
  • Writer: Keri DaviesDirector: Kim Greengrass Editor: Jeremy Howe Ben Archer…. Ben NorrisDavid Archer…. Timothy BentinckJill Archer…. Patricia GreenePat Archer…. Patricia GallimoreTony Archer…. David TroughtonLilian Bellamy…. Sunny OrmondeAlice Carter…. Hollie ChapmanChris Carter…. Wilf ScoldingSusan Carter…. Charlotte MartinEd Grundy…. Barry FarrimondEmma Grundy…. Emerald O’HanrahanGeorge Grundy…. Angus StobieWill Grundy…. Philip MolloyBrad Horrobin…. Taylor UttleyTracy Horrobin…. Susie Riddell Azra Malik…. Yasmin Wilde Khalil Malik…. Krish Bassi Zainab Malik…. Priyasasha Kumari

  • Emma and Ed are at Brookfield to take down the Asian Hornet nest from the tree. Jill says the hornets have attacked her beehives, but David adds that because they picked this up early the damage has been contained. It’s Jill’s birthday and she offers Emma some cake to take home with her. The whole family are coming round for tea and the more far-flung ones are joining by video-call.

    Azra forces Khalil to go to Brookfield to apologise to David for lying about Zainab’s hornet sting. Khalil admits that he may’ve, but he didn’t mean to cause any harm. David chastises him before thanking him for coming round. But as Khalil’s leaving, Jill invites him in to join her tea party. Later Azra and Zainab turn up worried about Khalil’s whereabouts, to discover that he’s been entertaining Jill’s party guests with his tales. Khalil asks if he can come back again, and David says Jill would be pleased to see him.

    Susan tells Will about seeing Poppy throwing an egg at Bridge Farm dairy window. Susan thinks Poppy’s angry that she and Emma dobbed George into the police. Later Will tells Emma that he confronted Poppy about it all and she fell apart and was frightened by what she did. Emma thinks Poppy’s obviously devastated at the prospect of losing George, and both Will and Emma admit that they are too. They wonder how everything got into such a mess. They’re interrupted by a text from Alice; she needs to speak to George tomorrow

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  • David tells Ben that he’s booked Ed and Emma to take down the Asian hornet’s nest. Later at Ben’s request David pops round to the Maliks, to update them on the hornets. Azra’s not in and David tells Khalil that the nest has been destroyed. When David asks how Zainab’s doing after her sting, Khalil explains that Zainab’s in a bad way and won’t leave her room. There may even be psychological damage and David might be in a lot of trouble and have to pay out for the damage. But later when David bumps into Azra and asks how Zainab is, Azra explains that Zainab’s doing alright. David wonders whether Khalil’s a bit of a wind-up merchant. When Azra asks why David mentions that Khalil said that Zainab’s in a really bad way. Khalil also suggested that Azra might be suing David. David thinks it’s funny, but Azra doesn’t and will be making that very clear to Khalil!

    Alice pays a social visit to Azra who checks how Alice is doing – not as a GP but as a neighbour. Alice is in a good place, off the drink and going to regular meetings. She’s also working again with her sponsor, Lisa. So, she’s in a much better place to cope with life’s setbacks, like Martha struggling to re-adjust to normality. And Alice has decided to go and see George, because there’s something he needs to hear. When Azra spots Khalil creeping past, she tells him to go to Brookfield tomorrow to apologise to David. It’s either that or she’s confiscating his games console for a month!

  • Tracy chats to Brad about how he’s getting on at Felpersham University. When she wonders if he’s made any friends, Brad explains that although it’s not been easy he thinks he’s found his ‘tribe’. Brad’s been in touch ‘as friends’ with Mia and she’s loving it at her university. George turns up to see how Brad’s getting on, but Tracy isn’t happy to see him. Brad steps in explaining that although he doesn’t condone George’s behaviour he can see what a state George is in. But Tracy asks George to leave, so Brad suggests a walk instead. George admits he’s scared about the sentencing next Thursday and thinks he’ll be sent down. He would do anything to go back to that car and make a different decision. When Brad wishes he could help, George asks if he’ll keep his online video business going while he’s inside. Brad reluctantly agrees.

