
  • In this episode I'm reading from Graeme Rendall's book 'The Frenc

    h UFO Wave of 1954'.
    In the second half of 1954, France was the location of numerous UFO sightings, some of which involved encounters with or observations of strange beings. It was the first large-scale "wave" of reports that occurred outside the United States since the start of the modern-day UFO phenomenon at the end of June 1947. A somewhat sceptical public found themselves bombarded with almost daily stories of strange lights, spherical craft or disc-shaped objects in their local newspapers, the press faithfully reporting on the hundreds of incidents that came to their attention. A few were hoaxes but the vast majority involved ordinary French citizens faced with the complete unknown. This new book lists most of the cases where at least some detail beyond a simple "light in the sky" is mentioned, culled from contemporary newspaper accounts. It tells the story of a perplexed nation, one that found it difficult to make sense of what was happening. Witnesses being paralysed, vehicle engines stalling and small hairy beings - the cases here provide a fascinating look at the French UFO "wave" of 1954.

    Graeme Rendall is a full time author and a commentator on the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) issue. He is also a contributor to the "The Debrief", an American news website dealing with cutting edge science, tech and defence news, and a frequent guest on various podcasts looking at UAP. He also writes articles on the subject for UAP Media UK. Between 1990 and 1992, he was the Editor of an amateur aviation magazine. Graeme has written a critically-acclaimed work looking at the "Foo-Fighters" witnessed during World War Two and the numerous wartime cases that occurred before the term was coined in November 1944. He has been an aviation and World War Two history enthusiast from an early age, when he was given Airfix model aircraft kits "to keep him quiet". Married to Jo, he lives in rural Northumberland, between the beach and the hills.


    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/4n5p9use



    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.

  • In this extra episode I'm talking to Graeme Rendall about his book 'The French UFO Wave of 1954'.

    In the second half of 1954, France was the location of numerous UFO sightings, some of which involved encounters with or observations of strange beings. It was the first large-scale "wave" of reports that occurred outside the United States since the start of the modern-day UFO phenomenon at the end of June 1947. A somewhat sceptical public found themselves bombarded with almost daily stories of strange lights, spherical craft or disc-shaped objects in their local newspapers, the press faithfully reporting on the hundreds of incidents that came to their attention. A few were hoaxes but the vast majority involved ordinary French citizens faced with the complete unknown. This new book lists most of the cases where at least some detail beyond a simple "light in the sky" is mentioned, culled from contemporary newspaper accounts. It tells the story of a perplexed nation, one that found it difficult to make sense of what was happening. Witnesses being paralysed, vehicle engines stalling and small hairy beings - the cases here provide a fascinating look at the French UFO "wave" of 1954.

    Graeme Rendall is a full time author and a commentator on the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) issue. He is also a contributor to the "The Debrief", an American news website dealing with cutting edge science, tech and defence news, and a frequent guest on various podcasts looking at UAP. He also writes articles on the subject for UAP Media UK. Between 1990 and 1992, he was the Editor of an amateur aviation magazine. Graeme has written a critically-acclaimed work looking at the "Foo-Fighters" witnessed during World War Two and the numerous wartime cases that occurred before the term was coined in November 1944. He has been an aviation and World War Two history enthusiast from an early age, when he was given Airfix model aircraft kits "to keep him quiet". Married to Jo, he lives in rural Northumberland, between the beach and the hills.


    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/4n5p9use



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  • This week I'm talking to Joseph Stillwell about his book 'Into The Blue: Of Wanderers, Invisible Children And Astral Voyagers'.

    A detailed first-person account of remarkable experiences, of this world and beyond. This is a collection of personal stories, all true, interwoven in a sequence of increasing strangeness and otherworldly reality. Herein is but one more accounting, among decades of reports of interactions between humans and alien entities, that should give pause to those who believe that our species is unique unto all that exists. It is not!
    ...."In 2011 I became another of those who have experienced a close encounter with an intelligent, alien entity, not human. Two encounters in that year affirmed in reality a truth of which I have long believed is absolute. Dominion of earth is not exclusive to humanity. We are not alone. There are others, not of this place, and they are here.".... INTO THE BLUE

    I am Joseph Stillwell, first-time author, inspired to write this book following two close encounters and alien contact, in 2011. I am retired, having worked in emergency services for twenty-three years, the final eleven in emergency medicine. I am an average guy, my wife and I having raised two children, one of whom survives and is golden.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/rubnfvjc



    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.

  • This week I'm reading from Lily Nova's book 'Contact: An Incredible True Story of Contact with Beings From Another World and Spiritual Awakening'.

