come along for an insightful and entertaining conversation about diabetic eye disease.
One of the often overlooked areas of the body that has a great impact on the management of diabetes and blood sugar is good oral health and hygiene. Diabetes Super Heroine and Co-Host Tisha is a Dental Assistant in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Tish and Tim and Trevor discuss the importance of good oral hygiene and the direct relationship between gum health, inflammation and hyperglycemia. Tune in and learn something.
Just when you thought the pandemic was over...it's still hanging on. We've all forgotten that Sars-Cov2, a.k.a. CoVid19 is not the only reason people get sick now. Nothing else has gone away. There are still other viruses in the wild not to mention the common cold and other bacterial infections. Tim and Tisha are talking about sick day management and how to use that special Diabetes 'Spidey-sense' to warn you of impending illness.
Please join us for an enlightening conversation. If you learn anything please rate us then share us on social media with your friends, family, enemies...
Are you in the Albuquerque, NM area? Would you like to be a guest on the podcast? Drop us a line: that1typepodcast@gmail.com
You've heard how Tisha became the T1 Super Hero that she is and earned her cape and seat at the Dead Pancreas League's table. Now it's time to learn how Tim earned his place around the table, over 40 years ago, in the hall of the Dead Pancreas League. By the way, that's where the podcast is recorded for your listening pleasure.
We hope you find the podcast informational, entertaining and maybe even something that you can relate to in your journey to becoming a member of the Dead Pancreas League. If you have any comments, questions complaints please drop us an email: that1typepodcast@gmail.com. If you have an interesting origin story drop us a line and tell us about it. Who knows, you may be our next guest.
Every super hero has an origin story - that pivotal moment in their lives that took them from a mild mannered, run of the mill civilian to someone that is greater than the sum of their parts! Give a listen to the maiden voyage of the 'That 1 Type Podcast' and learn how your co-host, Tisha earned her blue cape.
Next week is the other co-host, Tim's origin story.
We hope you find the podcast informational, entertaining and maybe even something that you can relate to in your journey to becoming a member of the Dead Pancreas League. If you have any comments, questions complaints please drop us an email: that1typepodcast@gmail.com. If you have an interesting origin story drop us a line and tell us about it. Who knows, you may be our next guest.