    Emma’s working in the dairy with Susan while Helen’s visiting a customer up north. Pat tells them that some of Friday’s yoghurt’s have been mislabelled. Emma thinks it’s her fault and suggests deducting the cost from her wages. But Pat’s fine and offers some of the mislabelled yoghurts to take home, but Emma refuses. Later Susan realises it was her mistake and they laugh when Emma says she’ll take some yoghurt’s home after all! But they’re stopped in their tracks when an egg’s thrown at the viewing window. Upset Emma thinks it was aimed at her because of George. Pat sends Emma home and then suggests checking the CCTV. But Susan saw Poppy and wonders if she should tell anyone else.

  • Ben goes round to Azra’s to check how Zainab’s doing after her Asian Hornet sting. Azra explains that Zainab’s mortified and has taken to her room. Ben confirms that it was an Asian hornet and that the investigating team have mobilised the National Bee Unit. They’re coming tomorrow to destroy the suspected nest. When Azra thanks Ben for looking after Zainab, he explains that he’s training to be a nurse. They chat about Azra’s work as a GP, and she suggests that Ben thinks about doing community nursing.

    Pat visits Alice to explain why she’s written a character reference for George. Whilst she thinks George should face serious consequences, she’s not sure whether locking him up would do any good. As Alice talks about the impact of it all they’re interrupted by Lilian at the door. She wonders what Pat’s doing there, considering she’s chosen to take George’s side against Alice. When Pat defends her actions, Lilian calls her a hypocrite, reminding Pat about her treatment of Alan over Rob’s baptism. And yet Pat’s writing references for a boy who nearly destroyed Alice’s life. Later Pat tells Tony that Alice’s reaction was controlled but Lilian was really horrible and vindictive about George. George will be sentenced next week, and Pat wanted the court to have as full a picture as possible. Tony admires Pat’s ability to look at all sides, but she can’t expect the family to see it that way. When Tony visits Lilian later, it’s clear she won’t change her mind about Pat. Lilian just hopes that Peggy doesn’t get to hear about what Pat’s done.

  • Alice picks Martha up from Chris’s for a fun day out. When Chris mentions it was George’s plea hearing on Friday, Alice says she doesn’t want to talk about that, she just wants some mother and daughter bonding time. But the day doesn’t go well with Martha screaming for Chris. Gutted Alice abandons the day out and takes Martha back to Chris’s.

    Ben’s walking Bess on a country lane when Zainab on her motor scooter narrowly misses Bess. They blame each other and part with Zainab telling Ben to keep his dog away from her. But as Zainab tries to head off her scooter won’t start.

    At the Events Barn David sorts through cricket memorabilia which was on display at the Cricket Dinner on Friday. He returns Chris’s bat, signed by Mike Gatting, which David reckons should be put in pride of place next to Chris’s Bowler of the Year trophy. They chat about Jill’s upcoming birthday; she just wants a family tea, but is insisting on making the cake herself. Ben appears, saying he thinks he’s spotted an Asian Hornet in the orchard. As he goes to grab his phone, he bumps into Zainab, who’s peering through the open kitchen door. Ben asks what she’s doing. Zainab explains her scooter’s broken down and Ben mentions the hornet. They join David as he photographs the hornet for an identification App. David worries there may be a nest nearby. Zainab suddenly gets stung in the face and when Ben offers to give Zainab a lift home he discovers she’s Azra’s daughter

  • At the Cricket Club’s Division Five end-of-season dinner, Kenton senses there’s some new information about the Flower and Produce investigation that Lynda’s not divulging. Kenton also presses a coy Harrison on whether he’s told Fallon he’s considering quitting the Police. Harrison admits instead that he’s considering going back full-time. After Lynda’s speech as Cricket Club Chair Kenton approaches her, having learned the truth about the collapsed table from Jim. At Kenton’s prompting, in front of Harrison, Lynda makes to go back onstage and confess she caused the accident by not fastening the legs correctly. But Kenton stops her and tells Lynda he’s not serious before whisking her off for a dance.Ed tries getting reluctant George to talk about his court hearing, before joining him in a video game, which breaks the ice. They work together to complete a difficult level, before Ed opens up on how he loves George just as much as if he was his biological son. George admits he’s scared at the prospect of going to prison and saying goodbye to everything he knows. Ed tells him to just focus on getting through it. George feels bad for not getting Ed a birthday present, but Ed knows exactly what he’d like. The two of them surprise Emma, who’s shocked but delighted to see her son come to make up with her. George then goes to see Keira and Emma tells Ed she thought George would never forgive her. But now he’s got his whole family around him and they can face whatever comes next together.

