In this episode of The Apologist, hosted by Steven R. Martins of the Cántaro Institute, we dive into the timely and thought-provoking themes of Mere Christendom with special guest, Rev. Doug Wilson of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, and New Saint Andrews College. Rev. Wilson unpacks the challenges of secularism, the interplay between church and state, the practical implications of liberty in Christ for modern society and explores the vision for Christendom 2.0. Taking the time to address common misconceptions, and outline a hopeful, gospel-centered path forward for restoring a Christ-centered culture, this episode offers rich insights and meaningful dialogue.
As we contemplate the recovery of the gospel and the renewal of culture in relation to our apologetic mandate, we are left to ask, in what way can we influence the theology and practical direction of the broader evangelical church? And is such influence to be seen as hermetically sealed off from matters relating to public life? Dr. Tom Ascol of Founders Ministries and the Institute of Public Theology joins Steven R. Martins for this episode of The Apologist to discuss how he and several others have been at work recovering, reforming, and inching towards renewal, while also addressing the need for the church to increasingly engage in public, political discourse. As Ascol explains, far from being solely a theological statement, "Christ is Lord" is very much political in nature.
Episodes manquant?
Is there a place for Christianity in economics? Or is economics an irreligious sphere of society? Are any economic models compatible with the biblical worldview? Capitalism, socialism, communism? If Christ is Lord over all, is He not also Lord over economics? In this episode of The Apologist, Steven R. Martins sits down with economics philosopher Dr. Adolfo Garcia de la Sienra Guajardo to discuss how the Christian worldview relates to economics.
As we seek to develop a holistic apologetic, a reasoned defense of our biblical worldview, Institute founder Steven R. Martins sits down with Dr. David Legates of the Cornwall Alliance to discuss environmentalism, climate science, and cultural "climatology" apologetics.
As we seek to develop a holistic apologetic, a reasoned defense of our biblical worldview, Institute founder Steven R. Martins sits down with Dr. Calvin Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance to discuss man's relationship to creation, the dominion mandate, environmentalism, and cultural "climatology" apologetics.
As we seek to develop a distinctly biblical worldview, we also need a biblical understanding of the direction and climax of history. How do we understand the book of Revelation? What should our understanding be of the apocalypse? What is a Christian view of history? In this episode, Institute founder Steven R. Martins interviews David Forsythe, author of the new publication by Founders Press, Vengeance Has Come: A Puritan-Minded Exposition of the Apocalypse for the Modern Church.
What were the top five moments of apologetic history in the early church according to Wesley Huff of Apologetics Canada? Institute founder Steven R. Martins sits down with Wesley to go over these historical moments and what we can learn for our own apologetic today.
Brought to you by the Cántaro Institute. -
Why Christian education? With secular educational institutions across the country, why do we need to set that aside and not even consider that as an option for the education of our children? Ryan Eras of the Wolf's Head House and Chairmaster of the Niagara Classical Academy answers those questions and provides an introduction to Christian classical education. In such a time as this, we need an apologetic for "Why Christian Education?"
Brought to you by the Cántaro Institute.
Featuring the Wolf's Head House and Niagara Classical Academy. -
The terms "Cultural Marxism", "Social Justice", and "Woke" have been dropped on previous episodes of The Apologist podcast, but the occasions did not allow us to go into depth on what these terms actually mean. As part of a much larger discussion, cultural theologian Dr. Andrew Sandlin joins us to kick off our exploration of the definition, development, and history of the present-day cultural Marxist movement. As Christians called to engage the culture with a distinctly biblical apologetic (1 Pet. 3:15), we need to be aware of that rampant ideology which has taken an iron-hold grip of our Western society if we hope to respond with a biblically faithful and culturally relevant witness.
Brought to you by the Cántaro Institute.
Check out Dr. Andrew P. Sandlin's resource website: docsandlin.com -
Apologetics is not solely confined to first world countries and isolated centers of intellectualism, it can and ought to be employed everywhere. There is a present need to develop a distinctly biblical apologetics, wherever that may be. Together, Institute directors Steven R. Martins and Daniel J. Lobo, discuss the need for apologetics in Latin America, and the role that historic reformed confessions play.
Brought to you by the Cántaro Institute.
Check out the new book The Spanish Confession of the Christian Faith. -
For much of our podcast series, we have approached things from a rather Van Tillian approach in regards to our apologetic, and that is for the most part because Van Til set out to develop a distinctly biblical apologetic. But as it concerns the development of a distinctly biblical worldview, while Van Til has much to share, we would do well to turn our attention to the Dutch philosopher Herman Dooyeweerd, as Institute associate Josué Reichow explains. What is a distinctly biblical worldview? What does it entail? Where should one begin in their study?
Brought to you by the Cántaro Institute.
Check out Josué Reichow's book Reform Your Mind. -
We have to get our own worldview right, and to know it well, before we can proceed to engage with, and deconstruct other religious worldviews. Every worldview consists of four main components: origins, meaning, morality, and destiny. How did everything begin? What is the meaning of everything? Is there a moral standard we are to live by? And what is the end goal of everything? In this episode we address biblical origins. If we don't get biblical origins right, then we won't get anything else right. Listen in as Institute founder Steven R. Martins interviews Calvin Smith, Canadian Director of Answers in Genesis Canada.
Brought to you by the Cántaro Institute.
Featuring Answers in Genesis Canada. -
A recurring theme in our study of apologetics is the comprehensive nature of the gospel, and thus the comprehensive nature of our apologetic. This brings us into the avenue of cultural apologetics, but cultural apologetics doesn't happen in a vacuum, we are in a religious historical context, and where we are now is very different from where we were before as a society.
In this fourth episode of The Apologist, Dr. Michael Wagner joins us to explain the rich historical heritage of the West as laid out in his book The Anglosphere's Broken Covenant: Rediscovering the Validity and Importance of the Solemn League and Covenant, published by the Cántaro Institute. Wagner provides us with not only historical insight, but spiritual awareness as to our present situation, and the faith and hope we should have for the future as we seek to fulfill our missional mandate.
Brought to you by the Cántaro Institute.
Check out Michael Wagner's book The Anglosphere's Broken Covenant. -
There are many kinds of apologetic "methodologies", from evidentialist to classical to presuppositional, sometimes there is even a mixed use of these methodologies. But what we want to know is, What is the "biblical" apologetic methodology?
Brought to you by the Cántaro Institute. -
What is Apologetics? Far from what many perceive it as, it is not a discipline constrained to the evidential, factual, and historical, it extends well beyond that, proving to be all-encompassing in its scope.
Brought to you by the Cántaro Institute. -
What is apologetics? Whether you're familiar with the term, somewhat acquainted with it, or altogether in the dark, apologetics is necessary to learn about and to continually review because of how vital it is to our Christian witness and living.
Brought to you by the Cántaro Institute.