
  • Hola! (Español Abajo) In this Spanish-language podcast Salvadorian/USA farmworker, Letty Pineda, is interviewed by Rev. Neddy Astudillo for our collection, "A Climate Transition Supported by Faith." Learn more.

    ####### ESPAÑOL #######

    Por el Rvda. Dra. Neddt Astudillo, editor invitado y presentado del podcast -

    En EE.UU., los trabajadores agrícolas sufren una inseguridad alimentaria 400% mayor que el resto de la población.(1) En todo el país, el 83% de los que recogen verduras y frutas se consideran hispanos.(2) Florida es el segundo mayor productor de frutas y verduras. En tiempos de cambio climático, los trabajadores al aire libre de este Estado, incluidos los trabajadores agrícolas, se encuentran entre los más vulnerables a las olas de calor, y los menos protegidos.

    Actualmente en Florida no existen protecciones estatales o federales contra el estrés térmico para los trabajadores al aire libre. En cambio, en el Congreso se está intentando aprobar el proyecto de ley 433,(3) que impediría a las comunidades locales aprobar leyes para proteger a los trabajadores al aire libre de la exposición excesiva al calor y de las lesiones relacionadas con el calor, señalando que, de lo contrario, podría acabar con el negocio de la construcción; mientras tanto, los trabajadores agrícolas ven afectada su salud, su riqueza y sus medios de vida.(3) En 2023, un joven trabajador agrícola murió en el trabajo, de un golpe de calor fácilmente evitable, si las leyes estuvieran ahí para apoyar a los trabajadores, y no sólo a los beneficios empresariales.

    Dado que el acceso al agua, la sombra y los descansos es vital para la salud de los trabajadores agrícolas, la Asociación de Trabajadores Agrícolas de Florida, en colaboración con la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad Emori,(5) se ha propuesto la misión de educar a los trabajadores, supervisores y empleadores sobre cómo prevenir, reconocer y responder al estrés por calor en el trabajo, y evitar muertes.

    En este episodio, Letty Pineda, salvadoreña que trabajó en Florida como trabajadora agrícola durante 20 años, comparte su experiencia sobre los efectos de los pesticidas en la salud de los campesinos, y el aumento de las olas de calor de los últimos cinco años. Para ella, ambas cosas se hicieron insoportables. Hoy trabaja con familias de trabajadores agrícolas para la Asociación de Trabajadores Agrícolas, como organizadora del programa de Agroecología. En su nuevo puesto, Letty facilita oportunidades para que las familias de trabajadores agrícolas cultiven alimentos orgánicos en una parcela comunal, o Huerta comunitaria. Lo que crece en los campos pertenece a la empresa o al propietario de la tierra. En la Huerta, la gente es libre de recoger y disfrutar de lo que se planta y se cosecha. Como los propios trabajadores del campo eligen lo que se cultiva y participan en el mantenimiento de la huerta comunal, todo lo que crece tiene un valor cultural.

    Letty cree que la Creación está ahí para que la disfrutemos, y ha visto cómo la Tierra responde, dando y sanando, cuando la cuidamos bien.


    Gracias por su atención. Este podcast es parte de nuestra colección, Una transición climática apoyada por la fe: de las voces de mujeres islámicas e indígenas, editada por el Reva. Dra. Neddy Astudillo. Consulte esa colección para obtener más información. Visite nuestra lista de correo electrónico, podcasts y canal de YouTube para obtener más contenido. Regístrese para recibir nuestros correos electrónicos trimestrales aquí.

  • Hola! (Español abajo) In this Spanish-language podcast, Argentinian cinematographer and forest-activist, Natay Etai Collet, is interviewed by Rev. Neddy Astudillo for our collection, "A Climate Transition Supported by Faith." Learn more here. Don’t miss Natay's exceptional cinematography in the videos here.

    ####### ESPAÑOL #######

    En este podcast, el reverendo Neddy Astudillo entrevista a la directora de fotografía y activista forestal argentina Natay Etai Collet para nuestra colección "Una transición climática apoyada por la fe". Aprende más aquí. No te pierdas la excepcional cinematografía de Natay en los videos aquí.

    Del anfitrión, Reva. Dra. Neddy Astudillo -

    Natay Etai Collet nació en la ciudad de Juan José Castelli provincia del Chaco, Argentina. Desde niña siempre tuvo relación con la naturaleza y los animales de granja que a ella le tocaba cuidar junto a sus amigas y amigos que también eran de diversas culturas. En su barrio había y hay una gran parte de gente que son descendientes de Alemanes del Volga, familias Criollas Campesinas y Familias Qom y un Sr. Wichí el cual vive debajo de un Quebracho Colorado.

    A los 9 años ya tenía una cámara de rollo y se pasaba sacando fotos al entorno donde vivían. A los 10 años se dijo, “esto es lo mío”, cuando vió en acción a un grupo de personas de un programa de Tv (“La aventura del hombre”), que venían a filmar el monte. Desde hace 14 años, y ahora como parte de Tortugas Producciones, realiza registros audiovisuales de la flora y fauna, paisajes y entrevistas a personas que viven en el departamento general Güemes y Brown llamado popularmente “el impenetrable”. Estos registros muchas veces lo hace en forma individual y muchas otras acompañada por personas conocedoras de la zona, vecinos y colegas guardaparques, con el objetivo de poder dejar un banco de imagen y sonido de lo que es la región.

    Natay ha trabajado en más de 100 proyecciones en comunidades Qom, Wichi, Criollos y para su pueblo. Entre ellas un Festival de cine Indígena impulsado por el Depto. de Cine de la Provincia y el CEFREC de Bolivia, donde ayudó con la producción y apoyo en los talleres, cine comunitario, cine donde la gente cuenta lo que quiere contar, la cámara como una herramienta de comunicación de la propia cultura escrita por la propia gente.

    Filmando conoció el desmonte, que de niña ya veía al pasar los camiones con árboles gigantescos. De grande ya eran camiones más máquinas topadoras con cadenas. Ha filmado el desmonte donde una vez filmó el monte. Ya no estaban los animales, ya no estaban las plantas.

    Y así, una mezcla de experiencias en Parques provinciales y las áreas naturales, más una crisis política y económica muy dura, la llevó recientemente a guardar la cámara viejita con su banco de imágenes, y a estudiar la carrera de Técnico Superior en Guardaparque en San Pedro Misiones.

    Desde hace un año Natay es guardaparque del Parque Natural Provincial Loro Hablador. Vive en el monte, trabaja para cuidarlo junto a la gente, y continúa haciendo cine móvil y filmando. Sobre todo, trata de disfrutar y colaborar para cuidar este último pedazo de monte que queda, con el sufrimiento de la gente, de la fauna, de la flora y de los ríos que se secan. Igual sigue filmando, poniendo el cuerpo y la esperanza, para que se preserve.


    Gracias por su atención. Este podcast es parte de nuestra colección, Una transición climática apoyada por la fe: de las voces de mujeres islámicas e indígenas, editada por el Reva. Dra. Neddy Astudillo. Consulte esa colección para obtener más información. Visite nuestra lista de correo electrónico, podcasts y canal de YouTube para obtener más contenido. Regístrese para recibir nuestros correos electrónicos trimestrales aquí.

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  • Hello! Welcome to "From Tsunamis and climate change, towards a Green Reconstruction for Forests and People -- Lessons from an Islamic spiritual journey" our conversation with Nana Firman from COP28 in Dubai.

    Nana Firman is an Islamic climate activist and faith leader from Indonesia with an extensive background partnering with many of the world's most important climate initiatives. In this interview Nana shares with eco-theologian, and host, Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo, about her spiritual journey.

    Here is a synopsis from, Rev. Dr. Astudillo:

    While attending Climate Change negotiations in Dubai (COP28, the United Nations annual climate conference, 2023) Nana shares her very unique spiritual and ecological journey as a Muslim woman. After the destructive Tsunami of 2004, which affected her homeland, Indonesia, and many other island countries, Nana was summoned by World Wildlife Fund to support green reconstruction efforts in Indonesia, a Muslim-majority country.

    It wasn’t until she was encouraged to discover and engage in the reconstruction efforts, the ecological tenants of her Islamic faith, and work with local religious leaders, that she began to be heard. She was able to mobilize many -- to protect remaining forests and replant affected mangrove coastal areas, even in the midst of loss and human suffering.

    In this podcast Nana shares about her journey, the lessons learned, and her faith, which together led her all the way to starting new movements and serving as co-director of the Islamic Society of North American’s Green Initiative. She also shares what is happening with the forests in Sumatra today.

    For a further look into Islamic teachings to save Creation, we recommend Nana’s article: “Enjoying Good and Forbidding Wrong”; where she elaborates how Islam can be an enormous source of cultural, moral and political influence for Creation Care.

    Thank you, Nana!

    Nana Firman is founder of Eco-Fab Living and initiator of the Eco-Hijrah Movement. She is a senior ambassador of GreenFaith’s, an interfaith coalition for the environment and a student of Bayan Islamic Graduate School. Originally from Indonesia, Firman now lives in California. Neddy Astudillo is a Presbyterian pastor with a PhD in Greening the Church, coordinator of the Climate Justice and Faith Spanish program at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, and more. Rev. Astudillo teaches internationally and in the USA, is published widely, and is a co-author of the National Council of Churches declaration and book, God’s Earth is Sacred: Essays on Eco-Justice.


