
  • Sacred Geometry is more than a business for Gail and Gregory Hoag, it is their way of life. In this podcast we discuss their new book "Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment" and explore the topic of Sacred Geometry from many different angles. Link to Gregory and Gail's website: https://iconnect2all.com/r/waxela/ Use coupon code "Waxela" for 15% off. Read the first chapter of "Sacred Geometry: The Universal Language of Divine Alignment" free: https://iconnect2all.com/chapter Find all Waxela's links here: https://pillar.io/pinealactivationlight 🔔Subscribe to the channel to get spiritual guidance & unlocking your highest potential: / @waxelasananda

    Important Links To Follow: 👉Join Waxela's email list for invitations to events, videos, tips, and more: https://waxelasananda.com/join/ 👉See if Embodied Ascension is right for you https://waxelasananda.com/ascension-t... ✅ Stay connected with us: @pinealactivationlight 👉YouTube: / waxelasananda 👉Facebook: / waxelasananda 👉Linkdin: / waxela-sananda 👉Twitter: / spiritmama 👉Website: http://waxelasananda.com/

    For Business Inquiries: waxela@waxelasananda.com

  • Use this link for 10% off of all regular priced items in your first order: https://kareliacreations.com/discount/Waxela10

    (Starter Packs, Bundles and retired/closeout items are not discounted)

    We love technology but the negative impacts of technology radiation is silently making many people sick. Learn how and why radiation from electronics could be affecting your health and easy steps to get started right away in protecting you and your family.

    Sherinata Pollock has been on a mission since 2014 educating people about the dangers of electronic stressors and providing tips and immediate solutions for EMF radiation protection. She is the Founder and CEO of her company, Karelia Creations, which creates handcrafted jewelry and products that protect from cell phone and technology radiation.

    Sherinata is offering her ebook-EMF Protection Made Simple: Easy Steps to Get Started Now free to podcast listeners! ($25 value, the discount will show in your cart at checkout) https://kareliacreations.com/discount/WaxelaEbook?redirect=%2Fproducts%2Febook

    Karelia Creations is a Conscious Minded Company that is Passionate about Making a Positive Impact!

    Female Owned Eco-Friendly Packaging Handmade in USA Employing Moms and Students from our Community All Products are Cleansed and Infused with Positive Healing Energy High Vibes Only Allowed in Our Sacred Production Space! Use this link for 10% off of all regular priced items in your first order! https://kareliacreations.com/discount/Waxela10

    Find Waxela's links here: https://pillar.io/pinealactivationlight

    Join Waxela's email list for Ascension conversations, event invites, and more: https://waxelasananda.com/join/


    Click here to learn about Embodied Ascension Training and Conscious Life Creation with Waxela Sananda: https://waxelasananda.com/ascension-training

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  • In this lively interview Nicole shares her spiritual journey of healing and connecting with one’s femininity. She explains the role of empathy in intuition and the need for setting boundaries to avoid being overwhelmed. Just as we were opening up some really juicy galactic portals, a massive lightning bolt struck near my studio shut down my internet in the middle of the conversation! Nicole Frolick Is a practical mystic who intuitively coaches, inspires and guides clients to deep, enduring results. She is an author, speaker, host of the Enlighten Up podcast, the creator of her 8 part vulnerability series "Raw & Real", and leader of her growing community and program AlcheME. Nicole's website: https://www.nicolefrolick.com/

    Find all my links here: https://pillar.io/pinealactivationlight

    Join Waxela's email list for Ascension conversations, event invites, and more: https://waxelasananda.com/join/ https://www.instagram.com/pinealactivationlight/

    Click here to learn about Embodied Ascension Training and Conscious Life Creation with Waxela Sananda: https://waxelasananda.com/ascension-training

  • Ray Catania is an acclaimed author, metaphysical teacher, theorist, and coach. Ray is an NDE experiencer, an ordained minister with master certifications in life coaching, Reiki, and meditation. Currently pursuing his doctorate degree in Metaphysical-Parapsychology. Ray combines his extensive formal education with wisdom gained from studying with intuitives, mediums, shaman, and energy healers.