    While spending countless nights photographing the night sky, the totally unexpected
    occurred. Lily began being visited by beings from another world. Not only did she witness these crafts, but they let her film and photograph them. Lily’s footage would later be featured in mainstream news articles around the world and on The Travel Channel.
    What started off as documenting proof of these alien visitors soon turned into a developing relationship and full blown communication. They taught Lily mysteries of the universe, how to initiate contact with them, who they are and why they are here, plus revealed secrets of our origins. They also took her down a profound spiritual journey that would forever change her life.
    Contact follows Lily’s incredible contact experiences, the teachings they gave her, and her journey of awakening. If you are drawn to this book, there is a reason for it. You may be a seeker of truth, wish to have meaningful contact, or you’ve had your own experiences you wish to more fully understand. It is time for the truth to be revealed. It is time for us to remember who we are and our place in the cosmos. The truth of the matter is, we are not alone. We never have been, and we never will be.

    Lily Nova is a UFO and space photographer, contactee, cosmic channel, spiritual guide, author, and speaker. Lily's story and UFO footage have been featured on The Travel Channel and mainstream media all over the world, including LAD Bible and The Mirror.
    Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, Lily graduated with her Dietetics degree and worked as a nutritionist teaching classes before her life would take a dramatic turn. In 2020, she developed a passion for space photography and began spending countless nights out under the stars. At this time, Lily began having very close encounters with UFOs. She immediately began documenting these strange and exciting encounters with her camera, becoming an investigator overnight determined to discover the truth. A blossoming relationship and communication then ensued. Her cosmic visitors taught her mysteries of the universe, humanity's connection to the stars, and to her surprise, many spiritual principles that guided her on a profound spiritual awakening.
    Lily has dedicated her life to sharing her story and footage, as well as the messages and lessons her cosmic family has shared with her in order to help others on their awakening journey. She regularly shares messages and channeled meditations on her YouTube channel, and hosts workshops and events which can be found on her website.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/27uc52up





    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.

  • This week Debra Jorden-Kauble is talking about her book 'Extraordinary Contact: Life Beyond "Intruders"'

    Debra Jordan-Kauble is an “ordinary” woman with a habit of attracting the extraordinary.
    After reporting a terrifying anomalous experience to Budd Hopkins—pioneering researcher of alien abduction phenomena—Debra’s life takes a dramatic turn as she becomes the central figure in Hopkins’ best-selling book, Intruders, and in its popular TV adaptation. But while the TV series ended with a clear resolution, Debra’s astonishing story continued in real life.
    In Extraordinary Contact, Debra shares with the reader her close-up and personal experiences with UFOs, poltergeists, the afterlife, Electronic Voice Phenomena, premonitions, synchronicities, and non-human entities. Such phenomena are woven throughout the vivid tapestry of Debra’s life—flourishes of the anomalous, offset against an everyday backdrop of factory work, family and friends.
    Spanning four decades, Extraordinary Contact is a story of resilience and growth in the face of trauma, tragedy and loss, and an intimate, first-person account of what it means to be a lifelong experiencer of “impossible” phenomena.





    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.

  • This week I'm talking to Lily Nova about her book 'Contact: An Incredible True Story of Contact with Beings From Another World and Spiritual Awakening'.

    While spending countless nights photographing the night sky, the totally unexpected
    occurred. Lily began being visited by beings from another world. Not only did she witness these crafts, but they let her film and photograph them. Lily’s footage would later be featured in mainstream news articles around the world and on The Travel
    What started off as documenting proof of these alien visitors soon turned into a developing relationship and full blown communication. They taught Lily mysteries of the universe, how to initiate contact with them, who they are and why they are here, plus revealed secrets of our origins. They also took her down a profound spiritual journey
    that would forever change her life.
    Contact follows Lily’s incredible contact experiences, the teachings they gave her, and her journey of awakening. If you are drawn to this book, there is a reason for it. You may be a seeker of truth, wish to have meaningful contact, or you’ve had your own experiences you wish to more fully understand. It is time for the truth to be revealed. It is time for us to remember who we are and our place in the cosmos. The truth of the matter is, we are not alone. We never have been, and we never will be.

    Lily Nova is a UFO and space photographer, contactee, cosmic channel, spiritual guide, author, and speaker. Lily's story and UFO footage have been featured on The Travel Channel and mainstream media all over the world, including LAD Bible and The Mirror.
    Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, Lily graduated with her Dietetics degree and worked as a nutritionist teaching classes before her life would take a dramatic turn. In 2020, she developed a passion for space photography and began spending countless nights out under the stars. At this time, Lily began having very close encounters with UFOs. She immediately began documenting these strange and exciting encounters with her camera, becoming an investigator overnight determined to discover the truth. A blossoming relationship and communication then ensued. Her cosmic visitors taught her mysteries of the universe, humanity's connection to the stars, and to her surprise, many spiritual principles that guided her on a profound spiritual awakening.
    Lily has dedicated her life to sharing her story and footage, as well as the messages and lessons her cosmic family has shared with her in order to help others on their awakening journey. She regularly shares messages and channeled meditations on her YouTube channel, and hosts workshops and events which can be found on her website.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/27uc52up





    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.

  • This week I'm reading from Mike Ricksecker's book 'Travels Through Time: Inside the Fourth Dimension, Time Travel, and Stacked Time Theory'.