    Nana's article: "Enjoying Good and Forbidding Wrong"Artículo de Nana: "Disfrutar del bien y prohibir el mal"


    Learn More

    Where is: IndonesiaWorld Wildlife Fund green reconstruction Islamic Society of North AmericaIslamic Society of North America’s Green Initiative
  • Called to CARE with SCOTT SABIN, ceo, Plant With Purpose. Solving Poverty with environmental care. Learning from "the Poor." Redefining "Inclusion." Choosing to grow a future we can all look forward to. Leaving things better than you find them. Creating abundance by caring for the living members of the creation... That's what this podcast is about. Hope you enjoy Called to CARE with Scott Sabin.

    "Right now we are directly serving about 500,000 people and having a measurable impact on just over 1,000,000 people." - SCOTT

    CARE: Curious. Appropriate. Responsive. Empathetic.

    In this interview world-changing Christian leader, Scott Sabin, whose organization is currently helping more than 1,000,000 people in nine countries, shares some insights after 30 years of leading breakthrough sustainable development work. Scott is joined by legendary funk bassist, noted author, and care-centric pastor, Reverend Jimi Calhoun, as well as the co-founder/executive editor of AllCreation.org, Chris Searles.

    Plant With Purpose is a nonprofit organization utilizing globally-strategic reforestation, regenerative agriculture, purpose groups, community-savings groups, church partners, and open-hearted, Christian-community values to lift roughly one million of the world's most isolated and under-resourced people out of poverty today. When Scott started with the organization as executive director, 30 years ago, they had one program and just 80 participants.


    Learn More

    ScottSabin.com PlantWithPurpose.org


    Rev. Jimi Calhoun is lead pastor at BridgingAustin.org, an influential musician and a noted author (JimiCalhoun.com) who's just published his fifth book. Chris Searles is founder/director at BioIntegrity Partnerships (biointegrity.net), an environmental solutions nonprofit which produces AllCreation.org, and co-founder/executive editor at AllCreation.org.


    0:00 Welcome
    5:45 SCOTT

    13:10 INCLUSION
    30:30 REDEEMING “WORK”

    39:25 “POVERTY”


    59:55 WHAT IS A #1 PRIORITY?

    0:00 Chris Searles, co-host/producer

    0:45 Intro' Rev. Jimi Calhoun, co-host

    2:15 Intro' Scott Sabin, special guest
    5:45 Scott on PlantWithPurpose: “We stand on the shoulders of giants... Literally, everything we’re doing now, we learned from our local partners... It's so easy to approach things as if we have all the answers... They're planting the trees, not us, almost 62 million trees now... Managing over $12 million of their own money... making about an 18 to 20% return on their investments...

    13:10 Jimi, story on Landi the landscaper and being a Christian missionary in Belize (Central America). "The first thing I learned (as a missionary) was to value people as you find them... When you're inserted into a different culture you have two choices, try and convert them to what you're bringing, or allow yourself to be stretched a little bit... Sensitivity and humility, those are our bywords."
    20:30 Scott, on the prejudices against subsistence farmers, “The people we work with are our Partners not our projects... We have as much to learn from them -- or more, than we have to offer and it’s in working together that anything’s accomplished.”
    22:25 Jimi, story on Castillo the part-maker, "Ingenuity doesn't come from regurgitating what came in, it comes from your observation and what you're able to do with what you see!"
    24:50 Scott, "Most of us couldn't survive in these environments, so people we might look at as uneducated, or who might be discriminated against by their own governments, are incredibly resourceful and managing to survive in conditions that would kill us. They've got a lot to teach us."
    26:00 Jimi, "I have a responsibility to love you as you are, to serve you when I can, and to love you whatever it is that you need. That's what I mean, and Bridging means, when we say the word, Christian."
    27:20 Scott, "I've become convinced that part of our purpose is to serve others..." Scott talks about one of his first visits to the Congo and the freedom fighter turned peace-maker, “I realized I had gifts to offer...”

    30:30 Chris, "We should take pride in our potential..."
    31:30 Jimi, “In work and worship you find God." ... "You have to define work... I never think of any call I make or any conversation I have as work... It’s all geared towards improving the life of someone else in whatever way they need it..."
    33:50 Scott, "I don't want to romanticize things… There’s a lot of places and a lot of people where work is drudgery or slavery, or serves no purpose, or is abusive, so I don’t want to romanticize that. But I do think that, at its best, in the Kingdom of God there’s an alignment between purpose and what we do, and that we were made to be co-creators… But again, I don't want to romanticize: being a subsistence farmer on a barren hillside somewhere in East Africa is HARD."
    35:25 Jimi stories on the banana lady; Indentured-Irish "slaves" and African slaves
    38:30 Scott, "Some of Plant With Purpose's work is to bring good news of Redemption and offer opportunities to redeem work."

    39:40 Chris, "How do you define Poverty and relate it to caring for "the least of these"?"
    40:00 Scott - “Poverty: “A state of hopelessness.” Western definitions tend to be a lot about a lack of material things. Those of the global south, talking about poverty, it tends to be much more: hopelessness, discouragement, embarrassment… My definition, a lack of agency or perceived agency and opportunity, which can be closely connected to hopelessness. If you’re hopeless you don’t exercise what agency you might have.”
    41:25 Jimi - “What does poverty mean to you when you hear that word? … Poverty has more components to it than economics. . .” … It took men a long time to realize that they were acting exactly as they should. You know, I thought I could come down and offer some pointers… And that’s NOT what they needed. They needed somebody to come along and say, I understand your attitude. I get why you see the world the way you do... there’s not a lot of good options on your horizon, you don’t see a way out of this.”
    44:40 Scott: "Your comment about those who are economically wealthy, but spiritually-impoverished is important... We come in many ways impoverished as well.”


    46:20 Chris, "Biospherically, the system is designed to renew; we’re just sitting on top of potential all the time."

    48:20 Scott, “First we saw a vicious cycle between environmental degradation and the impoverishment of their farms… We had a vicious cycle, what I learned from them is there is a possibility in that of creating a virtuous cycle, and actually a win-win… We often look at human need and environmental issues as a zero sum game... and I think there’s tremendous potential if we: 1) seek out the win win, 2) approach everything from a spirit of abundance rather than scarcity, 3) partner...

  • (Greetings, this episode of Called to Care is entirely in Spanish. Watch with English subtitles on YouTube.) ¡Saludos! Estamos orgullosos de presentar este episodio completamente en español. Nuestro segundo episodio de Llamados a cuidar, 2023, presenta al Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo, Rosa del Valle Araoz de Machaco (miembro de la Asociación Benditos Los Pobres) y Alirio Cáceres Aguirre (Movimiento Ladauto Si, Red Eclesial Panamericana). Ellos discuten: "Litio, Fe y Justicia Climática. ¿Qué es una Transición Justa desde la perspectiva de las comunidades religiosas en el Sur Global donde se extrae el Litio?"

    “Nada se puede hacer solo. Todo tiene que hacerse de manera comunitaria”. — Rosa de Machado

    Los autos y las computadoras modernas requieren un aumento dramático en la extracción de litio y otros minerales críticos, extraídos de la Tierra, para funcionar. Esta poderosa conversación, creada y dirigida por el Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo, reúne a dos ambientalistas católicos, Rosa del Valle Aráoz de Machado y Alirio Cáceres Aguirre, para discutir experiencias de primera mano con el tema, cómo se relaciona con su fe. , y cómo avanzar hacia una identidad más “circular”.


    Llamado a CUIDAR: Explorando el cuidado como identidad en el mundo moderno.


    0:00 Bienvenida
    2:45 ROSA
    5:30 ALIRIO
    9:00 NEDDY
    9:30 Music video, "Todo está interligado" (https://youtu.be/uQvRnfPsn6g)
    16:00 Pregunta 1
    16:45 Rosa
    23:30 Alirio
    31:30 Neddy
    34:00 Pregunta 1
    34:30 Rosa
    47:30 Neddy
    49:00 Pregunta 1
    49:30 Alirio
    58:00 Rosa
    1:03:00 Neddy

    Sobre Anfitriona e Invitadas
    RDO. DR. NEDDY ASTUDILLO (Anfitriona). Eco-teólogo venezolano y pastor presbiteriano radicado en EE.UU.; co-fundador, Angelic Organics Learning Center; coordinadora del programa de Español Justicia Climática y Fe en el Seminario Teológico Luterano del Pacífico. El Rev. Dr. Astudillo fue recientemente editor invitado de nuestra colección Eco-Teologîa. Actualmente enseña en todo el continente americano y se publica ampliamente. Es coautora de la histórica declaración del Consejo Nacional de Iglesias, La tierra de Dios es sagrada, y del libro, La tierra de Dios es sagrada.