  • Despite them both wanting to be there Ed persuades Emma they should respect George’s wishes and let just Will go to the Court hearing tomorrow. They’ll focus instead on getting more character references, though Emma can’t believe Ed even bothered trying Pat and Tony. However, Pat surprises them both when she turns up with an employee reference she’s written, admitting it’s just from her, not Tony. Pat believes in the possibility of redemption. Emma’s even more stunned when Pat offers her work at the dairy, covering while Clarrie’s away. Emma thinks working with Susan tomorrow will be a good distraction from worrying about the court hearing. Tony is incensed with Pat for what she’s done, but she felt it was the right thing to do. Tony understands that, but Pat’s on her own when it comes to telling the rest of the family, especially Brian and Lilian. Lynda, Tony and Jim talk about the need to improve standards before the cricket team plays in Division Four next season, before Jim and Lynda continue their sleuthing into the collapsed table at the Flower and Produce Show. Later, at Greenacres, Lynda says she’s been concentrating on MMO: Means. Motive. Opportunity. Jim, however, has made a sketch of the village hall and suggests returning to the scene of the crime. There, Lynda retraces her steps and remembers setting up the table. She points out how damning the verdict could be for whoever was responsible, before Jim turns one of the tables over to discover something that stops Lynda in her tracks.

  • While George helps Eddie prepare the sheep for tupping he talks about not being around for lambing. Eddie reckons he’s going to find George a new lawyer who can help minimise George’s sentence, but George says no to selling Eddie’s van - and the idea of using the money they got from selling Bartleby. When he calls Eddie a stupid old fool, Ed demands George apologise, but George walks off. Later, Ed catches George and tells him to accept help when it’s offered, as with the character reference Oliver wrote. But who else can they try? Eddie goes to see Pat and updates her on Clarrie, who’s away looking after her sister Rosie. Eddie asks about Helen’s lawyer when she was on trial. Pat gives him Dominic’s name, but at the thought of what might happen to George Eddie becomes emotional and Pat tells him to have faith in the system. George then apologises to Eddie and says he’s not giving up, but needs to face up to what he’s done and accept that he’s going to prison.Tony tells Pat that Eddie has a cheek asking them for help, then fulminates about the pressure they’re all under after having to fire George and with Emma staying away from the Tearoom. When Ed shows up to ask a favour Tony flatly refuses to write George a character reference. After Ed goes Tony gives him short shrift, but Pat defends Ed – and Eddie – questioning what good a long prison sentence will do George. But Tony is adamant, they are not writing George a reference.

  • At Greenacres, Jazzer’s concerned they haven’t followed Jim’s instructions with the redecoration, as per the message from Robert. Alistair reminds Jazzer that Jim wants him and Denise to feel at home. Later, after they’ve picked Jim up from the station, Alistair explains why everything has moved. When Jim hears that Alistair and Denise love the new space, he says he does too. Following up on her investigation Lynda finds a distracted Harrison sitting in his car outside Woodbine, decompressing after a tough day at work. Lynda then quizzes Jazzer on his whereabouts during the fire alarm on Sunday. Getting the wrong idea about why he’s under suspicion, Jazzer confesses to stealing the Brookfield sunflower. Confused Lynda then explains that she’s investigating the fruit pies incident, but now Jazzer has thrown her whole investigation into disarray! Jim suggests that having Jazzer as witness during the critical period is actually very helpful, deducing that the person who collapsed the table must have been inside the hall the whole time. Suitably impressed, Lynda invites Jim to assist with her further enquiries. While Fallon prepares food samples for her café pitch and talks about not being honest with Natasha over the reason she’s taking time off tomorrow, Harrison tries mentioning his concerns about staying in the Police. Fallon is too distracted though, and they end up trying her delicious samples for the pitch. When Fallon speculates about winning the contract, she talks about needing Harrison’s support. Would he be willing to go full-time? Suppressing his own concerns, Harrison says of course – he won’t stand in the way of Fallon’s dream.