    You Are Still Alive, Now Act Like It

    The Atheist and The Afterlife

    Ray Catania website: https://www.raycatania.com/

    Join Waxela's email list for Ascension conversations, event invites, and more: https://waxelasananda.com/join/ https://www.instagram.com/pinealactivationlight/

    Click here to learn about Embodied Ascension Training and Conscious Life Creation with Waxela Sananda: https://waxelasananda.com/ascension-training

  • Michael Tierno MA, MBA, is a seasoned explorer of expanded states, who shifted from a self-proclaimed "rational materialist" to a believer in the unseen after a life-altering journey in Peru. Returning with a cracked-open heart, he ditched fear and judgment, instead embracing gratitude and grace, Now, he's on a mission to help others tap into their untapped wisdom, connecting with their divine essence. Michael is offering $200 off Heart Sanctuary Aya Retreats in Peru for Alchemy of Ascension listeners. Tell him Waxela sent you! Michael Tierno website: https://www.michaeltiernoguide.com/ Join Waxela's email list for Ascension conversations, event invites, and more: https://waxelasananda.com/join/


    Click here to learn about Embodied Ascension Training and Conscious Life Creation with Waxela Sananda: https://waxelasananda.com/ascension-training

  • Kelly-Marie Kerr's books explore parallels between Scripture and science, about topics such as the Sacred Secretion, 3-fold enlightenment, Great Regeneration, Kundalini Energy and other alchemical mysteries such as the "monthly seed." A diligent researcher, practitioner, and author in alchemy, spirituality, yoga, and other esoteric subjects, Kelly-Marie always takes care to corroborate her findings with peer-reviewed science and the work of other credible published authors. Topics: - The Sacred Secretion (Great Regeneration, Threefold Enlightenment). - Bible alchemy - The biochemistry of awakening - Kundalini science and experiences -The Seed of Life Kelly-Marie Kerr's website: https://www.seekvision.co.uk/ Click here to learn about Embodied Ascension Training and Conscious Life Creation with Waxela Sananda: https://waxelasananda.com/ascension-training/
    Join Waxela's email list for Ascension conversations, event invites, and more: https://waxelasananda.com/join/

  • "This interview is part of the Shamanic & Alchemical Mystery School Global Gathering, a global conference created by Jocelyn Star Feather. You can learn more about Jocelyn's work on her website: https://www.wearesacredplanet.com."

    Click here to learn about Embodied Ascension Training and Conscious Life Creation with Waxela Sananda


    Join Waxela's email list for Ascension conversations, event invites, and more: https://waxelasananda.com/join/