    ROSA DEL VALLE ARÁOZ DE MACHADO. En sus propias palabras, “Aráoz es el apellido de mi padre (el de mi madre desapareció en los registros oficiales de identidad de las personas). Y Machado es el apellido de Lacho, mi compañero de vida, con quien sigo transitando este camino de encuentro y transformación. esa es nuestra existencia. Nací en 1950, a los 15 años me enamoré, y en 1970 tuvimos al primero de nuestros siete hijos, cinco niños y dos niñas. Mi segundo nombre es "del Valle", y efectivamente , nacimos y crecimos en un valle, con el abrazo de los cerros, de esas magníficas y prodigiosas fuentes de agua que nos permiten vivir, soy parte del Territorio habitado desde la antigüedad por el pueblo Diaguitas, y que oficialmente la historia llama Catamarca, en el noroeste de la República Argentina. También formo parte de las Comunidades Eclesiales de Base, de la asociación Be. Pe., "Bienaventurados los Pobres", y, en representación de estos espacios territoriales, soy parte de la Comunidad Eco-espiritual de la Red Iglesias y Minería (Red de Iglesias y Minería)."

    ALIRIO CÁCERES AGUIRRE. Diácono Permanente de la Arquidiócesis de Bogotá (2002). Casado con Andrea y padre de Daniel Esteban, David Felipe y Laura María. Ingeniero Químico, especialista en Educación, Magíster en Teología. Fundador y Coordinador de la Mesa Ecoteológica Interreligiosa de Bogotá - MESETI. Actualmente trabaja como Campaña de Incidencia Hispanoamericana del Movimiento Laudato Si'. Asesor de la Red Eclesial Panamazónica, REPAM y de la Red Eclesial Ecológica Mesoamericana, REMAM. Miembro de varios equipos de Ecología Integral de la Iglesia Católica en América Latina y el Caribe.

    Mas: http://allcreation.org/care


    Gracias por su atención.
    Creado, grabado y presentado por Neddy Astudillo.
    Producido y editado por Chris Searles.
    Presentado por AllCreation.org y BioIntegrity.net.
    Visite AllCreation.org/Care para obtener más contenido.

    To view this conversation with English subtitles: 1) Go to the YouTube video here. 2) Click the wheel on the screen, then choose: Subtitles, then Auto-translate, then English, and close the window. 3) Click play on the video, then click on "CC" for closed caption subtitles.

  • Our first Called to CARE session for 2023 begins like a dinner conversation among friends. In this podcast, AfricaExchange.org co-founders and co-directors, Sam and Melody Harrell, share how their Baptist American-African lives led them to become global leaders in “integrated” sustainable development... “I am blown a-Way.” (Rev. Jimi Calhoun, co-host, legendary musician, author and pastor)

    Sam and Melody are saving lives and ending poverty with education and holistic, community care. Now celebrating their 25th year, AfricaExchange (AE) has built 14 “integrated child development” preschools in Kenya’s most-isolated / least-resourced regions. AE’s projects are providing and fostering nutrition, clean water, education, sanitation and infrastructure, jobs, job training, Creation care and restoration, and more, on an ongoing basis in these places to help these children and their communities defeat poverty.

    Meet. Notice. Exchange. Serve. AfricaExchange’s model is rooted in the best of Christianity’s and Africa’s worldviews. As the children of Baptist missionaries in Africa, Sam and Melody’s foundational insight is that CARING FOR OTHERS means: listening, noticing, and being empathetic before acting. AfricaExchange helps communities build upward-spiraling personal and collective assets which benefit the whole community and their local biosphere. AE is exemplar in their work. This podcast is worth multiple listenings for those interested in “learning the lessons that will propel us forward.” (Sam Harrell)


    About our guests

    • Melody Harrell, spiritual director, AfricaExchange.org

    • Sam Harrell, executive director, AfricaExchange.org

    • Rev. Jimi Calhoun, pastor, BridgingAustin.org, author/musician, JimiCalhoun.com

    • Rev. Julaine Calhoun, pastor, BridgingAustin.org

    • Chris Searles, director, BioIntegrity.net, exec. editor, AllCreation.org

    About this series

    In this time of polarizations and extremes we seem to be going to our Media for answers, and yet our Media is not designed or intended to give us answers. Media is a business (not a healer). Looking honestly at today’s shared social challenges, all indicators indicate it is Care through kinship, attention, gentleness, safety, honesty, support, process, nurturing, love, detail, nutrition, structure, generosity, time, etc. — that humans today need most to overcome our current complex, human-made crises.

    What can More CARE do for modern people? Our guests are asked to share about the effectiveness of greater care for all in the living Creation through greater empathy, mutuality, relationship, conversation, listening, hearing, seeing, connecting, processing, balancing, healing, and nurturing of ourselves, each other, Earth’s biodiversity, and “the environment.”



    R.D. Laing



    I. 0:00 WELCOME


    III. 6:30 INVOCATION, Melody Harrell

    • “I love the concept of being called to care. It feels like an invitation and it feels like something I already have tools and capacity-for."

    • RD Lang reading.

    12:00 Sam, Real-life story

    • “We were building an integrated child development center on the side of a mountain in Northwest Kenya…”

    18:30 Rev. Calhoun

    • “…Now I go out of my way to make sure they know I’m aware of them and they matter and they count.”


    24:30 Values

    • S- “Melody and I are the product of missionary parents”

    • M- “God had already been there… He or She didn’t have to be brought from America”

    • S- “The example of Jesus (is) our motivating factor, but that does not mean you come into an empty slate. People already have an experience of God”

    30:30 Kutana

    • “KUTANA means to meet and exchange profound mutuality... so that we can love according to the way that love should be”

    • “You won’t discover what a need is, unless you have dialogue and interaction… And that takes time and context and interaction and mutuality."

    • Melody, “The beautiful practice of story-telling takes time and being close and the space for that to happen.”

    39:30 Services

    • “We started with street children in Nairobi.”

    • “I discovered there were a ton of children who didn’t have their needs met in the rural areas"

    • Their Integrated model: listen to the community, address food, water, health, school/center construction in participatory way.

    • CHANGE FOR CHILDREN (program): Clean water, Nutrition, Immunity, Malaria prevention, Deworming ($1 per child), Teacher training, Help community maintain school

    48:30 Connections

    • Sam, “The incarnation is Kutana. It’s not God from afar, it’s God coming close. It’s conversation and hands and flesh. Our model is Jesus”

    • Rev. Calhoun, "What’s happening globally does have an affect on you”

    • S, African philosophy is based on this one thing, UBUNTU, “I am because we are.” “I don’t have an existence on my own, I need others.”

    • S, UJAAMA: “Without each other the whole thing collapses.”

    • Rev. Julian Calhoun, “I think it’s important to remind us that we do need each other."


    • 58:45 Melody, “A very natural response to our upbringing in that place, our love for the place and for the people, and our calling as people of Faith to love and care for others”

    • 1:02:00 Sam, “We came about it naturally, we had good examples in our parents... and liminal spaces and events have led me to be conformed after the way of Christ, for the good of humanity…

    • “If we can be active in trying to engage the world, but also introspective enough to actually see what it is that we’re doing and listen for direction, then some wonderful things can happen. That’s all I’m looking for”

    • 1:06:30 Rev. Jimi Calhoun, “I want to address the missionary aspect — Julaine and I have led and received teams that come to paint buildings, pass out tracks, etc. — some kind of doing and very little being. What I’m hearing tonight, and what the importance of what I understand AfricaExchange to be, is the latter. They’re asking people to come and take part and BE with the people. I can unequivocally say that’s the most important thing we can do as Westerners”

    • 1:11:15 Melody, “The work we do is made possible by incredible partners...and I can almost see God making these connections where maybe some resources can cross our borders”

    • 1:12:45 Sam, “We have a lot of volunteers, amazing people who teach us every day.”

  • Cristian Daniel Camargo sobre Caricaturas y Ecoteología. En este podcast, Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo y Cristian Daniel Camargo conversan sobre el poder de los dibujos para inspirar, transformar y movilizar a las personas hacia otro mundo posible, con justicia social y ambiental. ¿Cómo nace un dibujo? ¿Qué papel juegan la fe y el amor en la realización de sus dibujos? Cristian nos cuenta la historia de la Red de dibujantes, su visión, su misión y sus sueños. Su arte se comparte públicamente y es de uso gratuito para cualquier persona. Cristian comparte sus consejos para otros artistas que sientan el deseo de sumergirse en el arte como herramienta transformadora y movilizadora.

    Novena por la Tierra: https://bit.ly/Novenaporlatierra

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Reddedibujantes

    Acerca de Nuestro Invitado

    Cristian Daniel Camargo es dibujante y muralista de Mar del Plata, Argentina; misionero itinerante, uno de los dos coordinadores de la única Red de Dibujantes de América Latina basada en la fe. Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo es editor invitado de nuestra colección Primavera 2023: Eco-Teología. Comparte dos podcasts adicionales en esta colección, ¿Qué es la “Ecoteología?" y What is “Ecotheology?"

    Nota Especial
    Cristian es tan amable que creó una galería especial de algunas caricaturas favoritas para nuestra colección de Eco-Teología. La galería presenta arte de él mismo y de otros en Cartoonists Network. Ver la galería de Cristian aquí.