  • Ed may not be fussed about his upcoming fortieth birthday, but he and Emma agree they have to do something to help George. What he needs most are good character references. They try asking Oliver, but he’s distracted and goes, leaving Emma feeling he’s deliberately snubbed them. Later though, following an impassioned speech from Ed about his own troubled youth, Oliver agrees to help. Oliver subsequently reads out the reference he’s written, admitting there were some things he couldn’t ignore. Ed and Emma think he’s been very fair though and are delighted. But Emma knows one good reference won’t be enough - they need more. Jolene’s put out to see that Kenton’s already chalking up ‘Kenton’s Award-Winning Apple and Cheese Pie’ on their board at the Bull and teases Kenton about Lynda making him feel like a suspect over the collapsed table. Harrison turns up to collect some cricketing memorabilia for the Cricket Club dinner being held at Brookfield on Friday, to celebrate winning promotion. Kenton will be running the bar and Harrison offers a hand moving barrels. They talk about Fallon falling out with Emma after she covered for George, before Harrison admits he’s not been himself at work recently. All this anger inside is threatening to get the better of him and he’s not even sure he should be a police officer anymore. Lynda arrives at The Bull to question disgruntled Jolene about the mystery of the collapsing table, before Kenton tells Harrison that if he’s seriously thinking about quitting the police he needs to talk to Fallon first – she’d want to know.

  • At the Flower and Produce show Kenton’s brimming with confidence about his apple and cheese pie, until he learns Jill has entered and can’t be persuaded to withdraw. Meanwhile Tracy plans a distraction, so Jazzer can dump his stolen sunflower in the Village Hall, under Rosie Archer’s name. Chatting to David, Eddie proclaims Will and Emma’s innocence over any wrongdoing. David admires Clarrie’s spectacular rose and laments Rosie’s missing sunflower, before Kenton repositions his pie on an adjacent table, so that it can be seen to better advantage.Eddie then asks Usha for advice on getting a better solicitor for George, but they’re interrupted by the fire alarm, meaning everyone has to leave.With people congregated outside the Village Hall Tracy’s concerned that Kenton’s gone back in to check the kitchen. Lynda reports that Usha saw scones on the floor next to the smashed alarm. Tracy confesses setting it off when she accidentally tripped and dropped her scones. Meanwhile, Kenton reports another disaster: the table holding most of the pies has collapsed. Only Kenton’s and a few others survived. Jazzer then emerges belatedly from the toilet, where he hid when Kenton came in. Later, Rosie wins tallest sunflower, leaving David confused and Jazzer and Tracy playing innocent. Eddie presses Usha, wanting her to take over as George’s solicitor, but she declines the offer.Proud Kenton takes the rosette with his pie. However, Lynda’s intrigued by a report that Kenton moved his pie before the table collapsed. She feels the integrity of the show has been brought into question and intends to discover exactly what happened.

  • While Tracy’s taste-testing Jolene’s apple and cheese pie Jolene mentions that someone has stolen Rosie’s sunflower from Brookfield. Tracy confesses it’s got to be Jazzer. When it was found after Jazzer hid it behind some greenery he went into a massive sulk. And now he must have dug it up and taken it. But Tracy’s determined Jazzer’s giving it back, somehow. Later, after Tracy finds the missing sunflower behind their shed, Jolene reckons she knows just the person to help sneak it back to Brookfield - Tracy’s dad!Eddie’s miffed to hear from Will that Clarrie knows he’s fallen out with Susan. Eddie defends himself for sticking up for George, and still reckons the solicitor isn’t doing enough. Will just wants to make sure George is okay in himself. Eddie accuses Will of not even trying and says he’ll help George on his own.Out on a tree surgery job Emma’s tetchy with Ed, who’s bitter about her quitting the Tearoom. Then, at a critical moment, Ed’s distracted by Emma’s phone. She drops a large branch, only just missing him, telling him they can’t work safely if they’re constantly bickering. Later, Ed breaks down at the prospect of Emma going to prison. She tells him to be strong for Keira and the business. They’ve worked too hard to throw everything away. And one more thing: he’s got to find a way to forgive her. Will then calls and tells Emma they’re both in the clear – they’re not being prosecuted! Tearful Ed swears he’ll try his best to forgive her. That’s all Emma’s asking for.