    Begin your journey into the Connected Universe with Travels Through Time, an examination of the nature of time, dimensions, and the possibilities of real time travel. In an easy-to-follow and conversational manner, researcher Mike Ricksecker formally introduces his Stacked Time Theory with an exploration of the fabric of the cosmos, starting with ancient symbolism and alchemy up through today's modern science and technology. What clues did our ancient ancestors leave for us about the nature of the universe that we're just now rediscovering today, and where throughout history have we seen those esoteric clues resurface?

    Researcher Mike Ricksecker is the author of the Amazon best-sellers A Walk In The Shadows: A Complete Guide To Shadow People and Alaska's Mysterious Triangle as well as several historic paranormal books. He has appeared on multiple television shows and programs, including History Channel's Ancient Aliens and The UnXplained, Travel Channel’s The Alaska Triangle, Discovery+’s Fright Club, Animal Planet’s The Haunted, multiple series on Gaia TV, and more. Mike is the producer and director of the docu-series, The Shadow Dimension, available on several streaming platforms, and produces additional full-length content on ancient wisdom, lost civilizations, and the supernatural on his extensive YouTube channel. For more than six years he hosted The Edge of the Rabbit Hole livestream show and currently hosts the Connecting the Universe interactive class. He operates his own book publishing and video production company, Haunted Road Media, representing a number of authors, and winning the award for Excellent Media In The Paranormal Field at the 2019 Shockfest Film Festival. Mike’s historic paranormal articles have been published in The Baltimore Sun, Paranormal Underground Magazine, and he previously wrote an Oklahoma City paranormal column for Examiner.com (2010 – 2014). His work has also been featured in The Oklahoman, The Frederick News Post, Marshall University’s The Parthenon, and Louisiana State University’s Civil War Book Review. He now hosts many of these articles along with informational videos and learning courses on the Connected Universe Portal website. A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Mike is a U.S. Air Force veteran with a degree in simulation programming and is an avid baseball fan.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/3bj42hfs






    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.

  • This week I'm talking to Mike Ricksecker about his book 'Travels Through Time: Inside the Fourth Dimension, Time Travel, and Stacked Time Theory'.

    Begin your journey into the Connected Universe with Travels Through Time, an examination of the nature of time, dimensions, and the possibilities of real time travel. In an easy-to-follow and conversational manner, researcher Mike Ricksecker formally introduces his Stacked Time Theory with an exploration of the fabric of the cosmos, starting with ancient symbolism and alchemy up through today's modern science and technology. What clues did our ancient ancestors leave for us about the nature of the universe that we're just now rediscovering today, and where throughout history have we seen those esoteric clues resurface?

    Researcher Mike Ricksecker is the author of the Amazon best-sellers A Walk In The Shadows: A Complete Guide To Shadow People and Alaska's Mysterious Triangle as well as several historic paranormal books. He has appeared on multiple television shows and programs, including History Channel's Ancient Aliens and The UnXplained, Travel Channel’s The Alaska Triangle, Discovery+’s Fright Club, Animal Planet’s The Haunted, multiple series on Gaia TV, and more. Mike is the producer and director of the docu-series, The Shadow Dimension, available on several streaming platforms, and produces additional full-length content on ancient wisdom, lost civilizations, and the supernatural on his extensive YouTube channel. For more than six years he hosted The Edge of the Rabbit Hole livestream show and currently hosts the Connecting the Universe interactive class. He operates his own book publishing and video production company, Haunted Road Media, representing a number of authors, and winning the award for Excellent Media In The Paranormal Field at the 2019 Shockfest Film Festival. Mike’s historic paranormal articles have been published in The Baltimore Sun, Paranormal Underground Magazine, and he previously wrote an Oklahoma City paranormal column for Examiner.com (2010 – 2014). His work has also been featured in The Oklahoman, The Frederick News Post, Marshall University’s The Parthenon, and Louisiana State University’s Civil War Book Review. He now hosts many of these articles along with informational videos and learning courses on the Connected Universe Portal website. A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Mike is a U.S. Air Force veteran with a degree in simulation programming and is an avid baseball fan.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/3bj42hfs






    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.

  • In this episode I am reading from Leigh Thatcher's book 'Distant Machines'.

    Distant Machines is the biography of Leigh Thatcher's varied and obscure UFO and paranormal experiences, from a childhood UFO encounter-to a reoccurring abduction nightmare-to his adult life where he's experienced communication with a biological UFO, which proves the link between the UFO phenomena and crop circles.
    There's something for everyone in this book who has an interest in all things Paranormal; Light anomalies, UFOs, chemtrails, synchronicity, ghosts, remote viewing and a possible fairy-but that's for you to decided.
    Leigh's biography will take you on a journey through his turbulent childhood growing up in the 80's-setting the scene for his first encounter at the age of ten. His chaotic upbringing paves the way for more sightings and communication with UFOs as an adult, which concludes with Leigh trying to make sense of what he's experienced.
    Leigh has been interviewed many times for radio and podcasts regarding his encounters and has been a guest speaker at the UFO academy conference in Watford, England back in 2014 . He's conducted many lectures on his experiences to both UFO and paranormal groups and has also run his own Remote Viewing group. Leigh also runs a UFO/Paranormal Facebook group, set-up to encourage others to come forward to tell their stories.