    ¡Gracias por su atención!
    Más podcasts de AllCreation (principalmente en inglés) aquí: https://allcreation.transistor.fm/

  • ¿Qué es la eco-teología? con Neddy Astudillo. En este podcast, el editor invitado Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo explora ¿Qué es la eco-teología? ¿Qué significa ver nuestra relación con la Tierra, entre nosotros y con Dios a través de este lente? ¿Cómo dialoga la eco-teología con la Ciencia, la historia de la Iglesia y la Escritura para encontrar soluciones a las crisis ambiental y climática? Neddy señala tres eco-teologías bíblicas que vienen a nuestro rescate y aprovechan el poder de las comunidades de fe.

    Sobre Nuestro Invitado

    Neddy Astudillo, eco-teóloga venezolana y pastora presbiteriana (PCUSA), ha enseñado eco-teología en seminarios teológicos de América Latina y Estados Unidos. En 1998 Neddy y su esposo Thomas Spaulding, co-fundaron el Centro de Aprendizaje Angelic Organics, una organización sin fines de lucro basada en una granja orgánica, donde las personas se conectan con la agricultura, los alimentos, y el cuidado de la tierra. Durante catorce años, Neddy sirvió a la Parroquia San José, una congregación conjunta de ELCA y PCUSA de habla hispana en Beloit, WI. Hoy en día, Neddy comparte funciones de coordinación con GreenFaith como organizadora para la región de América Latina; y el Centro para la Justicia Climática y la Fe en el Seminario Luterano del Pacífico, como Coordinadora del programa de Certificado de Español. En 2020, recibió el premio anual Presbyterians for Earth Care por su compromiso con la Justicia Ambiental.


    "Es nuestro Tiempo", por la maravillosa Red Crearte: https://youtu.be/E-9_fVa0Tig

    Dr. Astudillo sobre Eco-Teología
    De la descripción general de su editor invitado:

    La crisis ambiental y climática amenaza con silenciar las voces de cientos de especies de animales y plantas a nivel planetario, pero desde hace más de 500 años, la voz de los pueblos y culturas también se ve amenazada por las mismas fuerzas responsables de la crisis ambiental: patriarcalismo, antropocentrismo, dualismo, racismo y colonización.

    “Para ayudar en el diálogo entre los diversos materiales de este número nos guiamos por la Eco-Teología, una disciplina crítica de reconstrucción de la relación entre Dios, los seres humanos, los ecosistemas y el universo.

    “Hay quienes dicen que la Tierra puede sobrevivir sin nosotros, pero si... todo lo que Dios hizo fue muy bueno, en tiempos de crisis ambiental nos toca a nosotros averiguar por qué; para salvar nuestra fe..."

    ¡Gracias por su atención!
    Más podcasts de AllCreation (principalmente en inglés) aquí: https://allcreation.transistor.fm/

  • What is “Eco-Theology?" In this podcast, guest editor Rev. Dr. Astudillo explores the meaning of eco-theology. What does it mean to see our relationship to the Earth, to each other and to God through this lens? How does eco-theology dialogue with Science, Church history, and Scripture to seek solutions to the environmental and climate crises? Rev. Astudillo points to three, biblical, eco-theologies that come to our rescue and harness the power of faith communities.

    About Our Guest

    Rev. Dr. Neddy Astudillo is guest editor of our Spring 2023 edition, Eco-Teología / Eco-Theology, our first-ever bilingual collection. A Presbyterian pastor, a co-founder of the Angelic Organics Learning Center, coordinator of the Climate Justice and Faith Spanish program at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, and more, Rev. Astudillo currently teaches in Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, the USA and Venezuela. Her written works are published widely. Perhaps most notably, she is a co-author of the National Council of Churches declaration, God’s Earth is Sacred, along with Bill McKibben and numerous of America’s leading clergy, and the book, God’s Earth is Sacred: Essays on Eco-Justice. We are truly honored to welcome Rev. Dr. Astudillo and her work to the AllCreation collection.

    Dr. Astudillo on “Eco-Theology"
    From her guest editor’s overview:

    “The environmental and climate crisis threatens to silence the voices of hundreds of species of animals and plants on a planetary level, but for more than 500 years, the voice of peoples and cultures has also been threatened by the same forces responsible for the environmental crisis: patriarchalism, anthropocentrism, dualism, racism and colonization.

    “To assist in the dialogue between the diverse materials of this issue we are guided by Eco-Theology, a critical discipline of reconstructing the relationship between God, human beings, eco-systems and the universe.

    “There are those who say that the Earth can survive without us, but if... everything God made was very good, in times of environmental crisis it is up to us to find out why; to save our faith..."

    Thanks for listening!
    Learn more about this collection: http://www.allcreation.org/home/spring-2023
    More AllCreation podcasts here: https://allcreation.transistor.fm/

  • This is ’’Pathways of Teshuvah, Part 3 - How Do We Move Forward, Together?’’ This recording is part 3 of a 3-part discussion with breakthrough academic, Dr. Pesach Chananiah, and youth mentor / gardener / veteran, Mr. Marcus Kar, on reconnecting to Nature for sacred communion and emotional wellbeing. In this segment, Dr. Chananiah and Mr. Kar share on how to apply their Nature-reconnection learnings to modern life.

    About Our Guests

    Dr. Pesach Chananiah (author) is a Jewish ecopsychologist, educator, and community organizer working in interfaith and environmental spaces. He writes about the psychological impact of disconnection from land, through a Jewish lens, and explores modes of healing through embodied spiritual practice in the natural world. Read his paper, Pathways of Teshuvah, on AllCreation.org. Marcus Kar (special guest) is a decorated veteran and a native of “North” Minneapolis, a predominantly African-descent (African-American) community struggling to overcome racism, economic poverty, and other forms of America’s institutional biases. Marcus is program director at Youth Farm, North Minneapolis, “a multi-faceted youth development organization growing food and young leaders, healthy bodies and minds, positive identity, neighborhood connections, community opportunities, and healthy relationships.”

    0:00 Dropping into the session: a final summary.
    We are exploring 4 quotes and 4 keywords,
    re: Place, Possibility, Universal, Indigenous
    0:30 Rav. Korngold quote (place)

    0:50 Rav. Comin quote (possibility)

    1:20 Dr. Channaniah quote (universal)

    2:00 Dr. Channaniah quote (indigenous)

    2:25 Dr. Chananiah

    2:55 Sharing “hitbodedut“ (Hebrew term for “alone time for spiritual purpose“) with kids

    3:55 Were always moving so fast, right?… but, when I can get out into the wilderness…

    5:05 Sharing & exploring the things all humans share: Earth, lands, food, dreams …

    6:15 Do you have more of a sense indigeneity today?
    6:49 Dr. Chananiah

    > Going Lech Lecha (Hebrew term for “Go! Leave! Go for you.“)

    > Eco-awakening: Bill Plotkin, Nature and the Human Soul

    9:00 10 years of exploring Nature & the human psyche

    9:30 Nature immersion essential for middle-childhood health and development, and the psyche

    10:30 Does Nature-Connection bring a stronger sense of identity, Life skills, kinship, process-awareness?

    11:30 Mr. Kar

    “The impact of Nature on everyone is the same.“

    “My kids are learning how to process their feelings in green spaces,“ but camping is not safe for Black people. I’m trying to get rid of that. (paraphrased)

    13:30 Giving kids today the tools to process their feelings and Grow Everything (plants, foods, relationships, community, possibilities,,, everything)

    14:05 Marcus’s wish for this audience

    14:30 Marcus & Pesach sign-off with gratitude

    15:20 Official wrap-up

    > Pesach’s paper: http://www.allcreation.org/home/pathways

    > Marcus’s interview: http://www.allcreation.org/home/marcus-kar

    > Envisioning Transformation: http://www.allcreation.org/home/winter-2022

    > AllCreation.org: http://www.allcreation.org
    > BioIntegrity https://www.biointegrity.net/

  • This is ’’Pathways of Teshuvah, Part 2 - The Power of Reconnection (to Nature): Divinity, Healing, Reconciliation.’’ This recording is part 2 of 3-part discussion with breakthrough academic, Dr. Pesach Chananiah, and youth mentor / gardener / veteran, Mr. Marcus Kar, on reconnecting to Nature for sacred communion and emotional wellbeing. In this segment, host Chris Searles invites Dr. Chananiah and Mr. Kar to share about their own Nature-reconnection, Nature-immersion experiences. They relate powerful connections to Divinity, Healing, Self-identification, Community-membership, and more. “This isn’t just about growing food and saving the environment.“

    About Our Guests

    Dr. Pesach Chananiah (author) is a Jewish ecopsychologist, educator, and community organizer working in interfaith and environmental spaces. He writes about the psychological impact of disconnection from land, through a Jewish lens, and explores modes of healing through embodied spiritual practice in the natural world. Read his paper, Pathways of Teshuvah, on AllCreation.org. Marcus Kar (special guest) is a decorated veteran and a native of “North” Minneapolis, a predominantly African-descent (African-American) community struggling to overcome racism, economic poverty, and other forms of America’s institutional biases. Marcus is program director at Youth Farm, North Minneapolis, “a multi-faceted youth development organization growing food and young leaders, healthy bodies and minds, positive identity, neighborhood connections, community opportunities, and healthy relationships.”