  • Emma bumps into Ian at Bridge Farm shop, gets flustered, and leaves before he can make conversation. When Tony asks about the PTA meeting Ian mentioned Ian admits he’s become a bit too involved. But he feels duty bound now, having submitted a lot of the ideas himself. He just needs to break the news to Adam…Pat offers Susan a friendly ear, having heard from Clarrie about Eddie’s outburst, but Susan plays it down. There’s an emergency meeting planned at Bridge Farm, but Pat’s thrown when Tom gives her zero notice of a booking Natasha has taken from Felpersham Local Produce Society. Susan has all the details though and steps up to lead the cheese-making demonstration. However, after a confident start, Susan falters and Pat has to take over. Afterwards, Susan admits how things have got to her, not least Eddie’s outburst. Pat sends her home, reassuring Susan that doesn’t have to deal with this on her own. At the emergency meeting, Tony, Tom and Pat try to fix the Bridge Farm staffing puzzle, but something has to give. They agree they can’t compromise on milking, so Pat decides they’ll hire in a contract milker and the others agree. Later, Pat checks on stressed Susan, who opens up on her fallout with Eddie, having played it down to Neil. George is not doing well and won’t speak to Emma. Emma arrives, surprised to see Pat. She gets upset and apologises. Pat is supportive though, telling Emma to stay strong, before she leaves. Whereupon Emma breaks down in Susan’s arms.

  • Proud Jolene takes her hoped for prize-winning apple and cheese pie out of the oven, only for Kenton to tease about his pie taking the honours at the Flower and Produce Show instead. They are both suspicious about getting baking tips from other people, before agreeing not to involve anyone else. Kenton is still convinced he’s going to win, though.

    Jolene goes to check on Fallon, who’s overwhelmed at the Tearoom. As they clear the backlog Fallon admits she no longer cares about the Tearoom, now that she’s pitching for the Charging Station café. And she doesn’t care if Bridge Farm find out. However, Fallon admits, if Harrison stays part-time at work, there’s no point in pitching. As Tracy and Kenton coo over the Bull’s new kitten, Tracy delicately asks if Emma could do some shifts at the pub. But it’s a clear “no”. They also talk Flower and Produce entries, but when Tracy mentions Jazzer’s enormous sunflower she’s perturbed by Kenton talking about the one Pip has found at Brookfield. Kenton also tries to get some baking tips from Ian.

    Tracy then watches over Xander for Ian. Grateful Ian reports back about contacting Xander’s teacher, admitting he still doesn’t really know how Xander feels about school. Tracy’s encouraging though, calling Ian brave for taking on a party for Xander’s birthday and inviting the whole class. She then mentions Jazzer fuming about the sunflower. He’ll have to give it up and let Rosie win. Tracy wishes Ian luck for the PTA meeting tomorrow, but she still thinks he’s bonkers for taking it on.

  • Eddie complains to Will about getting dirty looks at the market. Will speculates about going to prison and asks Eddie to make sure Poppy will be looked after. Eddie’s disparaging about Neil and Susan’s role in calling the police on George. Later, Susan suggests to Eddie they should make plans in case Will and Emma are prosecuted, prompting Eddie to have a go at her. Susan stands firm – she and Neil did the right thing. Angry Eddie defends William, who wasn’t involved in the decision to call the police. Ed intervenes to calm Eddie down, but he refuses to have anything to do with Neil and a shaken Susan. Ed’s sceptical as Emma prepares for her meeting with Tom and Fallon. He’s still hurt by Emma’s role in covering for George, and wonders whether starting the tree surgery business was a good idea. Emma tries to defend it, positing how well they work together, but Ed stays quiet. At the meeting Tom tries keeping things positive between Fallon and Emma. Fallon talks about her anger and how George’s actions have affected people. Tom wonders how to move things forward at the Tearoom, but Fallon knows Emma would act the same way again, if it came to it. And when Emma doesn’t deny it they are no closer to finding a solution.Fallon and Emma talk about the strain on both their marriages. Fallon then presses Emma on George’s behaviour. When Tom again steers the conversation back to the Tearoom Emma offers a solution: she’s quitting. Fallon says thank you, as Emma leaves.

  • Adam’s outraged to learn about Will and Emma covering for George. He’s glad they were arrested, but can’t trust himself to be around Will, so Pat will have to work something out at Bridge Farm. Susan warns Will that Adam’s not happy and doesn’t want to work with either of them. But Susan’s glad Will’s told Poppy and Keira everything. Susan suggests a family day at the Flower and Produce show, but Will can’t face it. And when he starts worrying about how George would cope in prison, Susan does her best to reassure him. There’s a staffing crisis at Bridge Farm, with Tom concerned by Emma calling in sick again at the Tearoom. Having seen Emma out working yesterday he wonders just how ill she can be. And now Clarrie’s been called away as well, to look after her sister Rosie in Great Yarmouth. Pat’s grateful to Susan for stepping up and cuts through the small talk to try and see how Susan’s really doing. Pat’s heard about Emma and Will via Lilian. Susan is apologetic, but just wants to focus on work to distract her from thinking about George and how everything has gone so badly wrong. Tom goes to see Emma and talks about Fallon. Emma says she can’t face Fallon, plus there’s the stress of worrying about George and what will happen to the kids if she gets sent to prison. Tom understands her concern, then encourages her to meet up with him and Fallon – he has an idea. If Fallon’s willing to meet, says Emma, then so is she.