    Leigh was born in south east London and moved to Birmingham at the age of fourteen. Having had a UFO encounter when he was ten, he developed an avid interest in the subject. In 2012 all manner of supernatural occurrences took place which set him further on a journey of discovery, trying to piece together what was unfolding.





    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.

  • In this episode I am talking to Leigh Thatcher about his book 'Distant Machines'.

    Distant Machines is the biography of Leigh Thatcher's varied and obscure UFO and paranormal experiences, from a childhood UFO encounter-to a reoccurring abduction nightmare-to his adult life where he's experienced communication with a biological UFO, which proves the link between the UFO phenomena and crop circles.
    There's something for everyone in this book who has an interest in all things Paranormal; Light anomalies, UFOs, chemtrails, synchronicity, ghosts, remote viewing and a possible fairy-but that's for you to decided.
    Leigh's biography will take you on a journey through his turbulent childhood growing up in the 80's-setting the scene for his first encounter at the age of ten. His chaotic upbringing paves the way for more sightings and communication with UFOs as an adult, which concludes with Leigh trying to make sense of what he's experienced.
    Leigh has been interviewed many times for radio and podcasts regarding his encounters and has been a guest speaker at the UFO academy conference in Watford, England back in 2014 . He's conducted many lectures on his experiences to both UFO and paranormal groups and has also run his own Remote Viewing group. Leigh also runs a UFO/Paranormal Facebook group, set-up to encourage others to come forward to tell their stories.

    Leigh was born in south east London and moved to Birmingham at the age of fourteen. Having had a UFO encounter when he was ten, he developed an avid interest in the subject. In 2012 all manner of supernatural occurrences took place which set him further on a journey of discovery, trying to piece together what was unfolding.





    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.

  • This week I am talking to Jeffrey Mishlove and Russell Targ about their book 'Russell Targ: Ninety Years of Remote Viewing, ESP, and Timeless Awareness'.

    A childhood magician, raconteur, laser pioneer, physicist, parapsychologist, and psychic spy, Russell Targ has enjoyed an illustrious career spanning more than six decades. Now in his ninetieth year, Russell is still active and his work in consciousness research and extra sensory perception is more relevant than ever.
    Along with physicist Harold Puthoff, Targ created the now famous remote viewing program at Stanford Research Institute (SRI). The psychic intelligence-gathering program known as Grill flame, Stargate (and other names) was funded by the CIA and other US government agencies for 23 years, and brought ESP research into the mainstream, much to the dismay of materialist scientists.
    Those findings convinced him of the reality of non-dualism and he became a practicing Buddhist.
    This book dialogues 15 conversations with Jeffrey Mishlove, the veteran parapsychologist and host of the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel, in which they delve into remote viewing by military intelligence, precognitive dreaming, ESP, and much, much more.

    Jeffrey Bio
    New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, The PK Man, and the New Thinking Allowed Dialogues series: Is There Life After Death? UFOs and UAP: Are we Really Alone? and Russell Targ: Ninety Years of Remote Viewing, ESP, and Timeless Awareness. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in the world from an accredited university that says, “Parapsychology.” It was awarded from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1980. He is also the Grand Prize winner of the Bigelow Institute essay competition regarding postmortem survival of human consciousness.

    Russell Bio
    Russell Targ is a physicist and author who has devoted much of his professional career to the research of the human capacity for psychic ability. In 1972, he co-founded the Stanford Research Institute's federally-funded program that investigated psychic abilities in humans. The program provided invaluable information and techniques to various government intelligence agencies, including the DIA, the CIA, NASA, and Army Intelligence. In his ten years with the program, Targ co-published his findings in some of the most prestigious scientific journals. He is the co-author, with Jane Katra, of five books about psychic abilities, two of which are: Miracles of Mind: Exploring Non-local Consciousness & Spiritual Healing, and The Heart of the Mind: How to Experience God Without Belief (both New World Library.). Targ was also quite active in the development of the laser and its various applications, having written over fifty articles on advanced laser research. He is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers and has received two NASA awards for inventions and contributions in laser and laser communications. Recently retiring from his position as senior staff scientist at Lockheed Martin, Targ now devotes his time to ESP research and offering workshops on remote viewing and spiritual healing. He lives in Palo Alto, California.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/4a5kdx8a




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  • This week I'm reading from Kathleen Marden's book 'Forbidden Knowledge: A Personal Journey from Alien Abduction to Spiritual Transformation'.

    Kathleen Marden's amazing life as the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, the first scientifically investigated case of alien abduction, sent her on a lifelong search for answers. Her extensive investigation of their events developed into a career as a respected UFO investigator, researcher, author, and leader in her field. She has devoted years to investigation, research, and experimentation always following the evidence wherever it led and sharing her findings with her readers.