    0:00 Welcome & Intro

    “Reconnecting to the Land Life is our best asset for a whole number of NON-environmental solutions… This reconnection to nature is healing traumas and helping people grow into greater relationship with the other people around them.“ (Searles)

    2:00 Session begins:

    Accessing our positive potential thorough connection to Nature.

    2:25 Dr. Chananiah

    On Connecting to the Divine outdoors, in modern times

    4:30 Mr. Kar

    On connecting to mentors and ecosystems for answers:

    > Avri Zen

    > People, plants & sky

    > Dean, the veteran

    > West African culture

    > Mom

    8:14 Doing better than ’’surviving’’

    9:30 Honesty, Apologizing, Integrity, Direct communication

    10:30 Building Trust with Youth

    11:15 Taking away the Trauma

    > Farms & gardens as safe spaces

    where people are challenged, respected,

    and connected to each other…

    12:45 Living in rhythm and harmony, instead of ’’control’’

    15:00 What is ’’I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.’’ ?

    16:00 Dr. Chananiah

    On visiting the West Bank

    16:45 ’’Sin’’ vs. Missing the mark (Cheit)

    18:15 Apologizing, repenting, making amends

    19:20 Tending olive trees and *Ho O Pono Pono*

    19:55 Just do it! (Expressing care for God’s creation = stress avoidance)

    21:30 Mr. Kar

    On Reconciling and Returning

    23:00 Systematic Oppression in America is Real for Black People.
    “This is how I got to Nature.“ (Kar)

    24:00 What Black Americans Need.

    24:30 Marcus’s experience of oppression: treated like a criminal not a decorated veteran

    24:55 Going to Nature for healing

    25:30 How did you gain enough healing to be a leader?

    26:10 Mr. Kar

    “I don’t want to pass the trauma on, I want to enjoy myself as I am and share it with everyone.“ (Kar)

    27:45 Back to Reconciliation

    ’What I need is the ability to spend the rest of my life enjoying and producing and creating my own healthy environment, and that will impact everyone around me.’’

  • This is ’’Pathways of Teshuvah, Part 1 - Identifying the Separation: Judaism's land-return.’’ This recording is part 1 of 3-part discussion with breakthrough academic, Dr. Pesach Chananiah, and youth mentor / gardener / war veteran, Mr. Marcus Kar, on reconnecting to Nature for sacred communion and emotional wellbeing. In this segment, host Chris Searles shares a synopsis of Dr. Chananiah’s primary points on the impacts of the Exiles on Judaism’s disconnection from Nature, and Mr. Kar relates his own experience, seeking to be a vessel for positive change.

    About Our Guests

    Dr. Pesach Chananiah (author) is a Jewish ecopsychologist, educator, and community organizer working in interfaith and environmental spaces. He writes about the psychological impact of disconnection from land, through a Jewish lens, and explores modes of healing through embodied spiritual practice in the natural world. Read his paper, Pathways of Teshuvah, on AllCreation.org. Marcus Kar (special guest) is a decorated veteran and a native of “North” Minneapolis, a predominantly African-descent (African-American) community struggling to overcome racism, economic poverty, and other forms of America’s institutional biases. Marcus is program director at Youth Farm, North Minneapolis, “a multi-faceted youth development organization growing food and young leaders, healthy bodies and minds, positive identity, neighborhood connections, community opportunities, and healthy relationships.”


    0:00 Welcome & Intro

    2:30 Part I: Identifying the Separation from Nature: Judaism’s land-return

    2:50 Temples were metaphors for homelands

    3:30 Exiles were environmentally-harsh (from the Fertile Crescent to the barren desert)

    4:25 Dr. Chananiah

    4:50 Professional disclaimers, backstory, search for identity, field work

    7:15 Teshuvah: ’’to return’’

    8:45 Mr. Kar

    9:35 Self-acceptance, identity, feelings

    11:30 Being a vessel, not an expert, for positive change

    12:10 The Separation from Nature

    12:30 Benstein quote

    13:00 Rev. Korngold quote

    13:00 Dr. Chananiah: quick chronologies of the Exile

    13:15 the Temple

    15:00 from Rites to Teachings

    16:15 Laws > Connection (to the lands, other life, and Earth)

    17:30 Rabbi Nachman’s hitbodedut

    19:00 The Divine IN Nature?

    20:00 Dr. Chananiah: on “Diveykut“ and hugging, wrapping & “cleaving“ to the Divine

    21:00 Nomads’ literal connections:

    e.g. Abraham goes to the teacher tree

    e.g. Moses and the Burning Bush

    23:00 Could I, a modern person, also experience Divinity in the wilderness?






  • Teshuvah means to Return... Welcome to Pathways of Teshuvah: a discussion with Dr. Pesach Chananiah and Marcus Kar on Dr. Channaniah's breakthrough paper, "Pathways of Teshuvah: Repentance, Return, and Reconciliation Across Time and Place". This conversation is a continuation of a couple of features from AllCreations collection, Envisioning Transformation. In this event, AllCreation exec. editor Chris Searles interviews Chananiah and Kar about the revolutionary idea of finding truer identity, connection to the divine, deep-trauma healing, authentic community, and a more -- through deeper and more engaged relationships with Nature.

    In part one we explore the ancient Jewish exile as separation from a number of "Nature-based" spiritual practices and how that led to the invention of indoor worship. In part two, Dr. Chananiah and Mr. Kar share personal insights and reflections on how living a more Nature-immersed life is both healing and energizing. And in part three, they talk about the necessity of getting one's own time to be safe, alone with, and connected to Nature.


    Dr. Pesach Channaniah (featured author) is a community psychologist, author, educator, and organizer in Nevada, currently working to bring unions together on issues and opportunities around cleaner energy, with the Blue Green Alliance. Marcus Kar (special guest), Program Director, Youth Farm, North Minneapolis, is a youth mentor and food justice champion. He is also co-chair of the Homegrown Minneapolis Food Council. Chris Searles (host) is director of BioIntegrity and executive editor of AllCreation.org. He is also chief editor of the AllCreation collection, Envisioning Transformation.

    0:00 Welcome, Introduction, Overview
    06:30 Conversation begins
    - Chris Searles, host
    - Dr. Pesach Chananiah, author
    - Marcus Kar, special guest
    08:40 Part 1: Identifying the Separation
    32:00 Part 2: The Power of Reconnection
    1:01:00 Part 3: How Do We Move Forward Together?


    Dr. Channaniah's paper: https://allcreation.org/home/pathways "Envisioning Transformation": https://allcreation.org/home/winter-2022Marcus Kar interview: https://allcreation.org/home/marcus-karIn this video introduction (see video: https://youtu.be/rOjVC1ThtVo) host, Chris Searles, shows a timeline of the most recent scientific assessments of the history of Life on Earth, from first microbes to modern humans. To read an overview of that science, check out, "The Value of Biosphere Earth, part one: Earth's Life Timeline," here: https://biointegrity.net/value

    Thanks for listening.
    Visit AllCreation.org for more.
    PResented by AllCreation & BioIntegrity.net

  • Achieving Transformation: Dina Kunin. “It shifted my perspective that my life did not have to stay that way.” Reiki healer, harmonious dog trainer (family & child education, animal behavior improvement & relationship building), empath, stenographer, and more, Dina Kunin came to the US as Ukrainian Jewish refugee in her teens. In this interview, Ms. Kunin shares some of her personal story on overcoming that transition, takes us through one of her personal healing miracles, and shares powerful wisdoms related to personal healing and social progress (see Quotes section, below). Coming from a childhood where her grandparents “knew every leaf, plant and berry in the forest,” Dina goes on to share personal food and folk medicine regimens, talk about her work as a healer and dog trainer (aka. dog whisperer/human trainer), and much more. In this expansive conversation Dina is interviewed by guest editor and friend, Rev. Louis Tillman, and AllCreation exc. editor, Chris Searles, as part of our Envisioning Transformation collection.

    Learn More

    Dina’s Harmonious dog trainer website Rev. Louis Tillman


    0:00 Intro

    1:30 Hello, what’s your story

    2:30 On migrating to the USA from Russia

    4:30 What is Reiki?

    > Definitions

    > 6:30 Her practitioner’s perspective

    > 6:50 Her Reiki-healing miracle

    11:00 On achieving personal-healing / transformation

    13:15 To “envision transformation” one has to believe it’s possible; experiencing transformation helps…

    > 14:30 Manifestation & visualization is such a beautiful thing; We are so powerful and we don’t even know it

    > 15:45 Breath. Matters.

    16:15 How has Heath & Wellness impacted you, what do you recommend?

    > 17:00 Dina’s regimens

    > 18:20 Fasting, Resting, Sleeping, Healing, Regenerating

    > 19:40 On natural, folk & food medicines and healing

    >20:30 Dina’s kitchen/health staples

    21:00 Louis asks about honey, food, community gardens, and … Crickets???