  • Vertigo and Forgiveness Prayer video: • Forgiveness Praye... I had such a huge response to my vertigo video and forgiveness prayer last week, if you watched it, commented on the video, or messaged me, I thank you with all of my heart! Please visit our website for more information: https://waxelasananda.com/join/ Because of that I have decided to invite you on the next step of my journey. There was more going on than vertigo and forgiveness. I submerged into the underworld, I spent several days there, confronted with my shadow and the shadow parts of life itself. I questioned everything, I challenged all that is… until I recognized that there was no one there but myself. I was fighting myself in the darkness, questioning everything that I believed, that I am, have been, or will be. This was a re-awakening to acknowledging the value of the darkness. That it is integrally part of this earth experience, and that it is not a bad thing, it is how we grow and become balanced in our power. We must KNOW our darkness. Understand it, respect it, value that it is part of who we are as human and as embodied spirit. "And because I KNOW MY Darkness, I KNOW MY LIGHT." This is how you can get back to your CORE, your truth, your authentic SELF. This is part of who we are but so many of us deny it. Integrating the shadow self is not easy, this is the journey of an embodied lightworker. I look forward to reading your comments! Video Title: Persephone And The Demise of Lightworkers: Discover Your Path To Enlightenment | WaxelaSananda.com This video is about Persephone And The Demise of Lightworkers: Discover Your Path To Enlightenment. But It also covers the following topics: Mythology And Spirituality Understanding Spiritual Concepts Spiritual Awakening And Growth 🔔Subscribe to the channel to get spiritual guidance for clearing your limiting beliefs & unlocking your highest potential by shamanic workshops: / @waxelasananda ✅ Important Links To Follow: 👉Join Waxela's email list for invitations to events, videos, tips, and more:https://waxelasananda.com/join/ 👉See if Embodied Ascension is right for you https://waxelasananda.com/ascension-t... ✅ Stay Connected With Us. 👉Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pinealactiv... 👉YouTube: / waxelasananda 👉Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WaxelaSananda 👉Linkdin:https://www.linkedin.com/in/waxela-sa... 👉Twitter: https://twitter.com/SpiritMama 👉Website:http://waxelasananda.com/ ✅ For Business Inquiries: waxela@waxelasananda.com ============================= ✅ Recommended Playlists 👉 Alchemy of Ascension Podcast • Ismael Perez Alchemizing the Phantom ... 👉4 Day Ascension Challenge • Ascension Breathwork: 4 Day Ascension... ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Integration for Awakening & Peak Experiences with Allison Pelissier • Integration for Awakening & Peak Expe... 👉 Light Language Rising & The Kundalini Quest with Lightstar • Light Language Rising & The Kundalini... 👉 Divine Incarnation: We Are All Connected with Sheila Seppi • Divine Incarnation: We Are All Connec... 👉 Rapid Energy Healing with Jerry Sargeant • Rapid Energy Healing with Jerry Sargeant 👉 ALKYWAN Photon Healing for DNA Upgrades, Alignment, and 5D Ascension • The Power of ALKYWAN Photon Healing F... ============================= ✅ About Waxela Sananda. Waxéla (wa-shay-la) Sananda is a Quantum Embodiment Coach, a Galactic Shaman, and an Ascension Trainer. Through the process in her internationally bestselling book The Love You Crave A Course in Ascension, Alchemy, and Connection to the Divine, Waxéla guides her clients on a transformational journey of clearing limiting beliefs and transforming stagnant energy into dynamic, creative possibility. Combining her celestial starseed consciousness and shamanic training, she holds space for clients to experience the embodiment of Divine Frequencies. Waxéla lives in Sarasota, Florida, and she travels the world speaking and offering workshops, events, and retreats. For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: waxela@waxelasananda.com 🔔 Subscribe to the channel to get spiritual guidance for clearing your limiting beliefs & unlocking your highest potential through shamanic workshops: / @waxelasananda ================================= #mythologyandspiritualityexploration #enlightenmentjourney #spiritualtruthsandmyths #discoveryourpathtoenlightenment #persephoneandlightworkers #spirituality Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage which is incurred by you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your own research. © Waxela Sananda

  • Click here to learn about Embodied Ascension Training and Conscious Life Creation with Waxela Sananda


    Join Waxela's email list for Ascension conversations, event invites, and more: https://waxelasananda.com/join/


    The Alchemy of Ascension Summit Season VI: Exploring Expanded States of Consciousness Sacred Speaker Panel with amazing experts offering activations, channeling, light language and prayer Alkywan Light Spheres: https://waxelasananda.com/alkywan-lig... ______________________________________________________

    Speakers: Waxela Sananda

    Rev. HoniB Borden


    Dr. Karen Kan

    Debra Giusti

    Phyllis Douglass


    Dayna Dunbar

    Dr Sharnael

    Lori Ann Spagna

    Joan of Angels

    Asil Toksal

    Prageet Harris

    Nadi Hana

  • Click here to learn about Embodied Ascension Training and Conscious Life Creation with Waxela Sananda


    Join Waxela's email list for Ascension conversations, event invites, and more: https://waxelasananda.com/join/


