This episode, Tristan and Tyler discuss the Five Nights at Freddy's movie, featuring Matthew Patrick.
This episode, Tristan and Tyler discuss the Five Nights at Freddy's timeline, the games themselves, and what they're expecting out of the upcoming movie.
Episodes manquant?
This episode, Tristan and Tyler power scale as many horror villains and characters as they can. Where will your favorite rank?
This week, Tristan and special guest Cameron brainstorm and simulate the second occurrence of the Glutton Games.
This week, Tristan and Tyler give their very valid and honest opinions about your favorite restaurant chains.
This week, Tristan and Tyler discuss the highly debated topic of movies made based on video games.
This week, Tristan and Tyler host their own hunger games, featuring a wide array of fiction and nonfiction characters.
Ever wanted to know who else might be able to lift Thor's mighty Hammer Mjolnir? Worry no more! Tristan and Tyler have you covered on the very first episode of this podcast.
Official Trailer for the That's Really Awesome, Man Podcast.