    > 24:30 What is keeping us from protecting our environment

    > 25:00 Our Actual connections to the environment
    > 27:00 Meat & crickets

    > 29:00 Wild locusts & honey

    > 30:15 Crickets for manifesting good

    > 31:00 Crickets for food…

    32:20 Ahem,,, :) What institutional changes do we need?

    > 33:00 Dina’s mantra in life

    > 33:30 Framing her opinions

    > 35:00 How do we bridge divides

    35:45 Positive change is intergenerational

    37:00 Are our Comforts creating despair? How do we move into being a convoy of hope as a Faith community?

    > 39:15 Connection, Community, & Community-knowledge

    > 39:50 Valuing our Elders

    > 41:45 Give positivity

    42:55 Is “Kinship “ the right thing to go for?

    45:30 Louis inspired & grateful,,,

    > 46:30 Yes: the essentials… We all have the same needs. > 47:30 Reconnect to our breath, our similarities

    > 49:45 Connected care feels better

    > 51:50 Breath: How to breathe

    > 53:00 Creating peaceful feelings

    > calming the dog

    > breathing from your belly

    55:45 What is your message to the world?

    > Choose: Connection. Choose: Positive Mindset. <

    56:25 How can we help carry that out?

    > Choose: Kindness. <

    > 57:30 Choose to do something good.

    > 48:15 One action does make a difference.

    58:45 What keeps you going?

    > 59:45 Re-connection; Coming back into focus

    > 1:00:25 Vision: That We Realize Our Power as a Human Community.

    1:00:45 Wrap up


    ReikiDiaphragmatic breathingStenographerProduct


    Being compassionate is the key to all of this.

    I have not been sick in years.

    We take breathing for granted and most of us don’t know how to breathe correctly...

    We all just want to be happy, and we want to be secure, and we want to be free. We all have the same needs, every single person in the world.

    For me to get to a peaceful state I picture myself sitting by the ocean, and listening to the water, and feeling the breeze and wind in my air, and smelling that salt air, and taking those deep breaths. . . I’m able to transition into that actual state. . . We are so powerful and we don’t even know it.

    It is always a balance of Western & Eastern Medicines coming together, but if I’m able to heal myself using natural foods that are available to me, that will always be my first go-to.

    I do feel the younger people will prevail, but we have to help them.

    Sometimes it’s just so overwhelming you don’t even want to think about, you don’t to even be there, so that’s why a lot people just numb themselves to this, because they feel if they can’t affect change then they just need to focus on themselves.

    I know it’s cliche but, (our) similarities are so simple. You know, just listening to someone without having the need to respond, and just hearing their story — because our reality is only based in our perception and our experience of how we envision the world.

    Even though it may not be your experience, and even though you may never be able to relate to exactly what they are going through…the humanity in all of us and just being compassionate — that is the key to all of this. Gratitude is the key to happiness, you know, being just mindful and grateful for things elicits peace for me.

    Choose connection. Choose happiness. Choose gratitude. Choose positive mindset — because a positive mindset does not change your situation, but it does change the way you respond to things. That will help you transform your life.

    Choose kindness. Choose to take a deep breath before you react in a situation. Choose to do somet...

  • Achieving Transformation: Marcus Kar is a native of “North” Minneapolis, a predominantly African-descent (African-American) community struggling to overcome racism, poverty, and other forms of American-institutional abuse. Marcus is program director for Youth Farm, “a multi-faceted youth development organization growing food and young leaders, healthy bodies and minds, positive identity, neighborhood connections, community opportunities, and healthy relationships.” In this interview he shares garden-grown wisdoms on how and where to find healing and healthy-self. His insights are extensive (see Quotes, below). He is interviewed by friend, Rev. Louis Tillman and AllCreation exec. editor, Chris Searles, as part of our collection, Envisioning Transformation.

    Learn More

    Youth FarmMarcus’s LinkedINMarcus’s compelling music

    0:00 Intro

    2:45 Who are you?

    > about Youth Farm

    > 4:00 about Marcus

    > 5:20 about working w kids

    > 6:00 about redirecting energy and cultural identity

    > 7:30 about his homegrown Minneapolis Food Council

    > 8:40 about his nature healing / nature wealth movement

    > 10:00 on success & his vision

    11:30 Does is take a village to raise a child?
    > 15:00 On separation and learned-behaviors

    > 15:50 “Nature is medicine... No one knows how to put the pieces back together... That’s what nature does“

    > 18:40 “I’ve been guided by powerful women“
    > 19:40 America’s worldview = Duality (duality is a divider)

    > 22:20 We have to find social balance.

    > 24:00 Comments on Bio-intelligence

    > 28:35 “I want people to know…“

    32:00 What is your message to the world?

    > 38:45 Coming together nonverbally, redirecting trauma, angst , pain and alienation

    44:45 Wrap up


    “North“ = North Minneapolis


    I’m an indigenous person. I’m a product of so many people.

    What I try to tell people now is: I wish they would spend a little time with me when it comes to what they wanna see as far as change in their immediate environment, because I redirect energy...

    No one is helping young people understand how to feel their feelings.

    I’m trying to create a movement around growing and I want people to use it as medicine. I wanna share what I gained from nature with my entire environment.

    One of the elders told me, “If you don’t move your physical, you lose your spiritual.”

    Nature is medicine.

    There’s a very thin line between a plant and a human being.

    Everything we want for ourselves and we want to know about bettering this world, bettering our environment, you can find in the bio-ecosystem. We need to be a part of it, not necessarily be in control of it. You can’t control her.

    I tend to never be married to any one idea or approach. I’m not trying to sustain any of these (institutional) systems. I’m really trying to figure a way for us to be able to listen to each other and self-correct, in order to provide the kind of environment we need to thrive.

    This idea of “intergenerational processes”: it keeps the Old young, and the Young wise.

    It’s very hard for people who’ve never dealt with any kind of adversity or any issues with the police to understand, but a kid who got his arm broke by a cop will live his whole life feeling that phantom pain. We need to recognize how we can extract it: by holding him; telling him he’s ok; telling him how to avoid those things; and telling him where his power is or her power is…

    Instead of listening to people, you wanna write policy...

    The new revolution has nothing to do with control or division. It has a lot to do with addition and it has a lot to do with balance.

    Seeing this stuff is traumatizing. . . Man, if you could only redirect that. I don’t want us to react. I don’t want us to live in the poison of guilt, anger, and sadness.

    Don’t ever keep this stuff to yourself. If you’re going through any depression or trauma, just do me a favor -- try to talk to someone.

    I want to try and eliminate the number of shootings we have and green spaces have that impact on communities. The more we are outside together, eating together, living together, the less the shooters are there.

    I’m not special, I’m present. I know them, their grandmas, their aunties, their fathers, their mothers, and I get down to their level. They wanna call me in the middle of the night and talk to me about what’s happenin in the crib, I got you… I’m present.

    How do you keep the balance? This is something we don’t teach. We teach everyone they’re special and they all get prizes. No. Listen: In order to keep balance you need to learn how to follow… The idea of reacting isn’t a positive thing.

    If you’re not a kind man, you’re not my kind of man. (“Man” = human)

    Everything that’s happening has an impact on everything else here. Be aware of that. Know that you’re important in the grand scheme of everything.

    We want to be one with [the seasons] so we can actually produce the thing that is our God-given right, what Nature provides us.

    Every time we get an opportunity to rest and take our time, it seems like Capitalism is taking that away... I love being exhausted for a reason, like, if I get done shoveling 10 cubic yards of soil in a wheel barrow and running up and down a hill — yea, I’m tired, but for a reason. If you just wake up in the morning tired, there’s something wrong with that.

    We should be in control of the technology… And I really hope we start using technology to Rest, first of all…

    If you rest your mind, you’re capable of processing things -- not based on a forced system or process, you’ll be able to see many different processes and as long as there are shared values you’ll be able to take any approach to that end result… But, in order to choose one you have to rest; you gotta be in sync; you gotta be on time.

    People think I’m growing all this, I’m not. This is a bio-ecosystem. I’m a part of it and I know...

  • A Life of Transformation: Rev. Jimi Calhoun. The son of a pastor, Rev. Jimi Calhoun was a teen and early adopter of Hippie culture in the San Francisco Bay area during the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. As a prodigious young musician he worked with breakthrough stars like Wilson Pickett and Lou Rawls before he could drive. By the early 1980s he had played on 100s of credited and uncredited recordings, including Exile on Main Street by The Rolling Stones. He is best known today for classic recordings with Dr. John (including the album, Gumbo), Parliament Funkadelic, Sly Stone, and his own band, Creation. In 1983 he entered pastoral training and has been ministering ever since. He is currently Lead Pastor at Bridging Austin. Rev. Calhouns’ books explore how Rock & Roll and Religion can help each other create long-lasting reconciliations. He is interviewed here by AllCreation exec. editor, Chris Searles, as part of our Winter Solstice collection: Envisioning Transformation.