    Laura Eisenhower is a Global Alchemist, Researcher and Medical and Intuitive Astrologist.. She is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented her work world wide. Laura is the great-granddaughter of President Dwight David Eisenhower and she reveals Exopolitical information about his administration, that has been largely held in secrecy. She is considered by many to be one of North Americas leading researchers on: Health, Exopolitics, Alchemy, Metaphysics, and Galactic History. Laura works to free us from the 3-D holographic time-loop, False Archonic systems and Military Industrial Complex and exposes hidden agendas so we can take our power back. Feeling a calling regarding her mission since she was a child, she has gained incredible insight through her wilderness adventures, psychic development and has been connecting major dots about how to guide us into higher Earth energies. She has a deep understanding of Gaia-Sophia and our Divine Blueprint (Christ-Sophia)and how they connect to the Venus transits, Earth grids, Global Alchemy, DNA & ET races. Her passion is to inspire unity consciousness and bring us back to the Zero point/Unified field, the totality of our divine powers.

  • Click here to learn about Embodied Ascension Training and Conscious Life Creation with Waxela Sananda


    Join Waxela's email list for Ascension conversations, event invites, and more: https://waxelasananda.com/join/


    Joan of Angels, also known as Dr Joan Hangarter, intuitive guide, oracle, transformational teacher, Host of ”Miracle Mondays,” best-selling author, visionary artist, and Doctor of Chiropractic, is known for the healing messages, wisdom and art she channels.
    As an intuitive and Soul Mastery Coach/Mentor, with an M.S in counseling, Joan works with people who feel the call to awaken to their best self. The Soul Awakening Sessions and Soul Mastery Signature Coaching programs are for those who need support, guidance, structure, and the inner tools to discover their best selves, let go of what holds them back, and move forward with courage, grace and ease. For over 40 years she has guided, counseled, and uplifted people from across the world to align their body, mind, and spirit to reclaim their personal power and allow the leader within to emerge. In 2013, she was guided to paint 33 angels in 30 days, thus launching her work as an artist and a channel for these divine beings to assist you.

    Free Gift: The 5-Minute Guide to Fullfilling Your True Calling PDF ebook

  • Amar is an Energy Intuitive and Transformation Guide. I’m humorous, direct, and down to earth. My work assists people in reclaiming their Sovereign Authority as they walk the path to Self Mastery. I’m the guy you come see when you’re ready to transform out of the karmic loop of death and rebirth. I’m the guy you come see when you’re ready to reclaim your position as The Authority of your experience. I’m the guy you come see when you’re ready to level up beyond your previous notions of limitation, and say YES to the path and the purpose you’ve already agreed to.

    Free Gift: Receive a guided meditation mp3 download amar.energy

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    Dayna Dunbar is an award-winning novelist published by Ballantine Books as well as a spiritual facilitator and coach. In June 1994, she had an encounter with an extraterrestrial being of light while camping in Sedona, Arizona and got guidance that she would one day write about this race of beings, and that began her writing journey. Dayna attended the University of Santa Monica and received her master’s degree in spiritual psychology. As part of this program, she not only learned to be a spiritual counselor, she also wrote her first novel. Upon graduating, she received the University’s Student of the Year award along with bestselling inspirational author Iyanla Vanzant.

    When facilitating clients, Dayna specializes in the healing of deep unconscious beliefs that are outpicturing as suffering, lack and conflict in their lives. She assists them in a having a true awakening to the infinite, divine presence that they are through unwinding the mind from conditioning and unhealed ego patterns, from their current lifetime as well as other incarnations. She also works with hospice patients and their families as a conscious dying coach.

    Free Gift: The true story of Dayna’s extraterrestrial encounter in PDF format that includes pictures.

    Dayna specializes in the healing of deep unconscious beliefs that are outpicturing as suffering, lack and conflict in their lives. She assists them in a having a true awakening to the infinite, divine presence that they are through unwinding the mind from conditioning and unhealed ego patterns, from their current lifetime as well as other incarnations. She also works with hospice patients and their families as a conscious dying coach.