    In 1991, she joined the Mutual UFO Network, the world's largest civilian investigative organization. Her active involvement led to twenty years of volunteerism at a national level. As the Founder of MUFON's Experiencer Resource Team, she and her fellow investigators enabled thousands of UFO abductees and experiencers of contact with nonhumans to confidentially speak of their often troubling experiences with compassionate, knowledgeable, nonjudgmental listeners.
    Her collaboration on three major studies of nearly five thousand people who believe they have experienced nonhuman contact generated new insight into the commonalities shared by these participants in a mystifying alternate reality.

    When she discovered information that transcended the limits of conservative Ufology the information she possessed was no longer acceptable to self-appointed gatekeepers who sought to control the narrative. However, the investigation of unexplained phenomena is legitimate in a free and open society, and you the reader deserve access to the truth. This is her story.

    Kathleen Marden is a researcher, author, on camera expert, conference presenter, experiencer advocate, hypnosis practitioner and support group facilitator. She is known as one of the leading UFO contact researchers of our time. Since 1990, she has researched the perplexing nature of UFOs and the non-human entities associated with highly advanced aerial vehicles via her own groundbreaking research, investigation, and experimentation. Her research has extended to archival collections and the US government’s involvement in the investigation of UFOs and its major studies. This has combined to give her a depth of knowledge that few possess. She is the 2013 recipient of MUFON's "Researcher of the Year" award and the 2021 recipient of the International UFO Congress "Lifetime Achievement Award".

    She earned a B.A. degree in social work and was employed as an educator and education services coordinator while attending graduate school. She is a certified practitioner of regression hypnosis and the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. She has worked on three social research studies, on experiencers of ET contact, two with Ph.D. social scientists. Additionally, she offers the Awakening Souls support group for experiencers who feel an intense calling to be part of the answer and to assist others who are beginning to awaken to their relationship with Non-human intelligence.

    Her interest in UFOs and contact began in 1961, when her aunt and uncle, Betty and Barney Hill had a close encounter and subsequent abduction in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. She spent fifteen years in painstaking investigation of the Hill abduction case and continues to seek the scientific analysis of the compelling evidence.

    Her bestseller with nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman (1934-2019) is “Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience”. She and Stanton worked together for nearly 14 years and collaborated on two additional books “Science Was Wrong” and “Fact, Fiction, and Flying Saucers”. Her book with Denise Stoner “The Alien Abduction Files” includes her investigation of six intergenerational cases of abduction/contact. Her fifth book “Extra Terrestrial Contact: What to Do When You’ve Been Abducted” is a comprehensive guide to contact for Experiencers, those who love them, professionals who work with Experiencers, and the interested public. Read her latest book “Forbidden Knowledge: A Personal Journey from Alien Abduction to Spiritual Transformation” for deeper insight into Kathleen’s own life and works. Her essays have been published in several additional books and magazines.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/3h8bmer2




    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.

  • In this episode I'm reading from Preston Dennett's book 'Onboard UFO Encounters: True Accounts of Contact with Extraterrestrials'.

    Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena.
    He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of twenty-six books and more than 100 articles about UFOs and the paranormal. His articles have appeared in numerous magazines including Fate, Atlantis Rising, MUFON UFO Journal, Nexus, Paranormal Magazine, UFO magazine, Mysteries Magazine, Ufologist, Phenomena Magazine, Outer Limits Magazine and others.

    His writing has been translated into several different languages including German, Portuguese, French, Russian, and Icelandic. He has appeared on numerous radio and television programs. His research has been presented in the L.A. Times, the L.A. Daily News, the Dallas Morning News and other newspapers. He has taught classes on various paranormal subjects and lectures across the United States.

    Onboard UFO Encounters contains fifteen all new original cases of people who have been taken onboard a UFO. None have been published before. What really happens when someone is taken onboard an alien craft? The answer may surprise you. These true firsthand accounts provide an extensive exploration deep into the heart of the UFO phenomenon, and show just how fascinating and strange UFO contact can be. A wide variety of ETs are represented including grays, praying mantis, human-looking ETs, hybrids, humanoids of all types. Fifteen ordinary people, each who have had the extraordinary experience of being taken onboard a UFO.

    Fifteen true accounts, told in the witnesses’ own words. An onboard UFO encounter is the ultimate UFO experience. The stories in this book provide a firsthand look at what it’s like to be inside a UFO and meet extraterrestrials face-to-face. Why are the ETs visiting our planet? What is their agenda? Are they friendly or hostile? The answers are in the pages that follow.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/mr6e3rn5




    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.

  • This week I'm talking to Kathleen Marden about her book 'Forbidden Knowledge: A Personal Journey from Alien Abduction to Spiritual Transformation'.