    Learn More

    JimiCalhoun.comJimi Calhoun author pageJimi Calhoun bass player page A favorite early recording with Gene ReddingBridgingAustin.org Rev. Calhoun is also a guest panelist at: Called to Care.


    Genesis 1:26Genesis 2TeshuvahRestorative JusticePunitive Justice

    0:00 Welcome & Intro

    4:00 How have you experienced transformation?

    8:15 How does society come together around a common identity?

    10:30 Were people less afraid of conflict and discomfort in the 60s?

    17:40 How did the Hippie movement and Civil Rights movements feel?

    25:00 How do you relate creation care to human care?

    29:00 What do you mean by biblical ecology?

    32:00 How do you view the long journey of healing, reparations, etc.?

    36:00 Restorative justice through kinship

    41:00 Why do we fight against and destroy Other-life?

    45:00 Doing service feels good, right?

    48:30 Jimi’s comments on predictions & sticking together


    “Who are we? Why are we here? Why are we doing this?“

    We’ve lost our sense of mystery and wonder. We’re not looking beyond the everyday, mundane-accumulation of goods and materials-stuff. We’re not living in two places at once; we’re not living in the now and looking to the future.

    There's no starting point for the common good.

    Our political system is adversarial by definition, but disagreements should only be on the issues, not the essentials. We’ve crossed a line from disagreeing with people to being disagreeable with people... You loved ’em before you found out who they voted for. So that same person you loved five minutes ago, you can still love.

    I’m not Utopian... I am altruistic and I do believe better is possible, but I believe it is hard to achieve.

    And I thought, Wow, what an illustration for how challenging it is in the broader culture to have people be patient with the other, while they’re pursuing what it is they’re trying to contribute to the overall... We’re not a very patient society.

    My job is to be of benefit to everyone, to protect and serve.

    In a covenantal relationship you have to keep going no matter what the other person does, you have to push ahead, you do your part regardless of the outcome, you do what you’re supposed to do... That is creation care.

    Where are my ’kind’? We really need to be careful when we assume we know who our KIND are.

    You can see diversity is already built into the universe. It should not take a degree from Harvard to figure out that diversity is a good thing.

    They think they’re doing the right thing by assuming everyone has their worldview.

    I could give you some answers from my reading or my religious training, but they wouldn’t be very satisfying because they would only cover a small segment of the population.

    I would say the biggest adversary is laziness… Being aware and appreciative of the diversity that exists is hard work and I think we’re basically lazy. We want everything to come to us. I don't think anybody is afraid, I think they’re lazy.

    As Western people, we’re result-oriented rather than process-oriented. To have transformation that’s going to be lasting or meaningful, sometimes it requires us to be process-oriented.

    I’m doing this because. I’m doing this because. I’m doing this because.


    Thanks for listening.

    This podcast is one of seven interviews

    from our Winter Solstice 2022 collection,

    "EnvisioningTransformation." It was edited
    by Chris Searles. Visit our podcasts page
    for more.

  • A Life of Transformation: Marj Barlow, PhD., is a historically-significant therapist, global-business-change leader, and self-care advocate from Texas. Most famous for her pioneering leadership at Interface Carpets, the world’s largest commercial carpet manufacturer, and first global manufacturer to try to reach net zero and net regenerative environmental impacts, Dr. Barlow built her success off of an identity rooted in honesty, family, Faith, science, and her own experiences. In this podcast, AllCreation exec. editor Chris Searles asks Dr. Barlow to share about being a feminist co-leader, caring more for Other-life, and achieving right transformation. This interview is part of AllCreation’s Winter Solstice collection, Envisioning Transformation.

    Learn More

    MarjBarlow.comThe Pocket GrandmotherThe Possible WomanInterface eco-sustainability legacy

    Listen to part 1 of this interview.

    Transformational Virtues Discussed

    Seeking loveAweGratitudeHealingPlayCuriosity about positive potential

    0:00 Feminism: How are we doing?
    10:00 The 4 levels of love:

    Eros - attractionAgape - true friendshipPhilia - true familial loveCaritas - sacrificial love, giving your life for the good of others (“a calling, a joy, a happiness“)

    15:00 How do you relate to the living creation?

    19:00 How should religious institutions transform to achieve a better future?


    Studying Happiness has helped me have a sense of the value of our choice-making. Everyday I get up and I say, “What is today?” And I have a sense of awe. And every person that comes into my life, I have a sense of awe. That makes it new and real and exciting, and nothing every dull or boring, so perhaps curiosity and awe are valuable attributes at institutional-identity scale.

    I kind of have an inner path I follow: I prefer to be curious, rather than certain. I think that has led me to a lot of diversity... There’s not just one way, as many of the Fundamentalist sermons I heard suggested.

    Most of the people who initiated (therapy in the early days) were female. It would be the mother bringing in the son, or the mother bringing in the whole family. The mother would be the one always organizing that.

    (In the 1960s, White America) was very paternalistic and I had to prove that I had done right by his money and his children.

    The male does tend in our species to focus; he makes a good TV-watcher! The female is more the Gatherer; she’s born to shop! That is the problem right there: Can the shoppers and the focusers get together to declare the universe needs one song?! :)

    We’re not done yet. We’re still evolving.

    We have the joy of being present, listening, and seeking something new.

    Love that stretches and a mind that is eternally curious, that’s how I see our evolutionary drift.

    The biggest change that’s on the horizon is the fact that we are hooked-up and we can communicate -- and, therefore, we can’t keep pockets of secrecy, and I think more and more are enlightened as to our environmental emergency.

    I have a sense of gratitude and awe about how it all works. It’s the most fascinating thing in the world to think of Life as it exists here on this little blue, tiny planet. . . I am so in awe of the people who are learning how to be good stewards of our physical environment.

    .... “Whatsoever thing thy neighbor doeth that pulleth thy chain, puncheth thy button or ringeth thy bell — that thing hath more to do with thee than thy neighbor!” :)


    Thanks for listening.
    This podcast is one of seven interviews
    from our Winter Solstice 2022 collection,
    "Envisioning Transformation." It was pro-
    duced and edited by Chris Searles. Visit
    our podcasts page for more.

  • A Life of Transformation: Marj Barlow, PhD., is a historically-significant therapist, global-business-change leader, and self-care advocate from Texas. Most famous for her pioneering leadership at Interface Carpets, the world’s largest commercial carpet manufacturer, and first global manufacturer to try to reach net zero and net regenerative environmental impacts, Dr. Barlow built her success off of an identity rooted in honesty, family, Faith, science, and her own experiences. In this podcast, editor Chris Searles wanted to ’envision transformation’ from an American/Christian historical perspective, so he asked Marj to share about her early life. Born and raised in rural West Texas in the 1930s, mother to five, and more, Marj knows transformation. This interview is part of AllCreation’s collection, Envisioning Transformation.

    Learn More

    MarjBarlow.comThe Pocket GrandmotherThe Possible WomanInterface eco-sustainability legacy Listen to part 2 of this interview.


    Owens, TX The Great Depression, 1930sFundamental Baptist (West TX), Texas Baptist history Cream separator (1935), driving a tractor (1939)Canyon, TX; Kingsville, TX; The King Ranch; Austin, TX; Corpus Christi, TX (1940s-2010s)World War II, 1940-1945 Plastics engineering, 1945BBA, professional opportunities for White US women, 1945Quantum physics, 1950s Rev. Carlye Marney, Gov. Alan Shivers, 1950sClifton Strength Finder, Don Clifton, 1960sPositive psychology, 1960s Cleburne County community therapy, 1960s Jean Houston Mystery of what love is

    0:00 Welcome & intro

    3:00 Marj shares about her childhood

    10:00 Adult life at 15

    15:15 A Baptist, quantum-physicist, first husband

    21:00 Single mom with four children at 34

    24:30 Becoming a counselor & second husband

    32:30 Massive American culture shift

    38:00 New life as a therapist

    42:00 How her beliefs have evolved

    respect for more pious peopleexploring other Faiths, different pathways social lifesampling other Christian denominationsJean Houston, Life Force Life after death science


    Each little child is to be unfolded, not molded.

    I think that’s all we have, is our story -- and everybody’s story is very important to me. So I try to help people join what I call ’’The Triple A’’ and become the Author, Actor, and Audience of your life story. You’re the only one who will watch your story from birth to death… I help people get their story into a form they can live with.

    Each human being is unique and very significant. We are God in action and it is our sacred privilege to travel a lifetime and learn how to love.

    Who are you really? What could you be?

    Thanks for listening.
    This podcast is one of seven interviews from our
    Winter Solstice 2022 collection, "Envisioning Transformation."
    It was edited by Chris Searles.

  • Inspired by recent editions of the AllCreation magazine, we produced this public conversation "exploring Care as Identity," with the help of a distinguished panel and enthusiastic audience. What you're hearing here is live audio from the event. On the panel: Rev. Dr. Dan De Leon, The Venerable Jue Ji, Rev. Jimi Calhoun, Rev. Kiya Heartwood, Imam Islam Mossaad, Rev. Brad Highum, and Rev. Erin Walter. Our panel host is Rev. Dr. Stephen Kinney, and our event begins with a welcome from Rev. Billy Tweedie and an introduction by event creator, Chris Searles.