  • Click here to learn about Embodied Ascension Training and Conscious Life Creation with Waxela Sananda https://waxelasananda.com/ascension-training/

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    Neil Gaur is the Founder of Portal to Ascension… a conscious event production company created in 2008 that hosts a wide range of presenters on a variety of topics such as the origins of humanity, the existence of Extraterrestrial life, exposing hidden truths and exploring the nature of reality. He travels the world facilitating gatherings and filming documentaries that are intended to empower the individual to reclaim their sovereignty and awaken to their full potential. Neil also operates an online platform that creates and facilitates about 110 conferences and workshops a year. Portal to Ascension has worked with over 1500 researchers, spiritualists, scientists, consciousness explorers and more.

    Neil is a philosopher, historian, researcher and spoken word artist. He presents his research on the ancient wisdom and future science of sound, vibration & frequency; as well as in depth explorations into ancient civilizations, archeological discoveries, space anomalies, shedding light on hidden esoteric wisdom and exploring ways in which we can create unity and peace on Earth.

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    Join Waxela's email list for Ascension conversations, event invites, and more: https://waxelasananda.com/join/



    For over 45 years, Debra Giusti has been on the leading edge of the ever-emerging progressive culture, both locally and internationally, supporting and creating ‘New Paradigm’ evolution. She is currently on mission in support of the “Planetary Awakening” that is taking place now.

    In 1978 Debra founded the Harmony Festival in Santa Rosa, California, a nationally recognized three-day outdoor festival of music, art, ecology, health, and spirituality, attended annually by more than 30,000 people, which ended in 2011. During the pandemic, she produced 90 episodes of the inspirational virtual variety show, “Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe”, every Saturday night. It featured well-known transformational speakers, spiritual leaders, musicians, and entertainers, and gets approximately 50,000 views internationally per show. She also currently promotes transformational online courses, events and resources through Wishing Well with the newsletters Debra Recommends, Harmony Connects, and Transformation Into The New Paradigm. In 2020 she produced the five-part online series: “MAKING CONTACT – The New Realities of UFO Disclosure and Cosmic Awakening.”

    Free Gifts: Ascension Tips: 60 important tips to support your Ascension journey through Awakening, Transmutation, Embodiment, and becoming the Divine Human

    Activate Your Soul Tribe eBook: Find your Soul Family and Soul Tribe and develop beneficial and rewarding relationship in all areas of your life.

  • Prageet, an internationally known channel, has for over 30 years worked with his guide Alcazar and their creation, the Stargate – an interdimensional doorway facilitating healing on all levels, DNA reactivation, and the awareness of one’s Quantum Self.

    Julieanne joined the Stargate project in 2012, and became a partner in the Stargate Experience after discovering a profound connection with the Stargate’s guide Alcazar, who has assisted her in accessing and teaching a source energy of self-healing and self-love known as The Essence of Life.

    Together Prageet and Julieanne have shared The Stargate Experience with many thousands of people in different countries around the world. The Stargate Experience is currently based in Mount Shasta, California.

    Free Gift: Stargate Energy Meditation

    Special Offer: Becoming Superconscious – Lifetime Access


    Click here to learn about Embodied Ascension Training and Conscious Life Creation with Waxela Sananda https://waxelasananda.com/ascension-training/

    Join Waxela's email list for Ascension conversations, event invites, and more: https://waxelasananda.com/join/


  • Click here to learn about Embodied Ascension Training and Conscious Life Creation with Waxela Sananda https://waxelasananda.com/ascension-training/

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    Randy’s passion is working with water, integrating ancient wisdom with advanced earth-based technologies to optimize its natural vitality. He is a steward who brings through wisdom from years of trial and error, bridging the world of science and spirituality, thus supporting us to raise our consciousness and connection to the Spirit of water. His goal is to support all life that depends on clean healthy water to thrive and assisting Gaia in her transformation.
    Over the past 22 years, Randy has studied the properties of water, principles of sacred geometry, and the effects of frequency-induced technologies. He discovered that the combination Vortex or Toroidal motion, hydrogen, oxygen, liquid carbon, magnetism, sound frequencies, light spectrums, Radionics/scalar waves, rare earth elements, along with intentions of love and respect to water, we can transform all water back to its pristine state.