    Kathleen Marden's amazing life as the niece of Betty and Barney Hill, the first scientifically investigated case of alien abduction, sent her on a lifelong search for answers. Her extensive investigation of their events developed into a career as a respected UFO investigator, researcher, author, and leader in her field. She has devoted years to investigation, research, and experimentation always following the evidence wherever it led and sharing her findings with her readers.
    In 1991, she joined the Mutual UFO Network, the world's largest civilian investigative organization. Her active involvement led to twenty years of volunteerism at a national level. As the Founder of MUFON's Experiencer Resource Team, she and her fellow investigators enabled thousands of UFO abductees and experiencers of contact with nonhumans to confidentially speak of their often troubling experiences with compassionate, knowledgeable, nonjudgmental listeners.
    Her collaboration on three major studies of nearly five thousand people who believe they have experienced nonhuman contact generated new insight into the commonalities shared by these participants in a mystifying alternate reality.
    When she discovered information that transcended the limits of conservative Ufology the information she possessed was no longer acceptable to self-appointed gatekeepers who sought to control the narrative. However, the investigation of unexplained phenomena is legitimate in a free and open society, and you the reader deserve access to the truth. This is her story.

    Kathleen Marden is a researcher, author, on camera expert, conference presenter, experiencer advocate, hypnosis practitioner and support group facilitator. She is known as one of the leading UFO contact researchers of our time. Since 1990, she has researched the perplexing nature of UFOs and the non-human entities associated with highly advanced aerial vehicles via her own groundbreaking research, investigation, and experimentation. Her research has extended to archival collections and the US government’s involvement in the investigation of UFOs and its major studies. This has combined to give her a depth of knowledge that few possess. She is the 2013 recipient of MUFON's "Researcher of the Year" award and the 2021 recipient of the International UFO Congress "Lifetime Achievement Award".
    She earned a B.A. degree in social work and was employed as an educator and education services coordinator while attending graduate school. She is a certified practitioner of regression hypnosis and the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. She has worked on three social research studies, on experiencers of ET contact, two with Ph.D. social scientists. Additionally, she offers the Awakening Souls support group for experiencers who feel an intense calling to be part of the answer and to assist others who are beginning to awaken to their relationship with Non-human intelligence.
    Her interest in UFOs and contact began in 1961, when her aunt and uncle, Betty and Barney Hill had a close encounter and subsequent abduction in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. She spent fifteen years in painstaking investigation of the Hill abduction case and continues to seek the scientific analysis of the compelling evidence.
    Her bestseller with nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman (1934-2019) is “Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience”. She and Stanton worked together for nearly 14 years and collaborated on two additional books “Science Was Wrong” and “Fact, Fiction, and Flying Saucers”. Her book with Denise Stoner “The Alien Abduction Files” includes her investigation of six intergenerational cases of abduction/contact. Her fifth book “Extra Terrestrial Contact: What to Do When You’ve Been Abducted” is a comprehensive guide to contact for Experiencers, those who love them, professionals who work with Experiencers, and the interested public. Read her latest book “Forbidden Knowledge: A Personal Journey from Alien Abduction to Spiritual Transformation” for deeper insight into Kathleen’s own life and works. Her essays have been published in several additional books and magazines.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/3h8bmer2




    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.

  • This week I'm reading from Lisey Clarkson's book 'Ordinary People and UFOs: A Memoir of Contact'.

    Having experienced over a dozen encounters with craft not of this world, Lisey Clarkson is now compelled to share these startling events as the topic emerges to the foreground of public acceptability.
    At times witnessed by her two daughters, she outlines how the silent observers were mostly present during mental disciplines, to which she critically attributes their timely appearances.
    Explicit details of their varying sizes, materials, agility, and ability to appear on cue, are explored alongside tumultuous life experiences to provide an analysis of what was so worthy of observing.
    Determined to deliver vivid accounts of close encounters with UFOs, she does not apologise for her honest inclusion of occasional coarse language, and sometimes uncomfortable situations that precipitated the desire to challenge her mind.
    This book is about – and for – ordinary people, all of whom have something extraordinary in their design.
    Lisey was a high school teacher and has experienced UFO phenomena her whole life.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/yckx5yet



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  • This is an alien UFO podcast classic episode.

    This episode dates back to July 2020. It features my conversation with Preston Dennett about his book 'Onboard UFO Encounters: True Accounts of Contact with Extraterrestrials'. It was originally released on the Our Paranormal Afterlife podcast.

    Onboard UFO Encounters contains fifteen all new original cases of people who have been taken onboard a UFO. None have been published before. What really happens when someone is taken onboard an alien craft? The answer may surprise you. These true firsthand accounts provide an extensive exploration deep into the heart of the UFO phenomenon, and show just how fascinating and strange UFO contact can be. A wide variety of ETs are represented including grays, praying mantis, human-looking ETs, hybrids, humanoids of all types. Fifteen ordinary people, each who have had the extraordinary experience of being taken onboard a UFO.
    Fifteen true accounts, told in the witnesses’ own words. An onboard UFO encounter is the ultimate UFO experience. The stories in this book provide a firsthand look at what it’s like to be inside a UFO and meet extraterrestrials face-to-face. Why are the ETs visiting our planet? What is their agenda? Are they friendly or hostile? The answers are in the pages that follow.

    Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena.
    He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of twenty-six books and more than 100 articles about UFOs and the paranormal. His articles have appeared in numerous magazines including Fate, Atlantis Rising, MUFON UFO Journal, Nexus, Paranormal Magazine, UFO magazine, Mysteries Magazine, Ufologist, Phenomena Magazine, Outer Limits Magazine and others.
    His writing has been translated into several different languages including German, Portuguese, French, Russian, and Icelandic. He has appeared on numerous radio and television programs. His research has been presented in the L.A. Times, the L.A. Daily News, the Dallas Morning News and other newspapers. He has taught classes on various paranormal subjects and lectures across the United States.





    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.

  • This week I'm talking to Lisey Clarkson about her book 'Ordinary People and UFOs: A Memoir of Contact'.
    Having experienced over a dozen encounters with craft not of this world, Lisey Clarkson is now compelled to share these startling events as the topic emerges to the foreground of public acceptability.
    At times witnessed by her two daughters, she outlines how the silent observers were mostly present during mental disciplines, to which she critically attributes their timely appearances.
    Explicit details of their varying sizes, materials, agility, and ability to appear on cue, are explored alongside tumultuous life experiences to provide an analysis of what was so worthy of observing.
    Determined to deliver vivid accounts of close encounters with UFOs, she does not apologise for her honest inclusion of occasional coarse language, and sometimes uncomfortable situations that precipitated the desire to challenge her mind.
    This book is about – and for – ordinary people, all of whom have something extraordinary in their design.

    Lisey was a high school teacher and has experienced UFO phenomena her whole life.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/yckx5yet



    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.

  • This week I'm reading from Robert Powell's book 'UFOs: A Scientist Explains What We Know (And Don’t Know)'.

    Robert Powell, a founding Board member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, has studied the UFO subject for 17 years. His work is encapsulated in UFOs: A Scientist Explains What We Know (And Don’t Know) which provides a scientific rationale for the reality of non-terrestrial craft that are intelligently controlled.
    Powell begins his book by familiarizing the reader with the history of UFOs and he identifies the more enigmatic and interesting UFO sightings. He examines the characteristics of these sightings that argue against a prosaic explanation: extreme acceleration, electromagnetic interference, bending light, no obvious propulsion mechanisms, and a lack of interaction with the atmosphere. Powell discusses the recent events that have caused our government to change the term from UFO to UAP. Included is information never before released indicating the government possesses not just two videos but five videos from 2015 of UFOs operating in the vicinity of the USS Roosevelt nuclear aircraft carrier.
    Powell’s later chapters in the book discuss the extraterrestrial hypothesis considering the thousands of exoplanets that have been discovered in the last twenty years. Powell challenges the reader to consider all the implications that must be considered if intelligent life discovers us first. He looks at how we as individuals and as a society react to UFOs. He documents actions taken by our military that include instances when we have fired on UFOs.
    Powell argues that it is time for a change in the study of UFOs. The phenomenon has been with us for 75 years and we have learned very little as the decades have passed. The author makes the case for what needs to be done going forward. The solution he proposes will require a paradigm shift in our thinking and his book provides the information needed to understand that paradigm shift.
    Robert Powell was born in La Rochelle, France in 1953 and moved to the U.S. when he was 3 years old. He has a BS in Chemistry and is a former collegiate debater. He has 28 years experience in engineering management in the semiconductor industry. He helped Advanced Micro Devices develop its first flash memory technology that is used in today’s flash cards for cameras, PCs, video cameras, and other products. His experience includes managing a state-of-the-art chemistry laboratory and managing a Research and Development group that worked on nanotechnology using atomic force microscopes, near-field optical microscopy, and other techniques. Robert is also a co-holder of four patents related to nanotechnology.
    Robert Powell was the Director of Research at the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) from 2007-2017 and also founded MUFON's Science Review Board. Currently he is on the Board of the Scientific Coalition for the study of UAPs. He is also a member of the Society for Scientific Exploration, the UFODATA project, and the National Space Society. He enjoys researching, writing and making presentations related to the UFO phenomenon. Robert currently resides in Austin, Texas.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/55t7zamn




    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.

  • This week I'm talking to Robert Powell about his book 'UFOs: A Scientist Explains What We Know (And Don’t Know)'.

    Robert Powell, a founding Board member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, has studied the UFO subject for 17 years. His work is encapsulated in UFOs: A Scientist Explains What We Know (And Don’t Know) which provides a scientific rationale for the reality of non-terrestrial craft that are intelligently controlled.
    Powell begins his book by familiarizing the reader with the history of UFOs and he identifies the more enigmatic and interesting UFO sightings. He examines the characteristics of these sightings that argue against a prosaic explanation: extreme acceleration, electromagnetic interference, bending light, no obvious propulsion mechanisms, and a lack of interaction with the atmosphere. Powell discusses the recent events that have caused our government to change the term from UFO to UAP. Included is information never before released indicating the government possesses not just two videos but five videos from 2015 of UFOs operating in the vicinity of the USS Roosevelt nuclear aircraft carrier.