    “What does Care mean from your Faith perspective and what does it mean to care for your community? How might caring more about individual relationships and cultivating nurturing communities help us all today? Can we default to care, as a society, rather than judgement? Why is that so hard? How do we create just relationships for every living creature? What does CARE for other life, each other, and self mean from your faith perspective?”

    This is the spirit from which this conversation springs. In Genesis 1:26 God calls Christians to care for all other-life on Earth. And in the New Testamant Jesus says, "Love neighbor as self." Why aren't ethically-Christian societies doing that and what do other traditions say? With this event, we tried to assemble a diverse community of clergy and secular and self-defined people to discuss the Biblical idea that humans are "called to care" for each other, self, and Earth's other life.


    Full video available: on YouTube.

    Full video has a longer introduction from Chris Searles.

    This event was part of G.I.F.T. FEST 2022, "Grow. Inspire. Feed. Teach."

    Thanks so much to our hosts The GIFT and Episcopal Church of the Resurrection.

    Thanks so much to Rev. Dr. Stephen Kinney, Rev. Billy Tweedie, and all of our GIFT FEST supporters.



    0:00 Music
    0:20 Rev. Billy Tweedie (event host) welcomes everyone, reads invocation prayer
    1:00 Invocation prayer, “For joy in God’s Creation“
    1:50 Why We’re Here, Chris Searles (event creator) explains AllCreation.org and sets the stage for the conversation, i.e.: Genesis 1:26, Kinship & Care for other life, each other, and ourselves — “whether you’re secular, sacred, or self-defined.”
    7:30 Introductions (by Chris Searles)
    7:45 Rev. Dr. Dan De Leon … Friends UCC
    8:10 Ven. Jue Ji … Fo Guan Shan Xiang Yun Temple
    8:50 Rev. Jimi Calhoun … Bridging Austin; author; musician
    9:10 Rev. Kiya Heartwood … UU Church of the Brazos
    9:40 Imam Islam Mossaad … North Austin Muslim Community Center
    10:40 Rev. Brad Highum … Abiding Love Lutheran Church
    11:15 Rev. Erin Walter … TX UU Justice Ministry; First UU Church
    12:10 “Celebrate our differences. Diversity is reality.” (Chris Searles)
    Panel Host:
    12:50 Rev. Dr. Stephen Kinney … retired pastor, All Saints Episcopal Church; exec director, The Front Porch Project; board president, Interfaith Action of Central Texas

    14:10 Rev. Dr. Stephen Kinney -- Convo introduction — “How do we restore right relationship? What does CARE for other life, each other, and self mean from your faith perspective?”
    Panelist responses:
    17:25 Imam Islam Mossad (QURAN singing 20:30)
    22:50 The Venerable Jue Ji
    29:25 Rev. Erin Walter
    33:10 Rev. Brad Highum
    39:20 Rev. Jimi Calhoun
    44:30 Rev. Kiya Heartwood
    47:50 Rev. Dr. Dan De Leon


    55:20 Audience question, Brad Jacobson — “How do we bring counter-cultural values?”

    56:25 Rev. Walter

    57:55 Rev. Kinney

    59:40 Audience comment, a neighbor — “It is about being a neighbor.”

    1:02:55 Rev. Highum

    1:05:00 Imam Mossaad

    1:07:15 Audience comment, Rev. Meg Barnhouse — “Whoever wants to be first must minister to everybody.”

    1:08:50 Rev. Kinney asks Chris S. — “What does “We must all learn to be Indigenous again“ mean?”

    1:09:25 Chris Searles

    1:11:40 Rev. Kinney on Food

    1:13:15 Audience question — Rev. Mike Adams, “How do you guard against becoming dominating?”

    1:14:15 Rev. Calhoun
    1:20:25 Ven. Ji
    1:28:10 Rev. Highum
    1:31:25 Rev. Heartwood
    1:32:00 Imam Mossaad
    1:36:15 Audience comment, Mike Aaron — “Ask, “What is it that you need?”“

    1:38:25 Audience question, a neighbor — “How do I cultivate courage?”

    1:40:40 Rev. Walter


    1:42:45 Rev. Dr. Dan De Leon

    1:46:00 Rev. Dr. Stephen Kinney

    1:46:30 Benediction, The Venerable Jue Ji sings/chants a sutra on "sharing our kindness, compassion, and joy with all beings."


    Thanks for listening.
    This podcast is the keynote from our collection, Envisioning Transformation, coming Weds 12/21/22!
    Thank you Kenshi Westover, for capturing this audio and adding the music.
    Editing by Chris Searles.
    More AllCreation podcasts here.

  • At age 17, Nick Loffree was diagnosed with schizophrenia and after years of searching for solutions he ended-up discovering QiGong ("Chi Gong"). Today Nick is a leading QiGong instructor and historian, helping people help themselves by reconnecting to their bodies and Nature around the world. In this conversation, Nick and Tom VandeStadt, co-founder of AllCreation.org, discuss QiGong, the history of Asian energy practices, Nick’s journey from illness to mastery, and more.

    About Nick
    Learn more at NickLoffree.com.

    References (links coming soon)

    Lee HoldenQigong (“Chee-gong”) - Vital energy cultivation; the skill of cultivating vital energyQi, Chi ("Chee") (Chinese)Ki (Iapanese)Prana (Yoga)Ruak (Hebrew) (also this)The Taoist Five Elements: Metal, Earth, Water, Wood, Fire


    0:00 Intro & Welcome

    4:00 What is Qigong? (Chi-Gong)

    6:20 What is Chi? (Ki, Prana, Ruach, etc.)


    7:20 How has Qigong helped your personal healing?


    15:30 You say, “Most of Taoist practice, including Qigong, is a disciplined return to Nature.” What does that mean and why do we need a discipline to return to Nature?
    21:00 Does getting back into our bodies help us experience ourselves as natural beings?

    23:00 What are the shamanic roots of Qigong?

    27:00 Can Qigong help us experience our animal selves? (Aren’t we animals, after all?)

    30:20 Contrast the Taoist medicine understanding of the body with the Western medicine understanding.

    33:20 How is Qigong an antidote to modern-day stress?

    38:45 Can Taoism and Qigong serve as a spiritual practice that moves us to restore as much of this damaged connective tissue as possible, not just in our bodies but in the world around us?

    42:50 Thank you, Nick, for inspiring this issue of AllCreation!


    From the Taoist perspective, Nature has an energy to it and different natural environments have different energies. So, a lot of Taoist monasteries would be built at the top of mountains… If you needed more of a physical healing you might want to go somewhere more Yin, to the valley of the mountain where the waters collect and you can more nourish your body with that sort of energy.

    I think most people who’ve spent a lot of time in a city and then go camping or something like that, you notice a difference in the way you feel in your body, just being in Nature. And, the Taoist perspective is that that’s because there are energy fields. The trees, the mountains, the Earth, and everything are emanating an energy field our bodies are evolved to attune to with.

    At the psychological layer, there’s no real, pure return to a natural state, but theTaoists try to push in that direction. So Taoism is often seen not as a movement forward and upward towards heaven or enlightenment, but a movement backwards, towards sort of an innocent, child-like wonder, a return towards a simpler, more natural state.

    If you really wanna look at the Taoist path authentically, it’s a disciplined return. You don’t just fall back into Nature, you have to train yourself to fall.

    In Chi-Gong we mirror nature in our movements, and you can never quite draw distinctions between where one movement ends and another movement begins.

    Our bodies have a lot of information they give us that I think we’ve kinda been culture out-of being able to listen to. The body’s full of intelligence. I think the body has a lot of wisdom that we tend to try and think our way out of.

    You’re actually trying to become the Tiger and look through its eyes as you’re practicing. And so researchers think that because this is the oldest known form of Qigong it probably came from Shamanism.

    A lot of the postures are still named after Nature, things like “mountain” or “moving like a river” or “standing like a tree.” But it really is those older forms where you were really being the animal, and looking and moving like these animals.

    Speaking of people creating the future who don’t want to be animals, if you look at Silicon Valley where I lived for seven years, it’s full of people who are just up in their heads. And they think they can turn their consciousness into binary code and just stick it in a robot and become immortal that way. . . I think a lot of them really are out of their body. They often have a very hard time with the dating world. They can have a hard time figuring our how to navigate women, because women are looking for an animal. They’re looking for an animal that can think and do smart things… they’re looking for a physical being. Qigong I think really puts you in touch with that animal side of yourself. I think one of the under talked-about benefits of Qigong is it actually really helps your sex life…

    There’s a weak interface between body and mind for most people, especially well-educated, smart upper-class people. I think people who work in those kind-of mental fields need something like this.

    Stress narrows our perception.

    All the great spiritual teachers have tried to tell us to go past the nation, to go past the tribe, to go past the religion.

    On tithing: "There’s a very weird relationship between the energy you’re putting out, generosity, and the universe.”

    Thanks for listening.
    This podcast is 1 of 4 keynotes from our Summer Solstice
    2022 collection, "Restoring Connective Tissue." It was produced
    and edited by Chris Searles.