    Free Gift: 1) Free 14-minute medical intuitive reading, set up with email, info@vibrantvitalwater.com, offer ends October 15th, 2022
    2)Participate in supporting the Global Waterways, by joining the Global Water Optimization group on Zoom every Wednesday at 6:00 pm mountain time USA. Join Zoom Here at the specified time

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    Lori Ann Spagna is a Best Selling Author, Spiritual Catalyst, Contactee, Ascension Guide, Intuitive, Multi-Dimensional Channel, Animal Communicator, Energy Healer, Lightworker and Starseed who has transformed the lives of thousands of humans and animals via her Channeled Ascension Guidance, Intuition, Sacred Energy Healing Transmissions and Animal Communication. She provides Ascension Training, Sacred Energy Healing Transmissions and Dormant DNA Activations for humans and animals. Get your FREE GIFTS from Lori here: www.LoriSpagna.com/freegifts.

    Free Gifts: Unlocking Your Dormant DNA mp3 Class; Your Lightbody Being and YOUR Starseed Ancestry;
    3 CONTENT RICH classes and ebooks for ANIMAL LOVERS & Intro to Developing Your Intuitive Gifts mp3

    Paid Offer $333 (SAVE $111): Activate & Awaken Your Dormant DNA, Sacred Key Codes,
    Star Code Markings & Divine Templates For You, Your Animals and Your Ancestral Lineage

    Use COUPON CODE: WAX to save 25% (SAVE $111)

    Your DNA Strands are holding the keys and the codes – Sacred Key Codes ~ to awaken YOUR greatest potential and align you with the highest and best version of yourself. This Sacred Membership is a living library of all of the DNA Activations to date. These are Light Encoded Frequency Activations to assist you in remembering more of the highest truths, raising your own vibrational frequency, embodying the lightest and highest light. These energetic attunements are designed to allow your Spiritual transformation and Consciousness expansion to be easy, graceful, benevolent, effortless.

  • Click here to learn about Embodied Ascension Training and Conscious Life Creation with Waxela Sananda https://waxelasananda.com/ascension-training/

    Join Waxela's email list for Ascension conversations, event invites, and more: https://waxelasananda.com/join/


    Bridget Renee Holliday is a Starseed, channel, multidimensional medium, and Galactic Ambassador of Unity consciousness. She holds frequencies of unity consciousness and anchors them into the human experience. Her star lineages include Pleiadian, Siriun, Arcturian, Lyran, Andromedan, and Auroran, amongst others. As an Ascension-Contact Specialist, she communicates with the high realms and assists others to expand and embrace those innate connections within themselves. Her mission also includes normalizing the conversations and perceptions around interdimensional, extra-dimensional, ultra-dimensional, and extraterrestrial beings.

    Bridget’s soul-work is offered internationally through Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Awakening and Ascension Mentoring, and Multidimensional Energy Healing. She specializes in mentoring starseeds within their ascension journey. When working with starseeds, Bridget helps them remember who they are beyond the Earth experience and that they have trained lifetimes for what they’re here on Earth to do.

    Free Gift: Crystalline Rainbow Light Body Activation

  • Click here to learn about Embodied Ascension Training and Conscious Life Creation with Waxela Sananda https://waxelasananda.com/ascension-training/

    Join Waxela's email list for Ascension conversations, event invites, and more: https://waxelasananda.com/join/


    Meg Benedicte is a Quantum Healer, Spiritual Teacher, New Earth Wayshower and creator of the Quantum Access® Modality. Working closely with AA Metatron, Meg teaches Ascension Training and Protocols at her Quantum Access® Academy. Meg is an avid explorer of the Ancient Mystery School Tradition and offers Quantum Access® to clients, students and global audiences to enhance living Soul purpose and embodiment. Meet Meg at https://megbenedicte.com and Academy at https://quantumaccess.newearthcentral.com/

    Free Gift: Discover for yourself how Quantum Access® can transform your physical reality in life-altering ways!