  • Angry at George, Kenton throws his hero glass in the bin. They worry about Fallon, who’s stepped back from the Flower and Produce show this year and is still worried about Harrison. Fallon’s mentioned entries for the show are down this year, so between them they come up with the idea of entering an Apple Pie with a twist, using apples from Brookfield and cheese from Bridge Farm. And if they both enter it’ll double their chances of winning. But in the meantime, they really need to come up with a name for their new pub kitten.

    Emma and Will discuss their harrowing police interviews, before Ed arrives, having walked Keira to The Stables. He’ll pick her up too, as he doesn’t want anyone approaching her about George. Ed then points out that they have to tell Poppy and Keira what’s going on, with George appearing at the Magistrates’ Court tomorrow. The girls need to understand there’s a chance of Emma and Will going to prison.

    Later it transpires Keira knew all about it already, after Will told Clarrie outside Keira’s window. Emma remembers how scared she was when Susan went to prison and now she’s doing it to her own daughter. Ed reassures her that the family will be there to support Keira. Upset Emma points out Chris still won’t have anything to do with her. Will reports that Poppy didn’t take the news well. But she’s not angry with George, unlike Keira, so they’ve agreed not to talk about him. Will’s biggest fear though is losing Poppy if he goes to prison.

  • At the Bull, Will apologises to Chris and tells him George is desperate to tell Alice how sorry he is, but he isn’t allowed to speak to her. Chris is furious when he realises Will, like Emma, knew about George’s crime.

    Brian and Alice are in London for Ruairi’s graduation ceremony, but Brian’s flustered as they realise they had the wrong time and need to hurry. However, they make it in time and enjoy the ceremony, before Ruairi apologises for mixing up the times – he’s been to too many parties and job interviews recently. Brian’s delighted Ruairi has a place on a City graduate scheme and agrees to a group hug, against his natural instincts. He’s proud as punch of his son!

    Over a pint, Chris and Harrison share their feelings. Chris cares about George but he’s so frustrated, while Harrison regrets his recent actions, plus, of course, his hatred for Alice. Harrison is shocked to learn that Ema and Will concealed the truth about George – when did they find out what he’d done?

    Will goes to see Emma, saying George is less hostile now, but still hiding away. Will then mentions Chris being off with him and Emma admits Ed is avoiding her. She can’t face anyone in the village. Emma despairs that George won’t speak to her, just when he needs his Mum most. Will goes with her to speak to Fallon, but it’s Harrison who opens the door. They try saying how sorry they are, but Harrison informs them coldly, a police colleague will be speaking to them about their role in assisting an offender.

  • Robert lectures Joy and Jazzer about excess packaging on items bought at the shop and the action needed to curb it. He’s confident he can win today’s litter-picking competition, although Joy points out that young Jack Archer is also determined to win.

    Later, Robert hears Jazzer rustling in the bushes on Brookfield land, just before David shows up. When Robert spots the sunflower, Jazzer distracts David and tries to dissuade Robert from letting on that David has a prize specimen on his hands. Nevertheless, Jazzer realises he’ll need to hide the sunflower somewhere else. Robert wins the prize for collecting most bags of rubbish and immediately donates it as a raffle prize. Jazzer points out Robert has cheated, albeit unwittingly, by collecting one of his bags before the pick started. Jazzer says he’ll keep quiet, but only if Robert agrees not to say anything about the sunflower, so Jazzer can take the prize at the Flower and Produce Show.

    Alice is pleased Brian has the all-clear from Dr Malik, and admits to feeling positive. Brian, however, is upset by a visit from Jean Harvey, who told Brian that Jennifer would be ashamed of him after yesterday’s outburst. Alice reminds Brian of his similar words to her. Contrite, Brian insists Jennifer would be proud of Alice. He offers to miss Ruairi’s graduation tomorrow to be here, but Alice says no and arranges to go to the ceremony with Brian. Tired but happy Alice had Martha in her bed all night, and before dropping off Martha said how nice it was to see her mummy happy.