    Powell’s later chapters in the book discuss the extraterrestrial hypothesis considering the thousands of exoplanets that have been discovered in the last twenty years. Powell challenges the reader to consider all the implications that must be considered if intelligent life discovers us first. He looks at how we as individuals and as a society react to UFOs. He documents actions taken by our military that include instances when we have fired on UFOs.
    Powell argues that it is time for a change in the study of UFOs. The phenomenon has been with us for 75 years and we have learned very little as the decades have passed. The author makes the case for what needs to be done going forward. The solution he proposes will require a paradigm shift in our thinking and his book provides the information needed to understand that paradigm shift.

    Robert Powell was born in La Rochelle, France in 1953 and moved to the U.S. when he was 3 years old. He has a BS in Chemistry and is a former collegiate debater. He has 28 years experience in engineering management in the semiconductor industry. He helped Advanced Micro Devices develop its first flash memory technology that is used in today’s flash cards for cameras, PCs, video cameras, and other products. His experience includes managing a state-of-the-art chemistry laboratory and managing a Research and Development group that worked on nanotechnology using atomic force microscopes, near-field optical microscopy, and other techniques. Robert is also a co-holder of four patents related to nanotechnology.
    Robert Powell was the Director of Research at the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) from 2007-2017 and also founded MUFON's Science Review Board. Currently he is on the Board of the Scientific Coalition for the study of UAPs. He is also a member of the Society for Scientific Exploration, the UFODATA project, and the National Space Society. He enjoys researching, writing and making presentations related to the UFO phenomenon. Robert currently resides in Austin, Texas.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/55t7zamn




    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.

  • This week I'm reading from Ryan Wood's book 'Majic Eyes Only: Earth's Encounters with Extraterrestrial Technology'.

    MAJIC EYES ONLY is the most authoritative and comprehensive chronicle ever published on the subject of worldwide UFO crashes and subsequent military retrievals from 1897 to the present. The author guides the reader through 104 UFO crash incidents supported by compelling evidence in the form of official documents, eyewitnesses and in some cases physical evidence. Since 1984, multiple sources have leaked, revealed or discovered some 3,500 pages of UFO documents, hundreds classified Top Secret and linked to Majestic-12. These MJ-12 documents, coupled with the Leonard Stringfield data and strong investigations by other case experts, provide a powerful core of UFO crash incidents. The idea that major governments have covered up the true nature of the UFO phenomenon for more than half a century through unprecedented secrecy, deception and intimidation strikes many reasonable citizens as preposterous. Yet, this book provides a wealth of evidence, including declassified and leaked government documents and credible eyewitness testimony, that supports the uncomfortable truth of this "preposterous" notion.

    Majic Eyes Only is the Top Secret security classification for overwhelming proof of the most deeply held secret on the planet: we are not alone in the universe. Furthermore, several major governments have captured and exploited both extraterrestrial spacecraft and living aliens, for purposes that may sometimes defy understanding but which undoubtedly include the relentless quest for military supremacy and the preservation of society's established power structures. On March 5, 1942 Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall created an inflection point in history by issuing a Top Secret memorandum to President Roosevelt that inaugurated one of the most secret enterprises the world has ever seen: the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU).

    Ryan S. Wood grew up in southern California where he first became acquainted with UFOs when his father, Dr. Robert M. Wood, was engaged in deciphering the physics of UFOs while managing a research project on anti-gravity for McDonnell Douglas. This involved the process of trying to change the speed of light in a Michelson Morley interferometer with high magnetic fields. In 1978, he graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science and has had a long career in marketing, sales, engineering, and corporate management, across, semiconductor, computer systems, medical imaging, energy conservation, and aerospace industries.
    Ryan is regarded as a leading authority on the Top Secret classified Majestic-12 intelligence documents and the 1941 Cape Girardeau, Missouri UFO Crash amongst others. He is the author of MAJIC EYES ONLY: Earth’s Encounters with Extraterrestrial Technology, a landmark synthesis of over 100 UFO crash retrievals along with authenticity discussions of many of the majestic documents.
    A frequent lecturer on the UFO subject, Ryan has taught college courses and made numerous presentations about UFOs to civic organizations and at ufology conferences across the world. He has organized seven worldwide UFO crash retrieval symposia (2003-2009), each with conference proceedings and presentations from UFO crash investigators along with keynote banquet speakers. During this time, he advanced the ufological careers and reputation of scores of now widely known UFO lecturers, TV guests and researchers.
    In the late 1990’s he gave a two-hour UFO lecture to an international class of military officers at the Naval Postgraduate School that formed the basis of the final exam for a National Security Affairs class. He manages the content of website majesticdocuments and along with his father was the executive producer of a television documentary that aired on the Sci-Fi channel detailing the authenticity of the Majestic-12 documents called The Secret. He has been interviewed on numerous television shows such as the History channel, ABC news and numerous local Bay Area, Denver, and Las Vegas TV channels. He has been a radio guest on Art Bell, Jeff Rense, and George Noory several times.

    Amazon link https://tinyurl.com/yc48ae8h



    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/alien-ufo-podcast--5270801/support.